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English BOOK II

By Saif Ullah Zahid

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1. The Dying Sun

Important Synonyms

Statements A B C D
1 Here and there we find an immense star. bright huge hot fast
2 Most of the stars travel alone. separately collectively fast random
3 The universe earth gave birth to life. produce get achieve acquire
4 Each star makes its voyage in complete satisfaction restlessness journey light
5 Hundreds of earth can be packed in sun occupy pack tight unused
and leave room to spare.
Life can exist only in a narrow range of
6 broad limited wide new
A few stars are hardly bigger than the
7 scarcely actually completely surly
We believe that some hundred thousand
8 years ago this rare event might have horrible expected unwanted unusual
taken place.
9 We find the universe frightening. large terrifying normal big
10. A star seldom finds another star near it. often always not often never
heir living power consisted chiefly in their
11 ability to reproduce themselves before put forth give forth die bring forth
From these humble beginnings, came a
12 great firm modest effective
stream of life.
The sun and the other stars, we see in
13 properly exceedingly normally seriously
the sky, are extremely hot.
The millions of the stars are wandering in
14 moving shining dissolving declining
the space.
Stars may be collection of fires scattered
15 roaming closed spread collected
through the space.
A few stars form groups and journey in
16 group loneliness harmony peace
Just as the sun and the moon
17 waves attraction radiation rays
raise tides on the earth
18 The space is unimaginable cold vacuum. untold unfriendly believing unthinkable
19 The universe is entirely frightening. amazingly rarely fully very
The temperature in the surrounding of a
20 defective incomplete total negative
star is four degree above absolute zero.

Answer key (English II The Dying Sun)

1-B 2-A 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-D 9-B 10-C
11-D 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-C 16-A 17-A 8-D 9-C 10-C 3

2. Using the Scientific Method

Important Synonyms

Statements A B C D
1 Water was used sparingly in the past. collectively wastefully carelessly
We are more critical than our
2 credulous afraid superstitious logical
Thrifty housewives preserved food in
3 frugal careless sluggish idle
the past.
In the past, only a fraction of the baby large
4 limb small amount healthy
borne grew up. amount
We are more critical than our
5 parents children forefathers guardians
6 Animals wandered through the streets. fed ran limped strolled
Household refuse was thrown in the
7 garbage food use waste
Water had to be carried from a
8 large small measurable narrow
considerable distance from the well.
Thrifty housewives preserved food in
9 conserved damaged destroyed graded
the past.
The ways we spend our leisure time
10. extra time spare time busy time precious time
have changed.
11 Superstitions are being overcome. enjoyed hated controlled noted
12 Ideas must now be supported by facts. calculated derived ignored favoured
We are less likely to accept the
13 argument end statement response
conclusion as final.
Sewage from all the segments of the city
14 is carried through a pipe to a disposal houses localities sections roads
Sanitary conditions were worse two
15 ecological natural hygienic ordinary
hundred years ago.
We can explain every happening which
16 straight plain unaccepted unexplained
used to be strange and mysterious.
The person how lived for more than thirty
17 lucky healthy unlucky forbidden
five years was indeed fortunate.
We can explain every happening which
18 occurrence plan fashion relations
used to be strange and mysterious.
Sewage from all the segments of the city
19 is carried through a pipe to a disposal houses localities sections roads
Lives are greatly influenced by such
20 prolonged supported affected cleared

Answer key (English II Using the Scientific Method)

1-C 2-D 3-A 4-B 5-C 6-D 7-D 8-A 9-A 10-B
11-C 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-C 16-D 17-A 18-A 19-C 20-C 4

3. Why Boys Fail in College

Important Synonyms

Statements A B C D
A Choose the correct option for the underlined word. (8)
Many boys have native ability to make
1 inherent learnt poor comparable
Many boys are cast entirely on their
2 foolishly hopefully dramatically completely
own resources.
He asserted that God put those tonsils
3 in his son’s throat for some good insisted affirmed told hoped
4 The boy must cultivate a poise that composure skyscraper habit curiosity
must smother the fidget.
5 Nervous habits are not easy to uproot. get rid of nurture appreciated rejected
And inevitably it an important reason of
6 interestingly doubtfully unavoidably critically
7 Some lazy bluffers drift into college. break into walk go aimlessly play games
The boy must cultivate a poise that must fiddle watch reward problem
smother the fidget.

