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● CELL WALL – outer boundary; non living structure secreted

by the living parts; main component: cellulose
a. PRIMARY WALL – develops into new cell wall
b. MIDDLE LAMELLA – cement that holds the individual
cells together to form the tissues;
found between primary cell walls
of neighboring cells
c. SECONDARY CELL WALL - formed in the inner
surface of the cell wall
√ PITS- thin areas of the cell wall to which fine d. LEUCOPLASTS- colorless plastids who’s main
Strands of protoplasm pass between function is for storage of STARCH; occur
One cell to the next in plants cells that are not exposed to light
√ PLASMODESMATA – cytoplasmic bridges which KINDS OF LEUCOPLASTS
aids in the transfer of substances and √ AMYLOPLASTS – starch
impulses from one cell to another √ ELAIOPLASTS – oils or fats
● INCLUSIONS- non living structures present within living cell
a. CELL SAP – fluid vacuole
b. PIGMENTS- substances that give color
√ FLAVONES – yellow color
√ ANTHOCYANIN – red color to purple
√ MINERAL SALTS – inorganic salts
√ ORGANIC ACIDS – citric, pyruvic, succinic,
tannic and tartaric acids
● ERGASTIC MATERIALS – food particles
a. STARCH GRANULE - appear in the form of grains
b. PROTEIN GRANULE – found in seeds
c. OIL GLOBULES – commonly present in seeds and
● CRYSTALS – products from the metabolic activities of the
a. raphide crystals
b. styloids or pseudoraphides
c. prismatic – rectangular or pyramidal
● PROTOPLASM – (protoplast) living material surrounded by d. druse – spherical crystals
the non living cell wall ; viscous, colorless, e. rosette crystals – flower-like
transparent material f. calcium carbonate crystals
g. siliceous crystals
NOTE: CYTOPLASM is the cell substance between the cell
membrane and the nucleus which contains the cytosol,
organelles, cytoskeleton and various particles while
PROTOPLASM is the living content of the cell that is
surrounded by the cell membrane

COMPOSITION : chief organic compound are proteins ,

fats , carbohydrates and organic acids
and inorganic salts less than 1% . water is ● ORGANIC COMPOUNDS – most dry weight of plants
from 85-90% a. ALKALOIDS- nitrogenous organic substance of
● PLASTIDS - round, oval or disk-shaped bodies found in alkaline reaction usually bitter in taste
the green cells of plants except for photosynthetic and poisonous to animals
bacteria and blue green algae b. SAPONIN - a glycoside ( an organic compound
KINDS OF PLASTIDS found in some plants which upon hydrolysis
a. PROPLASTIDS – found in young cells from which yields a sugar and non sugar part known
other plastids develop; present in as glycon; sources of stimulant and
meristematic cells narcotics
THYLAKOIDS – site of light reaction 1. Form froth (bubbles) with water
STROMA – dense fluid in the chloroplast; dark reaction 2. Lower surface tension therefore can be used as
GRANA- stacks of thylakoids
3. Hemolyze RBC , toxic to man
c. CHROMOPLASTS – responsible for the red, yellow,
4. May be used as fish poison
brown or orange color of many fruits and
5. Bitter in taste

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