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‘COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. cepnTIMONT OF MEDIA, GAMNER CoH 142 AUTOPSY REPORT |" rs ADULT FORM PROTOCOL { performed an autopsy on the body of > Renaing Jon, Chicke| the DUDARIMENT OF MEDIC -ENANINER CORONER, Los Angeles, California on 2. Jouo a Tea mic findings and pertinent his e death to: w Heng, — Sieroornsreoneger : ; DUE TO OR ASACONSGOUENGEOF oe DUETO RATA CONSEOU ENE OF 2 aa — ‘OTHER CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING AUT NOT RELATED TO THE IM MEBIATECCAT OF DEATH (As listed below [See form #16 under gross impressions ) Hana ir A) BelE ligehoe on neck B) Raw onfanch vad paech me ©) Ligahue mark on yreek D) Hemorrhage of le lt sfemomas todd muscle 2 idlery of suicidal johechon Anatomical Summary: rover rom ero . page 2 of 17 Be If A TRAUMA CASE STATE: Injury date: 7-20-)"7__ Hospital pate(s): ‘AfSee Investigator Report form #3 [Das listed below (source: (CIRCUMSTANCES: (EXTERNAL, EXAMINATION: (asian Catack ‘the body ia identified by toe tags and is that of sn Gasiaai eal refrigerated, z Le [caucasian (]Wispanic (Babout the reported Dlolder than the reported (ithe reported | Elyounger than the reported age of __ 44) years, the body weighs | 67 pounds, measures © _ inches and is Ucachectic. Claildly/moderately/extremaly obese. Cpooriy nourished Genin. Gwell-botie, muscular and fairly well-nourished soos rom ronocon . page 3 of 17 Bow ing bony Cher ane [Jfhe skin is free of abrasions, bruises, lacerations, scars and burns. O_There are Jigathive abrasions ever the stone neck , wih a oink of suspuy tem behind dhe aa Wt ean, / Wrist scars are [Jresent. tattoo(s) are: | Qnot present: present and identified as Rigor has presumably been altered/abolished. GARigor mortis is present (uivor nortis is ‘The head is normocephalic and hair. Hapartly covered by there is [ Gno balding and the hair Ceompiete can be described ac Ci trontan [dmid-biparietal Dloceipitar (Citemporal Gstraignt Grighely curtea Owavy Mustache is sheent/pre¥ent. Beard is @5iHRpresent and described as Examination of the eyes reveals Grrides that appear to be in color and scleras that are Wid oud but ej tured (Gorneal renoval (eye bank). (ye shields in place. rare There Gfe/are no petechial hemorrhages of the conjunctive of the lids and/or the sclerae. The oronasal passages are unobstructed. ADULT FORM PROTOCOL page 4 of 17 teeth aze [[japsent. Cearious he [partly absent and uncompensated. (Bopper and lower ‘The neck s+ ysmastabefos liqaluw abyate conve, pon ding tae be ie there is fis Bo) chest deformity. there ig’fd/an/a mildly increased anterior-posterior diameter. the abdomen is [distended Galat. [not unusual. obese. Uiscaphoia. me nner) | thesia, [the penis appears gitousicrssdfuncircumcised. of an adult femalexiale? | (the external care Seema ithont trauma oF lesions. [Aithe extreaities show no edema, joint deformity, abnormal mobility, non-therapeutic punctures or needle tracks. a EVIDENCE OF THERAPEUTIC INTERVENTION: {tere is no evidence of any previous recent hospitalization. [the goliowing are present and are in proper position: Mizway mouth piece Central intravenous lines EKG Pads JEndotracheal/nasotracheal tube Esophageal obturator Intravenous lines Nasogastric/orogastric tube Urinary catheter Fothes: , aowua rom ment oo 7 page 5 of 17 ingta, Chosten Cmere oa. e signs that the following surgical procedures have been done: ‘sided craniotomy. ()Garebral ventricular pressure monitoring tube placement. (tracheostomy. a sided chest tube placement. Q sided thoracotomy. Dvacculer cutdown procedure (2) . Cimepair of injuries to [signs of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are as follows: ‘(pron arc shaped paddle marks over the chest. (Rib fracture located at [Dserosanguineous pericardial auid [signs of intracardial injections. [Jrocal areas of red hemorrhage in the posterior wall of the left ventricle [tere i¢ evidence of old surgery. Scars are prasent at the and the following organs are missing 1 2. 