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Production engineering

1. Secondary recovery: - is process of oil production by wells prepared for the
purpose of oil recovery after becoming unable to primary recovery.

2. Wells stimulation :- treatment process is formation reservoir by acidizing and

fracturing for the purpose of increasing production.
.‫وهً عملٌات معالجه طبقه المكمن بواسطه التحمٌض والتشقق لغرض زٌادة االنتاج‬:‫عملٌات تنشٌط البئر‬
Number the ways secondary recovery
1. Water flooding
2. Gas injection
3. Thermal recovery

The completion
The completion: Is the process of making a well ready for production or injection
Number ways the completion.
1. Open hole completion.
2. Perforated casing completion (close hole completion)

:‫مائع االكمال‬

‫الماء المالح او النفط‬-1

‫حامض االستٌك‬-2

‫غاز النٌتروجٌن‬-3

:‫بم ٌتمٌز االكمال المبطن عن االكمال المفتوح‬

‫امكانٌه التحكم بتقمع الماء او الغاز‬-1

‫امكانٌه انعاش المقطع المنتج بصورة انتقائٌه‬-2

‫امكانٌه اكمال اكبر من طبقه منتجه‬-3

Ahmed Alasadi
‫ٌتم االنتاج من خالل‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬انبوب االنتاج (‪)production tube‬‬

‫‪ -2‬االنتاج خالل البطانه‬

‫‪-3‬االنتاج خالل البطانه وانبوب االنتاج‬

‫تثقٌب ابار النفط والغاز‪:‬‬

‫طرق التثقٌب‪-1:‬التثقٌب باالطالقات النارٌه‬

‫‪-2‬التثقٌب بالثاقبات النفاثه‬

‫‪-3‬التثقٌب الهٌدرولٌكً‬

‫‪Perforating oil and gas wells‬‬

‫‪Perforating techniques‬‬
‫‪1- Bullet perforator‬‬
‫‪2- Jet perforators‬‬
‫‪3- Hydraulic perforating‬‬
‫أختٌار مناطق التثقٌب‪:‬‬
‫ٌتم اختٌار مناطق التثقٌب فً الطبقات المنتجه باالعتماد على بعض العوامل‪:‬‬
‫‪-1‬المجسات الكهربائٌه والصوتٌه واالشعاعٌه‬
‫‪-2‬نتائج الفحوصات الطبقٌه اثناء عملٌه حفر االبار‬
‫‪-3‬اللباب المستخلص من البئر‬
‫‪-4‬المعلومات الجٌلوجٌه‬

‫‪Selection of perforated intervals‬‬

‫‪1- Electric, sound and radiating logs‬‬

‫‪2 -Data of formation test during drilling‬‬
‫‪3 -coring‬‬
‫‪4 -Geological information‬‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
‫عامل البشرة(‪)skin factor‬‬
‫أْ أخفبع ٔفبرَت اٌّمطع إٌّخح حىي خىف اٌبئش أَب وبْ سببه َذعً ببٌخؼشس اٌطبمٍ وَعبش عٕه بعبًِ‬
‫اٌبششة اٌّىخب أِب اٌّعبٌدت ببحذي عٍُّبث االٔعبش أو اٌخٕشُؾ ‪ِ stimulation‬ثً االٔعبش ببٌخحُّغ و‬
‫االٔعبش ببٌخشمك اٌهُذسوٌٍ فٍغشع ِٓ االٔعبش ببٌخحُّغ هى اصٌت اٌخؼشس اٌطبمٍ اِب اٌغشع ِٓ‬
‫االٔعبش ببٌخشمُك اٌهُذسوٌٍ فهى ٌضَبدة إٌفبرَت ااالطٍُت ٌٍّىّٓ وهز اٌخحسٓ بٍٕفبرَت َذعً عبًِ اٌبششة‬

‫هٕبن عذة عىاًِ حؤثش عًٍ اٌطبمت االٔخبخُت وِدّىعهب حسًّ عبًِ اٌبششة اٌىٍٍ وَشِض ٌهب‬

