Recreation Is Defined As The Act of Making Something For The Second Time

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Recreation is defined as the act of making something for the second time, or refreshment of the

mind, body or spirit through play and relaxation.

Types of Recreation
The exact method or application of recreation varies greatly from individual to individual.
Common areas include:
o Sports (Team sports, Individual sport)
o Camping and ecologic pursuits
o Exercise
o Food and dining
o Festivals and fairs
o Art, crafts, and sewing
o Social clubs
o Shopping
o Media entertainment (Books, Magazines, Movies, Television, Musicand Theater & Drama)
o Collecting, antiques, and hobbies
o Gaming (Casinos, Computer/interactive, Gaming systems)
o Literature
o Family activities
o Vacations
o Volunteering
p. An example of recreation is the act of rebuilding a model after it fell on the floor and broke
into several pieces.
q. An example of recreation is playing soccer.
r. An example of recreation is watching television or old movies.
s. An example of recreation is sitting at your kitchen table laughing with a friend.

1. refreshment in body or mind, as after work, by some form of play, amusement, or relaxation
2. any form of play, amusement, or relaxation used for this purpose, as games, sports, or hobbies
A game is an activity or sport usually involving skill, knowledge, or chance, in which you follow
fixed rules and try to win against an opponent or to solve a puzzle.

You can use game to describe a way of behaving in which a person uses a particular
plan, usually in order to gain an advantage for himself or herself.
When the uncertainties become greater than the certainties, we end up in a game of
Until now, the Americans have been playing a very delicate political game.
an entertaining activity or sport, especially one played by children, or
the equipment needed for such an activity:
a board game
indoor/computer games
The children played a game of cops and robbers
A game is a form of art in which participants, termed players, make decisions in order to
manage resources through game tokens in the pursuit of a goal." (Greg Costikyan)
A sport is commonly defined as an athletic activity that involves a degree of competition, such
as netball or basketball. Some games and many kinds of racing are called sports. A
professional at a sport is called an athlete. Many people play sports with their friends.

ypes of video games

 Action games.
 Action-adventure games.
 Adventure games.
 Role-playing games.
 Simulation games.
 Strategy games.
 Sports games.
 Puzzle games.

an athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a

competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling,
boxing, hunting, fishing, etc. defines sport as "an athletic activity requiring skill or physical
prowess". It goes on to specifically mention "racing, baseball, tennis, golf
bowling, wrestling, hunting and fishing" as sports. Oxford Dictionary defines
sport as "an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an
individual or a team competes against another or others for entertainment".
By the latter definition, hunting does not qualify as a sport because it does not
involve competition. But hunters bill themselves as "sportsmen".

Game and Sport are entirely different. A game involves more than one person and
asport pertains to only an individual's skills and performance. A physical activity,Sport is
carried out under an agreed set of rules. Sport is related to recreational purpose, either for self-
enjoyment or competition or for both.

Sport vs Game
People often take game and sport as to be the same one. However,
game and sport are entirely different. A game involves more than
one person and a sport pertains to only an individual’s skills and

A physical activity, Sport is carried out under an agreed set of rules.

Sport is related to recreational purpose, either for self-enjoyment
or competition or for both. A game is also for recreational activities
and it involves one or more players. Played on the basis of a set of
rules, a game is defined as a goal that the players try to achieve. As
like sport, game is also played for enjoyment.

Sport is an activity or activities where the material capabilities of

the sportsperson are looked upon. In a sport, it is the sportsperson
or the individual who determines the outcome. Well, an
individual’s talent does not determine a game. It is the entire
performance of the players that determines the winner in a game.
An individual’s skill or performance, though has much significance,
does not count much in a game; it is only the coordination and team
spirit that leads the game.
A person participating in a sport is called as athlete or a sports
person. A person who participates in a game is known as player.

When a game relies on strategy, sport is based on individual

performances and luck.

In a sport, the athlete can take independent decisions, but a player

cannot take such independent decisions in a game. A decision is
taken at a game collectively among two or more players.

Read more: Difference Between game and sport | Difference


Another difference between sport and game is that the former is

based on physical energy and the later is based on mental strength.
Sport is played with a view of competition in mind while game is
played with a friendly attitude.

One can come across more professionalism in sport than the game.
In a sport, the athlete or sports person is expected to show good
sportsmanship and also have high standards of conduct like
respecting the opponents and the officials. But in a game, an
individual may not deliver such character. In game, the
performance of the whole team is taken into account.

Sport is organized and competitive. It also requires commitment

and fair play. An athlete or a sports person always gain popularity
and maintains a name for his skills. But in a game, it is not the
individual who gains popularity but it is the entire team that carves
out a niche.

1. Sport involves individual skills. In game, it is the collective
responsibility of a team
2. Sport is based on physical energy and game based on mental
3. Game relies on strategy, sport is based on individual
performances and luck.
4. Sport is an activity or activities where the material capabilities of
the sportsperson are looked upon. It is the entire performance of
the players that determines the winner in a game.

Read more: Difference Between game and sport | Difference


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