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_ HE study of Naval Architecture is one of the most difficult
subjects for the average man to master, especially if the rudi
mentary knowledge is not acquired under the guidance of an
The various books on the subject while very thorough are too far
advanced for the student to grasp. ‘
Naval Architecture Simplified, by Charles Desmond, was written
for students. _
In order that the theory might be properly understood, the work is
illustrated and described in detail, and while intended primarily for
students, there is a fund of information of value to all Naval Architects.
After many years of study both from the theoretical and practical
side Mr. Desmond prepared a course of instruction, by correspondence,
and enrolled students in all parts of the world in his school.
The course required from 6 months to a year to complete according
to the student and for the complete course as given in this book the
charge was $150.00.
With the outbreak of the War Mr. Desmond offered his service to the
Government. All the data he had collected during the‘ period of
30 years of practical experience he turned over to THE RUDDER to put in
book form—making it possible for a man to become a proficient Naval
Architect. The book is the result of a life’s work and presents an oppor
tunity never before offered to a student.
The explanations and descriptions are without doubt the simplest
05v”.F0 form in which the subject has been written and enable a student to
thoroughly understand what heretofore has been a hopeless maze.


I. Explanatory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5
II. Measurement Rules Explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8
III. Gravity, Center of Gravity, Moment of Weights and Center of
Buoyancy Explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13
IV. Stability Explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I8
V. Stability Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
VI. Explanation of Power and Resistance Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29
VII. Designing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37
VIII. Construction Details and Structural Strains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52
IX. Explanation of Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59
X. Rudders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
XI. \Vritten Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81


1-S. Drafting Instruments and Their Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 93

2-5. Additional Measurement Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 97
3-5. Explanation of Terms Used by Naval Architects . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 104
4-5. Tables and Formulx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 108
5-5. Proof of Knowledge—Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 111

Naval Architecture Simplified
Chapter I

Have you ever stopped to consider why a boat (or This illustration shows in a striking manner how
anything) floats? To this question some will answer (I any known weight can be carried afloat by simply dis
am quoting from answers that have been given to me posing it in such a manner that the space it occupies
many times), because she is too big to sink; others will is greater than the space occupied by a weight of water
say because she is not heavy enough to Sink, and others equal to the known weight.
again will say because the water cannot get inside; and When a solid is immersed in water it is clear that it
while all of these answers are in a measure correct, they must displace, or move aside, a quantity of water equal
only partially answer the question. So I will begin by in bulk to itself, because two substances cannot occupy
explaining why a boat floats. the same place at the same time. The solid takes the
place of a volume of water equal to the bulk of the solid
I. EXPLAINING WHY A BOAT FLOATS immersed. You thus can understand that a solid will
Two things must be considered when answering this float, remain suspended, or sink, according as its weight
question—weight and bulk—and the two are equal parts is less, equal to, or greater than that of an equal bulk
of the one problem. The weight being the actual weight of water. Therefore, a boat floats because its weight is
of the boat in tons, pounds, or other weight units; and disposed in such a manner that the space it occupies is
the bulk being the actual space in cubic feet, or other greater than the space occupied by a weight of water that
units of volume, the weight occupies. As it is very im is exactly equal to the weight of the boat and all on board.
portant to clearly understand the two terms—weight and Having thus briefly explained why a boat floats, I will
bulk—and the bearing each has to the other, I will make next tell you something about water weight and pressure.
use of the following easily understood explanatory
Suppose there is before you two rectangular blocks in Water, in common with all substances, possesses
size I by I by I foot (a cubic foot), one being of oak and weight and this weight must cause pressure upon the
the other of iron. Weigh the blocks and you will find sides and bottom of any vessel containing it.
that the wood one weighs 53 lb and the iron one 448 lb. Thus, if we take a watertight box, suspend it clear of
Therefore, while the bulk of the blocks is similar there the ground and place in it a known weight, the weight
is a wide difference in weight, and if you place the blocks will press upon the bottom of box with a force or pres
in water you will find that the wood one will float with sure equal to its weight. Now remove the weight and
a little over two inches of its bulk out of water while the pour into box an amount of water equal in weight to
iron one will sink immediately. the weight removed. The pressure on bottom of box will
Now let us assume that the metal in the iron block has be exactly the same as before, but in addition to this the
been rolled into a plate 8 feet long by 8 feet wide and that sides of box will have to sustain an outward pressure.
one foot of its edge, all around, has been turned up to This is clear from the fact that if a hole is bored through
form a watertight trough or box, 6 feet by 6 feet on side of box water will flow out and the force of outward
bottom and having a depth of side of one foot. The flow will be in proportion to the distance hole is below
weight of metal has not been changed, and if the iron the surface of the water. And if this experiment is
is now placed in water, with the bottom of trough down, carried one step further and another hole is bored through
you will find that it will not only float, but it will carry bottom of box, it will be found that the force with which
1,802 lb of added weight; the reason being that the cubic water flows through that hole will also be in exact pro
foot of iron has been spread over a large surface and its portion to the depth of water above it. Therefore, we
bulk (when edges are turned up) increased to 36 feet. learn that water pressure increases with depth and is in
Therefore, it is apparent that the problem of flotation is dependent of shape, or direction in which the surface it
one that calls for consideration of both weight and bulk. presses upon lies.
The law of flotation is, that anything will float if its Water pressure on the sides or bottom of a vessel
weight is less than that of an equal bulk of water. containing it can be accurately measured by weighing
The cubic foot of wood floats because its weight is the water. This being so, it is necessary that you know
less than the weight of a cubic foot of water, and the the weight of water. I give below a table of weights
solid block of iron sinks because its weight is greater and pressures generally used by naval architects.
than the weight of an equal bulk (a cubic foot) of water;
and the cubic foot rolled into a plate and formed into a DATA SHEET OF WATER WEIGHTS
trough floats because the bulk of iron when disposed in 02.5 lb of fresh water in I cubic foot.
64 lb of salt water in I cubic foot.
this shape is increased to such an extent that the weight 36 cubic feet of fresh water in I ton (long ton of 2,240 lb).
is less than that of an equal bulk (36 cubic feet) of water. 35 cubic feet of salt water in I ton.
Depth 0! Water Pressure in Pounds Pressure in Pounds
in Feet per Square Inch per Square Foot
The term displacement, when applied to a boat, means
1 . .. .. .. .. .. .. ... . . 0.44 . .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . 64 the amount (or weight) of water displaced by a boat
2 . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . 0.89 . .. .. .. .. .... .. .. . 128 when she is afloat. The weight of water displaced will
3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.33 . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . 192 always equal the weight of the boat and everything on
4 . .. .. .. .. .. ... . .. . 1.78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 256
5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.22 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . 320
board. Displacement is usually expressed in tons (of
o ... .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . 2.67 . .. .. .. .. . . .. . ... . 384 2,240 lb), or in pounds, or in cubic feet of bulk.
In boat calculations displacement is, in the U. S. A.,
And so on, advancing 0.44 lb per square inch, or 64 lb per generally calculated in cubic measure and expressed in
square foot, for each 1 foot increase in depth. _
For fresh water the figures are 0.434 lb per square inch, or pounds, or tons. The law of displacement is:
62.5 lb per square foot for each foot of depth. Ist. That a solid placed under water will displace
as much water as its bulk.
\Vater pressure is simply another name for water 2d. That any solid will float when its bulk is greater
weight. If you refer to the table you will notice that than that of the water it displaces.
water pressure on one square foot of surface at one foot In short, the weight of water displaced and of the
of depth below the surface is 64 lb (salt), which 15 body floating on it will always be identical, and the im
exactly the weight of a column of water one square foot mersed bulk and bulk of_water it displaces will always
and one foot high (a cubic foot). The nature of water be identical.
pressure is that it is proportional to depth and extent Bulk in water equals .bulk displaced. Weight of water
of surface, but alike for all shapes and directions. Water displaced equals weight of body floating.
will flow into any vessel into which it is allowed to run The reason for this is that the down pressure due to
and will fit it exactly. But if in the bottom or sides of weight of boat is exactly the same as the up pressure of
the vessel it finds a hole it will rush out there with a the water on underwater bulk of boat. From this you
force exactly proportioned to the size of the hole and can readily understand the importance of correctly cal
depth it is below the surface of the water. culating the weight of everything that enters into a boat’s
Let us suppose that the box mentioned above is three construction, etc., and also of correctly measuring the
feet in depth and that three holes are bored through its bulk of the intended underwater portion. For the pur—
side, one at each foot of depth, each being exactly one pose of illustrating this, we will assume that a certain
inch in area. To stop water flowing out of the hole at boatbuilder has marked on a boat the water-line to which
one foot depth a pressure of over 0.44 lb must be exerted he intends it to float. What will happen if the bulk of
against the opening. At two feet the pressure must be the body of boat below the marked water-line is not
increased to over 0.89 lb, and at three feet it must be over exactly sufficient to displace a volume of water whose
1.33 lb. The pressure of water trying to get out of a weight will be the same as the weight of the boat and all
vessel which confines it is in no way different from pres On board?
sure of water that surrounds a floating boat. If an open— If the weights are greater than the weight of water
ing one square inch in area is made 5 feet under water that the bulk below the marked water-line will displace,
through the side or bottom of a boat, water will flow the boat will float deeper in the water than intended. On
through the opening with a force of 2.22 lb, this being the other hand, if the bulk of the portion of boat below
the pressure or force on every square inch of the hull the marked water-line is greater than necessary, the boat
at 5 feet depth of water. will not sink in the water as deep as the marked water
You will notice that I said side or bottom of a boat. line. Calculating displacement is only a question of
I did this in order to impress upon your mind the im— correctly estimating weights of construction, equipment,
portant fact that water pressure is indifferent to direc and everything that is on the boat, and for every 64 lb
tion. Depth and extent of surface it presses upon are (62.5 lb in fresh water) of weight there must be allowed
the sole determining factors. It is this indifference to one cubic foot of immersed bulk. A boat has no power to
direction that makes the calculation of buoyancy of water carry anything, or even to float; the water carries every
so simple. ‘ thing. So you see that two separate and distinct calcula
Here is another word—Buoyanry—that needs explain tions must be made before a boat’s displacement can be de—
ing. The power of water to carry anything afloat on it, termined; one being a bulk calculation and the other a
such as a piece of wood, or a boat, is called buoyancy. weight one. Measuring the bulk of a boat’s underwater
Buoyancy is always proportioned to bulk of the body body is a very simple geometrical problem that can be
under water and its force is measured by the weight of accurately worked out by anyone having a knowledge of
water displaced, which is called, when applied to a boat, a few simple rules of arithmetic and mensuration. The
the Displacement. weight calculation calls for a knowledge of weights of
materials that enter into the construction and equipment
N0 possible invention of .shape can give to anything of the boat, and is also an easy one to make. But while
the power of greater or less buoyancy than is measured both problems are simple ones when considered separately
exactly by the weight of water it displaces, and as water they become a little more complicated when considered,
pressure is indifferent to shape, if it is desired to carry
as they must be, co-jointly. For you must remember that,
any known weight all that is necessary is that the surface as every boat is designed to float to some intended water—
in the water be large enough to permit the water to exert line, it is necessary that the portion of boat below the
an aggregate pressure on it equal to the aggregate weight
intended water-line be not only correct in bulk for the
carried. So you can readily understand that the three weight but that it also be distributed in such a manner
terms, water weight, water pressure and water buoyancy, that its center is the same distance from the bow of boat
have practically the same meaning.
that the center of all the weight is. I will explain this
As the word displacement was used above, I will next more fully by telling you how a designer calculates the
explain its meaning. water-line position.

4. How A DESIGNER PREDETERMINES THE LOAD designing calculations is to prove the accuracy Of the de
WATER-LINE or A BOAT signer’s ideas. Calculations shorten laborand enable a
The designer who wants a boat to float to a prede designer to systemize his ideas. They never can be utilized
termined, or intended, water-line, first of all calculates as a substitute for designing ability. No matter how
the weight of everything that will enter intO the boat and complete a knowledge of calculations a boat designer has,
finds the exact fore—and-aft position of the center of the he cannot produce a successful and original design unless
weights. Next he makes the bulk of that portion of the he possess real designing ability, and this ability is some
boat he intends shall be under water exactly sufficient to thing that cannot be learned from books. The most that
displace a weight Of water equal to the total weight of books can do is to help the designer increase his designing
boat and all on board, and so shapes this bulk that the ability. ,
fore—and—aft position of its center point will exactly co— 5. EXPLANATION OF CALCULATIONS
incide with the fore-and‘aft position of the center of In order to make sure that you clearly understand the
weights. explanations that follow, I will begin with the a, b, c of
If the two center points (that of the weight and that mensuration and explain as briefly as possible, the mean
of the bulk) do not coincide in a fore-and-aft direction, ing of such terms as lines, surfaces and volumes; and
the boat will float with either her bow higher or lower the rules for measuring them.
than intended, and if the bulk measured from the intended A Line has one dimension only—length. The geo
water-line displaces more, or less, water than sufficient metrical definition Of a line is length without breadth,
to float the weights, the boat will float with her intended or thickness, and consequently a true geometrical line
water-line above, or below, the level of the water. cannot be seen. In practice, a line is indicated by means
Thus you can readily see that the problem of prede of a mark of even width from end to end.
termining the water-line to which a boat will float calls A Surface has two dimensions—length and breadth.
for consideration of four things: The area of a surface is the amount of surface included
Ist. The weight of the boat and all on board. within the bounding lines, and is (in U. S. A.) usually
2d. The fore-and-aft location of the center of this indicated in square measure, and expressed in the same
weight. . terms the measurements are given in.
3d. The correct proportioning of the bulk below the A Volume has three dimensions—length, breadth and
intended water-line. thickness; therefore, volume is a measure of capacity, or
4th. The distribution of this bulk in such a manner bulk, and is (in U. S. A.) usually expressed in cubic
that its center point will exactly coincide, in a fore-and— units. When making boat calculations certain regular and
aft direction, with the center of weight. irregularly shaped lines, surfaces and volumes are met
Calculations No. I and No. 2 deal with weight, while with and have to be measured. The rules for doing this
N0. 3 and No. 4 deal with bulk. are explained in next Chapter.
Having thus explained, in a preliminary manner, the Measuring a Line—A line in any direction is easily
fundamental principles governing the flotation of a boat, and quickly measured by ascertaining its length.
I will now pass to an explanation of the calculations Measuring Surfaces—Nearly all regularly shaped
referred to above; but before doing this, I want to im surfaces can be quickly measured by using the proper
press upon your mind that the purpose of all boat— rule for each shape.
Chapter II
Measurement Rules Explained

6. RULEs FOR MEASURING SURFACES ures 15 feet along base and 6 feet from base to apex, its
area is 45 square feet.
On Fig. 1 is an outline of a rectangular hatch opening.
When an architect has to ascertain the area of such an 15 X 6
opening he does it by measuring length and breadth and —— z 45 square feet area.
multiplying measures. 2
Thus, the Fig. 1 hatch opening being 2 feet wide and Fig. 3 shows a circular opening in a deck, measuring
3 feet long, its area is 6 square feet. 2 feet across.
2 X 3 I 6, and as both measurements are expressed The area of circular openings, or surfaces, can be
in feet, the 6 stands for 6 square feet.
ascertained by using this rule:
Any rectangular or square surface, or opening, can Square the diameter and multiply by 0.7854.
be measured by using this rule. As the opening shown has a diameter of 2 feet, its
area is 3.1416 square feet. You, of course, know that a
It is important to remember that all measures must
circle is a plane figure all points of whose bounding line is
be expressed in like terms. To explain this I will suppose
an equal distance from a fixed point called the center.
that measurements of hatch opening are expressed thus—
width, 24 inches; length, 3 feet. The bounding line is called the circumference.
The area cannot be ascertained by multiplying 24 by A straight line drawn through center and having its
3 because one measure is expressed in inches and the ends on circumference line is called a diameter.
other in feet. Therefore, before making calculation one A straight line drawn from center point to circum
measure must be converted. The 3 feet can be converted ference is termed a radius. The radius of a circle is
into inches, then by multiplying 24 X 36, the area will be always one-half diameter.
ascertained in square inches, or the 24 inches can be con— The circumference of a circle is always equal to
verted into feet and calculation made in the manner I diameter multiplied by 3.1416.
made it. Or suppose the hatch opening measured 2 feet
6 inches and 3 feet 6 inches. Here both feet and inches ~___ 10-0"
[-76 5

{i} a. £16 2

l /210“———>{
The diameter is always equal to circumference multi
plied by 0.3188. Knowing these things it is an easy
matter to quickly and accurately calculate the diameter,
radius, circumference, and area of any circle.
Fig. 4 shows a four-sided piece of metal and you will
are used, therefore the inches must be converted into
decimal or fractional parts of a foot before the calculation
is made. Thus 2 feet 6 inches must be expressed at 2.5
feet, or as 2% feet; and 3 feet 6 inches as 3.5 feet,
or as 3% feet.
2.5 X 3.5 :8.75 square feet.
2% X 3% : 8% square feet.
Fig. 2 is an outline of a triangular—shaped sail. To
measure the area of a triangular sail, or of any triangular
surface, the following rule is used:
Multiply length of base by height and divide result
by 2.
Set down as a formula the expression is
Base X Altitude
—— : area of triangle. notice that only two of its sides are parallel. Such a
2 shape is called a Trapezoid and its area is quickly ascer
Any side can be termed the base, but altitude measure tained by using this rule:
must be taken at right angles to base from base to highest Multiply one-half the sum of parallel sides by the
point, or apex, of the triangle. As the sail shown meas distance between them.
The parallel sides measure 12 and 10 feet and dis Divide the figure into any convenient number of parts
fiance between is 5 feet; therefore the area is 55 square by drawing parallel lines equal distances apart, measure
eet. length of each of these lines and then to one-half the
11 X 5 : 55 square feet area. sum of length of the first and last parallel lines add the
Any surface of this shape can be measured by using sum of lengths of all intermediate lines and multiply by
this rule. the distance the parallel lines are apart.
While the foregoing rules can only be used for meas The lines should be draWn parallel with the straight
uring areas of shapes named, their use does not have to bounding lines and must equally divide the distance be
be restricted to measuring whole areas. Parts of areas tween these lines. The area of Fig. 6 is 55.50 square
can be measured, or any irregular area that can be di feet. Calculate it for yourself.
vided into rectangles, triangles and circles can be meas \Nhile I am explaining this rule I will call your at
ured by dividing the figure, measuring each part by the tention to a point of importance. Look at Fig. 6 and you
proper rule and adding totals. will see that if a line is drawn from arrowpqint at top to
As an easily understood illustration of this I call arrowpoint at bottom, it will divide the figure into two
your attention to Fig. 4. That figure can also be ac exactly similar halves.
curately measured by dividing it into a rectangle and a This is a boat’s bulkhead and you know that the oppo
triangle, measuring area of each and adding totals. Try site sides of a boat are similar in shape or, expreSsed dif—
measuring Fig. 4 in this manner and you will find that ferently, if a boat were cut in two through its center from
result is exactly the same as that obtained by using the stem to stern (longitudinally) the two halves would be
trapezoid rule. Another easily understood example is shaped alike. Therefore, it is a waste of time to show
the Fig. 5. the shape of both sides of a boat on a drawing, or to
Here is another sail of a shape (called a trapezium) calculate the areas of more than one-half of any bulk
met with on a very great number of yachts. The shape head, water-line or cross section; because if the figures
is one that cannot be accurately measured at one time by obtained by making a calculation in which one—half the
any of the rules explained. The trapezoid rule will not width measures are used are multiplied by 2 the area of
do because none of the sides of figure are parallel; but the whole (both halves) will be accurately determined
if the figure is divided into two triangles, or into a with much less labor than if the whole area figures
rectangle and a triangle, or into a trapezoid and a triangle, were used.
and the area of the parts measured and measures added To prove this draw a line from arrow to arrow of
the area of the whole can be very quickly ascertained. On Fig. 6; measure from this line out to bounding line on
the illustration I have divided the area into two triangles. one side and make the calculation in manner explained.
Using the figures marked the area of triangle A is 48 You will find that the area of half the figure is 27.75
square feet, and that of B 37.5 square feet. Adding square feet, and if this is multiplied by 2 the area of
these the whole area is found to be 85.5 square feet. whole figure will be ascertained exactly.
You will find it excellent practice to mark out shapes The trapezoidal rule can be used to measure the area
like this one (drawing them to scale) and measure area of any figure having bounding lines that are straight, or
by these three methods: nearly straight. If the bounding lines of a figure have a
Ist. By dividing figure into two triangles. large amount of curve the area must be measured by
2d. By dividing figure into rectangle and triangle. using one of the rules called "Simpson’s Rules”.
3d. By dividing figure into trapezoid and triangle.
If the measurements and calculations are accurately
made totals will be alike. '
So we have passed from regularly-shaped to irregu
larly-shaped figures. The dividing line is hardly notice
able, but it is there all the same, and so long as the bound
ing lines of a figure are straight ones, or segments of
true circles, the area can be accurately determined by
dividing the figure into parts, measuring each. part by the
proper rule and adding totals. This method is, however,
rather cumbersome and for this reason is seldom used.
So I will explain a better way to measure the area of any
figure bounded by two straight parallel lines and two
irregular straight or very slightly curved lines. This rule Fig. 7 shows half of a cross section and Fig. 8 half of
is called the Trapezoidal. a water plane of a boat. Areas like this can be accurately
Fig. 6 shows an outline of a bulkhead of a boat. To measured by using one of Simpson’s rules.
measure such areas proceed as follows: The first of these rules I will now explain. Pay par

I Z 3
ticular attention to the explanation because this rule, and Again I want to call your attention to an important
modifications of it, is used for making a great many of detail. For this calculation the interval measure is 4 feet.
the displacement and stability calculations. One-third of this-is 1.3333+ the last figure being a re
Explanation of Simpson’s First Rule peating, or recurring, decimal. This being the case, it
is evident that the figures obtained by making the calcula
Call the long straight line of figure the base line and tion in the manner shown are less than the true total.
divide it into any convenient even number of parts (there So in cases when interval measure is such that an exact
must be an even number). Erect perpendiculars (called one-third cannot be used' as a direct multiplier it will be
ordinates) at each division point and number them from more accurate and quicker to use the indirect method,
1 up. These ordinate lines (perpendiculars) must be which is: To multiply the total of column No. 4 by the
drawn at right angles to base line. full interval and then divide result by 3. '
Measure the length of each ordinate line, then add to
gether the first and last ordinate lengths, and four times Making the calculation for Fig. 8 in this manner the
the length of all even numbered ordinates and twice the result is:
length of all odd numbered ordinates except the first Total of Column No. 4 is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38.35
and last ones; the sum thus obtained multiplied by one Multiply by full interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _ 4
third the interval measure between ordinates will be the
area of figure. Divide by 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3] 153.40
Of course as there is an even number of intervals
there must be an odd number of ordinates. The calcula~ Area in square feet ... .. . . .. 51.133
tion can be simplified and figures placed in convenient The Fig. 8 is half of a water plane of a boat, if the
form for use when making other necessary calculations
calculation is for the purpose of ascertaining area of
by tabulating them in the manner set forth below.
the whole water plane, then the figures 51.133 must be
The Figs. 7 and 8 are divided in a proper and con
venient number of parts for making calculation. multiplied by 2. Thus the area of the whole water plane
Below I have tabulated the measurements of Fig. 8 (the half shown on illustration and the opposite half that
and made the calculations in detail. For the tabulation, is not shown) is 102.266 square feet. I make this ex
four columns are used. ' planation for the purpose of insuring that you clearly
In the first column is entered the identifying numbers understand the point.
of ordinates. I will now explain rules for measuring a few of the
In the second column is entered the measured lengths principal regular and irregular-shaped volumes. As
of ordinates. volume is a measure of capacity, or bulk, three dimen
In the third column is entered the Simpson multipliers sions (length, breadth, and depth) must be known before
1, 4, 2, etc. '
a volume calculation can be made.
In the fourth column is placed the product of column
No. 2 measures and multipliers, called function totals.
The column N0. 4 figures are totaled and result multi I

plied by one-third the measured interval between ordi v, a , .’

nates. The area of Fig. 8 as tabulated is 51.120 square '3’ 15/1/6771 Q-‘p F/a 10
feet. Study the tabulation and then measure the Fig. 7.
Its area is 4.448 square feet. \1 N '\
Ordinate Ordinne Length Simpson‘s Funciinn
No. in Feet Muliipliers . Total,
I . .. . . . . . 0.00 . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . 0.00
2 ..... ... 1.45 ........ 4 . . . . . . .. 5.80
3 ........ 2.25 ........ 2 . .. ..... 4.50
4 . .... .. . 2.60 . .. . . ... 4 . . . . . . . . 10.40
5 . . . . . . . . 2.70 . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 5.40
6 . .. .. .. . 2.50 . 4 . . . . . . . . 10.00
7 . . . . . . . . 2.25 . . . . . . . . I . .. . . . . . 2.25

Interval is 4 feet. One-third of this is 1.333

Area of Fig. 8 is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51.120 square feet.

7. Ruuzs FOR MEASURING VOLUMES -Fig. 14 shows an irregularly-shaped body like the
underwater portion of one-half of a boat. To ascertain
Fig. 9 shows a rectangular block. The bulk, or vol the volume of a body like this, Simpson’s first rule can
ume of a block like this can be accurately measured by
be used.
multiplying length, breadth and depth measures.
The body must first be divided vertically and hori—
Length X breadth X depth : volume. zontally into a proper number of equally spaced planes
As all of the measures of Fig. 9 are in feet the volume, and sections for a Simpson’s first rule calculation. It
or bulk, is 64 cubic feet. If the measures were given is not necessary that the interval distance and number
in inches the volume would be expressed in cubic inches. of ordinates used be the same for both planes and
This rule can be used for measuring volume of any sections.
rectangular—shaped object. The area of the several planes is then ascertained by
Fig. IO shows a portion of a round column. The making calculations in the manner explained (see calcula
volume of any body having a cross section of similar tion Fig. 8).
area from end to end, regardless of shape of section, The area figures obtained by making these calculations
can be measured by multiplying area of cross section by are then used as ordinate measures for another Simp—
length of body. Thus as the Fig. 10 cross section area is son’s rule calculation. The result of this second calcula
2 square feet and its length is 10 feet, the bulk must be tion will give the cubical contents, or volume, of the body.
20 cubic feet.
You will note that two separate and complete calcula
Fig. II shows a sphere, or ball. A sphere is a solid tions are made. The first being a series of calculations to
bounded by a curved surface every part of which is the determine the areas of the several planes, and the second
same distance from the center point. To calculate the being a single calculation to determine the volume.
volume of a sphere use this rule:
For the sake of avoiding the possibility of confusing
Cube the diameter and multiply by 0.5236. you I use in my explanation the expression “Areas of
the several planes." The calculation can be just as ac
Fig. 12 shows a cone. A cone is a solid bounded by
curately made by calculating the areas of the several
a curved surface tapering to a point, and having a circle
sections and using the section areas as ordinate measures
as its base.
for the second calculation.
The volume of a cone is calculated by using this rule: Below I have made the complete calculation to deter—
Multiply area of base by the altitude of cone and divide mine volume of Fig. I4 by first calculating areas of the
result by 3. Expressed as a formula: planes A, B, C, D, E, and then using these plane areas as
Area of base X altitude ordinate measures for the volume part of calculation.
I volume of cone. Go over the figures carefully and then prove that you
understand the calculation by determining the volume of
Fig. 14 by first calculating the areas of the sections and
The volume of a pyramid can be ascertained by then using the section areas as ordinate measures for the
using the same rule. volume part of calculation. If you make the calculation
Fig. 13 shows an outline of a boat-shaped body having correctly the final (volume) figures will be within a few
cross sections rectangular in shape. The volume of decimal points of my volume figures.
bodies like this is calculated by using Simpson’s rules. Bear in mind that for my illustration calculations the
The area of the longitudinal plane is first ascertained by interval measure used for the plane area calculations is
dividing it into a proper number of parts, measuring the 4 feet (the distance sections are apart) and the interval
ordinate lengths and making a Simpson’s first rule cal— measure for the second, or volume. calculation is the
culation in the manner I have already explained. If distance planes are apart (0.5 foot). For your calculation
this area, expressed in square feet, is multiplied by the the interval measure for section areas is the distance
depth of body, expressed in feet, the volume of body planes are apart (0.5 foot) and for the volume part of cal
will be ascertained. ' culation the interval is the distance sections are apart
For this illustration I used the Fig. 8 water plane and (4 feet).
as the depth of body is 2 feet, the volume must be The underwater bulk of any boat or of any irregu
102.266 cubic feet. larly-shaped body can be calculated by using this rule.
I J.
The Area of Planes A, B, C, D, E Are First Determined PLANE D AREA .
S F. 8 1 1 PM“ A AR“ o 'N'L'l"
d. °""".'..‘iii""‘“
. ul'ifil‘iilf.
, Fififlii’"
6° '3-
'33 C" a "m- 1 . .. .. ... 0.00 ... .. ... 1 ........ 0.00
. 38-35 2 . .. .. ... 0.50 ..... .. . 4 ........ 2.00
Interval ‘5 - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 3 . .. .. ... 0.85 . . . . . . .. 2 . . . . . . .. 1 70
—— 4 . .. .. . .. 100 4 4.00
One-third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3] 153.40 5 - - - - - . -- 1.00 . - - - - - -- 2 ... .. . .. 2.00
6 0.60 . . . .. .. . 4 . .. .. . . . 2 4o
. 7 . .. .... . 0.20 . .. . . .. . 1 ...... .. 0 20
Area in square feet . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51.133
PLANE B AREA Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4
Ordinate Ordin_ate Length Simpson‘s Function
M' "‘ '°°‘ “"“Wl'm Tm" One-third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3] 49.20
I --~-- '-- 0-00 - - - - - - - ~ I - -- -- -- - 0-00 Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.400 square feet

35’ 1:11:11;
4 . .. . . . . .
. . . . . . ..
..... .1: 2 1:11:11: 1158
. . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . 2 . .. .... . 4.80
9.20 Ordinalc
Ordinate Length
i" k“!
6 _ _ _ . _ _ H 220 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I . . . . . . .. 000 . . . . . . .. I . . . . . . .. 0.00
7 . . . . . . .. 160 . . . . . . .. 1 ...... .. 1.00 2 - - - - - - -- 012 - - - . - - -- 4 - - - - - - -- 0.48
3 ... ..... o 20 . .. .. .. . 2 ... .. .. . 0.40
33 20 4 0.25 . .. .. .. . 4 ... .. .. . 1.00 _
' 5 o 2' . .. .. .. . 2 ... .. .. . 0.50
Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 ‘ ____.._ 02; _ _‘ ‘_ '_ _ 4 _ I_ __ __ _ 1'00
7 . .. ..... 0.20 . .. .. .. . 1 ... .. .. . o 20
One-third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3] 132.80 58
.Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 .2 “Square f eet Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3' 4

_ _ PLANE AR? _ One-third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3] 14.32

mils?" o“‘"i“|f“clfl"““‘ amffé‘lniris FEP'L‘IFA‘IZ“ Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.773 square feet
I 0.00 . -.-. -v - I --.-- -- - 0.00 VOLUME Paar or CALCULATION
2 . . . . . . .. o 80 . . . . . . .. 4 z 20 0mm" Simpmn.’
3 . . . . . . . . 1.50 . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 3.00 No. Areas Multipliers Products
‘ 4 . . . . . . .. 1.90 . . . . . . .. 4 . . . . . . .. 7.60 Flamx ,\ _,_ __ 51133 1 51.133
5 . . . . . . .. 1.85 . ...... . 2 . . . . . . .. 3.70 Plant» B _ _ _ ,_ 44200 4 177.064
6 1.45 . . . . . . .. 4 . . . . . . .. 5.80 Plane C __ 31,733 2 63.466
7 0.50 . . . . . . .. 1 . . . . . . .. 0.50 Plane 1) . .... 10.400 4 65-600
Plane E . . . .. 4.773 I 4773
Interval ' ' i I i i i ' ' l ' i ' ' ' i l ' I ' l ' l ' 4 Interval between planes . . . . . . . . . . . 0.5

One-third -------------------- -- a] 95-20 One-third ..................... .. 3 J 181.0180

Area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 31.733 square feet Volume of Fig. 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60.3393 cubic feet
Chapter III
Gravity, Center of Gravity, Moment of Weights and Center of Buoyancy Explained

As a designer must determine the location of the of the bulk and the center of gravity point will be located
center point of a boat’s underwater bulk, and the loca at identically the same point; but if the particles are un
tion of the center of gravity point of the boat’s weight, evenly distributed, as in the case of a mass composed
I will in this chapter briefly explain the meaning of the partly of iron and partly of wood, then the center point
terms Gravity and Center of Gravity; and the calcula of the bulk and the center of gravity are very likely to
tions used by naval architects when they desire to ascer be located at entirely different positions.
tain the location of the center point of the underwater Another thing that must be clearly understood is:
body of a boat, and the center of gravity of the weights Each separate mass of material, regardless of size, has a
of construction, etc. center of gravity point, but when two or more separate
masses are rigidly connected they must be considered as
8. GRAVITY EXPLAINED being one and the center of gravity point of the whole
Every particle of matter is drawn, in proportion to its mass is that point at which the forces of gravity of the
mass, towards the earth’s center, and it is to this ten— connected masses centers.
dency to move downwards in obedience to this attraction Structures like a boat, or a bridge, are composed of
that is given the name weight. a number of separate pieces connected together, each of
The word Gravity carries a similar meaning, being which, when considered alone, has a center of gravity
derived from the Latin Grant's, meaning weight. point; but the center of gravity point of the whole struc
If a piece of iron or wood is raised in the air and ture is that point at which the forces of gravity of the
the support that holds it there is removed it will fall to whole connected pieces centers. Such a point is rightly
the ground. The force which causes it to do this is called the point of balance.
gravity. As the hull of a boat is built of unevenly distributed
materials the designer must determine the location of
Physically speaking, everything is made up of a multi both the center of gravity of the structure and the center
tude of small particles, called molecules or atoms, held of bulk of the portion of hull that will be immersed
together by cohesion and so far as gravity is concerned, in water.
each particle is drawn in proportion to its mass towards
the earth’s center; but as the force of cohesion in solids 9. CENTER OF GRAVITY EXPLAINED
is so great that the particles composing them cannot act The center of gravity calculation is a weight one,
separately, the force of gravity can be likened to a num made by estimating the weights of the different parts of
ber of forces acting in parallel lines in the direction of the the structure, finding the center of gravity point of each,
earth’s center. and then calculating the moments and center of gravity
The sum of these individual forces constitutes the ag point. This point is called the center of gravity Point.
gregate gravity of each separated mass of material, and Written C.G. or C. of G.
the center of these forces is called the center of gravity
The law of gravitation is: Every particle of matter The center point of bulk calculation is made by
in the universe attracts every other particle with a force measuring the volume of the underwater body of the
directly proportioned to the mass of the attracting par boat and calculating its center point in the manner ex
ticle, and inversely to the square of the distance between plained a little further along in this chapter. This point
them. is called the center of buoyancy, because it is the point
at which the up buoyancy of the water pressing on the
Gravity is therefore a force that acts upon every par underwater bulk of hull centers. The center of buoyancy
ticle of matter, and as the center of gravity of a body is is usually written GB. or C. of B.
the point at which the forces of gravity of that body
center it is evident that if it is desired to support any II. MOMENT OF WEIGHTs EXPLAINED
thing all that is necessaiy is to ascertain the center of As the word moments, used above, may not be clearly
gravity point and place the support immediately under it. understood by the reader, I will explain its meaning.
If any mass of material is supported, or suspended, at its The moment of a weight or force is the measure of
center of gravity it will be at rest, no matter what position its turning efiect, and is the product of the force, or
it is placed in, and if suspended at any other point it will weight, multiplied by the distance of its application from
move until the center of gravity is at the highest or some named point, which is usually a point of support,
10west possible position on a vertical line drawn through or an axis, or the C.G.
the point of suspension. The two things to be considered when calculating
By lifting a solid at its center of gravity point the moment are weight, or force, and distance; the weight
whole mass can be lifted in the easiest possible manner. being the weight applied and the distance being the
I will now call your attention to a most important de— measured distance from the CG. of the weight applied
tail. Whenever the separate particles composing a mass to the selected point. The moment of a force is usually
of material are evenly distributed throughout the whole expressed in terms of both weight and distance, the most
of its bulk, as in a solid piece of iron, the center point generally used expression being foot-Pounds.
I will first make the calculation from A, B, by measur
ing the distance each weight is from the line, multiplying

1' w , ~\ C01 0. on 'PLKT

//' '.___4 L55 2k..

‘\ 177-221
~ 1

To explain the meaning of moment of force and mo

ment of weight I will make use of two illustrations, one l
M— T“! a
a common lever and the other a circle of homogeneous
material upon which is placed a number of weights.
_ The illustration N0. 15 shows a commonly used type
of lever and I will suppose that it is desired to lift the
1,000 lb of weight and that only 200 lb of force is avail each weight by its distance and adding totals. The cal—
able. To lift the weight with that amount of force culation is as follows:
directly applied is clearly impossible, but if the force is Weight Distance Moment
in Lbs. in Ft. in Ft.-Lbs.
applied at the end of a properly arranged lever of suffi Plate 40 X 6 = 240
cient strength and length the weight can be readily lifted, 10 X 4 = 40
because the moment of a force about any line or point 20 X 5 = 100
is the product measured by the force applied and the 30 X 7 = 210
40 X 8 = 320
distance of its application from the point of support or
axis. And this being so it is evident that if the 200 lb 140 weight 910 moment
of force is suitably applied at a sufiicient distance from The calculation from B, C, is
the axis to make the total moment of force greater than Weight Distance Moment
the total moment of weight to be lifted, the 1,000 lb can in Lbs. in Ft. in F1.-Lbs.

be lifted by using the 200 lb of force. The calculation is Plate 40 X 4.5 = 180
10 X 3 = 30
made in this manner. The turning axis has been placed 20 X 6 = 120
2 feet distant from the weight to be lifted, therefore the 30 X 7 = 210
moment of weight is 40 X 9 = 360

1,000 X 2 = 2,000 foot—pounds 140 weight 900 moment

The force applied to lever is 11 feet distant from the Now let us assume that we want to support this plate
axis, therefore the moment of force is and weights by placing a single support under it. This
200 X 11 : 2,200 foot-pounds support must, as I have already explained, be placed
And as the force moment is in excess the weight can directly under the center of gravity point of the combined
be lifted. If it is desired to ascertain the excess moment (connected) plate and weights, and as the weights are not
on the force end of lever deduct the weight moment evenly distributed around the C.G. point of the plate, it is
from the force moment, or if it is desired to ascertain evident that the C.G. point of plate and weights combined
the distance from axis that the force must be applied to cannot coincide with the C.G. point of the plate alone,
produce a force moment equal to the moment of weight which, being in the form of a circle and made of homo
divide the weight moment by the force available. geneous material, has its C.G. point located at the center
point of the circle. To determine where to place the sup
2000 port, proceed as follows: The distance that the C.G. point
-__- : 10 feet of the combined weights and plate is from the line A, B,
200 can be ascertained by dividing the A, B moments by the
In this illustration I have used a single weight and a total weight.
single force, but should more than One weight, or force, Moment 910
be applied to the lever at different positions the calcula z 6.5 feet from A, B.
tion is made by determining the moment of eachv weight Weight 140
separately and adding them. The total thus obtained will And the distance it is from B, C, can be ascertained
be the moment of all the weights. by dividing the B, C moments by the weight:
The moment of each force is then determined and Moment 900
the force moments added to obtain the total moment of —— : 6.428 feet from B, C.
force. l/Veight I40
In the foregoing illustration the moments oppose each The point of intersection of the two measurements is
other, or act in opposite directions, hence the necessity the exact C.G. point of the plate and weights; and if the
for deducting the lesser from the greater. I will now support is placed at that point the whole mass will be
give an illustration of a case in which there is no oppos perfectly supported because when a support is placed
ing moment: directly under the C.G. point of a mass of material, the
Fig. 16 shows a circular steel plate of even thickness mass" will be in equilibrium, or will be balanced.
throughout, weighing 40 pounds, upon which is laced You can understand the importance of knowing how
a number of weights, the location and weight 01' each to determine the moment of weights when I tell you that
being marked. I want to determine the moment of the it is by making a calculation of this kind that a designer
weights and plate from the line marked A, B, and also determines the location of the C.G. point of a boat’s con
from the line marked B, C. struction and other weights. And in addition to this the
.T S


same kind of a calculation is used when he wants to 103.087

determine the center point of some irregularly distributed —— = 13.34 feet; distance C.G. of weight is aft of
7,723 line Ord. NO. 1.
area or volume, such as a L.\V.L. plane or the under— NOTE—I have named parts to enable you to more clearly
water body Of a boat. understand the calculation.
WETGHT P01NT or A BOAT Distance
Above line Below line Moments
Fig. 17 will serve to illustrate how a designer calcu— N0. Weight F1. Ft. Above linc Below line

lates the CG. of weight position of a beat. I 250 0.5 125

On that illustration is shown the longitudinal view of 2 523 ID 523
3 1,000 2.0 2,000
a boat, and I have marked on it the several center Of 4* 1.700
gravity points of the principal items of weight. Remem— 5 2,100 0.5 1,050
ber the location of each of these points has to be deter 0* 1,800
mined before this calculation can be made. 7 300 0.5 150
8 50 1.0 50
The line Ord. No. I is drawn along the face of stem,
and the line A, A is drawn along the L.W.L. position. 7.723 Moments 3.573 325
I am going to determine the longitudinal and vertical Moments above line = 3,573 Greater
position of the CG. of the weights distributed as marked Deduct moments below = 325 Lesser
on the illustration. 3,248 Moments above line
The first part of the calculation, to determine the 3.248 _ , . _
longitudinal position of the CG. point, is made in exactly = 0.42 foot; distance the CG. pomt is above the line A, A.
the same manner that the Fig. 16 calculation is made; 7172.3
but the second part, to determine the vertical position, *These weights being on the line, there is no moment.
is somewhat different because some of the weights being Therefore, the CG. position of the construction and
above and some below the line A, A, or axis from which other weights of Fig. 17 is 13.34 feet aft Of the line
the moments are being calculated, it is necessary to de— Ord. No. I and 0.42 foot above the line A, A. I have
duct the lesser moments from the greater before the ver marked the point.
tical C.G. position calculation is made. I will now explain the center point calculatiOns.
This has to be done in every case when there are
moments that oppose, or act in opposite directions. The 13. CENTER OF AREAs
complete calculation follows. Go over it carefully and The center point of regularly shaped plane areas
make sure that you understand it. is always located in certain definite positions.
CALCULATiox To DETER.\11NE THE LONoITumNAL C.G. POINT OF The center point of a circle is always located at the
F111. 17 exact center.
Weight Distance
No. Name of, Part Lbs. Fl. Moments The center point of a rectangle or square area is al
1 Stem, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250 2.0 500 ways located at the intersection of diagonal lines drawn
2 Fuel, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 523 4.0 2.092 from the corners. Fig. 18 illustrates this.
3 Crew, stores, etc. . . . . . . . . . .. 1,000 12.5 12,500
4 Keel, joiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,700 13.0 22,100
The center point of a triangular area is easily found
5 Frame, plank . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2,100 13.2 27,720 by marking the center of each side and from these marks
6 Engine, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1,800 16.75 30,150 drawing lines to the opposite point of triangle. The
7 Shaft, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 300 22.5 6,750 point Of intersection of these lines will be the center of
8 Rudder, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 25.5 1,275
triangle. Fig. 19 illustrates this.
Weight 7,723 Moments 103,087 The center point of an area shaped like a trapezium
is determined by dividing the figure into four triangles In practice the calculation can be shortened because
and ascertaining the center point of each in the manner the one-third multiplier, being common to both the divi
explained above. Lines drawn from center point to dend and divisor, can be cancelled out and the total of
center point of opposite triangles will intersect at the function column and total of moment column used for the
center point of area. Fig. 20 illustrates this. calculation; thus
The center point of any irregularly-shaped plane area 524.40
is fully determined when its position relative to two lines I 13.67 feet
of the plane is known, and these lines are usually taken 38-35
at right angles to each other.
' In the case of areas having two sides alike, such as
water planes of boats, it is known beforehand that the The center point of solids of regular form is always
center point must lie along a line drawn through the located at certain fixed points.
center of the plane longitudinally. It therefore is only
necessary, in cases like this, to calculate the position ~\_ flag-ta /,/
longitudinally; and this is done by determining the area
and moment of the plane about some selected point
(usually an end or a middle ordinate) and dividing the
moment by the area. Simpson’s rule is used for making
this calculation, and I will illustrate the method of mak
ing it by determining the center point of water plane
Fig. 8.
The area calculation has already been made and ex
plained in Chapter II. To find the moment about a
selected ordinate all that is necessary is to multiply the The center point of a sphere is always located at its
length of each ordinate by the distance it is from the center.
selected point. These products (length X distance) put
The center point of a cylinder is always located at
through Simpson’s rule, will give the moment of the area
one-half the height from base and on a line through the
about the selected point, and the moment divided by the
center longitudinally.
area will give distance the center of area is away from
the selected point. The center point of a pyramid, or cone, is always lo—
cated at a point one—quarter of the height from base and
Below I give the complete calculation and you will on a line drawn from apex to the center point of base.
note by referring back to the Fig. 8 calculation that the The center point of any solid bounded by a curved
figures entered in columns I, 2, 3 and 4 are the Fig. 8 surface and a plane is fully determined when its position
area ones. The figures in the fifth column are the meas relative to three planes is known. The planes are gen
ured distances that each ordinate is away from the erally taken at right angles to each other. In the case of
ordinate selected for the moment calculation (No. 1
the underwater body of a boat it is only necessary to
ordinate has been selected), and the figures in No. 6 calculate the position relative to t'Zt'O planes (a vertical
column are the products of Nos. 4 and 5. The No. 6 and a longitudinal one) because the two sides of a boat
column figures are totaled and multiplied by the Simp being alike in shape the center point must lie along the
son’s rule multiplier (one—third the interval) and then middle longitudinal axis.
by dividing the final figures of column No. 6 by the col
umn No. 4 area figures the distance that the center point 15. EXPLAINING How To CALCULATE THE CENTER or
of the area' is from the selected ordinate is determined. BUOYANCY POINT OF A BOAT’s UNDERWATER Bony
This distance measured along the base line of the figure The center point of solids of this kind is determined
will be the exact center point of the whole area, of which by making a Simpson’s rule calculation in the manner the
Fig. 8 is one—half. center point of plane N0. 8 was determined; but as the
The calculation in detail: position has to be determined relative to two planes it is
CALcULATION To DETERMINE THE DISTANCE TIIAT CENTER POINT necessary to make two complete calculations, one being
01-“ FIG. N0. 8 Is FROM THE NO. 1 ORDINATE for the purpose of determining the vertical position,
Product and the other being for the purpose of determining the
No. Length Simpson‘s Function Momcn of
On]. ofOrd. Multipliers Totals Multipliers Moments longitudinal. For the vertical position the volume is
I 000 I 0.00 O 000 calculated by using the plane area figures and the m0
2 145 4 5.80 4 2320 ments are generally determined from the L.W.L. plane;
3 225 2 4.50 8 3600
4 26o 4 10.40 12 12480
and for the longitudinal position the volume is calculated
5 270 2 5.40 16 8640 by using the section areas and the moments are gener
6 250 4 .....10.00 20 20000 ally determined from an end, or other selected ordinate.
7 225 I 2.25 24 5400 Below I have made the two calculations to determine
3835 524.40
the longitudinal and vertical position of the center point
4 of the whole underwater body of the boat of which Fig.
One-third interval One-third interval 14 illustrates one-half. The plane area calculations for
multiplier 3) 153.40 multiplier 3 ) 2,097.60 determining the volume of planes are given in Chapter II.
The detailed section area calculations for determining the
Area in square feet =51.133 Moment: 699.20
Moment 699.20
volume by section areas have been omitted, it being un
= 13.67 feet that center point is aft of the necessary to reproduce them.
Area 51.133 No. 1 Ordinate. The lines from which the moment calculation meas
urements have been taken are: For the longitudinal po using section areas, can always serve to “check” the
sition, the NO. I ordinate line; for the vertical position, accuracy Of the volume figures. If both calculations are
the L. W. L. plane A. correct the volume figures will be alike, or within a few
decimals of one another. In my illustration calculations
the figures are almost identically the same.
0? FIG. 14
Second»——I have already mentioned that if it is de
No. Area of Simpson‘s for Moment sired to have a boat float to a certain line the longitudinal
Ordinlle Section Multipliers Volume Mulliplie Moments
position of the center of buoyancy (the center point of
Section 1 0.00 i 0.00 ‘ o 000
Section 2 1.662 4 6.648 4 26.592 the underwater bulk) and the longitudinal position Of
Section 3 2.808 2 5.616 8 44.928 the center Of the weights (the CG. point) must coincide.
Section 4 3.308 4 13.232 12 158.784 Assuming that the weight figures used for the calcula
Section 5 3.375 2 6.750 16 108.000 tion are correct the marked distribution of weights is
Section 6 2. 4 11.232 20 224.640
Section 7 1.775 I 1.775 24 42.600 such that the CG. point is located at practically the same
distance from bow that the CB. point is, therefore it
45-253 605-544 can be said that the boat will float exactly to the in
. 4 4 tended L. W. L., which is the L. \V. L. plane A.
One-third interval ——
multiplier 3) 181.012 3) 2422.176 The vertical position Of the CG. and CB. points do
not have to, and, in fact, seldom do coincide.
Volume 60.337 Moment 807.392
—— = 13.38 feet; distance the center pomt is aft of the P01NT or FIG. 14
45.253 N0. 1 Ord. Products
No. Area of Simpson‘s to 1 Moan
*Here I have put into practice the cancellation of the one Ordinale Plane Multipliers Volume Multiplier Moment!
third multiplier and used the total figures. ' Plane A 51.133 1 51.133 0 51.133
Therefore, the center point of the figure N0. 14 vol Plant- B 44.206 4 177.064 0.5 88.532
“Plane C 31.733 2 63.466 1.0 63.466
ume is located 13.38 feet aft of the No. 1 ordinate, and Plane D 16.400 4 65.600 1.5 98400
0.85 foot below the water plane A. And as Fig. 14 is a Plane E 4.773 1 4.773 2.0 9.546
representation of one—half the underwater body of a boat
the center of buoyancy of that boat, when floating to the 362.036 3 i 1.077
_ 0.5 0.5
L. W. L. plane A, is located at the point named and One‘tliird Interval -—-—- —
immediately over the center line of the keel. Multiplier 3 ) 181.018 3)
As the calculations Nos. I4 and 17 are for the same
Volume as calculated by planes 60.339 Moment
boat, this is an excellent opportunity for me to call your
311.077 _
attention to these things. First—the two volume calcula —-—- = 0.85 foot; distance the center point is below Plane A.
tions, one made by using plane areas and the other by 362.036
Chapter IV
Stability Explained
The term stability when applied to a boat, or vessel, various angles of inclination from the upright (rest) po
means the moment of force, expressed in foot-pounds, sition.
or foot-tons, by which the boat, or vessel endeavors to 3d.—The range of stability, or inclinations between
right itself when inclined to a named angle from the which it will be absolutely safe.
upright by some external force. This moment is the Therefore, it is assumed in the following explanations
product of weight X leverage; the weight being the actual that it is desired to ascertain the three things mentioned
weight of boat, or vessel, ascertained by making the above and that the calculations are being made from
displacement and weight calculations explained in Chap measurements taken from a set of boat drawings. When
ters II and III, and leverage being the distance between calculating stability it is always assumed that boat is
the lines of action of the upsetting and righting forces, afloat in still water.
ascertained .by making calculations.
Stability of a Boat on Land—A boat supported on
Before proceeding further I will call your attention land is acted upon by gravity alone, the dowuward pull
to this important fact: The weight being the weight of of which is always equal to the total weight of boat, and
boat and all on board at time of inclination remains the the location of the C.G. point relative to the point of
same regardless of whether boat is floating upright, or support determines whether the boat will remain upright
is inclined to any angle, or in any direction; but the or topple over.
leverage, as it depends upon form of the underwater
body of boat, will vary because the immersed form, or Stability of a Boat When Afloat.——But when a boat
shape, changes with EACH change in inclination. The is afloat in still water the downward pull, which I will
now call pressure, continues to act in the same manner
following brief explanation of the meaning of terms used
that it acted on land, but as the portion (bulk) of boat
in this Chapter will prove a help when you read my ex
immersed in water now receives support from the sur
planation of stability.
rounding water, a new force, the upward support of the
Statical Stability means the amount of force by which water, has to be considered and it is the location of the
a boat tries to regain its upright position after having center of this upward support (called center of buoy
been deflected from it. ancy) relative to the center of the boat’s weight (called
Dynamical Stability means the amount of work done renter of gravity) that determines the boat’s stability
to deflect boat from the upright (its original position). when upright and when inclined in any direction. ‘
Transverse Stability means stability when inclined The words any direction need some explanation. A
transversely, or to one side. boat afloat can incline transversely, longitudinally, and
Longitudinal Stability means stability when inclined in any direction between these two, and while the force
longitudinally, or lengthways. necessary to incline a boat to a named angle will vary
Stable Equilibrium—A boat is said to be in stable with direction of inclination, it isan assured fact that
equilibrium, or stable, for a named direction and angle the greatest force is required for direct longitudinal in
of inclination if, on being inclined in that direction and clinations and the least for direct transverse. In addi
to the named angle it tends to return to the original po tion to this, it is also an established fact that all boats
sition of rest when the inclining pressure is removed. of ordinary form are perfectly stable longitudinally for
Unstable Equilibrium—A boat is said to be in un any angle they will move to when in service. These
stable equilibrium, or unstable, for a named direction things being established, the designer desiring to ascer
and angle of inclination if, on being inclined in that di— tain the three things mentioned above need only calcu
rection and to the named angle it tends to move further late the force with which the boat will endeavor to right
than the desired angle and will not return to the original itself when inclined in the direction of least stability—
position of rest when the inclining pressure is removed. transversely—because for inclinations in all other direc
tions the stability must be greater than the minimum, or
Neutral Equilibrium.——A boat is said to be in neutral transverse. Therefore, it is sufficient to determine sta—
equilibrium for a named direction and angle of inclina bility for several direct transverse inclinations, and for
tion if, on being inclined in that direction and to the one selected longitudinal inclination.
named angle it remains there and neither moves further
away or returns to the original position of rest when the From the above you will understand that transverse
inclining pressure is removed. inclinations are the most important ones to consider. I
will, therefore, make my explanations and illustrations
I6. EXPLANATION OF STABILITY for transverse inclinations, except in cases when other
I will begin by reminding you that stability calcula wise stated.
tions, like all other boat calculations, are made before I will now resume my remarks about stability. When
the boat is built and for the purpose of ascertaining these a boat is afloat in an upright position the up pressure of
three things: water on the immersed portion of hull centers at the CB.
Ist.—Whether the boat will be stable and safe under point, and the down pressure of the boat’s weight centers
all ordinary service conditions. at the C.G. point, and as the two forces (pressures) are
2d.—The amount of stability the boat will have at alike and equally proportioned each side of center line
will be stable and will immediately return to the upright
UPRicHT when the inclining pressure is removed.
CIL The weight used for the calculation is always the ac
tual weight of boat and all on board, the buoyancy force
FIG‘ZI is always exactly the same as the weight, and the lever
age is the distance the lines of action are away from the
center line of boat; though in practice the calculations
C 0 are simplified by making the lever length the distance
i T [LXJ L—\ the lines of action are apart. Of course you understand
that the lines of action of the two forces are always
_ CL along verticals drawn through the centers.
I said above that the calculation is simplified by mak—
ing the lever length the distance between the lines of
action; I will explain this. When calculating the moment
of opposing forces in the usual manner, the moment of
of boat, they must act upwards and downwards along each force is calculated, then the lesser is deducted
the same vertical line and continue to do so just as long from the greater and the remainder is the moment of
as the boat is not forced out of her upright position. the greater force.
Fig. 21 shows largest cross-section of a power boat and In cases when the weights are alike and act along
on it I have indicated the vertical positions of the C.B. lines that are parallel and lie in the same direction from
and CG. points, and the line along which the up and weight, the work is greatly simplified and similar re
down pressures act.
Now let us assume that an external force has inclined
the boat to position shown in Fig. 22 illustration.
Just as soon as this happens a portion of boat imme— HEUTRAL
diately above the water level, on side furthest from the
pressure, becomes immersed and an equal—sized portion
on side the pressure is exerted lifts out of (emerges
from) the water, and this movement, as you can readily
see by referring to Fig. 22, has made the form of im \
\\ I 3

