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Nutrition Assesiment and Monftoring and Evaluation Terminology

This is a combin€d Iisr of Nutrition Assessment and Mon itoring and Evaluarion
lerms. Indlcators thar arc shaded are used OM,Y for nutrition
assessment. The rcsr of thc indiceloG arE used for assessment and mon;tori
ng and evalualion. Each lcrm has an Academy uniq,re ident;6er, a five-di
number (e.9.,99999) following tic alpha-numeric IDNT code. 8it
Neirher should be visible in nutrition documenration. The Academ, unique identi6e
for data tracking purposes in el€cronic healrh records.

FOOD/NU'TRITION.RELATED HISTORY (FH) F.l ard choleslemt tnt ke (rj.l),contd

Food and nut.i.nt intake,Joodo"d autri.a, odninintoti.n, nedication a O Polyunsarurarcd f
conplehqtarylohenatie n dicirc us.. be*t, b.havio.
d FH,l.5.t.4 10047
l4od O MonounsaNmr.d far FH.tJ.t.5 t0048
ahd iupply awilobilD, phyric4t Gtirit, ard
Junclion, tuturion-ftlated poti.nt O Omc8a,3 fafty{cids FH- loo49
. I i. tt -c.n le rcd tue as w? s.
f, Di.rat cholcsr.rd Ft{-t.5.1.7 tC,050
Food and Nutrieot Inrake (l)
B Es*nrirl tafl) ,cids FH-15.1.8 t0o5l
Conposition oad od.q@ct oll@d ond n, intak, n.dt aall,ndck part..B. Prctein ln!.ke 0_<2)
.urrent @d pr.viors diets andtor lood nodilcatioB, od aatint ent immrd. O FH_IJ:.I tm53
EDtrSy Int I. (l.I)
O lliEh b'oloerc.l\atu. pmrcin F8-lJ.t: lm-r{
O FH-rj.:.3 lmsJ
To,al.n.r8 inta*. lfod aU ro,rc.s irctdiry J.nd,,, b..qtdityJomuk.
o wh.) FH-|J:.4 tooi6
s, dnd vio enAral ad pQar.tul rort.s. O Aminoaci4s
Etre.8y intr*. (I.r.l)
FH_IJ2J lm57
O Er€.rirl amino.cids FH-I.J.2.6 t0O58
O Tolll.eryy inrakc rH-t.l.l.t roooj Carbohydrate intsk. (r J.3)
Food .Dd B.r.!ag. Int*.02) O Tor.l ..rbohydmlc
@,|::rt, ad patkn oJ intak o!l@d, ad
FH-tJ3.l t0o60
?p.., lood e@ups, iadic.s o!die, qiatit!, Sugs
tr FH-1J32 loo6l
ir,ake olfuidr, brcBtnitk ahd i^laa,lomata Q Starch FH-tjJj 10062
Fluid/b.v.rrer hlakc (r 2.1) O Glyccmic ind.x FH-lJj.4 10063
tr Oralfruids !H-r2.l.l O Clyc.mic load FH,lJ.jJ 1006r
O Foodncnv.d Ruids Hl.l2.t, I0oO9
tr Solrcc rfcarbohydraG FH-1J.3.6 10065
O Liquid r.ptac.ment o.supplcrncnr FH-t2.rj tooto
O Insulinro-.arbohydnr€ nrio FH-IJJ_7 10066
Food k.(rlJ)
int fiber lnt k€ (1514)
O AmQmof food FH-122.1 Q Tohtfib.. r}I_tj.4.l lm66
O Typ.s offood/rEak fii22.2 O Solubl.6bc. FH- lm69
O Mcd/sn!.k parErn FH-1.22j tml4 O lnsoluble fib.r FH-|J_43 l0O7O
O Dicr q'j.liry indq fitt22A roots ]lIisonutrieDt Int2kG (1.5)
I O Food v.ricry F]fl,.I22S t00l6 Utddin oad dinerdlintak fud dlt rou@s,.8.,lood,bew.o8er. supplzru ts,tut
8..:sttnll*.ilnfa.r forDuta hrrt O.23) rio.ntenl and parcikral b cs.
O arlast.nilk irlak. FH.I,23 I t00l8 vila6ir inlake(I.6.1)
O Llanr fmula in6le FU-t _23-2 r00r 9 o A0) 10073 tr Niacir(8) 10080
Enteral :nd Prtt terst Nutritioi trtak. (13) O C(2) t0074 O Fot.te (9) t0o8l
Sp.cidliz..l nut itioa kta*, Jrod alt ,ourc.s, . A., .nt.rat and pa,.nteraj o D(3) roo75 0 86(10) IOO82
'uptort o E(4) too?6 e Br2( ) lm8j
Entcral rutrtahtr inlrke (rl.l) O K(5) tfi11 tr pdrod.nic &id (12) 10084
O Thiarnin t0078 q Biori, (lj) 10085
FIJ,l -1. t.1 lm?2 3 Ribof;.\ino)
U Fedinr rub. f,ush IOO?9 O MuhiviLnfi 0a) r0oE6
FH-l J. t.2 lm23 lolririon tnbk. (13-2) I\lin.rayeho.rr lor.I. (l 6-2)
Calcium r I) IOO89 O CopFr(lt) 10099
FH-t 32.1 t0025 Chtoridcr2l
O lv Ruadr Ftl-l-l:2
O tOOgO O (t2)
to<tin. lotm
10026 l.or(3)
O lmgl O s.l.nium(I3) r0lol
Bioacov. Subsrrrct In.ak. (14) Magncsium (a)
plaN arcldndst ml
O loo92 O Msrarncs. ( t4) lotm
Alcohol, csters, soy Wtcin, pr! iLm oadA-gtucan,and Polassiu,n (5)
O rm93 O Cl,mmiutn (15)
cafein. intak tol03
funa soutc.s,.A.,M, be.a8.r. supptedc s. cnd vio.nt..dt B thosphorus (6) t0o9r O Motyb&num(t6) r0t04
dnd but.s. O Sodiumr?) 10095 O aoDnfl?) rolo5
Alcohol hi2k! (1.4.r) O Ziic(8) 10096 O Cobatr08) r0to6
O Drinr !i&/volum. O Sulrarc (9) looy/ O Mulr-drEnt(t9)
oFr.qucocy ffi.i:ii i$3; O (lo) lm98
O Mulri-rr!.. ctcrnent (20) lot08
O Parr.m of.tcohol corsumprion F}l-t.4.t3 tm3l Food end Nutrienr Admlntstratiotr (2)
Blorctiv. suh6rrlte inrikc (1.42)
Cumnt o"d peviou! di.ts oadlot!@d nodifcatioB,.atint vituntu^Land
FH-t.42.t tm34 .at.rul ond natition addkbnoriq.
Q cs&6 srml Flt-t.42.2 to8oz
o soy procin Di€l Htslory (2.r)
F'H-1.423 t0o35 D*aiptioa olJood atui d'ini ngutar, ptoeid.d ot co'(lun .r, pa$ dict
o Bylliuln Ff,-t.4.24 10827 loltowcd
o F-rlucan otpfttctib.d ahd couq.liry r.c.itcd, ad ,h. .oriat.nvi@M.dt.
FH-t4_2i loo37
O Food .dditiv.s (rp.crr) F:f.-t.42.6 tm3E DIcl ord.r (2.1.1)
O Ohff(rp.c';t) F'H-t.42.r t0039 Q Gcncr"l, h@lhful dict t-H- lO 3
Crfidn lDtrt. (1,{J) O It odin.d did FH:2_1_t.2 l0 4
O Toulc Lin B E r.r!l nlrririon ordc. Fl.t-2.t.13 lo j
r-H_1.4.3.t Im4t O q&. rnuke (t 5)
Parcnr.ral nurritioo FH,2.t.1.4 lOIl6
Di.l eiperi.D(e (2.1:)
Fat ond,, ca.bohrdtut.. @rd jrN ihtate ,6-on all ,ourc.t
incl ud i d e lood. baeru S. !, s uppt ne ats, and via e .rat and parcnk,at @ut.s
O Prcviously pGscribcd did! FH,2.l2.t t0ll8
OPrlvrousdi.Lhutririoncduc{rjon/coun*tin8 tl+-2-tJ2 I0lt9
rat.trd chot.s.;rot int ke (r5.1) O S.lf-s.ldrcd di./s fottow.d
O Tohl FIt.2.t2J tOt2O
far FH'lJ-l-l l(fi44 O Dcrin8 arampG FH-2-l-2_4 l0l2l
o far
lX.lii3 lffi:

7't 4th Edition

Nutrition Assessment and Monitorihg and Eyaluation Terminology, cont'd
Frting envimnnent (2,13) Nleal!ilne b€ha!ior (s.4), coot'd
O lr.ation FH-2.13.1 t0123 O willinSncss to lry n€w foods FH-5.43 lo lE0
O Atmosphe.. F1l- t0124 O L imn.d numb.r of ! foods FH-5.4.9 rol8l
O Carcgiv€r/companion FH'21.33 10,25 O Rigid s.nsory p..f.Ences FH,5.4. rO lotE2
O Approprial. br.astfeeding a4ommodations/fsility FH- tot26 Scial ne.rork (5s)
O Fi$alorc FH-2.1J5 tot2l O Abilityto build and utilia so.ial nelqork IJH,5J,I 10t84
Entersl sDd parcnleral trulrition rdDiritralior @.r.4)
Facaors Atfecting Access ao Food and Food./Nutrition-Related
o Ent ral acccss FH'2 1'4 1 t0129
O Parcnteral access FH-2'l'4 2 t0l3u Supplies (6)
potirion, EN FH'2 1.4-3 to80l facto.t thdt al.ct int.t. oat^diLrbitiD ol., rulTci.nt quodrit)- olsl..]t.uhhfut
O Body
lood as wll as loo.l/ a, t i t ion - re ldte d ! u PPI ie s.

Medicrtion rnd Complem€ntary/Alternativ€ Itledicine Use (3) Food./Eotrition pm8nm prrticiFlior (6.1)
Prcs.ription ond otetnh.-tout.t ne.ticatkns, i^.lu.ling hr.bal ptPo.otions d^.t I EliSabrht ttr 8o\.m*nr Pogmms F1t6.l.l lol87
. o4pl. de 4!a ry] dt t. n@ 6. \cd i. td. wduc t B.d
t -
f Panic,p.rion in Eo\cmm€nl prc8Ems FH{.1.2 10183
Itedidtions (3.r) C Eliribitily for conhuni{} prc€ems Ftl-6.11 10189
O medicalion us FH_3.1.1 ltl820 g Panicrp.rion in communily p.ognms FIt_6 1 4 l0l9o
O oTC mcdic.rion us. FH_l ll l0ll1 Safe l@d/meal .r.ilebiliu (6-2)
O Misus oi m.dicaoon FH-3 13 10135
O Alailabiliry ofshopping facilitics FllS: l 10192

Complemeot ry'Alternati!. Ilcdicirc (3J) O Pixurcmcnt ofsafc food FH4.22 108fi)

ONuvilon-relst€dcompl€rcnury/alGmalivc Fl'l'32.1 10137 O Approprilt. m.alprcpacdon facilitics Fll'623 10194
O Availabihy of safc food sloEg. FA42-4 10195
O Approp.iarc noragc tcchniqu. F-tl-6:J 10196
KnowledgotseliefvAttitudet (4) O lderlification of saf€ food Fx52.6 10801
IJ nd.rctondin| of nrtition-relate.I coa.eptt and conrictibn o! th. tuth ond leelinsl (63)
Sare i{sler at.ilabiliq
€tutioB to||dld en nu,ritioi-relor..l stat.n nt ot Ph.nwno4 olonS enh
O Av.ilabilily of porablc sat.r FH{3.1 10198
e9 readircst to.h4n8. nu/fitiod-t lat .l b.h4|iott. FH{32
O Apprcpnarc watcrdeconkmination 10199
I'l r@d ljid nulrition knowledge/seil (4.1)
F@d and nuEllion-Elated suppli6 cvail.bilitJ (6.t)
!, O ArsG) and lcv.l of*rowl.dgdsrill FH-4.1.1 10848
O Access to food .nd nutrilion-r.l.lcd suppli.s Ftl54.l loml
O DirgDosis sp..ific orglobal nutrition-rclalcd FH-4.1: t0143
O Acc.srro 6sisriv..alint FH_6.4.2 tO2O2
0, t-116.43
O Acccss lo arsistiv. food prcp@tion dcviccs 10203
o Belht!.rd aititudes (4r)
tr Conflicr eith pcBonal/family valE syst m
FH-42.1 10145 Physical Activity and Function (7)
O ima8.
Distort d body FU422 10116 actiio*, cognitive oad phtskol abilit, to .aSoS. in sP.cilc tcrkt,..8.,
O tud'oGlif. de<i.,onr FH 4.lJ lOI4; h.cas[..dias. s.U J..din 8
o Monvauon 1.-lj4.2.4 lol48 BrBstfeedins (7.r)
O Precupation wift food,hudcnt! F1].125 10149 O tnitiation of b..aslfecding FH-7.t.1 I0206
O Pr€o.cupation wirh weight , FH42l 10150
O Du6tion ofbrcasrfeding F71-7.12 10207
O Rcadi&ls lo charg. nutrition-rclaLd behavioB F1l42i lol5l O Exclusiv. brcastfccdi nt FH-7.t3 to20E
O Sclf<fficacy F1{-42-8 10152 O B c-asdccdins problems FH-7.1.4 10209
tr Sclf-tzlUcognitions F'H-4.?.9 t0153
O U.Mlisric nur.irior'rclal.d goak FH-r2.10 l0l5t Nutnrior.r!1.{cd ADL iod IADk (71)

o unr.i.nrific beticf!/axnudcs FH-4:. 10155

f Ph)5i!alabilit) lo compl.k talki fc'( f'H-71.1 I02II
O Food prefc.enc.s ft14.2-12 10156 prcpaaliotr
FII'4.2.13 10157 C Phyecal abilny to rclf-fe.d FIt-1.2.2 tozt2
O Emodons
3 Abrl'r) to posirion s.lf in rclalion lo plalc FH-1-2.3 l02l3
Behavior (5) O Rec.iv.s assistsnc. wi$ intakc FH72A l02l4
Pati.n clienl octititi.s old octioB, \|hich n$u.nce ol nutrit ionreldt.d O Abiliry adaplivc caling dcvi6
to ue FIt 7.25 l02l5
O Cognitivc ability lo colnplct. rdks for FI1-7 -2-6 t02l6
mcal pcpmdotr