‫‪ -1‬عبًِ بششة خبص ببٌخؼشس اٌطبمٍ او االٔعبش اٌطبمٍ‬

‫‪ -2‬عبًِ بششة خبص بخشىٍُت اوّبي اٌبئش‬

‫‪ -3‬عبًِ اٌبششة اٌخبص ببٌخخشاق اٌدضئٍ‬

‫فحص االبار ‪Well Testing‬‬

‫هى فحص جرٌبن انمىائع وهى ٌجري عهى اَببر انىفطٍت أو انغبزٌت نغرض انحصىل عهى معهىمبث تخص‬
‫انبئر وانمكمه وانفحص بصىرة أسبسٍت ٌتأنف مه تغٍر معذل جرٌبن انبئر واستجببت انضغط ببنىسبت إنى‬
‫انسمه كذانت ونكه انبٍبوبث انتً تعتمذ عهى انتحهٍم بٍبوبث انضغط وٌذعى انفحص‬
‫)‪(Transient Pressure Tests‬‬
‫انمعهىمبث انتبنٍت انتً ٌمكه انحصىل عهٍهب مه فحص اَببر‬
‫‪-1‬حسبة وفبرٌه انطبقه)‪(K‬‬
‫‪-2‬حسبة انضغط انمكمىً عىذ انحذود انخبرجٍه نهمكمه)‪(PI‬‬
‫‪-3‬حسبة انحجم انمسبمً نهمكمه)‪(PV‬‬
‫‪-4‬معرفه درجه تضرر انطبقه )‪(SKIN FACTOR‬‬
‫‪ -5‬اٌجبد انمسبفت إنى انصذوع إن وجذث فً انمكمه‬
‫‪-6‬حسبة انسعه االوتبجٍه نهمكمه)‪(KH‬‬
‫‪-7‬معرفه انسعه انخسوٍه نهبئر)‪(C)(Wellbore storage‬‬

‫‪Well Test Objectives:‬‬

‫‪1-Define reservoir limits‬‬
‫‪– Distances to boundaries‬‬
‫‪– Drainage area‬‬
‫‪2- Estimate average drainage area pressure‬‬
‫‪3- Characterize reservoir‬‬
‫‪– Permeability‬‬
‫‪– Skin factor‬‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
– Dual porosity or layered behavior
4- Diagnose productivity problems
– Permeability
– Skin factor
5- Evaluate stimulation treatment effectiveness
– Skin factor
– Fracture conductivity
– Fracture half-length

Types of well tests:

Single well tests
Drawdown test –Produce a well at constant rate and measure the pressure response.
Buildup test – Shut in a well that has been producing and measure the pressure
Injection test – Inject fluid into a well at constant rate and measure the pressure
Injection-falloff test – Shut in an injection well and measure the pressure response.
Multi-well tests
Interference test – Produce one well at constant rate and measure the pressure
response at one or more offset wells.
Pulse test – Alternately produce and shut in one well and measure the pressure
response at one or more offset wells.

:‫أوىاع فحص اَببس‬

:) (BUILD UP TEST)( ‫فحص تصبػذ انضغظ‬-1

‫هى فحض حٕبٍِ اٌؼغؾ حُث َدشٌ اٌبئش ٌفخشة ِٓ اٌضِٓ بّعذي خشَبْ ثببج حُث فخشة اٌدشَبْ حعخّذ‬
‫عًٍ اسخمشاسَت اٌبئش وفٍ ٔفس اٌٍحظت ٔمىَ بخسدًُ حغُش اٌؼغؾ وبعذ رٌه ٔمىَ بغٍك اٌبئش ٌدعً ِىخت‬
ّٓ‫ اٌؼغؾ حظً حذود اٌّى‬.

