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ground control

month 1


Strength Endurance
Concurrent Aerobic
Anaerobic/Lactic Threshold Conditioning
Week 1
Day 1 -

Warmup - Base Support System Protocol

1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Trap Bar Deadlift: 4x6 - [RPE - 8 | [1|3|X] ]

1B: Banded Glute Bridge: 4x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|1] ]

2A: Close Grip Bench Press: 3x6 - [RPE - 8 | [1|2|X] ]

2B: Band Pull Aparts: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 3x8 - [RPE - 8 | [1|3|X] ]

3B: Scap Push Up: 3x12 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

Farmers Hold with Anterior/Posterior Neck Isometrics: 4x90 seconds - 45 second each way - RPE 9

Aerobic Conditioning (6 hours before or after resistance training) - LSD Run

30 Minute Jog Target HR 140bpm or 75% of Max HR
Week 1
Day 2 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Zercher Squat: 4x6 - [RPE - 8 | [1|3|X] ]

1B: Banded Side Clamshell: 4x8 each side - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

2A: Incline close grip bench press: 3x6 - [RPE - 8 | [1|3|X] ]

2B: Banded Face Pulls: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Weighted Pull Ups: 3x8 - [RPE - 8 | [1|3|X] ]

3B: Supine Weighted Y,W,T’s: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

4A: Reverse Plank Hold (on GHR) with banded neck Isometrics: 2x45 seconds

4B: Plank Hold (on GHR) with band neck Isometrics: 2x45 seconds

Anaerobic Threshold Conditioning - Tabata 2:1 ratio

20 seconds of battleropes 10 seconds (shake arms and legs out): 4 minutes in total for 5 rounds
20 minutes all together
Week 1
Day 3 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Romanian Deadlift: 4x6 - [RPE - 8 | [1|3|X] ]

1B: Band Pull Through: 4x8 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

2A: Seated Landmine Press: 3x6 reps - [RPE - 8 | [1|3|X] ]

2B: Weighted Scarecrows: 3x8 reps - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Seal Rows : 3x8 - [RPE - 8 | [1|3|X] ]

3B: Band T-Spine Rows: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

4: Briefcase Carry with opp side lateral band resistance neck isometrics: 2 sets each for 90
seconds each side RPE 9

Alactic Speed Endurance - Kettlebell EMOM

KB Swing: 10 reps EMOM for 10 minutes - RPE 9 - Use 75% Max Effort
Week 2
Day 1 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Trap Bar Deadlift: 4x5 - [RPE - 9 | [1|5|X] ]

1B: Banded Glute Bridge: 4x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|1] ]

2A: Close Grip Bench Press: 3x5 - [RPE - 8 | [1|5|X] ]

2B: Band Pull Aparts: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 sets 6 reps - [RPE - 9 | [1|5|X] ]

3B: Scap Push Up: 3 sets 12 reps. - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

Farmers Hold with Anterior/Posterior Neck Isometrics: 5x90 seconds [45 second each way RPE 10. —
Tempo Constant]

Aerobic Conditioning (6 hours before or after resistance training) - LSD Run

35 Minute Jog Target HR 140bpm or 75% of Max HR
Week 2
Day 2 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Zercher Squat: 4x5 - [RPE - 9 | [1|5|X] ]

1B: Banded Side Clamshell: 4x8 each side - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

2A: Incline close grip bench press: 3x5 - [RPE - 9 | [1|5|X] ]

2B: Banded Face Pulls: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Weighted Pull Ups: 3x6 - [RPE - 9 | [1|5|X] ]

3B: Supine Weighted Y,W,T’s: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

4A: Reverse Plank Hold (on GHR) with banded neck Isometrics: 2x60 seconds

4B: Plank Hold (on GHR) with band neck Isometrics: 2x60 seconds

Anaerobic Threshold Conditioning - Tabata 2:1 ratio

20 seconds of battleropes 10 seconds (shake arms and legs out): 4 minutes in total for 5 rounds
20 minutes all together
Week 2
Day 3 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Romanian Deadlift: 4x5 - [RPE - 9 | [1|5|X] ]

1B: Band Pull Through: 4x8 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

2A: Seated Landmine Press: 3x5 reps - [RPE - 9 | [1|5|X] ]

2B: Weighted Scarecrows: 3x8 reps - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Seal Rows : 3x6 - [RPE - 9 | [1|5|X] ]

3B: Band T-Spine Rows: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

4: Briefcase Carry with opp side lateral band resistance neck isometrics: 4 sets each for 90
seconds each side RPE 9

Alactic Speed Endurance - Kettlebell EMOM

KB Swing: 10 reps EMOM for 12 minutes - RPE 10 - Use 75% Max Effort
Week 3
Day 1 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Trap Bar Deadlift: 3x5 - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

1B: Banded Glute Bridge: 4x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|1] ]

2A: Close Grip Bench Press: 3x5 - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