mersed body different from that immersed when boat EMERG€D\\ / ° [mamas L.\~'.L
was upright, and has caused the center of up buoyancy wanes \\ L )
pressure (C.B.) to move from its original central posi /\ \
tion towards the side furthest from the inclining pres \\ e wanes
sure, because the C.B. point will always be at the exact f C@ B m \\\\
center of the bulk immersed in water. This movement
of the C.B. point has caused the up pressure of buoyancy D
to act along a vertical line that is some distance out from
the center line of boat, and as no weight has been moved
by the inclination the C.G. of weight has not moved and sults are obtained by measuring the distance between the
the CG. down pressure must continue to act along a lines of action and multiplying this measure by the
vertical drawn downwards through the CG. point lo weight. The figures obtained by making this short cal
cated above the center line of keel. Under these condi culation will be the moment in favor of the force that
tions the up force of buoyancy and the down force of acts along the line furthest out from weight.
gravity are opposing forces that act along different lines;
one trying to force the boat down and the other to buoy On Fig. 22 the up force of buoyancy is furthest out
it up, and if the up force of buoyancy, measured by its from center line and therefore that illustration shows a
weight and leverage, is greater than the down force of condition of stability, and if the weight (displacement)
gravity, measured by its weight and leverage, the boat of boat is 7,723 lb and the measured distance between
verticals is 4 inches, the moment of force tending to re
turn boat to an upright position when the inclining force
ST E>LE is removed is 2,574 foot-pounds.
7,723 X 0.33% : 2,574 foot-pounds
You may wonder, when looking at the Fig. 22 illus
tration, how it can happen that, after the C.B. point has
moved some distance out from center line and the CG.
point does not move, a condition can arise in which the
down C.G. vertical can fall further out from the center
line than the up C.B. force vertical. I will explain this
by means of illustrations, Fig. 23 and Fig. 24.
Fig. 23 shows the same inclination and cross-section
as Fig. 22, and the weight of boat and location of C.B.
inclined position is the same; but I will suppose that,
owing to placing engine and some of the weights a
greater distance above keel, the vertical height of CG.
point is raised to the point marked C.G. on Fig. 23.
small inclinations from upright by simply extending the
(LB. inclined line up to center line of boat. The point
of intersection of the two lines will be the M.C. point.
And having marked this point, if it is desired to find out
c the lever length, measure the distance, along center line,
that C.G. is from the M.C. point and multiply by the
sine of the angle of inclination.
To illustrate the application of this formula I will
make use of Fig. 22 and having located the MC. point,
I will calculate the lever length and righting moment.
r \\~ I. L H a By continuing the CB. inclined line upwards to cen
)1. 5
ter line I find that it intersects at a point that is 11%
inches (0.979 foot) above the C.G. point (see mark M.C.
and measurement on Fig. 22). The angle of inclination
'l is 20°, and the sine of 20° is .3420, therefore the righting
lever length at 20° is
0.979 X .3420 : 0.3348 foot.
You will note that with C.G. point at that height above And knowing the lever length, the righting moment can
keel the down pressure of weight again acts along the be ascertained by making the calculation: Weight X
same vertical that the up buoyancy pressure acts, and Lever I Moment of force.
under such conditions the boat is neutrally stable and
will neither move further from, or back to, upright when 7,723 X 0.3348 : 2,585 foot-pounds.
the inclining pressure is removed. These figures are very close to the ones obtained by
Now I will complete the explanations by illustrating making the Fig. 22 calculation.
a condition of instability. You must, however, bear in mind that this method of
Fig. 24 illustration shows a condition of instability calculating stability is only accurate for inclinations at
and if you will examine that illustration and compare it which the point of intersection of the center of inclined
with Fig. 23, you will see the C.G. point is raised to a and upright water-lines is at the center line of boat, or
higher point than is shown on that illustration, and now only at small inclinations.
the down vertical of C.G. action falls further out from Here is another detail that needs explaining.
the center line of boat than the up buoyancy pressure.
Under these conditions the moment of force is an upset 18. EXPLAINING WHY THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF
ting one equal tO the distance between the lines of action THE INCLINED AND UPRIGHT WATER-LINES CAN
multiplied by the weight, or 965.37 foot-pounds. NOT ALWAYS BE AT THE CENTER or BOAT
7,723 X 0.125 : 965.37 foot-pounds
And the boat will move further from the upright, or On Fig. 22, 23, 24. illustrations I marked the inclined
until the moments of up and down forces again balance. water-line full and upright water—line dotted, and you
\Vhat do these illustrations teach? They teach two will note that the two lines cross, or intersect, at the
things. center line of boat. But this condition can only exist so
Ist.—That with CE. height remaining stationary the long as the volume of the wedge-shaped portion on im
higher the C.G. point is raised above keel of boat the mersed side, measured from center line out and included
smaller the righting moment will be. within the inclined and level water-lines, and portion of
2d.—That there must be, for every inclination, a outline of hull between them, happens to be exactly the
point along the center line of every boat above which it same as the volume of the wedge-shaped portion that
is unsafe to raise the C.G., and if the C.G. is kept below is enclosed by the same lines on the emerged side. When
this point the moment of force will be'a righting one, this condition does not exist (for boats of ordinary form
and if located above it the moment will be an upsetting it can only exist at very slight inclinations) the point
one. of intersection of the wedges must be at a sufficient dis
And it can also be said that if it were possible to tance from the center line of boat to equalize the volume
locate on the center line the height to which the C.G. (1i wedges. The reason for this is:' It is absolutely im
can be raised without boat becoming unstable, a de pnssillle for the VOLUME immersed in water to alter by
signer would have a means for ascertaining whether a inclination, therefore the immersed volume must be ex
boat is stable or unstable, and its approximate stability
or instability.
Now it happens that it is possible to determine very CL. O WEDGES
accurately and quickly the location above which it is un— lI‘RTiEKZ‘JED WEDGE
safe to raise the C.G. point and having located it the
moment of stability can be ascertained, very closely, by
making a simple and short calculation. ASSUTKED
I will explain the way to determine both of these ‘ fi lHCLmttr.) LWL
things. "1‘; m-rv—
"\lmv \'
‘v mcuz-u-zo awn
This point, which is termed the metacenter, (usu Fl6.'25 J
ally written M.C. or M.) can be accurately located for Lwl. wnert UPIQGHT

actly the same when inclined as it is when boat is up The vertical position of the C.G. always depends
right. upon the vertical distribution of weights—construction,
Now turn to the Fig. 25 illustration. On that illus ballast, equipment, cargo, etc.—and in boats that do not
tration is shown full width cross-sections, fore body in carry movable ballast, or cargo, such as power boats
full, after body in dotted lines, of a boat inclined trans used for pleasure purposes, the vertical height of the
versely to an angle (20°) at which the points of the C.G. can be said to be permanently fixed and that no al
wedges will not intersect at center line. You will note teration in its position can be made without adding to
that I have marked the upright L.WV.L. and an assumed or taking away weight and thus reducing or increasing
inclined L.W.L. that crosses the upright L.W.L. at the displacement. So in such boats it can be said that the
center line of boat. metacentric height depends almost entirely upon the form
But if you carefully examine the wedge-shaped por— of boat in water and of that portion that will become
tions enclosed by these lines and the outline of boat sec immersed and exposed as boat inclines, and it is here that
tions between them, you will clearly perceive that with the designer should try to obtain the quality which makes
the inclined L.W.L. at the assumed location the volume a boat stable and safe under all conditions. It is very
of wedge-shaped portion immersed by the inclination is important to remember that the wedge-shaped portions
greater than the volume enclosed by the same lines on immediately above and below the level L.W.L. are in
the opposite of boat, it, therefore, is apparent that the cluded in the part of boat that has an influence upon
boat cannot float to the assumed L.W.L. position; and metacentric height. -
as the wedge enclosed by the lines on immersed side is That this should be so is very evident, and if you
of greater volume than the wedge enclosed by the lines will study the Fig. 25 and 26 illustrations I am sure
on emerged side the boat must rise out of water until you will have no difficulty in understanding that when
wedge volumes are equalized. The angle of inclination ever a boat inclines from the upright a certain portion
cannot change, therefore the boat lifts bodily out of warmer: snnnn Pom-ion rLEVEL. LW l.
water and by doing this the point of intersection of THAT BHE‘EIIS
wedges is moved a distance towards the wedge of greater
volume—-the immersed wedge in this case. On the illus
.~ an a
tration I have drawn the true inclined L.W.L., and if
J 1
you will compare the immersed and emerged wedge v01 I/
nmes enclosed between that line, the level L.\V.L. and
the section bounding lines, you readily see that the wedge
volumes have been equalized by the up movement of
What really has taken place is a transfer of the ex—
cess volume of the larger wedge from its side to the op—
posite side of boat.
On the illustration I show the excess volume of im
mersed (the larger) wedge blank and transferred to of the abovewater body becomes immersed and another
the opposite (emerged) wedge and you will note that equal—sized portion on opposite side emerges from the
by making this transfer the point of intersection of the water, and if the shape of these portions is such that the
two wedges moves from the center line to a point that act of immersing the abovewater portion and lifting the
is 5 inches from it. underwater portion out of the water will add to the
If a boat has a greatest cross-section shaped like power of boat to resist the inclining force, the moment
Fig. 22, this lifting out of water will not begin until of stability must increase with each increase of inclina
about 15° of inclination and will be very slight indeed tion; but if, on the other hand, these portions are shaped
for inclinations up to about 20°; but if the greatest so that in place of adding to the resisting power they
cross-section is shaped like Fig. 25 the lifting out will detract from it, then the moment of stability will de—
begin at an inclination of about 10° and will be so great crease with each increase of inclination and the boat
at 20° that the point of intersection of wedges will have will quickly become unstable.
moved some distance from the center line of boat, as - 19. EXPLAINING THE WEDGES or IMMERsION AND
you can note by examining Fig. 25. In the majority of EMERSION
power boats of ordinary form, the lifting out will not The names given to the portions of a boat that be
begin under 10° of inclination, so it is always safe to come immersed and emerge from the water when a boat
assume that the point of intersection of the wedges in is inclined are the wedges of immersion and emersian;
such boats will coincide with center line up to inclina and while the size of these wedges will vary with each
tions of 10 or 12°. change in inclination, they can be accurately described
I will now resume my remarks about stability. as the parts of a boat which being under water when
So long as there is a leverage the boat, if left free to she inclines one way are lifted out of water when she
move, will not remain at rest, or as it is termed, be in a inclines in an opposite direction. Fig. 25 shows cross—
state of equilibrium; and the longer the lever, or greater section view, and Fig. 26 longitudinal view of wedges _
the distance between the lines of action, is the greater of immersion and emersion of boat when inclined to 20°
will be the moment of force tending to either bring the from upright. To avoid confusing you I have omitted
boat back to upright, or capsize her, as the case may be. from the Fig. 26 illustration the portion of boat that is
Changes in distance between CG. and M.C. points above the wedge of immersion and have shown each
'produce corresponding changes in the stability of a boat; wedge separately. The two wedges combined reach
in fact, stability can be said to vary with the distance, from A to B on both sides of hull.
which is usually called metacentric height. I will now conclude my remarks about metacentric
height. It does not follow that because the M.C. height have made use of Fig. 22, and for the purpose of this
is ample when a boat is upright, or inclined to a slight calculation have assumed that the volume 'Of immersed
degree, it will be ample when boat is subjected to exces wedge is 14.277 cubic feet, and that the center point of
sive inclining force; nor does it always follow that a wedge is located 1.5 foot out from center line.
boat having a small M.C. height when upright will be We know that the point of intersection of the wedges
is at the center line of boat, therefore the emerged
unsafe at greater inclinations.
For example, one boat may have an M.C. height of wedge has same volume as the immersed, and we will
2 feet when upright and ample righting lever length at assume that its center point is the same distance out
small angles Of inclination, but as it heels, owing to the from center line; and as by inclining the volume of
form of boat, the righting lever may get shorter and wedge that emerges is transferred from under water
shorter and vanish altogether before an angle to which on the emerged side to under water on the immersed side,
the boat is liable to incline under ordinary service con the distance the knOWn volume (14.277 cubic feet) is
moved is 3 feet (the distance between wedge center
ditions is reached.
Another boat may have little, or no, M.C. height points).
when upright, or righting lever at small inclinations, Therefore the figures for the calculation are:
but as the inclination increases the righting lever may Known displacement, 60.339 cubic feet (7,723 lb).
lengthen and the range of stability become greater than Known volume of wedge that is moved from one
necessary.v Therefore, don’t jump to the conclusion that side to the other, I4.277 cubic feet.
good M.C. height when upright or at slight inclinations Known distance between center points of movement,
will always produce satisfactory stability conditions. 3 feet.
A moderate M.C. height when upright, a moderate And the calculation is:
length of.righting lever at small inclinations with gradual 14277 X 3 _
increase in lever length as inclinations increase, and a —_—— : 0.7098 foot (8 Inches)
good range of stability are the most desirable conditions; 60.339
and these can best be obtained by a wise design of the And the movement will be along a line drawn parallel
underwater and wedge portions of hull combined with with a line drawn from center point of one wedge to
a proper disposition of weights vertically. ' center point of the other (the dash line on illustration),
Below I give particulars of M.C. heights at 10° in— or from C.B. point when upright to the C.B. inclined
clinations of a few power boats that have proved amply point, which is a distance of 8 inches along a line drawn
stable under all conditions of service. parallel with the dash line.
The heights given are for direct transverse inclina To determine the C.B. inclined position at inclina
tion to 10°; but please remember that just as stability tions at which the point of intersection of wedges has
varies with each change in direction and angle of in— moved out from center line, an entirely different calcula
clination so the M.C. height will change, being lowest tion must be made, because it is necessary, in cases like
when inclinations are directly transverse and highest this, to determine the distance boat will lift out of water
.when they are directly longitudinal. before the transverse movement of C.B. point can be
Br’th Depth Drl‘l C. G. Ballast
There are several ways tO calculate this transverse
Ex- Keel to of Disp't above M. C. Car- Type movement of C.B. at high angles of inclination. One is
Length treme Deck “later in Keel Height ried of
Fee! Feet Feel Feet Tons Feet Feet Lb. Boat to mark a water-line at the desired inclination and at a
30 7 4.0 2.5 3%, 1.95 1.8 none Open power point that you think will make the inclined displacement
36 9 5.0 2.9 6% 3.3 2.5 none Open power the same as the upright (remember I am referring to
40 9 6.5 3.3 9 3.0 1.65 none Open power
45 10 6.6 1 3.0 Io 3.0 2.0 2000 Power cruiser
inclination at which the point of intersection of wedges
50 II 7.0 3.6 I3 3.5 1.7 1000 Power cruiser will be away from the center line of boat); and then to
75 I3 7.0 3.6 30 4.2 1.7 none Power cruiser remeasure the entire inclined underwater body and de
85 16 10.0 6.0 70 6.0 2.5 tons 10 Power cruiser termine the center point transversely.
As the inclined C.B. position must be known before Another method is to measure the wedges separately,
it is possible to calculate a boat’s transverse stability at calculate their moment of transference and the corrected
any named inclination, it is evident that the underwater L.'W.L., and then from these figures determine the C.B.
inclined body, at the named inclination, must be measl movement in a somewhat similar manner to the one I
ured and its exact center point, transversely, determined. have explained.
In cases when the point of intersection of the two Another method, and a good one, is the mechanical
wedges is lOt'a-ted at the center line of boat it is a very one, and another is the combination method, by which the
simple matter to determine the inclined C.B. position moment of transference of wedge volumes, the inclined
when once the upright C.B. position is known; because corrected water-line, the lever length and movement Of
it is a well-known principle of mechanics that if a kn0wn stability are all calculated at one time by making a set of
portion of a known volume, whose center point is known, preliminary and combined calculations.
is shifted a known distance, the effect this shift will The last—mentioned method is not diflicult to under
have can be quickly ascertained by multiplying the vol stand, and the calculations being modifications of the
ume of portion shifted by the distance its center point Sitnflson’s and moment calculations already explained,
has shifted and dividing result by the whole volume can be made by anyone having a knowledge of those
figures. The quotient will be the distance the whole rules and the ability to do simple problems of arithmetic;
volume center point has moved and the movement will so I have selected it and I will explain the calculations
be along a line that is parallel with the line of move— fully and illustrate my explanations by working out a
ment of shifted portion. complete set of transverse stability calculations from the
To illustrate the application of this simple rule, I lines of the Fig. I4 boat.
Chapter V
Stability Calculations
20. TRANSVERSE STABILITY Vol. of wedge X distance C.G. point of wedge moved,
Before the transverse stability of a boat can be cal\ I will determine the distance that C.B. point moves
culated, displacement volume to upright L.W.L., and out from center line of boat.
vertical locations of both C.G. and C.B. (points must As the volume of wedge-shaped portions that are
be known. immersed and emerge from water when a boat is in
clined transversely is ascertained by making a Simp
In Chapter II the volume of Fig. 14 to upright L.W.L. son rule calculation, the wedges must be divided into
(plane A) was calculated and found to be 120.678 a proper number of equally spaced sections and
cubic feet*, and in Chapter III the vertical C.G. and radial planes for the calculation. The sections are .
C.B. point calculations were made and it was ascertained correct in number for a Simpson’s first rule calcula
that C.G. point is located 0.42 foot above the L.W.L. tion, so all that is necessary is to divide the wedges
plane A, and that C.B. point is 0.85 foot below plane into a correct number of radial planes. I have divided
A. I can, therefore, begin the actual stability calcula them into two parts, thus, there are three radial plane
tions. ordinates. .
First, it is necessary to draw across the scale I have already explained that to calculate the vol—
drawing of cross-section Outlines of boat an assumed ume of any figure by Simpson’s rules it is necessary
inclined L.W.L. This assumed L.\/V.L. is drawn at to first'determine the area of either planes, or sections,
required inclination (inclination for which transverse and then by using these area figures as ordinate
stability calculation is being made) and must intersect lengths for a second calculation the volume is ascer
with upright L.W.L. at the exact center line of boat. tained. This procedure is followed when calculating
It does not matter whether one wedge is apparently wedge volumes, but in place of using actual ordinate
larger than the other, because later the. exact inclined length measures for the area part of calculation, the
L.\V.L. will be determined and marked. figures used are one-half the square of the ordinate
Fig. 27 shows Fig. I4 boat’s cross-sections with length measures; and of course the interval measure
the assumed 20° inclined and upright L.W.L. marked. between radial planes is the angular interval in degrees.
In the illustration'it is 10°. The volume of wedges
can be determined by using either plane or section
areas for second part of calculation, but as trans~
verse stability calculations require that transverse
movement of C.B. point be determined it is necessary
\2 I 20 4‘ to calculate volume by using radial plane areas.
i u This is an excellent point at which to make a short
:i .o'.
j '045g a
preliminary explanation of the calculations I am about
to make.
u ' 1L
“:9 I "weal ‘0 q, The calculations are made by using Simpson’s rules
a: to / 10 5
and are divided into two parts, called preliminary, and
,, Ifi- combination calculations; the preliminary ones being
u 6e for the purpose of ascertaining the area and trans
)0 10\L verse C.G. position of assumed inclined L.W.L. plane,
area and moment figures for use in the combination
calculations; and the combination ones being for the
purpose of determining volume of wedges, the moment
Note this—For the purpose of making illustration of transference of wedge volume, the correct inclined
and my explanations as clear as possible I have shown L.\V.L., the transverse movement of C.B. point, the
whole' cross-sections, the forebody ones being in full righting lever length, and the righting moment. To
and the after in dash lines. make and complete each calculation separately would
require a repetition of many figures and duplication of
Having marked the assumed inclined L.W.L., the work, so instead of making separate complete calcula
next thing to do is to divide immersed and emerged tions to determine area, volume and moments, the three
wedges into a proper number of planes for a Simpson
calculations are combined and all needless figures are
rule calculation. This must be done because, instead
eliminated entirely.
of remeasuring the whole of inclined underwater body,
The complete calculations follow and immediately
I am going to measure wedge volumes and then
above each tabulation I have explained the headings,
by calculating their moment of transference, or the
tabulation and calculation figures.
value of
Explanation of Tabulation No. I
*The half-volume ascertained by making calculations re
ferred to is 60.339 cubic feet, therefore the whole is twice that This is a preliminary calculation to determine area
volume. of assumed inclined 20° L.W.L. plane, and to obtain
figures to use for volume and moment of transference Preliminary—20° Water Platte Immersed \Vedge
of wedge calculations. ' 011‘]. Length S Function Striuaaiic 5 Function Cube 8 Function

No. of 0111. M 0! 01d. 0! 01d. M 01 Square of 0rd. M of Cube_

You will note that immersed and emerged portions
1 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00
of plane are calculated separately and afterwards the 2 1.87 4 7.48 1 .75 4 7.00 6. 53 4 26.12
area and moment of entire plane, and distance its C.G. 3 2.79 2' 5.58 3.89 2 7.78 21.71 2 43.42
point is one side of center line is determined. 4 3.17 4 12.68 5.02 4 20.08 31.85 4 127.40
5 , .25 2 6.50 5.28 2 10.56 34.32 2 68.64
In first column is entered ordinate numbers for 6 3.04 4 12.16 4.62 4 18.48 28.09 4 112.36
radial plane calculation. ' 7 2.71 1 2.71 3.67 1 3.67 19.90 I 19.90

In second column is entered measured lengths of 47-11 6757 397-84

ordinates. These measurements are taken along the 142.78
20° radial plane from center line of boat out to where
Both wedges, 540.62
plane cuts each cross—section outline. Preliminary—20° Radial Plane Area and C.G. Calculation
In third column is entered the proper Simpson’s rule Function Function
of 0111. of Sq.
multipliers. ' Immersed wedge . 47.11 Immersed wedge .. 67.57
In fourth column is entered the product of second Emerged wedge .. 33.38 limerged wedge 34.03
and third column figures. These figures are only used
_ 80.49 33.54 Excess
for area of L.W.L. plane and its C.G. point calcula X; Interval = 1.333 % interval = 1.333
Area = 107.32 Square Feet 44.72 Moment
In fifth column is entered the half-square of ordinate Excess on immersed side
lengths used for wedge volume and correction of inclined Excess moment .. 44.72
W.L. parts of calculation. = 0.416 foot C.G. is on immersed side
Area = 107.32
In sixth column is entered Simpson's multipliers for Explanation of Tabulation N0. 2
column 5. Tabulation N0. 2 shows 0° and 10° radial plane
In seventh column is entered product of columns calculations. These calculations are made in same
5 and 6. manner that the 20° calculation was made, except that
In eighth column is entered cubes of ordinate function of ordinate figures is omitted because it is
lengths used for moment of wedge part of calculation. not necessary to determine area and C.G. of these radial
In ninth column is entered the Simpson multipliers You will note that there is only one tabulation for
for column 8. the 0° radial plane which, being the upright water plane,
In tenth column is entered product of columns 8 has both sides alike, therefore one-half of plane is meas
and 9. ured and by doubling final total the function of cubes for
You will note that the one—third Simpson multi both sides is ascertained.
pliers are omitted. This is done because work is sim TABULATION No. 2
plified and shortened by using totals of columns for the Preliminary—10° Water Plane Emerged Wedge
No. Length
MON. Halt Square
01 Length RSI Function
of Square atCube
01d. lit Function
at Cube
combined portion of calculation, and multiplying final
1 0.00 0.00 i 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00
figures of calculation by both the longitudinal and an
gular intervals. 2 1.40 0.98 4 3.92 2.74 ,4 10.96
3 2.15 2.3 I 2 4.62 9.93 2 19.86
On the lower part of Tabulation No. I the area 4 2.48 3.07 4 12.28 15.25 4 61.00
and moment of entire assumed inclined L.W.L. and 5 2.56 3.27 2 6.54 16.77 2 33.54
distance the C.G. of whole plane is one side of center 6 2.33 2.71 4 10.84 12.64 4 50.56
7 1.95 1.90 1 1.90 7.41 1 7.41
line is ascertained. This distance must be known be
fore the correct L.W.L. can be calculated. 40.10 183-33
This part of calculation tells us that? Preliminary—10° Water Plane Immersed Wedge
1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00
Area of the whole 20° inclined plane is 107.32 square 2 1.66 1.37 4 5.48 4.57 18.28
feet. 3 2.54 3.22 2 6.44 16.38 2 32.76
4 2.85 4.06 4 16.24 23.15 4 92.60
The C.G. of the whole plane is 0.416 foot from 5 2.95 4.35 2 8.70 25.67 2 51.34
center line, towards immersed side. (Immersed side 6 2.79 3.89 4 15.56 21.71 4 D 86.84
7 2.44 2.97 I 2.97 14.52 1 14.52
is largest.)
TABULATION No. I 55-39 296-34
Both sides = 296.34 + 183.33 = 479.67
Preliminary—20° water Plane Emerged Wedge
Preliminary—0° W'ater Plane Both Wedges
Ord. Length "I" Square 5 Function Cubes S Function
0rd. Length 5 Function 5:11.11; 5 Function Cube 5 Function No. of 01d. 0! 01d. M 01 Squares 0| 0111. M of Cube
No. of 0111. M of 01d. 0! 01d. M 0! Square of 01d. M 0! Cube 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00
I 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 0.00 I 0.00 2 1.45 1.05 4 4.20 3.04 4 12.16
2 1.33 4 5-32 0.88 4 3-52 2-35 4 9-40 3 2.25 2.53 2 5.06 11.39 2 22.78
3 2.00 2 4.00 2.00 2 4.00 8.00 2 16.00 4 2-60 3-38 4 13-52 17-57 4 70-28
4 2.31 4 9.24 2.67 4 10.68 12.32 4 49.28 5 2.70 3.64 2 7.28 19.68 2 39.36
5 2.33 2 4.66 2.71 2 5.42 12.64 2 25.28 6 2.50 3.12 4 12.48 15.62 4 62.48
6 2.12 4 8.48 2.25 4 9.00 9.52 4 38.08 7 2.25 2.53 1 2.53 11.39 1 11.39
7 1.68 1 1.68 1.41 1 1.41 4.74 1 4.74 _
_ 4507 218.45
33.38 34-03 142.78 Both sides = 218.45 X 2 = 436.90
Erplanation of Tabulation No. 3 ascertained; and if from this is deducted the moment
The Combination Calculations of layer the corrected moment of wedges to actual in
The first combination calculation is for the purpose clined L.\V.L. will be ascertained.
of ascertaining thickness of layer that must be de— The corrected moment figures divided by displace
ducted in order to correct and equalize wedge volumes. ment in cubic feet gives distance that C.B. point moves
The volume of immersed and emerged wedges is de out from center line. This distance is measured along
termined, then the lesser volume is deducted from the a line drawn parallel to inclined L.\1V.L. (The point R
greater and only the difierence is put through final part marked on Fig. 28.)
of calculation. This shortens work very greatly. On Figs. 27 and 28 I have marked the corrected
In, first column is entered the angle of inclination inclined L.W.L. (See dash line drawn parallel with
of radial plane. - assumed inclined L.W.L.)
In second column is entered the function of half Point R indicates the transverse movement of C.B.,
square totals obtained by making preliminary calcula— but the point may not always be located at its exact
tions. .
vertical position because the vertical location of C.G.
In 'third column is entered the Simpson’s multipliers points of the two wedges has not been determined.
for volume. As R is always located on vertical line along which
In fourth column is entered the product of column the C.B. inclined up pressure will act it is not necessary
2 and 3 figures. to calculate vertical position of C.B. inclined.
If the excess is multiplied by one-third the longi The length of righting lever can always be accurately
tudinal interval (this was not done when making the determined without knowing the vertical position of C.B.
preliminary calculation), and also by one-third an— inclined point, because the line C.B. to R is drawn parallel
gular interval, the excess volume on largest side will be with the inclined L.W.L. and the vertical through R is
always at right angles to the inclined L.W.L. The angle
To find thickness of layer to take off, the excess that up vertical through R makes with line from C.B.
volume is divided by area of assumed inclined L.W.L. to R is always 90°.
plane, and then by multiplying the excess volume by On Fig. 28 I show the lines and immediately be—
distance C.G. of assumed inclined L.W.L. plane is low illustration I give a detailed explanation of each
out from center line of boat (ascertained when making line.
preliminary calculation) the moment of layer is deter Combination Calculation for Transverse Stability at 20°.
mined. This moment has to be deducted from mo Calculation to Correct Inclined L.W.L. at~20° Inclination.
ment of wedges before calculating righting lever length. Immersed Wedge Emerged Wedge
The second part of tabulation is for the purpose of Angle Function Function Angle Function Function
of Hall Sq. S Hall Sq. of Half Sq. S Hall Sq.
ascertaining righting lever length and righting mo Inc. Ord. M for Vol. lnc. 0rd. M for Volt

ment. 0 45°? I 45-07 ' 0 45-07 I 45-07

In first column is entered the angle of inclination 10 55.39 4 221.56 10 40.10 4 160.40
20 67.57 I 67.57 20 34.03 1 34.03
of radial planes.
In second column is entered the functi0n of cubes Immersed = 334.20 239.50
of both wedges. Emerged = 239.50 Deduct
In third column is entered the Simpson rule multi Excess on Imm. side = 94.70
pliers. ‘ V; Ang. interval .0581
,In fourth column is entered product of column 2
and 3 figures. . . . 5-502
% Longitudinal in. I 1.333
In fifth column is entered cosine multipliers for
column 4 figures. _ , 7.336 Excess volume on Immersed side.
In sixth column is entered product of column 4 Excess vol. = 7.336
and 5 figures. —- = 0.068 foot. Layer to take off.
Area 20" plane 107.32
The cosine multipliers can be obtained from any Excess vol. = 7.336 ‘
table of cosines. They are cosines of the angle that 0.416 Dist. C.G. of plane is out from center line
each plane makes with the level of the water. This
being the case the assumed inclined L.W.L. plane is 3.051 Moment of layer to deduct from moment
of wedges
level with the water and therefore, as it has no inclina
Calculation to Determine Length of Righting Lever and Right
tion (it is the 0° plane for righting lever) it must be ing Moment at 20°
multiplied by the cosine of 0°. The 10° plane is multi Sum Function
Function Product of Cosine Cubes for
plied by the cosine of 10°, and the 0° plane, as it is 20° Angle Cubes 5 Function Angle Moment
from level of water, must be multiplied by the cosine of ch. Both “'dga. M Cube: Inc. of “'edges

20°. It is important to remember the above, because this 0 436-90 I 436-90 0397 410-55
10 479.67 4 1918.68 984 1889.51
part of calculation is for the purpose of determining the 20 540.62 1 540.62 1.0000 540.62
power the boat possesses to return to upright when the 2840.68
inclining pressure is lessened. One-third of cubes = 913.56
One—third of the function of cube for moment of One-third angular interval = .0581
wedge total is used for the final part of calculation. . . . . 53-077
One-third longitudinal interval = 1.333
If these figures are multiplied by the Simpson rule
one—third longitudinal interval (this was not done 70.769 Uncorrected moment
Moment to deduct = 3.051
when making preliminary calculations) and also by
67.718 Corrected moment
- the one-third angular interval volume multiplier, the Corrected moment 67.718
moment of wedges to assumed inclined L.W.L. will be 120.678 : 0.56 foot B.R. measure.
From the measure B.R. there must be deducted the C.B.X. is measure that must be deducted from C.B.
distance from center line of boat out to perpendicularX.R. before lever length is determined. This distance is
drawn down from C.G. point. This measure will always equal to measure from C.G. to C.B. points, along
always equal distance between C.G. and C.B. points, center line of boat, multiplied by sine of angle of inclina
measured along center line of boat, multiplied by the. tion.
sine of angle of inclination. M.C. is metacentric height.
The sine of 20° is .342 and the distance between The calculations and illustrations indicate that while
C.G. and C.B. points is 1.27 feet.* the Fig. 14 boat is stable at 20° transverse inclination
1.27 X .342 : .434 to deduct the righting moment, when C.G. point is located at height
.560 — .434 : .126 foot righting lever length. indicated, is not sufficient to insure a steady boat. In
And as the righting moment is Displacement X fact, a righting moment of only 973 foot-pounds Can be
Righting Lever, the righting moment is neutralized by the movement of three persons to one
side of boat, or, what is the same thing, the boat will in
7723 X .126 : 973 foot-pounds righting moment at 20°.
cline transversely to 20° if three persons sit on one side
Explanation of Fig. 28 . of boat. From this it is evident that the transverse sta
The illustration Fig. 28 shows view of the largest bility at 20° is not sufficient.
cross—section of Fig. 14 boat inclined to 20°, and on it I I selected the Fig. 14 boat sections and located the
have marked lines and points mentioned in my stability C.G. point at the named height for the purpose of having
calculation explanation. ~ an opportunity to demonstrate the great influence that
C.L. is the center line of boat. form and location of C.G. has on a boat’s stability. The
\V.L. is the assumed water-line when boat is inclined facts, while frequently stated, are seldom driven right
to 20°. home by making an actual set of stability calculations
Dash line immediately below W.L. is the correct in for a boat having a form that must have the aid of a low
clined, water-line. location of C.G. to insure ample righting lever length at
normal inclinations. The explanation of the actual value
of 973 foot-pounds righting moment is clearly under
standable to any layman when the statement is made
that three persons sitting on one side of boat will incline
boat to 20° transversely.
If it is desired to make Fig. 14 boat amply stable the
C.G. point must be lowered at least 8 inches, and this can
be done by lowering engine weight and using a small
amount of ballast placed as low as possible.
So it is evident that a boat having cross-sections
shaped like the Fig. 14 boat does not have sufficient sta
bility of form at low inclinations.
On the other hand a boat having its principal cross
section shaped like Fig. 21 will have ample stability of
form, and when C.G. point is located well above the
L.W.L. righting moment will be ample. This can be seen
by examining the illustration.
L.\V.L. is water-line when boat is upright. And it can also be said that a boat having cross-sec
E.\'\". is the emerged wedge. tions like Fig. 25 will have ample stability of form with
I.W. is the immersed wedge. out ballast.
C.G. is the C.G. point ascertained by making proper The Fig. 25 boat has a righting moment at 20° trans
weight calculation. verse inclination equal to about half the displacement
C.B. is the C.B. point location when boat is upright. and this is about the minimum that a small power boat,
R is the point found by making the moment of trans like the one I am referring to, should have at 20° in
ference of wedge volume calculation and indicates the clination. A study of table of transverse M.C. heights
transverse movement of C.B. point when boat is inclined given in Chapter IV will help you to understand the trans
to indicated angle. verse stability requirements of small power craft. Note
the transverse M.C. height of the Fig. 14 boat at 20°
Line RM. is line along which the up buoyancy pres—
inclination, and also note that even with C.G. point low
sure acts. It is always drawn at right angles to line W.L. ered 8 inches the Fig. 14 boat will not have more than
Line from C.G. down is line of action of down weight 15%; inches M.C. height.
pressure. It is always drawn parallel with up buoyancy
line. Final Remarks AbOut Transverse Stability
Line C.B.X.R. is line along which lever length is A designer must know the amount of transverse sta
measured. . bility a boat has at all angles it is likely to be inclined
X.R. is lever length. to, so he calculates righting lever lengths for a few in
clinations and by using the ascertained lever lengths as.
*The C.G. calculation in Chapter III gave .42 foot as dis ordinate measures he lays out a curve of stability from
tance C.G. point of boat Fig. I4 is above plane A, and C.B. cal
culation in same part gave .85 foot as distance C.B. point is be which he can quickly ascertain not only the righting lever
low plane A, therefore length for any named inclination within the range of
.42 'i- 35 = 1.27 feet distance between the two points. curve, but also righting moments, maximum righting
[—z'o' 5th.—An increase of freeboard, especially if boat’s
URV E or 67‘
deck will become immersed before reaching the limit of
_,__,i 0 an,»
range of stability, will add greatly to the range and also
_ /.° I to the lever lengths at inclinations above those when

I deck, with lower freeboard, would become immersed.

_..1"' f
0 IO 20 so 40 50 60 7a Up to this I have considered transverse stability only,
RAI/va: or STWS/LITY ?
but inasmuch as a boat can incline longitudinally as well
1‘18. 29 as transversely, it is necessary to know a little about
longitudinal stability and the calculations made to de
moment and range of stability, and inclinations between termine it.
which boat is safely stable. Stability is always at a minimum for transverse in
Fig. 29 shows a curve of stability for small power clinations and at a maximum for longitudinal ones, and
craft. To lay out such a curve for any boat a base line the difference between minimum and maximum is
is drawn and divided off into evenly spaced intervals, very great indeed; so great, in fact, that a designer
and at each dividing mark an ordinate is erected at right knows without making any calculations that longitudinal
angles to base. These ordinates are marked to indicate stability at all inclinations is many times greater than
degrees of inclination, the first one being marked 0 and necessary. It is, therefore, unnecessary to make detailed
the others in succession advancing by 5 or 10°. longitudinal stability calculations; all that is necessary
The 0 ordinate line is then divided into evenly spaced being to determine the longitudinal M.C. height for one
intervals to represent parts of a foot, base being called 0. slight inclination—say, 8 or 10°.
Next the stability lever length is calculated for a few Every boat has a longitudinal M.C. point which in
inclinations taken about 10° apart, and lever lengths are dicates the height to which the C.G. of weight can be
measured along the proper inclination ordinates with raised without the boat becoming unstable longitudinally,
same scale that 0 ordinate was divided. A curved line and the position of this point is found in identically the
drawn to cut these points will be a curve of statical sta— same manner that the transverse M.C. point location is
bility, the point where curve rises to its greatest distance found, except that the longitudinal movement of the
from base is called the angle of maximum stability, and C.B. is ascertained and the line drawn upwards from the
the number of degrees the curve includes is called range inclined longitudinal C.B. point to the point where it
of stability. crosses a vertical drawn upwards from the longitudinal
Thus, by making a few calculations and plotting a C.G. point.
curve it is possible to quickly ascertain righting lever I will now give in concise form a few definitions and
length at any inclination, and if it is desired to ascertain explanations:
righting moment for any inclination all that is necessary Stiflness.—A “stiff” boat is one that is very hard to
is to measure lever length for that angle and multiply incline and when inclined and the inclining pressure is
measure by displacement of boat. removed it will come back to upright very suddenly.
The righting lever at 20° of boat to which the illus— Excessive stiffness is not a desirable feature, because it
tration curve belongs is I foot. causes excessive strains on a hull. Stiffness is caused
by a boat having a large transverse M.C. height. The
remedy is to lower it by raising the C.G.
By range of stability is meant the number of degrees
to which a boat can be inclined from upright without Tenderness.—A “tender” boat is one easily inclined.
becoming unsafe. The range of stability of every boat It is due to the M.C. height being too small and the
should be sufficient to insure a safe length of righting remedy is to lower the C.G. point.
lever at the greatest angle that boat is likely to be in Steadiness, when applied to a boat, means a tendency
clined to when in the service she is designed for. to incline slowly and return to upright without undue
Small power boats designed for protected waters shock, or strain. It is obtained by giving a boat a mod
should have a range of stability of at least 50°, and for erate and proper M.C. height.
large cruisers the range should not be less than 70°. Oscillation is a term used to express the rolling mo
The principal things that influence range of stability tion of a boat. By oscillation is meant a complete roll
and lever length are: from port to starboard, and the time occupied in making
Ist.—Form, both below and immediately above the this oscillation is termed the period of oscillation. Great
L.W.L. especially the portion of hull that is included in stiffness creates rapid oscillations, while tenderness con
the wedges of immersion and emersion when boat is in duces to slow ones.
clined to angles within the desired range of stability. A slow rolling motion can be obtained in three ways:
2d.—The vertical position of the C.G. point. Both Ist.—By giving a boat a small M.C. height.
range of stability and length of lever is lessened with
each rise in the C.G. position.
3d.—Increase of displacement, and draught of water,
may not add to range of stability and actual length of
lever but will generally add to righting moment; because
righting moment is the product of weight X lever.
4th.—Increase of beam (breadth) will add to both
range and lever length even in cases when displacement
and draught remain the same.
2d.—By placing resistance agents outside of bull, until you get the weight exactly right. Do this with each
such as bilge keels. of the inclined sets of sections. When all of the sets are
3d.—By stowing weights, or ballast, well out from the alike in weight the tests and calculations can be made.
center line of boat. To make the tests:
Ist.—Find the exact point of balance of each set of
23. EXPLANATION or THE MECHANICAL METHOD or inclined underwater portions of sections and mark the
CALCULATING TRANSVERSE STABILITY points carefully. This point will be to one side of the
center line and should be found by balancing the sections
Before this calculation can be made you must cut out
on the point of a pencil. When found these points indi—
cross section shapes of boat at each mould position.
These must be full (not half) sections from keel to sheer. cate the exact center transversely and vertically of the
underwater bulk of the boat when it is inclined to the
(I have used Fig. 25 cross sections to illustrate this cal
angle indicated on the sections.
2d.—Mark on a piece of paper an upright outline,
Take a piece of cardboard, get out four or five copies from deck to keel, of the largest cross section of the boat
of each mould section located between the forward and and mark on it the center line, upright L.W.L., and the
after ends of the L.W.L. Sections ahead or aft of the location above keel of both the center of weight (C.G.)
ends of L.W.L. are not required. Mark on each section and the center of upright underwater bulk point. These
shape a center vertical line and also the L.W.L. Take points are marked on the center line. (See Fig. 29-C.)
one of each of the section shapes, place them in proper 3d.—Place one of the inclined sets of sections in
order, No. I first, then No. 2, and so on, and then paste proper position on upright outline, using the center and
them together one on top of the other, taking care to get upright L.\V.L. marks as guides, and mark the inclined
the center lines and L.W.L. marks in exact line. After L.\V.l.., which is now represented by the top of the
paste is dry, cut this set of sections in two along the sections, and the exact location of the point of balance
L.W.L. The underwater portion of this set of sections found by the balancing experiment. (This point can be
is used to represent the displacement of the boat when pricked through to the outline drawing.)
- upright. (See Fig. 29-A.) Next paste together the re 4th.—Remove the set of sections and draw a line at
maining sets of sections in exactly the same manner and exact right angles to the inclined L.W.L., beginning at
when paste is dry mark on each set the selected degree of the point of balance and extending upwards until it
inclination to which you desire to calculate transverse touches the center line of boat. If this line touches the
stability. A different degree of inclination must be center line of sections above the center of weight point
marked on each set. Good inclinations for a small power (the C.G. point) it will indicate that the boat will be
boat are 10°, 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°. stable at inclination shown; but should it be below that
point the boat will be unstable (unsafe) when inclined to
the angle.
5th.——If you now desire to ascertain the amount of
force tending to right the boat when inclined to the in
dicated angle, all that is necessary is to measure the dis
tance. at right angles to the inclined upward line, from
that line to the C.G. of weight point. This measure
multiplied by the weight of the boat (its displacement)
will give the moment of force tending to right the boat
when inclined to the angle shown. (See Fig. 29-C, line
G. G.)