‫هزا اٌفحض َدشٌ عٕذِب َىىْ اٌبئش ِغٍك فٍ اٌبذاَت‬

:))DRAW DOWN TEST(( ‫ فحص تىبصل انضغظ‬-1

ِٓ‫اٌ ػغؾ لعش اٌبئش ِسخمش وبعذ رٌه َفخح اٌبئش ٌٍدشَبْ وَسدً ِعذي اٌدشَبْ واسخدببت اٌؼغؾ ِع اٌض‬
‫وٌىٓ اٌعبًِ اٌظعب فٍ هزا اٌفحض هى طعىبت اٌحظىي عًٍ ِعذي خشَبْ ثببج‬

Ahmed Alasadi
: ( )DRILL STEM TEST DST)( ً‫الفحص الطبق‬-3

‫هزا اٌفحض َسخخذَ ٌخمُُُ أو ححذَذ اٌطبلت اإلٔخبخُت ٌٍخىىَٓ اٌحبوٌ عًٍ اٌهُذسووبسبىٔبث ٌغشع أوّبي‬
‫ اٌبئش‬.

The Drill Stem Test (DST) (ً‫)انفحص انطبق‬

Used to determine
• formation permeability
• boundary conditions of reservoir
• formation pressures
• fluid (oil and water), and gas recovery from formation

:‫ٌستخذو الٌجبد‬
‫وفبرٌه انطبقه‬-1
‫حذود انمكمه‬-2
‫ضغىط انطبقه‬-3
‫ ػبمم استخشاج انىفظ وانغبص مه انطبقه‬-4

DST tool schematic

Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
‫‪A node is selected at a point in between the two ends in a production/‬‬
‫‪injection system, namely between the reservoir and surface separator.‬‬

‫اٌعمذة‪:‬حخخبس بُٓ ٔهبَخُٓ فٍ ٔظبَ االٔخبج او اٌحمٓ ِثً بُٓ اٌّىّٓ واٌعبصٌه حُث ٔسخفبد ِٓ ِفهىَ اٌعمذ‬
‫هى اَدبد اٌهبىؽ فٍ اٌؼغىؽ اٌزٌ َحظً فٍ ِٕظىِه االٔخبج ِٓ اٌّىّٓ اًٌ اٌعضالث‪.‬‬

‫‪The flow into the node is called INFLOW, while flow out of the node is‬‬
‫‪called OUTFLOW‬‬

‫انجشٌبن انى انؼقذة ٌسمى انجشٌبن انذاخم وانزي ٌخشج مىهب ٌسمى انجشٌبن انخبسج‪.‬‬

‫مه انشكم االتً والحظ انهبىط فً انضغىط حٍث فً كم ػقذة تؼىً هبىط فً انضغظ‪:‬‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
Ahmed Alasadi
INFLOW - Inflow Performance Relations (IPR)

OUTFLOW - Tubing Performance Curves (TPC)

The intersection of IPR and TPC will give the flowrate of the system.

.‫وقطه انتقبطغ بٍىهمب تؼطً مؼذل انجشٌبن نهىظبو انزي ٌجب ان ٌىتح به وكزنك انضغظ نقبع انبئش‬
Ahmed Alasadi
Inflow Performance Relation (IPR)

 Represents ability of a well to produce fluids against varying

bottomhole pressures.

 Plotted as Pwf vs Q

Oil Wells

 Assumed as straight line at pressure above the bubble point, Pb.

 Below the bubble point, the flow rate Q usually drops off significantly
from the straight line relation at higher DP with two-phase flow.

Vogel Correlation

 Applicable to dissolved gas drive reservoirs.

 Figure shows the IPR by Vogel generated from equation

Q/Qmax = 1 - 0.2(Pwf/Pres) - 0.8(Pwf/Pres)2

Ahmed Alasadi
Productivity Index (PI or J)

 Popular term to describe Well deliverability.

 Above bubble point forms a straight line IPR with following

relationship :

PI = Q / DP = Q / (Pres - Pwf)

Where, PI - productivity index, bpd/psi

Q - flow rate (stb/d)

Pres- reservoir pressure, psi

Pwf- flowing b/hole pressure, psi

 Should not be extrapolated too far from the measured flow rate if used
for pressure below bubble point, Pb.