2B: Band Pull Aparts: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 sets 6 reps - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

3B: Scap Push Up: 3 sets 12 reps. - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

Farmers Hold with Anterior/Posterior Neck Isometrics: 2x90 seconds [45 second each way RPE 10. —
Tempo Constant]

Aerobic Conditioning (6 hours before or after resistance training) - LSD Run

25 Minute Jog Target HR 145bpm or 80% of Max HR
Week 3
Day 2 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Zercher Squat: 3x5 - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

1B: Banded Side Clamshell: 4x8 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

2A: Incline Close Grip Bench Press: 3x5 - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

2B: Band Face Pulls: 3x10 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Weighted Pull Ups: 3 sets 6 reps - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

3B: Supine Weighted Y,W,T’s: 3 sets 10 reps. - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

4A. Reverse Plank Hold (on GHR) with Banded Neck Isometric: 2 sets 45 sec

4B. Plank Hold (on GHR) with Band Neck Isometrics: 2 sets 45 sec [RPE - 10]

Anaerobic Threshold Conditioning - Tabata 3:1 ratio

30 seconds of battle ropes 10 seconds (shake arms and legs out): 4 min in total for 4 rounds
16 minutes all together
Week 3
Day 3 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Romanian Deadlifts: 3x5 - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

1B: Banded Pull Through: 4x8 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

2A: Seated Landmine Press: 3x5 - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

2B: Weighted Scarecrows: 3x8 - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Seal Rows: 3 sets 6 reps - [RPE - 10 | [1|3|X] ]

3B: Band T-Spine Rows: 3 sets 10 reps. - [RPE - 7 | [1|3|0] ]

4. Briefcase Carry with Opp Side Lateral Band Resistance Neck Iso: 2 sets 90 sec each side [RPE - 10]

Alactic Speed Endurance - Kettle EMOM KB Swing: 10 reps EMOM for 10 min [RPE 10 - Use 85% Max
Week 4 (Deload)
Day 1 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Trap Bar Deadlift: 3x6 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

1B: Banded Glute Bridge: 4x10 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|1] ]

2A: Close Grip Bench Press: 3x6 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

2B: Band Pull Aparts: 3x10 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Bent Over Single Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 sets 6 reps - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

3B: Scap Push Up: 3 sets 12 reps. - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

Farmers Hold with Anterior/Posterior Neck Isometrics: 2x60 seconds [30 second each way RPE 6 —
Tempo Constant]

Aerobic Conditioning (6 hours before or after resistance training) - LSD Run

20 Minute Jog Target HR 130bpm or 65% of Max HR
Week 4 (Deload)
Day 2 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Zercher Squat: 3x6 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

1B: Banded Side Clamshell: 4x8 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

2A: Incline Close Grip Bench Press: 3x5 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

2B: Band Face Pulls: 3x10 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Weighted Pull Ups: 3 sets 6 reps - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|X] ]

3B: Supine Weighted Y,W,T’s: 3 sets 10 reps. - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

4A. Reverse Plank Hold (on GHR) with Banded Neck Isometric: 2 sets 30 sec

4B. Plank Hold (on GHR) with Band Neck Isometrics: 2 sets 30 sec [RPE - 7]

Anaerobic Threshold Conditioning - Tabata 2:1 ratio

20 seconds of battle ropes 10 seconds (shake arms and legs out): 2 min in total for 3 rounds
Week 4 (Deload)
Day 3 -
Warmup - Base Support System Protocol
1A: Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5A: Single Leg Glute Bridge: 5 reps each

1B: Dynamic Heel to Toe Walks: 10 meters 5B: Single Leg Glute Bridge Leg Whip: 5 reps each

2A: Heel Walks: 20 meters 5C: Fire Hydrant: 5 reps each

2B: Toe Walks: 20 meters 6A: Supine Swimmers: 10 reps

3A: Banded Side Steps: 20 meters both ways 6B: Serratus Anterior Activation Wall Slide: 10 reps

3B: Banded Sumo Steps: 20 meters both ways 7A: Bird Dog: 5 reps each

4A: Terminal Knee Extension: 20 reps each side

4B: Supine Valslide Eccentrics: 10 reps

4C: Banded Straight Leg Raise: 5 reps each

Strength - Strength Endurance, Isometrics, Core Stability

1A: Romanian Deadlifts: 3x6 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

1B: Banded Pull Through: 3x10 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

2A: Seated Landmine Press: 3x6 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

2B: Weighted Scarecrows: 3x8 - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

3A: Seal Rows: 3 sets 6 reps - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

3B: Band T-Spine Rows: 3 sets 10 reps. - [RPE - 6 | [1|3|0] ]

4. Briefcase Carry with Opp Side Lateral Band Resistance Neck Iso: 2 sets 30 sec each side [RPE - 7]

Alactic Speed Endurance - Kettle EMOM KB Swing: 10 reps EMOM for 5 min [RPE 10 - Use 70% Max

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