1‘13. 29-3

The inclination line is marked by drawing a line at the

desired angle diagonally across the section shapes in such
a manner that it will cross the center line at its inter
section with the L.W.L.
“Then all of the sets have an inclination line marked G-B
across them cut each set of sections in two along the in
clination line. You will now have, in addition to the
upright set, three or more sets like Fig. 29~B, each being
cut out to indicate a different inclination. The under
water portions of these inclined sections are used for
calculating transverse stability. Fig. 294:
To make the calculation, take one of the inclined To illustrate this we will suppose that the measure
underwater sets of sections and see if it weighs exactly from line to C.G. point is 6 inches (.5 foot) and that the
the same‘ as the upright underwater set does. If it is displacement of boat is 7,775 lb. Therefore the moment
heavier (it is very likely to be) you must reduce its of force tending to right the boat when it is inclined to
weight until it is exactly the same as the upright set by the indicated angle is .5 X 7,775 lb I 3,887 lb.
cutting off the required amount along a line parallel with This same method is followed for each of the inclina
the inclined water-line. (See dotted line, Fig. 29-B.) tions selected, and thus you can determine with reasonable
Use a very sharp knife and cut off a very little at a time accuracy the transverse stability at several inclinations.
Chapter VI
Explanation of Power and Resistance Calculations
I will now explain Power and resistance calculations, 4th.—The number of explosions in each cylinder per
meaning by these expressions the Power developed by en— minute.
gines when installed in boats and vessels, and the resist The first can be accurately determined by means of an
ance offered to forward motion of a boat when being indicator, or it can be calculated by using a formula which
propelled by power. I will explain later.
24. POWER The second can be accurately measured, so also can
Work is defined as the product of force and distance the third.
through which it acts. Time does not enter into work The fourth can be determined by count by means of
calculations but it does enter into calculations involving a speed indicator. -
power. Knowing these things, the I.H.P. is determined by
Power, therefore, can be defined as work performed using this formula:
in a stated period of time.
p l a e c
The unit employed in power calculations is a horse —— : I.H.P.
power, which is taken as 33,000 foot-pounds of work 33,000
performed in one minute, or its equivalent. Thus, a
force of I lb acting through 33,000 feet in one minute, Where p stands for mean effective pressure in one
or 50 lb acting through 11 feet in one second, will be
one-horse power. .
1 stands for length of stroke in feet.
a stands for area of head piston in square
Force, distance, and period of time must enter into inches. ‘
all power calculations; it is important to remember this. e stands for number of explosions in one
25. EXPLAINING I.H.P. cylinder per minute. _
In calculating power of an engine the unit of time c stands for number of cylinders.
used is one minute, the unit of distance used in number of For instance, if a gas engine has
revolutions made by crank in that period of time, and the A mean effective pressure in cylinder of 60 lb,
- unit of force used is based upon pressure exerted on A length of stroke of 0.8 foot,
piston, this pressure varying with pounds of steam, if An area of piston head of 50 square inches, and runs
engine uses steam, or compression, if engine is an in— at 400 revolutions per minute, the number of cylinders
ternal-combustion one. being 2, its I.H.P. will be 58.18, determined as follows:
The power of an engine is always expressed in horse 6o><0.8><5o><400><2
power units, written H.P., and when stating power it is ——-_——-——— : 58.18 I.H.P.
proper and usual to give diameter of cylinder, stroke of
engine, number of revolutions at which the named H.P.
is developed, and steam pressure if engine uses steam. And if 20% of this power is used up in overcoming
This power, the horsepower actually developed in the friction of moving parts of engine, then the H.P. avail
cylinder of the engine, is termed the indicated horse able for use at engine shaft will only be 46.55.
power (written I.H.P.) because it indicates the actual B.H.P. being a term (Brake horse-power) used to
power developed inside cylinder at named pressure and express the H.P. available for use.
number of revolutions, the term indicated being derived
from instrument known as an indicator that is used for 26. EXPLAINING B.H.P.
determining variations of pressure in cylinder during a Brake horse-power is a term used to express the power
complete stroke (revolution of crank). delivered by an engine to the end of a rotating shaft
Thus, the indirated 11.1). of an engine using steam (its crank shaft).
depends upon mean steam pressure, cylinder capacity, B.H.P. is always less than the I.H.P. by the amount
number of revolutions; or, what is the same thing— of power lost (used up) through friction of moving
Mean pressure, piston area, piston speed. parts of engine. This may vary from IO to 30%, de
These last expressions are used when calculating pending upon the design, efficiency of the lubrication, and
power of an internal-combustion engine. general construction of moving parts.
Consequently before the I.H.P. developed in the cyl The B.H.P. is measured by means of a Prony brake
inders of a gas engine can be determined it is necessary applied to engine flywheel, or to a pulley attached to end
to know: of crank shaft.
Ist.—The mean effective pressure developed in cylin— 27. EXPLAINING EFFECTIVE HP.
der at each impulse. The power available for propulsion of a boat is
2d.—The area of piston in square inches. called the (’flt’Cll-‘Ue horse-porter (written B.H.P.) and
3d.—The length of stroke in feet. expresses the HP. required to overcome the resistance
offered by the water to progress at any named speed. If an engine that develops IOO I.H.P. is installed in a
It can be better expressed as the H.P. usefully employed boat that requires 50 E.H.P. to drive her at a certain speed
and is sometimes described as the “tow-rope” H.P. and this speed is attained with engine running at its full
because it is the power that would have to be transmitted power, the propulsive coefficient will be 50, or 50%.
through a tow rope if boat was towed at named speed. From actual tests made it has been found that pro
\Vhen a boat is towed, or pulled, through water at a pulsive coefficients vary considerably.
uniform speed by some external force which does not in For single-screw vessels constructed of wood and
terfere with the free flow of water past hull, the strain having thick stern posts the propulsive coefficient is
on tow rope is the measure of resistance to her motion, between 40 and 45%.
and the product of this resistance into the distance
moved in a certain named period of time is the measure
\Vith steel-constructed vessels having fine stern posts
of work done by the towing force. the coefficient is about 50, and in the case of stem lines
being particularly fine and free from obstructions the co
The period'of time used is usually one second, and as efficient will rise to between 55 and 60%.
a H.P. represents 550 units of work per second ( For torpedo boats and high-speed craft fitted with en
6o gines that run at very high speed, the coefficient will be
between 55 and 65%.
: 550) the effective H.P. equals
The finer the lines and higher the speed the higher
R X S the propulsive coefficient will be.
— : E.H.P.
For power boats of usual form driven at moderate
speed a propulsive coefficient of 50 to 60 can be obtained.
R : resistance offered to passage of hull in pounds.
S I speed in knots per hour. Bear in mind that propulsive coefficient is a term used
to express ratio between I.H.P. and E.H.P. and not ratio
Here is an example taken from towing experiments: between B.H.P. and E.H.P,
Example—At a speed of 16.95 feet per second the It may surprise you to learn that in a well-designed
tow-rope strain was 10,770 fb, find the E.H.P. vessel, or boat, the I.H.P. is about twice the E.H.P. I
10,770 X 16.95 will, therefore, try and explain some of the causes of
: 332 E.H.P. required. this seeming waste of power by taking up each loss item
55° mentioned and explaining what causes the loss and the
E.H.P. I The power required to overcome the actual amount of loss.
resistance that water offers to passage of boat through it Items No. 1 and No. 2 can be considered together.
at named speed. This loss, which is due to friction of moving parts of en—
Therefore, if the E.H.P. is known and to it is added: gine, cannot be eliminated, but it can be reduced to a
Ist.—The power loss in engine itself through fric minimum by careful construction and the use of proper
tion, etc. nonfriction materials.
2d.—The power lost in driving pumps, etc. Careful designing of valves, valve gearing, and the
3d.—The power lost in transmitting from engine to use of proper sized pumps, etc., will also help to reduce
propeller. loss. No definite rule can be formulated for figuring
4th.——The power lost in slippage of propeller. these losses, but experiments made with engines of
5th.—The power required to overcome additional hull various types and sizes show that loss from items No. I
resistance due to friction of propeller and disturbance of and No. 2 will vary from 5 to 10% of the I.H.P. of small
water by propeller, the actual I.H.P. necessary for the engines and from 7 to 15% of large ones when engines
are running at their full power (speed). Item No. 3,
named speed can be ascertained.
or power lost in transmitting from engine to propeller, is
I.H.P. 2 Maximum power developed in an engine’s
all due to friction and will vary with number of bear
cylinders at named number of revolutions. ings and care with which the shaft is lined, and may be
E.H.P. '= H.P. delivered by engine to its rotating as low as 5% and as high as 25% of the I.H.P. of engine.
crank shaft. It equals the I.H.P. minus the first and
second losses mentioned above. If engine shaft is not properly lined and kept in line
the loss from N0. 3 item will be very great, especially
E.H.P. : I.H.P. minus the five losses mentioned with small high-speed engines.
The I.H.P. is about twice the tow-rope H.P., or, in The loss, if shaft is properly lined, will be between
other words, about one-half the actual horse-power de 5 and 10% of the I.H.P. of engine.
veloped by a marine engine is employed in non-useful 4th.—P0wer loss due to slip of propeller. By slip of
work, the term non-useful meaning work other than that propeller is meant the loss of driving power due to its
employed in directly driving boat ahead. working in a yielding medium like water.
I will now explain how the efficiency of engine is Briefly explained, the blades of a propeller can be
estimated. likened to portions of screw threads, and if a propeller
be turned in an unyielding substance, like wood, each
28. EXPLAINING THE PROPULSIVE COEFFICIENT complete turn (revolution) would advance it the pitch
When the indicated and effective H.P. has been de of its blades, or distance that one complete turn of a
termined for a stated speed and a particular boat, the screw having the same pitch would advance.
ratio which the latter bears to the former is termed the A propeller turning in a yielding fluid like water will
[Impulsive coeflicient, and is expressed in the form of a not advance the full pitch for each turn and the difference
percentage. between the distance one turn would advance in an un

yielding substance and that actually advanced when it is Suppose a thin plate 5 feet long, 1 foot wide and
revolved in water is the slippage. The slip of a pro 1/16 inch thick is immersed in water and moved end on,
peller is always expressed as a percentage of the full or edgeways, at a certain speed. It will experience a
pitch. The following illustration may help you to under~ resistance from the water with which its surface comes
stand slip: in contact, this resistance being almost entirely due to
If a man stands in the stern of a boat and pushes friction. Now suppose that the plate is turned around
directly backwards against another boat, both boats and moved in a direction at right angles to its surface
being afloat and loose, the force he exerts will drive the (with the 5 X I face in the direction of movement). The
boat he is in ahead and at the same time the other boat frictional resistance on surface will be almost eliminated,
will be forced back or astern. but it will encounter in addition to this small frictional
resistance a direct, or head resistance, which will greatly
The amount of force the man exerts can be likened
exceed the friction on plate when it was moved edgeways,
to pitch of a propeller and is equal to that which drives
and this head resistance will also be proportioned to area
the boat ahead added to that which drives the other boat
back; while the force which drives the other boat back of plate and the speed at which it is moved.
can be likened to the slip or lost power. The slip of The greater the area and speed the greater resistance
propellers installed in hulls of usual form designed to be will be.
driven at moderate speed, is between 20 and 35%, the Now suppose that plate is held obliquely, or at less
slip varying with form of propeller and its adaptability than 90° angle with direction of motion, and then moved.
to hull. The resistance will be less than when plate was held at
5th.—Additi0nal resistance due to friction of pro right angles and will be partly head resistance and partly
peller and eddies. When a propeller revolves in water frictional, the head resistance varying with angle of in
it sets up eddies at stern which tend to interfere with the clination that surface of plate makes with direction of
free passage of water around hull. This augments (adds motion.
to) resistance from 1 t0 3%, the percentage varying The smaller the angle the smaller head resistance will
with area and efficiency of propeller. be.
Summarizing the foregoing remarks, it is safe to say If we assume that direct head resistance when plate
that under average conditions of operation with engine is held at right angles to direction of motion (90°) is
delivering its full I.H.P. only about 80 to 85% of that 1.00 then head resistance at oblique angles will be as
power is delivered to the propeller shaft and if from this follows: 0
is deducted the loss at propeller it becomes apparent Angle Platchakcs \Vilh Line of Motion in Degrees
that the propulsive coefficient cannot exceed 70 and may 90 so 70 so so 40 so 20 10 0
drop as low as 45. A good propulsive coefficient_t0 use Resistance 1.00 .930 .880 .820 .730 .580 .435 .325 .270 .0
for standard makes of internal-combustion engines is 60.
Rss1srAnc1-z TABLE
When an engine is run at less than its rated number H.P.
of revolutions only a proportion of the full power is Speed per Direct Head Figures Value of Skin Friction.
Hour in Resistance per One Resistance for
delivered and under these conditions the relative pro Knots Miles . Ft. Sq. F1. H.P. 20 F1. 40 Ft
portional value of items Nos. 1, 2, 3, will increase. 1 1.15 2.85 0.008
For instance, at trials of a certain vessel the engine, 2 2.30 11.40 0.07 ....
3 346 25.67 0.24 107.0
when running at its full rated number of revolutions, 4 4.61 45.64 0.56 81.5
delivered 700 I.H.P. and about 7% of this power (49 5 5.76 71.31 1.09 65.0 . . .. ....
I.H.P.) was used up, overcoming the dead loss friction, 0 6.91 102.68 1.89 54.1 0.27 0.25
but when engine was running at much less than its full 7 8.07 139.76 300 46.5 0.38 0.35
8 9.22 182.55 4.48 40.6 0.49 0,46
number of revolutions and delivering only 100 I.H.P. 9 10.37 231.04 6.38 37.7 0.61 0.58
something like 30% of this power (about 30 I.H.P.) was 10 11.52 285.23 8, 76 32.5 0.73 0.70
absorbed in overcoming dead load friction. 11 12.68 345.13 11.66 29.4 0.87 0.83
12 13.83 410.74 15.13 27.2 1.01 0,98
13 14.98 482.05 19.24 25.1 1.20 1.10
29. RESISTANCE 14 16.14 559.05 24.03 23.2 1.42 1,25
I will now explain the various resistances which go to 15 17.29 641.72 29.56 21.7 1.65 1.51
16 18.44 730.20 36.34 20.1 1.90 148
make up total resistance which a boat must overcome 17 19.59 - 824.33 43.03 19.1 2.16 1 1.68
when being towed, or forced, through still water. Note—*Resistance in pounds per square foot 0 surface,
The principal resistances are: the length of which is specified.
Ist.—Resistance due to form of hull and friction of See skin friction paragraphs for further explanation.
water on it. By dividing direct head resistance figures by the HP. figures
the value of one H.P. at each speed is ascertained.
2d.—Resistance due to the formation of eddies. After this the words head resistance and direct head resist
3d.—Resistance due to the formation of waves. ance \v1ll refer to resistance when plates are held at 90°;
Ist.—Resistance Due to Form of Body and Friction for angles less than 90° the term oblique head resistance will be
of Water.—When a solid body is moved in water particles
of water are pushed aside, and in moving they exercise Experiments made for the purpose of finding the
a certain amount of friction both on one another and on amount of head resistance per square foot of surface for
the immersed surface of the body, the resistance vary plates towed at right angles to surface of water (90°)
ing with area of surface, with form, with length, with have established these things:
nature and roughness of surface, and with the velocity Ist.—Resistance is nearly constant for all depths at
with which the particles of water glide over the surface any named speed. In other words depth of immersion
(speed). does not seem to change resistance.


2d.—That direct head resistance at a speed of 6 knots When calculating friction of this kind it is usual to
is about 110 lb per square foot of surface, and for speeds use figures which represent mean frictional resistance
above 6 knots resistance varies about as the square of for the whole length of surface and on table the friction
speed. figures indicate mean resistance for lengths and speeds
'For plates towed with their faces held at angles less given.
than 90° with surface of water it has been established: Friction of water varies, approximately, as the square
Ist.—That resistance varies with angle. The smaller of the velocity when area, length, and condition of sur
the angle the less resistance will be. face remains unaltered.
2d.—That while variation in resistance is not in exact The foregoing remarks upon resistance experienced
ratios it approximates to the sine of angle at which sur— by plane surfaces moving through water will help you to
face of plate is held. _ understand the earlier theory of resistance which, though
3d.—That resistance varies with speed, the ratio Of now supplanted by the more accurate stream line theory,
variation being between 1.85 and the square of speed. is sufficiently accurate for use when no reliable speed
and power data is available.* It has also this additional
4th.——That while resistance varies with area it is not great advantage: It can be used when Only a very few
greatly affected by increase of breadth of plate. particulars of a design are knoum, as, for instance, pre
On page 31 1 give a table Of direct head resistance per liminary particulars “and dimensions.
square foot of surface for speeds from I to 17 knots, and
against each speed I have also entered the power (H.P.) 31. ExPLAININc A SIMPLE METHOD OF CALCULATING
required to overcome direct head resistance and the force
value Of one H.P. .
To make the table complete I have added a column SPEED
in which is entered the force required to overcome fric I will, before explaining the newer stream line theory
tion of water on one square foot of smooth-painted and calculations, briefly explain the Older and simpler
surface. , method used for calculating H.P. required to drive boats
of usual form.
(Immersed Surface) The old theory of resistance was based upon the
following assumption:
This varies with:
Ist.—That area of midship section furnished the chief
Ist.——Area of immersed surface. measure Of resistance, each square foot of greatest cross
2d.—Roughness of surface. section requiring a given force to drive it through the
3d.—-Length of surface. water, this force varying with angle and length of en—
. 4th.—The velocity at which particles Of water pass trance and run, and speed.
over the surface. 2d.—That area of immersed surface furnished another
Each square foot of immersed surface requires a measure of resistance each square foot of it requiring a
certain amount of power to overcome frictional resist certain amount of power to offset friction of water on
ance due to the water particles moving past it. There it, this resistance varying with length Of surface and its
fore the larger the surface is the greater the power re smoothness, and also with speed. ' .
quired to overcome friction. 3d.——That direct head resistance and frictional resist—
\Vater particles when set in motion do not move with ance varied about as the square Of speed, and that oblique
absolute freedom but rub against each other and also resistance varied about as the sine of angle of entrance
against the surface of any solid body past which they lines and also with speed.
move. It, therefore stands to reason that friction against 4th.—That if figures which correctly represented
a rough surface will be greater than that against a smooth direct head resistance and skin friction per square foot
one. for a named speed were used as the base figures for a
From experience made with boards in various de— calculation and from result was deducted the proper re
grees of roughness it has been learnt that if it requires duction in head resistance due to improvement in form
one pound of force to overcome friction of water against which angle Of entrance gave, the H.P. required to drive
a very rough surface (about equal to a rough sawed hull would be ascertained. And if to this was added a
board) only about one—half a pound will be required if proper % to cover engine and propeller frictional losses
board is planed smooth, and still less if board is smoothed and propeller slippage the total I.H.P. required tO drive
and well painted, or finished. a boat at named speed would be ascertained.
Length of surface has some influence on water fric \Nave resistance was ignored, it being assumed that
tion. This is no doubt due to the fact that just as soon the figures obtained by making this calculation would
as a body immersed in water moves forward the water cover power required to overcome resistance due to
in contact with its surface also moves in same direction waves.
as body, therefore that portion Of immersed surface The figures given on resistance table are the ones used
that goes first in line of motion encounters resistance when_calculating H.P. required by using the old method.
from water that is not in motion and as this resistance
is overcome some motion is imparted to the particles of By using figures taken from that table in the manner
water moved aside, and thus the following parts of explained below H.P. required to drive boat at any named
advancing surface encounters resistance from water that speed can be calculated.
is in motion in the direction in which the body is advanc
fThe new theory requires that the designer have complete
ing and cannot encounter as much resistance as the for particulars and data of similar boats at his'disposal, as well as
ward part of surface does. the particulars of the design he is working on.
For a square-fronted body, like a box, or barge, the 11.66 X 0.092 X 40 : 42.90 H.P.
formula is: For skin friction the figures are:
H X A : Power required to overcome direct head 1.245
resistance. 1,500 X 0.83 : 1,245. X 11.6.6 : 42.07 H.P.
1H being the H.P. figures, for speed named, taken from 345
tab e. Therefore the H.P. required is:
A being the area of cross section in square feet. To overcome oblique head resistance .. 42.90
To overcome skin friction . . . . . . . . . . .. 42.07
For skin friction of square—fronted body the formula 84-97
is: Add 10% for engine and shaft fric
R . . tional losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.49
X H : Power
tion necessary to overcome skin fric
at speed named. Add 25% for propeller losses . . . . . . 21.24
I being immersed surface in square feet. Required I.H.P. : . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 114.70
F being frictional resistance per square foot for length Nata—The actual I.H.P. required was 106.
of body. The figures for 12.5 miles are (taken from Table) :
H being H.P. figures for speed named. Direct head resistance . . . . . . . . . . .. 345
' Skin friction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .83
R being direct head resistance per square foot. H.P. figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.66
For a boat having a properly shaped bow and stem the This illustration serves to explain the formulas and
same formula is used, but to it is added a fractional indicates that accurate results can be obtained when boat
multiplier (coefficient) that represents the reduction in is of usual form and speed is moderate.
resistance due to angle of bow lines. This coefficient is Having explained the old theories of resistance and
obtained by dividing extreme breadth on L.W.L. by length methods used for calculating H.P. required for a named
of entrance and squaring result. speed I will now explain the stream line theory of re
The formula \for a vessel having a properly shaped sistance and modern methods used for calculating power
bow and stern lines being: required to drive a boat at a named speed.
H X C0 X A : Power required to overcome oblique
H standing for H.P. figures for speed named (taken
from table). In modern resistance calculations the immersed body
is not subdivided as in the old theory, but is considered as
Co standing for a coefficient obtained in manner ex a whole and the total resistance is supposed to be made
plained above. up of two principal and one minor parts.
A standing for area of midship section in square feet. Ist.—Frictional resistance due to the sliding of parti
For skin friction the formula is the same as used for cles of water over the immersed surface.
a square-fronted body: 2d.—Wave resistance due to the formation of waves
I X F by the boat, or vessel.
X H : Power required to overcome friction. 3d.—Eddy resistance at stern. This is of minor im
R portance.
In both cases figures obtained are added, and to total It is assumed that frictional resistance is not sen
is added a percentage to cover loss of power due to fric— sibly affected by form and proportions unless some un
tion of moving parts of engine, propeller, shaft, etc.; and usual, or unfair, form is used but is dependent upon im
another percentage to cover loss by propeller slippage, mersed surface, its area, its degree of roughness, its
eddies, etc. length, and speed.
The final figures (the total of the four items named— It is also assumed that wave-making resistance is
hull resistance, skin friction, loss of power in engine, and almost entirely influenced by form and proportions,
propeller losses) will be the I.H.P. required to propel especially upon the shape and length of entrance and
boat, at named speed. run, and their proportions relative to speed at which the
To illustrate the application of formula: for properly boat is to be driven at.
shaped hulls I will make use of dimensions and particu For every boat there is a limit of speed beyond which
lars taken from power boat and by using the formulae I resistance increases in a disproportionate manner, and
will calculate I.H.P. required to drive at stated speed. this limit seems to be fixed by the length of entrance
Power Cruiser of these dimensions: and run—the wave-making features. Eddy-making re
Length 80 feet, breadth 14 feet, mean draught 4.5 feet. sistance is usually small and is largely due to abrupt
Length of entrance 46 feet, area midship section 40 termination of after ends of water-lines, to action of
square feet. a“ propeller and rudder, and to the addition to hull of pro
Immersed skin 1,500 square feet. Speed desired 12.5 jecting appendages such as struts. This form of resist
miles an hour. ance can be almost eliminated by fineing stern—post and
correctly placing struts, propellers and rudder. It is
H.P. to overcome head resistance is: usual to take care of eddy-making resistance by making
14 a small addition to frictional resistance figures. For
Coefficient is —— : 0.304 0. 3042 : 0.092
fine lines and no large appendages the addition should be
46 about 5% of frictional resistance figures, but if stern
lines are full and appendages large the percentage should Fig. 29-E illustrates path of flow of water particles
be nearly 10%. when passing in horizontal lines around a shaped body.
The sum of these three elements is supposed to On illustration the body is shown by means of black
constitute the total resistance offered by water to the section and path of travel of water particles by individual
motion of a boat; being towed through it, when water is lines. The blank unlined space ahead and aft of body
sufficiently deep. In shallow water an additional re indicate sphere of influence of body on lines of travel.
sistance is encountered but this need not be considered Now let us assume that‘ the shaped body is only
at this time. partly immersed. A new condition now arises, due to
For the purpose of explaining the stream line theory of the possibility of waves being formed on surface of
resistance, let us assume that we have before us a stream water by the change in direction and speed of particles
of water flowing rapidly in one direction, the stream of water as they flow past the obstructing body. At bow
being sufficiently large that the steady flowing of water where the check in speed is greatest the pressure of one
is not influenced, or changed, by bottom and sides en— particle on the next one will be increased and this in
closing it. creased pressure must produce an elevation of water
Under these conditions the water will flow steadily, above normal position, and thus a bow wave is formed.
at one speed, and if it were possible to separate the water \Vith the advance of the particles towards amidships
into particles and trace the lines followed by each particle their speed increases and pressure diminishes, thus allow—
it would be seen that every particle of water travels in ing the water to return to its normal level; but amid
a straight line at uniform speed. This is illustrated by ships the speed of particles is increased to slightly above
means of Fig. 29-D. normal, which results in such a decrease of pressure that
water will sink below its normal level only to rise again
when the midship section is past and speed of particles
again reduced. At the stern there is again the increase
of pressure and heaping up of water above normal.

On illustration Fig. 29-F I show the character of

I‘ll. 29-E wave crest formed by this increase and decrease of speed
Now let us assume that a ship-shaped body is en and pressure.
tirely immersed in water, with its bow facing the direc Force is expended in the formation of these waves
tion from which water flows, and fastened in such a but when once formed they travel away into the sur
manner that it cannot move. rounding water.
If it were now possible to trace the lines each particle Thus in the case of a boat partly submerged and
of water travels along it would be found that as soon moving at uniform speed, a series of waves will be
as a certain particle reaches the bow of shaped body it formed on the surface of water and particles compos—
will change its direction of travel and in place of mov— ing them will have a motion in a direction other than
ing along a straight line it will move along the line of that followed by the undisturbed particles.
least resistance to its passage around the obstructing Wherever a wave crest is the particles forming it will
body. \Vhile in practice each particle of water will travel obliquely in the direction of advance of boat, and
flow past the obstructing body along lines of least re— where a hollow is formed the particles will travel ob
sistance which, of Course, will be around, over and under, liquely in the opposite direction.
we will assume for the purpose of this illustration that Observation shows that two distinct series of waves
the particles maintain their horizontal motion and are are formed by the movement of a boat through stillwater
only divided laterally; then as they approach bow of ——those formed by how, and those formed by stern.
body, they will move out sideways and this movement Each series consists Of both diverging and transverse
will cause a perceptible slackening in speed which will waves. '
gradually decrease until the broadest part of body is The diverging waves caused by bow are due to the
reached, when they will have resumed their original widening form Of entrance which, as I have already ex—
speed, only to lose it again in a gradually increasing plained, retards the particles Of water and thus increases
amount as they close in around the stern. Finally pressure sufficiently to cause the water to rise above its
after flowing past the body and reaching a distance astern normal level. These waves are thrown off on each side
that places them beyond the disturbing influence of body, of entrance in an oblique direction, their size varying
they will regain their original direction of flow and speed with speed, with obtuseness of entrance, and with form
of travel. (See Fig. 29—E.) of bow lines Of boat.
It must be kept in mind that the influence of im It is noticeable that waves thus formed at bow become
mersed body on speed and direction of flow of water larger as speed increases and consequently Offer a greater
particles may extend some distance ahead and astern, amount of resistance, but as they pass quickly away
the distance varying with form, and outside of this into distant wate. their total resistance is entirely due to
sphere of influence all particles of water will flow along the force expended in their formation.
straight lines at a steady speed. Besides these diverging bow waves there is also pro
duced by forward motion a series of transverse waves as important as the distribution of bulk in a fore-and-aft
which carry their crests transversely to line of motion. direction.
These transverse waves show themselves along the There is no doubt that ratios of length to speed have
sides of boat and offer considerable resistance to prog a very important bearing on wave-making resistance, and
ress, especially when sPeed is pushed beyond that which that the ratio (6—4) proposed by Mr. Scott Russell is
is proper for the design. a good one, even though modern investigation has proved
The length of these waves always bear a definite re that it is not necessary to adhere to it.
lation to speed, the variation being as the square of The general form of a vessel’s underwater body must
speed. have a more important bearing on wave-making than
Waves formed by the stern while similar in character mere shape of the fore-and-aft lines, because each particle
do not offer very much resistance to passage, therefore, of water passes along lines of least resistance which are
their importance with regards to resistance is very small in the majority of cases diagonal and not horizontal or
indeed. _ ,_ vertical lines.
From data obtained by making many experiments
with models and with full-sized vessels, it is clear that
it is not possible to construct a formula which will give I.H.P. REQUIRED TO DRIVE A VESSEL AT A
accurate wave-making resistance of boats and vessels NAMED SPEED
being driven at speeds when wave-making resistance be The modern method of determining I.H.P..required to
comes of first importance. drive a boat at a named speed is by comparison.
At low speeds wave-making resistance is of minor The length, breadth, depth, displacement, area of
importance, but just as soon as speed is increased to, or midship section, and coefficients of fineness of the new de
beyond, a certain point the wave—making resistance as— sign having been selected and speed determined upon, the
sumes a place of great importance and often becomes designer selects a midship performance and a displace
greater than skin-friction resistance. ment performance coefficient from a list of data of
The speed at which wave-making assumes such im-~ actual trials, a boat of similar type, dimensions, and speed
portance seems to depend very largely upon angle and to that of the new design, then by using these coefficients
shape of entering and closing lines (the bow and stem in the manner explained below the I.H.P. necessary to
lines). drive new boat is ascertained.
In general the greater the length in proportion to It is important to bear in mind that the coefficient
breadth the higher speed can be before wave-making be must be selected from performance of a boat of similar
comes- Of first importance. The shape of lines also has type and corresponding speed.
some bearing upon wave-making, and it was with a view By similar type I mean having similar proportions and
to formulating rules for constructing a force of least re displacement, and by corresponding speed is meant the
sistance that Mr. Scott Russell conducted a series of ex same speed as the new boat is to be driven at.
periments which resulted in the formulation of his wave— Before a designer can use the modern method it is
line theory of form. absolutely necessary that he have at his disposal accurate
This theory was based upon the assumption that tables of dimensions, performance and coefficients of
during each interval occupied by a vessel in advancing a boats of the type he is designing, or at least know the
distance equal to the length of her entrance lines a cer proper coefficients to use.
tain number of particles of water are moved into a posi Below I give a number of coefficients in tabulated
tion which will cause them to be formed into a wave form.
wholly situated above the water level and traveling at a
natural speed equal to the maximum speed proposed for TABLE OF SINGLE-SCREW POWER-BOAT PERFORMANCE COEFFICIENTS
Displm‘l Length Breadth Mean Block D.P.'
the vessel. N0. Tons 11 F1 in Ft. Draught Coefl. Cocfl. Knotl l.H.P
Thus a series of waves would follow one another at 1 3.42 27 6.81 2.25 .29 66.5 6.95 11.5
2 3.8 82 5.66 1.5 .485 69 8.66 28
regular intervals, the interval as well as the height vary 8 4.5 40 6.18 1.5 .426 115 18.00 188
ing with length of entrance and speed. 4 1.8 89.9 5.00 0 7 .500 127 18.88 78
5 2.26 89.9 5.00 1.1 .862 230 29.68 195
In this theory it was formulated that the length of 6 28.8 54.8 11.88 8.15 .899 127 8.5 89.8
7 15.0 60.0 9.5 2.97 .310 154 19.0 1 270
entrance for any length of vessel should equal the 75 58.0 65.0 14.5 5 00 .400 190 11.0 122
length of a solitary wave traveling at a natural speed 11.22
8 190 92.5 20.95 7.92 .488 181 15.00 856
equal to the maximum speed proposed for vessel, and 9 176 92.5 20.95 7.60 .419 180 11.68 878
that the length of run should be two-thirds the length of 10 120 96.5 16.25 7.00 .885 167 14.00 400
11 42.9 96.0 18.60 2.48 .468 126 9.58 84.5
entrance. 12 88.4 91.0 11.75 8.28 .889 178 18.00 142
More modern experiments along these lines have 13 184 108 18.66 7.00 .882 174 18.00 880
shown that the wave-form theory as applied to the shape *Displacement performance coefficient obtained by making
of fore-and-aft lines does not always produce a form of calculation explained. _
The block coefficient gives a more accurate indication of
least wave-making resistance, but that some improvement fineness than the prismatic coefficient.
can be obtained by making the fore-and-aft form of hull Knowing the coefficients to use the calculations can
conform to the rule. be made in this manner:
In other words if the form of underwater body is Speeda X Area immersed midship section I.H.P. re
made to conform to the true wave form, resistance will
be less than if only the lines parallel with L.W.L. are : quired for
Midship performance coefficient speed.*
so shaped.
The shape of water-line planes does not seem to be *This is the calculation chiefly used in France.
Or the following calculation can be made: 3d.—That resistance varies as the area of midship sec—
a ______—_ tion, or as the two-third power of displacement. The
Speed3 X \/ Displacement2 _ I.H.R for named greater the similarity of hull, engine, and propeller the
greater will be the accuracy of this method of estimation.
Displacement performance coefficient \lVithin limits mentioned the coefficients of perform
Either calculation can be used, but‘if greatest ac ance furnish an excellent means of estimating probable
curacy is desired make both calculations and take the power required to drive a new boat at a named speed.
mean of results as being I.H.P. required. I will now, by using performance coefficients, esti—
The first calculation is a simple one, but the second is mate the power required to drive the power boat selected
complicated by having to find the cube root of displace— for the old method calculation and thus you can compare
ment squared; This is sometimes called the twosthird accuracy of results Obtained by both old and new method
power of a number. In this calculation it means the two— calculations.
third power of displacement. Power cruiser, 80 X I4 X 4.5 feet. Displacement 57
The midship and displacement performance coeffi tons. Block coefficient 0.400. Speed desired 11 knots.
cients are ascertained from actual results of trials, in this
N0. 7a Of table is a similar boat and as the speed is
manner: the same as that for new boat, the performance coeffi
At trials the I.H.P. developed by engine and speed cient is likely to be suitable.
obtained with the power is ascertained and by using these
figures and the known midship section area, or displace—
ment figures, in manner explained below, the performance 113 X V 572
Probable I.H.P. I —-——— I 103 I.H.P.
coefficients are found. I90
For midship performance coefficient the formula is:
Speed a X Area midship
. . section
. __ Midship performance
The actual I.H.P. used when 11 knots was attained
was 106.
_ coeflicient. The modern method of estimating I.H.P. required is
. For displacement performance coefficient the formula very accurate, but requires that the designer have at his
disposal reliable data of performance of ships and boats
of the type being designed.
8 ——
Speed3 X \/ Displacement2 __ Displacement performance Data Of this kind is seldom published, therefore each
architect compiles his own. -
I H P coefficient.
\Nithout data for comparison the selection of suitable
In all cases the displacement figures must be in tons, performance coefficients becomes a matter of guesswork
or parts of a ton. and under these conditions the formulae are useless.
If the I.H.P. is known the probable speed can be cal The most difficult part of the work, for a young de
culated by using the following formulze: signer, lies in the selection of correct performance co
V I.H.P. X Midship performance coefficient In making the selection be guided by these rules:
I Speed. Ist.—Compare coefficients of fineness of new design
Area Midship section with that of vessel selected. They should be alike, or
Or, nearly so.
2d.—Compare dimensions and displacement. They
\/ I.H.P. X Displacement performance coeff. should be very similar.
: Speed. 3d.—C0mpare lengths especially of entrance lines.
3 —
\/ Displacenuent2 4th.—Compare speeds. The speeds should be similar.
In-these formulze it is assumed: If these particulars are similar a similar performance
Ist.—That resistance varies as the square of speed, coefficient can be used and accurate results obtained; but
and work to be done as the cube. SO long as speed does if speed, dimensions, and fineness of form are not alike
not exceed the limit where wave-making resistance be in both vessels some allowance must be made and a dif
ferent performance coefficient used.
comes of more importance than frictional resistance, the
assumption that total resistance varies as the square of In addition tO this, it is important to bear in mind that
speed holds goods, but just as soon as wave-making re— performance coefficients do not remain constant for all
sistance becomes Of first importance the variation will be speeds of a certain boat, but will vary with Change Of
greater than square of speed. speed, or of power used.
2d.—That the coeflicient Of performance of machinery It is evident that the modern method is of very little
is the same in both vessels. This also holds good when value to an inexperienced designer. I therefore suggest
engines are of similar types and methods of propulsion that, until you have progressed sufficiently with old de
the same. Accuracy cannot be obtained by comparing signing to have reliable data tables Of your own, you use
performance of steam engines with that of an internal the Old method for calculating H.P. required to drive a
combustion engine, and results Obtained by use of a screw boat. When once you have ascertained the proper per
propeller with paddle-wheel results. centages to add for frictional and propeller losses (these
*This calculation is universally used in English and U. S.
vary with each type of hull and engine, and with speed)
ship yards. you will find the old method very accurate, and as you
The calculations are equally accurate providing proper per can use it without a large amount of data to refer to,
formance coefficients are used, its advantages are apparent.
_--- .__-_

Chapter VII

34. PRELIMINARY CALCULATIONS ideas. The designer places his ideas on paper, because
My explanations up to this have been for the pur— by doing this he is able to check them carefully and record
pose of explaining a few of the fundamental laws the complete data in such a manner that anyone can
of flotation and methods of making calculations. I understand it and produce a finished article, if he has
will now pass to actual designing work and explain how the ability to read plans and do the work. It is a
the shape for a hull is determined, and the reasons for mistake to imagine that designing is a substitute for any
shaping it in the selected manner; and having done this part of the production work, because it is not. It is
I will try and help you to acquire designing ability, or to merely a help, and it is wonderful how great a help real
improve the designing ability you possess. For you must designing is.
always bear in mind that designing is an art and being The designing of boats is something that all boat
such the successful designer must possess the ability to builders should strive to learn; and it is something that
originate and to actually picture in his mind the form can be learned quickly and accurately by anyone able to
and details of the boat he intends to design. build boats. The art of building boats properly is a
Before‘ a designer can begin to prepare a design, great deal more difficult to learn than the art of design
he must have some‘definite particulars to guide him. ing them. \
These particulars he either selects or they are supplied During the whole time you are designing a boat, keep
by the man.for whom the design is being prepared. the general plan of the boat in your mind and strive
In this particular case, I will assume that an order for continually to make the design illustrate your real ideas.
plans of a 36-foot cabin power boat has been placed and Design for a purpose and do all that lies in your power
requirements have been stated in a letter, a copy of which to make each design the best you can produce.
I give below: Begin immediately to collect data for reference pur
Dear Sir: poses. No designer can work without having at hand
I want you to furnish me with plans and data of things that are used every day in boats and
specifications frOm which a boatbuilder can build vessels. Get catalogs of marine engines, fittings and
a satisfactory cabin cruiser. I desire an able, hardware, and look them over. Study the articles listed
and learn to select the proper article and size for each
safe and seaworthy boat about 36 feet in length
by 9 feet breadth to use on Long Island Sound. boat you design and begin to prepare a book of data.
I would like the boat to have accommodations Such data as this will be found valuable for referring
in cabin for four persons and sufficient power to t0:
drive her at a cruising speed of not less than 10 Particulars of any boat you read about. As, for
miles an hour. The enclosed outline plan and instance, the displacement, the power, the speed, costs,
some data of a very successful boat owned by a selling price; particulars of sizes of anchors, cables and
friend of mine will help to explain my ideas, but fittings; data of propellers, particularly the diameter,
please remember that I want a full 6 feet headroom pitch, slip, blade areas, etc. ; and whenever you see any
in cabin (the boat shown on drawing has only 5 published data that might be valuable for reference pur
feet 6 inches), and I do not want to have trunk poses, cut the article out and paste it in a proper book.
cabin higher than one shown on drawing. The man that will do these things will find it much
Yours truly, easier to design than the one who thinks that he can do
without such aids.
The work of preparing a design can be said to con—
The data referred to in letter is given in Table No. I sist of two distinct parts:
(p. 39), and I herewith reproduce the drawing. (Fig.
Ist.——The preliminary work. Done for the purpose
29-6, p- 38-) of obtaining data and shortening actual designing labor.
This is a clearly stated designing problem and as
the drawing and data are taken from a successful boat, _ 2d.—The actual designing work, calculations, prepara
you cannot do better than use it as a starting point and tion of drawings, specifications, etc.
guide. Explaining Preliminary Work
Before any designer can begin to prepare a design, This is solely for the purpose of shortening the final
it is absolutely necessary that he formulate in his mind designing labor and it is really wonderful how much of
ideas of form, size and general dimensions of the craft a help, in this respect, a little preliminary work is.
he intends to design. While it is proper and right to In this particular instance the particulars given by
make use of data obtained from and observation of client are sufficient to enable a designer to begin work,
similar craft, it is very necessary that the real idea be but in cases where such details as breadth, draught,
original. To merely copy an existing design is not de speed, etc., are left entirely to the designer’s judgment
signing and can, at best, only result in producing a poor it becomes necessary to decide these details, and in fact
copy of some existing design. the selection of dimensions can be called the first pre—
Designing is really a recording of the designer’s liminary work.

1‘18. 29-G

No fixed rules can be laid down to guide a designer The table gives two dimensions of each principal part
when he has to decide details of this kind. Knowledge of construction for boats of named dimensions, the named
acquired through observation of similar boats designed dimensions being:
by well-known _men is perhaps the best guide, it being L—Standing for length on deck.
generally safe to accept dimensions used by experienced B—Standing for extreme breadth.
designers as being good practice, or at least sufficiently
accurate to use when making preliminary calculations. D—Standing for depth inside from top of keel to
sheer at midship section position.
Preliminary calculations are for the purpose of ap
proximately determining these things: If boat is a raised cabin cruiser the point of measure—
ment is top of hull sheer without the raised cabin, and to
Ist.—Dimensions and kinds of materials to use and
displacement necessary. this measure must be added the proportion of raised cabin
height mentioned below, via: If raised cabin extends
2d.—Area, shape, and location of Midship section. over less than one-half the length of boat add to depth
3d.—Area, shape and location of L.W.L. measured as above {/4 the raised cabin depth. If raised
4th.——The M.I. of L.W.L. and probable transverse cabin length is over one—half and less than three-fourths
M.C. height. of boat’s length add ,I/z of its depth, and if length is over
5th.--The freeboard necessary. > three-fourths of the boat’s length add % of the raised
6th.——The H.P. necessary for speed named. cabin depth.
7th.——The following coefficients: Prismatic, Displace At the beginning of each line the name of part is en
ment, M idship section, L.W.L. plane. tered, and at the head of each column is entered dimen- ,
Ist.—Dimensions of Material to Use and Displace sions as explained above. Immediately below the di
ment Necessary—To calculate dimensions of materials mensions heading you will find the letters, S. M.; these
necessary for parts of a hull is unnecessary because stand for sided and moulded, and indicate the way the ‘
strength of materials of kinds used in boat construction material is to be placed in boat.
has been calculated many times and in addition to this a As it is most important to fully understand this I will
number of tables of standardized material dimensions to explain it in detail. The letters S and M indicate to
use for various sized power-boat hulls have been com builder the way each piece of material is placed in boat.
piled, and from such tables a designer can quickly select S means sided and indicates that size, or dimension, en
the proper dimensions and kinds of materials to use. tered under this letter must stand in a position contrari
Table No. 2 is a copy of one of these timber tables, ways to the moulded position. M means maulded and
and Table No. 3 gives fastening dimensions. tells builder that dimensions entered under this heading
must be placed the way mould, or pattern, is laid on tim
35. EXPLANATION or TABLE N0. 2 ber when marking the shape out. For instance, the keel
This table is for the purpose of helping you determine and stem patterns, or moulds, are always made to lie on
dimensions of material to use for the principal parts of the side of keel and stem as set up in boat, therefore the
a wood-constructed power boat. M dimension of keel and stem is depth of keel from top
to bottom, and depth of stem from front to back. When TABLE NO- 3
referring to a rib, or frame, M dimension indicates meas- SIZES or FASTENINGS Fox CRUISERS
ure from inside of planking to inside rib as it sets in
boat, or the way mould would lay on bent, or sawed out, Dimensions 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 90
I'll) or frame. x6 x7 x8 x9 x10x11x12x14x15 x16 x18x20
h A study off ttllije parts 0% a bozitiwdl enable you to grasp Keel_stem_5te.m'
t emeaningo eterms _ and ’. _ . BoltsorRiveted“ % 94; % % M % % gé % % pg 3'4
If, however, you desire to calculate dimensions of Deadwood,etc.,
DrivenatAngle.. ifi % ié i4 % ié is is % % is if
TABLE No.1 ghéiftFLog.... . . . . . .. a 2% sift % 5% é if as a a g3 gig
I e astemngs..... I /6 6 is ‘1 ‘1 ‘1
PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET EngineBed . . . . . . .. 3/2 £8 94 % % % §’§ % M i4 % 7/§
. ' I I
TYPE or BOAT—CABIN CRUISER % It yé % 94 A A w % % % %

(Lengthoverall...86.00%. OnL.\V.L....34.00ft' Flagngei-nagér-s-m~ X X X X % 94 % at M 94 it A

. Breadth extreme.
Draughtextreme.. 9.16 t. On L.W.L.. .. 8.25 ft'
3.08ft.To Rabbet... 1.83 ft. .
Dr‘ven'" . '
Kee'--- % % ‘4‘ ii 94 ’46 % >4 % % 9g %
, Draught. . . . 1.185 ft. Clam. p s ' Bolts or I 5 5 , 7 I ,
LeastFreeboard... 2.33 ft.Greatest de. 5.62 ft. R'vets - - - - - - - - ' H A ’{6 46 24 23 "f6 54 A A §’§ % %
Ovcrhang Bow. . . . 0.79 ft. Overhang aft.. 1.29 ft .
DATA materials to use for the construction of any sized power
boat, use the formulas given at end of supplementary
P t- I r \Veight Volume Area in Distance C ff Chapters'
2" m a 5 Lbs. Cu. Ft. Sq. Ft. in Feet 0‘3 ' 36. KINDS OF MATERIALs TO USE
_ . .
, 4'_Th15 .
Displacement required... 12526 195.72 ..... ... .. . . . .. . E'Iplanatwn of Tabic Ao' table. gives rela _
mock Codi of Displace- t1v_e value of various kinds of woods used in boat and
rnent._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... ..... . . . .. 0.589 ship-building. The list is compiled from tables used by
' -- I- I- I~ I- I~
Nlidshig sec. coefficient-CI
----- "9‘
44. -- 0-609 insurance companies and boatbuilders, andUnder
With present—day praCtiCe in U‘ S' A‘
in accordance

L.W.L.plane area . . . . . . ... .. . . . .. 194.50 ... .. . . . .. name of timber the names of principal kinds of woods
L.W.L. plane coefficient. ... .. ... .. . .. . . ... . . 0.739 are entered_
Mlldsh'p secuonfrom No' 19 00 Above the other columns are entered, in succession,
Mbiiiéi LIWILI 51.1.33. .. IIIII IIIII .. afa's'o the name of PTiIICiPfll Parts of boats and vessels, and un
C.B. from No. lordinate . . . . . . . . .. 18.71 der each heading you will find numerals entered. These
if’lf’g‘r’rlwlégl’Y-(hali’ggg - ' - - - --- -- - - ~ -- 1g??? numerals indicate relative value of each kind of wood
CIGIal10\'etheL.\V.L... IIIII III II III II iIoi III II for Part named at head of column- The figure I standng
06. of L.W.L. plane for first choice, or best wood for the purpose, 1% stand
C to]? 1:10- 1N---1- - ~ - - - ' - - - - ----- - - - -~ ~- ing for next best, and so on. Thus if you desire to se
M'_C‘_ ébggg‘c‘gi _' ' ' ' "_ :'_' I: H :I: " 4:1 lect best kinds of materials the selection should be made
M.C.heightabovtiCbI. ...II 2.558 IIIII from those having I entered against them- Pay Par
Speed 10 miles.‘ ticular attention to the reference, etc, entered in some
" Nautical miles. of the columns.



Dimensions 20' x 6' 25' x 7' 30’ x 8' 35' x 9' 40’x 10’ 45’ x 11’ 50'x 12' 55' x14' 60' x15' 70’): 16' 80' x18' 90' x 20'
LxBxD x 3' x 4’ x 5.5' x 6’ x 6.5’ x 6.5' x 6.75' x 7' x 7.5' x 8’ x 9’ _x10'.
Sided and Moulded... S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M. S. M.
Keel . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34-4 2%—6 2%? sim 3%—8 m-s m-o 4%41 194-9 s%-9 34-10 s;4-12
Keelson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O O O 0 2—4 2—6 2—8 3—6 3—6 3—6 3—8 3—9
Stem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2%—8 2%49 2%—9 3%—9 3%—1O 3%—11 3%—12 3%-—13 4%—15 S%—12 5%—14 5%—15
Stern Post—Log . . . . .. 3% 3% 3% ~ 3% 4 5% 5% 6% 7% 8% 8% 8%
Deadwood . . . . . . . . . .. 2% 2% 2% 3% I 3% 3% i f 3% 4% 5% ,1 5%
Ribs (Bent) . . . . . . . . .. ifi—ifi ié—lifi 1%—1% 1%—1§8 1%—1% 1%—1i€ lid—2 lit—2% 2%—2% 2%—3 2%—3 226—3
Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 8 9 9 10 11 12 12 12 12 12 12
Floor Timbers . . . . . . . . 3 7 3 1%—3 1i§—4 1%—4 Iii—4 1%‘6 1i§~6 lie—6 2ié—6 Zia—6 Zia—6
Deck Beams . . . . . . . .. " —1% i§—1% ié—1% 1%—-2 196—2 1ié—2% 1%—3 1%-—4 1%—5 1i§—5 1iQ—6 lifi—G
Clamps—Deck . . . . . . . ié—3 iii—3 lia—4 11A—4 1 ié—4 lifi—S Iii—6 2%—6 2%-6 3%—6 3 %—7 3%—8
Planking. % ié is is is lié lié 1% 1% 1% 1% lié
Covering Board . . . . . . . % % is is is 1% lié 1% 1% 1% 1% 1i§
Decking . . . . . . . . . . . .. . % % is is is 1% lié 1% 1% 15A 1% lifi
Floorin . . . . . . . . . . . . . % % % % i6 is is is is 1,14 lit 1%
Bulkhead (\Vt.) . . . . .. ii if; is is 1% , 1% 1% 1% lifi 1ifi 2% 2%
Engine Bed . . . . . . . . .. 2% 2%—12 2%—-12 3%-12 3%—12 3%—12 3%—12 4%-—12 4%—12 5%—12 5%—~12 5%—12
Length . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10 12—5 14 15 16 18 20 22 25 28 30 35
Clamps (Bilge) . . . . . . . O i§~3 lié—S lié—3 lié—3 1§a—4 lié—4 2%—4 2%—4 3%—5 3%—6 3%—6
Bilge Clamps No. of
Pairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 _ 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
If it is desired to use the best kinds of materials for‘ If the weight of each part is calculated and figures are
construction the selection must be as follows: totaled the total will be the approximate weight of boat
For keel, stem, floor timbers, ribs, deck beams.White Oak and all on board when in sailing trim. This weight can
For deadwood and clamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Yellow pine be considered to be the displacement necessary.
For engine foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Oak The simplest way to calculate Mcights of materials
For knees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lIackmatack (wood) is to ascertain number of feet, surface measure,
For planking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..White cedar in a piece and multiply by the weight per square foot for
For decking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mahogany material of thickness and kind selected. On the accom—
For covering boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Mahogany panying table weights are figured for thickness of material
For joinerwork and coaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mahogany most often used by boat-builders. You will note that
Fastenings, copper riveted and brass screws. thicknesses selected are finished thicknesses.
All the above are 1 class materials. It has been ascertained that a close approximation to
When two or more different kinds of wood have-the actual weights can be made by using short methods of
same value for a part, the selection is usually governed calculating. These I will now explain.
by the commercial value, or cost of woods named. It is Rule No. 1.—In boats having outside deadwood, 10g,
usual to select the least expensive, providing other things etc., to ascertain weight of keel, stem, deadwood, log,
are equal. etc., proceed as follows:
Study the table and use it to help you select kinds of Consider length over all of boat as length of material.
material to use for construction of boats you design. Consider width of material as being twice the moulded
depth of keel amidships.
Consider thickness as being actual sided thickness of
Select dimensions of materials and kinds to use, then keel.
calculate the displacement necessary by making short Now multiply length by width to ascertain number of
calculations in the manner explained below. square feet of material, surface measure; and by multi
Divide the construction, etc., into a few principal plying this by weight of material for thickness used the
parts, calculate the weights of each and add totals. For actual weight of material in parts named will be ascer
a small cabin cruiser of type I will design the following tained. This weight will be sufficiently high to include
is a convenient division: fastenings.
Part No. I.—Materials in keel, stem, deadwood, en If keelsons are used treat them as a separate item.
gine foundation, etc. For engine foundation take actual length as length of
Part No. 2. Materials in frame, planking, decking, material required. Take width at widest part as being
flooring, roofing. ~ width of material necessary for one side, by doubling
Part No. 3.—]oinerwork materials. this you will get width required for the whole bed. Now
Part No. 4.—Engine and its equipment. proceed as for keel material.
Part No. 5.——Fuel and tanks. Also water and tanks. For planking materials consider length of material re
Part No. 6.—Fittings and furnishings. quired as being equal to length of boat on L.W.L. and
Part No. 7.—Passengers and crew. width of material as being equal to extreme breadth of
Part No. 8.—St0res. boat added to depth from rabbet to sheer amidships.