 For water-free oil production, PI can be estimated from reservoir

parameters :

PI = (koh x 10-3) / (moBo)

Where, k - oil relative permeability, md

h - zone height, ft

Ahmed Alasadi
mo - oil viscosity, centipoise

Bo - formation volume factor

Fetkovich Correlation

 Utilize data from flow-after-flow, or isochronal tests

 The basic equation is :

Q = J(Pres2 - Pwf2)n

where, J - productivity coefficient

n - Reciprocal slope of the best fit plot of Q vs (Pres2 - Pwf2)

 At least two, or preferably four tests at different rates, are needed to

determine J and n.

 IPR curves can then be drawn by solving for Pwf at selected Q

Tubing Performance Curve (TPC)

 Represents intake pressures required to lift a fluid through the

production tubing at given flow rates.

‫تمثم انضغظ انمتطهب نشفغ انىفظ انى انسطح خالل االوتبج‬

By fixing either wellhead or wellbore flowing pressures, the pressure

drop along the production tubing can be calculated by charts or
correlations, and the resulting flowing pressure on the other end can be

Ahmed Alasadi
System Analysis:

 For the system analysis, IPR and TPC are plotted together.

 The intersection of IPR and TPC will give the flowrate of the system.

 At condition at which no intersection occurs between IPR and TPC, the

well cannot flow at the specified conditions. Adjustments of the
controllable parameters have to be made to lower down the TPC.

Ahmed Alasadi
‫‪ -‬كٌف تمٌز بٌن دلٌل االنتاجٌة وادائٌه التدفق؟‬

‫ان ادائٌة التدفق تمثل العالقة بٌن ضغط الجرٌان عند قاع البئر و معدل االنتاج ‪ .‬اما دلٌل االنتاجٌة تمثل‬
‫المشتقة االولى الدائٌة التدفق فً الحالة الخاصة التً تكون فٌها االخٌرا خطا مستقٌما‬

‫‪ -‬عدد المعادالت التً مثلة أدائٌة التدفق؟‬

‫هناك الكثٌر جدا من المعادالت التً مثلت ادائٌة التدفق اهمها‪:‬‬

‫‪-1‬منحنً فوكل ‪:‬حدد ادائٌة التدفق بالنسبة لمكمن الدفع بالغاز المذاب وكذلك عندما ٌكون قٌمة كفائة‬
‫الجرٌان فً المكمن تساوي واحد اي ال ٌوجد تضرر‬

‫‪-2‬منحنً استاندنغ‪ :‬تم اقتراح هذه الطرٌقة عند االخذ بنظر االعتبار االبار المتضررة بسبب الحفر و‬
‫االكمال او االبار المستصلحة بسبب التنشٌط‬

‫‪ -3‬طرٌقة السعدون‪ :‬استخدمة هذه الطرٌقة لتنٌؤ ادائٌة التدفق فً الحاضر و المستقبل‬

‫‪-4‬طرٌقه جلبرت‪ :‬فً هذه الطرٌقة تم رسم ادائٌة التدفق على ورقة لوغارتٌمٌة‬

‫الكفائة االنتاجٌة او نسبة االنتاجٌة‬

‫تعرف نسبة االنتاجٌة ‪ :‬وهً حاصل قسمة دلٌل االنتاجٌة لبئر حقٌقً على دلٌل االنتاجٌة لبئر مثالً وهو‬
‫كمؤشر للخسارة او الربح فً انتاجٌة بئر معٌن بعد اكمالة او تنشٌطة‬

‫‪Primary recovery‬‬
‫‪Primary recovery: - is recovery of oil by any of nature drive mechanisms.‬‬
‫‪Primary recovery mechanism‬‬
‫‪1. Rock and liquid expansion drive‬‬
‫‪2. Depletion drive‬‬
‫‪3. gas cup drive‬‬
‫‪4. drive‬‬
‫‪5. gravity drainage drive‬‬
‫‪6. combination drive‬‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
Q: what is types of depletion drive
: 1. solution gas drive
2. dissolve gas drive
3. internal gas drive

Q:- what is characteristic depletion drive reservoir?