3. (tere haofKSs notybeen post mortem intervention for organ procurement which can-be described-as EVIDENCE OF EXTERNAL TRAUMATIC INJURY: esagromed on form(s) #22 ADULT FORM PROTOCOL page 6 of 17 INITIAL INCISION: ‘the body cavities are entered through {Qmhe standard coronal incision. Qrhe standard “¥" shaped incision Gadditional incisions are iZNo foreign material is present in the mouth, upper airway and trachea. EVIDENCE OF INTERNAL. INJURIES: (piagrammed on form(s) # oO ‘NECK: The neck organs (Fayre not removed en bloc with the tongue. No lesions are present nor is trauma of the gingiva, lips or oral mucosa desonstrated. ‘There is no edema of ‘the larynx. Both hyoid bone and larynx are intact and without fractures, No henorshage is pragaat in the adjacent thropt ofpaps , investing faapia, etyar-mnactes, thyroid or visceral fascia. There ice She nea ASyprevertabral fascial henorchaes. The ‘tongue when sectioned shows no trauna/pr” . ADULT FORM PROTOCOL page 7 of 17 (CHEST/ABDOMINAL CAVITY. fe Fighe/isctGetf)plourad savity/GQUIETSD contain) (Tai) mleodof-sdhertone/or pete surita/GQTIELD Gio a Grriuid measuring ce u No tens: [on pneumothorax is demonstrated. The parietal pleurae are intact. Cipartly coltapsed The lungs are | [poorly expanded. (voluminous. fwer1-expanded. Soft tissues of the thoracic Rare well-preserved. and abdominal walls (have early/late postmortem softening, discoloration and crepitation ‘The subcutaneous fat of the ‘The organs of the abdominal cavity have a normal arrangement and none are absent. ‘There is no fluid collection. The peritoneal cavity is without evidence of peritonitis. There are no adhesions. SYSTEMIC AND ORGAN REVIEW ‘The following observations are limited to findings other than injuries, if described [RNo abnormalities of the bony framework or muscles are present (Cikyphosis/scoliosis (Wasting [other CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEH: The aorta is Glasti/fairly elastic/inelastic and of even caliber throughout with vessels distributed normally from it. ADULT FORM PROTOCOL page 8 of 17 the abdominal/thoracic aorta has (Daiscrete plaques that are not elevated. BBlipid streaking. ‘Cimininal /noderate/severe atherosclerosis. there is no tortuosity or widening of the thoracic segment. The abdominal aorta has a calsification.» [ulceration and/or Ekfecehout There is(Gsrho pilation of the lower abdominal segment. (@ijan intact aneurysm is present measuring qm, The major branches of the aorta show no abnormality. Within the pericardial sac there Qare ce. of fic 2 minimal amount of serous fluid. The right ventricle is om thick (biventricular hypertrophy. and the left ventricle is _ om thick. (Diert ventricular hypertrophy. aa Dright ventricular hypertrophy. a ‘the chambers are normally developed and are without mural thrombosis. The valves are thin, leafy and competent qx/ [endocardial hemorrhages of [hemoglobin staining of the endocardinn AADULY FORM PROTOCOL « page 9 of 17 Fepang-lon, Chester sce (abnormalicy CQlatrophy [hemorrhagic necrosis Dnecrosis Clscarring of the apices of the papillary musculature. There aze/fF ID )defects of the septum. The great vessels enter and leave in a nomal fashion. The ductus arteriosus Lcannot be probed. Ghis obliterated, (is widely patent Cmeasures (the left coronary artery is the dominant vessel, Gene right coronary artery is the dominant vessel. (mare is a balanced pattern of coronary artery distribution. (tere is a normal pattern of coronary artery distribution Brien up fo 25 Qwith mild to mode: Owithout: Dwith severe | SFatheroscterosie Clatharoseierotic plaque(s) [lextensive Bninimal (no coronary (segnental narrowing fKanterior descending branch of the Left coronary (Qloceiusien axtery. Listenosis Ceizcuntiex branch of the left coronary artery. Oleft/right coronary artery. Cimajor coronary arteries. No focal endocardial, valwilar of gyocardial lesions are seen, The blood within the heart and large blood vessols 1aiguid/¥lotted RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: maaan ae a (Cconsiderable (bloody fluid is (Moderate Oedema is No (Clexudate is oe. Bete essa tetris tae WW secretions are

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