O Sclf Eponed s.or

adhcBnce FI{'5.1.1 10160
A Rcmembers to cat Ftt-t 2.7 r0r39
FH-5.1.2 O R.c.lls.atin8 Flt-7.2-E t02t 6
O Nutrition lisn arendanc. 1016l
O Mini Mental Slstc Eramination ScoE FH-1.2.9 10219
O Abiliry to ecall nurnrion goals FH_5.1.3 10162
FH-5.1.4 O Nur.irioniclatcd activiries ofdaily livint Flr-7.2.r0 t0220
O S.lf-monilorin8 ar aerccd upon rrtc 10163
O S.lf-mdagcmcnr s asrc.d upon FH-5.1J 1016.1
tr Nutririon-rclarcd a.livitid of FH,7-2.11 to22t
Aroi&r.! behaYior (S-2) daily livins (IADL) scorc
O Avoidancc Fll-5.2-l 10166
F.}j-5-2-z Physlcal aclility (73)
B Rcstriciivc cating 10167
FTI-s.2J O Physical activity hislory FII-73.1 to2?3
O C.u* oflloidanc. bchavior l0l6E
O Consistcncy F+t-'t i2 t0224
BirS€io8 ed pursln8 behavior (53) FH-733 10225
O BinSc catins b.h.vior FH-53.1 10170 O Duration Flr-?3.4 to126
O Pu.sjns bchavior FH-532 l0l7l O Inl.osity F1{-73J to221
M.dfr* behifior (S.4) O T)F of physical actiliry FH-73.6 toz?a
O M..l dumtion FH-5_4.1 l0r?,1 O StEn$h ff,7-3.7 t0229
O Pcr..nt of m.allimc rpent.ating FH-5.4.2 l0 t?4 FH.7J,8 10230
O Pftf.rcn.. to drink mrhc. tha, .at FH-5.4.1 t0175 O Orhd s.dcstary lctivity rirlc Ft{-73.9 10231
O Rcfusl to@t/chcw FH-5.4.:r 10t76 O lnvolunt rJ' mov.rn€nr FH-73.10 t0232
O Spitlint faod out FH 5,4J tot11 O NEAT FH-7J.ll 10233
O RLtmination FH-5.4.6 10178
O fatigE dunns fc.ding FH,5.4.7 l0l?9
proccs rcsuking in inadeq!.tc iniakc

4th Edition
Nutrition Assessment and Evaluation lbrminology, cont'd
Factors alfecting access lo physiel activity (7.4) Gastrointestinal profi le (1.4), cont'd
O Neighborhoodsalety FH-7.4.1 lO82Z O Gastric emptying time BD-1.4.20 10290
O Walkability of neighborhood F'H-7 .4.2 10823 0 Small bowel transit time BD-t.4.21 t029t
Q hoximity to parks/grcen spacc FH-7.43 IOBZ4 Q AMominal films BD-l.4.22 10292
D Access to physical activity facilities/prognms F1i-7.4.4 10825 E Swallow study BD- l .4.23 10293

Nutrition-Related PatienUClient-Centered Measures (8) Glucose/endocrine profi le (l 5)

