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A Market Research Proposal Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Business Entrepreneurship and Accountancy

Cagayan State University

Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Market Research and Consumer Behavior

Submitted By:

Ivy B. Dela Cruz

Daniel Jasper C. Flores

Dominador D. Invierno

Rose Jane C. Molina

Vanessa A. Silva

Rommel R. Tariga Commented [O1]: Normal writing of names, first name,

middle, surname
Commented [A2R1]:
Commented [A3R1]:
Commented [A4R1]:
May 2019

This study intends to know the behavior and insights of the consumers in

buying the products. It aims to develop new ideas and techniques to improve selling

approach that will be beneficial to current and future businesses. The respondents of

150 selected students of Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship Department of the

College of Business Entrepreneurship and Accountancy at Cagayan State University.

Face-to-face interview or a descriptive survey questionnaire with the selected

respondents will be conducted at the indicated location above. Through thematic

analysis, we will be able to know the underlying behavior of buyers based on

scientific observations and customers’ insights on buying snacks. This will help the

researchers understand the market to address the needs and wants of the consumers.


This project was dedicated to our Father Almighty who is always there to

guide, protect, inspire and gave us strength.

To our beloved families, friends, special someone, teachers and other people

who supported us to accomplish this market research proposal.

To the future researchers who will conduct the same study, and to the

interested entrepreneurs who wants to gain knowledge about this topic.

Finally, to the BS Entrepreneurship students, this is for you.

The Researchers


We, researchers give our greatest gratitude to our Almighty Father for all the

blessings, guidance, protection and knowledge he showered upon us to accomplish

this market research proposal.

We give our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to those teachers who encouraged

us to pursue and be determined to finish our market research proposal.

To our dearest families, friends, love ones and to other people who gave us

inspirational message of encouragement, unending support and love, financial and

moral support in order for us to finish this market research proposal

To our dear teacher, Mrs. Catherine A. Cabanada who gave us the knowledge

to do our market research proposal and who gave us the permission to undergone

such, thank you.

Table of Contents

ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................... i
Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... iv
PROBLEM RATIONALE ................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Introduction/Background of the Study ............................................................................ 1
1.2 Research Problem ............................................................................................................ 4
1.3 Objective of the Study ..................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Significance of the Study .................................................................................................. 5
1.5 Scope and limitation of the Study .................................................................................... 5
1.6 Locale of the Study........................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Definition of terms ........................................................................................................... 6
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................................................................. 7
2.1 Literature Review ............................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Theoretical Framework .................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Research Questions ......................................................................................................... 8
2.4 Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................... 8
METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Research Design ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Respondents/Subjects of the Study ............................................................................... 10
3.3 Research Instrument ...................................................................................................... 10
3.4 Data Gathering Procedures............................................................................................ 11
3.5 Data Analysis .................................................................................................................. 11
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................... v
APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................ v



1.1 Introduction/Background of the Study

Many organizations spend millions of money just to study what people needs, wants

and their mood state in buying a certain product. The reason why they study these factors

is that, this make their organizations successful and enables them to reach their ultimate

goal. Consumer behavior mainly concerned with psychology, motivations and behavior

that includes questions like: How consumers think and feel about different alternatives?

How consumers reason and select between different alternatives? How their environment

influences consumer behavior (peers, culture and media)? How marketing campaigns can

be adapted and improved to more effectively influence the consumers?

Consumer behavior is very complex because each consumer has a different mindset

and attitude towards purchase, consumption and the disposal of the product. But,

understanding these factors is very important because the marketing of the product is

largely dependent on these factors. It also helps to market the product or services


In marketers side, it enables them to understand and predict buying behavior of

consumers in the marketplace; it is concerned not only with what consumers buy, but also

with why they buy it, when, where, and how they buy it, and how often they buy it, and

how they consume and dispose it.

Consumer Behavior or the Buyer Behavior is referred to the behavior that is displayed by

the individual while they are buying, consuming or disposing any particular product or

services. These behaviors can be affected by multiple factors. Moreover, it also involves

search for a product, evaluation of product where the consumer evaluate different

features, purchase and consumption of product. Later the post purchase behavior of

product is studied which shows the consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction where it

involves disposal of product (Solomon, 2009).

The customers while buying a product goes through many steps. The study of

consumer behavior helps to understand how the buying decision is made and how they

look for a product. Moreover, the understanding consumer behavior also helps marketers

to know the what, where, when, how and why of the consumption of product

consumption (Kumar, 2004).

According to Professor Theodore Levitt of the Harvard Business School, the study of

Consumer Behavior is one of the most important in business education, because the

purpose of a business is to create and keep customers. Customers created and maintained

through marketing strategies.