1. Reservoir pressure declines rapidly and continuously.
2. Gas – oil ratio increasing to maximum and then declines.
3. None water production.
4. Well behavior requires pumping at early stage .
5. Oil recovery range 5% to 30 %. That large quantities of oil
remain in the reservoir.
6. Depletion drive reservoir are considered the best candidates
for secondary recovery applications.

Q :- define Aquifer, what is geometries of aquifer?

Aquifer: is water – bearing rocks that round for reservoir.
Aquifer geometries
1. Edge – water drive
2. Bottom – water drive

Formation pressure:- The pressure under which the subsurface

formation fluids and gases are confined.

Ahmed Alasadi
Hydrostatic pressure:- The pressure exerted a column of fluid in the
borehole. It is due to the column of drilling mud.
over pressure : - any pressure above the hydrostatic pressure .

Mathematical : Ph = 0.052 × h (ft) × ƿ (ppg)

Geothermal gradients

G = 100 (Tf – Ts ) / D
Where: D: depth Tf : formation temperature Ts : surface

G : geothermal graduate . F / 100ft

Or:- Tf = Ts + (G /100) ×D
Darcy’s Law
Liquid flow in Laminar Flow through a permeable medium is
described by Darcy’s Law

s = Skin Factor (dimensionless)

Ahmed Alasadi
Productivity index:
A common indicator of liquid reservoir behavior is PI or
productivity index
– Referred to as “J”

The Diffusivity Equation:

Obtained by combining
– Continuity equation
– Equation of state for slightly compressible liquids
– Flow equation - Darcy’s law

Ahmed Alasadi
A = Cross-sectional area open to flow, ft2
= Rate of accumulation of mass within the volume, lbm/sec
v = Fluid velocity, ft/sec
= Density of fluid, lbm/ft3

c = Compressibility, psi-1
p = Pressure, psi
= Density of fluid, lbm/ft3

Ahmed Alasadi
A = Cross sectional area open to flow, cm2
k = Permeability, darcies
L = Length of flow path, cm
p = Pressure, atm
Pressure difference between upstream and
downstream sides, atm
q = Flow rate, cm3/sec
ux = Flow velocity, cm/sec
x = Spatial coordinate, cm

Ahmed Alasadi
Fluid compressibility:

Compressibility is the fractional change in volume due to a unit change in


Pore compressibility:

Pore volume compressibility is the fractional change in porosity due to unit

change in pressure.
• Symbol – cf
• Units – psi-1, microsips

Saturation is the fraction of pore volume occupied by a particular fluid.

• Symbol – So, Sw, Sg

Ahmed Alasadi
• Units – fraction or %

is the measure of capacity of rock to transmit fluid.
• Symbol
• Units
– Darcy or millidarcy (md or mD)
• Source
– Well tests, core analysis

The Ei-function solution to the diffusivity equation assumes line source well (finite
size of wellbore can be neglected).
This solution is valid only for r > rw .
It predicts the pressure response in the reservoir as a function of both time t and
Ahmed Alasadi
distance from the center of the wellbore r.

The argument of the Ei-function, x, is given by:

Short times or large distances large x

Long times or short distances small x
For short times, A, pressure response predicted by the Ei-function is negligible.
For long times, B, pressure response may be calculated using the logarithmic
approximation to the Ei-function.
For intermediate times, C, the full Ei-function must be used to calculate the

Ahmed Alasadi
Why Do We Test Wells?

The main reason for testing an exploration well is to take a fluid

sample. Further reasons are to measure the initial pressure, estimate a
minimum reservoir volume, evaluate the well permeability and skin
effect, and identify heterogeneities and boundaries. Testing producing
wells aims at verifying permeability and skin effect, identifying fluid
behavior, estimating the average reservoir pressure, confirming
heterogeneities and boundaries, and assessing hydraulic connectivity.

Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
‫فحص اآلبار (‪:)WELL TESTING‬‬

‫هو فحص جرٌان الموائع وهو ٌجري على اآلبار النفطٌة أو الغازٌة لغرض الحصول على معلومات تخص البئر‬
‫والمكمن والفحص بصورة أساسٌة ٌتألف من تغٌر معدل جرٌان البئر واستجابة الضغط بالنسبة إلى الزمن كدالة‬
‫ولكن البٌانات التً تعتمد على التحلٌل بٌانات الضغط وٌدعى الفحص (‪)Transient Pressure Tests‬‬

‫البٌانات التً ٌمكن الحصول علٌها من تحلٌل بٌانات الضغط ‪:‬‬

‫المعلومات التالٌة التً ٌمكن الحصول علٌها من فحص اآلبار‬

‫‪ -1‬حساب نفاذٌة الطبقة(‪.)K‬‬
‫‪ -2‬حساب الضغط المكمن عند الحدود الخارجٌة للمكمن(‪.)PI‬‬
‫‪ -3‬حساب الحجم المسامً للمكمن(‪.)PV‬‬
‫‪ -4‬معرفة درجة تضرر الطبقة أو درجة أنعاش الطبقة (‪.)SKIN FACTOR‬‬
‫‪ -5‬اٌجاد المسافة إلى الصدوع إن وجدت فً المكمن ‪.‬‬
‫‪ -6‬تحدٌد طول الكسر‪.‬‬
‫‪ -7‬معرفة إنتاجٌة الكسر‪.‬‬
‫‪ -8‬حساب السعة اإلنتاجٌة للمكمن (‪.)KH‬‬
‫‪ -9‬معرفة السعة الخزنٌة للبئر (‪.)Wellbore storage()C‬‬
‫‪ -11‬تحدٌد التكسرات والتطبقات الموجودة فً المكمن‪.‬‬

‫أنواع فحص اآلبار ‪:‬‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
‫‪ -1‬فحص تصاعد الضغط (‪:)BUILD UP TEST‬هو فحص تنامً الضغط حٌث ٌجري البئر لفترة من الزمن‬
‫بمعدل جرٌان ثابت حٌث فترة الجرٌان تعتمد على استقرارٌة البئر وفً نفس اللحظة نقوم بتسجٌل تغٌر الضغط‬
‫وبعد ذلك نقوم بغلق البئر لجعل موجة الضغط تصل حدود المكمن ‪.‬‬

‫‪ -2‬فحص تنازل الضغط )‪:) DRAWDOWNTEST‬هذا الفحص ٌجري عندما ٌكون البئر مغلق فً البداٌة اي‬
‫ضغط قعر البئر مستقر وبعد ذلك ٌفتح البئر للجرٌان وٌسجل معدل الجرٌان واستجابة الضغط مع الزمن ولكن‬
‫العامل الصعب فً هذا الفحص هو صعوبة الحصول على معدل جرٌان ثابت وكذلك ٌدعى هذا الفحص‬
‫(‪.)Reservoir limittest‬‬

‫‪ -3‬فحص المتداخل (‪:)INTERFERENCE TEST‬هو فحص ٌجري على أكثر من بئر حٌث البئر الذي ٌعتمد فٌه‬
‫قٌاس معدل الجرٌان ٌسمى البئر الحقٌقً أما البئر الذي ٌعتمد فٌه قٌاس الضغط ٌسمى بئر المراقبة‪.‬‬

‫‪ -4‬فحص الحقن(‪ :)INJECTION TEST‬هذا الفحص ٌخص ابار الحقن حٌث هذه اآلبار تعامل كمعاملة فحص‬
‫اآلبار المنتجة وهو شبٌه بفحص تنازل الضغط ‪.‬‬

‫‪ :FALL OFF TEST -5‬هذا الفحص أٌضا ٌخص ابارالحقن وهو شبٌه بفحص تصاعد الضغط‪.‬‬

‫‪ :STEP RATE TEST -6‬هو من الفحوصات التً تجري على أبار الحقن لغرض حساب‬
‫(‪.)Formation fracture gradient‬‬