Palientlclient's perccption o1 his or hcr nutrition interuention and O Clucose, fasting an | < r
is impacr on lile.
EI Glucose, casual BD- ! -s.2 l0?96
Nutrition quality of life (8.r)
O HgbAlc BD- r _5.3 r0:97
O Nutrition quality oflifc rcsponses FH-8.1.1 10236 fl Prepmndial capillary plasma glucose BD- 1.5.4 r0298
ANTHROPOMETRIC IT{EASURENIENTS O Peak postprandial capillary plcma glucose BD- l .5.5 l0?99
Height, weight, hody mass index (BMl), grou,th pattern indices!perct ntilc rank, and
0 Glucose tolemncc test BD" I J.6 10300
weight history. O Cortisol level BD-i.5.7 10301
EI lcF-binding protein BD. i J.8 I0-lo2
Body compositiodgrowtVweight history (l.f )
Q Th1'roid function tests 1TSH,T4,T3) BD-1.5.9 r0303
O Height/length AD-r.l.l t0239 O Pituitary hormone tests (CH,ACTH, LH, FSH) BDl.5.l0 10826
O Weight AD-1.t.2 10240
0 Fmm sire Infl ammatorJ profi le (1.6)
AD-l.l.-l to24l
0 Weight change AD- 1.1.4 t0242
D C-reactivc prctein BD-1.6.t r0305
Q Body mrsindex AD-r.15 t0243 Lipid pm6le.(1.7)
O Growth panem indiccs/perccnrilc maks AD-1.r.6 t0244 0 Cholcstcrol. serum BD-1.7,r 10307
O Body ompartment estimates AD.I .I .? to245 O Cholestercl. HDL BD- 1.7.2 r0308
0 Cholesterol, LDL BD-r.73 10309
BIOCHEIVIICAL DATA, I!{EDICAL TESTS O Cholesterol, non-HDL BD-1.7.4 103r0
ANDPROCEDURES GD) O Total cholestercl:HDL cholestcrcl BD- r .7.5 r03 il
laboratory data, (e.g., electrolytes, glucose, and. lipid. panel) and tests (e.g., gastric Q LDL:HDL BD-1.7.6 10312
emptying liru, resting metabolic rate). O Triglycerides, serum BD- 1.7.7 10313
Acld-bm balane (l.l) I\lelabolic rate pmfile (18)
0 Arterial pH BD-l.l.l 10248 0 Resting mctabolic mtc, memurcd BD-1.8.1 10315
0 Arterial bicarbonate BD-l.l: to?49 O Respimtory quoticnt, mmured BD-1.8.2 10316
O Partial prcssurc ofcarbon dioxide in arterial BD-1.r.3 10250 Mineral prcfile (1.9)
blood, PaCO2
Q Copper, serum or plsma BD-1.9.1 t0318
El Partial pmsurc of oxygen in arterial blood. paO2 BD-l .r.4 to25 I 0 lodine, urinary cxcretion BD-r.9.2 103r9
Q Ycms pH BD.I.I J 10252 Q Zinc, serum or plasma BD-r.9.3 r0320
D Vcnousbiqrbonate BD- l .l .6 10253 0 Boron, serum or plasma BD-t.9.4 10841
Eleclrolyte and mnal profile (12) E Chromium, scrum or urinary BD-I.9J to8/z
Q BUN BD-1.2.1 t0255 E Fluoride, plasma BD-t.9.6 10843
El Crotininc BD-t.22 t0256 0 Manganesc, urinary, blood, plasma BD-1.9.7 10844
O BUN:crotininc mtio BD-I23 10257 Q MolyMenm,*rum BD-1.9.8 10845
El Glomerular filtmtion ate BD-12.4 10258 O Selenium, scrum or urinary BD-1.9.9 10846
0 Sodium BD-125 r0259 Nutritionat anemia prodte 11.101
O Chloride BD-t2_6 10260 O Hemoglobin BD-t.l0.l 10323
0 Potsium BD-l:.7 1026I
El Magneium
0 Hematarit BD-1.102 t0324
BD-I2.E 10262 El lrlcan corpurula volumc BD-1.10.3 10325
0 Calcium,srum BD-1.2.9 t0263
O Calcium, ionizcd
0 Red blood ccll folatc BD-1.103 t0376
BD-t.2.10 10264 O Red cell distribution widrh BD-1.10.5 t0327
O Phosphorus BD- 1.2.1I 10265
O Bl2, serum BD-1.10.6 10328
E Scrum osmolality BD-t.7.t2 10266
O Methylmalonic acid, serum BD-1.t0.7 10329
O Panthyroid homone BD-12.13 t0267 O Folate, serum BD-1.10.8 10330
Essertiel fatty acid profite (13) E Hommysteinc, serum BD-1.t0.9 1033 I
o Tricnc:Tetraene ratio BD-1.3.1 to269 0 Feritin, serum t0332
GaskointestlDal pmfi le (1.4) Q [ron, scrum BD-r.l0.l I 10333
0 Alkalinc phosphatas BD-1.4.1 to27 t
O Total iron-binding capacity BD-t.10.12 r0334
O Alaire am.inotransfcrui, ALT BD-t.4.2 to272 0 Tmnsferin satumtion BD-r.10.13 10335
0 Aspanatc aminotransfemsc, AST BDI.4J 10273 Pmtein profile (l.ll)
O Gamma glutamyl tmnsfemc, GGT 8D.t.4.4 to274 O Albumin BD-r.ll.1 10337
0 Cstric rcsidual volum Bll.45 t0275 0 Prealbumin BD-t.l l, tn?.lt
O Bilirubin, total BD-r.4_6 to276 O Tmsferin BD-l.ll.3 10339
Cl Ammonia,senm BD-1.4.7 to277 0 Phenylalaninc, plasma BD-l.ll.4 1034{)
0 Toxhology rcpon, including alcohol BD-1.4.8 rcn8 O '[}rosine, plama BD-l.ll5 t0341
Cl Prothrombin time, PT BD-t.4.9 t0279 O Amino acid, othcr, spccify BD-l.l1.6 10342
O hrtial thromboplrtin timc, PTT BD-1.4.i0 10280 O Antibody levcl. spccify BD-t.l1.7 10343
O INR (mtio) BD-1.4.1I 1028 I O Crbohydnte-dcfi cicnt transfcrin BD-l.t 1.8 10847
O Fal fat Et-1.4.12 10282
Urine prefile (1.12)
E emylu BD-1.4.13 10283
Et Urinc color BD-r.r2.l r0345
O Lipm BD-1.4.14 10284
O O6cr digstivc @yrrc (specifi)
Q Urinc osmolaliry BD-i.12.2 103.46
BD-1.4.15 r0285
O Urine specific gnvity BD- 1.12.3 t0347
B Dxylosc Bll.4.t6 10286
Cl Hydrogcn buth
0 Urinc tcst, spccify BD-1.12.4 10348
test BD-1.4.17 10287
B O Urine volume BD-1.125 r0349
lntcstinal biopsy BD-1.4.18 10288
O Stml culturc BDl.4.l9 10289

79 4th Edition
Nutrition Assessment and Monltorlng and Evaluation Terminology, cont'd
sulrltlont.hntcd medicaUhe.lth hislorl (2.1), cort'd
Pati.dclicnt OR femily
YitamiD pmfk (r.13)
O \atadn A.serum or Plasma reinol BD.I r3.l 10351 specily isr.(s ) aad whether it is pqlieit/cti.nt history (P) or fumitv hLtoo ( F )
O Mlamin C,Pl6ma orserun BDI r3.2 10352 O Gssrroint€stinal CH-2.15 10390
BD,I 10353 (specily) PorF
O Vitamin D,25 hydtoxy 13.3

O \4tamin E, plasha alphalo{oPheml aD-l 134 t035.1 O Cymcologiczl cH,2.t.6 lo39l

O Thimin,tctivily ccfficicnt for crythmcvl. BDI t 3.5 \sp.cib)
rmnskdol4e lctivily '03J: O HcnErolo8yoncology CH-2j 1 to392
O Riboflavin. activity co€flicicnt forcrybcvt BLL I . r 3.6 r0356 I'pcciJy\
rluralhione Educla* .cti!nY
C tmmun. {c€ sllarics) CH'2.1.8 10393

O Niacin, unnary N'mclh) I'nicolinamid. BD-l tl.? r0357 \'?..ih)

O Inretument8y cH-2.1.9 i0194

O vitamin 86, plasma or s€ruin PyridoJ(.l aD L t3.E r0358 Gpecilt)

