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Student loan debt.

Credit card debt.

IRS debt.
Personal debt.
Bills, bills, and more bills!

How can one be expected to pay off such debts and deal with expenses without a doctorate in
medicine or a rich and generous father?

Well, you have two choices.

Option 1: Work all your life until your debts are paid and then enjoy six or seven months of
living off social security until you drop dead from a heart attack


Option 2: Embrace the Law of Attraction in your daily life and alleviate your financial burdens
long before your first wrinkle or gray hair!

The Law of Attraction is the philosophy that ones own positive and negative thoughts can bring
either prosperiety of calamity in ones life.


Too good to be true?

No! Not at all!

The Law of Attraction is based on the subconscious manipulation of universal energy currents.

In fact, many ancient civilizations, such as China and Egypt, believed in universal energy
currents, both positive and negative, that could benefit or harm a person or an entire society
depending on how these energy currents were manipulated.

These energy currents that permeate the universe are known by many names.
In China, the energy of life is called Chi or Qi.
In ancient Egypt, it was called Ka.

Like all forms of energy, these universal currents have polarity.

Positive and negative.

In this book, I will only discuss the positive universal energy current, as harnessing the negative
energy current can only lead to malevolence and misfortune.

While the belief in positive universal energy currents were commonly held as scientific fact in
the East, most of us westerners are ignorant to their existence.
Even those who have studied the mystical and religious traditions of the Orient and Egypt often
doubt the legitimacy of these powerful, unseen currents.

But there have been a few people in recent history that not only knew of this universal
phenomena but were also skilled at the cultivation of these energies and used this skill to achieve
financial freedom!

Reverend Ike

Rev. Frederick Eikerenkoetter was born in South Carolina to a poor black couple in the
segregationist era of the Deep South.
At 16 he became a preacher but as the years went by, Ike drifted further and further away from
fundamentalist Christianity and into a theology more akin to Mary Baker Eddy's, whom we will
get to shortly.
Reverend Ike would often tell his Harlem congregation that the fundamentalists lied to them and
that The Bible was to be interpreted symbolically rather than literally.

Yes! You read that correctly!

Reverend Ike rejected fundamentalist Christianity as being a bastardization of the teachings and
spiritual practices of Jesus Christ.
He even went as far as frequently stating "There is no more God in Jesus than there is in you and
I.". He called this concept of God the 'God-Within-You'.

Reverend Ike believed in what he called Mind Science.

Positive thinking and prayer to the God-Within-You will lead to health, wealth, and prosperity.

In the mid-1970's, Reverend Ike bought Loew's 175th Street Theatre for $500,000 and converted
it to the Palace Cathedral and basically started the mega-church, which was an unusual concept
at the time but today dot the landscape across the American south and mid-west.

The good Reverend also had a fleet of Rolls Royces.

He knew how to use the positive energy that radiates through the universe to gain great wealth
and taught his followers how to do the same.

Though he passed away from prostate cancer in 2009 at the age of 74, you can find many of
Reverend Ike's sermons on YouTube.

His wisdom and teachings live on!

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby

Born in 1802, Phineas P. Quimby was an inventor and mesmerist who taught that health and well
being were the natural conditions of the body and that all sickness and death were the results of
negative thoughts and emotions.
You see, as a youth he was stricken with tuberculosis, he began experimenting with his own
treatments and found that the excileration he felt while riding on his stallion seemed to relieve
his ailments!

This opened up a new world to Phineas and he began to study hypnosis and occult literature.

Phineas traveled across the country teaching that rejecting the idea of illness was the only truly
effective way of remaining in good health.
He reportedly healed many people stricken with tuberculosis, typhoid fever, palsy, and even
some crippling injuries.

Phineas influenced many faith healers at the time, most notably the founder of the Church of
Christ (Scientist) Mary Baker Eddy.