4. End Of Term
Important Synonyms

Statements A B C D
A Choose the correct option for the underlined word. (8)
There was fierce competition in the
1 pleasant severe enjoyable light
Her voice sounded like a summons
2 paradise pleasure fair hell
to damnation.
Friday night was positively rose-
3 surely probably normally initially
4 The writer used to lie waiting for the light clear soft gloomy
ominous tread.
5 The anticipation was always worse than
exception corruption expectation removal
The last period on Friday had a happy
6 dream taste colour wish
7 Sleep again if you feel inclined. disturbed tempted noisy troubled
8 Abruptly Chips flamed up. suddenly slowly quickly silently 5

5. On Destroying the Books

Important Synonyms
Statements A B C D
1 I improvised a sack and stuffed the
found bought managed opened
books into it.
I settled my sack comfortably on my
2 shoulders and strode off the little square stepped out ran off looked to measured
3 I fancied he looked suspicious and I thought hoped imagined doubted
trembled slightly.
4 It was then that all the implications of inferences roots situations complications
my act revealed themselves.
5 I fervently hoped an air of rumination hopefully passionately slowly unwillingly
and unconcern.
Non-bookish people are reluctant to
6 agree unwilling ready unauthorised
throw anything that looks like a book.
I do not know how long I strayed up and
7 looked walked wandered stationed
I thought I was shrinking and
8 disgraceful noble strange dishonest
contemptible coward.
In all probability, they would think it was
9 situation liability opportunity likelihood
a baby.
I was not disturbed as I knew that I could
10. torture custody remand inquiry
bear investigation.

6. The man Who was a Hospital

Important Synonyms
Statements A B C D
1 The acute stage of the disease was
intensive quick slow luminous
about to come.
2 The writer’s face was ghastly pale. clearly lovely constantly horribly
3 I idly turned the leaves and began to
eagerly actively poorly lazily
study diseases indolently.
4 Reading the advertisement, I
guided brought forced engaged
was impelled to the conclusion
5 I felt it as a sort of slight. insult injury attack abuse
The diagnosis seems to correspond with symptoms of causes of identification
6 assumption
all the sensations that I have ever felt. disease disease of disease
Gout, in its most malignant stage, had
7 mild harmful fearful strong
seized me.
8 I had Bright's disease in a modified form. special altered harmless minute
The only malady I had not got was
9 disease symptom fortune relief
housemaid's knee.
He thought that he was suffering from a
10. soft last chronicle deadly
disease in its most virulent form 6

7. My financial Career
Important Synonyms
Statements A B C D
1 The manager thought that I was a
manager baron spy millionair
2 So I shambled in and looked timidly
ran waddled broken described
3 Reckless with misery, I made a plunge. hasty confident careful confused
4 My voice was sepulchral. shaking confident gay gloomy
5 The manager looked at me in some
anger hope fear frustration
I went up to the accountant’s wicket and
6 handed pushed given hit
poked the ball of money at him.
I made a wretched attempt to look like a
7 miserable happy ending fair
man with a fearfully quick temper.
become become
8 When I go to a bank I get rattled. become angry enjoyed
greedy nervous
‘Are you going to deposit anymore?’ said
9 astounded relaxed feared annoyed
the clerk, astonished.
So I shambled in and looked timidly
10. happily nervously carefully surprisingly

8. China’s Way to Progress

Important Synonyms
Statements A B C D
1 It is Mao’s famous saying, ‘Rely on your
machines tools resources methods
own forces.’
2 The gigantic Chinese social experiment mysterious huge farmer Mechanical
does not only concern Asia.
The Western countries realized the
3 absurdity of the past oblivision for concern stupidity wilfulness wisdom
having China neglected.
4 The Chinese girl student does a few stealing robbery
chores in the house. work
5 The communes help those who are disable helpful vigorous dynamic
physically handicapped.
The Chinese regime has maintained
6 progress forbearance intelligence livelihood
minimum subsistence level.
Political control over the masses not only
7 power emigration contribution invasion
stops the exodus from the countryside.
China is growing longer with the
8 mounting awareness of the guild for increasing decreasing valuable important
having her out of UN.
The Western countries realized the
9 absurdity of the past oblivision for talent reality vision forgetting
having China neglected.
China is the fashion around with no
10. unsure unwanted unseen ordinary
uncertain terms. 7