5'phosphatc conccrtr.tio,' O nlus.'rloskcLt l CH'2 l.lo 10195

BD r _8.9 (rr'.6,r) Po' F

O Pantothcnic, urinary Pantothenarc toE50
O Ncorclogic.l CH_2.1 1I 10396
O Biotin, uialry S.hyd.oryisovalcric acid BD,r.1l.t0 l0E5 r
O Psychologictl cH-2.1.12 1039?
crcredon or lydpho.yl€ Propionyl{oA
carboxllase in prcsnancY. scrum
O Rcspi6lory cH-2.t.t3 r039E
rihdines fun dn .valuono^ ;J bod! syrtetu, nusct. ond subcetdneous lal wdrtins O Orh€r - cH-2.1.t4 r0399
otut h.ouh. rucldNollo||tbtath. abilitt. apPetit., oad alJ..L
Nutritio!.fo.u*d physical fi ndings (r.l) Treatm€Dts/thcnp, (2.2)
O Oler.ll app€atance PD- l.l.I r0362 Docudeit.d nc.licol o. sut|ical rreottutxs that ruf tnryt nuttitia^.l ltdrus oi th.
O Body lansuage PD-r.1.2 10363 B Medical lt,mcnL/Gcmpy CH'22.1 l040l
O Catdiovasular-pulmonary PDl.l3 10364 O Sursicil trcdrDcnt c,1'222 l0?oz
lsDaih\ (specily)
O Erttmirics, musclcs aDd boncs PD- 1. r.4 t0365 O Palli.$ve/cnd-of-l;fc crr. cH-22.3 10404
O Discsliv. sysrcm (mourh to rc.tum) PD.I,IJ 10366
(specily') Social History (3)
O Hsd rnd cycs PD- 1.1.6 10367 Potienlclient soilo.cononk t ttut, housiry sit@non. tudicol caft ta??or't ad
inro!\'de$ in s6ial trcupt.
O Neres and cog.irion PD-I.IJ 10368
Soci.l hinory (3.1)
lsp.cilt) tr Socio..onomic factoE cH,3.l.l 10407
O Skin PD,t.l.E 10369
( O Livine,ft ousing sioation cH-3.12 r0408
O Vital sit s PD-l -t 9 t0370
O Dom.'tic irsucs cH-3.13 roz()9
C So.ial ud rn dical support cH.3.1.4 t04l0
Curt.a ann pasr ialoma*n rclat d,o Pccml rudicol,I@ilr, ond sociol hi|@rt.
Personsl tlistory (l) O CnogBphic locttion of homc cH-3.r J to4l I
Gea.rut pari.n lc\.it inlorunot such 6 dt., |cnd.L rcc.l.thnicity, ldryuate.
.du.ation, ad dle inl@nlr. il Occlp.doa cH-3-1.6 tut2
Persord (r.r) Q Rcligion cH-3.1.7 10413
O Agc CII'l.l.l 10374
O Gcdc. CH-l.ll 10375
O Hisrory of t@m crisis cH-3.1.8 I0414
O Rac./Etnicity CH-1.13 10376
O Lsngua8c CH-1.1.4 tO37'7
O Daily rtrcss lcvcl cH-3.19 I04I5
tr f..l,o6 CH-1.15 103?8
tr Edu.ariq CH-1.1.6 10379 COMPARATI}'E STANDARDS (s)
El RolG hfamily CH-t.1.7 10380
O Tob'cco usc CH-I 1.8 l03El Energ/ Needs (l)
o Physicrl dis.biliry cH-1.1.9 10382
Estimatld crc.B/ Delds (r.r)
B Mobiltty CII'I-1.10 10383
O Total cn.rgy .rdmat.d n.eds cs,l.l.r 104t9
O M.thod for .stimating n..4s cs- r.l -2 10420
Patieot/Cledt/Fsmily MedicayH€alth History (2)
Pati.ntlcli.n ot l@ntr diseBc stur.t, @nditioB, and illaesses that no! hat Macronotrient Needs (2)
Estimatcd trt nee.1s (2.1) OR fdily ruEltior-orienlcd medicruhcalth htsrory (2.r) O 'tolal fa( cnimar.d nc.ds cs-z.1.1 to42:
Spe.i1! a,n I is poti.n cli.N hisrory (P) orfMit! hisbl, (F) O Typc of fal nccdcd cs-2. t-2 l0424
O Pad.nt/clcnt chicf rutritioo complaint CH'2.1.1
O lt{e6od for etimating nc.ds cs-2.1J r0425
Estimxled prot"In n..d5 (22i
tr Cardiov&r.ul& CH'2.1.2 10387
(sPaih, PotF O Tor.l Gtimarcd n..ds cs-2.2.t tu27
tr Endocrir.Jtrlctsbolhm CH-2.1.3 10388 O Typc of protcin n..dcd cs-2.2 2 t042E

(spccrli PorF O M.rhod for cstimatitrt Eds cs,2.23 to!.z9

O ExcEtory CH-2.14 I0389
(sp.c'h) PotF

4th Edirion 80

Nrrtiition Assessment and Moriitoring and Evaluation Terminotogy, cont'd
Eslime.ed c.rbohydra.e trecds (23)
Eslin.ted n€.ds (42)
O Tolal cadohydraG cstimated nceds cs-2.3.r lo43t B (l)
Calcium t0460 O Coppcr ( I l) l0.r7l
O Typ. of.rbohydEt. ,c!d€d cs-2_3_2 tu32 O Chloridc (2)
O Mcthod forcnimaring n@ds
to46l O Iodinc ( l2) tu73
cs-2.1.3 t0433 O Irci (3) t0462 O Selenium ( 13) 10474
Enlmstcd ffLe. med! (21) tr Magncsium(4) t0463 O Maneancs. (14) t0,4']5
O Total fibcr .sdlrlal.d n@ds cs-2 4.1 r0435 O Poussium(J) 10464 tr Ch6miu'h ( 15) tu16
O Typ. of 6bcr nc.dcd CS 2,42 O Phosphorus (6) O Molybd.num
10436 t0465 (16) lU 1-7
El Method for cnimarirt nc.ds c5.2 r 3 to{37 O Sodn,rn (7) ,0466 O Boron rl?) 10.{78
nuid n"eeds (3)
O Zrc (8) 10{67 O Cobalr E) t(Mrs
C Sulfac (9) 10469 O MeIhod foresumaring 10480
Edlna(.d no n!cd'(3.I)
O Fluoridc (10) t0470
O Tol.l fluid .srimat.d n.cds cs 3.t.t 10440
O l{crhod for.s(im.ring ncdt cs3'2 I{X-11 ll'eight and Crowth Recommendarion (5)
iUicrohutri€rlr Needs ({) R.omm.nd.d body p€itho/body mN Indergm$th (5.1)
O ld.ayrcr.En& body *.ish 0aw) Cs,s.l.l
Estlnrtcd vlt mtr nccds (4.I) 10463
O Rccommcnd.d bdy mss indcx (BMr)
o A(l) to444 O Nircin (E) r045r O D.siEd grcwih pa(cm
cs-5.t.2 1048.1

il C (21 t0445 O Folar. (9) 10452

CS.5.l 3 IGi85
o D(3) t0446 o 86 (r0) 10453
o E (4) tu4j o Br2 0 t) 10.154
o K (5) 10448 O Panrorhcnic .cid (12) 10455
O Thi.,nin (6) 10449 O Biorin (13) r0456
O Riboflavin (?) 10450 O Mclhod for.srimating 10458

8t 4lh Edition
Nutrition DiagnosticTerminolos/
Each term has anAcademy uniquc identifrer, a fivc-digit numbcr (c.g.,99999) fouoq'ing the alpha-numeric IDNT code. Neithershould be visible in
nutrition documentation. The Acadcmy uniquc identificr is for dala trackinS purposes in elccuonic records.