‫‪:)DRILL STEM TEST DST ( -7‬هذا الفحص ٌستخدم لتقٌٌم أو تحدٌد الطاقة اإلنتاجٌة للتكوٌن الحاوي‬
‫على الهٌدروكاربونات لغرض أكمال البئر ‪.‬‬

‫‪:PRODUCTION TEST -8‬هذه الفحص ٌستخدم أٌضا لتقٌٌم الطاقة اإلنتاجٌة للبئر وكذلك تحدٌد طاقة المكمن‬
‫أي من خالل نتائج الفحص نحدد أدائٌة جرٌان البئر (‪.)IPR‬‬

‫وكذلك توجد فحوصات أخرى تخص اآلبار الغازٌة مثل(‪.)Deliverability test-Isochronal test‬‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
‫فحوصات الضغوط االنتقالٌة (‪)Analysis PressureTransient( )PTA‬‬

‫لفهم تحالٌل فحص االبار ‪ ،‬هنالك ثالثة مصطلحات اساسٌة هً‪:‬‬

‫‪Steady state, semi-steady state ,unsteady state or transient flow‬‬

‫الجرٌان المستقر (‪)flow state -Steady‬‬
‫عندما الٌوجد اي تغٌر فً الضغط مع الزمن واقعا التوجد لمثل هذه الحالة فً المكامن مع ذلك ٌمكن تطبٌق‬
‫الجرٌان المستقر كما فً قانون دارسً ‪.‬‬
‫الجرٌان شبه المستقر (‪:)flow state semi-steady‬‬
‫عندما ٌكون نقصان الضغط هً عالقة خطٌة مع الوقت فً اي مكان بالمكمن او عالقة الضغط مع معدل‬
‫الجرٌان واقعا توجد لمثل هذا الجرٌان ‪.‬‬
‫الجرٌان االنتقالً (‪)state or transient flow unsteady‬‬
‫عالقة الضغط مع الوقت عالقة غٌر خطٌة ‪.‬‬
‫فرضٌات الجرٌان الشعاعً ( ‪) The Radial Flow Model Assumptions‬‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
‫الحل العام لتغٌر الضغط‬
‫القوانٌن الفٌزٌاوٌة للحل المعادلة‬
‫‪ -‬معادلة المادة ( موازنة المادة )‬
‫‪--‬معادلة دارسً‬
‫‪ -‬معادلة الحالة ( ‪Compressibility Fluid (State Of Equation‬‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
‫فترة الفحص االنتقالً‬

‫ٌمكن استخدام المعادلة التالٌة لحساب زمن الفحص االنتقالً فً حالة معرفة خواص الصخور والمائع لمكمن‬


‫تشٌر المعادلة أعاله الى انتهاء الجرٌان االنتقالً وبداٌة حالة الجرٌان‬
‫المزٌف( ‪ ) Pseudosteady state Flow‬لبئر فً منتصف مكمن دائري‪.‬‬

‫المعادالت المستخدمة فً فحص تنازل الضغط‬


‫حٌث ‪ m‬تمثل مٌل الخط المستقٌم ٌمكن الحصول علٌة من خالل رسم قٌم الضغط مع الزمن على‬
‫ورقة ‪ semilog‬وقٌمة‪ k‬تمثل نفاذٌة الطبقة بوحدة ملً دارسً‪.‬‬

‫اذا كانت قٌمة ‪ s‬موجبة ٌدلل على تضرر البئر اما اذا كانت سالبة فانة ٌدلل على نجاح عملٌة انعاش البئر‪.‬‬


‫حٌث ‪ٌ P1hr‬مثل ضغط البئر خالل ساعة من فتحة للجرٌان‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌ Pi‬مثل ضغط البئر االبتدائً‪.‬‬

‫المعادالت المستخدمة فً فحص تصاعد الضغط‬

‫‪Ahmed Alasadi‬‬
.‫نطبق نفس المعادلة المستخدمة فً فحص تنازل الضغط لحساب نفاذٌة الطبقة‬


.ً‫ ٌمثل ضغط البئر الجرٌان‬Pwf ‫حٌث‬

well-( ‫وتوجد معادالت اخرى ولكن تطبق على جارتات خاصة وٌدعى تحلٌل الفحص بهذه المخططات البٌانٌة‬
.)test analysis by ues of type curves

Skin Factor: Orientation

"Skin Factor" Concept: (Radial flow system with

near-well damage or stimulation)

� Derive the skin factor identity for a well in a radial flow

system with a "skin zone" — where the well has nearwell

damage or stimulation.

