Reviewer 2 Sikolohiyang Pilipino

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Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino Psychology): A Legacy of Virgilio G.


Rogelia Pe-Pua

Elizabeth Protacio-Marcelino

The Beginnings of Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino Psychology)

 Because of the Philippines being colonized by Spain and USA, Academic Psychology, or the
Psychology taught in schools, became predominantly western in theory and methodology.

 The native Filipinos struggled identifying oneself because of the westerns pushing and putting
forward western behavior as means of models for the Filipinos.

 It was in the early 1970s when Virgilio Gaspar Enriquez initiated the rejection of the traditional
way of teaching and studying psychology and corrected it.

 Enriquez made a research alongside Dr. Alfredo V. Lagmay (the then-chairman of the
Department of Psychology in U.P.) on the historical and cultural roots of Philippine Psychology.
The research also included identifying indigenous concepts and approaches in Philippine

 In 1975, Enriquez chaired the Unang Pambansang Kumprensya sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino (First
National Conference on Filipino Psychology) and formally articulated the ideas, concepts, and
formulations of Sikolihoyang Pilipino.

What is Sikolohiyang Pilipino

 SIkolohiyang Pilipino is anchored in Filipino thoughts and experience as understood from a

Filipino Perspective (Enriquez, 1975).

 The study of diwa (psyche), which in Filipino directly refers to the wealth of ideas referred to by
the philosophical concept of ‘essence’ and an entire range of psychological concepts from
awareness to motives to behavior (Enriquez, 1985).

 Sikolohiyang Pilipino is not anti-universal. In fact, its ultimate aim is to contribute to universal

 Enriquez used the approach ‘Indigenization from within’, which means looking for the
Indigenous psychology from within the culture itself and not just clothing a foreign body with a
local dress.

 The principal emphasis of Sikolohiyang Pilipino is to foster national identity and consciousness,
social involvement, and psychology of language and culture.

Virgilio Enriquez: Pioneer of Sikolohiyang Pilipino

 Enriquez was born in the province of Bulacan. He was trained to speak the native tongue
fluently by his father since he was a kid.

 Enriquez was formally initiated in Psychology in 1963 when he started teaching at the University
of the Philippines (UP).

 As early as 1965, he was using the Filipino language in teaching.

 Enriquez left for United States in 1966 to pursue a Masters, then later a Doctoral Degree in
Northwestern University at Evanston, Illinois. Enriquez returned to the Philippines in 1971.

 Enriquez established the Philippine Psychology Research House (PPRH) which later became the
Philippine Psychology Research and Training House (PPRTH). This place became the home of the
materials on Sikolohiyang Pilipino.

 Enriquez authored several publications in indigenous psychology, Filipino personality,

psychology of language and politics, philosophy and values, cross-cultural psychology, and
Pilipinolohiya (Philippine Studies).

 One of his most significant award, the Outstanding Young Scientist of the Philippines from the
National Academy of Science and Technology in 1982 was in recognition of his work in
Sikolohiyang Pilipino.


 Defining Sikolohiyang Pilipino

- Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino Psychology).

- Sikolohiya sa Pilipinas (Psychology in the Phlippines – The general form of Psychology in

the Philippine Context).

- Sikolohiya ng mga Pilipino (Psychology of the Filipinos – Theorizing about the

Psychological nature of the Filipinos, whether from a local or foreign perspective).

- Enriquez looked beyond the textbook definition of Psychology and came up with
Psychology as a study of emotions and experienced knowledge (kalooban and
kamalayan), awareness of one’s surroundings (ulirat), information and understanding
(isip), habits and behavior (another meaning of diwa), and the soul (kaluluwa), which is
the way to learning about people’s conscience (Enriquez, 1976).

 Four Filiatons of Sikolohiyang Pilipino

Zeus Salazar, a historian, examined Sikolohiyang Pilipino and came up with a description of the
four filiations of Philippine Psychology

a. The Academic-scientific Psychology: The Western Tradition.

b. Academic-philosophical Psychology: The Western (mainly clerical) Psychology.

c. Ethnic Psychology - Major basis of Sikolohiyang Pilipino.

d. Psycho-medical system with religion as cohesive element and explanation.