INIAKE M ViIltnin (59)

D.ln d a, "act@t probLns rcla1..l to iltok oJ 2n t8!. auti.nts , fuid'. biooclirc O Inad.quab vihmin inlakc (ry..'r) Nt-5.9.t
tubstarc.t throrSh orul.liet ot n r,itioa sulrpo " tr A(l) 10679 trNi.cin (8) 10686
tr c (2) 10680 O Folar. (9) 10687
Energ/ Belancc (l) o D(3) r066t o 86(ro) r0688
Dejn.d at "@t@l or .stifut.d .&D\.t in .rury\ t$lo.ielkauu ) botance " o E i4) t0642 o Br2 (I ) 10689
O lncn.scd.neBy cxpcndilur. ltl-l.l 1063l a K (5) 1068l g Panro{ I l2) l n690
C lnad.quat..n.B) inrakc Nl-1.2 lo63t C Thiamin (6) 10684 :l Biotin (ll, r0691
O Er.Bsivccersy i.tal. Nl-1.3 10635 B Ribofla\i. (7) 10685
O PEdid.d*rgy inr.l Nl-1.4 10636 O Eressivc viramin iitat. (rF.ilt) Nr-5.9.2
O Prdict d.ressrr...cr8y inllt. 1063? oA ) 10694 g Niacin (t) t0701
o c (2) t0695 O Fol,r. (9) 10101
Oral or Nuktlion Suppod (2) o (3)
D 10696 o 86 00) l0?03
Dcjn d s 'octuol ot .stitrukdlod and b.t.rcs. iatat fun oftl .liet o. nutition B (4)E tO697 o Br2 0l) 10704
suppon conpor.d Nnh patieat Soal B K (5) rO69E O Pmto$r.ic .cid ( I 2) l0?05
O lDad.guar.@l inlak Nl-2.1 10639
O Thiamin (6) 10699 E) Biodn ( l3) l0?06
O Erc.ssivc oBl intalc Nl-2.2 106() O Riboflavin (7) l07m
O h.d.quat cnt.ral nutrition i uiio. NI-2.3 106'll
O nut.ition infBior Nl.2..l 106.{2
Miftrd (s.10)

O l,sr $s optimal €ntcnl nutritin composition NI-2J 10852 O lnad.quaL min.ral in$I. (rp.cit) Nl-5.10.t
O Calciuh (l) 10710 O Fluorid. (10) l07l9
O parcnreBl nutrilion i usion NI-2.6 106{4 tr (2)
Chlorid. l07l I O Copr..(ll) I0720

O Er.rssivc pent El nutrition infusion NI-2.7 10645

O hon(3) tolt? O lodin. (l2l 10721

O t ss thaD oprimal parEntcml nutrition cohpo6nion NI-2.8 108J3

O Magnsium (a) 10?13 U S.lenium (l3l 10722
O Potarsi$m (5) 10?14 O Manranc* {ta) 10723

O Limilcd food acc.plane Nl-29 t0tl7 O Phosphorus (6) l0? 15 O Chomium {15) to724
O Sodium (7) 10716 O tt{olyM.numtl6) t0725
fluid Int f,e (3) O Zinc (8) lo7l7 O Borcn (17) t0726
D.fd.d et'@t,al ot .snru,.dfuid inrck codpaEd withpati.nt 8oat" O Sulratc(9) loTlE B Cobalr ( l8) to'727
O Inidcqu.rc fluid Nl-3.1 10649 O &.casiv. min ral inBtc ( Nl-5 l0 2

o Elasiv. nuid inra*. NI-32 10650 O Calcium(l) lo?30 O (10) 10739
Cl Clalond.G) 10731 O CopperllII r 07ro
Bioacttw Substrnces (4) O lron (3) to712 O lodin (ll) 1074 t

D.lwd s "@ual o obs.d.d inta*. o! bifucti,e slbrtu ac.s. inctdiry rinEle or O Magn6ium (4) 10733 O S.l.nium ( ll) to-]42
nuhpL lunctional Jood conpotuaR, irg4dieitt, di.lor! stppl.nents, alcohol" O Poilssium (5) 10734 O Maneancs. (11) 10743
O Ind.qu.rc biolcrivc subsBnc. inrakc Nl4-l 10652 O Phosphoos (6) 10735 O Ctrcmium (15) 10144
(spctr') tr Sodium (7) 10736 O Molybdcnum (16) t0745
O Ex6siv. bioa.riv€ rubsr{nc! inrakc Nt4.2 10653 tr Zi"c (E) 1073? O Boron (17) l07116
lspcciht El Sulf c(9) l0?3E O Cobax ( l8) t0147
O Er(=tit. dcdbl int l. M-a 3 10654
I{ul.i-oulri.nt (S.rr)
O Prcdi.t d slboptimtl nltri.nt intat€ !0750
Nurri.ot (9
D.fu.d ot '81@l @ .stitut.d in dtt ol tp.cil. nuti.nt ttuupt ot sinel. nutri.nts ('p.c{))
B codpftd Pith .l.ti..d l-*.|t" O Pr.dicr.d .lccssiv. inktc r 1.2 l0?51
O tncrr.scd rutricnt n .ds Nl.5.l 10656
O Mdnutrition Nl-52 10657
D.ln d ar 'n"rritiorul fadin$tptobk ns id.nnf.d thot r.tat. b edicol o.
O Ind.qo.rc ptolcin+n.rBr itrt L Nl-53 r0658
O D..r.scd ti.nt n..ds Nl-5.4 r0659
$pccih) Function.l (l)
C lf,lb.lnE of nutri.rrt NI.55 r0660 D.ilt d s
"chany h physicol or n lunctidi^s thot intc*t.' e h ot
r.t.rd Crokst tol (s.6) prcv.nrs d.sir.d nrdno@l
O Ind.qulE f.t int L Nl-5-6.1 10662 O Sw.lloeing NC'l.l 10754

O Elc.srivc f.r int*c NI.5.62 t0663 O Bitingrch.*irS (clicato.y) diff.uky NC'12 10755

O lr.6 th.n oprimal inBxc of lyp6 of fals Nl-5.63 10654 O Brclstfddint dimculty N"C'I 3 10756
O Alr.Ed GI function s_C_!.4 l015l
ftoid! (5., Biochemicsl (2)
O Ind.qu.a Forcin int lc M-5.7.1 r0666 D.f6.d N "cha 8. in capaci, to @tdboliz. n.ri.n1s as a resut, of tudicotio8
O Erc6dYr int t NI.J,72 10667 t/r6..r, o, 6 indko,ed by ah.tud lob wlu.s"
O rrss dE opdml in'*c of typ6 of prot insor NI-5.73 10855 tr Imparrcd nur;cnl utilizalion NC'2.1 10159
O Ahcrcd notritioo-Elal.d laboEtory vallcs NC_22 10760
Cr.bobtdr.t .nd fih.r (5r) O Fo<i-mcdicarion inr.6crio. NC-2_1 l0l6l
O In dcqoL c&boltydnG inu}. Nl-5.8.1 r0670 (sp.c|f,)
O EIc.ssiE c.tbotrydr.c inulc NI.5,E2 10671
O Prcdided food-m.di.arion inr.Ection NC-2.,1 toi62
B lB thrn op6nd inbrc of typ.s Nl-5.8J 10856
or crb(r'ydnr. (rFcr:t)
O In<lcielnt c.ftohydralc inr.Ic Nl-5.8.4 10673
O Inid.qul€ 6b.r inhkc Nl-5.85 10675
O! fib.r intal. NI5,8,6 10676

