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ret efter sera Ptto AY BP 203% afar: vo fee ecega Baca was TaeATREE OMR AHS ae FRE TS Se aC a CO TE CATT FAT NE TS OT eee RR er Be A 6 AS TH) 41. ren acer Uw fen ered cor A. Sea feet Bethe Set C.F O, ere cyt 2.x rat aerere ae fs CoA Aster B, eters Care Doerr 23. pera 9 a Cw WH TON FETT AL aR Bway C. are D. ery 4. “Prothesis" — at eer efor Fr Avafinats Boasts Curran —D. free 5, Sands" -g sree sane se ora AR Bat | C.son Dome 6. conf vamern Sweatt Ais BARR Cf Deh 7. ape aon et ae ea EY Aw Bos C. fea D. at 8. Fro Fe UT TATE CHAT Ame Bw Cee Oat 9, ore sca afer cry Acme Boarder C458 10, “it rt co ret cece tm Ange Bia | Comm Oa 11, RT oe Ca ST Cate TEE Dato AGS Bene Confit Dara 12. coe ae mg Ast Ber Cat Dew 13, Re cae “Ran” erere caer fOr Agate Baer Cefn, Str 14. cor feo aurora ore? Aomat — BL Bret Comer Dito fer Re en aor aR I” TER Fes cat ere amr A. seannSirer 8, cafe C. otenereet Datars 16, oe cot onftetee 1 Ante Birrecren C.ferert ser 17, carne Be “ROTO HY Avie cere Bart | Cree DoT 18, 7S" rN CaP RR OTH TO RR Afr Bem Ct Daw 19. cece crn rest res fer wre ———— 1 foie — Beqerre C.mmre ——D, aro 20," ene en ere cee cr Fer itd Bo wtence ss Co were D. sone 2 istingesons a inet becouse hw ou _ i can be as important as what you say. ame ‘omeby B.eone dak C-come ou O cone ass 22. Airport authorities advised passengers to stipicou king people pssing trough th terminal. cae ‘A. look for B. look out for C. look after D, took at national wa: > TOT 1g our walk along the beach we noticed the shifting reflections on the __ surface of the water. ‘A. unflinching 'B. undiseriminatory C. undulating, D. unfaltering ‘24, What is the meaning of the idiom—*finger in the pie"? ‘Rinvolving in something B. uninterested in something, C:geting ut of something _D. showing disiking 25. 1am desperate. All Inced really is someone to _—_. ‘A.take me a hand B. put me a hand give mea hand D. show mea hand fly say thatthe business is now concluded so 26, We can saf that’s him B. that’s us that’s them D. that’s it 27. Nobody's going to call me names and ‘A. get away with it B. get up with it CC. get on with it D. get away from it 28, There isa deadline, I'm afraid so you must not _. A. dither B. doodle . dabble D. diddle 29, 1fyou want to follow your argument I suggest you use less_ words. ‘A, conspicuous B. complicated C. confused D. concerned 30. If it isa genuine picture, itis ‘A. perfect B. false C.real D. copied 31. Lwould be most obliged if you__pay later. A. letme B. permit me allow me to D. grant me to 32, [believe we meet for lunch in an expensive restaurant ‘and you ___ the priciest item on the menu. A. opted B. choose C.tested D. entered 33. He found the gold coin the floor. he had cleaned BB. while he cleans C. which he is cleaning, D. while cleaning. 34. Find the antonym of the word “yearn.” A.desire — Berefuse C.long unite 35, What is meaning of face the music"? A. run away from a problem _B, Create a problem . deal with a problem D. hide the truth 36, Atthe ___ of the crime, police officers interviewed eye witnessed. ‘A.seen B.seem C. scenic. scene 37, ___ of the canola fields in the prairies made the whole ‘orld look like a golden blanket. ‘A. Roams B. Rose C. Rows D. Raids 38. His speech was articulate and 1 asked him 10 his ideas. ‘A. make bigger . spread out expand on D. clear out 39, The main character in Paradise Lost Book I and Book 1 is: A.God b. satan en Dibve o.tereistoteasebontsto__— baling ander 0. Teor oe , KiJOEPORE 4 wowsgpCapiah _D. lover anemia =n abe val a abe q Ad B. 6 C3 D2 42. Ten years before, the ratio of the ages between father and son was 3:1 and 5 years alter it would be 2:1, What are their current ages? ‘A. Sand 20 years B. 49 and 27 years ©. ssand2syeus ——_D, 4Sand25 ears 43, At what rate of profit a principal becomes Tk. 460 with simple profit in 3 years and Tk, 600 with simple profit in 5 years? ‘A.20% —-B. 24% = C.28% —D.32% 44, Ifa tbc, and a2+2ab+ 6? is expressed in terms of ¢ which one of the following will be ? A, = Bc C. be De 45. Find the principal amount that produces a total value of ‘Tk. 1014 at 4 years with 7.5 pereent simple interest rate ‘A. 725“ B. 700 C.780_D. 790 46. A number is 280 percent of another number. 