TABLE No. 4—K1x'ns or MATERIALs

Ti A ‘A m :n ' w

- a,
eo o P
"go g I:a a:
Name of Timbe : “g 'g ‘5 L; E 1: IO '8 (a g 5 E
and Fastening g a ‘g :3 \J v, i g E” (*3 go 2’ 2 i 2,9 U 3 ,1; Remarks
_5y E gQ
E :50
§= 2‘5 i_e a E8
a5 i?8 .s2" a
B a><
.e m a 1.. :4 ti. o a m o a. m a o :4 m o m i i;
Best \\’hite'0_ak.. _. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ‘1 '1 1 1% 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 " For over 1%".
CommonWhiteOak 2 2 2 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1 *1% *1% 1% 1% l 1 1 1 1% 0 1% TForunderl%”.
Red Oak . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 ‘3 ‘3 2 1% 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 IFor over Z15”.
White Cedar . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 T1 1‘1 1% 0 4 O 0 0 0 0 X1 R—Riveted.
Chestnut . . . . . . . . . 0 3 2 2 0 2 2 2 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 2 X For under 1%".
Hackmatack(knees) 0 1 0 1 2 1% 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yellow Pine (Long ‘
Leaf) . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 11 11 1 1 2 1 1 14 0 1 2 1%
Red Pine . . . . . . . .. 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 3 0 12 12 2 2 2 2 2 0 1% 2 1%
Pine (Oregon)... . . 3 3 1 0 0 0 l 3 0 12 12 2 1% 2 2 2 0 1% 2 1%
Pine (White) . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 T1 t1 1% 1 3 3 3 0 1% 1 X1
Spruce First Quality 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 0 1% 2 1%
Common Spruce. . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
Rock Elm _ . . . . . . . . 1 2 2 2 1 2 0 2 O 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Cypress (Red) .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1‘1 1'1 1% 1% 2 0 0 0 2 2 X1
Cypress (Yellow). . O 0 0 0 0 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0 O O O O O 0 0
hiahogany........ 0 O O 0 0 0 0 0 O 2 T1 11 1 1 O 0 *1 *1 1 1
Copper . . . . . . . . . .. 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 1R 0 0 1R 1R 0 0 O 0
Bronze . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Gal. Iron . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Multiply together to ascertain square feet of material These figures will cover toilet, etc.
required and multiply by weight for thickness selected. “'ater carried in cabin cruisers should be estimated
For-decking and cockpit floor materials (cabin roof as being 10 lb per gallon. This will cover tankage.
materials used in cabin cruisers can also be included) ' Stores carried in cruisers can be estimated by simply
consider length of material required as being equal to squaring the length of boat over all. (Multiplying length
the length over all of boat and width of material as being by itself.)
equal to the extreme breadth of boat. Multiply together
to ascertain square feet of material then multiply by Passengers and crew can be estimated as being a
weight for thickness selected. certain weight per man. This weight should be suffi
ciently high to cover weight of clothes and things of like
The clamps can be considered as being straight pieces nature.
of material of length equal to length of boat over all,
width as being equal to total width of all clamps. In open boats use 180 lb.
Multiply together and then by a weight of material of In cabin boats use 250 to 275 lb.
thickness selected. . The short method explained here takes no notice of
Ribs and floor timbers considered as one item. As many pieces of material used, but the calculations will
certain number of ribs used in boat. This can be done give figures that are sufficiently high to cover all of these
by dividing length of boat over all by spacing of ribs. pieces and all fastenings.
For length of material consider each rib as being a length 2d Preliminary Calculation. Area, etc., of Midship
equal to extreme breadth of boat. For width of material Section—Midship section is the name given to largest
required multiply width of one rib by number of ribs underwater cross-section of boat. It is not necessary
used. that this section be located midway between bow and
By multiplying length by width you will ascertain stem, and as a matter of fact it is usually located some
square feet of material required for one side of boat. distance aft of the middle point. The location of mid
Double this and multiply by weight of material per square ship section determines the relative lengths of fore-and
foot of thickness selected. This will give a surplus suffi after body because portion of boat ahead of it is the fore
cient to cover material used for floor timbers, therefore body and portion aft the after body.
weight as ascertained will include floor timbers. The area of midship section also furnishes one meas
Deck, cabin roof and cockpit beams—These items can ure for determining resistance of a boat to passageway
be considered at one time and weight calculated in same through water.
manner that rib weight is calculated. Make length of Before area of midship section can be selected it is
beams equal to extreme breadth of boat. Ascertain width necessary to decide the following:
of each beam and number of beams, then calculate 'width
of material required. Multiply together (you do not The length of boat on L.W.L.
have to double this item), and then by weight of ma The breadth on L.W.L.
terial of thickness used. The draught of water from L.W.L. to rabbet at mid
Materials used for joiner work are several different ship section.
thicknesses and for this reason it will be shorter to con— Length on L.W.L. can generally be determined with
sider all joiner work as being a single item and estimate out making any calculation. The shape of ends of boat
its weight as being a certain weight per foot length of usually determines how much shorter the boat will be
boat. on L.W.L. than over all.
Use these figures: Runabouts having ceiling and cross The breadth on L.VV.L.—The extreme width of boat
seats, 8 to IO lb a foot of length; open power boats hav is usually on deck, or near to it, therefore, unless boat is
ing side seats, 12 to 16 lb; small raised deck cruisers, 20 one of abnormal shape, the width on L.W.L. is usually
to 35 lb; moderate sized cruisers, 40 to 60 lb. less than the deck width. It is important to keep in mind
Select weight per foot according to amount and weight the fact that breadth has an important bearing on sta
of material to be used and multiply by length of boat. bility and any increase in breadth at, or near to, L.W.L.
For engine weight, as installed, add 50% to weight increases a boat’s transverse stability.
of complete engine. This will cover weight of pipes, Draught of water to rabbet at midship section. The
shafting, propeller, etc. draught of water to rabbet at midship section of boats
having outside keel and deadwood that is carried aft to
For gasolene (fuel and tanks) estimate number of
stern post is nearly always less than the extreme draught,
gallons carried and multiply by weight per gallon. This
will give weight of fuel. For weight of tank use maker’s the proportion being between .7 and .8 of extreme
weights, or you can consider tank weight as being equal draught. The designer must select the most suitable
to a certain weight per gallon of fuel and add to weight
draught for the displacement niacessary and the shape of
midship section he intends to use.
of fuel. Cylindrical tanks as installed will weigh from
1% to 2% lb per gallon.
38. THE AREA or Mmsuir SECTION Nacsssmzv
For deck and other fittings multiply length of boat by
weight taken from this table. Having selected width on L.\V.L. and depth to rabbet
Open Boats—Deck fittings and equipment, 8 to 10 lb; at midship section you can determine area necessary by
cockpit and other furnishings, 4 to 6 lb. ‘ using the selected figures and a suitable coefficient multi
Small Cabin Cruisers—Deck and other permanent plier because
fittings, 13 to 15 lb; furnishings, etc., 10 to I4 lb. Breadth at midship section X Depth of sec—
Raised Cabin Cruisers—Deck and other permanent tion to rabbet X Coefficient will equal re
fittings, 16 to 25 lb; furnishings, etc., 15 to 25 lb. quired area of midship section.
The coefficient used when making this calculation is of the water as the boat heels transversely) tends to over
termed the midship section coeflicient 0f fineness. come the upsetting force of the bottom.
The midship section coefficient of fineness expresses 2d.—That midship section shape largely influences the
the ratio that underwater portion of midship section bears shapes of all cross-sections ahead and aft because it be
to a rectangle having a width equal to the width of mid ing the section of greatest area all smaller sections must
ship section at L.W.L. and a depth equal to depth of conform to its shape and merge into it.
midship section measured from L.W.L. to rabbet of keel. 3d.—That the abovewater portion must be propor
For instance, the first boat on Table No. 5 has a mid tioned to underwater portion in both shape and area.
ship section breadth on L.W.L. of 6.13 feet, and a depth The abovewater portion of a boat must have suflicient
at midship, to rabbet from L.\V.L., of 1.25 foot; there— buoyancy to make a boat safe in a seaway, and in addi
fore the midship rectangle is 7.66 square feet, and as the tion to this it must be shaped in such a manner that this
midship section area is 4.7 square feet the midship sec— surplus buoyancy is properly distributed fore-and-aft and
tion coeflicient of fineness must be 0.613. also vertically.
4-7 The influence of midship section shape on shape of
— : 0.613 Midship coefficient. fore-and—aft sections extends from keel to sheer of boat.
7.66 4th.——It is always a good plan, especially in boats de
Below I give table of midship section coeflicient of pending on shape for stability, to give the midship sec
fineness compiled from data of designs prepared in our tion ample breadth of shoulder and to make bottom area
office. as small as consistent with getting the area and depth of
TABLE N0. 5 section needed.
“ Displace- “.‘ '
Type ot Dimemions ment L.W.L. Midship Midship Midship
80:! over all in Lbs. Breadth Depth Area Coed.
Open . . . . .. 25 x 7 4540 6.13 1.25 4.7 0.61
Open . . . . . . 25 x 7 4660 6.50 1.00 4.8 0.75
Cabin . . . . . 30 x 7 6300 6.25 1.40 5.4 0.82
Cabin . . . .. 30 x 8 7600 7.00 1.33 5.8 0.64
Cruiser . . .. 32 x 8.5 9100 8.00 1.75 8.4 0.60
Cruiser . ... 36 x 9 12526 825 1.83 9.4 0.62
Cruiser . .. . 42 x 9.3 18700 8.56 2.30 13.0 0.65 _
Cruiser . .. . 50 x 11 27560 10.40 2.10 14.42 066
Cruiser . . . . 52 x 12 30464 ..... . . . .. 14.83 0.66
*Midship depth is measured from L.W.L. to Rabbet. There—
fore area of midship section must also be measured from L.W.L.
t0 Rabbet only. 625 ,_g l_] _ i .12;
- 5

“The dimensions are over all length and breadth. SQ-€FFICJENT.§2

***The L.\/V.L. breadth is given in feet and decimal parts of . 5 9i .0 .Pi'.
a foot. In fact, all measures are expressed in this manner.
Fig. 30
Fig. 30 illustrates the way midship section coefficient
is calculated.
Fig. 31 illustration shows three different shapes of
39. SHAPE or Minsmp SECTION midship section suitable for a small power cruiser. The
The midship section must not only be correct in area solid lined section indicated by No. 1 shows shape
but its shape must be such that boat will prove stable, selected for the one I will design, the underwater por
that displacement will be properly distributed, and resist tion of section being marked by full lines and abovewa—
ance to propulsion at a minimum. ter portion by broken 0nes.*
The shape of midship section has an important in
fluence upon the things mentioned. On stability, because
R l
of the influence shape has in the vertical position of C.B.
point when boat is upright and when inclined trans i\ t L. -
versely. On resistance, because of the influence that a- ee————+—“#-
BOVE . .f
immersed surface and distribution of displacement has \\ j l
on resistance to propulsion, and on proper distribution,
because of the influence that midship section shape and \‘ owl L. j'
area has on all longitudinal and vertical lines of a boat.
The most desirable shape for midship section of cabin ; 9
cruisers is one having a maximum width and area at or
near to the L.\V.L., and having a well-rounded bilge con
nected to keel by straight lines. Rounding connecting
lines from bilge to rabbet tend to increase rolling. And
as area of immersed surface should be kept low straight 1‘13. 81
lines keep area as low as possible without any offsetting
*The abovewater portion of sections is shown for the
detriment. purpose of illustrating how the shape of underwater body
When selecting the form of midship section to use affects abovewater shape. The lines bounding cross-sections
keep in mind these important points: of a boat must be fair ones from keel to deck, therefore any
Ist.—That the bottom (that portion of the section change in underwater shape will also affect the abovewater shape.
Then you must always bear in mind that the wedges of immersion
below the wedges of immersion and emersion) tends to gng emersion form portions of both the under and abovewater
overset, and the shoulders (the portion that is in and out o y.

The dot—and-dash-lined section marked No. 2 shows dinal lines in exactly the same manner that midship sec
shape having connecting line from bilge to rabbet slightly tion shape influences the shape of all sections ahead and
reversed. This section has same underwater area, breadth aft of it. The designer, when he prepares the preliminary
at L.W.L. and depth to rabbet as the No. I, but a portion drawing, selects a desirable draught of water and marks
of area is transferred from near keel to bilge, thus in the L.W.L. at that point. He now assumes that the
creasing stability transversely, because the nearer the marked L.W.L. is correctly placed and proceeds to se
bulk of the area is to L.W.L. the greater will be the re lect the most suitable shape and area. The designer who
sistance to inclination. has data to help him can quickly select the required area
The dash—lined section marked NO. 3 shows a shape by using a suitable coefficient and making a short cal
having rounded lines. The area is the same as that of No. culation.
1, 2 sections but as the bulk of displacement is moved Length L.W.L. X Breadth L.W.L. X Coefficient I
towards keel and the lines bounding section are rounded Required area.
ones from keel to bilge the section shape is a most un The length and breadth measures being the measures
desirable one. A boat having a section shaped like NO. determined upon as being most suitable and the coef
3 will roll very easily and be exceedingly uncomfortable ficient multiplier being the figures which will express the
when there is the least motion transversely. ratio that the area of the L.W.L. plane bears to the area
Avoid rounding lines without any pronounced bilge of a rectangular plane having a length equal to the length
if you want to have a boat that is steady and comfortable. of the L.W.L. and a width equal to the greatest breadth
It is usual to locate the greatest cross-section some Fig. 32 illustrates the meaning of coefficient of fine
distance aft Of centervof fore—and-aft length of water— ness Of L.W.L. plane. On that illustration the shaded
line because by doing this the length of lines that open portion of rectangle shows portion of plane that is cut
water is increased and thus resistance to propulsion is away in shaping L.W.L., and blank portion the area of
decreased. In addition to this in the majority of boats a L.W.L. plane. .
proper balance of fore—and-aft bodies, which is of the Coefficients of L.W.L. planes of power cruisers vary
utmost importance, can best be obtained when fore body from .6 for boats having fine ends up to .8 for those
is longer than after. The proportion of length of fore having full ends.
body to that of after body most desirable for power In selecting a coefficient the designer usually relies
cruisers is about 55 and 45. Or in other words the upon data obtained from boats he has designed.
length of fore body should be about 55% of I..\/V.L. Remember one thing; the area of L.\V.L. plane should
length and after body length about 45%. be proportioned to area of midship section, and to dis
3d Preliminary Calculation. Area and Shafle of placement.
L.W.L.—The L.\V.L. (load water—line) is the principal The successful boat is always one in which propor
water-line of a boat and is the line to which the boat tions balance and the centers are properly located.
floats when she is in sailing trim. This line has the If one detail is out of proportion, or if one center is
greatest area of all longitudinal water-lines and its shape improperly located, a correct balance cannot be obtained
influences the shape of all below and above water longitu and the strains and stresses that result from the erort


e in:
.5 fig .
NAME OF 6 5.5 _ _ _ _
TIMBER g 53 5 .E E. .E .5 .5 .S 5 E 5. .E .E .E E. .E
>3 >5 8c z s 2‘ =5 -’
i H‘
8H e”H 5 E W =5 X

Ash . . . . . . . . . . .. .720 45 22.03 17.84 14.08 10.33 7.05 6.58 6.07 5.60 5.16 4.22 3.29 2.80 2.35 1.40 ,47
Bird] . . . . . . . . .. .720 45 \Veiglit same as Ash
Butternut . . . . .. .460 30 Weight same as Spruce
Chestnut . . . . . .. .590 37 17.68 14.60 11.52 8.44 5.76 536 5.00 4.60 4.23 3.46 2-68 2.30 I92 115 38
Cypress (R) 510 32 \Veight same as Oregon Pine
Cedar (W) . 430 27 Weight same as White Pine
Cherry . . . . . . . . . _.670 42 5.58 6.14 5.70 5.28 4.84 3.96 3.08 2.64 2.20 1.32 _44
Elm Rock . . . . .. .610 38 18.59 15.14 12.24 9.07 5.90 5.51 5.16 4.68 4.29 3.51 2.73 2.34 1.95 1.07 _39
Locust . . . . . . . .. ,720 45 W'eight same as Ash
Mahogany (W.I.) .850 53 Weight same as Teak
Mahogany.(Mcx.) .590 37 Weight same as Chestnut
Oak (White) .. .850 53 Weight same as Teak
O‘ak (Red) .720 45 22.03 1784 14.08 10.33 7.05 6.58 6.07 5.60 5.16 422 3.29 2.80 2.35 1.40 .47
Pine (White) .430 27 12.93 10.68 8.43 6.18 4.21 3.93 3.65 3.36 3.08 2.52 1.96 1.68 1.40 .74 _28
Pine (Yellow) .720 45 Weight same as Ash
Pine (N, C.) .. .590 37 Weight same as Chestnut
Pine (Oregon) . .510 32 15.59 12.94 10.29 7.64 4.96 4.63 4.30 3.96 3.63 2,97 2.21 1.98 1.65 .99 .33
Spruce . . . . . . . .. .460 30 1436 11.86 9.36 6.86 4.70 4.38 4.06 3.74 3.43 2.81 2.18 1.87 1.56 .94 ,32
Teak . . . . . . . . . .. .850 53 23.00 17.96 14.64 11.32 8.00 7.46 6.92 6.48 5.94 4,86 3.78 3.24 2.70 1.62 .54
\Valnut . . . . . ..'. .610 38 \iVeight same as Elm Rock
White Wood .460 30 5.58 614 5.70 3.74 3.43 2.81 2.19 1.87 1.56 .94 _32
Weights are given in Pounds and Decimals of the Pound.
g‘l) )f9:51-— know what area of L.W.L. plane and midship section is
.l/ "7
-r necessary. By turning to the coefficient tables and se—
A lecting from them what seems to be the most suitable
coefficients the necessary areas can be ascertained with
t. reasonable certainty.
:ct‘\‘s_- -_
The block coeflicient of fineness expresses the ratio
Fig. 82
that a boat’s displacement bears to that of a rectangular
block having a length equal to L.W.L. length of boat, a
made to overcome the defects of this improper balance breadth equal to L.\V.L. breadth of boat at widest part,
will be plainly apparent and result in an increase of re and a depth equal to mean draught of water without
sxstance, a decrease of stability, or unseaworthiness. outside keel.
Every detail of both under and above water por The mean draught of a boat is the average draught
tions of a boat must be correctly proportioned to each taken from bow to stern. If the boat draws the same
other. amount of water forward and aft (as in the case of No.
For instance, to give a boat a moderate displacement 14 boat) the mean draught and extreme draught are the
and a full midship section and then finding that displace same.
ment is too large to try to correct the mistake by making If it is desired to find out, before designing a boat,
fore-and-aft lines extremely fine at ends will not prove what the displacement is likely to be to the draught of
successful and may result in making the boat a failure. water selected, by using the selected length, breadth and
The proper thing to do in such a case is to reduce area draught of water dimensions and a suitable coefficient
of midship section in proportion to reduction in fullness multiplier in the manner explained below, the displace—
of the fore-and-aft lines. ment can be ascertained very accurately.
Bear in mind that while a boat is designed on lines The length measure used is length boat will be on
that are taken at right angles to each other the water L.W.L.
does not follow along these lines but along paths of least
resistance, and these paths are nearly always along lines The breadth measure used is extreme breadth on
that are located at varying angles with the vertical and L.W.L.
horizontal. The depth measure used is mean draught of water
without outside keel.
The coefficient multiplier used must accurately repre
TABLE OF COEFFICIENTS or FINENEss 0F L.W.L. PLANEs sent the ratio that displacement of boat bears to displace
Type Dimen- place— Coefl.
ment of a rectangular block of same length, breadth, and
of sions ment Length Breadth of depth as the selected dimensions of boat.
Boat over all in Lb!. L.\V.L. L.W'L. Fineness
Open . . . . .. 25 x 7 4540 22.5 6.15 0.68 The bulk and displacement of a rectangular shaped
Open . . . . . . 25 x 7 4660 24.0 650 0.70 boat can be accurately found in the following manner:
*Cabin T. .. 30 x 7 6177 27.75 6.25 0,67
Cabin T. . . . 30 x 7 6300 26.50 6.25 0.64
Length X Breadth X Depth : Volume in cubic feet.
Cabin T
Cabin T
30 x 8
32 x 8.5
0.64 -_ _ _ _ .\__s'\_
v ._ _
\ 'K.
._ _.Q 4
**Cabin R 36 x 9 12526 34,00 8.25 0.74 \
Cabin R. . 40 x 9 17662 36.30 8.12 0.71
Cabin R. . 42 x 9.3 18700 38.00 8.56 0.68
Cabin R. .. 50 x 11 27560 48.00 9.75 067
| l l | | | ll l __'>. _ ._ ._ .- _ \
|| I l. v—
.. 50 x II
50 x 11
*T Indicates Trunk cabin.
MR Indicates Raised cabin.
0.71 ,1 _. _

-_t. _

I‘lg. 32-A
Coefficients place at the disposal of an architect a If the corners, or any part of the rectangular boat be
valuable means for comparing the elements of one de cut away the bulk and displacement can still be accurately
sign with that of another, and in addition to this the ascertained by adding to the above formula a multiplier
architect who has tables of coefficients can with great to accurately express the ratio that the new shape bears
accuracy and without the necessity of making preliminary to that of the original rectangular block.
calculations, determine the required area of midship sec— The calculation becomes:
tion, area of L.\V.L. plane, and displacement, by simply Length X Breadth X Depth X Coefficient :
selecting the proper coefficients and using them to make Volume in cubic feet.
the short calculations explained.
The coeflicient multiplier varies with each change in
As an illustration of value in shortening the work shape of boat. This method of calculating displace—
we will suppose a design has to be prepared. ment is called finding the probable displacement by using
The displacement found necessary, by making the a block coefficient of fineness multiplier. In order to
preliminary calculations, is 4,200 lb, and the dimensions make use of this rule the designer must know through
of boat are to be 24 by 5 feet 10 inches, but we do not experience the correct coefficient to select.
To ascertain the block coefficient of fineness of any Ist.—The shape of the L.\V.L. plane really determines
boat divide volume of displacement in cubic feet by vol the shape of all the water planes below it, and greatly in
ume of the rectangular block in cubic feet. fluences the shape of the fore-and-aft lines above it.
Or if the block coefficient is known and it is desired 2d.—All water planes must be fair curves from end
to ascertain what the displacement will be when selected to end, any abrupt alteration in shape of curved outline
coefficient is used, the calculation is made by multiplying is detrimental to speed because it will increase resistance.
the volume of block in cubic feet by the selected coef 3d.—The area enclosed by L.\V.L. must be sufficient
ficient. to insure stability.
43. PRISMATIC COEFFICIENT 0F FINENEss 4th.—The C.G. of the L.W.L. plane will, in a great
The prismatic coefficient of fineness expresses the measure, determine the location, in a fore—and-aft direc—
ratio that volume of displacement bears to volume of a tion, of the C.B.
prismatic solid having a constant cross—section area equal If midship section is located correctly the logical and
to the midship—section area of boat, and having a length best position for the C.G. of L.W.L. plane is at, or near,
equal to length of boat on L.W.L. the midship section, and then if the underwater bulk of
In other words, if the length of boat on L.W.L. is boat is shaped so that its center point (the C.B.) will
multiplied by the area of immersed cross-section the vol— come near the midship section and the C.G. 0f L.\V.L.
ume of the prismatic solid will be ascertained. Then if plane, an ideal condition of balance is obtained.
this volume is multiplied by the proper coefficient the In other words the center point (C.G.) of the L.W.L.
volume of displacement of boat can be ascertained. plane should be located near to midship section.
To ascertain the prismatic coefficient of any boat the
volume of displacement is divided by the volume of From these remarks you will understand the impor—
tance attached to shaping the L.\V.L. correctly and in
For a certain boat the prismatic coefficient calculation such a manner that the displacement can be properly dis
tributed in a fore-and-aft direction, and in addition to
figures are as follows:
this the L.\V.L. plane area must be sufficient to insure
22.5* X 4.7T : 105.75 Volume of Prism. ample stability.
If the volume of displacement is 69.9 cubic feet, the
prismatic coefficient is TABLE N0, 7
I .66 _ Dis- Pris~
105.75 Dimen place- Area M. l. mltic
Type of sion! menl of of M. C.” Co
Or, if the prismatic coefficient has been selected and vol Boai over all in C.FI. L.W.L. L.W.L.‘ Height eff.
ume of prism is known the desired displacement can be Open .. . .. 25 x 7 71”" 94 215 1.85 068*“
ascertained by making this calculation: Open .. 25 x 7 73 109 270 1.90 0.64
Cabin T. ._ 30x7 96 116 269 1.90 0.59
105.75 X .66 = 69.79 cubic feet displacement required. Cabin T... 30 x 7 98 105 265 1.75 0.69
To explain the meaning of prismatic solid and this Cabin T... 30x 8 106 133 300 1.55 0.65
coefficient calculation I have made Fig. 33. The heavy Cabin T.. . 32 x 8.5 142 154 450 1.65 0.57
lines show a solid having a constant cross-section of the Cabin R. ._ 36 x 9 195 195 816 2.55 0.61
area of midship section immersed portion. The lines Cabin R. .. 40 x 9 278 211 832 1.33 0.61
therefore show a square—fronted and ended boat having Cabin R. .. 42 x 9.3 292 220 870 1.50 0.59
Cabin R... 50x 11 430 313 1750 2.20 0.63
the same cross-section from end to end. The broken lines Cabin R. ._ 50x 11 439 295 1519 1.67 0.61
indicate shape of boat after ends have been cut away, Cabin R. .. 50 x 11 444 320 1700 2.00 0.63
therefore the portion of ends between the broken and I *M.L of L.W.L. around a longitudinal axis through C.G. of
full lines is the portion cut away from prism when shap p ane.
ing the fore-and—aft lines. "The height that the Transverse M.C. point is above the C.G.
,..E1:1.Itiamaftsifui.X ***The nearest two places of decimals.
/ ,,/‘1/ “I,” I u ______x )5 ****Decimals omitted.


1 q- I /-‘- ,4—— —— /l/ '—- I, - I SHAPING WATER-LINES
I I \klkl “%§__‘ ljl
_,til_. .gfL all ,.
w I mix ”__ \if.
This theory, and the many modifications of it now in
use, is based upon results of tests made, in the first place,
22-5' .0- ,
by Mr. Scott Russell, a celebrated English naval archi
tect and engineer.
mg. as
The theory is based upon the assumption that sea
Do not confuse this calculation with the one explained waves assume definite shapes, depending upon their ve
under the heading block coeflicient of fineness. locity, length and height.
These shapes, geometrically considered, are supposed
to be curves of sines of definite shape but differing in
In selecting a shape for the L.W.L. the designer has length with each change in velocity of wave.
great freedom of choice. It is, however, necessary to
Experiments carried out seemed to prove that the as
keep these things in mind: sumption is correct so far as sea waves is concerned;
*Length of_prism. _ and it was, from this, assumed that if the lines of a boat
lCross-section area of prism. were formed to conform to a correct wave form for the
speed desired the resistance to the passage of the boat cycloidal 0r trochidal curve and the completed water-line
through water would be reduced to a minimum. is a curve of versed sines. In all cases the points should
From the experiments made with waves and models be marked and the bow and stem portions of line marked
these things were ascertained: at one time. Study the illustration.
Ist.—That the length of fore body (entrance) of a
F'— ALTUEUNJL — if Font 500v he 70 i_ s___~_
boat designed for a certain speed should be the same as ‘—“—-—;
_ in ,f' z I I
the length of a wave of the first order moving at that Mn 10;; 552:8 / 1

speed.* .-/”‘ ‘ w - rs
(~11 :10ng 4;: /, \_
// :qupu‘gs ran Pans/vi.
l .
2d.—That the length of a boat’s after body should be
the same as the length of the front face of a wave of the \
,'_' _. ._.

Br ' t“ r if; ti" " r“ r “\l

‘ ._.
._._1 . _._.s>.
\ 1
second order moving at the named velocity. ' o I 2 s 4 , f 5 a 1 .1
- The experiments referred to resulted in definite rules
being formulated for shaping water-line planes in accor
dance with the wave theory of form. These rules are
given below.
To Shape a Water Plane in Accordance With the //
QAN litixsig [5
Wave Form Theory—Lay off a straight line the length WIY~QMY DfTflIHfIdT

of the water plane and divide it into two parts by means

of a line drawn at right angles to it and placed 60% of
the length from one end. This line is called the base line. _ WAVE gal/4 séégvg' or Aksai _

The dividing line is the position at which the midship

1‘18. 84
section must be placed, therefore, the 60% end of the
base line is length of bow and the 40% end is length of The contention of advocates of this form of water
stern. line is that water-lines formed in this manner offer least
On the dividing line describe a semi—circle having a possible resistance to propulsion, and while this may
radius equal to one-fourth the extreme breadth of boat be true when shape alone is considered, it is not entirely
on L.W.L. and divide its circumference line into any true when every element of a design is considered as a
convenient number of equal divisions, then number the unit. Resistance to propulsion, seaworthiness, stability,
dividing points from No. I, at base, up. capacity, have all to be considered when designing a boat
Now divide the bow portion of base line into the same and the designer should always consider these as a unit
number of parts that you divided the circumference line without unduly magnifying the importance of any one
of semi-circle into, then draw from each dividing point feature or part.
right—angled lines and number them from No. I, at for The extreme forward ends of water-lines laid out in
ward end of base line up. the manner explained will sometimes be so fine that it
Next draw lines through each dividing point of semi would be impossible to obtain the requisite strength of
circular circumference line and parallel with base line. construction at stem. To overcome this a slight modi
These lines will cross each of the right-angled lines and fication of the rule is often necessary. This modifica—
if the points of intersection of each parallel line with the tion is made in the following manner:
same numbered right angle line are used as points for the The bow portion of the base line is drawn longer
drawing of a curved line, a correct wave form line for than it is intended that the bow of water-line shall be
bow can be marked. To lay out the shape of stem por and after the water-line is marked out, as already ex
tion of the line proceed as follows: plained, the surplus length is marked 011? at extreme for
Divide the stern portion of base line into the same ward end and forward end of the water-line curve re
number of parts used for the bow and draw right-angled marked to terminate at the proper point. The requisite
dividing and parallel lines in the same manner you drew length is thus obtained and the extreme fineness at bow
them for bow. is done away with without materially altering the shape.
Next measure along each parallel line the distance the I have explained this method of shaping water-lines
semi-circular line is away from the midship section right because it is a scientific method of acknowledged merit.
angled line and transfer the measurements aft of the cor ‘ Displacement should always be considered when shap
respondingly numbered right-angled line, for after body, Ing water-lines. If a boat is to have a comparatively
by measuring from the right-angled lines the required large displacement it is not advisable to shape water-lines
distance along the proper numbered parallel line. in exact accordance with the wave-line theory because
Thus all the points are moved aft a greater or lesser the capacity of a boat having wave lines is not so great
distance. as when the water-lines are convex, or parabolic.
If now you use these moved points as points for the In other words on the same water-line length. area
drawing of a curved line you will be able to mark the of midship section and L.\V.L. plane, the displacement
shape of the stern portion of the wave form curve. of a wave form L.W.L. boat will be less than that of a
boat having convex water-lines.
If you will refer to the upper portion of the N0. 34
An advantage of the wave-line form that should not
illustration you will see how the points are moved aft
be overlooked is the capacity, and weights are carried in
and the curve laid out.
a better position, nearer the middle of the boat, which
Technically speaking, the after water-line curve is a is of great importance.
*The lengths of waves increase with each increase in In the parabolic convex form the center of weight
speed. will lie about 0.37 from the middle; in the straight-line
I /~
point is away from L.W.L. can be ascertained by sub
FULL L/Nl 1s Yka! WAvf FOR/‘1 CuRVE tracting the draught of water from the half—depth meas
0‘ N Amu- tonwnna '0”st L1. 15" ~
POINT: A‘L Movra It‘r Dar/:4! Tn! 1-2 3 fillsa/Rti ure. In this case the calculation is:
_ _ 0.4I foot. Distance the C.G. is above
‘ ," .1 ._ _.. . —.'__ ‘
£1" arr/“43 [fl
wm~gu~r arr-:1»: r
1'66 1'25 * the L.W.L.?
/ . .___. . /,._.___.__._._.
The moment of any physical agency is the product of
r ~0i~ IOIWIIBI'ND Z '7 force and distance of the point of application from the
fulcrum, the distance being the least distance between
the center of force applied and center of the fulcrum,
or axis.
Inertia is a measure of massiveness, or mass, and is a
term expressive of that indifierence to a state of rest, or
motion, which is the universal property of matter and
may be expressed by saying that a body in motion will
continue in motion, and a body at rest will remain at
figgwnug ~ow 1'1: (1") I'lY'I'Ivolaci/nvr Ii Ital/CID I ~ Ll~gld :1
rest unless acted upon by some external force.
r! ITIIII | u Rlanlfilhrc O! (.v»?v The sum of the force required to overcome the in
H3. 85
ertia of a body, whether to stop or to move it, is called
the moment of inertia. _
form this center is at 0.35 and in the wave form at 0.29 Moment of inertia deals with the rotation of bodies
from the middle. around an axis. The axis can be either within or with
out the body and it is of great importance to keep the lo
Fig. 34 ShOWS trial wave-form curves laid out. cation of the axis in mind when calculating the moment
Fig. 35 shows methods used for correcting a wave of inertia of any body, because it naturally stands to rea
form curve. son that the further the mass is away from the axis
4th Preliminary Calculation. Preliminary Stability around which it is supposed to revolve the greater the
Calculation—Having marked out the proposed shape of force necessary to stop the momentum, or to start the
L.W.L. it is advisable to ascertain whether a boat having mass revolving if it is stationary.
the selected dimensions, shape, and area of L.W.L. plane, The moment of inertia of any area can be ascertained
will be stable. This calculation is made in this manner: by dividing the area into a large number of equal sized
Ist.—The proposed L.W.L. plane is divided into a smaller areas and multiplying each small area by the
sufficient number of intervals for a Simpson’s rule cal square of the distance its C.G. point is from the axis
culation and the area and location of the C.G. point of around which the whole area is supposed to revolve. The
plane is determined. sum of all these will be the moment of inertia of the
2d.—The M.I. of the L.W.L. plane around a longi whole area around the named axis. To explain this more
tudinal axis drawn through its center is calculated. fully I have drawn Fig. 36.
3d.—The approximate vertical position of the C.B.
point is ascertained by making this calculation:
l (d_+ V Distance C.B. point is likely to be be
3 2 X): low the L.W.L.
d—Standing for draught at midship section.
V—Standing for volume of displacement in cubic feet.
A—Standing for area of L.W.L. plane in square feet. mL___L___.C-‘L___ ____
4th.—Find the probable location of the C.G. of
weights vertically by making this short calculation.
In boats having no inside ballast the vertical position
of C.G. of weights will be found to be located at a pomt m. a? m. as
that is (approximately) one-half of the depth of midship Fig. 36 shows an irregular-shaped area and above it
section above rabbet. (— -— — —-) is marked the axis around which it is to
The depth of midship section being measured from revolve.
rabbet to sheer amidships.* Let us suppose that the area enclosed by the RR. line
For a certain design the measured depth of midship is divided into equal sized small areas, like SR, and the
section from rabbet is 3.33 feet. Therefore, the C.G. of distances their C.G. points are from the named axis is
gravity of weights is located at a point that is (approxi— measured. Then the sum of all such products as S.R.
mately) 1.66 foot above rabbet. multiplied by the square of distance the C.G. is from
Knowing the draught of water amidships (it is 1.25 named axis will be the moment of inertia of whole area
foot) from L.W.L. to rabbet, the distance that the C.G. around the named axis.
It is usual and proper to use the letters Ml. or the
*This rule for measuring cannot be applied to boats hav single letter I, in place of the words moment of inertia
ing raised cabins, cabinhouses, or tops that extend above the
sheer. In such cases some addition must be made to the depth :l‘This coincides very nearly with actual location found by
measure to cover the leverage of the additional height. making the detailed calculation.
and I will, hereafter, use these letters to indicate, or ex— ;_5 .r-“r. um u
press, moment of inertia.
If the area of a figure is known, the M.I. around an
axis within the figure can be found by using this formula: \ \
Co X Area X Depth squared : M.I.
Co being a coefficient varying with shape of figure \
and position of axis.
Area being the area of the whole figure.
Depth squared being the depth, measured perpen
dicular to axis and squared.
The following are coefficients 'to use for regular
shaped figures.
For a circle CO 1-I6 0r M.I. = 1-16 X A X F squared.
For a rectangle C0
II I-12 0r M.I. = 1-12 X A X F squared.
For a triangle CO 1-18 or M.I. = 1-18 X A X F squared.
0RD! / oxo l2 Oknl’a
These coefficients can only be used when the axis lies ' 4'-G '—————>l<— ~~ 4-‘-6——-1'
within the figure. :— 910 ————-‘>
When the axis around which the figure, or mass, re—
volves is parallel to and a given distance from an axis rig. as
drawn through C.G. of figure the M.I. of known areas
is determined by first calculating the M.I. of the figure them and measure their lengths from the longitudinal
around an axis drawn through its C.G. parallel with the axis out.*
axis around which the figure revolves, and then adding Next cube each measurement and enter the cubes of
to the M.I. figures the product of the area into the square measurements as ordinate lengths for the rule. Put the
of the distance between the two axes. (See Fig. 37.) cubed ordinate lengths through Simpson’s multipliers in
From this you can readily see that: the ordinary way and total the function, of cubes. The
sum of the function of cubed lengths is then treated in
Ist.—The M.I. of a figure about an axis through its this way: One-third of the total multiplied by the proper
own C.G. must always be less than about an axis parallel interval multiplier (V3 or 3%; common interval) will give
to it and some distance away. M.I. of one-half the plane. By multiplying this total by
2d.—If an area is distributed away from its C.G. the 2 the M.I. 0f the whole plane is ascertained.
M.I. is very much greater than if it is massed near to
In boat and vessel calculations the M.I. is almost al— TUDINAL AXIs
ways calculated around an axis within the figure. 0111. Length of Cube of S Function of
Now refer to the Fig. 38 illustration and the calcula— Number Halt-01d. Half-01d. M Cohen
tions I have made to determine its M.I. relative to the I 3.00 27.00 I 27.00
fore-and—aft axis marked, which you will note passes 2 3.00 27.00 4 108.00
3 3.00 27.00 I 27.00
through the C.G. of the figure.
The figure being a rectangle its area can be determined 162.00
and then the M.I. can be calculated by using the formula One-third total is =54.00
and coeflicient multiplier for a rectangle. . One-third interval= 1.5
The calculation works as follows:'
Area :- 9 X 6 : 54 square feet. 81.00 M.I. of one-half plane.
Perpendicular depth is 6 feet. 62 I 36. Multiplier ' 2

Coefficient for rectangle is 1-12. 162.00 M.I. for whole plane.

Therefore: I will now make a complete calculation to determine
54 X s6 the M.I. of Fig. 39 water plane around its longitudinal
———— : I62 axis drawn through C.G. of plane.
6 The M.I. of E. around the marked axis is, therefore, _ *A longitudinal axis drawn through C.G. of a water plane
I 2. Wlll run from stem to stem through center of plane, and as
both sides of plane are alike one-half of plane is each side
of line, or axis. When calculating M.I. of a water plane
47. RULE FOR CALCULATING M.I. OF A BOAT’s WATER around a longitudinal axis through C.G. all measurements
PLANE AROUND A LONCITUDINAL AXIS must be made from axis out, and not from outside to outside
of plane. Thus one-half of plane is measured and to ascer
DRAWN THROUGH ITs C.G. tain the M.I. of whole plane the multiplier 2 is used. If the
Divide the longitudinal axis into a number Of equal whole width of plane measurements were used the final fig
ures would indicate the M.I. of plane around a longitudinal
intervals suitable for the application of one of Simpson’s axis drawn along one side of plane. 1! is important to keep
rules. Mark ordinate lines at points of division, number this in mind.
While it is always necessary to make complete cal
HALF PLAN 5 culation in the manner shown, a knowledge of the proper
coefficients to use will enable you to quickly determine,
during the preliminary stages of work, the moment of
inertia of intended L.W.L. plane.
k.— a_ 0‘_.1
For this reason the designer should make it a practice
\l to determine the M.I. coefficient for every design and for
every shape of L.W.L. plane. If this data is properly
tabulated the designer will always have the data in con
venient form for reference.
l\m_ VIA 22799 Below I give headings for tabulated data of this kind.
I‘ll. 39 Length Breadth Area L.W.L. M.I.
0t 0! of Coefi. 0! Around M.I.
L.W.L. L.W.L. plane Fineness Long Axis Coefl.
CALCULATION TO DETERMINE THE M.I. or THE L.W.L. PLANE OF A 18.0 ft. 6.4 ft. 87.9 0.7 227.9 0.048
PAthcutAks.—'l‘he length of plane is 18 ft., therefore, it can Knowing the M.I. of a boat’s L.W.L. plane around
be divided into six intervals (for seven ordinates) and Simpson’s a longitudinal axis drawn through its center, the displace
first rule can be used. Interval between ordinates is 3 ft. Lengths ment in cubic feet, and location of C.B. point above the
of ordinates, from center line out, are as entered below: bottom of boat, the distance the transverse M.C. point is
0rd Length of Cube 0! as” Function of above the C.B. point can be quickly located by making
Number Half-Ord. Length . Cubes of Length
the following short calculation:
1 0.00 0.00 1 0.00
2 1.50 3.37 4 13.48 M.I. of the LNVL. plane _ Height of MIC. (wimp
3 2.50 15.02 2 31.24 _ verse) above C.B.
4 3.00 27.00 4 108,00 Displacement in cubic feet
5 3.20 32.76 2 65.52 A knowledge of this is valuable because it indicates
6 3.00 27.00 4 108.00
7 2.50 15.62 1 1562 the approximate initial stability.
The above formula willgive figures that will indicate
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341.86 whether, or not, the boat is stable when upright.
One-third of total is used. It is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 113.95 The amount of stability a boat possesses depends
One-third interval multiplier is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. t
M.I. of one-half the plane is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 113.95 Ist.—Her underwater shape.
Multiplier for whole plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 2d.—The distribution of this shape, or bulk.
3d.——The distribution of weight of boat and all on
M.I. of the whole plane around a longitudinal axis . . . . .. 22790
When the area of plane is not known, or is known If the vertical positon of the center of a boat’s un
approximately as when making preliminary calculations derwater bulk is known we have an accurate knowledge
for a design, the M.I. of the plane around its longitudinal of the distribution of bulk vertically, and if we also
axis can be very closely calculated by using this formula: know the M.I. of the boat’s immersed plane of greatest
Co X L X B3 : M.I. width and area we have a correct measure of the inertia
\Vhere C0 is a coeflicient varying with each change of the mass immersed, because inertia varies with dis
of shape. tance that the mass is distributed away from the axis
L is length of the plane. of rotation, or axis around which the mass is supposed
to revolve, and the plane of greatest width and area indi
B3 is breadth, extreme, (from outside to outside of
cates the greatest transverse distance that the mass can
plane) cubed. _ be away from the axis.
For a L.W.L. plane in the form of a rectangle the
C0 is 0.083. Therefore by using the M.I. and mass figures in a
For a L.W.L. plane in the form of two triangles the proper manner the amount of force necessary to start
Co is 0.02. boat revolving (inclining) around an axis drawn through
Therefore the coefficients for ordinary shaped water C.G. longitudinally can be ascertained. This force ex—
planes of boats must lie between the above figures. pressed in pounds, or tons, will indicate the moment of
Using this formula the M.I. of Fig. 38 works out as force required to incline the boat to a named angle, or
follows: the figures can be used to indicate a measure of com—
0.083 X 9 X 63 : 161.35 M.I. parison between the boat’s actual stability and that of
This is very near to the figures obtained by calculat the boat when in a state of neutral equilibrium,
ing the M.I. in the manner explained. Shape is permanent, therefore, whatever "shape sta—
For the water plane whose M.I. is calculated above bility” a boat possesses is fixed for each draught of
the formula gives: water and inclination.
0.048 X 18 X 6.4 cubed : 226.492. Weight stability, or stability due to distribution of
The coefficient for the L.\/V.L. whose moment of in weight, is a quantity varying with each change of weight
ertia I calculated is 0.048. and location of the C.G. point.
You already know that for every body there is a to it to represent the center line Of boat at midship sec
point below which the C.G. of the body must be kept tion. Next from the point of intersection of these two
if it is desired to have the body rest in a state of stable lines draw a diagonal line upwards at the inclination
equilibrium. In a boat this point is termed the M.C. selected for boat at midship section.
point and its position depends upon shape and distribu The point where this diagonal line cuts a vertical line
tion of underwater bulk. Knowing the bulk immersed drawn upwards from the horizontal line at a distance
and its distribution it is possible to locate the M.C. point, equal to one-half the extreme width of boat will be the
and knowing the location of the M.C. point we can learn top of sheer at midship section, and if the distance this
whether the boat is stable or not by locating the C.G. point is above the L.W.L. horizontal line is measured
point and noting whether it is below the M.C., and the along a vertical line the height of freeboard at midship
distance that the C.G. point is below the M.C. gives section will be ascertained.
some indication of the amount of initial stability pos Fig, 40 illustrates the method of laying out these lines
sessed by the boat. for a boat having 7 feet extreme breadth of beam.
Fifth Preliminary Calculation. Freeboard Necessary NIL r QIIIDTN—v-J
The freeboard of small power boats should be such Fae/"a
that edge of deck does not become immersed at less than m
a 25° inclination. In cabin cruisers and larger boats the o ne“
angle should be greater. I give on Table No. 8 a list \

of angles suitable for various types and sizes of power /-/

boats that are to be used in protected waters. Freeboard e—/—->
at bow and stern must be increased a sufficient height
to make boat dry and easy in a sea but you must bear / \\
in mind that height of freeboard alone will not make ‘/ I

a boat dry and safe. The height must be there but, in

addition, the shape and proportion must be correct and in
keeping with the underwater body.
Fig. 40

When a boat rises in a seaway the stern is depressed

and line of flotation and position of C.B. point changes The height of freeboard at bow and stem must next be
longitudinally. With each up movement of bow the selected. Experience and data obtained from boats built
C.B. point moves aft and with each down movement it are the most satisfactory guides. On Table NO. 9 I give
moves forward of its original position, and thus the fore freeboard measures _that can be used as guides for in—
and-aft movement is like the swing of a pendulum, and crease Of height of freeboard at bow and stem over
upon the regularity of swing fore-and—aft of the original that selected for midship section. These measures are
C.B. position depends the steadiness Of boat longitudi for boats of ordinary form having concave sheer line.
nally. It is most desirable that the fore-and—aft move The measures cannot be used for straight or convex
ment be regular, equal and limited in extent. sheer-lined boats.
The motion of a boat up and down should be less than TABLE NO. 9
that of the lifting wave, and if the abovewater portion '— Open Buatsi——‘ ,--_ Cabin Boats _—

of the boat is properly proportioned and its bulk prop Approximate

A! Bow
At Stern
Ar Bow
erly distributed vertically and longitudinally this desirable Feet Feet Inches Feet Inches
condition can be obtained. 20—24 1_ 0—1.2 2—3 1.2—1.5 55— 4
The bulk above water should be proportioned to bulk 25—29 1. 2—I.5 3—4 I.4—I.6 3— 4
30—39 I. 3—1.0 3—4 1.6—19 3— 4
immersed, and ends should be shaped in such a manner 35—39 1- 6—1-9 4—5 1-9—2.o 4— 5
that the moment of lifting force due to action of a wave 40—49 I. 8—2.o 4—6 2.0—2.3 4— 6
on bow will be counteracted by the moment of resistance 50—59 1 iO—2.3 4—6 2.3—2.6 4— 6
to depression of stern due to the stern resisting immer 60—69 . .. .. . . . . .. . 2.6—2.9 6— 8
70—79 . . . . . . .. 2.9—3.0 6— 8
sron in water. 80—89 . .. .. .. . 3.0—3.3 6— 9
A boat that pitches violently over every wave is not 90—99 . . . . . . .. 3.0—3.6 6—ro
making headway since a large part of the propelling force
is exerted in driving her up and down instead of in a 49. SIXTH PRELIMINARY CALCULATION. H.P. NECESSARY
direct line ahead. FOR SPEED
_ TABLE No. 8 By using old method formula, figures taken from
POWER BOAT FREEBOARD Resistance table and data given on preliminary data sheet
Approximate F‘- Runabou! —‘ /—-——Open Cabin
Lengths Breadth Angle Breadth Angle Breadth Angle Table No. I the H.P. required to drive that boat at de
Feel Fr. Ft. Fl. sired speed can be ascertained with reasonable accuracy.
20—24 4 35° 5 28° 7 32°
25—29 4-6 35° 7 27° 8 30° It is possible to make use Of this formula because all
30—34 5 34° 8 27° 9 30° the necessary particulars are given on preliminary data
35—30 6 33: 0 27° 10 30° sheet Table No. I.
40—49 7 32 IO ° 12 30° The figures for this calculation are:
50—59 8 30° 11' 26° 14 30°
. ... 12 25° \ I5 29" Area of Midship section is
70—79 . ... .. . .. :6 28° to be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.44 square feet.
80—89 . . .. .. . .. 18 26° Speed desired is . . . . . . . . .. 10 nautical miles (knots)
90—99 . . 20 25°
Length of entrance is . . . . . . 19 feet.
48. To DETERMINE FREEBOARD NECESSARY Breadth at midship section
Draw a horizontal line to represent the LNVL. of on L.W.L. is . . . . . . . . . 8.25 feet.
boat at midship section, and another line at right angles Area of immersed surface is 233.5 square feet.
Note. The area of immersed surface is ascertained Width of midship section 8.25
by making use of this formula: : .434 and .4342 = .188.
V Length of entrance 19
L X D X 1.7 + — : Immersed surface. Therefore Head resistance H.P. = 8.76 X .188 X
D 9.44 = 15.546 _ _ _
L standing for length on L.\V.L'. (given on prelimi~ ' And H.P. required to overcome frictional resistance
nary data). is:
D standing for mean draught of water (given on pre 233.5 X .71
liminary data). —— I .58 and .58 X 8.76 = 5.08 H.P.
V standing for volume of displacement (given on 285-33
preliminary data). 15. 546 Needed to overcome head resistance.
195.72 5.080 Needed to overcome frictional resist
34 X 1-185 X 1-7 + : 233.49 Square feet im ance.
1.185 20.626
mersed area. Add 30% 6.187 For propeller slip allowance.
The figures on Resistance table for 10 knots are: Add 10% 2.062 For frictional loss between engine
Direct head resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 285.23 and propeller.
H.P. figures . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.76 28.875 H.P. required.
Skin friction figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.7! ' 7th Preliminary Cale ulatio n—Coeflicients: The\
And coefficient for improvement in form is .188 ob methods used for determining coefficients have been ex
tained in this manner: plained in paragraph headed coefiicients.
Chapter VIII
Construction Details and Structural Strains

Before proceeding further I will briefly explain a few four pieces, and that tight bulkheads have been fitted
things that must be considered when planning construc at the ends of the pieces; the pieces being joined to
tion details of small power boats. gether again in such a manner that they will be free
Ist. The materials selected must have sufficient to move up and down, but in no other direction. Also
strength to withstand all stresses and strains the boats suppose that weight of boat has not been increased. If,
will encounter. after cutting, the boat is replaced in water, it will be
2d. The materials must be durable and not liable to found that each section will now float at a level deter
rot when partially or fully immersed in water. . mined by its weight and the up pressure of buoyancy
on that Particular section. Or, in other words, weight
3d. The pieces must be shaped and fastened to and buoyancy will determine the level of flotation of each
gether in such a manner that the structure as a whole section independently. Thus the sections will now float
will have a maximum of strength without unnecessary somewhat in this manner:
Unnecessary weight is a detriment and detracts from
the strength of any structure.
Always remember that strength of a structure is never
greater than the strength of its weakest part.
If, when designing the structure of a hull, you make
one part unduly weak, the whole structure will be weak
and no amount of strength added to other parts’will
make up for the weakness of the one weak piece.
As I have in a previous chapter given tabulated
dimensions of material and relative value of material
lists, it will be unnecessary to do more than refer you
to those lists for data about suitable sizes and kinds Bow section has least buoyancy (bulk) and the
of materials to use. materials used for stem, etc., are in excess of buoyancy
Therefore I will pass to the third item. requirements. therefore, this section will float deeper
The strains to which boats and vessels are subject than the original water-line.
can be divided into two classes. Next to bow section has a large amount of buoyancy
Ist. Structural strains, or strains that affect the and no excessively heavy weight to carry, therefore,
structure as a whole. this section will float above the designed water-line.
2d. Local strains that affect some particular portion Midship section has great buoyancy, but also carries
of the structure. a large amount of weight due to machinery, etc., there
fore, this section will float deeper than the L.W.L.
50. STRUCTURAL STRAINS . Stern section has no excessive weights to carry and
These are almost entirely due to the action of ele— its buoyancy is greater than is required to float weight,
ments (weather and sea) or to propulsion (sail, steam, therefore, this section will float higher than the original
power). water-line.
Longitudinally a power-boat hull may be likened to Thus we have two sections striving to float higher,
a trussed girder, subject to bending in a fore-and-aft when boat is rigidly connected as a single structure, and
direction, but as the distribution of weight and amount two striving to sink deeper, and these opposing forces
of material used in the structure varies considerably will cause structural strains that must be considered
along the length, and in addition to this the water sup and be taken care of by the designer when he designs
port, or buoyancy due to the up pressure Of water, is the structure.
not evenly distributed along the length and does not To equalize structural strains of hull and buoyancy
coincide with weight distribution, the strains are very of water along the length of a boat is an impossibility,
unevenly distributed. therefore, the strains must be carefully calculated for
Imagine that a boat has been cut transversely into both the level water—line, as shown, and also for the
extremes of fore-and-aft pitching likely to occur when
boat is in a sea. This brings me to a point where it is
necessary to consider the abovewater portion of hull.
The Aboa'ewater Portion of Hull.—The shape of this
has a great deal to do with the action, or behavior. of a
boat in a sea. Its shape can either increase or de
crease structural strains.
The ideal shape for the abovewater portion of a hull
is one that will permit the bow to settle easily up to the
proper (calculated) point, and will prevent the stern be greater than thickness and deep face should be laid
from settling when bow is lifted out of water. against inside of ribs.
These conditions are obtained in a power-boat hull by Deck Frame should be designed with a view to offer—
giving the extreme bow sections above L.W.L. a gradu— ing greatest resistance to transverse strains. The ends
ally increasing flare and by making the extreme after should be securely kneed and fastened to both clamps
sections above L.\V.L. relatively full. and ribs.
The strains that affect the frame of a boat are partly Planking.—The side and top planks help to resist
transverse and partly longitudinal and for the purpose longitudinal strains and the bottom ones transverse
of helping you undertstand this I tabulate below the names strains. The strength of planking should be ample to
of a few principal parts of a boat’s frame and have resist the hull and structural strains, and, in addition to
entered against each the kind of strain that it must be these, the strains due to action of sea and pressure of
designed to resist. To offer greatest resistance to longi .water due to depth of immersion (see table of water
tudinal strains the pieces affected must have their great— pressures). The planking must also be thick enough
est strength longitudinally and vertically, while to offer to hold the caulking in seams, and the caulking must
greatest resistance to transverse strains the strength must also resist the water pressure strains. Remember that
be transversely and vertically. at, and near keel, the pressure is considerable and this
I say pieces, but in reality both the pieces and the extreme water pressure must be considered when design
structure as a whole have to be considered, because it ing planking construction details.
stands to reason that the shape of the whole structure Bulkheads.—These can be considered as solid ribs
must greatly influence its power to resist strains, and and, therefore help to resist transverse strains. Water
consequently the amount of strain that each piece has tight bulkheads must always be strong enough to resist
to bear. For instance, if a hull is shallow, that is, if pressure of water that will come against them if com—
its depth from keel to sheer is slight in proportion to partment ahead of them is full of water and open to the
length, the structure as a whole cannot offer very great sea.
resistance to longitudinal strains and, therefore, in such Remarks About Local Strains.——Strains of this nature
hulls the pieces which have to resist longitudinal strains are mostly due to the placing of some heavy weight, such
must be much stronger vertically than in hulls of the as engine, boiler, mast, etc., in the vessel or boat; or to
same length but having a greater depth. the action of engine when operating, or to the action of
The same rule applies to transverse strains, though propeller, or to strains due to force of wind on sails, or
in this case width must be considered instead of length. to strains caused by rigging attachment.
Longitudinal Transverse
All such local strains must be carefully considered by
Part of Frame Strains Strains Both Equal the designer and taken care of by adding strength to
Keel stem, etc. Greatest. Least. the structure at the points affected.
Deadwood log, etc. Greatest. Least.
Bilge clamps, Greatest. Least. Thus, local strains due to weight of machinery and
Deck clamps. Greatest. Least. to its operation must be taken care of by adding proper
Ribs and floors. Least. Greatest. foundation structure and strengthening the parts of
Deck frame. Least. Greatest. structure at and near to the machinery. It is necessary
Shelf and knees. Least. Greatest.
Bulkheads. Least. Greatest. to bear in mind that any strengthening of structure
Planking, decking. ..... . . . . . .. ' Both equal. should be made in such a manner that the strain is
transferred to the main portions of hull structure and
The Keel.—Longitudinal strains are greatest, there sPread over as large an area as possible.
fore, the most effective form of keel is one having depth
greater than thickness (width). , The action of a propeller will cause strains that can
best be taken care of by adding strength to deadwood
Stem and Stem-Knee.—These can be considered as and sternpost. Always bear in mind that provision must
part of the keel and should be designed to resist longi be made for taking care of the thrust of propeller.
tudinal strains.
In sailing craft, local strains due to weight of mast,
Deadwood and Shaft-Log.—These can also be con etc., must be taken care of by strengthening the keel
sidered as parts of keel and should be designed to resist where mast is located and by adding foundation timbers
longitudinal strains. The log must also be made suffi— for mast to step into. The deck where mast goes must
ciently large to permit shaft hole to be bored through also be properly strengthened and all places where rig
it and fastenings placed correctly. ging is fastened to hull must be properly strengthened to
Ribs should be designed to resist transverse strains. resist the greatest strain that will be put on the sails and
A rib having greater depth than width and placed with rigging. The details of hull strengthening for rigging
narrow face against inside of planking is the most attachments must be carefully worked out for the ex
effective. press purpose of transferring strains over the greatest
Floor Timbers.——\Vhile these aid in resisting both possible surface of hull. ‘
transverse and longitudinal strains, they should be de— It is most important to bear in mind that it is waste- '
signed to offer greatest resistance to transverse strains. ful and unwise to attempt to obtain necessary strength by
Depth above keel helps to resist longitudinal strains and simply adding weight of material. The strongest and
length of arms each side of keel is necessary for trans most durable structure is always the one in which
verse strain resistance. The correct shape of floor tim— weight, distribution and fastening of the materials have
ber is one having good depth above keel and good length been considered as one connected whole—A sufficient
of arms each side of keel. weight of material must be used and this material must
Clamps—Longitudinal strains affect these most, be properly placed, distributed and fastened; but any
therefore, clamps should bev placed with a view to re excess of weight over and above what is absolutely neces
sisting longitudinal strains. Their depth should always sary generally detracts from the efficiency of the struc

Mann/Ml,‘ +

- ‘4 511a; .a m. ‘8

ture as a whole. No structure is stronger than its weak a boat like the one being designed is 6 inches, and that
est piece is a most important maxim to remember. its thickness should be 3% inches.
It is especially important to remember that fastenings I, therefore, measure 6 inches up from bottom of
are just as important details as the largest member of a keel line at point on keel where rabbet line is nearest to
structure, and, in fact, it can be said with truth that bottom of keel, and find out the distance this point comes
fastening details are more important than many that above rabbet line. The measurement is, in this instance,
receive more attention. 2 inches. It is next necessary to ascertain whether this
I will now explain how the pieces of a boat hull measure is sufficient for cutting rabbet for planking and
structure are shaped and fastened. foothold for ribs. To ascertain required measure for
Keel, stem, deadwood and shaft-log form the center these, proceed as follows:
longitudinal member of hull and are the pieces upon To find space required for rabbet add to thickness of
which the whole structure is erected. Examine Fig. 43. plank %; inch for each inch.
On that drawing these pieces are shown put together and To find space required for end Of rib:
fastened in their proper positions. If rib is mortised into keel, double the moulded
Each piece of\material is shaped in such a manner depth of rib will be the measure.
that when it is assembled in position, the outside shape of If rib is to butt against keel, by adding one-eighth to
assembled pieces is exactly as shown on lines drawing, moulded depth of rib, measure will be ascertained.
and inside shape is such that rabbet can be properly If rib partly butts against and partly rests on top of
cut and required strength Obtained, that the several pieces keel, one-half moulded depth of rib will be measure
can be properly fastened together and ribs, floors and required.
planking, can be fitted and fastened in position.
By adding measure required for plank and rib, total
It is, therefore, apparent that these things must be
measure required will be ascertained.
considered when designing construction details of this
kind: For the design, measures are:
Ist.—Shape of the outline of assembled pieces. Thickness of plank is ,7/8 inch; V3 inch added to this
2d.—Location and shape of rabbet. gives I inch as measure required for rabbet.
3d.——Width and length of material available. Ribs have a moulde'd depth of 1% inches. Half this
4th.—-Strength necessary. measure is % inch, measure required for ribs.
I inch plus % inch is distance (minimum) keel must
I will take up each of these points in order and ex
extend above the rabbet line. (We have 2 inches.)
plain the way a designer works when designing keel
The line that represents top of keel can now be
construction details.
drawn. In the design this line is located 2 inches above
He first gets ready a piece of drawing paper of
rabbet and is drawn parallel with rabbet and the named
proper size and marks on it Base—L.W.L—Mould
distance above it.
(ordinate) Positions—The Outline of Stem, Keel—The
When top of keel line is marked, you will see that
Rabbet—The Shaft Line—and Sheer Line—taking
while forward part of keel is sufficiently narrow to per
measurements for these from profile view of lines
mit it being got out of one piece of material, the after
drawing. part is far too wide and will, therefore, have to be made
He next considers width of material available and out Of three or four piecesof material fastened together.
thickness necessary. Fig. 44 shows various methods of fastening keel
The thickness has been decided upon (taken from Ta pieces together.
ble No. 2), but as width and length available are seldom Illustration “A.” shows what is called a "flat—footed"
known exactly, the designer usually shapes pieces and joint. Y0u will note that pieces are simply laid on top
arranges scarphs so that stock sizes of material can be of each other. A joint of this kind should not be used
used. when there is no supporting timber above and below.
51. THE KEEL “B” illustration shows a notched joint. This is the
This is the name of piece of material extending from kind of joint usually made when fastening pieces of
after end of stem to sternpost. Stem and stem-knee is keel and deadwood together.
fastened to its forward end and deadwood and shaft “C” illustration shows a more complicated method.
log to its after end. called a "hooked scarph,” much used in ship-building
From table, I learn that Minimum Depth of keel for and when building large cruisers.
“D” illustration shows how any of the above scarphs 1 inch (more, if possible to have more without making
can be strengthened. angle of shaft line too great) and be fully immersed.
A square hole is cut albng joint in such a manner This point will indicate location of after end of shaft
that one-half of hole will be in each piece of timber. center line.
Into this hole there is driven, after pieces are joined To find position of center of forward end of line,
together and fastened, a well-seasoned piece of wood. ascertain diameter of flywheel of engine and its loca
This strengthens the scarph regardless of whether it is tion when in place in boat. Then measure up from top
like A, like B, or like C. This is called keying. It is of keel at this point a distance equal to one-half diameter
usual to cut hole midway between ends of joint when of flywheel plus intended depth of floor timbers above
joint is like B. When joint is like C, two holes are cut, keel and not less than I inch for clearance. The total
one at center of each step. D addition is seldom used in of these measures will give vertical location of forward
small power-boat construction. ' end of shaft line, and a straight line drawn from this
Length of Keel Searphs.—~The length of a keel scarph point to after one will be the shaft line.
should never be less than six times moulded measure. It is important to get this line accurately laid out.
Thus, if a keel is 6 inches, length of scarph must be 36 In the design the diameter of propeller is 24 inches,
inches. therefore, the measure below bottom of horntimber at
sternpost is 13 inches. The diameter of flywheel on a
30—h.p. engine is usually about 22 inches. Half of this
diameter is 11 inches. Add I inch for clearance and 4
inches for depth of floors above top of keel and we get
16 inches as measure that front end of shaft line is
above top of keel. The location of front of flywheel of
engine is obtained from lines drawing.
After shaft center line is marked, lines to indicate
top and bottom of shaft-log can be marked.