9+10 (Hunger and Population explosion + Jewel of the World)

Important Synonyms

Statements A B C D
A Choose the correct option for the underlined word. (8)
Nine and a half million
1 prospered agreed died weakened
people perished in a single famine
2 The Umayyad dynasty was wiped out in rule country city family
the East.
The Turks were infuriated by the
3 occupation of the richest Turkish sleepy angry successful delighted
The legendary lady was sitting like a
4 famous old young new
crumbling doll.
5 Chips wore a tattered grown. silky new precious torn
6 Nor was Mustafa Kamal a lenient master. harsh hard soft strict
Week by week little encounters
7 discussions openings fights meetings
The tremendous population explosion is
8 rapid huge dangerous flowing
taking place.

13. Sir Alexander Fleming

Important Synonyms

Statements A B C D
Lister's aim was the prevention of
1 stopping treatment spread study
It was not just modesty that made him
2 proud simplicity Humility weakness
say this
3 At twenty, Fleming received a share in property Inheritance capital wealth
4 There was no solution- and the problem very strange very great real old
was tremendous.
5 Instead of chemicals heat was used to make germ-
polish wash dry
sterilize instruments. free
Presumably, the spore of the mould was
6 knowingly early rarely probably
blown in through the window.
And regretfully Fleming turned to other
7 repentantly hopefully carefully instantly
The discovery of penicillin stimulated
8 started excited inhibited empowered
new research to find something better.
Fleming protested that such gratitude
9 complaint praise gratefulness honour
was not due to him.
Fleming always insisted that he
10. persisted explained accepted rejected
discovered penicillin by chance. 8

14. Louis Pasteur

Important Synonyms

Statements A B C D
A Choose the correct option for the underlined word. (8)
1 High explosives were used extensively. generally usually freely slowly

2 Injecting carbolic acid was abandoned

given up adopted practiced prevailed
3 The epidemic was devastating the silk
progressing encouraging growing destroying
4 Pasteur abolished these superstitions
favoured created eliminated changed
5 Lister was medical peer of Pasteur. fellow foe enemy teacher
6 He got prize for his fidelity. bravery loyalty interest responsibility
7 In practice, there was an obstacle. point problem hurdle stage
Pasteur abolished these superstitions
8 matters dreams ideas false beliefs