Mary Baker Eddy

Born in New Hampshire in 1821, Mary Baker Eddy grew up a sickly child, always fascinated by
the stories of miraculous healing performed by Jesus through out the gospels.
She often wondered why these miraculous healings had ceased shortly after the last Apostle left
this mortal world.

The answer, she believed, was an apostasy in the early church.

She desired to bring back the tradition of miraculous healing in Christianity, which resulted in
her publishing her book, Science and Health with Key to The Scriptures, and establishing her
own church, The Church of Christ(Scientist), whose adherents are called Christian Scientists.

Eddy had heard of the teachings and healings of Phineas P. Quimby and had many discussions
with him about healing, beneficial magnetism, God, etc.

They both agreed that the natural state of man was health and well being.
Where they disagreed was whether supernatural healing was the result of an invisible cosmic
force or the God of The Bible.

Mary Baker Eddy amassed a fortune in a very short period of time.

This is plain to see when you have a look at the Church of Christ (Scientist)mother church in
Boston, Massachusetts.
An enormous building with impressive architecture influenced by the Italian Rennaissance.

Reverend Ike, Phineas P. Quimby, Mary Baker Eddy. These three people may have had some
theological disagreements but they all agreed on one thing: That your own thoughts have a
tremendous role in obtaining money and good health, and not just putting your thoughts into
They knew that our minds can attract money like a magnet attracts iron, and they weren't the
only ones!

Through out history, many people have learned this principal, often called the Law of Attraction.

If it worked for them, it'll work for you!


How To Magnetize Your Mind To Attract Money

You may have heard the phrase "Dress for the job you want; not the job you have.".
Ever wonder about that old saying?
Well, like everything else, there is a reason for it's existence.

By dressing in a manner to present yourself as being of high status, wealthy, powerful, you are
subconsciously manipulating the benevolent energy, the positive universal current, to bring that
which is possessed by the wealthy into your life!

Health, wealth, and prosperity!

Many Hip Hop artists wear Gucci and Armani.

Some wear high end fashion simply for the sake of flaunting their success.
Others, however, dress in the finest attire because they know that this helps with coalescing
positive universal energy currents to benefit themselves and sometimes those around them.


Go to the mirror right now.

Look at yourself in the mirror and say "I deserve money. I deserve wealth. I reject debt. I reject
Repeat a few times.

You will be surprised with the positive impact this affirmation will have on your day!

There is nothing that will attract positive universal energy currents to your mind faster than the
above affirmation (or a similarly worded statement).
Of course, the belief in this affirmation is a prerequsite.
Without a complete and total surrender of all doubt in the Law of Attraction, the positive
universal energy currents will always be out of reach.
First you believe; then you speak; then your words will create a transformation of circumstances.

Lucky charms, talismans, and amulets

We are all familiar with the legends around four leaf clovers and lucky pennies.
But do they work?

The answer is yes and no.

Yes, they will work if the owner of these charms believe whole heartedly in their power.
If the possessor, however, doubts the capabilities of these charms, then they will be utterly
useless apart from serving as a mere conversation piece.

It is not the charms alone that possess magickal properties.

Think of the lucky charm, amulet or talisman as being similar to a transistor in electronics.
A transistor regulates electrical current.
The talisman and amulet will also regulate the universal energy current to your benefit.
Some magickal charms, such as mojo bags, will amplify these energy currents.

Talismans, charms, and amulets have been used by nearly every culture on Earth for thousands
of years. In fact, there are so many different magickal items that are associated with the Law of
Attraction that listing all of them would fill several books!

These items are easily obtained in our modern era.

I recommend Etsy or Bonanza.


Given the impact that the numerous societies who believed in Universal Energy Currents had on
history, whether we're examining ancient China, Egypt or Sumer, it is amazing that so many
people today doubt the Law of Attraction!

I invite you to change your life today by practicing these principles.

While your life will not change over night, I can assure you, good reader, that with the proper
application of everything covered in this ebook, your life WILL improve and money will start
finding it's way into your life!

For you, a new day has dawned.


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