� Explain how this model can be used — both in theory

Ahmed Alasadi
and applications.

� Discuss any limitations (physical or conceptual) that you


"Skin Factor" Concept Based on:

� Finite thickness model for the radial flow skin factor.

� Effective wellbore radius concept.

Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
Ahmed Alasadi
1. As the DST tool is lowered down the hole, the hydrostatic tool
measures the increasing weight of the water/mud column in
pounds per square foot (PSI). After the tool reaches either total
depth (TD) or the desired depth of the test it is opened to
atmospheric pressure and a pressure drop is recorded almost
instantaneously. This is done to relieve the hydrostatic pressure
from the annular space within the tested interval.

2. The length of the pre-flow (sometimes called initial flow) is

determined by the surface blow monitored on the drill floor
according to the following observations:

Ahmed Alasadi
About 5 minutes in duration if the permeability is estimated
to be > 15 md.

About 10 minutes in duration if the permeability is

estimated to be > 15 md.

If the pre-flow period is too short the hydrostatic pressure will not
be dissipated and the following shut-in period may be under the
influence of hydrostatic pressure.

At the end of the pre-flow period the tool is closed and the
pressure below the packer is allowed to build up. This is called the
initial shut-in pressure (ISIP).

3. The purpose of the initial shut-in period is to record the reservoir

pressure before any production has occurred. It is important to
have an initial shut-in period long enough to extrapolate a
maximum reservoir pressure. Many times it is too short to
determine a reliable extrapolated reservoir pressure. This can
make it more difficult to determine if the reservoir is of limited
areal extent.

When the initial shut-in period is complete, the tool is again

opened. The purpose of this second flowing period (Main Flow) is to
allow reservoir fluid and gas to enter the drill string. Analysis of the final
flow data will help determine the flowing capabilities of the tested
reservoir. Depending on conditions, when the tool is opened the
pressure will drop from reservoir pressure to the pre-flow pressure and
will record the weight of the formation fluid entering the drill string. If
gas is present the flowing pressure will reflect the upstream pressure of
the gas flow.

Ahmed Alasadi
The duration of the final flow period (Main Flow) should be about 60 to
180 minutes, depending on conditions and estimated permeability. The
air blow at the surface will indicate whether formation fluid or gas is
entering the drill string. If gas flows to the surface a stabilized
measured rate is desirable for proper reservoir evaluation.

When the final flow period is concluded the tool is again closed
for a second shut-in period (Final Shut-in Period) which stops the flow
of fluid and gas into the drill string. The pressure below the packer is
then allowed to build. The duration of the Final Shut-In Period should
be about 1.5 to 2 times as long as the Main Flow (second flowing
period), depending again on conditions and estimated permeability. In
low permeable zones, longer shut-in times are necessary for proper
reservoir evaluation.

5. The purpose of this second shut-in period (Final Shut-in Period) is

to once again measure the reservoir pressure after a certain
amount of production has occurred. Remember, during this test
period, fluid and/or is not being recovered. Only pressure is being
measured. Proper evaluation of the second shut-in data will help
determine if the tested reservoir is of limited areal extent. Skin
damage, permeability, radius of investigation, and other reservoir
parameters can also be determined.

6. At the end of the Final Shut-in Period, the packer is released

which allows the drilling fluid to flow from the borehole annulus
and into the test zone. Hydrostatic pressure is then recorded for a
second time. Because the pressure should be equalized
(sometimes the packer gets stuck), the packer can be easily be

Ahmed Alasadi
unseated from against the borehole walls so the tool can be

Ahmed Alasadi

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