223 ,4rh Edirion

lYeight (3) Ph.vsical Activity and Function (2)
Dejred as "chronic weight or clwnged weight starus when compaied n,ith usual or Defned u "actual physical activiry, self-care, and qualiry-of-lile problems as
desired body weight" reported, obxned,, or documented"
O Underucight NC-3.r 1076.{ B Physical inactivity NB-2.1 10782
O Unintended weight loss NC-3.2 10765 0 Exccssive physical acdviry NB-2.2 10783
B Overueight/obesity NC-3.3 0 Ioabilitytomanageself-crc NB-2,3 10780
[J Overucight, adult or pediatric (l) to167 O Impaired ability to prepm fmds/meals NB-2.4 10785
O Obese, pediatric (2) 10768 O Poor nutrition quality oflife NB-2J 10786
El Obese, Class I (3) r0769 Q Self-feeding difficulty NB-2.6 10787
I Obesc, Class lt (4) 108 l8
O Obcs, Class III (5) IOEI9 Food Safell' and Access (3)
O Unintended weight gain NC-3.4 t0770 Defned u "actual problerc with food salety or occess to lood, worer, or nutrition-
3 Suboptimal growth mte NC-3J 10802 related supplies"
3 Ercessive grcr'th ratc NC.:i,6 r0803 0 lntakcofunsafefood NB-3.1 10289
[l Limited access to food or warer NB-3.2 10?90
I\iB Cl Limited access to nutririon-relarcd supplies NB-3.3 10791
Delred as " nutitioml lndingslprcblerc thal relar. ,o knobledtc,
aninde s/ be lie/s, physical envi ronme nt, totood, ortood xtet1" OTHER NO
Defned as "nutrition fndings that qre not clasriled as intakc, clinical or
Knowledge and Beliefs (1) be hay io r al-e nv i ro n me nt al p rob le, ns."
Defned u "actual knowledge and beliels reloted, obsened, or
documented" Other (l)
O Food- and nutrition-rclated knowlcdgc NB-l.l t0773 O Nonutritiondiagnosisatrhisrime No-l.l 10795
El Unsupported beliefs/aritudcs NB-I2 r0857
or nutrition-rclated topics (use wi& cau[ion)
El Not rcady for diet/lifestyle change NB-1.3 t0775
O Self-monitoring deficit NB-1.4 to176
O Disordercd eating panem NB.IJ 10777
E Limited adhercnce to nutritioo-rclaled NB-r.6 l0?78
0 Undsimble food choics NB-1.7 t0719

4th Edition 224

Nutrition Intervention Terminolog5r
fivc{igit numbcr (c8.,99999) following thc alpha-numcric IDNTcode. Neirhcr should bc visiblc in
Each lerm has an Academy unique idcntificr, a
nutrilion documcntation. Thc Acadcmy unique identifcris for data trackng purposes in clectronic rccords.

Nutritior Prescription Np-l.l 10794

guidclin.s and rh. pati.nrcli.nfs heht @dilion lrd nurdrion diagnosis (lp..i,t).

FOOD AND/OR NUTRIENT DELIVERY ND \jllmln .nd [ll..r.rl S{ppLnrdis (3:)

I adn iduli..d opp,@.h Jor lood /nanieat pturitid Su?pl.tuntal vn@iN 6 die.oh-
O [{ultirn.mir'min.rrl ND3r.l r052r
Meals rod (l)
Snsck O itulti-t e.l.rDcnB ND32, t052?
Rctut&.arins.pisod. ( .al);!ood lcn.d b.t{c.n..trtot tudtr (stuck). O vitamin NG323
O C,.ncnun ilrhfuldict ND-l.l 10489 O A(l) to524 ONi.cin (8) r053t
O Composhion of mals/smcks NDl.2 O (2)
C lo5?J OFol.r. (9) r0532
O TerNrc-hodifi.d di.t (l) 10829 o D(3) to5?6 08600) r0533
O En igy-modifi.d dici (2) l0E3o o E (4) to521 0Bl2(|l) r0534
O Pmlcio-modifi.d di.t (3) lo83l O K (5) I052E OP.morhcnic.cid (12) 10535
E Cabohydrerc-mo.tincd di.r (4) t0832 O Thi.min (6) tos?9 OBiodn (!3) 10536
O F.cmodi6.d dict(5) 10833 O Ribof,avin (7) 10530
O Fiber-modi6.d dict (6) 10834 O Minenl Nt,l23
O nuid-modi6.d dict (7) 10835 Cl Calcium(l) 10539 trFluorid. (10) 10548
O Dia. modified for spccifc 10836 O Chloridc (2) 10540 OcopFr(ll) r0549
foods or ingEnicnrs (8) O Iroi (3) !0541 Olodinc (12) t0550
O vitlmin-modifrcd dier (9) 10837 OMasn.sium(.{) 10542 Os.l.nium(13) t055l
O Mirci:l'modifcd dicr (lo) loE3E O Pota$ium (5) 10543 OMrngriE (14) 10552
O dulc of food,/ffuids ND-IJ t0815 O Phospl'ofls (6) 10514 Ochlotnnd(l5) 10553
O SF.ific foo&A.vcn8cr or gmups NltJ 10497 O Sodiun(7) 10545 OMolybd.rum (16) I0554
O o(tEr ND- IJ lo.r93 O Zirc(E) 10546 ABoron (lr) 10555
(sPccrh) O Sulf.rc(9) 1054'l Ocobalt(I8) r0556

Entenl eDd Nutrltion (2) Bloacdv€Subd.arcc Mr.lgemerr (33)