Full Book Important Synonyms

1. Each star makes its voyage in complete loneliness. (a) Journey (b) Restlesness (c) Address (d) Satisfaction
2. The universe earth gave birth to life. (a) Produce (b) Get (c) Achieve (d) Acquire
3. We are more critical than our forefathers. (a) Superstitious (b) Credulous (c) Illogical (d) Logical
4. In the past water was used sparingly. (a) Carefully (b) Lavishly (c) Luxuriantly (d) In plenty
5. Thrifty housewives preserved food in the past. (a) Frugal (b) Careless (c) Idle (d) Sluggish
6. Many students have the native ability. (a) Of the city (b) Inborn (c) Ready made (d) Appreciable
7. The boy himself can eradicate his nervous habits. (a) Compose (b) Hate (c) Praise (d) End
8. The boy must cultivate a poise that smothers the fidgets. (a) Depreciate (b) Enjoy (c) Strangle (d) Foster
9. There was fierce competition in the school. (a) Light (b) Enjoyable (c) Severs (d) Pleasant
10. The maid servant came to the attic to awaken them. (a) Upper floor (b) Cellar (c) Narrow room (d) Hall
11. Her voice sounded like a summons to damnation. (a) Paradise (b) Hell (c) Pleasure (d) Fair
12. It is absurd to keep the printed rubbish. (a) Wise (b) Silly (c) Appreciable (d) Agreeable
13. The books accumulated in the flat of the writer. (a) Contemptible (b) Nasty (c) Scattered (d) Gathered
14. The writer did not want to leave the books in tenancy. (a) Jail (b) Occupation (c) Freshness (d) surrounding
15. The writer was reading a patent liver-pill circular. (a) Obvious (b) Vague (c) Beautiful (d) disagreable
16. He was suffering from liver disease in virulent form. (a) Desirable (b) Pleasant (c) Weak (d) Strong
17. He turned the pages and began to indolently study diseases. (a) Vigorously (b) Actively (c) Lazily (d) Quickly
18. The writer shambled into the bank. (a) Entered vividly (b) Walked briskly (c) Drag one’s feet (d) Ran fast
19. The writer held his money in a crumpled ball. (a) Folded (b) Foot ball (c) Basket ball (d) Volley ball
20. The Occidental countries launched a warm hug to China. (a) Western (b) Eastern (c) Northern (d) Southern
21. The ascetic militant Chinese have uprooted the problems. (a) Hermit (b) Money-oriented (c) Troubled (d) Uplifted
22. Cultural Revolution freed China from cumbersome bureaucracy.(a) Pleasant (b) Money-oriented (c) Light (d) Burdensome
23. Robin Hood is presented poaching for the poor from the royal forests.(a) Whipping (b) Punching (c) Washing (d) Stealing
24. Nine and a half million people perished in a single famine. (a) Went to parsons (b) Went to churches(c) Died (d) Prospered
25. The study of the population growth shows the greatest paradox of our time. (a) Contradiction (b) Joy (c) Grief (d) Escalation
26. Lister was medical peer of Pasteur. (a) Fellow (b)Foe (c) Enemy (d) Teacher
27. Injecting carbolic acid was abandoned soon. (a) Given up (b) Adopted (c) Practised (d) Propagated
28. Lysozmye was forerunner of penicillin. (a) Destroy (b) Predecessor (c) Feeder (d) Breeder
29. Penicillin was hailed as a wonder drug. (a) Cheered (b) Denounced (c) Rejected (d) Depreciated 9

30. His father had been one of Napoleon’s conscripts. (a) Enemies (b) Opponents (c) Friends (d) Recruits
31. In 1948, Europe was politically upheaved. (a) Friendly (b) United (c) Rebelled (d) Developed
32. Pasteur proved that a substance free from life does not alter. (a) Change (b) Focus (c) Attract (d) Rise
33. At first the British High Commissioner demurred. (a) Objected (b) Rejected (c) Instructed (d) Admired
34. The Turks were infuriated by the occupation of the richest Turkish province. (a) Sleepy (b) Successful (c) Angry (d) Delighted
35. Taking his first class was tremendous ordeal for Chips. (a) Fun (b) Trial (c) Joy (d) Sport
36. The boys looked like little ruffians. (a) Worms (b) Babies (c) Angels (d) Rascals
37. Chips assumed a scowl in his first class. (a) Worry (b) Confidence (c) Frown (d) Fun
38. Chips sat by the fire when the autumn gale rattled the windows.(a) Open (b) Shut (c) Paint (d) Clang
39. Chips was not conceited. (a) Ambitious (b) Intelligent (c) Proud (d) Humble
40. Mrs. Wickett’s house was ugly and pretentious. (a) Capacious (b) Showy (c) Odd (d) Simple
41. Despite assiduous teaching, Chips was not classical scholar. (a) Idle (b) Industrious (c) Defective (d) Deficient
42. Chips’ script was thin, spidery but very legible. (a) Readable (b) Illegible (c) Sloping (d) Fair
43. Just as marriage added something, so did bereavement. (a) Large (b) Narrow (c) Tiny (d) Small
44. Chips had won an uncharted no-man’s land of privilege. (a) Honour (b) Curse (c) Unwritten (d) Writer
45. Chips wore a tattered grown. (a) Torn (b) Silky (c) New (d) Precious
46. Brookfield fitted herself into England without disproportion. (a) Similarity (b) Difference (c) Influence (d) Prestige
47. The legendary lady was sitting like a crumbling doll. (a) Falling to pieces (b) Roaring (c) Laughing (d) Rising
48. The legendary lady was sitting like a crumbling doll. (a) Famous (b) Old (c) Young (d) New
49. Ralston was ruthless. (a) Merciful (b) Intelligent (c) Unforgiving (d) Diligent
50. The aims were clenched in deadlock from the sea to Switzerland. (a) Standstill (b) Freedom (c) Freed (d) Gripped

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