Moreover, the quality of marketing strategies depends on knowing, serving, and

influencing consumers. In other words, the success of a business is to achieve

organizational objectives. This suggests that the knowledge & information about

consumers is critical for developing successful marketing strategies because it challenges

the marketers to think about and analyze the relationship between the consumers &

marketers, and the consumer behavior & the marketing strategy.

As there is continuous change in the living standards, trends, fashion and change in

technology, consumer's attitude towards the purchase of product varies. Understanding

these factors is very important because the marketing of the product is largely dependent

on these factors. Thus, consumer behavior serves as an important tool for marketers in

meeting their sales objectives.

The study of consumer behavior helps marketers to recognize and forecast the

purchase behavior of the consumers while they are purchasing a product. The study of

consumer behavior helps the marketers not only to understand what consumer’s purchase,

but helps to understand why they purchase it (Kumar, 2004).

Filipinos, known to be creative when it comes to Street foods. Whether it is a sit down

type of “merienda” or a grab and go variety, we all know what we need to satisfied with

our favorite snacks during break time hours. It must have been obvious that the most

positive effect of food is the pleasurable feeling you get from eating a good tasting snacks

neither the feeling of fulfilling your hungriness.

In this study, we are going to analyze the underlying behavior of buyers based on

scientific observations and customers’ insights on buying snacks. This will help us to

understand our market so that we can address the needs and wants of the consumers.

As researchers, we wanted to know the behavior and insights of consumers.

1.2 Research Problem

Generally, this study intends to know the behavior and insights of the consumers in

buying the products. It aims to develop new ideas and techniques to improve selling

approach that will be beneficial to current and future businesses.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the preferences of customers in buying snacks, in terms of:

1.1. Price

1.2. Taste

1.3. Packaging/Presentation

2. What are the factors that influence the buying decisions of the consumers?

3. What are the different reactions/insights of the consumers in buying snacks?

4. What are the shown behavior of consumers upon buying snacks?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study was to assess Consumer‘s buying behavior and

insights, which includes their preferences and considerations.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Identify how the price, taste and packaging/presentation affect customers

buying decision.

2. Identify the other factors that can influence the buying decision of the


3. Evaluate the different reactions/insights of the consumers.

4. Assess the different behaviors of consumers based on the collected data.

1.4 Significance of the Study

Results of this study will be useful to the following:

Community. The findings of the study can be imparted to the community and they

will gain knowledge regarding the consumer’s behavior and insights, which can be a

useful in forming a business and in dealing with the consumers.

Students and student-entrepreneurs. They can be able to build a long lasting

relationship with their customers. This serves as their basis.

Researchers. The researchers would greatly benefit as they acquire new knowledge

about the consumer’s buying behavior and insights and by that, they can apply it in doing


Future researchers. They will have prior knowledge regarding the subject and can

use this study as a basis in constructing a more relevant and accurate study.

1.5 Scope and limitation of the Study

This study covers various students of Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

Department of the College of Business Entrepreneurship and Accountancy at Cagayan

State University. The respondents were limited to 150 selected students. It will presents

information and new idea and techniques to improve selling approach. This study will

also covers the behavior and insights of the consumers in buying snacks.

1.6 Locale of the Study

Data gathering and conduct of the study will be done at College of Business

Entrepreneurship and Accountancy (CBEA). Data analysis will be conducted at

Cagayan State University-Andrews, Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

1.7 Definition of terms

 Consumer- a person who purchases good and services for personal use

 Customer- a person or organization that buys good or services from a store or


 Behavior- the way in which one acts or conducts oneself especially towards


 Insights- the ability to understand people and situations in a very clear way

 Consumer behavior- is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all

the activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services,

including the consumer’s emotional, mental and behavioral responses that precede

or follow this activity.

 Buying- to acquire possession ownership or rights to the use or services of by

payment especially of money.

 Snacks- small amount of food eaten between meals



2.1 Literature Review

Food consumption patterns are rapidly changing nowadays as a result of

environmental issues, concern about the nutritional value of food and health issues. Issues

such as quality and safety in food attract consumer interest and affect buying behavior.

(Tsakiridou et al., 2008)

Consumer behavior involves the psychological processes that consumers go

through in recognizing their needs, finding ways to solve these needs, making purchase

decisions (e.g., whether to purchase a product and, if so, which brand and where),

interpret information, make plans, and implement these plans (e.g., by engaging in

comparison shopping or actually purchasing a product). (Łatuszyńska et al., 2012)

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Understanding consumer behavior is important for any organization before

launching a product. If the organization failed to analyze how a customer will respond to

a particular product, the company will face losses. Consumer behavior is very complex

because each consumer has different mind and attitude towards purchase, consumption

and disposal of product (Solomon, 2009). Understanding the theories and concepts of

consumer behavior helps to market the product or services successfully. Moreover,

studying consumer behavior helps in many aspects. As there is constant change in the

living standards, trend, fashion and change in technology, consumer’s attitude towards

the purchase of product varies (Kumar, 2004).