Nttritid pbvi.Ld thmugh th. GI tact tio nbc. caha.a t skw (.de.a ot Addin@ ot .hang. k provisioh of bioa.tivc subst@s
htrN@Bb k.ntdllr ot t) (Nr.irerul). O Plant st nol csLn ND33-l 10559
O Pl,rt stcrol.stcr. ND332 108r6
E terrl Nutrltion (2.1)
O Soy ploein ND!333 r0561
Nunition pbridrd thturgh th.Al rac1. 1
O Co tcnion
O Piyrlium ND33.4 r08r7
t\82_t.t t0503
O &glu.rn ID33J r0563
ND2.l2 10502
C Food .ddinv.s (rp..r^) ND3J,6 10564
O Rar. ND,2.r3 r0500
o \,btur
O Alcohol ND33J 10565
ND-2.t.4 roJo r
O ND3J3 r0566
O S.h.dul. ND.2.IJ
tr ohcr ( ND33.9 I056?
Rootc ND2.l6 to']92
O Inst cnrenl f..ding lubc ND-2.t.7 10497 Feeding Assistanc. (4)
O SiG cate ND-2.r1 10498 Ac@n nodarid o. 6sittaE. in .aliag.
O R.ding tub. nush ND2.I,9 r0499 O AdaFiv. otinS dclic. h_84.1 10608 NutririodTv Fluid! (2J) O Fening podirion 12 r0570
Nlrine o d f\ids ?dvid..l intrcvenously. O M..l $r-up ^D
ND-4J lo5?l
O CoDposnion NB22.l lo5l I ND-,1.4 to572
N>222 l05 to O Mcnu s€lc.tioo eisr..e ND-45 10809
O R.a ND22.3 10509 O olh.r ND-46 10573
O Sch.dulc NE2:.4 r0512 (sp.cih)
O Rdr. ND2_25 r0?93
O SiE car. ND2.2.6 to50?
Feedint Environrncnt (9
O ry tuids ND2 2J 1050E
Adjlrnvn, ol tu Jacto.s tod k s.o.d ,hat inp.t
tr UShting ND5.l 10575
SuppLo.nrs (3) O Odors NI!52 10576

M.dkd rood SuppLmen.s (3.1) O Disrn tions NB53 fisn

O Trblc hcish( NE!5..t
Cdetial q pr.po.d loodr o. b.r.roE s iut ruwt tunt.i.,$. p@t.i..
O €di.. NB55
cqbalvdd., fb.t ld ir Id*..
Cd rErtid bcvcat. O R@m lcmFhtuE ND5,6 l05m
Ntr3.l t05t5
O M.rt sNi.. ND5.7
O food ND3t.2 105t6
bcvcasc O Mcd lcation ND5.6 l08l I
O Modificd ND.3.|J l05t?
O Othcr ND5 l058l
O Modifcd food ND.3.t.4 10518

ND-3.15 r05t9

363 4th Edition

Nutrition In1"@0log.v. cont'd
Nutaitlo[-Related Medicrtloo McnagcnreDt (O Sar.tegi6 (2)
optiniz' gt appli.d d n.thodt ot Pla.! ofoctioa d'si$'d to achi'e' a
ModilEation ol d rudi.otion ot co,nP].n ntarllalkra'n|. ncdiciv to
poti.n, nut.itio4al o. h.auh notu3.
m.dic.lio.! ND{l 10839 O Moliv.don lincrvicwing C-2.1 l0{O7
O P,escritsiotr
O oTC trEdicalion NDi2 10584 O Co.l*uing 10608

O Nulritior-El.t.i compl.ftnt tyl ND{J 10799 O C'23 10609

all.rn.tiv. mcdicinc O Probl.m elving C'2.4 10610

tr suppon C'25 t06ll

NUTRITION EDUCATTON E O Srlts. m.Msc,rtnt C'25 10612

Forul prt.ts to i$ikt ot roid pati.ardclbdE in a slill o' to inryan tnowl'd?' O Srimulus cdtEl C'2-1 10613

to h.lp paticatt/.knts tolu"la.itt notut o. dodih l<ad, a'ttitio' ond Ph'''icot O Co8niti\t rlstru.runns c-2 8 106lr
a.tit iD ctoic.t ad b.horiot ,o Miatain o. inPtuv' tudth' O R.lrF. pGvcnrio.t C'29 10615

O R.sudrcoding.n y m.ru8lrEnr C-2-10 10616

Nut itior Fiuc.tlor}-Conaaot (t) J OrE( c-l.t r I06ll
lns,uctioa dt,aining int.ndcd to l.d ,o autritioa'ftLt d t'owbdg' '
O .nuc.tior
Purpos. of tlE nurition E l'l 105E8

O trEdifc.dont
O suPiv.l inforh.tion E_13 lo59o Coa5dtction *ith. ,.l.t.d! to. o. t@.ditulion ol dut itiod .or. \'i,h oth'r Pturd'.t'
O Nurioon rclationshiP rc hcrl$/di5..s. E l.4 10591 i6tiru,io8, ot oynct.s thot.q ctsist in tl.atry o, @giry nutition+'lot'd
O Rc.omrEnd.d modific.liom E-lJ 10592
O Oth.r or rclilcd topics E_15 10593

O Odr.r El.7 10594 Collsbor.Uon and Referel ofNulriaion Carc (l)'

lsD.citt\ Facitimting t.di.cs eith ott.r Prul.tsionals, inl/., u,idtt ot o$ncbt doi^t

Nutrltion Educatlon-APplicatlor (2) O mc.dng RC-l.l 10620

tutrunon ot ,.oinid, Lddilg to nut ..suh izt rpraoio or O R.fcd:llo RD wilh ditr€rlnr.xFdrc RC_l-? 10621
O Colhbo lion with olh"rnutrition Profcssion.h RC-lJ 10{22
O Rcsult intcrpElstion E 2.t r0596 O Coll.bontion with olhcr providc6 RC'1.4 10623

tr Slj ll dca.loptncnr E-2.2 10597 El Rcfcml to oth.r pmvi&rs RC_15 10621

O ollc, v23 r059E O R.fcn l lo connunily .8encics/ptottxns RC-1.6 10625

Gp.ciht Gp.cilr)

NUTRITION COI'NSELING C Dischar8e ind TF.nsfer of Nutrition Csrt to New Settln8

A stppottie., ch@ocr.tiz.d bt o collabo.oti*.oett.lot-poti. lcli.n or Provld.. (2)
t.lotiNhip to.stabtish Jood,,utritioi onl Phrtkola.tiviry P ori,i.t' 8@k' ond Dit.tott. planniry @d na,Lrl.t ol nun ion cot.ltud o,t ld.l o.lsrioa olcor.
indiriduattr.! oction pla$ thot dcta@l.dg. aid losw ruPoBibitiryJ Yf<ot
6 aitting pmvidcrs RC_2 1
to tr.ot conditio^ ond P@t h.ahh. O Dis.h:rlp rd l.rrsfcr to othcr l0El3
O Dis.hrrSc.nd trarsfer to community RC-22 10814
Theoretical BasiVAppmrch ( l)
Th. th.otks ot nod.k us.d to d.tign ard inplne,t dn nt.d.ntiot. O DisctuBc rnd tnnsf.r lo $othcr RC'23 10627
Q CoSniiiv.-Bch.vior.l Thcory C-l-l lftot nutritiotr profcisiond
O Hcellb Modcl C-l 2 r0602
O Socid turting Tlld,' Cn 3 lrmS
O Trslrh.o(ltjcil Mod.y St 8.s ofc1t.!9. C_l.t r0601
O OrlEr C-lJ to@5


4th Edition 364

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