 Major Characteristics of Sikolohiyang Pilipino as an Indigenous Asian Psychology

a. Principal methods of Investigation – Triangulation Method.

b. Areas of Protest – Against a Psychology that perpetuates the colonial status of the
Filipino mind. Against a Psychology used for the exploitation of masses. Against the
imposition to a Third World country of psychologies developed in industrialized

c. Psychological Practice – Endorses the conceptualization of psychological practice in a

Philippine Context.

d. Science-humanism issue – Scientific and humanistic approaches are both valid.

e. Mentalism-behaviorism issue – Sikolohiyang Pilipino admits both but with lesser

emphasis on individual experience and with a greater emphasis on the collective
experience of a people with a common bond of history.

 A liberating, liberated and Interdisciplinary Psychology

- Enriquez eliminated the bondage of western perspective not only in theory and
methods but also in practice.

- In place of Clinical Psychology and Industrial Psychology, Enriquez brought in Health

Psychology, Livelihood Psychology, Rural Psychology, Psychology of the Arts, and others.


 Rethinking Filipino Values

Using the Sikolohiyang Pilipino perspective, Enriquez re-conceptualized the Filipino
behavior patterns and value structure:

I. Colonial/Accommodative Surface Values

- Hiya (propriety/dignity)
- Utang ng Loob (gratitude/solidarity)
- Pakikisama (companionship/esteem)

II. Confrontative Surface Values
- Bahala na (determination)
- Sama/lakas ng loob (resentment/guts)
- Pakikibaka (resistance)

III. Core Value

- Kapwa (shared identity)
1. Ibang-tao (outsider)
2. Hindi Ibang-tao (one-of-us)

IV. Pivotal Interpersonal Value

- Pakikiramdam (shared inner perception)

V. Linking socio-personal Value

- Kagandahang-loob (Shared humanity)

 Indirect Communication
- Pakikiramdam (shared inner perception) - “feeling for another”.

 Internality-Externality
- The internality-externality component in the Filipino personality. Examples are,
“Honor”, puri and dangal. “Happiness”, saya and ligaya. “Control”, pigil and timpi. “Feel”, dama
and damdam.

 The great cultural divide

- The cultural aspect. The one side of the cultural divide are the Filipinos who have
maintained a more mass-oriented world view, culture and way of life, while the other side are
those Filipinos who adhered to a more elitist viewpoint.

Development of indigenous personality measures

 Enriquez together with PPRH, developed the Panukat ng Ugali at Pagkatao (PUP) (Measure of
Character and Personality) in 1975 which utilized dimensions of personality that are relevant to

 It is in the 1980s that showed an increased interest in personality testing.

 In the 1990s, tests were developed to measure a wide variety of Filipino characteristics.

 In the history of Philippine psychological measurement, Enriquez’s Panukat ng Ugali at Pagkatao

(PUP) stands out as one of the first, if not first, instruments that are culturally sensitive in its
assessment of the Filipino personality.

Development of Indigenous research methods

 Carmen Santiago, a student of Enriquez, made a research on his subject and introduced the
pakapa-kapa (groping) approach.

 “A suppositionless approach to social scientific investigations. As implied by the term itself,

pakapa-kapa is an approach characterized by groping, searching and probing into an
unsystematized mass of social and cultural data to obtain order, meaning and directions for
research” (Torres, 1982).

 Five basic guiding principles relevant to the use of indigenous perspective in general, and
indigenous research methods in particular:

1. The level of interaction or relationship that exists between the researcher and the

2. Research participants should always be treated by researchers as equal, if not superior.

3. The welfare of the research participants take precedence over the data obtained from them.

4. The method to be used in a research should be chosen on the basis of appropriateness to

the population (and not sophisticated of the method) and it should be made to adapt to
existing cultural norms.

5. The language of the people should be the language of research at all times.

Inpact of the teaching of Psychology in the Philippines

 In 1970, with Lagmay starting it, Psychology in the Philippines has been taught in Filipino.

 In 1971 after arriving from the United States, Enriquez embarked on a full-scale effort
translating psychological materials into Filipino.

 A more relaxed atmosphere, a higher level of confidence on students expressing themselves,

Discovery of Indigenous concepts, Creative Discussions, and a realization that psychology must
relate intimately and significantly to the life of the people, has been among the many benefits of
teaching Psychology in Filipino.