1‘13. 44

Fastenings of Searphs.—Keel scarph fastenings should

never be less than %; inch diameter for each inch thick
ness of material.
The fastenings should be placed alternately right and
left of a center line, and should be spaced not over 9
inches apart, the end fastenings being located near to
All scarph fastenings should have washers placed
under heads of bolts, under both ends of rivets and under
nuts. Bolted fastenings are stronger than riveted ones.
HI. ‘5
The several pieces that make up after end of keel
and deadwood can now be laid out. To do this proceed 52. SHAFT—LOG
as follows: ' The shaft-log is the piece of material through which
First, if it has not already been marked, mark the shaft passes. It is usually necessary to make shaft-log
shaft line in its proper position and at correct angle. out of heavier (thicker) material than keel, because there
This line represents center of shaft. To get correct must be sufficient thickness of material to leave ample
angle and position for shaft center line, ascertain diameter wood for fastenings each side of shaft hole.
of propeller that will be used and mark a point on stern The hole in shaft-log through which propeller shaft
post at a sufficient distance below horntimber to permit passes must be larger than shaft, because propeller shaft
propeller to revolve and clear horntimber by at least must not touch wood at any point, bearings (stern bear
ing and stuffing—box) placed at each end of log being between keel and shaft-log; it is, in fact, a portion of
used to carry shaft and keep it in line. keel and sometimes is made of the same piece of wood
In a boat of the type being designed, it is usual to as keel. When distance from top of keel to bottom of
make diameter of shaft hole not less than %; inch larger shaft-log is too great to fill with keel plank, the space is
than diameter of propeller shaft. In larger boats % inch filled by using two or more separate pieces of material.
should be allowed. __ The deadwood material is usually same thickness as
On illustration Fig. 45 I show methods of shaft-log keel, and is laid out to fill space between top of keel
construction. and log. It is generally fastened in place with drifts
“A” on illustration Fig. 45 shows details of shaft-log placed at varying angles.
construction Suitable for any sized power boat having 54. STERNPOST
outside deadwood. This illustration shows a shaft-log
This is the piece of material fastened to end of keel,
made out of two pieces of material, one-half of the shaft
deadwood, shaft-log, etc., for the purpose Of tying pieces
hole being taken out of each. You will note that log together and fastening shaft bearing to.
is made out of thicker material than deadwood and
The sternpost is set up on keel and extends up to
horntimber and has its outside surfaces rounded. When horntimber tying ends of deadwood and log together.
a log is constructed in this manner, the lower piece is It is usually fastened in place by tenoning or scarphing
first of all fastened to keel or deadwood by means of to keel and horntimber in one of the ways illustrated.
drift—bolts driven through its center down into keel. The Drifts are used to secure ends Of wood to sternpost.
edges of log are then grooved out for the full length,
On illustration Fig. 45, A, B, E, is shown a sternpost
the grooves being placed close to the outer edges.
in position. On the A illustration it is simply dovetailed
Into these grooves are placed pieces of soft wood, into place, the ends of logs and deadwood butting against
(called stop-waters) for the purpose Of preventing water post and being fastened to it with drifts driven into wood
leaking through joint of log. diagonally.
The top of piece of log is placed in position and Illustration B shows method of tenoning post to keel
fastened to both lower piece and keel by driving drift— and horntimber.
bolts diagonally through both pieces into keel in manner Illustration B shows same as A, but having log let
shown on illustration “A.” into sternpost. The E method is best.
You will note that horntimber is the same thickness
as keel and, therefore, top and bottom edges of log have
to be rounded to meet edges of keel and horntimber
Illustration “B” shows construction of log when
horntimber is made of the same thickness material that
log is made of, therefore, only the lower edges of log
have to be rounded, and method of fastening top piece
of logis changed to permit drifts being driven through
horntimber, both pieces of log and into keel.
Illustration “C” shows construction and methods of
fastening a shaft-log when it is made out of one piece
of material.
Illustration "D" shows a method of constructing a
shaft opening through deadwood of a boat without the
use of a shaft-log. This construction has the defect of
preventing use of through fastenings to connect dead—
wood with horntimber, and for this reason is less de
sirable than the methods shown by means of illustrations
(IAJJ) (KB!) ((C-)I

It is well to bear in mind that when heavy pieces,

such as log, keel, deadwood, etc., are fastened together
with drift-bolts, (these are simply straight pieces of
round iron) the drifts should be driven at varying angles
(inclining forward, or aft) because, when placed in this
position, they will prevent the pieces pulling apart and
hold much better than if driven straight or all at one
angle. Note inclinations of fastenings shown on illus
trations by means of dotted lines.
Depth of shaft-log can be made to suit, but front
end of log must extend inside rabbet and top of keel a
sufficient distance to permit stufling-box for shaft tO be
1‘15. 46
fitted against it. Of course, the front end of log must
be absolutely square and cut at right angles to shaft line. 55. HORNTIMBER
The outer end of log is fitted against sternpost in one This is the name of piece Of material that fastens to
Of the ways shown on illustrations. top of deadwood and shaft-log and extends aft to end
of boat. It can be the same thickness as keel or thick
53. THE DEADWOOD AFT ness of log, and is laid out in the manner that keel is
This is the name given to portion of boat that lies laid out.
Horntimber is fastened to log and deadwood with When selecting dimensions for ribs that have to be
drifts, and, when fastening it in position, care must be bent to shape consider amount of bend, or shape, to
taken to see that drifts are kept clear of shaft hole. which the ribs have to be bent and make relative pro—
Transom post and knee, or the stern piece and knee, portions of depth and width such that the material will
are fastened to horntimber“ bend naturally and properly.
It is not a difficult matter to bend pieces of wood to
56. STEM AND STEM-KNEE a desired shape, providing the wood used is of a kind
These fasten to extreme forward end of keel and that has sufficient strength of fibres to withstand bend
can be constructed out of a single piece of curved wood, ing strains, is straight-grained and has been well softened
called a knee, or from two or more pieces fastened with hot water or steam.
together. For ribs such as are used for the construction of
On the accompanying illustration Fig. 46 various small cruisers white oak or elm are excellent materials.
methods of constructing stem and stem—knee are shown. The material is selected for straightness of grain and
A shows a stem and knee in one piece, got out of a need not be seasoned, or dry. It is then cut into strips
curved piece of wood, or a natural knee. Note how of desired dimensions and length. These strips are then
grain follows curve of knee, thus giving maximum placed in a tight box into which steam is admitted, and
strength without undue weight. Also note how keel is after about 20 minutes of steaming are removed one by
let into knee at its forward end. This prevents end of one and while hot are bent to desired shapes over forms.
keel being damaged should it strike any obstruction, and The ribs must be fastened on forms until cold and can
also adds to strength of joint and fastenings. then be removed and fitted in place in the boat.
B shows a stem made out of straight material and a Ribs are fastened to keel and floor timbers.
stein-knee out of a curved piece of wood, or a knee.
Note direction of grain in both pieces and how the upper 58. FLOOR TIMBERS
end of knee is let into stem. _ Floor timbers strengthen boat along keel and tie ribs
C shows both stem and knee made out of straight together. A floor timber is fitted to each pair of ribs,
grained material. Note direction of grain and method being fastened to ribs with rivets and to keel with drifts
of letting upper end of knee into stem. or spikes.
D illustrates how any method of construction can be R HLQNI I IP18

strengthened and improved by simply letting after end

of knee into keel.
Look at the A, B, C construction and you will note
that if a stem and knee is constructed as shown on these
illustrations, the entire force of any blow or pressure on
front of stem will be transferred to joint marked “X”
and to fastenings, the tendency being to open joint “X”
and loosen fastenings through keel.
With after end of stem-knee let into keel as shown
on D, the joint “X” is not liable to open because of addi
tional strength given to it by notch "XX”.
In addition to this, all stem fastenings into keel are
strengthened and any blow or pressure exerted on face
of stem will be transferred to stem-knee and distributed
along foot of knee and against point “X” and “XX”.
When a joint of stem, knee or keel is made in mans
ner shown by bottom of knee A, B, C construction, the
joint is said to be “flat-footed”, and if made like D it
is said to be “notched”. When possible to do so,
“notched” joints should be made.
Of the stem and knee construction methods, A is
best, B is next best, then C.
57. RIBS
In small cruisers the ribs are steam-bent to shape.
Two very satisfactory methods of fastening ribs to keel
are shown on illustration Fig. 47.
The method shown by A can be used when depth of
keel above rabbet is slightly less than depth of rib. The
end of rib is cut to fit partly on top of keel and partly 1‘13. 47
against side of keel. The depth of floor timbers above top of keel should
Illustration B shows method that can be used when never be less than the sided measure of keel and the
rabbet is cut close to top edge of keel. You will note floor timbers ahead of midship section must be placed
that almost all of rib rests upon keel. altifad of ribs, and those aft of midship section aft of
Ribs hold planking in place and as the strains they n 5.
have to resist are mostly transverse, the most efficient On illustration Fig. 47 is shown methods for fitting
shape for a rib is one having depth, or moulded measure, and fastening floor timbers in small boats and cruisers.
greater than width, or sided measure. The most generally used method is shown on top of
illustration. The center illustration shows method of
fitting floor timbers on top of ribs. This method is not
good unless natural knee floor timbers are used. Z£~‘w
The lowest drawing shows method of fastening bent gen-raft l,
to shape floor timbers on top of ribs. This is an ex
cellent method to use for small boats, but is not good for
a cruiser size.
An engine foundation is liable to both transverse
and longitudinal strains and the best way to resist them
is to give ample width to the floors and maximum length
to fore-and-aft bearers. In addition to this, the founda
tions as a whole must be sufficiently strong to resist
“panting” strains, or strains causing in and out vibra—
tions, at or near engine. Strains of this kind are prin—
cipally due to engine and hull vibrations not being in
unison, or uniform with each other, and can best be
overcome by strengthening hull structure at, or near to
the engine. 1‘13. 48
Fig. 48 shows details of two engine foundation con
struction methods. Pieces are scarphcd together, the end being notched.
The B details is an excellent method to use for heavy The L0g.—Of two pieces constructed in manner
engines when it is not possible to get a sufficient width shown by illustration B. The shaft hole through log
of material to make cross floors in one piece. will have to be about 1% inches, and as about 1% inches
The C details show how an engine foundation can of clear wood is required, for fastenings, on each side of
be strengthened in boats having keelsons, or when the hole the thickness of material must be at least 4 inches.
shape of engine flywheel is such that it becomes necessary Lower piece of log fastened with drifts placed through
to stop fore—and—aft bearers, or stringers, back of the its center and countersunk below shaft hole, and upper
flywheel. piece fastened with drifts placed on each side of hole.
With small engines this is not a detriment, but in The SternPOst.——Constructed like A.
cases when heavy-duty engines are used, vibrations are The Horntimber.—Of same dimension material as log
likely to occur unless fore-and-aft stringers extend ahead and its inner end notched into log. The ,outer end
of flywheel. notched to receive transom-post knee.
For the design being prepared, this construction is The Stem and Knee—Of two pieces, the grain run
advisable: ning in a direction that will enable full strength of
The Keel and Deadwood.—Of two pieces of material, material to be utilized.
the lower piece being 30 feet long and upper piece (dead Transom-Post and Knee—Of material of same
wood) being sufficiently wide to extend from keel to dimensions as keel. The knee of curved material and
under side of shaft-log. fastened securely to horntimber with bolts.
Chapter IX
Explanation of Drawings

In designing boats it is usual and customary to pre 1% inches = 1 foot. One foot appears on each 1%
pare the plans and specifications in certain standardized inches of the scale.
ways. The reason for this being that the plans and 1 inch = I foot.
specifications can then be read by anyone having a % inch : I foot.
knowledge of designing rules. Therefore, always pre 12 inch : I foot.
Pare your drawings in the accepted manner. Stick to %; inch : 1 foot.
standardized methods. % inch = I foot.
To make sure that you clearly understand, I will here 13 inch :- I fOOlC.
outline a few important rules. On all scales used in marine drafting the divisions
The set of drawings should consist of these plans: are marked to .permit inches and parts of an inch to be
read as well as feet.
(A) The lines drawing. Show on it the profile, Usually the first division is closely divided to permit
the water-lines, the buttock and diagonal lines and the measuring inches and parts of an inch, the other divisions
cross-sections. The offset table can be on this drawing being divided to permit measuring feet.
or on a separate sheet of paper.
(B) Show'on your second sheet of drawing the 60.. SELECTING THE SCALE TO Use
keel construction details, framing and engine founda— Before preparing a set of plans the designer must
tion details. select the scale he will use and decide upon the size of
(C) Show on the third sheet of drawing deck fram— sheet he will make the drawings on. Both of these things
ing, the flooring of boat, engine installation details and depend very largely upon the size of the boat, or vessel,
the general framing details of such things as seats, bulk— because the size of a sheet of drawing must be convenient
heads, etc. for handling. The larger the boat the smaller the scale.
It is not necessary to make all drawings to the same
(D) Show on this drawing the interior and cross scale, but it is desirable to make all drawings in a set the
section views. same, or approximately the same size. The scales most
(E) Show on this drawing the general views of the frequently used by naval architects are:
finished boat. If advisable to do so, have a separate For lines and general construction plans:
drawing for rudder and steering gear details.
% inch to a foot. . .% inch to a foot. .. % inch to a foot.
The specifications and list of materials can be sepa % inch to a foot... I inch to a foot. . ._1% inch to a foot.
rate from the drawings and should always be as com For details that must be shown larger than possible on
plete as possible. general plans:
The impossibility of making ’drawings full size neces 2 inches to a foot. . 3 inches to a foot. .6 inches to a foot.
sitates some ready and accurate method for reducing the We have found it advantageous to standardize scales,
sizes of lines and parts evenly and in exact proportion and below I give list of scales used in our offices:
to each other. For boats 25 feet and under in length, we use a 1%-inch scale.
It is absolutely necessary that the reduced size draw— For boats between 26 and 35 feet, we use a 1-inch scale.
For boats between 36 and 45 feet, we use a §/4-inch scale.
ing be made in such a manner that accurate measure For boats between 46 and 70 feet, we use a %-inch scale.
ments can be taken from it. The means adopted for For boats between 71 and 95 feet, we use a %-inch scale.
making the reduction is to use a scale upon which each For boats over 100 feet, we use a %-inch or a I/§-irich scale.
mark represents a certain proportion of the full-sized The most important things to remember are: To make
measurement. the size of sheet convenient for handling, and at the
Thus, if it is desired to make a drawing one-quarter same time have the scale sufficiently large to enable
the size of the full-sized piece the full-sized piece would details to be shown correctly.
have to be measured with a full-sized rule, or scale, and On drawings of boats and vessels measurements are
then the draftsman would transfer the measurements to marked in feet, inches and parts of an inch, in accordance
the paper by using a scale on which the divisions would with the system explained below. You will note that
be spaced one-quarter of the full size measurement apart. two distinct methods are used: One for measurements
Such a scale would be termed a 3 inches to a foot scale, marked on a_lines drawing, and the other for construc
because on each 3 inches of it there is shown the same tion and detail drawmg measurements.
number of divisions, or marks, that appear on a I-foot 61. EXPLAINING THE SYSTEM USED FOR MEASURING A
scale and all the divisions are one-quarter of the distance LINES DRAWING
they are on a full-sized scale.
All dimensions of a boat’s, or vessel’s lines are ex
The following is a_ list of the scales commonly used pressed in feet, in inches and in eighths of an inch.
in U. S. A. by machine and marine draftsmen. Thus:
3 inches = 1 foot. One foot appears on each 3 1—0-0 Means One foot—n0 inches—no eighths.
inches of the scale. 1-1—0 Means One foot—one inch—no eighths.
I-—I—-I Means One foot—one inch—one eighth. similar to the ones sent as a guide, the shape of profile
I—I—I y. Means One foot—one inch—one and a half is very different.
eighth (3/I6th). My outline shows a boat having a moderate raised
O—I—O Mi Means No foot—one inch—and one-quarter cabin with a low trunk extending over a portion of it,
thus the customer’s desire to obtain 6 feet headroom
eighth (1/32d). without an excessively high trunk cabin is achieved.
From these examples you can readily understand the The division of interior is outlined on drawing and
system. Prime marks and lettering to indicate feet and on it I have also marked weights of various principal
inches are omitted, therefore, the figure --0— must be parts of construction, and as each set of figures is placed
entered whenever a dimension is omitted from a column, at the point where the center of gravity of the part
and all figures must be entered in the manner shown, the weight is located both longitudinally or vertically, it is
dash between the figures indicating the division between an easy matter to keep track of the various centers of
feet, inches, and eighths. Also note that in place of weight. This is especially desirable should it become
entering measures smaller than one-eighth of an inch, as necessary to change the C.G. point location before mak—
I/I6th and so on, they are entered as fractional parts of ing the final calculations and drawings.
an eighth. Thus 3/I6th inch is expressed as 1% eighths. On the upper portion of drawing is shown the curve
The method is extremely easy to learn and is one that of areas, the outline of shapes of deck, of several prin
enables a workman to use an ordinary 2-f00t rule, that cipal water-lines and of cross—sections. The order in
has the regulation I/16th divisions, when he is laying which the work shown on this drawing is done is as
down the lines of a boat full size. ' follows:
After a lines drawing is completed, the designer first—The profile and deck outline is drawn to con—
measures the various lines and centers the figures, in the form with my ideas of form and dimensions and next
manner explained above, on a table called a table of the assumed L.W.L. position is marked, and both pro
offsets. file and deck outline views divided off into a suflicient
It is from this table that the builder obtains measure— and proper number of intervals for a Simpson’s rule
ments when enlarging the lines to full size. calculation. After the ordinate positions are marked,
On drawings that show construction details of boats I divide up the interior longitudinally and determine the
and vessels the necessary measurements are marked in interior arrangement that I will have. Next I select
feet, inches and parts of an inch, the measurements given the kind and dimensions of materials that I will use by
being the actual dimensions of materials used as well as referring to the tables, and after dividing the materials
the measures of details shown on drawings. I say into parts I calculate construction weights and make
“necessary measurements,” because in many cases the preliminary weight and C.G. calculation. The figures
measurements can be omitted because the boatbuilder obtained by making this calculation will be found in
can obtain them from the full-sized plan that he lays the following table:
down from the lines drawing and tables of ofisets. PRELIMINARY CONSTRUCTION WEIGHT AND CENTER OF GRAVITY
Thus on the keel construction drawings it is not CALCULATION
necessary to give the length measurements. Thickness ‘
Distance Distance
and depth of material are all that is necessary. “'eight in C- C is C in
of in from above below
This also applies to such pieces as ribs, clamps, deck Part Part No.1 01.1. 1.. w. 1.. 1.. w. 1..
No. Lb. Feet Moment Feet Feet Moment
beams, floor timbers, keelsons, etc. I....... . 900 19.6 17,640 .. 1.00 *900
On the other hand, measurements of cabin details, 2 . . . . . . .. 4.000 18.0 72,000 1.00 4,000
cockpit, deck, etc., should always be given as accurately 3.. 1,700 12.3 21,250 1.50 2, 50
as possible; length, height, width, as well as dimensions 4. . . .. . .. 2,000 21.5 43,000 I
5. . . .. . .. 1,000 27.0 27,000 1.50 1.500
of materials used, being given. 6. . . .. . .. 1,000 16.0 16,000 4.00 4,000
All measurements of such details as spacing of ribs, ... .. . . . 400 28_o 11,200 1.50 600
distance from one end of a cabin to another, are always . . . . . . .. 1,000 16.0 16,000 0.25 250
given from center to center. Thus rib spacing is given 7 500 20.0 10,000 1.50 750
from center to center of ribs, cabin length from center to 12,500 Weight 234,090 Moment
center of bulkheads. It is important to remember this. Above Moment . . . . .. 13,650
Deduct below Moment 900
CALCULATIONS Totzil alloment above
I have used the data and general dimensions given . .L. . . 12,750
by the customer as my starting point and working from Therefore:
2 0 . . .
this I have tried to produce a design for a boat having 34’09 I 18.72, the distance In feet the C.G. lS aft
similar dimensions, but shaped in accordance with my 12,500 of No. I ordinate.
On Fig. 48—A I show an illustration of the completed 12 O . . .
’75 I 1.02, the distance In feet the C.G. is above
preliminary drawing. (See p. 62.) 1.2500 the L.W.L.
On this drawing I show, drawn to scale, my ideas of
the shape boat should have, and on the drawing is _ *This is below the L.W.L., therefore, it must be entered
In separate _column and deducted from abovewater moments.
marked locations of the principal center points, figures iThis item’s center point is estimated to be located at the
to denote weights of materials, and suflicient other data L.W.L., therefore, no moment is entered, because the L.W.L. is
to enable me to prepare my lines drawing accurately by the line from which we measure.
working from the preliminary one. Nora—The weights entered here are the estimated weights
measurements that centers of parts weights are from Ord. No. I, of construction. The distance measures are the estimated
measurements that centers of parts weights are from Ord, No. I,
and you Wlll note that while dimensions are somwhat or, from the L.W.L.

The construction weights ascertained by making the support; i.e., the boat will fill that portion of cavity into
preliminary calculation gives 12,500 tb as being the dis which the water cannot flow rapidly enough.
placement required, therefore, it is necessary that the I now know that if the immersed area of each ordinate
bulk of portion of boat below the marked L.W.L. be section from bow to stem is made in accordance with
sufficient to displace 195 cubic feet of water, and as the measures taken at ordinate locations on curve, the boat’s
preliminary C.G. calculation gives 18.72 feet as the dis displacement will be exactly as required and center of
tance C.G. point is aft of forward end of L.W.L., it is this displacement (C.B.) will be exactly the same dis
necessary to so shape the underwater bulk that C.B. tance from bow that center of weight is. Therefore,
point will be 18.72 feet from forward end of L.W.L. providing my weight estimate is correct, the boat must
The next preliminary work is to select area of midship float to the assumed load water-line. Below I give
section. This is readily done in this instance by using figures taken from my preliminary C.B. calculation.
for our preliminary calculation the midship section co
efficient mentioned by customer (0.625) and determin 63. PRELIMINARY DISPLACEMENT AND C.B. CALCULA
ing required area by making the preliminary calculation TION FOR CRUISER (FIG. 48-A)
already explained. This calculation tells me that the The preliminary calculation, made to determine the
required area of section in square feet is 9.44. required displacement, gave 12,500 lb as the weights of
Knowing} this and the underwater bulk, and also the construction, etc.
distance that center of underwater bulk (C.B.) must be By using the coefficients decided upon (see Prelimi
from the forward end of L.W.L., the fore-and-aft dis nary Data Sheet) I found that the midship section
tribution of bulk can be laid out. should have an area of about 9.44 square feet and should
The proper way to do this to lay out a preliminary be located about 19 feet from No. I ordinate.
curve of areas, using the selected midship sectidn area Using the above figures a curve of sectional areas
for diameter of generating circle. In this particular is laid out (see curve on Fig. 48-A) in the manner ex
instance, I have selected the wave form for my pre— plained in Chapter VII and the displacement and C.B.
liminary curve and have laid out on the upper half of calculation is made in the manner shown below.
drawing the wave-form curve, which, as you will note, NOTE—The curve of sectional areas shown was first
gives less than required volume, so it is necessary to in laid out as a true wave-form curve. The displacement
crease the area enclosed by curve, and this I have done contained in the wave-form curve was found to be too
by filling in the hollows forward and aft. The filled-in small, therefore, I corrected the curve by advancing the
portion of curve is indicated by cross lines. forward points and moving the after points aft a suffi—
The principal points to keep in mind when laying cient distance to give the required additional displace
out a curve of areas are: ment and at the same time bring the fore-and-aft loca—
Ist.—To make the curve fair from end to end. tion of the C.B. to the proper position (to correspond
2d.—To shape the curve so that the areas of succes with fore-and-aft position of C.G. of weight).
sive sections, from bow to midship, will increase in The measurements entered below are taken from the
correct ratios and the areas of the afterbody sections curve of areas marked on the drawing. This curve is for
will decrease in relatively the same proportion. half areas, therefore, the final figures are multiplied by 2.
If the afterbody curve does not balance the forward Ord. Arc: of S Function Moment
No. Scciinn X of Area X Moment
body curve, the boat will be hard to drive and will have
1 . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 I 0.00 0 0.00
a tendency to alter her “trim” when driven at speed. 2 . . . . . . . . .. 0.83 4 3.32 1‘ 3.32
To explain this, suppose that a certain boat is at 3 . . . . . . . . .. 2.42 2 4.84 2 9.68
rest floating in still water. Her displacement is known 4 . . . . . . . . .. 3.85 4 15.40 3 46.20
and she floats to her designed water-line. Now suppose 5. . 4.64 2 9.28 4 37.12
6 . . . . . . . . .. 4_72 4 18.88 5 94.40
she is moved forward. As she moves the forward body 7 . . . . . . . . .. 4.02 2 8.04 6 48.24
forces particles of water, that impede its motion, out of 8 . . . . . . . . .. 2.33 4 9.32 7 65.24
the way, and in doing this, some motion is imparted to ' 69.08 304.20
the particles of water' adjacent to hull. As the boat Interval is 4.25 feet Interval 4.25
advances the water moved aside by the forward body One-third interval is 1.417 Moment 1,292.8500
flows into the cavity left by the advance of the after Volume of half areas 97.86 cubic feet
body and the movement of water is along the lines of
\Vhole volume is . . . . . . . . .. 195.72 cubic feet
least resistance,—under and around the boat. If, owing \Veight of salt water . . . . .. i7 64 lb
to improper balance between forward and after bodies, Whole displacement . . . . . .. 12,526 lb
or to improper fore-and-aft distribution of their bulk, 1,292.85
the water moved by bow cannot flow freely into and = 18.71
entirely fill the cavity left by stern sections, then the, 69.08
boat will be hard to drive and if driven at sufficient Therefore, the C.B. point is located 18.71 feet aft of
speed, will change trim, or “squat” until by the alteration No. I ordinate. This point is (almost) identical with
in trim the balance is equalized; in short, particles of C.G. point, therefore, if the fore-and-aft distribution of
water put into motion must flow into the cavity left by displacement is as shown by curve the C.B. will be
stern with suflicient rapidity to keep the stem full sup— correctly located longitudinally.
ported. If the water cannot, because of improper shape The next preliminary calculation is one to determine
and distribution of bulk, flow into the stern cavity as the approximate distance C.B. point is below L.W.L.,
freely as it should, there will not be sufficient water and as the required area of L.WVL. plane is given on
support under the stem to keep the boat on a prpper preliminary data sheet, I can quickly make this calcula
water-line and she will “squat” or sink in water at the tion by using the short formula already explained.
stern, until buoyancy support under stem is sufficient for Complete figures of my calculation are as follow:

":10 fl_—m_ ing A ¢_-—— ‘
txvn' i‘_a’-t' antrv u)”.
1.91- i. i'fl 'T :7.“


0.. 2.1


1‘13. 48-A


C.B. Is BELow THE L.W.L. —( + ) = .5328
In the early stages of the design the vertical position 3 2 194-58
In boats and vessels of ordinary form it will be found
of the C.B. can be located very nearly by making use of
the following formula: 9
that the approximate position will be between — and ——
+ Z): Distance the C.B. point is below the 20 20
L.\'V.L. plane. 9
2 A of the mean draught below the L.W.L. plane; — Of 1.185
(1 standing for mean draught to rabbet in feet. 20
V standing for displacement in cubic feet. is .5332, which coincides almost exactly with the figures
A standing for area of L.W.L. in square feet. obtained from the formula calculation.
For the Fig. 48—A design the figures are as follows: I next lay out the approximate shape of L.W.L. plane,
Volume of displacement is 195.72 cubic feet. being careful to get the area selected (194 square feet).
Area of L.\V.L. plane is 194.58 square feet. The shape of this L.W.L. can be selected by first laying
Mean draught* to rabbet is 1.185 feet. off a wave-line curve and correcting it, or it can be laid
By using these figures in the manner explained above off by using one of several other methods that I will
we find that the approximate position of the C.B. point explain later. In this particular instance, I used the
is 0.532 foot below the L.W.L. plane. wave-line curve as a starting point and filled in the ends
to bring the curve up to the required area and get a shape
*The mean draught to rabbet can be very accurately de that will conform to my ideas.
termined by measuring on your preliminary drawing the dis 65. PRELIMINARY STABILITY CALCULATION FOR CRUISER
tance from L.\V.L. to rabbet at each ordinate position and then
finding the average. For the Fig. 48-A design the figures are as After laying out the shape of L.W.L., I can measure
follows: its width at ordinate positions and then determine the
01d. Ord. Ord. approximate stability (M.C. height) of the boat. Below
No. Measure No. ' Measure N0. Measure
1 . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 5 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.83 9 . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.00 I give the complete calculation.
2 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 6 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.70 The displacement of the boat in cubic feet is 195.7
3 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.56 7 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 10.67 therefore, '
4 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.83 8 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 = 4.1, the height the M.C. point is above the C.B.
10.67 195,7 point.
= 1.185 feet mean draught.
9 The preliminary calculations give the following:
Ord. ’4 01d. 8 Function M Cube of S
No. Length! X of Length x Moment % Ord. X Moments
1. . . . . . . .. . 0,00 I 0.00 0 00.00 00.00 1 00.00
2. ......... 1.16 4 4.64 1 4.64 I_35 4 6.20
3. . . . . . . . .. 2.40 2 4.80 2 9.60 13.82 . 2 27.64
4. . 3.40 4 13.60 3 40.80 38.80 4 155.20
5. . . . . . . . .. 4.04 2 8.08 4 32,32 ‘ 65.95 2 131.86
6. . 4.12 4 16.48 5 82.40 69.92 4 279.68
7. . 3,88 2 7.76 6 46.56 58.93 2 I 16.78
8. . . . . . . . . . 3.33 4 13.32 7 94.24 36.89 4 147.56
9. . 0.00 1 0.00 8 00.00 00.00 1 000.00

68.68 310.56 864.92

4.25 Interval {53%
One-third interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I.416° 1,319.88 Moment 288.30 % Cube
1.416° 1; Interval
Half area . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 97.29 square feet
2 Half M.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 408.40
— 2
Whole area is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194.58 square feet
Whole M.I. 816.80
— = 19.21, the distance in feet C.G. is aft of No. 1 Ord.
The C.G. point is located 1.02 foot above the L.W.L. same scale that will be used for working drawings, it
plane. _ will be an easy matter to use preliminary drawing for
The C.B. point is located .66 foot below the L.W.L. a guide and transfer measurements from it direct to
plane. other drawings.
Therefore, the C.G. point is located 1.68 foot above the
C.B. point and by deducting 1.68 from the distance the
M.C. is above the C.B. point we get 2.34; 2.34 feet is, In Fig. 49 is reproduced the lines drawing of the 36
therefore, the M.C. height, or the distance the C.G. of foot cruiser.
weight could be raised without the boat becoming un The lines drawing illustrates the manner in which a
stable. This measurement is ample for a boat of this designer records his ideas of form.
type and size. On the lower part of that drawing is shown a profile,
The next part of the preliminary work is to roughly or longitudinal side, view of the form, and you will note
outline the shapes of cross-sections and water—line planes. that in addition to the lines that illustrate the form, or
The section shapes are laid out by first of all selecting shape, there are marked a number of straight parallel,
the shape of midship section and then working from. it vertical and horizontal lines. These straight lines are
(forward and aft) and laying out each successive section. for the double purpose of indicating where each line
It is important when doing this preliminary work to shown on the upper (water-line and cross-section views)
make each section exactly the area found necessary by portion of drawing is located on profile view, and also
laying out the curve of areas. The shapes will, of course, for dividing the boat into a proper number of parts to
have to merge into that selected for the midship section, enable the designer to measure the bulk below and above
and in laying out this section the designer’s idea of form the intended L.W.L., and the builder to correctly re
must be kept in mind and sections shaped so that these produce, full size, the shape shown on drawing.
ideas of form will predominate. After sections are laid This being the case, it is very necessary that the
out, the water-line planes shapes are marked. These designer divide the bulk into a sufficient and proper
are laid out from measurements taken from sections, number of parts. In this design the outline shape of
and when laying them out, it will always be found hull is a refinement of and an improvement over that
necessary to make some changes in shapes of sections, shown on the accepted preliminary sketch, and I began
because it is never possible to get both longitudinal and the work of preparing the lines by transferring to the
vertical shapes correct and fair at the first attempt. lines drawing paper the principal lines recorded on pre
The principal thing to remember is to keep the areas liminary sketch. Next I corrected the transferred lines,
of cross-sections as near as possible to the curve of faired them, and tested their accuracy by making the
area measurements. On drawing I show cross—sections calculations explained in previous chapters.
and water—line planes laid out and on each I have marked The principal thing to remember is to keep the areas
the approximate area. You will note that areas con ascertained and their accuracy proved by comparison with
form with those given on curve of area. The pre— data obtained from other similar boats, and by carefully
liminary calculations are now completed and the last calculating the weight of everything that enters into the
work is to divide the interior into its principal divisions construction and equipment of the boat and the location
and lay out the approximate shaft line. This is usually of the center of gravity of these weights.
done by marking dotted lines on profile view, the designer Next the area and center point of L.W.L. plane, and
using his judgment as to their locations and making the actual transverse stability of boat at various inclina
sure that sufficient room is left both for the propeller tions was determined and compared with my records of A
wheel to revolve in solid water and for the engine to stability of boats of similar dimensions and type. And
be installed. On the preliminary drawing these lines last of all I calculated the actual power required to drive
have been marked. This covers the preliminary calcu boat at the desired speed.
lations and drawing, and if the drawing is made to the As the principal elements of the design had already

P13. 49. Lines of a SIS-Foot Cruiser

been determined (Preliminary Data Sheet, Table No. I, in the exact position that you want base line to be.
p. 39), it was necessary that the finished lines conform Use the edge of blade as a guide for pencil.
to the ones shown 011 the accepted preliminary sketch; Next mark the vertical lines that indicate Otter-all
and if you will compare the preliminary with the final length of boat. These are drawn at exact right angles
lines drawing you will see that the changes are not very tobase and the exact over—all length of boat apart.
great. Measure this distance accurately and mark the points
I will now explain the lines drawing and the manner on base line.
in which a designer measures and transfers the shape Now place T-square against board, in position you
shown on a preliminary drawing to the paper on which had it when base line was being drawn, and place a
he prepares the lines drawing. triangle against upper edge of blade, moving it until its
All original lines and other drawings of boats are vertical edge is in proper positiOn to use as a guide for
made with pencil and after tthencil drawing is com pencil when drawing the line.
pleted the lines are either’ifiked in, or a complete ink The next line to draw is one that indicates position
tracing is made from'them. For original drawings use a of load water-line. This line is marked L.\\’.L. and must
high—grade drawing pencil Of 4.5.6 H hardness and keep it be drawn exactly parallel to base line and a sufficient
well and properly pointed. Bear in mind that each line distance above to leave a good margin between it and the
must be measured, therefore it is important to try and bottom of keel when profile view is marked.
make each line clear and distinct and of even thickness It is usual to make the measure some even distance,
from end to end. such as 3 feet 6 inches or the nearest full foot above
The pencil should always be drawn, not pushed, and extreme draught of boat.
should be held vertically and in such a manner that the There should be an interval between base and bottom
line will be marked close up to guiding straight edge or of keel because measurements of height are all taken from
batten. base line.
Lines are generally drawn from left to right and from The next lines to draw are the horizontal ones, on
top to bottom. . profile view, that indicate the water—line planes below
Another detail of importance is to begin and end all L.W'L.
lines at an exact point. Still another one is: Don’t press It is necessary to space these evenly and to have the
too hard 011 the pencil. The pencil should make a clear number of intervals correct for the Simpson rule that will
and distinct mark but should not dent the paper. be used when making the displacement calculation.
The first work to do is to locate the various views, Therefore, beginning at L.W.L., space off the inter
and having done that the base line can be drawn. vals by making marks along the verticals and then. by
The base line is drawn in the following manner: using these marks as guides for T—square blade, the cor
Place head of T—square against left-hand edge (as rect position of lines can be located and lines drawn
you look at the board) of drawing board, press it firmly correctly.
against board and move it until upber edge of blade is Next space off and mark the vertical ordinate lines.

~i_. I" u.

Giff: 1:1-_____.

Fig. 50. Construction Plans, Showing Framing of Hull

These are drawn parallel with vertical lines and must of a boat fair and properly shaped as it is to have the
be suflicient in number for the Simpson rule displacement underwater part. The abovewater part cannot be shaped
calculation. _ and properly faired unless there are measurement points
The boat has a forward inclination of bow of about above L.W.L. It is not necessary that these measure
9 inches, therefore measure with scale 9 inches from the ment points be the same distance apart as underwater
vertical, mark a point on base line and draw the first points are, and, in fact, it is usual to space the above
vertical ordinate line. This line must always cross water planes a greater distance apart than underwater
L.lV.L. at the exact [Joint where L.l-V.L. and face of stem ones because by doing this the L.W.L. plane stands out
intersect. Having marked the first vertical ordinate line, clear and distinct as the upper plane of the closer spaced
and knowing the length boat is to be on the L.\V.L. it water-lines planes.
is an easy matter to divide the L.W.L. length into the The abovewater planes are laid out and marked in the
required number of intervals (parts) and to mark all manner explained for underwater ones.
other ordinate lines. All vertical ordinate lines can extend clear across
In this instance eight intervals (nine ordinates) are the paper, as they are also needed on half-breadth water
used, and as the length on L.W.L. is 34 feet, interval line and diagonal views. Also it is usual to mark all
between ordinates must be 4 feet 3 inches, or 4.25 feet. vertical and horizontal ordinate lines in ink (red ink)
Therefore, measure along base line 34 feet from ordinate and thus eliminate the possibility of erasing them when
N0. 1 and mark a point. This is for the purpose of correcting and fairing the shapes of water-lines, etc.
checking the spacing. Now set dividers for exactly 4 Next draw a line parallel with L.\V.L. of profile view
feet 3 inches and space 05 eight intervals from No. 1 and a sufficient distance above it to allow room for both
ordinate. If dividers are set correctly the last mark the upper portion of profile and the half-breadth water
should coincide with the point. Make sure that spacing line shapes. This line represents the center line of boat,
is correct, then mark interval points and draw the verti i.e., a line drawn longitudinally through the center of
cal ordinate lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. These lines must keel.
be at exact right angles to base line. It extends from vertical bow line to vertical stern line.
These straight lines are required for taking measure Mark the point on this line where the midship section
ments for the calculations. You must now mark a few will be located. -
additional lines above L.W.L., for the purpose of measur In cases where the midship section comes at an ordi
ing and fairing the abovewater portion of boat. These nate it is not necessary to do more than indicate position
additional lines are marked on profile and section views. by marking the identifying mark.
See dot and dash lines marked above L.W.L. The next line to mark is one that represents half
It is just as important to have the abovewater portion width of keel at rabbet. This line can, at this stage of

