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Significance of the Study

The result of our study will be beneficial to the following:

 Parents: The parents would have an idea regarding their children’s situation
regarding on their everyday life of long commuting hours on the way to their
school, until going home. They will also know if this long commuting hours affects
the academic performances of their sons and daughters.

 Students: The development of the study could give students more idea that they
can use, if they are a commuter in which time consumes by staying long hours in
the vehicle being ride because of traffic. The result of the study will help them to
do alternative way to be more or still be productive academically, even they are
spending more hours in commuting.

 Teachers: The data that had been gathered in this study may help the teachers
understand that not all their students are living near the university. They can also
give them additional time in the morning, before they consider them late or
absent. And they can dismiss them earlier or on time so that the student will not
be able to stuck on traffic and have more time to do their school works and to
study at the same time.

 Drivers: The outcome of this research can help the drivers to find more
alternative way, so that the students that they are riding will not be late in their
first period of class, not just only them but the teachers and other workers that is
riding in their vehicle, such as buses and jeepneys.

 Researchers: Upon completion of this research, it can serve as a new reference

for the future researchers who want to conduct study same with this case and if
their study is connected in this research.

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