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From: United Utilities, Customer Relations Department

Sent: 2 December 2010

Subject: Your Response from United Utilities regarding Income and Expenditure form

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your emails of 27 November 2010. I am sorry that we have been unable to resolve your
complaint satisfactorily at stage 1 of our complaints procedure. I would have like to have discussed your
concerns today by telephone, unfortunately, we do not have a number listed. Therefore I am replying to
you by email and I have completed an independent review of your complaint in line with stage 2 of our
complaints procedure. The outcome of this review is set out below.

Although we do not consider email a secure form of communication when transmitting financial information,
because you have only requested an Income and Expenditure form, I have attached one for your
completion. Please return to the address shown below.

In closing, I trust this response answers both your emails. If you would like any information about this
reply, please contact me on 0845 309 3003 (Select Option 1). Our office is open Monday to Friday from
9.00 am to 5.00 pm. Alternatively, if you would prefer to contact us by email, please use the ‘Contact Us’
facility on the United Utilities website, as the email address this reply is sent from does not accept incoming

I trust the information provided will be of assistance to you. For a copy of our complaints procedure, please
click on this link

Yours sincerely

Tom Pearson
Case Manager
Customer Relations Department



When you supplied your email address and emailed us you acknowledged and agreed that we may treat specific
actions by you, such as sending us an email, or supplying us with an email address for customer service to respond
to you, as a request that we may, where necessary, communicate in our response personal and/or account
information by unencrypted email. We take reasonable precautions to protect your information, however you should
understand that "perfect security" does not exist on the internet or on email networks and that use of these mediums
involves some level of risk to you.

If you would prefer to contact us using a more secure method, please do so by:

Calling: 0845 309 3003

Writing to:

United Utilities,
PO Box 453,
WA55 1SE

Name of Customer(s)/Partner A/C Number

1.___________________________ _____________________________

2. __________________________ Adults_______ Children______

House Number __________ Street Name_____________________ Post Code


Reason for Non payment of water charges ___________________________________________________

Is your Future situation likely to change?_____________________________________________________

Outstanding Water Arrears £ Current Years Charges £

Customer 1 Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly

Where Do you work _______________________________________________

How much do you earn _______________________________________________

Is that part time/full time _______________________________________________

What benefits are you on?

a) Income support/ Incapacity Benefit _______________________________________________

b) Child Maintenance _______________________________________________

c) Family/Child/working Tax Credit _______________________________________________

d) Child Benefit/Careers Allowance _______________________________________________

e) Disability Living allowance _______________________________________________

f) Job seekers allowance _______________________________________________

Do you receive any pension/credit _______________________________________________

Is money paid into bank YES - NO - POST OFFICE ACCOUNT

Is there any other income _______________________________________________

Total Income 1 ______________

Customer 2 Weekly/Fortnightly/Monthly

How much do they earn _______________________________________________

Is that part time/full time _______________________________________________

What benefits are they on?

a) Income support/Incapacity Benefit _____________________________________________

b) Child Maintenance _______________________________________________

c) Family/child/working Tax Credit _______________________________________________

d) Child Benefit/Careers Allowance ______________________________________________

e) Disability Living allowance _______________________________________________

f) Job seekers allowance _______________________________________________

Do they receive any pension/credit _______________________________________________

Total Income 2 ______________

A/c Number _________________________

Expenditure Weekly / Fortnightly / Monthly


Mortgage £ Rent/Housing Benefit £

Under Pmt
Council Tax £ Arrears £

Housekeeping £ T.v Licence £

Catalogue £ Loans £

Gas £ Electricity £

Home – Mobile Phone £ H.P £

Sky – Internet £ Credit – Store Cards £

School Fees £ Insurance £

Travel Costs £

TOTAL INCOME (1+2) £ _____________ TOTAL EXPENDITURE £ ___________

Income Minus Expenditure - = ___________

Proposed Payment Amount £ __________ Weekly / Monthly / Fortnightly / 4Weekly

Payment Method Via Standing Order /Direct Debit / Payment Card


Name:_________________________________ Date: ______________________

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