The Theory of Reasoned Action by Martin Fishbein and Icek Ajzen can be used

to determine the behavior and insight of the consumers upon buying products for break

time. The Theory of Reasoned Action centers its analysis on the importance of pre-

existing attitudes in the decision-making process. The core of the theory posits that

consumers act on a behavior based on their intention to create or receive a particular

outcome. In this analysis, consumers are rational actors who choose to act in their best

interests. Moreover, it can also help to understand the behavior and insights of the


2.3 Research Questions

1. What is the common price that the consumers willing to spend for a snack?

2. What is the common taste they prefer to consume?

3. What type of packaging the consumer’s want?

4. What is the common factor that influence them to buy a certain product?

Based on the observed behavior of the respondents, What does the researchers can

recommend to the Marketers?

2.4 Conceptual Framework

This study is rooted in the belief that there are different consumer behavior and

insights to consider. The figure below shows the conceptual framework of this study. It is

consisted of the input, the process, and the output. The input contains the variables

needed to study and an assessment on the consumers’ buying behavior and insights upon

buying snacks needed as a process in order to have an output, which contains the assessed

consumer behavior and insights and the new ideas on how to deal with the consumers.

1. What are the 1. Assessing the Identified
preferences of preferences of Consumer‘s buying
customers in customers in buying behavior and Insights
buying snacks in snacks in terms of:
terms of: 1.1. Price
1.1. Price 5.
1.2. Taste Proposed ways on
1.2. Taste 6.
1.3. Packaging/ how to deal with
1.3. Packaging/ 7.
Presentation 8. consumers’ behavior
9. the based on their
2. Identifying
2. Common factors 10.factors that perceptions and
that influence the influence the buying insights.
buying decisions decisions of the
of the consumers consumers
3. Different 3. Assessing the
reactions/insights different
of the1.consumers
The paradigm showing the interrelationship of the variables of the study.
in buying snacks the consumers in
buying snacks
4. Assessing the
4. Behaviors of behaviors of
consumers upon consumers upon
buying snacks buying snacks



3.1 Research Design

This study will use a descriptive survey method to know the behavior and insights

of consumers upon buying snacks, their taste and preferences, the factors that can

influence their decision if they are going to purchase a product or not. Descriptive

research is a purposive process of data gathering, analyzing, classifying and tabulating

data. Hence, this method were employed.

3.2 Respondents/Subjects of the Study

The respondents of the study will be taken from the students of Bachelor of

Science in Entrepreneurship Department of the College of Business Entrepreneurship and

Accountancy at Cagayan State University. The 150 respondents will be choose through

random sampling. The respondents are either male or female who are always buying


3.3 Research Instrument

This study intends to conduct a face-to-face interview or a descriptive survey

questionnaire with the selected respondents. Its purpose is to collect and record

information about the respondents’ behavior and insights in consuming products and their

taste and preferences. The questions are open-ended and reflected on the following:

The demographic profile such as their gender, age and their year & section. The

preferences of consumers in buying snacks in terms of price, taste and packaging. The

reactions/insights of the consumers in buying snacks. The behavior of consumers upon

buying and consuming products.

The interpretation will be based on the gathered information so as with the

observed behavior of the consumer in consuming products.

3.4 Data Gathering Procedures

The information of the study will be gathered through the following procedures:

First, the researchers will create a Permission Consent and let it be verified by

their subject teacher, Mrs. Catherine A. Cabanada.

Second, the researchers will formulate a questionnaire containing open-ended

questions and will be use as a tool in gathering the information needed.

Third, after the correction and/or approval of questionnaire by the subject teacher

and finalized, the researchers will start the study by administering it to respondents at the

Cagayan State University, after asking permission from the participants.

3.5 Data Analysis

The researchers will seek assistance from a Statistician to analyze and interpret

the data or information gathered.






Name (optional): _________________ Sex: ____ Age: ____ Year & section:______

1. How much do you usually spend each day for your snacks?

2. What type of snack do you usually buy?

3. What taste do you prefer in buying your snacks? (sweet, sour, salty, spicy etc.)

4. In terms of the packaging or presentation of snacks, what attracts you most to buy?

5. In buying products, what factor that influence you or pushes you to buy the product?

6. Upon consuming snack foods, what can you say about the product?


7. Upon consuming the snacks you bought, does it satisfy you or not?

8. If not, why and what can you recommend as a change to the product?

9. Does it meet your expectation based on your taste and preferences?

10. Are you that easy to buy new face of product or a product that is not familiar to you that
is being introduced in the market?



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