Fig. 51. The 86-1‘001: Cruiser finished

the work, be drawn parallel with center of boat line and to transfer, then without moving setting of dividers lift
exactly one-half thickness of keel from it. and set the points in a corresponding position on paper.
Next select the position where body plan view will Where the measurement point of dividers reaches to
be shown and mark the parallel water-plane lines. should be marked by making a slight prick into the paper
These parallel water-plane lines must be exactly the and surrounding it with a small circle drawn in pencil.
distance apart that water-lines on profile view are. Transfer and mark points for one complete line before
Next mark for body plan view at exact right angles attempting to measure for another one.
to water-plane lines, lines that indicate center line of To draw a long curved line proceed as follows:
boat, the half—width of keel and stem at rabbet, and half Bend a spline so that its edge touches each point, using
width of stem band. weights to hold spline in position after it is bent. After
All straight lines required for a lines drawing have spline is in position look along its edge, make sure that
now been marked, and no matter whether you are copy it is fair and that curve is shaped like the original line.
ing a preliminary drawing, as in this case, or preparing The line made by edge of batten must be fair from end
an entirely new design you must mark all the lines I have to end and if it is not you must make it so, even if by
described before any actual design lines can be drawn. doing this the spline has to be moved away from one, or
I will now explain how to transfer measurements from more marks.
a preliminary drawing. For keel line set spline to marks by beginning at after
The first view to transfer is the profile. end of keel and continuing up to about halfway between
When working from a preliminary drawing like this the No. 2 and NO. 3 ordinate lines. Draw this portion of
one all that is necessary is to measure with a pair of line first, and then by making use of curves the curve
dividers at each ordinate line, transfer the measurement around forefoot can be completed.
to corresponding ordinate line on paper, and then by After bottom of keel line and stem outline is marked,
bending a batten to measurement marks and using batten complete outline to sternpost and transom by first trans—
to guide pencil you can copy the original line with great ferring necessary measurement points and then drawing
exactness. As, however, the copy is only a preliminary the lines.
drawing you will have to fair each line before marking Next measure for sheer line.
it. Fairing lines simply means making them fair and The measurements for this line can be taken from
true. L.W.L. up or from base line up, whichever you prefer.
The bottom of keel and outside line of stem should and after measurement points have been transferred, the
be transferred and marked first. line is drawn with the aid of a spline bent to points and
Measurements for keel line are taken from base line held in position by weights.
at each ordinate position, and measurements for curve The next line to transfer is outline of deck. This
of stem are taken from vertical ordinate line along each line is shown on half-breadth water—line view immediately
water-plane line. Measurements for transom and stem above profile view. To transfer this line measure, at
outline should be taken from the vertical line along each each ordinate, the distance line is away from center line
water—plane line. and transfer measures in manner explained; then by
Make each measurement by placing point of one leg bending a spline to measurement points and using its
of dividers exactly on base, or other line, you are measur edge as a guide for pencil the line can be accurately and
Ing from, and the other point exactly on line you want properly drawn.
It is important to remember that when using a spline (the No. I ordinate). Transfer this measure to body
and weights to help when drawing a long curved line, plan by placing one point of dividers on base line for
such as this one is, the spline must be allowed to extend body plan and letting the other point rest on perpendicular
some distance beyond end of line, and weights placed on half-width of keel line. Mark this point, it being the
extending portion in such positions that spline will not place where the curve of the No. I section will terminate
make a flat curve at, or near to, ends of line. and join keel. ,
When spline is properly bent mark line and then Next measure, on profile view, distance sheer line is
transfer line on profile view that indicates where Plank— from base line at No. I ordinate, and transfer this
ing of boat joins keel. This is called the rabbet line. measurement to body plan by placing one point of dividers
For transferring rabbet line measure distance from on base line of body plan and the other point on perpen
base at each ordinate and then use edge of batten as a dicular center line. The point where measure reaches
guide for pencil. will indicate distance sheer line is above base line at
Next draw some very light vertical lines, from No. 1 ordinate. By marking this point and drawing a
profile view up, for the purpose of indicating exact point short line from it and parallel with base line, you will
where each water-line on half-breadth water-line view have a line on which to mark half-width at sheer. This
must terminate. straight line need not extend a greater distance than half
Each of these lines must begin from a point on profile width of boat at No. 1 ordinate.
view where a water—line plane crosses stem, or keel, at Note this: It is never necessary to show more
bow; or the rabbet and deadwood at stern. than half-sections, because both sides of boat are alike.
Remember, that these lines are not a part of drawing, In all cases the forward body sections are shown on one
therefore mark them as lightly as possible and erase after side of body plan center line and after body on the other.
water—line shapes on half—breadth water-line view have Next measure on half-breadth water-line plan dis
been marked. tance sheer line is away from center line at No. I ordinate
When forward termination lines have been drawn, and transfer this measure by placing one point of dividers
mark similar vertical lines to indicate where ends of at height of sheer point on center line of body plan, and
water—lines touch the rabbet. These lines are drawn up the other point on short straight height of sheer line
from rabbet on profile view to half—width of keel line on just made.
half-breadth water—line view. This measure indicates half-width of deck at section
All water—lines cross rabbet at half the thickness of No. I. Mark this point. Next measure, in succession,
keel, stem, etc., out from the center line of boat. along the No. I ordinate line on half-breadth water-line
After termination points have been located water view the distance each water-line is out from center line
line measurements can be taken and transferred in the and transfer measures to proper water-line on body plan.
manner deck outline was measured and transferred. Thus the No. 1 water-line measurement must be trans
Make measures, transfer them, then place batten and ferred to No. 1 water-line on body plan, the No. 2 to
weights, and draw the lines. No. 2 water-line, and so on.
After the curved portion of water-line from rabbet \Vhen all No. 1 ordinate water-line measurements
forward to rabbet aft has been marked, the parts of each have been transferred you will have a series of marks,
water-line ahead and aft of rabbet can be marked. one on each L.\V.L. and at sheer and rabbet, and a curved
Forward most of the water-lines continue in fair lines line drawn through them will indicate the exact shape
until they reach the outline of stem, but aft nearly all of boat if cut through transversely at No. 1 ordinate
water-lines continue along a line parallel with rabbet position. You will have to use small curves to guide
until their point of termination, which is the end of keel. the pencil when marking the line.
deadwood, etc. It is in this manner that the shape of a boat, at
Note this: The forward termination of water-lines each ordinate position, is ascertained.
will never be at center line of boat, because front of stem Take one ordinate (section) at a time, measure, fair,
is width of stem band, and does not come to a knife edge. and draw the curve before you proceed to the next one.
Therefore, before drawing water-lines mark on half \Vhen all sections have been marked, buttock lines
breadth water-line view, at forward end, a short line can be marked and measured.
parallel to center line and distant from it the half-width Buttock lines show shape of a boat if cut through
of stem band. If stem band is to be % inch, then this longitudinally at certain, marked, distances from its
line must be 3/16 inch out from center line, and if 7; inch center.
the measurement must be % inch. This line need not Note: To attempt to get all lines fair by means of
extend back further than about No. I ordinate. measurements taken at right angles to each other would
When water-lines have been marked, begin to measure be an extremely lengthy proceeding, because there is no
for body plan. means of indicating which of the two lines is the incorrect
Bony PLAN one. But if three lines of measurement are used the
This view shows shape of boat if cut through trans incorrection can be quickly located, and then if one more
versely at each ordinate line. line of measurement, taken at a different angle, is used,
You have already drawn the parallel water—plane lines inaccuracies can be very quickly located and corrected.
and the perpendicular center, width of keel, and width of Buttock and diagonal lines are used for this purpose.
face of stem lines, therefore you can immediately proceed Having made. this explanation I will now explain the
to measure, transfer and draw the section shapes. To way to measure and transfer buttock lines from one view
do this proceed as follows: to another.
Start with section shape No. I, and with a pair of 67. Burrocx LINEs
dividers measure on Profile view the distance rabbet line These lines are located any desired distance from
is from base line at ordinate position y0u have selected center line of boat and any number of buttock lines can
be used. The more there are the easier it will be to fair passage of water arOund and under boat. The angles
the lines. For a small boat two buttock lines will be selected will vary with form of boat, but it is generally
sufficient. safe to say that the chief diagonal will cross midship
To Draw the Buttock Lines.—Buttock lines show as section at about right angles to outline shape at point of
straight lines on half-breadth and body plans, and as crossing._ The number of diagonals will vary with size
curved lines on profile view. The straight lines are of boat. For a 36-foot boat three or four diagonals will
drawn first and then the curved ones are located and be sufiicient.
drawn by transferring measurements taken from straight Measuring Diagonal Lines.—The straight diagonal
lines, bending a batten to marks and drawing the lines. lines are first marked on body plan. Each line begins at
First mark the straight lines on half-breadth water—line center line and terminates at base line.
view by measuring the desired distance out from center Measurements are taken along the straight diagonal
line, marking points and drawing straight lines parallel lines, beginning at center line of body plan and terminat
with center line and extending from outline of deck for— ing at point where each section line crosses.
ward to outline Of deck, or transom, aft. Next mark When taking measurements for laying out curved
the straight lines on body plan by measuring the same diagonal lines shown above the W.L. plan proceed as
distances out from center line and drawing straight lines follows:
from base to sheer parallel with center line. Next trans— First locate and mark points at which the diagonal
fer measurements to profile view and mark the curved curved lines will terminate. These points must be
lines. To do this proceed as follows: marked the half-width of keel away from the center line.
Place T-square head against edge of'drawing board To find these points use a pair of dividers and measure
and move it until one edge of T-square blade touches on body plan the distances diagonal lines are up from
the point where a straight buttock line on half-breadth base line, at rabbet, and transfer these measurements to
water-line view touches outline of deck, then draw a very profile view for the purpose of finding the point where
light pencil line from this point to sheer line on profile diagonal line will touch stem and stem of boat.
view. The point where this line touches sheer line is Suppose you have measured on body plan for diagonal
where that particular buttock line terminates at sheer on No. 1. Now move the dividers to profile view, place one
profile view. Now move T—square along and transfer, in point on base line, and move dividers along until you
the manner explained above, points where the straight find the point on stem rabbet where the other point of
buttock line crosses each curved water'line marked on dividers will reach. The point where dividers touch will
half—breadth water-line view. The transfer is made by be the place where diagonal terminates. When making
drawing light lines down from curved water-lines of measures of this kind you must be careful to hold divider
half-breadth water-line view to correspondingly num points at exact right angles to base line.
bered straight water—line plane on profile view. It is next necessary to transfer the point from pro—
When all points of crossing are transferred you will file view to above center line of half—breadth water-line
have marked on water-line planes of profile view a series view by using T—square and drawing a light pencil line
of points, but as these points are not sufficiently close from point marked on profile view up to half-width of keel
to enable curve to be accurately drawn, some additional distance above center line Of half-breadth water-line view.
measurement points must be transferred from body plan. All terminating points for bow and stern ends of
These measurement points are obtained and transferred diagonals are taken in this manner, then width measure
in this manner: With a pair of dividers measure the ments are taken and marked.
perpendicular distance on body plan between base line Width measurements are made on body plan by
and point where each section outline crossed the straight measuring from center line to where a diagonal line
buttock lines, then transfer these measures to the proper crosses a section shape line. The measurements must
numbered ordinate line marked on profile view by plac be made along diagonal lines.
ing one end of dividers on base line of profile view and Measure and transfer all points for one diagonal,
the other on proper ordinate line. The point where then place spline and weights and draw curved diagonal
divider touches is the exact place where buttock line line. If the diagonal line has been correctly measured
being transferred should cross ordinate. and lines of boat are fair, the curved line will be fair
Measure and mark each point, then the spline is bent from end to end.
to cut points, and as much of line as possible is drawn. All diagonals are marked in this manner.
The ends of line (where curve is too abrupt for spline to _ Note: It is necessary to have the straight diagonal
follow it) are completed by using curves. lines marked on body plan stand at similar angles for
Bear in mind that buttock line must out each measure forward and after bodies. The body plan shows half—
ment point. In case a point is out, go over measure again, section views only, therefore the forward sections show
find out the mistake, and fair line. All buttock lines on one side of center line and after ones on other side,
are transferred and drawn in this manner. and it is necessary to draw separate diagonal lines across
68. DIAGONALs each half. It is these that must stand at similar angles.
After buttocks have been .drawn, diagonals can be By using a protractor you can get both lines alike, or you
transferred. These lines show on body plan as straight ' can measure along base line out from center line of
lines standing at varying angles, and on half-breadth body plan and thus get points for lower terminations of
water-line view (above it) as long curved lines. They all diagonal lines.
do not show on the profile view. The diagonals show When all diagonal lines are marked, the sheer line
lines along which water will pass under and around hull. on body plan should be marked.
Locating Diagonols on Body Plan—As diagonals show 69. SHEER LINE
lines along which water will pass around hull, they must To get points for this measure profile view in this
be drawn at angles that will Offer the least resistance to manner: To get location for sheer line at stem, or center
line of body plan, measure height that top of stem on The T—square head is held against bottom of board and
profile view is above base line and transfer this measure moved until edge of blade of square cuts one of the points
to center line of body plan. This measure indicates the where a buttock line on profile view cuts a water-line
height of sheer at stem. plane. By transferring this point up to water-line view
Measure height of stern and transfer measurement to and marking where it cuts the corresponding buttock line
after portion of body plan. As this is a transom-stern on that view you will get an additional point for one of
boat the stern height measurement must be transferred to the after ends of a water-line.
point where half-width of transom at sheer is marked Transfer points for all buttock lines and all water
instead of to center line. line planes and then complete water-line shapes by using
After stem and transom Sheer points have been indi these points as added guides.
cated on body plan, you can mark the curve of sheer.
This will begin on center line at point where stem height 71. KEEL OUTSIDE OF RABBET
is shown, and will cut top of each section shape at their The keel Outside of rabbet, on body plan, has not as
half—width on deck points. Use curves and mark the yet been shown. All you have to do is to measure at each
line, which you will note shows as a convex line forward ordinate point, on profile view, the distance keel is outside
and a concave one aft. of rabbet and transfer measurements to body plan view,
70. SHAFT LINE marking short lines at the proper positions to indicate
amount of keel outside the sections.
All lines of hull have now been drawn except shaft The lines drawing is now complete and you can obtain
line and projected shape of transom. . from it measurements for the calculations mentioned
The shaft line shows as a straight line on profile view below.
only; it does not show on the other views.
The line indicates position of shaft center and should 72. CALCULATIONS You MUST Now MAKE
be drawn from point of engine position to after end of
propeller position. Measure the lines drawing and make the following
After shaft line is marked on profile view a slight named calculations:
correction must be made to the half-width of keel line on Areas of \Nater—Line Planes and Sections.
both water-line and body plan views. Volume and Displacement of Underwater Body.
The half-width of keel line on these plans was drawn C.B. Position Vertically and Horizontally.
parallel to center line and half thickness‘of keel away The M.I. 0f the L.W.L. Plane and Both Trans
from it. In most boats it is necessary to increase width verse and Longitudinal Axis Drawn through C.G. point
of keel, or deadwood, at point where shaft hole is, other— of Plane.
wise boring out keel would so weaken it that necessary The Transverse and Longitudinal M.C. Heights.
strength could not be obtained; and in addition to this, The Transverse Righting Moment at 10, 20, 30 and
there must be sufficient solid wood each side of shaft 40° Inclination.
hole to permit fastenings to pass clear of shaft hole.
The Volume of the Abovewater Body of Boat.
In the design the shaft hole is likely to be 1% inches The Center Point of this Volume (above).
or over in diameter and if this amount of wood is bored
out of center of keel and log there will not be sufficient The Center of Lateral Resistance.
wood left for strength. ‘ The wood is, therefore, increased The Area of Immersed Surface.
in thickness at shaft-hole position. The Power Required to Drive Boat at Named Speeds
This addition to thickness must begin about one foot in Still Water.
ahead of, and end about the same distance aft of, point The Coeff. of Displacement, Prismatic Coeff, L.\V.L.
where shaft hole crosses rabbet, the increase and decrease and Midship Coeff.
in thickness being a gradual one. The lines drawing when completed shows these
This increase in thickness at shaft position shows views:
plainly on both half-breadth and body plan views. Profile view.
Half-breadth water-line view.
COMPLETING LINES Body, or cross-section view.
If you look over drawing you will note that a few Diagonal lines. Buttock lines. _
lines are not completed. These lines are: Measurements taken from all these views should
On half-breadth water-line view the line that indicates correspond with each other and the area of L.W.L. plane
half-width of face of stem and bottom of keel. and midship section, as well as the displacement, and
This line was completed up to point where it begins curve of areas should be identical, or almost so, with
to widen. those selected when you made the preliminary drawing.
Starting at the top of stem its width is the half-width
of stem band out from center line of boat, and this width 73. TABLES 0F OFFSET
is carried down until the point where the lowest water The table of offsets is a table of measurements made
line is marked on profile view. up from measurements taken by the architect from the
From this place the width of face of stem will begin lines drawing.
to increase gradually until at about No. 2 ordinate posi The designer completes lines drawing, fairs it and then
tion width has been increased to same width that keel is. takes the offset measurements. Each measure must be
The after parts of the water-lines can now be com very accurately made with the proper scale (the scale of
pleted. Additional points to help get these lines shaped drglwing) and then entered in its proper place on offset
correctly are obtained in the following manner: ta e.
Ist. The table of offsets is divided into two (or information about ordinate intervals, water-plane
three*) parts, one part being for height measures, intervals, etc.
another for half-breadth measures, and if a third part is Half-Breadth Table—On this table is entered all half
necessary, the diagonal measures are entered there. breadth of water-line measures. In first column is
2d. All measurements are made along ordinate lines, entered \Vater-line plane No., and at head of each of
water—plane lines and diagonal lines; height measurements other columns is entered the No. ordinate. Therefore,
being taken from base line up on profile view drawing, by reading measures entered along any line the half
width measurements being taken from center line out on breadth measures for one entire water-plane can be as
half-breadth water-line view drawing, and diagonal certained.
. measures being taken from center line out along diagonal You will note that at bottom of this table is entered
lines marked on body plan drawing. All measurements this remark: Lines are to outside of planking and top of
must be made, as carefully as possible, from center to sheer. .
center of lines and then entered in proper position on This indicates that lines are draw to outside of plank
offset table. ing, and therefore the boatbuilder will have to take off
3d. Measurements are entered in feet, inches, and thickness of planking and decking before he makes the
eighths of an inch, the —0— always being entered when moulds.
there is no other figure to enter under any heading, and The lines drawing is usually made to show shape of
measures less than one-eighth being entered as fractional outside of the boat, because all calculations are made by
parts of an eighth. Thus, if a measure is using measurements taken from outside, to outside of
Elet'en inches and three-si.rteenths of an inch, it is planking, etc. It, therefore, greatly simplifies the de—
entered signer’s work to make drawings in' this manner.
o—II—Iyz. Meaning No feet—eleven inches—one The boatbuilder also lays out the full—sized lines to
and one-half eighths. I outside of planking and after this has been done and lines
Or, in the case of a measure being exactly one foot properly faired he lays oFf on body plan lines to indicate
it would be entered thus: the thickness of plank and deck, and uses them when mak
ing the moulds, or templates, that are set up to help the
1—0—0. Meaning One foot—no inches—and no
builder shape the boat’s frame correctly.
eighths. Note—If a builder makes and sets up correctly shaped
4th. All essential particulars, such as interval between templates of cross sections shown on body plan and then
ordinates, interval between water planes, position of runs a few ribbands from stem to stem of boat, fasten
base line, measurements for diagonal lines, thickness of ing them to the outer edges of templates—called moulds
planking, etc., must be clearly marked on the table. —the ribbands will c10sely follow the diagonal lines of
I will now reproduce the table of offsets of the 36 by 9 boat, and if the templates are made to the inside of plank
design. The measures entered are taken from the ing then the inside of ribbands will indicate the shape of
original lines drawing of design. The original lines diagonals (and boat) inside of planking (outside of ribs)
drawing of a design is the drawing prepared by the de and ribs bent, or shaped, to touch the inside of ribbands
signer on heavy drawing paper. It is the drawing from will be correctly shaped.
which all calculations measures were taken and the one The Diagonal Table—On this part of the table of
used for tracing from. ' offsets is entered measurements of diagonal lines, taken
Offset measurements cannot be accurately taken from along each straight diagonal line marked on body plan.
a tracing or a blue print.
Orrssr TABLE rm: Desmn or 36 BY 9 CRUISER
Heights Above Base Line
No. Sheer Sheer Rubber 3. of Keel
Heights Above Base Table—On this table is entered Stern 8—1—2 7— 0—7
all height measures required by boatbuilder when he is . 1 8—0-4 7— H 3—11—0 3— 4—0
enlarging plans to full size. 2 7—9—7 6— 9—2 1—rr—6 1— 8—2
In the first column is entered Ordinate No. 3 7—7—0 6— 6—6 1— 7—6 1— 3—7
4 7—4—4 6— 4—5 I—— 5—4 I— 1—0
In second is entered measures of cabin sheer line above 5 7——2—2 6— 2—4 I— 4—5 o—ro—7
base line. 6 7—0—2 6— 0—6 1— 4—7 0— 8—6
In third is entered distances that sheer line is above 7 6—9—0 5—[1—4 1— 8—5 0— 7—0
8 6—6—2 5—10—0 2— 5—0 o— 5—4
base line. 9 5— 9—2 3— 4—3
In fourth is entered distances rabbet is above base line. T s— 9—0
In fifth is entered distances bottom of keel is above Ordinate No. I is 0—9—0 aft of bow.
base line. Ordinates are 4—3—0 interval.
Transom is 1—3—0 at sheer aft of No. 9.
In the second part of this table is entered measure L.W.L_ is 3—4—0 above base.
ments required to get outline of stem and to complete Water-lines below L.W.L. are 0—6—0 apart.
rabbet line up to sheer, as well as measurements required Water-lines above L.W.L. are 0—9—0 apart.
to complete outline of sternpost, horntimber and transom. Stem Measures Aft Transom Measure
You will note that at bottom of this table is entered '0f Vertical Line Aft of No. 9 Ord.
Front of Stem Rubber No.
*In cases when the water planes are closely spaced, diagonal Stem 0—0—0 0— 1—4 x— 2—2
line measurements can be omitted, because the builder can ac 2a 0—2—7 0— 6—0 I-- 0—6
curately lay down the lines without the diagonals, and after 13, 0—5—0 0— 8—4 0—10—6
lines are laid out full size, he marks a few diagonals on full L.W.L. 0—9—2 I— r~—7
sized body plan and uses measurements taken from them for W.L.2 1—3—1 1— 8—4
“fairing” the full-sized lines. \V,L_3 2—1—5 2—11—1
014.140. 1 2 s 4 s 6 7 s 9 -r
Cabin Sheer 0—11—2 3— 3—0 4—0—2 4— 4—6 4— 5—7 4—5—5 4— 2—3 3—8—0
Sheer 0— 6—4 2— 0—2 3—7—0 4— 2—0 4— 5—6 4—5—6 4— 2—6 3-8—0 2—11—2 2— 9—2
23. 0— 3—0 1- 9—0 3—0—4 3—11—4 4— 5—-o 4—5—4 4— 2—7 3-9-0 3— 1—2 2—11—0
1a 0— 2—4 1— 6—0 2—9—4 3— 9—4 4— 3—4 4—4—4 4— 1—4 3—8—0 2—11—-o 2— 8—2
L.W.L. o— 0—2 1— 2—4 2—,5—o 3— 5—0 3—11—5 4—1—0 3—10—0 3—3—6 0— 0—4
W.L.2 0—11—0 2—0—2 2—11—0 3— 6—0 3—7—0 3— 3—6 2—4—2
W.L.3 o— 5—7 1—4—4 2— 0—6 2— 7—3 2—6—0 2— 2—0
W.L.4 0—5—2 o-—II—4 1— 5—0 1—2—2 0— 6—3
Rbt_ o— 1—7 0— 1—7 0—1—7 0— 1—7 0— 1—7 0—1—7 0— 2—2 0—2—2 0— 2—2
B. K. o— 0—6 0— 1—7 0—1—7 0— 1—7 0— 1—7 0—1—7 0— 1—7 ends
aft of 8
Lines to outside of planking and top of Sheer—planking K-inch thick, decking 7/§-inch thick.

As diagonal lines marked on body plan stand at vary will indicate line that inside of planking will follow near
ing angles, it is always necessary to enter on table of stem. \Nhere this line touches half-width of stem line
offsets the correct heights of each diagonal, measured will be the exact point where inside of planking will
from base line up along the center line, and also distances leave stem, and will be a point for bearding line at deck.
along base that each diagonal is out from center line. (See Fig. 5o-A.) Transfer this point down to sheer
line profile view.
74.‘ CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS ‘ A point for each water-line that crosses stem is
After lines drawing is completed, drawings to illus— obtained and transferred in like manner, and then points
trate construction details are prepared. The first of for keel are obtained. To obtain points for bearding
these drawings to prepare is one to show a longitudinal line along keel and deadwood move batten, or curve, to
view of hull framing as viewed from one side of keel cross-section view on lines drawing and place it to exactly
out to side of boat. Fig. 50, Frame Profile, illustrates follow outline of one of the cross—section outlines where
this drawing of the 36-foot cruiser. (See p. 65.) it touches half-width of keel line. The dividers can then
Before a longitudinal construction view drawing can be used, in manner explained above, and point for dis
be prepared, the base, the L.W.L., the center line of half tance bearding line is above rabbet 0f keel at that section
-breadth water-line view, and all vertical ordinate lines obtained; and then by measuring distance this point is
must be marked on the paper. Next, measurement points above base line and transferring measure to correspond—
for outline shape of keel, rabbet, and sheer lines of pro ing ordinate of profile view a point for bearding line along
file, and also for deck outline of half-breadth view are keel is obtained. When a point at each cross-section is
transferred from lines drawing, and the lines marked in
manner explained above. The other half of deck out
_ mac?—
line is next marked immediately above center of keel line
/'~. I ‘—
of half-breadth water-line view, this being necessary .€/:c~rl r 611- - —.(“mug
because one-half of deck outline (the lower) is used to
record hull frame construction details of keel and lower
portion of boat, and the other (the upper) is used to _ Pharu 5 _/
record details of deck framing.
After outline shapes are marked, measurements for
bearding line are taken from lines drawing and trans
ferred to frame profile view.
Bearding line indicates position where inside of plank
Fig. 50-A
ing breaks contact with wood of stem, keel, deadwood,
etc.; the points of measurement for this line being obtained and transferred there will be a series of points
obtained partly from half-breadth Water-line view and marked immediately above rabbet on profile, and if a
partly from cross-section body views of lines drawing. batten is bent to cut these points it can be used as a
I will now explain method of obtaining measurement guide for pencil and bearding line marked with exact
points for bearding line. ness. It is very important to remember that bow divi
Points for stem portion of bearding line are obtained ders must be held exactly at right angles to batten, or
by transferring measurements taken from half-breadth curve.
water—line plan, and points for keel and deadwood are You will note that bearding line does not run parallel
obtained by transferring measurements taken from body with rabbet but lies at varying distances inside of it.
plan. This variation is due to the fact that angle of entrance
To obtain‘stem measurement point at deck set a pair and run lines, and of cross-sections near keel, is not
of bow dividers the exact thickness of planking, measured alike at any two points.
by scale of drawing, and then place a batten, or curve, In general a bearding line will be closest to rabbet at
to follow deck outline where it touches the half-width stem, furthest away from it at or near to turn of fore
of stem line of half-breadth water-line view. The curve foot, and after forefoot is passed it will gradually move
or batten need only follow line for a short distance. closer to rabbet until section with least deadrise is
Use edge of batten, or curve, as a guide for one leg reached. (See Fig. 5o-A and Fig. 50-B.)
of bow dividers and let the other leg extend inside and Usually the designer first marks bearding line on
very lightly touch drawing paper. By moving bow lines drawing and transfers the measurement points
dividers along edge of guiding batten a very faint mark directly from profile view of that drawing to profile of
can be made on the paper by inside leg, and this mark frame construction drawing.
After bearding line is marked, the inside of boat shape found necessary, is made after the scarph and joint lines
of stem, keel, shaft-log, deadwood, and horntimber is are marked along deadwood. On illustration of keel
marked; and after this has been done scarphs and posi construction (Fig. 50) scarphs and joints of keel con
tions of joints of the pieces that make up the longitudinal struction of 36-foot cruiser are shown.
keel structure are outlined and marked. At stem and stem knee there must be a sufficient
The factors that determine outline shape of inner amount of wood inside of bearding line to give ample
edge of longitudinal keel, stem, and deadwood structure material for mortising frames into these pieces, and also
are: to give needed additional strength of construction. So
Ist.—There must be a sufficient amount of wood to along stem and stem knee pesition the amount of wood
enable all frames and floors to be securely fastened inside of bearding line is always greater than along keel.
above rabbet cut to receive planking. (See Fig. 50, stem.)
2d.—There must be a sufficient amount of wood at After keel outline and construction details are marked,
each joint and scarph to hold fastenings securely. the designer usually locates the ribs (frames) by mark
3d.——There must be a sufficient amount of wood in ing selected positions along base line drawn below the
the whole structure to insure that required strength is frame profile view and then drawing vertical lines, from
there. top of keel to sheer, to indicate location of each rib and
The shape of outside of stem and keel, and position its sided thickness.
of rabbet and bearding lines are fixed by shape of boat, Remember this: The measurement edge of frames
therefore, they cannot be changed; but the inner shape ahead of midship is always the after one, and for frames
of pieces can be made any desired shape, and it is here aft of midship it is always the forward edge. Frames
that the designer can, without changing lines of boat, are beveled, 0r shaped, so that inside of planking will
add any amount of wood required to give needed strength lay against outside of frames and touch the full width of
to the structure. A designer frequently calculates the frame. This is called beveling and, of course, when a
strains a keel structure must withstand; but this is seldom pair of beveled frames are placed in position in a boat
done when designing a small cruiser like _this because if their extreme width will be slightly less at one edge than
a designer knows the minimum depth and thickness that at the other. The widest edge 0f each flair of frames is
keel must have for needed strength and does not allow always the measurement edge.
less than this minimum at any point he knows without After frame positions have been marked, floor timbers
further calculating that the whole structure of keel will are located and their p0sitions marked on frame profile
be amply strong so far as amount of material is con drawing.
cerned. In small cruisers it is usual to place a floor timber
A designer usually marks bottom of keel, rabbet and across keel at each pair of frames; thus, a floor timber fits
bearding lines, then selects manner of fastening lower alongside each frame, and as fioor timbers are always
ends of frames to keel and determines amount of keel placed against narrowest edge of frames, floor timbers
above rabbet needed to hold frames and their fastenings. ahead of midship section must be placed ahead of frames
If he finds that this amount of wood added to depth of and those aft must be placed aft of frames. M measure of
keel below bearding line is ample to make total depth floor timbers obtained from Table 2 indicates measure—
of keel at its narrowest point equal to, or more than, ment at center. The designer usually deducts from M
minimum keel depth required, he proceeds to mark top measure a proper amount of material for notching floor
of keel line parallel with bearding line and the selected timbers over keel and then draws a pencil line, from b0w
distance above it. But if depth of wood added above to stern, the required M distance (after deducting notch
rabbet will not make minimum depth of-keel equal to ing measure) above top of keel line. This line indicates
requirements, additional depth must be added to keel where top of floor timbers will be located and by using
above bearding line. this line as a guide and drawing vertical lines from top
The top of keel line is marked faintly at first, because of keel to it, at a distance from frames equal to S measure
it will be necessary to make some changes to it at shaft of floor timbers, the floor timbers will be properly shown
log and at horntimber on top of deadwood. on plan. Of course, forward, at stem, and aft, at dead
~The changes at shaft—log are caused by the necessity wood, it may be necessary to increase depth of floor
of having a surface at exact right angles to shaft center' timbers just as it was found necessary to increase the top
line at end of log, for the purpose of fastening a bearing of keel line at those points.
to. Therefore, after drawing top of keel line faintly, the After floor timbers are marked, the engine founda
designer decides upon width of shaft-log he will use and tion can be planned, or if it is not possible to do this
draws lines above and below shaft center line and parallel because correct engine measurements are not available
with it. These lines indicate top and bottom edges of the planning of engine foundation details can be put off
log are the selected width of log apart, and extend from until later, and clamps can be laid out.
inboard end of top of keel line to where sternpost will The general dimensions and arrangement of engine
be located. The inboard end of lower line is used as a foundation details depend largely upon shape and size
point for commencing a line that will stand at exact right of engine. Fig. 48 shows details of two very satisfactory
angles to shaft center line, and a squared line extending foundations for engines of usual form, and on Fig. 50 I
up to point where extension of upper log line will meet show details of construction selected for 36-foot cruiser.
it is drawn. The top of keel line that crosses log is then When drawing construction details bear this in mind:
erased and squared end of log outline takes its place. All details, except keel, stem, and deadwood, shown on a
The top of keel (horntimber) line immediately aft of frame profile drawing, like lower portion of Fig. 50,
log has very often to be changed in order to insure that indicate details as viewed from center line of keel to
there is a'sufficient amount of wood at end of horn opposite side of boat, therefore, the floor timbers, the
timber to securely fasten it in place. This correction, if - engine cross timbers and deck beams that extend from
and if you measure at each cross-section the distance
line is up from base and transfer measurement to proper
ordinate on profile construction view, you will have a
series of points for a batten to follow when you desire to
mark the line.
my}!!! Luv!
After clamps are detailed on profile it is usual to out
line keel and frame construction as viewed from above,
\—1 1 ’/ / / 1/(uf°‘°
/, /, 7°
I. -
~ r—y/lfill or looking down into interior of boat. These details are
,_ ’
shown on portion of upper drawing of Fig. 50 marked
Hull Frame, though in this instance the floors and por
tions of frames are shown on both Hull and Deck frame
portions of that drawing. The outline of deck and center
line of keel for this view was marked when drawing was
started, but before construction details can be drawn it
is necessary to ascertain the lines that ends of floor
timbers and that bilge clamps will follow. Measurement
‘ . n\ I
.\ ° \\
I i points for these lines are obtained from profile con—
struction and from body plan views on lines drawing.
To obtain measurement points for ends of floor tim
"\C» __ bers proceed as follows: Measure on profile construc
Fig. 50-3 tion view distance, at each ordinate line, that top of floor
timber nearest to ordinate is above base and transfer
side to side of boat, must be shown as if cut through this measurement to center line of body plan view. Then
along a line drawn from stem to stern through center by squaring out from the point to cross-section outline
of boat, and of course the ends of each piece of material you will ascertain the exact distance that floor timber
that is cut must be cross hatched to indicate cutting. at that ordinate point extends out from keel center line.
Clamps are located along cabin sheer, along sheer, By transferring this measure to proper ordinate on hull
and along bilge. Clamps are merely long pieces of ma frame view, measuring the distance out from center line
terial bent to shape and fastened to all frames they cross. of keel, a point for a curved line is obtained. \Nhen
(For dimensions of material, see Table 2.) The cabin measurement points at all ordinate positions are trans
sheer clamps carry deck frames, the sheer Clamps streng ferred, a batten can be bent and a curved line drawn.
then boat along line of Sheer that extends from bow to This curved line will indicate the outer ends of floor
stern and carry after deck beams, and the bilge clamps timbers.
Strengthen construction along bilge line. As bilge clamps Points for bilge clamps on hull frame view are ob—
do not support any framing material they do not have tained by measuring, at right angles, out from center line
to follow an exact line but are located along a line of of lines body plan to where bilge Clamp line diagonal
least resistance to bending that is nearest to bilge. crosses each section outline and transferring the measure
Always place bilge clamps in such locations that they ment to proper ordinate at hull frame view. A curved
will not interfere with installation of engine foundation line drawn to cut the points will indicate distance that
timbers. bilge clamp is out from keel, but as a bilge clamp has
Clamps are fastened to each frame they cross with width it will be necessary to draw a second line a dis
bolts, or rivets, and nails or screws, the number and size tance from the first equal to width of clamp.
of fastenings depending upon dimensions of both clamps After bilge clamps are marked the designer usually
and frame. marks on his frame profile lines to indicate thickness of
All cabin sheer and sheer clamps follow sheer lines planking and deck clamps. Thickness of planking is
but must always be placed a sufficient distance above the easily shown by drawing a sec0nd line parallel with deck
sheer lines to permit beveling their tops to the crown that outline of hull frame view and the exact thickness of
deck beams will have. plank inside of it. Now if another line is drawn a
It is an easy matter to locate positions of sheer clamps distance from the inside of planking line equal to moulded
on drawing, but in the case of bilge clamps it is necessary measure of frames and a second line inside of this one,
to determine location at each cross~section view on lines the exact thickness of clamp distant, there will be four
body plan and transfer measurement point to the con parallel lines extending from bow to stem, the outer two
struction drawing. Generally it will be found that bilge of which will indicate thickness of planking, the inner
clamps forward will follow one of the diagonal lines, two thickness of clamp, and the space between clamp and
but aft they will follow lines that will terminate at stern plank lines will equal moulded measure of ribs, and ends
some distance out from keel. To lay out path that bilge of ribs can be shown there.
clamp is likely to follow mark on body plan, at its center Details of engine foundation as viewed from above
line, a point to indicate where you desire forward end are next outlined.
of clamp to terminate at stem. Next mark a point at Measurements for laying out these details are obtained
midship section outline to indicate where you desire by marking out cross-section outlines of lower portions
clamp to cross midship section, and then mark a point on of body plan shapes at engine foundation and transferring
transom outline, some distance out from keel, to indicate to these drawings height measurement points taken from
where you desire after end of clamp to terminate. This frame profile construction, and then by transferring width
point must be outside of end of floor timbers. measurement points, obtained from the cross—section
Diagonal lines, drawn across body plan, to cut these drawing, to hull frame construction drawing the width
points will indicate line clamp will follow along bilge, details can be outlined in their proper position.
Bear this in mind: On frame profile view construction samson post is located, another across stem at transom
details of engine foundation appear as if cut through for fastening chocks to and holding ends of decking, and
along center line of keel, while on a hull frame view others where cleats and chocks will be located.
looking down they show as viewed in their entirety. On On deck frame view drawing (Fig. 50) details men—
Fig. 50 I show an enlarged cross-section view of engine tioned are clearly shown.
foundation details as laid out for width measuring. Note this—When port-light openings are cut through
The deck framing is next detailed on frame profile planking of hull it is necessary to fit filling-pieces between
view. frames, these filling-pieces being used to hold fastenings
Deck frame of a small cruiser of this kind usually of port lights and any fastening required to hold cut
consists of: ' ends of planking. These filling-pieces are shown on
Ist.—Deck beams spaced the same distance apart that frame profile of Fig. 50 by means of hatching around
frames are, a deck beam being placed alongside each the port—light openings.
frame, let into clamp, and fastened to frame with nails, On Fig. 52 illustration I show three kinds of deck
or screws, and to clamp with bolts, or rivets. frame construction.
2d.—A breast hook, located at forward end of clamps The No. 10I8I construction shows deck beams fitted
and fastened between them with nails and rivets, the top between clamps and resting on a shelf piece fastened
of breast hook being placed sufficiently above sheer to along lower edge of clamps.
permit it being beveled to the crown deck will have. The details marked with-out shelf are similar to those
used for 36-foot cruiser, and the details shown on lowest
portion of illustration show how deck frames are fastened
in large cruisers.
Fig. 53 will serve to show the way a designer shows
cross-section details of construction. A designer generally
selects cross-sections located where some important
change of construction occurs, or where some important
detail of interior finish is located, and makes one cross
section drawing serve the double purpose of illustrating
details of both construction and interior arrangement.
For the 36—foot cruiser I have selected frames nearest
to No. 2, 4, 6 and 8 ordinates as points for illustrating
cross-section details, because at each of these points
there is some change in either construction or arrange
ment. It is never necessary, unless some important
change in arrangement necessitates doing so, to show
more than half—sections.
Fig. 54 illustrates interior arrangement profile and in
terior view as seen from above. As this drawing is only
intended to serve the purpose of illustrating details not
already shown on other views, construction details that
have already been shown are not outlined. You will note
that those details are obscured from view by assuming
that planking and decking cover them, the broken lines
indicating where planking and decking are broken away
to permit interior to be viewed.
Details shown on profile interior view are first marked
out and measurements taken from that view are used for
laying out cross-section and interior “looking-down"
views. \Vhen planning interior details, first select the
desired headroom and find out if a proper width of floor
ing can be obtained with that headroom. Next see if the
Fig. 52 required width of seats and berths can be obtained with
out encroaching upon fioor width, and last of all, locate
3d.—F0re-and—aft stringer pieces and knees to carry the dividing bulkheads and plan details of each room or
ends of short beams. This boat has a narrow deck each space.
side of house and the beams along this deck must be Bear in mind that a seat height of I4 inches is ample
held in place and properly supported. These things are when cushion is used; that a 24-inch width of berth
done by fastening inner ends of beams to stringers that bottom is the minimum for a single berth, and that at
extend from last forward deck beam aft to end of deck least 6 feet 2 inches below beams should be given when
ing at side, and by holding beams and stringer in position standing headroom is desired.
with a few lodge and hanging knees spaced as required,
the knees being riveted to beams and to frames they are CONCLUDING REMARKS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION DETAILS
placed against. Floor beams that carry cabin and cockpit flooring
4th.—Filling-pieces. These are placed where deck can be fastened either on top of, or alongside frames.
fittings or pieces of equipment have to be fastened and They are usually spaced the same distance frames are
are merely pieces of wood fitted between deck beams. apart and do not have crown like deck beams have.
The 36-foot cruiser has one filling-piece fitted where Cabin flooring is usually made of matched material


- df’4icr'i‘
In M
\ :/. A‘—

Fig.’ 53
and is laid fore—and-aft, the center portion being made in sary to give cabin roof beams more crown than deck has,
Ehe form of a hatch to permit access to space beneath and to fasten canvas in such a manner that no nails are
oor. driven through canvas that covers roof. This can be
Cockpit flooring in cabin cruisers is usually laid the done by tightly stretching canvas over roof and fasten
same as a deck, with seams that are caulked and payed. ing it with tacks driven around upper edge of side of
If a cockpit is a watertight one and raised above the house. The half-round moulding that is placed around
water-line it is proper to fit scuppers that will drain over upper edge of house covers edge of canvas and its
board. These scuppers are fitted at lowest points, which fastenings.
is usually at outboard forward end. Sliding hatches should be made of hard wood and the
Seats and berths are usually framed and covered with slides should be laid in white lead and screw-fastened
either matched 0r paneled material in front and plain to the roof beams.
boards on top. Of course, as the space under is utilized Coamings of other hatches should also be laid in white
for storage, hinged lids or fronts must be fitted. If lead, and screw-fastened, and the corners should be either
fronts are hinged, make opening sufficiently large to take dovetailed or halved.
in a suitcase. . The inside finish of a cabin should never be made of
Often the seats in a cabin are arranged to extend heavy material, because it is not there to add strength to
and form berths at night time. In cases like this seat the structure.
top is made to extend and back of seat is fitted with a Joinerwork details should be screw-fastened wher—
cushion that fits into extending portion of seat. ever it is possible to use screws.
Division bulkheads in cabins are made of either All construction detail drawings are first made with
matched material or of paneled sections. Doors at open pencil on drawing paper, and after every detail has been
ings through bulkheads are generally made between 24 checked and found to be accurate, tracings of the draw—
and 27 inches wide. Cabin roofing is generally made of ings are made with ink on tracing cloth. This is done
matched material laid with finished side to show inside because from tracings blue printed copies can be quickly
cabin, and covered with well-painted canvas. It is neces— obtained.
Chapter X
75. Rudders
Rudders are universally used to turn or steer boats In many power-driven pleasure craft the practice is
and vessels in motion, though it is also possible to steer to arrange the mechanism so that head of boat will al
a sail vessel by handling the sails, or to steer a steam ways turn in the direction wheel is turned; thus, a move
driven craft by using the propeller. ment of wheel towards port will cause rudder blade to
While rudders are almost always placed at stern of move to port and head of boat to turn to port.
boats and vessels of usual form—because that position Having thus briefly described the rudder, I will next
is most advantageous for efficiency and protection-—-bow explain the reason why the slightest movement of rudder
rudders are often used for steering hydroplanes and craft blade causes a vessel to turn. \
of unusual form. '
There are two kinds of stem rudders in general use:
Ist.—The ordinary type of stern rudder, which is
hung on a sternpost and rotates about an axis close to
its forward end, and
2d.—The balanced rudder, which difl‘ers from the
ordinary kind in having about one—third of its blade ahead
of the axis about which it rotates. Bear in mind that I
am referring to types and not to shaPes of rudders.
In Fig. 55, A, B, C, show balanced rudders, and D, E,
ordinary ones.
Both ordinary and balanced rudders can be regarded
as plane surfaces which can be moved at any desired
angle with center line of keel, the axis upon which they
turn being generally located on a continuation of center
line of keel and aft of sternpost.
Rudders are composed of two principal parts—post
and blades—and are controlled, or moved, by means of
suitably placed controlling mechanism attached to upper
end of rudder post in such a manner that any move
ment of controller will cause rudder to turn on its axis D Fig. 55 E
and thus the blade is placed at any desired angle with keel.
It is customary on shipboard, when referring to angle 76. THE TURNING EFFECT OF RUDDERS
that rudder is placed, to speak of the position of helm
(the name of the controller directly attached to upper When a boat is moving ahead with rudder blade held
end of rudder post) rather than the actual position of exactly in line withv center of keel the stream line motion
rudder blade. Thus the command, “Helm-a-starboard,” of particles of water influenced by forward movement
or “Hard-a-starboard,” or “Helm-a-port” or “Hard-a of hull is equal on each side, and as long as this condi
port,” means that the helm or tiller is to be moved towards tion continues the boat will neither turn to the right nor
the named side of vessel. to the left but will move in a straight line ahead; but
These commands are survivals of the old days when just as soon as this perfect balance of stream line move
vessels and boats were steered by hand by means of a ment of water particles is disturbed the boat will swerve
tiller attached to rudder post head and extending in a from her original straight course, the turning movement
direction 0Pfl0site to that of rudder blade. always being towards the side on which disturbing in
Under those conditions, by moving tiller towards the fluence is greatest. Thus, immediately a rudder is turned
named side the rudder blade was moved towards opposite on its axis the blade moves from center line of keel into
side, and as the head of a boat, or vessel, always turns a position that is oblique to path of travel of stream line
towards the side rudder blade is, the bow of vessel is particles, the equality of balance is disturbed because the
turned in a direction opposite to side named in the order. water particles on side that blade is moved to strike the
Thus a movement of tiller to starboard caused the vessel obliquely held rudder blade with a greater pressure than
to turn to port. those on opposite side, the difi’erence in pressure increas—
Under modern conditions the hand-controlled tiller ing with each increase of the angle that blade makes
has been replaced by a steering wheel connected to tiller with center line of keel. Fig. 55-F shows the effect of
by ropes, or by a power-driven steering gear, and it is turning rudder.
possible for the controlling mechanism to be arranged so Fig. 55-F shows a boat’s outline, as seen from above,
that rudder blade and head of boat will either move in with rudder turned towards port side. Broken lines
the direction that wheel is moved or in an opposite indicate position of increased pressure, and arrows the
direction. resulting action, or turning movement of vessel.

After a boat has been run a few times the angle of
\ ~.
.0 \
F \ greatest turning efficiency is learnt, and when once known
the rudder is seldom put over further than that angle.
_ \\ (A
\.g . \\
\ \ \ ll
Il Il l I II l
. ‘\\
\\\\I\ \\\
When making trials to ascertain this angle it is necessary
\\ to take into consideration the time factor as well as the
radius of circle described by boat, because it will often
be found that a boat will turn in a circle of large radius
in a shorter period of time than she will turn in one of
much- smaller radius.
Area.—~.-\rea of the effective rudder blade, meaning
Fig. 55-? by this the portion aft of turning axis, should always be
proportioned to resistance to rotation around an axis
'As soon as the rudder is turned to one side the for drawn vertically through the C.G. of boat, and as resist
ward motion of vessel will be checked and her ends will ance to rotation is always in proportion to area of longi
begin to turn about a vertical axis passing through the tudinal underwater plane, and to distance this area is
C.G. This turning movement, called angular velocity, distributed away from the axis, is can be said that the
increases with each increase of angle of rudder blade and two principal things to consider when selecting area of
at the same time the forward speed of boat decreases in rudder are:
a corresponding ratio. Ist.—Longitudinal plane area.
At first the angular velocity is small, but as pressure 2d.—Length on L.W.L.
on rudder increases angular velocity is accelerated until The greater the area of longitudinal underwater plane
pressure on rudder balances angular velocity and when
and the further it is distributed away from axis of rota
this condition is arrived at the angular velocity remains tion, the greater the resistance will be.
constant until a movement of rudder destroys the balance.
The greater the angle of rudder the greater the an An excess of area at extreme ends of the longitudinal
gular velocity will be, and the quicker the rudder is underwater plane will usually make a boat steer “hard”
moved over the quicker the maximum angular velocity (rotate slowly), and it is for the purpose of avoiding
will be attained. this defect that the ends of longitudinal underwater plane
are cut away.
The features chiefly affecting readiness to answer
rudder are: To determine approximate size of rudder required,
Ist.—The time occupied in putting rudder hard over. the following rules can be used:
2d.—The pressure on rudder when in that position. RUDDER BLADE AREA AND WIDTH TABLE or COEFFICIENTS
3d.—The Moment of Inertia of vessel about a vertical Area Area Coefi. Arc: Rudder = \Vidlh
of Reef. 0! Long. for of 1 of L {g 4* 1
axis through C.G. I. D L X D Plane Area Rudder Plane of L.\\'.L.
20 1.5 30 26 .10 2.6 I/IO 1.4
30 2. 5 7o 60 _08 4.8 1/ 12 1.6
This depends largely upon arrangement of mechanical 50 4.0
details of controlling mechanism. In general, the shorter 40 3.0 120 100 .06 6.0 1/17 1.8
the time necessary to put rudder over to its extreme angle 80 4.8
the quicker turning moment will be. The speed reduc— 50 3.5 175 140 .05 7.0 1/20 2.0
130 6.0
tion factor must be considered, because the quicker the 60 4.0 240 200 .04 8.0 1/25 2.2
rudder is put over to a named angle the greater the speed 160 6.4
reduction will be, and it often happens that the time re— 70 5.0 350
320 .036 1 1.6 1/27 2.3
quired to turn a small diameter circle is greater than that v 280 10.8
75 8.0 600 500 .035 17.5 1/28 2.5
required to turn the vessel in a circle of much greater 450 15-7
diameter. L = Length of boat on L.W.L. D = Draught of water.
Therefore, the element of time should only be con L Plane = Longitudinal underwater plane.
sidered after the other features have been determined. Ist Rule—T0 find approximate width of rudder
necessary, take 1/50 of the L.W.L. and add I foot.
Thus a power boat 50 feet on L.W.L. should have a
Pressure on rudder blade varies with angle, with
rudder 2 feet wide.
area, with shape, and with speed at which vessel is travel
ing ahead. The greater the angle rudder blade makes 2d Rule—To find area of rudder necessary multiply
with center line of keel and the larger the blade is, the area of immersed longitudinal plane by a suitable co—
greater the pressure will be. Also the higher the for efficient. Coefficients vary with length of boat, being
ward speed is the greater the pressure will be on each largest for boats of small size. On the accompanying
square foot of rudder blade. table I give coefficients for a number of power boats.
Three elements have, therefore, to be proportioned Explaining the Table.—In column one is entered
to each other: Speed, angle, and area. length on L.\\-’.L.
Speed—Speed is the speed at which the boat travels In column two is entered draught of water.
and, so far as maximum speed is concerned, is fixed. In column three is entered area of rectangle formed
Angle—Angle is simply a matter of control, though by length on L.W.L. multiplied by draught of water;
it is usual to fix stops on the rudder to prevent it tum i. e., the underwater longitudinal plane rectangle.
ing beyond angle of greatest efficiency, which is, in the In column four is entered area of boat’s underwater
majority of cases, below 40°. longitudinal plane.


In column five is entered coefficient multipliers for If the rudder is held amidships in a twin-screw vessel
area of rudder. and one screw working ahead and the other astern, the
In column six is entered rudder area found by using vessel will turn in much the same manner as when rudder
the coefficient. is used, but the time of turning will be considerably
In column seven is entered the % that rudder area is greater than when both ‘Screws are working ahead and
of longitudinal underwater plane (column four). rudder is used.
When one propeller is stopped and the other worked
In column eight is entered width of blade as found by
ahead and rudder put hard over, a twin—screw boat will
rule No. I.
turn somewhat slower than when both propellers are
79. SHAPE or RUDDER working ahead, the increase of time required being about
The principal things to keep in mind when designing 30%.
a rudder are: If, however, one screw is working ahead and the
Ist.—To make rudder sufficiently large to control other disconnected from engine and allowed to revolve
boat at lowest speed. freely, the vessel will maneuver much better than when
2d.—To make area of rudder such that it will effec one screw is used and the other stopped entirely.
tively control without having to be put over to an angle Shafts that operate twin-screw propellers can be in
that will seriOusly check speed through water. stalled parallel to each other and to center of keel, or
3d.—To shape rudder so that power required to put they can be installed so as to diverge from each other
it over is a minimum and its effect when put over to with either their forward ends closer together than their
desired angle is maximum. after ends, or with their after ends closest.
Experiments have proved that lower portion of a As regards efficiency and rudder control, it seems to
rudder blade is most effective, but as the fineness of lines be an established fact that some slight advantage is
near keel permits the water to flow more freely to rudder gained by having the shafts incline towards each other,
it is usual to cut away the lower portion and thus bring with their forward ends further apart than propeller
the center of rudder pressure at, or near to center of ends.
blade area. By tapering the rudder in manner shown The moment of inertia of the mass around a vertical
on illustration B, or in rounding after edge as shown in axis drawn through C.G. affects the readiness with which
the other illustrations, effectiveness is not impaired, and a boat answers her helm. The greater the M.I. is the
the power required to put helm over to a named angle slower the boat will acquire angular velocity.
will be much less than required to put over the rudder C, This stands to reason when you stop to consider that
both being of equal area. the M.I. of a mass is determined by multiplying weight
Of the two rudders A, B, shape A has a slight ad— by the square of distance, or in the case of a boat, the
vantage, because when boat is pitching in a seaway the weight of every part is multiplied by the square of its
widest part will not be lifted out of water. \Nith a shape distance from the axis of rotation, which is drawn verti
like B this will occasionally happen. cally through the C.G.
In all cases the balanced portion of blade should be In a vessel having weight concentrated near the C.G.,
approximately equal to one—third the effective area of the M.I. will be much less than when some weights are
blade. located well forward and aft, and as the ends of boat
must rotate around the C.G. axis the heavier ends are
Remarks About the Effect of Propeller Action on
Rudder.-—-A single-screw boat can always be turned more the greater resistance they will offer to turning movement.
A concentration of weight near the C.G. axis is, there—
quickly in one direction than in another, this being due
fore, desirable.
to turning action of propeller. The turning effect of
the action of a single propeller on hull is as follows:
On Fig. 55 is shown details of construction of
balanced rudder used on 36-foot cruiser. This type of
The bow of a vessel always tends to turn towards rudder is supported in a shoe, or extension of keel, and
the side on which the blades of a propeller descend. turns in a socket placed at end of shoe to receive lower
If a vessel is tied to a dock and engines turned over end of rudder post.
in direction of ahead movement, rudder being left free The upper end of rudder post passes through a tight
to move, the rudder blade will incline to the side of rudder port and stuffing-box and revolves in stuffing-box,
least pressure, which will be on side of the ascending which forces upper bearing, and in a lower bearing
blades. It is by making a test of this kind that the fastened to underside of stern. To prevent the rudder
inclination of rudder necessary to counteract propeller unshipping a small collar is keyed and fastened to rudder
action is ascertained. post immediately below lower bearing and a retaining
If, however, propeller blades are not entirely im nut or pin is fastened through rudder post below socket
mersed, the thrust of lowest blades will frequently be in shoe.
greater than thrust of upper ones, and under this condi Steering Control Methods—The simplest method in
tion the action will be reversed. use is to attach a bar or tiller securely to upper end of
It must also be kept in mind that, when a vessel has rudder post and thus control movement of rudder by
sternway, lower blades are likely to have greater thrust directly moving the bar across deck.
than upper ones and the turning effect will be the same At one time the tiller was in universal use, but with
as in No. I. increase in size of vessels sufficient power could not be
In the case of twin—screw vessels the propellers are obtained to control the rudder in a seaway, so to the
usually placed sufficiently out from center line of boat tiller was attached ropes, blocks, and tackles in such a
to prevent their influencing rudder action, therefore the manner that by pulling on ends of ropes added power
rudder control of a twin-screw vessel is likely to be better was obtained and the rudder more readily (but more
than that of a similar vessel having a single screw. slowly) moved.
Later it was found that, by passing the ends of con tance of application of this pressure out from the axis
trolling ropes around a drum and attaching suitable of rotation of rudder.
handles to drum, one man could stand in center of boat The center of rudder pressure is the center point of
and control rudder much more easily and with greater resistance, and for the purpose of this calculation it will
certainty. Thus the drum and steering wheel were be sufficiently accurate to assume that the center point
evolved. With the advent of steam and continued in of rudder area is also the center of resistance. We will
crease in size of vessels, it was found that more power assume, for the purpose of making an illustration calcu
was necessary to handle rudder, hence the mechanical and lation, that the center of resistance of rudder is located
steam-steering devices now in use were evolved. 2 feet out from axis, therefore, the strain on rudder head
The Advantages of Balanced Rudders—Balanced will be
rudders are superior to ordinary ones because their use 1,361 X 2 : 2,722 lb maximum strain. Moment to be
minimizes the work that has to be done in steering, and resisted. '
in addition to this, the balancing portion gives to the And knowing the maximum strain, the diameter of
rudder the power of righting itself rapidly when the rudder head can be calculated in this manner:
strain on the controlling mechanism is relieved.
Moment to be resisted X 16
The center of pressure on an ordinary rudder blade : Diameter in inches.
is located somewhere near to center of rudder area: but Safe strain for material
with a balanced rudder the center of pressure lies much
The safe strain for material being found by divid
nearer to turning axis by reason of the pressure on the
ing the tensile strength by the factor of safety for loads
balancing portion acting as a counterbalance and thus varying from zero to maximum in both directions. For
tending to relieve, or reduce, the pressure exerted on steel the factor of safety is 8, and for wood it is 15.
portion of blade aft of axis.
Force Required to Hold a Rudder at Any Angle.—
In many cases, especially at moderate angles, the This must be sufficient to overcome resistance, or pres—
center of pressure on a blade of a balanced rudder is sure on rudder. In the case of an ordinary rudder
only slightly aft of turning axis, and it is for this reason actuated by means of a direct-connected tiller the force
that a balanced rudder is much more easily handled than required can be ascertained in this manner: '
an ordinary one.
F X AT must overcome P X AC
While the balanced rudder minimizes the work of Where F : force applied at end of tiller.
steering, it must be remembered that it is more liable to
AT 2 length of tiller from rudder post to point
injury than an ordinary one, and the method of hanging of application of force.
is not nearly as strong. P : Pressure on rudder.
Resistance to be Overcome in Putting a Rudder Over. AC : Distance from axis to center of rudder
——To calculate this correctly the pressure on rudder should pressure.
be calculated for each instant as it moves from midship When tackles or steering gear are used, the combined
to extreme angle, but in practice this is not necessary, leverage obtained by their use must be added to tiller
because sufficient accuracy can be obtained by assuming leverage.
that the center of pressure is located at one-half of the When a boat is to be steered by means of a steering
mean breadth of an ordinary rudder blade out from axis wheel and lines it is usual to substitute a quadrant for
and that the pressure exerted on blade when it is at the the tiller, because by running the lines along properly
extreme angle is the mean pressure. shaped grooves in rim of quadrant they are kept taut at
Under these conditions, and neglecting the influence all inclinations of rudder, and thus a steadiness of rudder
of rotating propeller, the total resistance that has to be can be obtained that is not obtainable when one line is
overcome when an ordinary rudder is moved to right slack and the other taut.
angles can be calculated by making this simple calculation: On Fig. 55 I show a quadrant arranged properly with
11 lines run to sides of boat.
1.12 X — speed in feet per second X Rudder area in \Vhen a steering wheel is used the quadrant can be
10 much shorter than a direct-controlled tiller would have
square feet. to be, because all necessary additional leverage can be
And by multiplying the figures obtained by this cal obtained by using proper sheaves, by leading the lines
culation by the sine of angle rudder is moved to, the properly, and by the leverage obtained from the use of
pressure on rudder at any named angle can be ascer drum and steering wheel.
The following illustrates the application of this rule: Knots Miles Feet per Second‘
A power cruiser 150 feet long has a rudder area of 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10
65 square feet; speed is IO knots an hour; determine 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.07 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12
8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13
resistance at right angles and also when rudder is placed \ 9.. 10.37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15
at 40° inclination. 10 - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11.52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17
11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12.68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19
1.12 X 18.7 X 65 : 1,361 lb pressure on rudder at right 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13.83 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
angles. ' 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1498 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
1,361 X 0.6427 : 874.9 lb pressure on rudder at 40°. 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16.I4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..24
15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1729 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
And knowing the pressure at right angles, the moment 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18.44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
of resistance that rudder head must withstand can be 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19.59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..29
calculated by multiplying the pressure in pounds by dis *Decimals omitted.
Chapter XI
80. Written Specifications

It is always necessary to attach to the drawings a Plans. Numerals without letters identify lines shown on
set of written explanations covering details and particu— profile view. Similar numerals with letter A identify
lars that cannot be fully explained by drawings. similar lines shown on half-breadth water-line view, and
These specifications can either be written on plain with the letter B similar lines on body view plan. Thus:
sheets of paper or they can be prepared on tabulated the numeral 4 on profile view indicates the L.W.L.; 4A
forms. on half-breadth water-line indicates L.\N.L. on that view;
and 4B on body plan the L.\/V.L. on body plan view.
I find that the tabulated form method is far more
On construction drawings each part is indicated by
convenient and accurate than the written sheets so I
TION forms for the purpose of explaining the specifica— No. NAME or LINE
tions of the 36-foot cruiser.
iB} Base line
You will note that on this form is given in tabulated
form: 2 Indicating over—all length
Ist.—The dimensions of materials. 3 Indicating over-all length
2d.—The kinds of materials and fastenings. 4
4A Load water-line
3d.—Explanations of finish and details that need ex 4BJ
And everything is set down in such a manner that the
5 .
5A \Vater—line blelow 1.w.l.
builder can quickly ascertain the things that he must 5BJ '
know before he can commence work.
O Ordin'Ite lines
To convey to the minds of others his ideas of form, 6A ‘
of construction and of finish is really one of the principal
reasons why a designer makes drawings and gets out 7 .
7A Above water-lines
specifications. 7B1
Center line of keel

Midship section position

Half-width of keel or rabbet
\l Curve of areas
Face of stem

Bottom of keel



No. 10181 Linea

Center line of deck
18 Forward end transfer lines
EXPLANATION OF No. 10181 DRAWINGS 19 After end transfer lines
These drawings are for the purpose of helping readers 2r
to identify each line of a power-boat lines drawing and 21A Buttock lines
each principal part of the hull construction. 2IBJ '
The numerals in circles on lines drawing are placed Diagonals
there to enable the reader to identify each line and study
the manner in which the lines are shown on the three Shaft line
views—Profile, Half-Breadth VVater-Line and Body
nag Hwfiofi .oz
FT ‘ ! /N p

' II

\ ‘ H
t\ -



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No. 10181 Frame Construction




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No. 10181 Keel Construction
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No. 10181 Construction Details

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No. 10181 (3:08;; Sections—Construction Details

No. 10181 Rudder Detail.
.. ..

nails rteni.vxeo-.n'arl... wanted
clamps --Galv-
irtei.xvo-~renal. "Go!"-
.x.-~ .. clamp
..x- ....