1¢ ‘of the numbers is 98, find the value of the larger nur A.S8 B60 C. 66 D. 70 47, Hy = 2.5x#4 and 15x-2= 40 then, 4.36 B, 28 C22 Dll 48.1f a2 3, then find the value of @° — 35 the sum ber. A Bis 6.2706 49, Ips Voxel = Othen x? AL BYs 3 0. 25 50. qB reek M0 $0 eRe ML9 301 HB HET SHE HT egdiner wr PROT FST Axo Bee ©. 30 0. 80 51, How many meters sone nautica mile? 1B. 1883.18 meters A, 1750.18 meters C_ 1650.20 meters D, 1953.18 mlers 52, ore Un He 9g “TCT SPH TOTES TH ‘ae es STE 96 DT EN ATT TE STRMT errren O @ cat fear vr A.xgjooe tet B,2v,nto Tet C.c0,c00 ret _0.3,00,000 5 53, abd ve we eter er a Fess con ert eT ‘A.abed B abeed C.abod +4 D. abod-1 54, 9B avr eta ga 20% IGT ARTE 30% pater ora eR A 3H TCA Asmat Bom Cot a Dom a 55, x alt Te Bone 33 FR HATS Te, FATT @ OT aon rah ete CM ER A sft Bn fia G. vie D, sofia 56. VEES = Vx + VSO X = Fr A383 G0 DNS $7. cat eee Os ee CoRR 2 MEME 8 TENE a sfe cfs cvarone Fs ott As Be Cy Ds 58, co rir oer ee RED vo TH HHT 9.0 CHERES TAT feat wer A. wor B.avor eer (0. a8" 59, Find the value of 9g,625 Ad B2 C3 o4 60. 7#*% = 343 then find the value of Aa 8.3 2 01 61, Who sets us the CEO of Bangladesh? ; ble President ‘A. Honorable Prime Minister B. Honora CC! Honorable Speaker D_ Home Minister 62, Armed Forse Day is observed on ‘a1 ly 3.21 November E21 March D. uly 62. How ooay departments ae operating under the Minty kw many dePgrerment of Peoples Republic of oe angled? a ia 2 D.18 tein odor ° oe ‘A. After Dark B. Will Grayson D. Looking for Alaska Paper Towns oon make the days count” Quotted by 65. Don't count the days whom? : 3, Muhammad Al 1 Beorae Washington : Cima Hillary Dulssac Neston anne alwama Ack ocr at Kasei is arin Febuary? yesrin etry gy c.ikth, Ds 20 a7. Taehnme ofthe paliment of pan i Fea oe assembly. Diet 0.Shogés fon war? Ane est mary in out er ® A. Motiur Rahman B. Nur Mohammad C. Mustafa Kamal D. Sangku Samajhder 69,"loyjatra” is a___ of Bangladesh Navy. ‘A: Naval Ship B. Naval Sea Plane C:Naval Base. __D. Naval Submarine To, cris sr Ph cote ob CATT? B. reir Capmarearmite 0, oenrnars 71. Who isthe author of book “The Clash of Civilization’? A. Aisle —_B. Abraham Lincoln ©. RM Maclever 0. Samuel P. Huntington 72. How many personalities were awared the Swadhinata Padak 2019? ~A. 13 persons B. 12 persons C.19persons 73, ‘AWACS' stands for what? ‘A. Airbonre Warning and Control Systems B. Allied War Control Systems . Associated War Control Systems D. Air Wings and Control Systems 74, Who became the first martyr in our liberation war among the seven Bir Sresthos? ‘A. Mohiuddin Jahangir 8. Hamidur Rahman . Munshi Abdur Rauf —D. Muhammad Mustafa 75. How many persons were awared the Bir Uttam gallantry yard from the Bangladesh Army in recognition of their heroic contributions? AS B.SO c.49 D. 51 76. What is the projected GDP growth rate of Bangladesh to beat the end of year 20192 A. 68 percent B. 7.86 percent 77. Who is the aurhtor ofthe book “Rules of Civility’ ‘A. Hillary Clinton B, Michael Wolf C. Amor Towles D. Barrack Obama 7B, $400 isa: A. fighter palne B. Submarine C. Air defence systems 0, Cannon 79, The movement of business data eleetronically in a structured, computér-readable format. e'sur1 Den C. SWIFT D. CHiPs 80, What isthe ranking of Bangladesh in UN peacekeeping Operations in terms of troops deployment? st Band 6. 3d Oth

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