 In 1978, Sikolohiyang Pilipino as a subject was offered at the undergraduate level for the first
time. UP was the first university to offer it.

 Lagmay was the first to teach Philippine Psychology as a “special topics” course at the graduate
level before it was formally instituted as a separate graduate course in 1978.

Areas of Application of Sikolohiyang Pilipino

 Much of the early work was focused on the use of the local language in teaching, research and
in the conduct of various conferences and symposia in Psychology.

 Providing psychological help to children such as children in situations of armed conflict, street
children, prostituted children, etc. It applied the orientation of Sikolohiyang Pilipino by looking
at the problem of the children at two levels. The first level focused on the specific needs and
problems of the individual child. The second level understood the socio-economic and political
roots of the problem and their consequences on the child’s rights and welfare.

 Using the same principles, social and clinical psychologists have helped battered women
understand their problems in the light of the different socio-cultural conditions affecting women
in Philippine society.

 Sikolohiyang Pilipino has also been applied in industry particularly in the marketing of specific
products and understanding consumer behavior.

Associations, Conferences and other professional meetings

 The first annual national conferences on Filipino psychology was held in 1975 to discuss the
status of psychology in the Philippines.

 From this conference, the Pambansang Samahan sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino (PSSP, National
Association for Filipino Psychology) was born, aiming to promote Filipino thought.

 Enriquez was responsible for establishing organizations in specialized areas such as child
psychology, psychology of the arts, psychology of language, history of psychology, and so on.

The spread of Sikolohiyang Pilipino outside the Philippines

 During his lifetime, Enriquez travelled a lot in various countries to teach, do research and
participate in conferences. Through this, he was able to influence scholars (Filipinos or
Foreigners) to take a keen interest in Sikolohiyang Pilipino. This eventually led them to set up
organizations and associations that supported the goals of Sikolohiyang Pilipino. Some of the
Countries housing these organizations are the United States (San Francisco and New Haven),
Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and Hongkong. After his death, However, the only association who
has managed to continue with its activities is the one in San Francisco, California.

Debates within Sikolohiyang Pilipino

 The most prominent debate in the area was initiated by Zeus Salazar.

 Salazar criticized Enriquez for including the study of Filipino-Americans in the discourse of
Sikolohiyang Pilipino. He said that Filipino-Americans are not “Filipinos” since they are not
legitimate culture bearers.

 Sikolohiyang Pilipino, according to Salazar, should focus on the lived experiences of people
immersed in Philippine life and culture.

 Enriquez, on the other hand, called Salazar’s (1991) “pantayong pananaw” as “unabashedly
emic” and labeled Salazar’s position as “reactionary ethnocentrism”.

 Salazar’s more “emic” and Enriquez’s more “etic” approach (without anyone of them neglecting
or emphasizing only one approach) when put together eventually leads to the formation of
universal knowledge in psychology.

 Robert Tongco, a Professor of Philosophy at U.P. questioned Sikolohiyang Pilipino’s position on

the issue of universality and asserts that Sikolohiyang Pilipino has not shown sufficient proof of
its contribution to universal knowledge or even proof that such knowledge exists in any given

 Tangco also questioned Sikolohiyang Pilipino’s methodology and practice and traces the
problem to Sikolohiyang Pilipino’s underlying Philosophy (1998).

 Sylvia Estrada-Claudio (1997) was also critical to the methodology used in Sikolohiyang Pilipino.
She thinks that a phenomenological approach, although perhaps useful in the past, can no
longer move Sikolohiyang Pilipino forward. She proposes to de-construct the hegemonic
discourse by using discourse analysis in the context of a postmodern (post-colonial) perspective.

Sikolohiyang Pilipino in the realm of universal and world Psychology

 What is generally considered as “universal” psychology is based on the psychology of

industrialized and developed countries of the west.

 Sikolohiyang Pilipino objects to the brand of Psychology that seeks to apply western theories
and methods to non-western societies and cultures.

 Sikolohiyang Pilipino accepts the scientific character of psychology but questions its universality.

 Sikolohiyang Pilipino believes in the use of psychology in helping to develop a national culture
which is into Western-dominated but considers the aspirations of the Filipino.

 Through the discovery and use of indigenous concepts and methods, Sikolohiyang Pilipino is
contributing to a truly universal psychology which is based on a new set of principles: diversity
and equality.

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