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TMceflir.wlt.aie-v.nrYse..dom Mil-t,
F“'d., nails
. ..W
GPine ..Galz'.
crSi-xtp.-ae.trc.sed ..Galv.
..Oak' --Galv-

.~-e...-.. bolts


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' Plea.
arteicruilarls Toilet
rb-o.-a.rd,. fastenings

nv 1sr4atn.oa..-l..glea.4"dxl60." Galley
2stove, brSeu'nlithkri..han.begcl..aeds entrance
..At bolts
..At fastenings
Suit..a.b.l.e Flagpoles
. orCom.p.l.cete
trucks band
. ..I..
Haslcf.r-.eo.wund, Shoe
Post;... .,. Flagpole
..Ione.... Quadrant
on ect..i...o.nts.
inpIunmsp.t.a.l..e.d chocks
.2..,.. ‘ .4.. . . .

. .9


Til fl'li-ne- -

8 oz...

s. . ..._. Awning
..2.... DeCk


pass Anchor
pass Running
spec.t. .ion Side

AND .Bwith
Io.aF. ti.hi.toGe.a..lvdk..Iran
..I.... Life
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Cparnveaseé'rC.voer.-ks. Life
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seats ccabin
.sChaino' Whistle
spec..t_,.i_o.,n Bell
..I.. ._.
. Casame

-.-..- .-H l.-uice"ns.-' ."-“ .

any engine


c.onPreoctpe..drly with
furnished engine
tnieaoclnteadl 5'.
by.. ..Fitted
post.t cockpit
throetve.rls.e ,
. at
opening .above
on ect.e.d
Particuler ..As'
t-acyl ie.nd er c.onPreocpt.e.rdly
boxed ..As
..Size inside
. Fit .ed
of air
pump. supplied

. Scre'w.e.d


..I... pipe
asole.n.e_, pipe

..Dry Exhaust
pipe.. Exhaust
Galv. fittings
..t.., ..I..,_ S.Bronze
..Bronse t..I
uffing.-,._box of
engine... Controls
gas.. ,_‘ fittings
Brass.. ,__.‘ pipes
to.. pipe

..I.,_. Device
..I.._., Reverse
Engine Starting
..z..,_ Coil
..I.,_ Switches

Add B to .D. For each number up to 20 use % in. of material. When B + D number exceeds 20 use m 317,0
>4 in. of material for each number up to 20 and X in. for each number over 20 2.5; :5
\/ L + B + B in feet = M measure in inches and parts of inch. Use nearest )4 in. | Z 5‘— po mpeaq 06
wag '3)
Same as Keel S measure | m 5150::awlgl’oltie.
. \ I
As Required | Z Oak or Y Pine JOMOd
'"l alPl Ml—-LM As Required ! oaghgl;'Yi.5;ne

(B + D) X Co. = S measure in inches and parts}Co. varies with Length of Boat. B and D measures w
of inch in feet and parts of foot
.10 .095 .09 .085 .08 g. fluiaeq
71 to 90ft. 56 to 70 ft. 41 to 55 ft. 31 to 40 ft. 30lt.and under IO: ..1
Length of boat Length of boat Length of boat Length of boat Length of boat m g
\/ L + B. + D X Co. = M- measure in}Co. varies with L + B + 'D number. L, Band D g 5;
>il m
Inches and parts of lflCll to be measured In feet and parts of foot I -
u U)
: ... a ..
'snseuiag-g H 8 9 8° 8 8‘ 3‘ ‘65 22 3 8. fi 8 ‘6 8! 3 K" 0%
3 '5 '5 8 '0' 8 8 8 8 8 3 '5 8 '5 8 5 +n g
.. _. =9 a?
II II II II ll ll ll ll II II ll || II II II ll 3 Z 9
0 I o I . - u I I I I I r

L C.» i» :1.» u m N N m N N N N 8 ~ ~ 59
o \I a s. o 00 \I ca m a u ~ ~ 0 no r...Z '
\/ L in feet X Co. for 76
to 90 ft. spacing
71 to 75ft.
in inches56and
to 70
ft. of inch.
51 to 55
Co.ft.varies with
25 toLength
50 ft. length
of boat | mo

_~—/ I.64 to 1.6
C___.Y___J 1.65
\—-_.,.-__a \ I.66 to
Y 1.7 L 1.7
j 4 39.

S Rib dimension X .8 = S of floor timbers—Use nearest % in. In 2.,”

M Keel dimension X .8 =Same
M ofHSfloor timbers—Use nearest ,‘4 in. Z
Sp'e I' -‘

Twice S measure of floor timbers = Thickness of Keelson for Boats 40 ft. and over. Keelsons can be I H 3!“
omitted from boats under 40 feet _._._g2:
M measure of floor timbers = Width of Keelson Boats 40 ft. and over 2 ing?
Floor timbers to be notched to receive Keelson, and Keelson notched to set over fioor'timbers. Fastenings w 53-81:?
, to go through floor timbers and into Keel for at least % depth :'<
l, v/ B + D X Co. = Thickness in inches}C0. varies with Length of Boat. B and D measured in feet and a a;
l. and parts parts of a foot ,
953 u
8! to 90ft. 71 to Suit. 61 to 70ft. 56 to 60ft. 51 to 55 it. 46 to 50 ft. 4x to 45 ft. 36 to 40h. 31 to 35ft. 20 to 30ft. 133:“ 85;
I ;.__y—_J
s \—~____/
n \ Ve k i
o v _, \_v—_J
n ;__f—J
I \__Yn___J
I 5W
I co.' g
(I =

a: a x: =2 s e a e. a o. 5,3. =~
S measure of Keel = Thickness in inches and parts of inch l >1 .uo 02-2121
+ D measures
B) X Co.
- feet
= Thickness
and partsI ofina inches}Co.
foot = Minimum
- - variesLength
with Length
of foundation
of . Boat.
. L and
. feet
B measured
and parts in
of feet
foot I if}:
- 5"'"~<=-g3:01:

and parts and parts of a foot "1'. -< U

80 to 90 it. 70 to 79 ft. 55 to 60 ft. 45 to 54 ft. 35 to 44 It. 26 to 34 it. 20 to 25 it. 032’“;
Y a Y “—*—'-’ ‘ ' ——’ r _’ r 4 Co. i-F, E! Q
"“1. L.N ..—- :..
O 8' '8.» 3‘ “f, a"
9. as
(\/_L-+ D) X Co. = Width in inches} Co. = .4. L and D measured in feet and parts of a foot | gt, apgsino
Same as Deck Clamps | "1 QKQCJ
Deck clamp width measure X .8 = Width in inches and parts of inch 2 0515:
115."; I
“a ”
Rib 5 measure X .8 = Measure in inches and parts of inch I In EU
I.8 times rib M measure = M measure in inches and parts of inch | Z 3
Same as Ribs | Sp'e E" r
Same as Planking I a I Decking
T411111: or SQUARE, Cumzs, SQUARE Roo'rs, Cum: Roo-rs AND TWO-THIRDS POWER 01-" NUMBERS
Squire Cube 2/310 Squirt: Cube 2/3HI
' Cube R001 R001 i'uwcr N01 Square Cube R001 R001 Power
8 1.4142 1.2599 1.58 32 6.724 5511368 90554 4-3445 1837
27 1.7321 1.4422 2.08 83 6.859 571.787 9-1104 43521 19-05
64 2.0000 1.5874 2.519 84 7.959 592.794 9.1652 43795 192
125 2.2361 1.7100 2.924 85 7.225 614.125 92195 48963 193!
216 2.4495 1.8171 3.302 86 7.396 636.056 9.2736 4.4140 19.45

343 2. 2 4
2.3438 2.0000
1.9129 4.00
3.659 g 7.744
7.569 1.472
258.593 9-3
9.332% 4-44
4.4359) 19
729 3.0000 2.0801 4326 89 7.921 791.999 9.4349 4.4947 1995
1,000 3.162(3) 2.1544 4.641 90 729.000 9.4868 4.4814 20_1
1, 31 .31 2.22 0 . 6 91 .2 I 753.57I 9-5394 4-49‘9 20.25
1,928 3.4641 2.2834 92 8.464 778.988 55917 4.5144 29.52
2,197 3.6056 2.3513 5ng gs 2.349) 394.357 9.2337 4.53% 29%
2.744 37417 2.4101 5. 4 1 3 30.5 4 9. 54 4.54 20.
3.375 3.8739 2.4962 6.082 95 9.925 857.375 9.7498 4.5929 20.81
4.096 4.0000 2.5198 6.349 96 91216 834.736 9-7930 4-5739 2095
4,913 4.1231 2.5713 6.611 97 9.499 912.673 9. 46947 21 1
5,832 4.2426 2.6207 6.868 98 9.994 941.192 98995 49194 21-25
£859 4.3589 2.6684 7.12 99 9.891 979.299 9.9499 4.226(1) 21-4
,000 44721 27144 7.363 100 10,000 1,000,000 10.0000 4. 41 21.54
9,261 4.5826 2.75 7.611 no 121100 1.331.000 104881 47914 22
10,648 4.6904 28020 7851 120 14.400 1.728.000 10-9545 4-9324 24-33
12'167 4.7958 28439 8087 130 16,900 2,197,000 11.4018 5.0658 25.66
13,324 43990 213345 8_320 140 19,600 2,744,000 11.8322 5.1925 26.96
17.2750 5.0000
5.0090 2,9240
2.9625 8. 549
8.776 150
133 22,500
351% 3,375,000
413321333 12.2474
36131 5.313 7
242 28.23
, .0000 . . 4. . 93 4 .'39 39
;? 952 30366 180 32.400 8,832,000 13.4164 5.6462 31.88
24:389 $3852 3 0723 9 439 190 361100 18591000 13-7840 5-7489 33-05
27,000 5 4772 3'1072 9'654 200 40,000 8,000,000 14.1421 5.8480 34.21
29 791 5.5678 3.1414 9555 219 44.199 9.261.999 144914 5.9439 35-33
32:768 56569 31748 10:08 220 48,400 10,648,000 14.8324 6.0368 36.44
35,937 57446 32075 1038 230 52,900 12,167,000 15.1658 6.1269 37_ 54
39,304 58310 32396 1049 240 57,600 13,824,000 15.4919 6.2145 38.62

6,6 6 5.9161
.0000 3.2711
. 1070
. gi'ggg
1 17.57
.000 I122311151
~I24 21396
.3 25 40.74
20 6‘23 2 0828 g 1? $8 270 72,900 19,683,000 16.4317 6.4633 41.78
591319 6'1644
62450 3'3620
3:39” 1I 1:5
1‘30 280
290 78,400
84,100 21,952,000
24,389,000 16.7332
17.0294 6.5421
6.6191 42.80
68921 33246
6403, 34200
34482 I“'9
I7 399
310 99.999
96,100 27.999.999
29,791,000 17.3295
17.6068 6.6943
6.7679 4481
741088 64807 3:4760 12:1 320 102,400 32,768,000 17.8885 6.8399 46.78
79,507 65574 3.5034 12.27 33° 198.999 35.937.999 181659 69194 47.75
85 184 6 6332 3 5303 ,2 48 349 115.699 39,394,000 184391 69795 48.71
911125 67082 35569 12.65 35° 122'500 42'875'000 187083 70473 49-66
97.336 67,823 36830 1285 360 129,600 46,656,000 18.9737 7.1 138 50.61
103 823 68557 6088 1 0 37° 1369‘” 5016531000 192354 7"791 51-54
119.592 6.9282 3.6342 $.23 38° 1441400 54872999 190936 7.2432 52.46
117.649 7.0000 3.6593 13 4 3% 168100 89619300 237484 7323‘ 5338
- 4 .999 4.999999 9999 7-3 1 51.29
7-0711 3-6840 3'58 410 168,100 68,921,000 2012485 74290 55.19
140’608 723‘," 37°24 :375 420 176,409 74,088,000 29.4939 7.4889 56.08
148'877 7- 80 37365 3-93 430 184.900 79,507,000 29.7364 7.5478 56.97
157’464 7'2 81 3'75 3 14'“ 449 193. 85,184,000 20.9762 7.6059 57.85
‘66’375 7-3465 35598 I4-3 450 202,500 91,125,000 21.2132 ‘ 7.6631 5&7:
1 {35''616 7-4 332
7'48 3- 259
3's 30 I425
“"46 470
460 220,900
211.699 103,823,000
97.336999 21.6795
214476 7.7750
77194 60.45
I 5'193 784% 33485 14' 489 230,400 110,592,000 21.9089 7.8297 61.30
195.I12 7.6;;5 3. 709 14.98 490 240,100 117,649,000 22.1359 7.8837 6115
208.379 7‘ 8) 3-3930 15-15 500 250,000 125,000,000 22.3607 7.9370 62.99
216000 754 391649 15-33 510 260,100 132,651,000 22.5832 7.9896 63,83
228.9% 7.8102 3.93 5 15.88 520 270,400 140,608,000 22.8035 8.0415 6466
23 132 7' 74° 3-9579 15- 530 280,900 148,877,000 23.0217 8.0927 6549
2 2%44
259.947 82200
E7g-9373 4-0000
39791 121°
15-83 550
540 302,500
291,600 166,375,000
157,464,000 234521
23.2379 8.1932
8.1433 67.13
254132 8- 23 42°2°7 16'17 569 313,699 175,616,000 23.6643 8.2426 67.94
7.46 81549 4%" 16-35 579 324.999 185193.909 23.8747 82913 68.74
300.7 3 8-1 24 4-08I5 1 -5 580 336,400 195,112,000 24.0832 83396 6954

' 8:362
' twig
' :28;
' (5533 3642.199
3 .000 295.379.1100
21 ,ooo,ooo 242899
244949 3.3872
.4343 7934
343.000 88666 41213 16-98 610 372,100 226,981,000 24.6982 8.4809 51.9;
357'9“ 8426’ 4-‘4°8 "-15 629 384.499 238,328,999 248998 8-5270 72.71
373.243 814853 41602 17-30 630 396,900 250,047,000 25.0998 8.5726 7349
389.917 8.5449 4.1793 17-46 640 409,600 262,144,000 25.2982 8.6177 7426
405,224 8.6023 4.1983 17.67 650‘ 422,500 274,625,000 251495I 8-6624 75-03
421,875 8.6603 4.2172 17.8 660 435,600 287,406,000 2516905 8-7066 75-80
438.976 8.7178 4.2358 17-93 670 448,900 300,763,000 25. 8.7503 7657
456.533 3-7759 42543 18-1 680 462,400 314,432,900 26.0768 8.7937 77.33
474,552 883.8318 4.2727 18.25 690 476,100 323509900 26.2679 8.8366 78.08
4931039 83882 4- 1841 700 490.000 343,000,000 264575 8.8790 78.84
512.900 9443 +3229 18-55 710 504,100 357,91 1,000 26.6458 8.921 1 79.59
53I.441 9-0000 4-3 7 18.72 720 518,400 373,248,000 213-8323 8-9628 80.33
Giving Additional Information about Measurement Rules and Formulae

Chapter 1-S
Drafting Instruments and Their Use

81. TOOLS REQUIRED BY A HULL DRAFTSMAN and perpendicular straight lines. \Vhen using a triangle
I Ruling pen—About 5 inch. it should be held firmly against uf>1>er edge of T-square
I Plain dividers—About 5 inch. blade in manner shown on Fig. 2—S.
1 Compasses—About 6 inches, with pen, pencil, and Bear in mind that the oblique edge of triangle should
needle points, also lengthening bar. always be to the right. Celluloid (transparent) triangles
I Bow pen. About 3 inch. are preferable to wood ones.
1 Bow pencil. About 3 inch. Curves are used as guides when drawing curves that
Bow dividers—About 3 inch. cannot be accurately drawn with compasses. Different
HNNH T-Square.——\Vood, about 30 inches long. shapes of curves are needed by a marine draftsman.
Celluloid triangles, 45 degree.—6-inch and Io-inch. Spline and Weights are used to help when drawing
Celluloid triangles, 30-60 degree.—6-inch and IO-inch. long curved lines, such as water planes of boats. The
Boxwood scale—12 inches long. Various scales. spline is bent to desired shape and held in position by
Celluloid curves—Various shapes. the weights. (See Fig. 2-S.) The weights have a pro—
Celluloid splines—30 inches and 42 inches long. jecting finger, or point, that can be rested on spline.
.br-a Drawing board—About 23 by 32 inches or larger. Weights must be placed in such a manner that the draw
Or more lead weights—Can be made from pattern.
(See drawing.) ° _a_.mzm_mm
Waterproof drawing ink, pencils, erasers, pen, thumb - , la
"i i i h
» . <4: _
- f, . T ‘It; -._ = 5M
5 . ';-_-_—'*: - =;~ -—_

. I- o

".r-erugv 3;: >4;

1‘13. l-S

The Use of Drawing Tools F18. 2-S

The Drawing Board is used for holding drawing
paper flat. (See Fig. 2-S.) The paper is tightly ing pen can be used and moved along spline without
stretched on board and fastened in place with thumb touching the projections on weights.
tacks, one at each corner. When drawing a long curved line it is important to
The T-Square.—The edge of T-square blade is used, have sufficient ink in pen to enable the whole line to be
in manner shown on Fig. 2—S, for guiding pen, or pencil, drawn at one time without lifting pen or stopping it.
when drawing straight horizontal lines. Ruling Pen is used for ruling lines. Ink is placed
The head of square is held against left-hand edge of between blades by means of another pen, or a quill, and
board and upper edge of blade is used as a guide. after lines are drawn the ruling pen must be wiped free
Remember that edges of board are generally straight from ink and left .perfectly clean. Never let drawing
but they may not always be at right angles to each ink dry on the pen blades. Drawing inks rust steel very
other; therefore, do not attempt to use T—square blade quickly.
for the purpose of helping you to draw lines at right . The blades of a drawing pen must be kept clean, free
angles to each other. from rust and sharp. A blunt pen, or one having rough
The correct way to draw right angle lines is to use edges, or one with blades of uneven length, will not draw
blade of T—square as guide for horizontal line, and edge lines of even thickness. _
of a triangle, held against blade of T-square, as guide for The width of a line can be regulated by changing
the perpendicular line. opening between blades of pen. This is done by turning
Triangles are used as guides when drawing oblique the small adjusting screw placed on side of blades.
When once the width is properly adjusted, do not Such drawings are called working drawings, and to
change it until all lines on drawing have been drawn. meet all requirements they must express all facts in re
To clean a pen use a piece of soft cloth or leather and gard to form, magnitude, and position of objects repre
clean inside of blades by passing cleaner between. sented. They must show figures in space yet the draw
If a pen gets dull sharpen it by rubbing points on a ing must be in one plane—that of the paper.
very fine grained oilstone. Such drawings are called projection drawings, or
Never try to wark with a dull pen. Orthographic projection drawings.
Compasses are used to draw circles that are too large 83. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTION DRAWINGS
for the bow instruments. When using compasses the
needle point is attached to one leg, and the pen, or pencil, A projection drawing represents an object as it would
point to the other. The needle point is set firmly, by appear if the eye could be directly over each point of
pricking it through drawing paper, and the pen or pencil the drawing at the same time. A projection drawing
point is adjusted to stand square with surface of paper gives little or no idea of distance and represents the dis—
when compasses are opened the required distance. The tance in any direction on a plane surface squarely in
hand should describe the circle above the paper, care front of the observer.
being taken to keep pen or pencil point upright during the Projection drawings are nearly always made to show
whole revolution. views taken at right angles, and the sizes of parts ac
Adjusting and keeping the pen point clean is ex curately without foreshortening, as is usual in perspective.
plained under Ruling Pen heading. Fig. 3-S is a projection drawing.
The lead used in pencil point must be hard (about 6H)
and should be kept sharp and properly pointed. A piece . >12: 1 1. r» s mA -r 1' '
of 000 sandpaper or emery cloth is excellent for putting a N0 rg 1512 “wry 1391 E >
point on leads in compass points. W
Diz.1iders.—-These are used for transferring measure—
ments from one drawing to another, or from one part
of a drawing to another. Both legs of dividers are fitted
with pointed ends, or needle points, and when using
them one point is placed on one line and the other ad
justed to measurement or distance being measured.
Great care should be taken to get the center of points
exactly on lines or measurements, and also not to alter
adjustment when transferring from one drawing to
Bow Pen, Pencil, Dividers—These are used in the
same manner as the larger compasses and dividers but,
being smaller, their usefulness is restricted to drawing
and measuring small circles and measurements. Bow
P15. 8-8
instruments are always fitted with adjustable points and
adjusting screws, therefore, very close adjustment can Prefiaring l/Vorking Drawings
be made. \Vhen a draftsman has to prepare working drawings
82. DRAWING PENCILS he first of all makes a general drawing, or drawings, to
You cannot make a clean, accurate drawing with a show the complete design with all parts in place. and
poor pencil. Pencils used for drawing must be good in from this drawing he obtains dimensions and shapes of
quality and should be drawing pencils. Ordinary lead the various parts. Two or more views of assembled
pencils will not do. parts are shown on the general drawing, and all measure—
Drawing pencils are made in many different degrees ments that cannot be given on detailed drawings of parts
of hardness, ranging from B, which is extremely soft, are plainly marked on general drawings.
up to 9H, which is extremely hard. For ordinary draw On general drawings multiplication of lines, and
ing 4H will be found excellent, and for drawings on dotted lines to indicate hidden parts that can be shown
which the lines are very fine, or closely spaced, a 6H on parts drawings, should be omitted.
will be best. Detail pencils are sometimes numbered Detailed Parts Drawings
from No. I up to No. 6. No. 6 is the hardest. These should show each part' and piece in sufficient
Drawing pencils should be sharpened to either a detail to enable a workman to reproduce the pieces and
needle point or to a very fine chisel point. there should be marked on them all necessary measure
For marine drafting I find the needle point best. ments and explanations. When necessary cross-section
Sharpen with a knife and then finish point with views should be shown on these drawings.
sandpaper 0r emery; It is necessary to place all measurements on detailed
parts drawings and to correctly indicate the points from
Working Drawings which measurements are taken.
Mechanical drawing is the art of making drawings For the purpose of avoiding confusion, the various
representing mechanical and architectural structures as lines used by a draftsman, such as cross-section, to in—
a whole and in detail so clearly and completely that dicate kinds of materials used, tapped holes, dimension
skilled workmen can make the structures exactly as they marks, threads, broken sections, etc., have all been
are intended to be, without any further directions than standardized and I will explain and illustrate a.number
those written on the drawings. of conventional lines.
84. CONVENTIONAL LINEs Broken Sections—Conventional methods of showing
These are shown on illustration 4—S. broken sections of beams, etc.
N0. I.—Is the ordinary line used for outlines and all Conventional Sectionings.—Sectionings adopted by
ordinary purposes. the U. S. Navy Department to illustrate on drawings the
No. 2.—Is the shade line used to show surfaces, or kind of material used.
edges, that are in shadow. * 85. LETTERING
No. 3.—Is the dotted line used chiefly to show details One of the most important features of a drawing is
obscured from view. the lettering placed thereon. Neatly executed and located
No. 4.—Is the dash line used mainly for dimension lettering will improve the appearance of any drawing.
lines? By lettering is meant the title, explanations, figures
N0. 5.—Is the dot and dash line used for center lines.
and remarks placed on a drawing. '
Measurement lines indicate points from which
The principal points to consider when lettering a
measures are taken. Dimension lines always should
begin and end exactly. Measurement lines are generally drawing are:
drawn as thin (faint) as possible, beginning from the Ist.—The location of lettering.
lines of drawing and extending a sufiicient length to 2d.—The size and style of letters.
permit dimension line to be marked well clear of all
drawing lines. AHCQ'EFGH/JkLNN'OP'QP'S'rL/MWX r2"
Mel W
Orenl'JARv LIN! -'
at": ,
SHAn: “Hr /
an“... .'__..__
Dow-Ten tmr '/
MAmm Lint m
m4___._ ....__-__ ____ _
cm W /
Mel) aéczééfiyif/mnqogrsz‘uvmyz 2371567890
Der am“! /
F— 25" LN:
5 so a'slie't'e' 't'
fluAlpunlra‘ ‘

Fig. 5-8
\ x
Location of Lettering
No hard and fast rules can be laid down for this,
~= 2
CAQY mud
on» our Gonman‘nu
because the location of lettering must always be con
sidered with reference to each drawing and its details.
WmuGM-v IRON The following rules are safe ones:
R’u an! R A .—Before commencing to letter a drawing, decide upon
the amount of lettering you will have to place on
Fig. 4-8
the sheet.
Screw Threads.-——On Fig. 4-S are illustrations of con B.—Next locate the positions for principal lettering, such
ventional methods of showing screw threads on drawings. as title, scale, description, keeping in mind the
The angle of thread indicates pitch and direction, whether necessity of locating this lettering so that the
thread is right or left-handed. drawing will have a balanced appearance. This
TaPPed Holes.—Conventional methods of showing lettering should be larger than the descriptive let
tapped holes are also shown. The full line is drawn tering.
depth of thread away from the broken line. C.—Next locate positions for all descriptive lettering and
*In marine and mechanical drawing the appearance of a D.—Mark all dimension lines first, then put in the figures,
drawing is much improved by taking into account the shadows
that would be cast by the sun if it were shining upon the object
and last of all put the descriptive lettering on
in such a manner that the rays will come from above and from drawing.
the left at an angle of 45° with the horizontal and vertical. E.—Never mark dimension lines in positions that will
Another use of shade lines is to indicate raised and depressed
surfaces. An example of this is shown on Fig. 4-S.
cause confusion, or necessitate two dimension lines
TOn Fig. 4-S dimensions and measurement lines are cor crossing at right angles.
rectly shown_
Dimension lines indicate lines along which dimensions are
F. Always place explanatory lettering near to the part
taken. They should be drawn much lighter than lines of draw of drawing it refers to and do not crowd the
ing-should never cross one another, and must always terminate lettering.
exactly at points where the measurement begins and ends, the
ends of lines terminating in a very sharp arrow point. (See Title Lettering
illustration.) This is the most prominent lettering placed on a
Dimension figures are always (if there is room) placed in a drawing and should clearly indicate these things:
blank space left at center of line. The figures (numerals) should
be plainly marked, the feet sign being represented by the letters The name of piece, or part shown.
(Ft.) and the inches by the letters (In.). It is not good prac The scale of drawing.
tice to use the prime marks (’ and "). In case there is not The name of firm, or designer.
sufiicient room between arrow points to enter measurement
figures, they should be entered immediately above or below and The shop, or drawing numbers necessary to identify
a light line drawn from the figures to blank space in line. drawing and part shown.
The following rules are excellent ones to guide you manner fractions are marked, with a horizontal line divid
when lettering a title on drawings: ing the upper and lower figures. Never use the inclined
Place title lettering at top left-hand corner close in line, thus: yz.
side margin. The following are good rules to keep in mind when
Place firm name immediately below title. lettering freehand:
Place scale lettering and scale marks at lower left— Ist.—The title lettering should be at least twice the
hand corner. size of ordinary lettering on small drawings; and
Place drawing and filing numbers at lower right—hand proportioned to size of large ones.
‘ corner. 2d.—All explanatory lettering should be one size and
The Title lettering should be larger than the general one type.
lettering and should be at least two times the size of 3d.—-Locate lettering in positions adjacent to parts
general lettering. of drawing it refers to, and at the same time try
By title lettering is meant lettering that refers to to so arrange it that drawing will have a balanced
title of the drawing subject, firm’s name, drawing appearance.
numerals, etc. 4th.—Space letters evenly and the words a proper
By general lettering is meant the lettering that refers distance apart.
to drawings and their details, dimensions, etc. 5th.—Never letter freehand without first of all draw
All figures should be the same size as the general ing guide lines, in pencil, top and bottom, of letter
lettering. size; and if you are in doubt about your ability to
Style of Lettering—For freehand lettering the keep letters at one inclination or spaced proper
Gothic style is admirable. Either the vertical or sloping distance apart, add guide lines to help you do
letters can be used. The vertical style of letter is harder these things. No matter how skilled a draftsman
to make accurately than the sloping. is he never letters without the aid of guide lines.
The sloping letters are usually made to stand at an 6th.—-The spacing of lines of lettering is usually about
inclination of 30° from upright. This is an advantage, one—half the height of letters.
because the 30° side of triangle can be used for marking 7th.—Lines of lettering should always begin and ter—
the pencil guide lines. minate evenly, and should, if possible, be placed to
Explaining Guide Lines—It is necessary that all permit all lettering to be read without turning the
letters be uniform in height, stand at one angle, and be drawing around.
spaced uniformly. To aid in doing this a draftsman
marks guide lines before he begins to letter a drawing. 86. Pans TO U51: FOR FREEHAND LETTERING
These guide lines are marked in pencil and consist of While nearly every draftsman has a preference of
two sets of lines: his own, it will not be out of place to name some of the
Ist.—The parallel lines drawn top and bottom of pens that a number of draftsmen have found satisfactory
letters for the purpose of aiding you to get all for general use.
letters on a straight line and to make them the A short stub, like Estabrook’s N0. 312.
same height. A ball pointed pen.
2d.—The inclined (or straight upright) guide lines A fine pointed pen like Gillott’s No. 170.
used for the purpose of helping you get the letters Many draftsmen use a short holder with either a cork
to stand at the one inclination, and also to help or rubber grip.
you get the letters spaced proper distances apart. Holding the Pen
The guide lines are drawn with a soft lead pencil and If a fine or a ball pointed pen is used the pen should
are marked before lettering. (See lines on upper line be held as in ordinary writing, except that it should be
of Fig. 5-S.) - held more upright than in writing.
I Spacing Letters—While the space between letters If a stub pen is used it should be held in such a
must be regular, the space occupied by various letters manner that the side of pen is used for making all of
differs. The draftsman usually marks a few inclined the down and up lines, and the horizontal ones should
guide lines to help him get the letters to stand correctly, be drawn without changing the position of pen. Thus
and then spaces each letter by the eye alone. This is an all horizontal lines will be drawn with the flat of pen
excellent plan for the experienced man but is likely and show thicker than the vertical ones.
to be too difiicult for the learner. Therefore I suggest The pen should be held close to the pen point, with
that at first you try and space the inclined guide lines thumb and forefinger, and steadied with the second
proper distances apart for each letter. finger, then the down strokes of letters should be made
The space between words should be at least twice with edge of pen and all horizontal ones without chang
the letter spacing. Thus if letters are spaced %, inch, ing position. Thus the pen will make all letters without
words should be spaced y. inch. The space between lines any danger of your splashing ink.
of letters should be about one-half the height of letters. One of the principal things to remember is to make
Figures should always be marked clear and legible. every letter rapidly and with firm, even pressure on pen.
Fractional measures should always be entered in the Practice is all that is needed to make a good letterer.
Chapter 2-S
Additional Measurement Rules
This rule can be used when the number of ordinates Sometimes called the Five-Eighth rule. This rule is
is not correct for the first rule. For this rule the num used to measure the area of a portion of a curvilinear
ber of intervals must always be 3 (four ordinates) or a figure contained between two consecutive ordinates.
multiple of three. Thus, the rule can be used when the In order to use the rule there must be three ordinates,
number of ordinates is an even number. 7 therefore, if you wanted to measure the portion of Fig.
You must, however, bear in mind that the multipliers 8 between ordinates N0. 6 and N0. 7 the ordinates N0. 5,
used for this rule vary with each change in the number 6, 7, must be measured, and then by using ordinate
of ordinates used. measures in the manner explained below the area of
If there are three intervals (four ordinates) the rule portion of figure between Nos. 6 and 7 ordinates is as—
and multipliers are: certained.
Rule—To the sum of the first and last ordinate Simflson’s Third Rule—T0 eight times the length of
measures add three times the sum of the length of ordi
the middle ordinate add five times the length of the near
nates No. 2 and No. 3, then add together and multiply end ordinate and then subtract the length of the far end
total by three—eighths of the common interval measure ordinate. Multiply the remainder by one-twelfth the in
terval between ordinates; : Area. It is very important
If, however, there are six intervals (seven ordinates) to name the ordinates correctly.
the rule is modified to permit the use of the multiplier 2
for the middle (N0. 4) ordinate; and if the number of The middle ordinate is always the center one of the
ordinates is increased to ten the multiplier 2 is used for three.
ordinates No. 4 and N0. 7; and if thirteen ordinates are The near end ordinate is always the one at the end of
used the multiplier 2 is used for ordinates Nos. 4, 7, 10. portion that is being measured. (See No. 7 below.)
Below I give in tabulated form the multipliers for each The far end ordinate is always the one that is furthest
number of ordinates: _ away from the portion that is being measured. (See
01d. Multiplier! Multipliers Multipliers No. 5 below.)
No. 7 0m. 10 om. 13 014.
I . . . . . .. . I . .. .. .. . I . .. .... . I Below I illustrate and calculate the area of a portion
2 . . . . . .. . 3 . .. .. .. . 3 . .. .... . 3 of Fig. 8—the portion between No. 6 and No. 7 ordinates.
3 . . . . . .. . 3 . .. .. .. . 3 . .. .... . 3
4 . . . . . .. . 2 . .. .. .. . 2 . .. .. .. . 2 N0_ 6 ordinate length is. 2.5
5 . . . . . .. . 3 . .. .. .. . 3 . .. .. .. . 3 N o t e.——In No. 7 ordinate length is... . 2.25
6 . . . . . . .. 3 . . . . . . .. 3 . . . . . . .. 3 all cases the No. 5 ordinate length is. 2.70
7 .. . .. .. . t . .... ... 2 . . . . . . .. 2 totals must be 2.5 x 8 = 20.00 Mid. Ord.
8 ... . . ... . .. .... . 3 . . . . . . .. 3 multiplied by %, 2.25 x 5 = 1125 Near Ord.
9 . .. . . .. . ... .. .. . 3 . . . . . . .. 3 the common in
IO . .. .. .. . . .... ... I . .. .. ... 2 terval. 31.25
II . .. .. .. . . .... ... ... ..... 3 Subtract .. 2.70
12 . .. .. .. . . .... ... ... ..... 3
13 . .. .. .. . . .. .. ... . .. . . . .. I _ 28-55
Interval is 4 feet; 1/12 = .33
The Fig. 8 water plane in Chapter II is used to il Area 9.4215 square ft.
lustrate the second Simpson’s rule calculations, thus you Below I show the figure measured.
can compare results of the application of both rules.
The slight difference in totals is permissible when a
limited number of ordinates are used. The variation will
never exceed a few decimal points, and even this slight
\\ \ \ B
variation will be eliminated by introducing a greater
number of ordinates.
The more closely spaced ordinates are the more ac
curate the result will be.
Simpson‘s Function
Multiplier Totals Fig. 6-8
. . . . . . . . . . .. I 0.00
. . . . . . . . . . .. 3 4.35
. . . . . . . . . . .. 3 6.75 89. CALCULATING AREA or FIGURE BOUNDED BY A
. . . . . . . . . . .. 2 5.20 CURvED LINE AND Two RADII
. . . . . . . . . . .. 3 8.10
. . . . . . . . . . .. 3 7.50
To measure the area of a figure like No. 7-S divide
. . . . . . . . - - .. I 2.25 the angle between bounding radii into an even number
of angular intervals by means of radii. Measure the
lengths of these radii, then square (multiply the measure
4 ft. Interval ag = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.5
by itself) each length, and using these squared lengths
Area = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.225 as ordinate measures make a calculation in the manner
shown below. The calculation is made by using a modii the circular measure of any angle is found by multiplying
fication of SimPson’s rule, the modification being: the number of degrees in it by .01745.
Ist.—The distance between ordinates is the angular Measuring Area of Irregularly Shapted Figures Having a
interval in circular measure. Baunding Line That Changes Its Shafie (Curve)
2d.—After the calculation figures are totaled, they Abruptly
are multiplied by one-half, in addition to the one—
When the curvature of the bounding line of a figure
third Simpson multiplier. The one-half multiplier
is used because the figure is triangular in shape. changes abruptly between ordinates its area cannot be
accurately measured by Simpson's rules unless the figure
(See Rule for Measuring Triangles.)
is divided into a large number of parts, or the spacing of
Explaining the No. 7-5' Calculation ordinates so arranged that the Portion of figure where
The angle between the bounding radii is 90°. By curvature changes will have a number of ordinates closely
dividing this into 15° intervals a correct number of or spaced.
dinates for the calculation is obtained. After the figure To closely space ordinates for the full length of a
is divided the length of the radii is measured and en long figure that has only a short portion of its bounding
tered into the proper column (headed Length of Radii). line abruptly curved and then make a calculation by using
These lengths are next squared and the squared figures at Simpson rule will entail a large amount of labor, the
are entered in the next column. Note: It is not necessary greater portion of which is unnecessary, because the area
to use more than one decimal. of such a figure can be accurately measured by using a
In the next column the regular Simpson rule multi— lesser number of ordinates, providing one or two of them
pliers are entered and in the last one the function of are spaced close together at the portion, or portions, of
squared lengths. figure where line changes abruptly. In other words, by
The figures in the function column are totaled and spacing ordinates at long intervals along the portion of
then multiplied by one—third the common interval in figure that is regular in shape and at close intervals where
circular measure and the result is multiplied by one-half.* the line changes abruptly, the area can be measured ac
The final figures give the area of the figure in the curately, and the amount of labor is greatly lessened. To
same terms as the measurements. explain this I have drawn illustration Fig. 8—S.
This rule is useful when measuring areas of wedge— The E1 part of the 8—S illustration shows an area
shaped plane figures that have a pronounced curved outer having a curved bounding line that changes shape abruptly
line. at one point. If you try to accurately measure this
If the curve is not too irregular the area of the figure figure by using one of Simpson’s rules and a limited
can be measured by dividing it into a triangle and a seg— number of ordinates spaced at regular intervals the re
ment of a circle, and calculating the area of each sepa— sult obtained will be very inaccurate, proof of which
rately, then adding totals. is given by means of illustrations E1, E2, E3, and ex
planations hereafter given.
The illustration E‘ shows a figure that we will meas
A degree is the unit employed when measuring angles.
ure by using five evenly spaced ordinates, making the
A circle is divided into 360 parts by drawing radii from
calculations by using Simpson’s first rule.
the center point to the circumference line. Each of these
parts is termed a degree. The black and shaded portions are marked on figure
An angle being the space near the point where two for the purpose of proving that measurement obtained
radial lines meet to measure an angle it is necessary to by making this calculation is inaccurate.
know the number of degrees contained between the lines. The ordinate measures and complete calculation are
The circular measure of one degree is .01745, therefore, as follows:
0rd. 5
*To multiply by one-half you can either multiply by .5 or No. Length M Product
you can divide by 2. I ........ 1.66 . .. .. .. . I ........ 1.66
2 ........ 2.00 . . . . . . .. 4 ........ 8.00
3 . .. .. .. . 2.20 . .... .. . 2 . .. .... . 440
. we: 4
. .... .. .
... . . . . .
. .. .. .. .
... .. .. .
. .... .. .
. .. .. .. .
0 25.20 Io.24 l 10.24
~ 21.06
15° 2.55 8.12 4 32 45 One-third mterval“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I
50" 280 784 2 15.€8
Area = 21.06 square feet.
45' 250 784 4 51 36 *Interval is 3 feet between ordinates.
60° 285 5.12 2 16.24 This total, 21.06, is without doubt greater than the
actual area of figure, as an examination of the black and
75° 3.04 9.24 4 56.96
shaded portions will prove.
The 90' 3,20 1a24. l 1024
Explanation of Black and Shaded Portions of Figure
x o l 155.20
MULTIPLY BY fig I5°ClRCULAR M = 0.08725 The heavy line indicates outline of figure and on it is
lass marked, also in heavy lines, the ordinates used for cal
g— "1’— 0.08725MEASURE = 0.26/75
l5°CIRCULAR culation.
The dash lines drawn parallel with ordinates indicat:
_ AREA 11~1 saves. Fl'.
divisions of figure into Simpson’s multiplier units—I, :,
Pig. 7-S 2, 4, I.
_-/~>‘~— 4 -_-——>4<—_ 2-—+——— 4———>1~—/—FSIMP50~'


loren N°
t/T4 figs-ra- 4 4 -+-_.2 >__4 _>-+2 J__4 +242—4 ~+7¢1 5,21,,50“
/0 9 8 7 é l ORIJ. hl°

'E-s 16"qu
‘ l ___

|-‘-2‘-o'—a~— 2’-o" M
4 5'5 éim-ERNAL3 INTER VAL
it} _- ORIJ Na

I‘ll. 8-5

Ordinate numbers are marked below base line, the sary two units falls outside the figure, therefore, it is ap
interval being 3 feet. - parent that 2.20 feet is too large for these two units.
As the length of figure is 12 feet and the total of all The N o. 4 ordinate covers four units of length and the
Simpson’s multipliers used in the calculation is 12, it is parallel line shows that a much greater area is gained
apparent that each unit of the Simpson’s multiplier total than lost (compare the black and shaded portions); it,
represents one foot of the length of figure. Bearing this therefore, is apparent that the area of this portion of the
in mind, I will proceed to explain and prove that the cal figure should be less than the figures.
culated area is too great. The No. I ordinate length is The No. 5 ordinate has no measure and it is apparent
1.66 foot. This is supposed to be the length of each end that the area enclosed by the last unit of length is all lost
of the first unit of the figure (1 foot of its length in when making the calculation.
this case) and by drawing a line, parallel to base, from the If you will now compare the black with the shaded
point of No. I ordinate t0 the first unit of length mark portions you will readily see that a larger area is gained
a portion of the figure (shown in black) is cut 05. This than is lost (the shaded portions cover a larger area than
Portion is the area of the first unit lost by the calculation. the black ones), and it is evident that the gain has oc
Next we take the No. 2 ordinate. Its length is 2.00 feet curred at the part of figure near to the No. 4 ordinate—
and f0ur units of length are supposed to be exactly the at the Portion of the figure where the curve changes.
length of the No. 2 ordinate (the Simpson multiplier for
No. 2 ordinate is 4). By drawing a parallel line from By using a very large number of ordinates the in
the No. 2 ordinate point to include the four units of accuracy of calculation will disappear, and for the pur
length we find that the line cuts off a portion of two pose of proving this I have drawn Fig. E2.
of the units (the black portion) and adds a portion to the Explaining E2 Illustration and Calculation
others (the shaded portion). As these portions are about This is the same shaped figure as E1 but it is divided
equal it can be said that the four units of length covered more closely, thirteen ordinates being used. The interval
by the No. 2 ordinate measurement are accurately between ordinates is 1 foot and each Simpson’s multi
measured. plier represents 4 inches of length.
The No. 3 ordinate length is 2.20 feet and two units Length of figure expressed in inches is . . . . ..144 144+
of length are supposed to be of this length. A parallel Total of all Simpson’s mutlipliers . . . . . . . . . .. 36 36:4
line drawn from the point of N0. 3 to cover the neces The complete calculation follows:
CALCULATING THE AREA or E2 av Usmo THIRTEEN ORDINATES If full interval is subdivided into two parts, the or
dinate mutlipliers for the subdivided portion are reduced
I ..... ... 1.66 one-half; and in the event of the subdivision being into
2 . . . . . . .. 7.00 quarters, the multipliers are reduced to one-quarter of the
3 . . . . . . .. 3.66 proper number.
4 . . . . . . .. 8.00
5 . . . . . . .. 4.18 The ordinate multipliers for the portion of figure not
(i . . . . . . .. 8.48 subdivided are not changed.
7 . .. .. . .. 4.40
8 ... .. . .. 8.64 I will explain the reduction of multipliers by making
9 ... .. . .. 4.04 tabulated charts of the Fig. E‘ and E“ ordinates.
10 ... .. ... 700
II . .. .. . . . 2.00
Compare the charts and note the way the subdivided
12 . . . . . . .. 1.20 multipliers are reduced.
13 . . . . . . . . 0.00 The E1 figure has five ordinates and is divided into
36 60.26 regular full intervals for its entire length, therefore, the
Interval is 1 foot; X; = .333 ordinate multipliers are the regular full interval multi
pliers for the Simpson’s first rule.
Area = 20.086 square feet.
This is less than the total obtained by the E1 calcula ORDINATE CHART FOR THE F10. E1. FULL INTERVAL OanmArrs
tion and you will note that the black and shaded portions
Ordinate number . .... 1 2 3 4 5
of the figure about balance each other. We, therefore
1 4 1
can say, that by using Simpson’s first rule and dividing 1 4 I
figure into twelve intervals, an accurate measurement of Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4 2 4 1
figure can be made. For the E3 which has a subdivided interval between
The use of such a large number of ordinates entails
3 and 4 ordinates, the multipliers are:
a great deal of work and an examination of figure shows
Ordinate numbers .. I 2 3 ' 3% 4
that close spacing of ordinates is not really necessary
until portion of figure lying between No. 4 and No. 5 1 4 1
111 12 *2 1" I//_,
ordinates is reached (the No. 4 and No. 5 of E‘). It, Multipliers are . . . . . 1 4 1% 2 V2
therefore, is apparent that if Simpson’s rule could be *Subdivided.
modified in such a manner that ordinates could be spaced In the tabulation I have divided multipliers into blocks
closely at one part of a figure and widely at another, the of three, the point of division being at the 2 multipliers.
area of a figure like E1 c0uld be accurately measured with
out it being necessary to use such a great number of The 2 multiplier is set down as I and 1, because one
half of it belongs to the portion of figure ahead and the
Such a modification of the rules can be made and the other half to the portion aft of ordinate against which
Fig. E3 is drawn to illustrate the way this modification the 2 is placed. Therefore, when reducing multiplier
is made, the rule being named Simpson’s rule for measur figures because of subdivided intervals remember to re
ing when ordinates are placed at subdivisions of intervals. duce the part of the 2 multiplier that belongs to the sub
divided portion of the figure in exactly the same propor
91. To MEAsURE AN AREA BY SIMPSON’s RULES WHEN tion that the other multipliers are reduced.
ORDINATES ARE PLACED AT SUBDIVISIONS OF Another important thing to remember is: The sub
INTERVALS dividing ordinate (first one) must always be introduced
First divide the entire figure and erect ordinates at immediately after a 2 (whole) multiplier. The Fig. E2
regular full intervals. The number of ordinates spaced has one subdividing ordinate introduced between 3 and
at full intervals must be less than the number required 4 ordinates. This makes the interval for that portion of
for the rule by a total equal to the number of subdividing figure a half-interval. Therefore, the multiplier for the
ordinates you intend to use. 3% ordinate is reduced one-half (from 4 to 2) but only
Number these full interval ordinates from 1 up. the portion of the 3 multiplier that belongs to the after
Next erect the subdividing ordinates, placing them to (subdivided) part of figure is reduced, thus making the
subdivide the desired full intervals into equal parts and No. 3 multiplier 1% instead of 2.
using a sufficient number to make the total number of
The 4 ordinate multiplier is also reduced one-half as
ordinates correct for the rule used.
all of it belongs to the subdivided portion of figure.
Number the subdividing ordinates to correspond with
the subdivision of the full interval. Thus, supposing one The multipliers are tabulated.
subdividing ordinate is used between two full interval Now suppose that in place of introducing one half
ordinates, the subdividing ordinate must be placed mid— interval ordinate we introduce twO——0ne between 3 and 4,
way between full ordinates and numbered V2, thus in and one between 4 and 5.
dicating that the subdividing ordinate is one-half of a The multipliers would then 'be:
full interval from regular ordinates. Ordinate numbers 1 2 3 3% 4 4% 5
If three subdividing ordinates are placed between full 1 4 1
interval ordinates their numbers must be %,, V2, y, with % 2 V:
the addition of the proper full interval number. V: 2 %
The method of measuring and making the calculation Multipliers . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 4 1% 2 1 2 34
is identically the same as in a usual Simpson’s rule cal The part of 2 ordinate multiplier that belongs to the
culation, except that the multipliers used for ordinate subdivided portion is reduced, but inasmuch as there are
measures at subdivided portion of figure are reduced to subdivided intervals both ahead and aft of the 4 ordinate
correspond with the subdivision. both portions must be subdivided.

A study of the tabulation will enable you to grasp the tions; and the second to find the volume. This method
meaning of the method. of procedure is followed in this calculation, but instead
The following is the calculation to find the area of of using the actual ordinate length measurements for the
E3 by using a subdividing ordinate placed between No. area part of calculation, the figures used are the ordinate
3 and No. 4: lengths squared. (To square a number you multiply it
by itself.)
No. Length Product
The calculation can be made by measuring either the
I . .. ... . . . 1,66 radial planes, or by measuring the wedge-shaped sections,
2 . .. .. .. . 8.36
3 . . . . . . .. 3.03 and using the areas for the volume part Of the calculation.
3’; . . . . . . . . 2.00 As there is a slight difference in the method of mak
4 . . . . . . .. 0.00 ing the calculations, I will explain in detail how to cal
15.05 culate the volume by using radial plane areas, and after
Interval is 4 feet X; = 1.333 wards I will explain how to calculate volume by using
section areas.
Area = 20.066 square feet.
illeasuring Volume of Fig. 26 by Using the Radial Plane
No change in the one-third multiplier figures is Areas
necessary. . _
First find the areas of the radial planes by measur
The total, 20.066 square feet, is very close to total ing the ordinate lengths and squaring each measurement.
obtained by using thirteen ordinates and the amount of Enter these squared length measures as ordinate measure
work is very much less. A comparison of the black and ments and multiply each by its proper Simpson multi
shaded portions of E1,. shows that the lost and gained plier. The total of these multiplied squared lengths must
areas balance one another very closely. \Ve therefore then be multiplied by one-third the common interval
can say that the calculation determines the area closely. between ordinates. One-half of this total will be the
Explaining One—Quarter Interval Subdividing Multipliers figures to use for the second, or volume part of the
If it is necessary to introduce sub-ordinates at X; in calculation. (The figures are halved because the planes
tervals, or to introduce three sub-ordinates between No. 3 are a part of a triangular figure.) (See Measuring Area
and NO. 4 ordinates of Fig. E3 the ordinate numbers and of Triangle.) Each plane is measured in this manner
their proper multipliers are: and then the second, or volume part of calculation can be
Ordinate N0. . I 2 3 3% 3% 3% 4
I 4 I When calculating volume, in the first, or ordinate
% I % column, is entered the angle of inclination each plane
A 54 I ‘A makes; in the second column is entered the total obtained
Multipliers . . . . . . I 4 1% 1 1/2 1 M; by making the radial plane area calculations in the manner
The subdivision is %, of a full interval, therefore, explained above; in thelhird column the usual Simpson
the reduction is to 1/i of the full interval multipliers, multipliers are entered, and in the fourth the product of
at the portion where sub-ordinates are introduced. the figures. The total of the product column figures
Always remember that the total number of ordinates multiplied by one-third 0f the angular interval between
after sub-ordinates are introduced must be proper fOr planes will be the volume of the wedge.
the rule selected, and that the multipliers must always Below I give complete calculations made to determine
follow in correct rotation. Thus: the volume of wedge—shaped portion of Fig. 26, this cal
Ordinate No. . . . . . . 1 2 3 3% 3% 3% 4 culation being made by first determining the areas of the
Rotation be fore 1 4 2 4 2 4 I radial planes and then using the radial plane areas for
reduction. ' the volume portion of the calculation.
SucH As THE CRoss-LINED PORTION or Ord. Length Square of 5 Function
N0. 0rd. 0rd. Length M at Squares
FIG. 26 (CHAPTER IV) l . . . .. . . 01D . .. . . . . 0.00 . . . . . .. I . . . .. . . 000
Parts like this are called wedges of immersion and 2 . . . . . .. 1.12 . . . . . .. 1.25 . . . . . .. 4 . - . . . .. 5.00
emersion; meaning by this the wedge-shaped portion of 3 . . . . . .. 1.75 3.06 . . . . . .. 2 . . . . . .. 6.12
4 . .. .... 2.00 . . . . . .. 4.00 4 . . . . . .. 16.00
a boat that emerges from, or is immersed in water as she 5 . . . . . .. 1.92 . . . . . .. 3.68 . . . . . .. 2 ..... .. 7.36 '
inclines sideways (transversely). 6 1.50 . . . . . .. 2.25 . . . . . .. 4 . .... .. 9.00
7 . . . . . . . 1.00 . . . . . . . 1.00 . .. . . . . I . .. .. . . 1.00
The calculation is made by using one of Simpson’s
rules, therefore, the first thing to do is to divide the _ 44 .48
figure into a correct number of equally-spaced sections Interval IS 3 feet K; 2 t
and radial planes for a Simpson's rule calculation. I
have divided the figure into seven sections spaced 3 feet _ 44-48
square feet. of the. total 15 22.24 = i Area of radial plane in
apart, and into three radial planes* spaced 10° in circular
measure apart.
The area of the 0° and the 10° radial planes are
I have already explained that the calculation for a made in a similar manner. It is not necessary to give
volume consists of two separate and distinct calculations,
detailed figures. The totals are: 10° plane 2 26.92; 0°
the first to find the area of either the planes or the sec plane I 33.67.
*Planes radiating from a common center point are termed Using these figures the second part of the calculation
radial planes. is made in the manner shown below.
CALCULATION To DETERMINE THE VOLUME or EMERGED WEDGE The calculation explained in Chapter 3 determined the
Angle Function Product position of the center point of plane relative to one
Of of S for
Incline Totals M Volume selected point. A selected ordinate.
0° . .... . 33.67 . . . . .. 1 . ..... 33.67 In case of L.W.L. planes of boats we know that both
10° . .. .. . 2692 . ..... 4 . .... . 107.68 sides, or the halves each side of the longitudinal center
20° . . . . .. 22.24 . .... . I . .. .. . 22.24
line, are alike and therefore no further calculation is
. _ 163.59 necessary because we know that the center point must
One-third angular interval = 00581" lie on line drawn through the center of plane longitudi—
nally. But in case it is necessary, as it sometimes is, to
9.504 cubic feet volume.
find the center point of the half—plane that is one side of
‘IO° is the angular interval. The circular measure of 10° the longitudinal center line, like the half-plane Fig. 8,
is .1745. One-third of this = _0581.
then an additional calculation must be made for the
Therefore, the volume of emerged wedge portion of purpose of determining the location.
figure is 9.504 cubic feet as determined by first calculat This calculation is made in the following manner:
ing the areas of the radial planes and using the plane
areas for the second part of the calculation.
Square the ordinate lengths and enter one-half of the
squared lengths as ordinate measures for this calculation.
I will now explain and illustrate the way to determine Then by using these half-squared lengths as ordinates
volume of the same wedge by first of all calculating areas make a Simpson's rule calculation in the ordinary way.
of the section wedges and then using these areas for Then if the total of products of half—squares of lengths
the volume portion of calculation. is multiplied by one-third the common interval between
You will note that the final figures are almost exactly the ordinates the moment of the figure relative to the
the same as those obtained by making the other calcula center longitudinal line is ascertained. This moment,
tion. ' divided by the area of the half-plane, will give distance
CALCULATING VOLUME OE EMERGED WEDGE BY USING WEDGE the C.G. point of half-plane is out from the center longi
SECTION AREAS tudinal line. Below I give a complete calculation to de
No. I being the face of stem has no area, therefore it is termine the point for the half-plane shown on Fig. 29
entered as 0.00. illustration.
Ord. Length of Square of S HALF-PLANE 1:16. 8
No. Radii Lengths M Product
Ord. Length of Hall-Square 5 Products of
0° 1,25 1.56 I 1.56 No. On]. 0! ()rd. M Halt-Squares
10° 1.12 1.25 4 5.00 000 0.00 I 0,00
20" 1.12 1.25 I 1.25 2 1.45 1.05 4 4.20
3 2.25 2.53 2 5.06
_ _ 7.81 4 2.00 3.38 4 13.52
One-third angular Interval = .0581 5 2.70 3.65 2 730
0 2.50 3.14 4 12.56
. . 453 7 225 2.53 1 2.53
Multiplier for half-squares = .5 *
_ ‘ 45-17
Area of wedge section No 2 .226 square feet. One-third interval = 1.33
*The same result is obtained as if total were divided by 2.
60.22 moment
Areas of other sections are calculated in like manner. Moment 60.22 ‘
I Will not give detailed calculations because it is not = 1.17 foot distance that C.G. of half-plane is
necessary to do so. Area 51.133 out from the longitudinal plane.
The areas are as entered below. Now as the C.G. is 13.38 feet aft of No. 1 ordinate
Using the area figures the volume is determined by (ascertained by calculation in Chapter 3) we can say
making a calculation in the following manner: that the C.G. point of the half plane is located at a point
that is 13.38 feet aft of No. 1 ordinate and 1.17 foot out
from longitudinal plane. '
Ord. Section 5
No. Area M Product
1 . . . . . . .. 0.00 . . . . . . .. 1 0.00
2 ....... . 0.226 . . . . . . . . 4 ........ 0.904
3 . . . . . . .. 0.503 . 2 . . . . . . .. 1.186
4 ........ 0.848 . . . . . . . . 4 ........ 3.392
5 . .. .... . 0.828 . . . . . . .. 2 . .. ..... 1656
6 ... .. .. . 0.583 . . . . . . . . 4 . . . .. ... 2.332
7 ... ..... 0.041 . . . . . . .. 1 ........ 0.041

Total Of products = 9.511

One-third interval = .1 *

Volume Of wedge portion = 9.511 cubic feet. .m

*The interval between sections is 3 feet. iNn


WATER PLANE 024 b a *0 14.». 15 z.
The distance transversely means the distance it is out 6:54! raw 'Ews 25¢ I \c~ 1~ Toss
from the longitudinal center line. 1‘15. 9-8 and 12~S
94. REMARKS ABOUT DISPLACEMENT CALCULATIONs 0F draw a curved line to cut all of these points a proper
PLEASURE AND CARGO BOATs curve of displacement for the boat will be laid out.
Calculations to determine the displacement and If the calculations have been accurately made the
L.W.L. of boats designed for pleasure purposes are curve will be a fair line from end to end.
nearly always made for the purpose of ascertaining the After the curve is drawn the displacement to any
L.W.L. when boat is fully equipped and ready for use. named draught, between the light and heavy L.W. lines,
There being no variable cargo or weights to be added can be ascertained by drawing a horizontal line from the
this water-line will be the deepest such boats are likely mark on scale that represents the named draught until
to be immersed to. it touches the curved line, and then by drawing a vertical
Of course the displacement weights must include all line from this point until it touches the displacement scale
weights on board, inclusive of crew, a reasonable number the displacement for the named draught of water can be
of passengers, full load of fuel, stores and supplies. ascertained.
In boats used for commercial purposes no fixed load It is not necessary that the interval marks on top
water-line is used and for this reason it is usual and scale be the same as those on the vertical one. Any
necessary to determine'the displacement to more than convenient interval can be used, providing all marks on
one L.W.L., or to a water-line that will indicate the line a scale are the same distance apart.
to which the boat will float when she is ready to take on The measurements for both scales begin at the point
cargo, and the line to which she will float when loaded of junction of the scales.
with the heaviest cargo she is designed to carry. On all displacement curves it is necessary to mark
These two extremes are termed the light and the scales and measurements clearly, because it is some
heavy load water-lines and the distance between them in times necessary to determine displacement, or draught to
dicates the immersion, or the displacement due to cargo. some intermediate point on the scale.
It is a valuable indication of the cargo-carrying capacity When estimating displacement from a curve or dis—
of boat. placement remember that the displacement taken from
95. A CURVE 0F DISPLACEMENT curve is accurate only as long as the boat, or vessel, is
floating parallel to the plane of displacement the calcula
In boats and vessels designed to carry cargo the tion is made to.
draught of water will continually vary, owing to the
different weights of cargo carried, and as it is desirable to 1i 'i n 'i Luau
l l\- _tneo
, w» E
' :4.». Llen z. a
have some means of determining the displacement to any y...-. we“
named draught of water, between the lightest and the
heaviest, a curve of displacement is laid out and by
using this curve in the manner explained below the dis
placement to any draught of water can be quickly ascer a

tained without making any further calculations. 050.4"


How to Lay Out a Curve of Displacement

By using one of Simpson’s rules the volume and dis
placement of the underwater portion of the vessel is
carefully calculated to several water-lines. It is usual
to use the planes marked for the volume calculation. :\ 1 -_::i-.~r~-> quvg i-..;~ an; ear JL‘~‘
After the displacement calculations have been made '-i s- \\ I_A'F 1. n 'i '

a sheet is prepared by marking off, at right angles to 'b 5700 ~89

each other, horizontal and vertical scales in the manner

shown on Fig. 9-S.
The vertical scale is evenly divided into spaces to
indicate inches, or feet Of draught, beginning at the Fig. 9-3

bottom with zero and continuing up to the greatest

draught of water the boat will sink to when loaded to 96. EXPLAINING THE REAsON FOR DIFFERENCE IN A
her load displacement. BOAT’s DRAUGHT OF WATER WHEN MOVED FROM
The horizontal scale is evenly divided into spaces to SALT To FREsH WATER
represent tons, or pounds, beginning at the point of junc Sea water is denser (heavier) than fresh and there- '
tion of the two scales and extending up to the heaviest fore a stated volume weighs more than the same volume
load displacement. of fresh water.
Having markedthe scales, the curve of displacement The difference in weight is about 1% lb per cubic
can be laid out. foot of bulk.
The distance each water-line, to which you have cal Salt water weighing 64 lb, and fresh water 62% lb.*
culated displacement, is above keel is measured on the It is therefore necessary to know when designing a
vertical scale and lines drawn from the points across the boat whether she will be used in salt or in fresh water
sheet. and to make the calculation accordingly.
Next from the horizontal scale, at each displacement If the boat is to be used in salt water the displace
weight ascertained by making the calculations, vertical ment must be calculated in tons of 35 cubic feet, and if to
lines are drawn to meet the horizontal lines. be used in fresh water the calculation is made in tons of
The points of meeting of the vertical and horizontal 36 cubic feet.
lines for each weight and its proper draught Of water
*These are the figures used by naval architects and are
will give a series of points for a curve, and if you will correct Within reasonable bounds of accuracy.
Chapter 3-S
Explanation of Terms Used by Naval Architects

97. EQUlLIBRIUM B having been weighted with some lead placed at X has
Stable Equilibrium its center of gravity point located at the point marked
Means equality of weight, power, or force. C.G.
A solid is said to be in stable equilibrium for a given If the weighted pulley is placed on a shaft and turned
direction and angle of inclination if, on being inclined in so that its C.G. point is immediately below the center of
that direction and to the named angle, it tends to return the shaft the pulley will be in stable equilibrium, which
to the original position of rest. can readily be proved by using force to cause the pulley
to revolve until its C.G. point has moved to XX. If the
Unstable Equilibrium pressure is now removed the pulley will immediately
A solid is said to be in unstable equilibrium for a return to its original position of rest with its C.G. point
given direction and angle of inclination if, on being in— below shaft. Now turn the weighted pulley on the shaft
clined in that direction and to the named angle, it tends until its C.G. point is immediately above the center of
to move further away from the original position of rest. the shaft and then exert sufficient pressure to turn its
Neutral Equilibrith C.G. point to XXX. Now release the pulley and you
A solid is said to be in neutral equilibrium for a given will find that it will not return to its original position
direction and angle if, on being inclined 'in that direc— with C.G. above shaft but will move further away and
tion and to the named angle, it tends to neither move revolve until its C.G. point is immediately below the
further away from or to return to the original position shaft, thus proving that when the C.G. point is above
of rest. To explain these definitions I have made the shaft the pulley is in unstable equilibrium. Now remove
following illustrations: the weighted pulley and place the unweighted one on the
shaft. You will find that any pressure exerted on the
- s unweighted pulley will cause it to revolve on the shaft
and when the pressure is removed the pulley will remain
stationary, thus proving that when the C.G. point and
the center of shaft coincide the pulley is in neutral
The foregoing remarks prove that when an object
is suspended in air the relative positions of the C.G.
and [mint of suspension determines whether it is stable,
neutral or unstable. To be stable when suspended in the
air, the portion of object below the point of support must
be heavier than portion above it.
\Ve therefore can say that if we substitute a boat for
our pulleys and support it, clear of ground, on pivots
placed at each end of boat at the L.W.L. position it will
remain in an upright position providing the weight of
portion below the pivots is heavier than portion above.
Such an experiment, however, will not tell us whether
the boat will remain upright when she is placed in water,
because an object floating freely in water is subjected
to influences that do not act on objects supported, or
suspended, in air.
A boat, or object, suspended in air is acted upon by
gravity alone and the location of the C.G. point relative
to the supporting point determines whether the boat, or
object, will remain upright or topple over and tum
bottom up.
When a boat is afloat in still water the down pressure
(or pull) of weight continues to act in the same manner
that it acted on land, but as the portion of boat in water,
now receives support from the surrounding water a new
force, the upward support of the water, has to be con
sidered before we can determine whether the boat is
1‘18. 10-S
stable, neutral, or unstable, and it is the location of the
This illustration shows solids, wheels or pulleys, made center of this upward support (called center of buoyancy)
of homogeneous material. The center of gravity of the relative to the surface of water and the center of the
pulley A is located at the center point of the pulley but boat’s weights (called center of gravity) that determines;
a boat’s stability when upright or when inclined to any Change of Trim
angle. By trim is meant the difference between the draught
The power. that keeps a boat upright and stable when Of water forward and aft. Thus a vessel floating to a
afloat is the stability that the up-support of water on the draught of IO feet forward and II feet aft is said to
form of the boat imparts to the structure. trim I foot by the stern. It is possible to calculate the
When a boat is afloat in an upright position the up— weight necessary to change the fore—and-aft trim of a
ward support of the water centers at the center point of boat, or vessel, and as a knowledge of this is valuable,
the immersed bulk (called centers of buoyancy) and the especially when stowing cargo, I will explain how to
down pressure of the weights centers at the center of make this calculation.
gravity point of all the weight (called .C.G). These If a vessel is floating on an even keel (drawing the
forces are exact and equal and are equally proportioned same amount of water forward and aft) and it is de
each side of keel, or center line of boat, and will con— sired to make her trim I foot by the stern, the easiest
tinue so as long as there is no pressure exerted to force way to do this would be to move some of the weight on
the boat out of her upright position. But just as soon board until she trims in the desired manner. Unless the
as pressure, or force, is exerted on one side, or at one amount of weight that must be moved is known the trans
end of boat, she will incline away from the pressure and fer would be a lengthy one, but if the amount of weight
in doing this a portion of boat immediately above the required to be moved is known the transfer could be
water, on the side or end furthest from pressure, will quickly and accurately made.
become immersed and an equal sized portion on the op It is usual to calculate the weight necessary to trim
I inch, the weight being the product of weight and dis
tance, for it stands to reason that I ton moved 50 feet will
have the same effect as 50 tons moved I foot.
To change trim I inch—called moment to alter trim
I inch—is done by moving a named amount of weight
a certain distance, the formulae for ascertaining the
amount of weight being:
Displacement in tons, or pOunds X longitudinal GM.
Length on L.W.L. X 12
=Moment to trim I inch.
G.M. being the vertical distance between C.G. and
M.C. points.
Or the formula 132 on page 108 can be used.
Below I make a calculation to determine the moment
necessary to trim:
Displacement of boat is . . . . ..15,360' lb.
Longitudinal GM. is . . . . . . . . ..16.09 feet.
Length on L.W.L. is . . . . . . . . ..20 feet.
? -C. LIN F R771 N l“!
Qwr' zm-V/v Q-G LINE 15,360 X 16.09
Therefore, —— I 1,030 foot-pounds.
c c.‘ c‘ ‘20 X 12
6 c 6 And this is the moment necessary to alter trim one
Mat; MC inch.
Note this: \Vhile trim means difference in draught
forward and aft, change in trim means the alteration in
draught, both forward and aft, caused by some change
in location of weights, or by the addition, or removal, of a
some weight.
MHQLE Q'G‘INE tea»: 9
NOTE THAT QGQ When change of trim is not excessive it is sufficiently
Q'ZTHHN ‘; act/v5
Fiaovs /"-§ POINT accurate to assume that one—half of the change is forward
and one-half aft.
Fig. 11-5
posite side will emerge from the water. This, of course, Is a term used when making longitudinal stability
changes the shape of the underwater body and causes the calculations and calculations to determine change in trim,
center of the tip-water support (the C.B.) tomove to etc.
wards the side or end furthest from the pressure and thus When used in this manner it means the C.G. of the
increases the tip-support on the side, or end, to which the water plane to which the vessel is floating. When a
boat is inclining. This increase of support will, if suffi vessel is slightly inclined transversely, or longitudinally,
cient, prevent the boat from utisetting and will tend to the line of intersection of the new (inclined) water plane
cause her to return to the upright when the inclining must pass through the center Of flotation 0f the original
pressure is removed. (upright) water plane.
98. MOMENT To TRIM For transverse inclinations, this line of intersec
Means the weight times distance necessary to alter tion is along the center longitudinal line, and for longi
the trim, or line of flotation, of a vessel. The calcula tudinal inclinations it is along a transverse line drawn
tion is made in the manner explained. through the C.G. of the original plane.
When the center of flotation is not located at the 101. WATER PRESSURE
middle of length the change will not be one-half at each is another term for weight of water.
end but will be in proportion to the percentage of length
forward and aft of the center of flotation.
is the power water has to buoy up, or carry anything
_ In the foregoing I assumed that weight already on afloat. It is always measured by the weight of water
board is moved, but if a moderate amount of weight is displaced by the body.
placed on board, such as cargo or ballast, and you wis
to find out what effect the added weight will have on the 103. DISPLACEMENT
trim, then it will be necessary to first of all ascertain the is the weight, or volume, of water displaced by anything
increase in draught of water due to the addition of afloat. Displacement can be expressed in terms of bulk,
weight, and then to ascertain the change in trim. or in terms of weight.
If the added weight is placed with its center verti— 104. BULK
cally over the center of flotation, no change in trim will means the same as volume when the term is applied to a
take place, because the fore-and-aft location of the C.G. boat. Bulk of the underwater body of a boat is generally
of added weight will coincide with the location of the expressed in cubic feet. '
C.G. of boat, and it is assumed, as the weight is a mod 105. LOAD WATER—LINE
erate one, that the fore-and-aft position of the center of
bulk that will be immersed by the additional weight is is the line to which a boat floats when loaded and in
also located at the center of flotation. sailing trim. It is generally written L.W.L.
When these conditions prevail, and they do in nearly 106. WATER-LINES
all cases when the weight is a moderate one, the boat will are lines drawn parallel with the L.W.L., spaced equal
sink to a new water-line parallel to the original one and distances apart and dividing the underWater body of a
the distance she will sink can be ascertained at once if boat into planes. They are used for aiding the designer
the amount of added weight and the tons of displace— in making calculations when determining displacement,
ment per inch of draught at the original water-line is etc.
known. ' 107. C.G. or WEIGHTS
100. T0Ns PER INCH means the center of gravity of weight. It is the center
point of all weights—construction, lading, crew, etc. The
is the weight necessary to sink a vessel one inch deeper calculation is a weight one.
in the water. I
108. C.B.
This weight will vary with each change in depth of
means the center of buoyancy, and is the center point of
immersion, being smallest at the lightest draught and the underwater bulk of the 'boat. This is a bulk, or
greatest at the deepest draught. It is usual to lay out volume, calculation.
a curve of tons per inch for all draughts of water from
lightest possible to deepest. 109. COEFFICIENTS OF FINENEss
A curve of tons Per inch of immersion is usually laid express the ratio that the underwater bulk of a boat, the
out when the displacement is being calculated. It is con area of a section, or the area of a water plane bears to a
structed in this manner: rectangular-- body; or plane, having the same length,
breadth and depth, or the same length and breadth as the
A vertical line is marked and divided off, by scale, boat, plane, or section has.
into intervals to indicate feet and inches of draught, and
a horizontal line is drawn to meet it and divided off into _ 110. T0N
intervals to represent tons and parts of a ton, or, in the The ton weight as used in naval architecture is always
case of a small boat, into hundreds of pounds. the long ton of 2,240 lb.
To obtain points for the curve take the area of each 111. BASE LINE
water plane, from keel up, and divide it by 420.* is the name given to the straight line from which the
This will give the tons and fraction of a ton required ordinates commence. In cases when the figure is en
to sink vessel one inch at the various water planes and if tirely bounded by irregular curved lines, the base line
points are marked on the diagram at the intersection of should be drawn through figure and the portions each
the proper draught and weight figures a series of points side of line measured separately. Then by adding totals
will be obtained, and by drawing a line to cut these a the area of the whole figure can be calculated by using
curve of tons per inch of immersion at any draught of Simpson’s rule.
water will be markedfl' 112. ORDINATES
The formula ion the calculation is: are the perpendicular li-nes erected at right angles to base
Area of water plane -line. Ordinates must be spaced equal distances apart,
-——~—-— : Tons per inch of immersion. must be at right angles to base, and must be correct in
number for the rule used.
35 X 12
On the illustration I have laid out a curve of tons per 113. INTERVAL
inch of immersion. (See Fig. 12-S, p. 102.) is the distance ordinate lines are apart. The closer the
ordinates are the more accurate the calculation will be.
‘The 420 is obtained by multiplying 35x12. The 35 stands (See Fig. S-S for illustration and explanation.)
for the number of cubic feet of water (salt) in a ton, and the I 14. MULTIPLIERs
12 the number of inches in a foot. If vessel is floating in fresh
water it is necessary to use the figures 36 in place of 35. The Simpson multipliers are the numerals 1, 4, 2, used
TH displacement is in pounds it will be necessary to convert. for multiplying the ordinate lengths by.
115. ONE-THIRD INTERVAL correct tenderness the C.G. point should be lowered by
is one-third of the distance the ordinates are apart. placnig ballast on board, or by stowing cargo in such
116. STABILITY a manner as to lower the C.G. point.
\Nhen applied to a boat, or vessel, means the moment 124. STEADINEss
of force by which the boat, or vessel, endeavors to right when applied to a boat, or vessel, means a tendency to
itself when inclined out of the upright by some external incline slowly and to return to upright without shock or
force. Stability is usually measured in foot-tons, or in strain. It is obtained by giving a moderate M.C.
Therefore, if you hear any one say that a certain 125. DEADWEIGHT
boat has a righting moment of stability of 2,000 lb when is the weight of cargo carried. It is the difference
she is inclined transversely to an angle of 10° from up between the weight of a vessel when light and when
right, you will know that this is the righting force loaded.
possessed by the boat when she is inclined to the named 126. OSCILLATION
angle, and that this tendency to right is due entirely to is a term used to express the rolling motion of a vessel
weight and leverage. from side to side.
The weight being the weight of the boat and all on By oscillation is meant a complete roll from port to
board, which of course remains the same whether the
starboard, and the time occupied in making this oscilla
boat is upright or inclined. And the leverage being due tion is called the period Of oscillation.
to the fact that the 'underwater form, or shape, of the
boat alters just as man as she commences to incline, Great stiffness creates rapid oscillation, while tender
while the weight remains stationary, and as this alteration ness conduces to slow ones.
in shape varies with each Change in inclination the lever A slow rolling motion can be obtained in three ways:
age must also alter. ~ Ist.—By giving the vessel a small M.C. height.
1 17. STATICAL STABILITY 2d.—By means of placing resistance agents on the
means the amount of force, or effort by which a body outside of the underwater body, such as bilge-keels.
endeavors to regain its upright position after having been 3d.—By stowing heavy weights, or ballast, well out
deflected from it. from the center line of vessel.
means the amount of work done, or force exerted, on A Definition is an explanation of the properties of any
any body in order to deflect it from the upright. term or object. .
119. TRANSVERSE INCLINATIONs A Problem is something proposed to be done, as the
mean inclinations to one side, or sideways.
construction of a figure, or the solution of a question.
A Point is represented by the smallest visible mark or
120. LONCITUDINAL INCLINATIONs dot, but as geometrically understood it occupies no space.
mean inclinations lengthwise, or -fore and aft. A point has positiOn but no magnitude.
121. METACENTER A Line has length without breadth or thickness and
is a term used to indicate the point in a boat, or vessel, consequently a true geometrical line cannot be exhibited.
to which its C.G. point can be raised without the boat, or In practice a line is indicated by means Of a mark of
vessel, becoming unstable. The term should only be ap even width. Lines may be drawn in any direction, and
plied when boat is upright, or inclined to very slight are termed straight, curved, mixed, concave or convex,
angles. according as they correspond to the following definitions.
Note this: The C.G. point of a boat is the point where A Straight Line is one that lies in the same direction
all weights center—hull, cargo, passengers, etc., (every— from end to end and is, Of course, the shortest distance
thing on board). It is important to bear in mind that the between two points. All lines that bound the figures
C.G. point of a vessel when light (without cargo) is I to 9 on Fig. 4-5 are straight lines. (See p. 95.)
seldom in the position that it is when vessel is loaded, and A Curr/ed Line is one of which no portion, however
that the position will vary with each change in lading and small, is straight. The lines bounding Fig. 10-5 are
cargo. curved lines.
A ilfixed Line is composed of straight and curved
is caused by a vessel having a large transverse M.C. lines. The line bounding the upper part of Fig. 7-S is a
height. A stiff vessel is very hard to incline, but when in— mixed line.
clined and pressure is removed she will come back to
upright very suddenly. Stiffness is not desirable because Concat'e and Conc'er Lines are curved lines that can
it causes excessive strains on the hull structure. not be cut by a straight line in more than two points. If
the hollow side is turned tO the straight line the line is
123. TENDERNESS called concave, while if the swelling side is away from it
means a tendency to incline. A tender boat is easily in the line is called convex. The inside of a basin is con
clined. It is due to the M.C. height being too small. To cave, the outside convex.
Chapter 4-S
Tables and Formula '


B2 is located between 0.65 and 0.8 Of moulded depth amid
Transverse M.C. abot'e C.B. I A X —— ships above keel.
A is a coefficient varying with form of boat. ILLUSTRATED CALCULATIONS
B is breadth on the L.W.L. . NO. 1.——A calculation to illustrate the method of as
D 'is mean draught from L.WVL. to rabbet. certaining the effect a movement Of weight transversely
(B2 : Breadth squared.) has on a vessel’s C.G. point.
The coefficient for vessels of ordinary form vary Question NO. 1.——A vessel of 1,000 tons displacement is
from 0.008 to 0.01. floating upright. 50 (fifty) tons of the weight that
M.I. of L.W.L. plane is on board is moved transversely a distance of 10
Or the formula —— can be used. feet. What effect will this movement of weight have
Displacement in C. Ft. on the C.G. point of vessel?
. A2 X L Weight X distance 50 X 10
Longitudinal M.C. Above C.B. I 0.0785 _— Answer No. I I I .5 ft.
B X V ' Displacement 1,000
A2 being the area of L.W.L. plane squared. Therefore the C.G. point will move 0.5 foot, from the
L being the length on L.W.L. center line towards the side to which the weight is
B being the moulded breadth. moved.
V being the volume of displacement in cubic feet.
NO. 2.—A calculation to ascertain the GM. when a
known weight is moved transversely across deck a
suflicient distance to incline the vessel to a known
129. M.I. or L.W.L. PLANE ABOUT angle. (Angle must be less than angle of accuracy
Center Line Longitudinally : CO X L X B3. for NC. method of calculating stability. About 10°.)
C0 being a coefficient which varies with form. Question No. 2.—A weight of 50 tons is moved across
L being length on the L.W.L. a vessel's deck a distance of 10 feet. This causes
_ B3 being breadth cubed. her to incline transversely 5°. The displacement of
The coefficient for this formula varies from 0.06 to boat is 1,000 tons. Find the GM. height (Trans
0.04, the high figures being for full formed ships. verse G.l\l.) '
Or the Formula
M.I. Of L.\V.I.. plane around transverse Axis can be Answer No. 2.—
Height X distance 50 X 10
_ I *2573 ft.
Displacement in C. feet used.
Displacement X tangent 1,000 X 0.0872
Therefore, the transverse GM. is 5.73 it.
*This is the tangent of 5°.
130. WETTED SURFACE : 1.7 -— No. 3.—A calculation tO ascertain the distance the
D C.G. point of a vessel will move vertically when a
I. being the length on L.W.L. known weight is removed from the vessel.
D being mean draught to rabbet. Question NO. 3.—A vessel Of 1,000 tons displacement has
V being volume Of displacement in cubic feet. 100 tons of coal stowed in bunkers so that the C.G.
point Of the coal is 2 feet below the C.G. point of the
vessel. The coal is used‘ up during the voyage. Find
I D V the distance the C.G. of vessel rises when all coal is
131. C.B. BELOW THE L.W.L. : __ (_ + _) consumed.
2 A Answer No. 3.—First deduct from the displacement the
D being the mean draught to rabbet. amount of weight removed, then by making use of this
V being the volume Of displacement. formula the distance C.G. of vessel will move can be
A being the area Of L.\V.L. in square feet. ascertained.
C.G. X Weight moved
Dis. C.G. wgt. moved:—————
132‘ MOMENT To _ Length on L.\/V.L. X displacement Displacement
Displacement after weight removed is deducted.
CO X draught Displacement is 1,000 — 100 z 900 tons.
Co being a coeflicient varying with form. 2 X 100 200
For fine formed ships Co : 190 (about). _— : —— : 0.22 foot.
For full formed ships Co : 170 (about). 900 900
Therefore the C.G. of vessel will move 0.22 foot, and Question No. 5.—A boat having a displacement of 15,360
as the weight removed was placed so that its C.G. lb has 640 lb placed on board; find out how much this
was below the C.G. of vessel the movement will be added weight has increased her draught.
nflwards. ’ The area of the L.W.L. plane is 120 square feet.
Note this.—If C.G. of weight removed is below C.G.
of vessel the movement will be up, but if it is above Note—It is assumed that the weight is placed over
the movement will be down.
the center of flotation.
Answer No. 5.—First calculate the weight required to
Question NO. 4.— Vhat is the formula for expressing the sink the boat 1 inch, using the formula:
moment of statical stability when inclination is within Area of L.W.L. plane to which boat is floating
the metacentric limit? Also state expression when *

angle is above the metacentric limit.

Answer No. 4.—\Vhen angle of inclination is within the
Knowing this it is an easy matter to complete the cal—
metacentric limit the formula is:
Moment of statical stability 2 G.Z. X Displacement.
\Vhen the angle exceeds the metacentric limits the ex 120
pression is, -—- : 0.2857 of a ton : 639.97 fb.
Moment of statical stability : G.M. X Sine X Dis
placement. ' Therefore, it requires 639.97 lb to sink the boat 1 inch.
G.Z. being the distance between verticals drawn The added weight, 640 lb, will increase the draught a
through C.B. inclined and C.G. points. very small fraction over 1 inch: '
Sine 0 being the sine of the angle of inclination. *For slight additions of weight the tons per inch of immer
sion is practically equal to 1/420 of the area of the L.\V.L. plane
Displacement being the displacement in tons, or in to which boat is floating. This is for salt water. For fresh
pounds. water the figures are 432.

1" 2‘ 8' 4' 5' 6“ 7' 8' 9' 10' 11'

O .0855 J66? .2500 .5533 -4l67 -5000.5855 .6667 .7500 .8533 9l67' LOGO

8' .0104 .0987 .1771 .2604 .8487 .4271 .8104 .5987 .6771 .7604 .8487 .9271

4" .0208 .1042 .1875 .2708 .8542 .4875 .5208 .6042 .6875 .7708 .8542 .9875

'8” .0812 .1146 .1979 .2812 .8646 .4479 .5812 .6146 .6979 .7812 .8646 .9479

'2"~ .0417 .1250 .2088 .2917 .8750 .4588 .5417 62507088 .7917 -8750 .9588

8" .0521 .1854 .2188 .8021 .8854 .4688 .5521 6354-7188 .8021 .8854 .9688

-%' .0625 .1458 .2292 .8125 .8958 .4792 .5625 .6458 .7292 .8125 .8958 .9792

82' .0729 1562 .2896 .8229 .4062 .4896 .5729 .6562 .7896 .8229 .9062 .9896



DEG ° SIN 6 TAN 8 DEGO 5m 6 TAN 6 Dee." 5m 6 TAhl 9
I .0175 .0175 16 .2756 .2867 31 .5150 .6009
2 .0349 .0349 17 .2924 .3057 32 .5299 .6249
3 .0523 .0524 18 .8090 .3249 33 .5446 .6494
4 .0698 .0699 19 .8256 .8443 34v .5592 .6745

5 .0872 .0875 20 .3420 .3640 35 .5736 .7002

6 .1045 .1051 21 .3584 .8889 36 .5878 .7265
7 .1219 .1228 22 .8746 .4040 87 .6018 _7536
8 .1892 .1405 28 .8907 .4245 38 .6157 .7818
9 .1564 .1584- 24 -4—O67 .4452 89 .6293 .8098
I0 .1786 .1763 25 .4226 .4663 4.0 .6428 .3891
11 '.1908 .1944 26 .4884 '4877 41 .6561 _8693
12 .2079 .2126 27 .4540 45095 42 .669L .9004
14 .2250
1.2_4_19 .2809
._2498 28 .484'8’T55’48
29 -4695 :55I'I7‘ 48
:44; .6820
.6947 .9825
15 .2588 .2679 80 .5000 5774 45 .7071 1.000
Chapter 5-S
Proof of Knowledge—Questions and Answers
134. MEAsUREMENT or AREAs boat shown on Fig. IZ-S. Dimensions, in feet and
No. 1.—Using a scale of V2 inch to 1 foot draw a decimals of a foot, at each ordinate are as given below:
rectangle 12 feet long by 6 feet wide, then measure Cross—sections are 3 feet apart and numbered 1, 2, 3,
its area. Ans—72 square feet. 4, 5, 6, 7; water-lines are 0.333 foot apart and lettered
No. 2.—Draw a triangle of these dimensions: a, b, c, d, e.
Length of base 15 feet, height from base to apex 6 Q'- A, y“: D r7"
r.— a. ‘
feet 6 inches, then measure its area. Ans—48.75 J/j“ c i-\
square feet.
No. 3.-—Draw a Trapezoid of these dimensions:
Height of perpendicular 6 feet 3 inches, length of
parallel sides are 14 feet 6 inches and 10 feet 6 inches. ;m
15 I; 14 I: ~ I 0,, 9 a 7 o s r .I 9 I
Measure its area. Ans—78.125 square feet. Duncan tr:- 4"

No. 4.—Draw this figure and measure its area by

using the trapezoidal rule: Base line length is 20 feet.
Ordinatesare spaced at 4 feet intervals. Lengths of 511:: a'rn. lie 44

the numbered ordinates are as follows: /" I I I

/1/ I I | l l |
II I l I
NO. 1 ordinate length is 5 feet 9 inches. |
l l l
No. 3 ordinate length is 6 feet 3 inches. I l | | | l I
No. 5 ordinate length is 6 feet 3 inches. I l l I l l l l l i
No. 2 ordinate is 6 feet 3 inches.
No. 4 ordinate is 6 feet 6 inches.
______-_- I z a ice/Ac
No. 6 ordinate is 6 feet. .i i W/FIIJi’Az-VIPM' SION 24: \ :3
Ans—124.5 square feet. L__________ a. —l, w
No. 5.—Measure the area of this half-water plane l 1

by using Simpson's First Rule: Length of figure is

18 feet. There are seven ordinates spaced 3 feet
apart and numbered from 1 to 7. Measunement
(length) of each ordinate is as follows (measures are
given in feet and decimals of a foot):
I I 0.00 5 : 2.41
2 : 1.25 6 : 2.12
3 : 2.00 7 : 0.12
4 2.41 Ans—32.06 square feet.
No. 5a.—N0w measure the figure [again by using
Simpson’s Second Rule.
No. 5b.—Now introduce V2 interval ordinates be
tween Nos. 5 and 6, and between Nos. 6 and 7, then
measure the figure by using Simpson’s First Rule.
The newly introduced ordinates must be measured a.... 0.00 1.25 2.00 2.41 2.41 2.12 0.12
and subdivided interval rule used for measuring the b . 0.00 1.10 1.79 2.16 2.15 1.79 0.12
figure.* c.... 0.00 0.84 1.58 1.91 1.87 0.52 0.12
No. 5c.—Measure, by using the Five-Eighth Rule, d.... 0.00 0.54 1.04 1.18 0.75 0.12 0.12
portion of Fig. 8 that is between Nos. 2 and 3 ordi e.... 0.00 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.12
nates. Ans—5.662 square feet. Ans. is 51.40 cubic feet by planes.
51.28 “ “ “ sections.
135. MEAsUREMENT OF VOLUME Measure body twice: The first time measure the
No. 6.-—-Measure the bulk of this: A rectangular areas of the planes and use these areas for the second,
block 4 feet 6 inches long, 4.5 feet wide and 24 or volume part of the calculation. Now check the
inches deep. Ans—40.5 cubic feet. - accuracy of the calculation by measuring the areas
No. 7.—Calculate the volume of a column 16 feet of the sections and using the section areas for the
long and having a cross—section area of 121 square second, or volume part of the calculation.
inches. Ans—23,232 cubic inches, 13.44 cubic feet.
N0. 8.—What is the volume of a sphere 12 inches 136. CENTER OF GRAVITY
in diameter? Ans—904.780 cubic inches. No. 10.—On a I 5-lb lever two men exert themselves
No. 9.—Calculate volume of underwater bulk of to lift a weight placed at the other end of the lever.
One man exerts a force of 100 lb 15 feet from the
*There will be a variation of a fraction of a foot in three fulcrum, and the other uses a force of 100 lb at 12 feet
answers, due to there being too few ordinates for absolute from the fulcrum.
The weight to be moved is 1,300 lb and it is placed
on the opposite end Of the lever, which is 2 feet dis Fig. 12—S around a longitudinal axis drawn through its
tant from the fulcrum. Can the men move the weight? C.G. Ans.—-97.22 M.I.
Ans—Yes; there is 100 lb Excess. . . M.I.
NO. 23.—[)5ng the Formula mt cal
NO. 11.—On a lever these weights are placed at the
points named. Calculate the moment Of the combined culate the distance M.C. is above C.B. Ans—1.896
weights and find Center of Gravity point of the com foot.
bined weights. ' N0. 24.—-Using above figures determine the True
100 lb placed at a point 10 feet out from support. transverse M.C. height. Ans.—I.454 foot.
75 lb placed at a point 8 feet 6 inches out from NO. 25.—Assuming that the following inclined ordi
support. nate measures are taken when boat Fig. 12-S is in
125 lb placed at a point 7 feet out from point of clined transversely to 25° calculate
support. The length of B.R.
200 lb placed at a point 5 feet 2 inches out from The length of G.Z.
point Of support. Ans—3,545.84 Moment. 7.091 feet And the righting moment in foot-pounds.
C.G. from support.
NO. 12.—Calculate the center point in a fore-and F10. ~12-S. INCLINED PLANE MEASURES AT 0°, 12%°
aft direction of the L.W.L. plane measurements in AND 25° INCLINATION TRANSVERSELY
Question N0. 5. Ans—9.76 feet aft of No. I ordinate Length of Immersed \Nedge Ordinates
or 0.76 foot aft of No. 4 ordinate. Ord. No. 0° 121/20 25°
NO. 13.—The weight Of a certain boat is 3,307 Tb. 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
How many cubic feet Of salt water will she displace? 2 1.25 1.41 1.62
Ans—51.671 cubic feet. 3 2.00 2.20 2.54
NO. 14.—The following are the weights of con 4 2.41 2.58 2.92
struction Of a boat: Calculate the C.G. point longi 5 2.41 2.62 2.83
tudinally from No. I and vertically below L.VV.L.-A. 6 2.12 2.39 2.62
7 0.12 1.66 2.08
From L. W. L.-A. From No. 1 Station
Length of Emerged \Vedge Ordinates
Weight Below in Above in Lever. in Ord. No. 0° 12I/2° 25°
in Feet and Feet and Feet and
Item Pounds Decimals Decimals Decimal! 1 0.00 0.00 0.00
Deck . . . . . . . . . . 400 1.0 8.0 2 1.25 1.16 1.08
Keel . . . . . . . . . . 250 1.0 11.0 3 2.00 1.83 1.66
Frame and plank 700 0.5 9.0 4 2.41 2.12 1.83
Joiner . . . . . . . . . 550 at L.W.L. 11.0 5 2.41 2.12 1.79
Engine 500 1.0 9.0 6 2.12 1.75 1.33
Shaft. etc. . . . . . . 70 0.75 14.0 7 0.12 0.00 0.00
Crew 500 1.0 11.0 Ans.—B.R. : 0.749 foot. G.Z. : 0.561 foot.
Gasolene .. . .. 275 0.5 3.5 Righting Moment 2 1,840.6 foot-pounds.
Total . . . . . . . . .. 3,245 tb
Ans—9.319 feet from No. 1 ordinate. 0.035 foot
below L.\V.L.-A. N0. 26._A cruising power boat 80 feet x 20 feet x
N0. 15.—A vessel weighing 10,500 tons floats at a 6 feet mean draught has a block Coefficient of fineness
certain water-line in sea water. What is her displace— of 0.65. Calculate displacement in salt water. Ans.—
ment in cubic feet in salt water? Ans—367,500 cubic I78.28 tons.
feet. N0. 27.__Using the formula explained (moment of
inertia) calculate the M.I. about a longitudinal axis
137. CALCULATIONS To DETERMINE DISPLACEMENT, C.G., through center of a rectangular plane (supposed to be
C.B., AND STABILITY OF BOAT SHOWN ON F10. 12—S a water-line plane) of these dimensions: Length 40
feet, Breadth 12 feet from outside to outside. Ans.—
NO. I6.—What is the block Coefficient of Fig. I2-S? 5,76o M.I.
Outside dimensions are: 18 feet x 4.83 feet x 1.33 feet. NO. 28.—Having found the above, calculate the
Ans.——0.443. distance Transverse M.C. point is above C.B. point,
N0. I7.—\Vhat is the Prismatic Coefficient of Fig. the displacement of the boat being 1,440 cubic feet.
12-5? Ans—0.65. ' A ns.—4.0 feet.
NO. 18.—\\1’hat is the Coeflicient of L.W.L. Plane NO. 29.—~The C.B. point of the boat is located 1.5
A of Fig. 12-5? Ans—0.736. foot above the bottom of the boat. Determine the
NO. 19.—\1Vhat is the Coefficient of Fineness 0f distance the M.C. point iS above bottom of boat. Ans.
Midship Section? Ans.—o.682. —5.5 feet.
No. 20.—Calculate the displacement of boat shown N0. 30.—\Ve will now assume that the C.G. point
on Fig. 12-S. The displacement t0 L.W.L.-A in salt is located at a height of 4 feet above the bottom Of the
water. Ans—3289.60 tb by planes. 3281.92 ID by boat. IS the boat stable and what is the true M.C.
sections. " height? Ans—Yes. 1.5 foot.
N0. 21._N0w calculate the longitudinal and verti— No. 31.—N0w suppose that a weight of 6,400 tb is
cal location of C.B. point when boat is _floating to taken from inside Of this boat and placed 4 feet higher
L.W.L.-A. Ans—9.22;, feet from NO. 1 ordinate. than it was. Is the boat stable? Make the calculation
0.477 foot below L.\V.L.-A. in detail. Arm—Yes. C.G. moves up 0.275 foot. New
NO. 22.—Calculate the M.I. of L.W.L. Plane A of M.C. height is 1.225 foot.
- Paragraph Reference Index
Subject of figure bounded by curved line
Area calculation Page Subject No. Page

Drawing pencils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 82 94
and radii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 89 97 Effective H.P. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 29
Area center points explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13 15 Engine foundations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 59 58
Area. Curve of area explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62 ‘ 60 Equilibrium explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 104

Area measurement rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6 8 Fastenings for cruisers (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 39

Base line explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..111 106 Floor timbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 57
Block coefficient of fineness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 44 Flotation. Center of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 99 105

Body plan drawing explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 67 Flotation. Why a boat floats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1

Brake H.P. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 29 Formulm to determine dimensions of material to
Bulk explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .104 106 use (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 91
Buoyancy and C.B. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 5 Formula for ascertaining distance M.C. is above C.B.. 128 108
“ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Is Formula for determining distance C.B. is below
“ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102 106 L.W.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..131 108
“ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108 106 Formula for determining moment to trim . . . . ..132 108
Buoyancy, C.B. point calculation explained . . . . .. 15 16 Formula for determining M.I. 0f L.W.L. plane ..129 108
Buttock lines explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 67 67 Formula for determining wetted surface . . . . . . . . . . ..130
Calculations to make . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 72 69 Freeboard necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 50

Center of Buoyancy explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Io 13 Freeboard tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 5o

“ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 16 Frictional resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3o 32

“ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64 62 Geometrical terms explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..127 107

Center of gravity explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 is Gravity and C.G. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 13
Center point of volumes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 16 “ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9
C.G. transversely of a half water plane. Calculating. 93 102 Gravity. Calculating C.G. of weight of a boat . .. 12 I4
Circular measure explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 98 . Horntimber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 55 56
Coefficient. Block coeff. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 44 Indicated H.P. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 29
Coefficient. L.W.L. coeff. explained . . . . . . . . . . .. 4o 43 Interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 106
Coefficient. Midship section coeff. explained .. .. 38 41 Interval. One-third . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..115 107
Coefficient. Prismatic coeff. explained . . . . . . . . .. 43 45 Keel construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 S4
Keel outside of rabblet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 71
Coefficients explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 44 69
“ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .109 106 Lettering and lettering pens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85 95
Construction drawings explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 74 71 “ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 86
Conventional lines explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 84 95 Lines drawing explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 63
Deadweight explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..125 107 Longitudinal inclinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..120 107
Deadwood explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 56 L.W.L. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..105 106
Designing preliminary calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 39 L.W.L. plane coefficient. (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4o
Diagonals explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 68 68 L.W.L. Predetermining a L.W.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4
Dimensions of materials for cruisers (Table).... 35, 39 L.\V.L. shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 44 45
“ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103 106 L.\~V.L. Wave form theory explained . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 45
Displacement and C.B. preliminary calculation .. 63 61 Material weights. (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37 43
Displacement and C.G. preliminary calculation .. 62 60 Materials. Dimensions to select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 38
Displacement curve explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 95 103 Materials. Kinds to use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 39
Displacement explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Measuring :1 lines drawing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 61 59
Displacement necessary. How to determine'it .. 37 40 Metacenter point explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17
Displacement of pleasure and cargo boats . . . . . .. 94 103 M.C. height . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 2:1
Displacement performance coeff. table . . . . . . . . .. 33 35 M.C. height formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46 47
Drafting materials required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 81 93 M.C. height preliminary calculation. (Table) 65 63
Draught in salt and in fresh water. Reason for M.C. height table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18
difference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 96 103 M.I. calculation explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 47 48
Per. PM
Subiect N01 Page Subject No. Page
Midship section. Area necessary . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 41 Ribs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 57
Midship section coefficient table . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38 42 Rudders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..75, 76 77
Midship section location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..77, 78 78
Midship section shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 39 42 “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 79 79
Moment of Inertia explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 46 47 Scales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 59
Moment of weights explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 13 Shaft line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70 69
Multipliers. Simpson’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..114 106 Shaft-log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 52 55
Offset tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .. 73 Sheer line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 69 68

Ordinates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 106 Simpson’s Rules explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..87, 88 97

Oscillation explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..126 107 Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80 81
Power explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 24 29 Square, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots, and
Power. E.H.P. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 29 Two-thirds Power of Numbers, (Table)... 92
Power. E.H.P. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 27 29 Stability explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 18
Power. I.H.P. explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 29 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22 27
Power required to drive a boat at a named speed. 31 32 “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..116, 117, 118 107
Stability. Mechanical method for determining .. 23 28
“ “ “ " “ “ “ " . 33 35
Preliminary data sheet. (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 Stability. Preliminary calculation explained 65 62
Preliminary designing calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34 Stability. Range of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 21 27
Preliminary displacement and C.B. calculation .. . 63 61 Steadiness explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..124 107
“ “ “ “ " 64 62 Stem and stem-knee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 56 57
Preliminary drawing and calculations . . . . . . . . . .. 62 Sternpost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 54
Preliminary H.P. calculation explained . . . . . . . .. 49 50 Stiffness explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..122 107
Preliminary stability calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65 62 Stream line resistance theory explained . . . . . . . .. 32
Preliminary weight and C.G. calculation . . . . . . .. 62 60 Structural strains explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5o
Prismatic coefiicient of fineness. (Table) . . . . . .. 43 45 Tenderness explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..123
Projection drawing explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83 94 Ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Proof of Knowledge—Questions and Answers: Ton per inch of immersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..100 106
Measurement of Areas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..134 III Transverse inclinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..119
“ “ Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..135 III
Trim and moment to trim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 98
Center of Gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..136 III
Volume. Center point of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14
C.G. Calculation, (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 112
Volume measurement rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
Calculations to determine displacement, C.G., C.B.
Water-lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
and stability of boat, Fig. 12-S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..137 112
\Vater weight and pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2
Inclined Plane Measures, (Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 112
“ “ “ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 106
General Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 112
Propulsivc coefl-icient . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 30 \Vave form theory of resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 32 33
Resistance explained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 31 \Vave form water-lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45 45
Resistance. Frictional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 32 \\"edges of immersion and emersion . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 21
Resistance. Stream line theory explained . . . . .. 32 33 Wedge-shaped volumes. Rules for measuring 92 IOI

Resistance table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29 31 Why a boat floats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1

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