Unit Plan Prelim

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Lourdes College

Integrated Basic Education Department Senior High Department

Macasandig, Cagayan de Oro City
Second Semester SY 2019-2020

Subject: Media and Information Literacy
Level: Grade 11 Strand: ABM & HUMSS Term: Prelim
Unit Topic: Media Literacy Number of Weeks: 5


At the end of the unit, students will demonstrate deep understanding on media and its concepts in evolution and literacy equipping substantial
skills and knowledge essential to the ICT skills of the 21st century learning to be at par with the competent media users of the world’s 4th
industrial revolution.
Lesson/ Topics:
WEEK 1 – Communication through Media
Subject Orientation and Introduction to the Subject
Process of Interpersonal Communication
Mass Communication
Defining Media Literacy
WEEK 2 – Evolution of Media
Pre-Industrial Age
Industrial Age
Electronic Age
New Information Age
WEEK 3 – Types of Media
Print Media
Broadcast Media
New or Digital Media
Media Convergence
WEEK 4 – Media Sources
Indigenous Sources
Library Sources
Internet Sources
Students in the long run and on their own will be able to critically evaluate, assess, and access media according to the standards
of media literacy useful in the dissemination process of information in the modern world educating others in the ethical training of people in
fulfilling the duty as stewards of God’s creation.
The students will understand that the dissemination of information will 1. In what ways is media vital in role of communication?
depend on the process of communication and the evolution of media 2. How does/will the evolution of media affects people’s lives before,
as a channel to broadcast essential news that are timely and relevant today, and in the near future?
to the 21st century world.
The students will know: The students will be able to:

Week 1 Week 1
1. How communication is affected by the types of interpersonal and 1. Examine the unique differences of both interpersonal and mass
mass media. communication. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-2)
2. How communication is redefined through the evolution of media. 2. Demonstrate the process of communication and its possible
(MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-1) barriers. (MIL11/12IMIL-IIIa-3.1)
3. The role of media literacy in 21st century skills. 3. Identify media literacy as a disparate skill of the 21st century
Week 2 Week 2
1. The process of exchanging information during the pre-industrial 1. Construct a timeline on significant events and innovations
age, industrial age, electronic age, and new information age. prominent in the ages of the evolution of media.
2. Significant events and innovations used as media during the pre- 2. Compare and contrast communicate to the mass during the pre-
industrial, industrial, electronic, and new information age. industrial, industrial, electronic, and new information age.
Week 3 Week 3
1. The history, usage, and salient notes of media types under print,1. Categorize medias used during the ages of media evolution.
broadcast, and digital. 2. Classifies contents of different media types. (MIL11/12TYM-IIId-
2. The essential contribution of media convergence to people’s 10)
utilization of the types of media. 3. Create their own media with their own converging purposes that
Week 4 has something to do with the 21st century world.
1. The various sources and resources in the context of Week 4
communication and media utilization. 1. Categorize sources through interacting with people, the web,
2. The governing statute and moral knowledge on internet etiquettes and the environment.
essential for 21st century learners. 2. Use information accurately and creatively for the issue or
problem at hand. (P21st Century Learning)
Narrative form: As a 21st century learner well-exposed to the different types of media, you are tasked to synthesize the topics in prelim
through a scrapbook focusing on how media evolved through ages. Students must also present in front their scrapbook to expound their
creativity according to the topic given.
G – Scrapbook presentation
R – Scrapbook creators and presenters
A – Students
S – You are to summarize learning through a scrapbook presentation
P – Scrapbook presentation
S – Rubric

Oral Presentation Rubric

20 15 10 5
Student presents Student presents Audience has Audience cannot
information in clear information in logical difficulty following understand presentation
and logical sequence sequence which presentation because because there is no
which audience can audience can follow but student jumps around. sequence of information.
easily follow. there one segment of There are two
the presentation that segments that do not
does not align to the connect to the main
main topic. topic.

Student demonstrates Student sometimes Student is Student does not have

thorough knowledge glances at her notes; uncomfortable with grasp of information;
by answering all class answers most information; reads from student cannot answer
questions with questions with her notes most of the questions about subject.
explanations and explanations and some time; and is able to
Subject elaboration. elaboration. answer only basic
questions, but fails to
Knowledge elaborate. _____

Student uses correct Student mispronounces Student incorrectly Student mumbles

grammar, clear voice, 2 to 3 words and pronounces 4 or more incorrectly; gross errors
and precise misuses grammar 2 to terms and misuses in pronunciation and in
pronunciation of 3 times; most audience grammar 4 or more grammar; audience
terms at all times; all members can times; and the cannot understand the
Techniques audience members understand presentation is hardly presentation.
can understand presentation; the understood by the
presentation; and presentation is class.
Information is well generally understood
communicated but there are few vague

Academic Acknowledges all Acknowledges some Acknowledges few Does not cite sources;
Honesty sources properly sources; there was one sources; there were 2 fails to present the
source not properly sources not properly sources after the _____
documented. documented. presentation.

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Content The display has 20 or The display has 15 The display has at least The display has fewer than
more different but different but related 12 different but related 10 items OR the items are
related items that items. At least 12 of items. At least 10 of not good information on
cover the topic in these items are these items are the topic OR there are
detail. excellent, essential excellent and essential several factual errors.
information on the topic. information on the topic.

Scrapbook The layout is There is a good bit of More thought and The scrapbook seems a
Design appealing and well visual appeal and planning should be given hodge- podge of items
organized, the use of organization, but some to visual appeal and thrown together with no
color and text add elements are lacking. organization. There thought to planning.
interest and appeal. Color, layout, text, seems to be little There is no consistency to
There is consistency alignment, motif, page consistency is visual layout, colors, or other
in alignment, colors, interest need elements. visual elements.
and motif. improvement.

Depth The scrapbook uses a The scrapbook uses at The scrapbook needs There is no variety to the
wide variety of media least 3 different types of more variety to explore collection, and items
and genres (text, media or genres to the theme or topic seemed to be just added
poetry, quotes, explore the topic or adequately. to complete the
images, maps, audio, theme but does not assignment.
video) to explore the have a variety in the
topic or theme. collection.

Sources Source information is Source information is Source information is Very little or no source
included for all included for all graphics, included for graphics, information is included.
graphics, facts and facts and quotes. Most facts and quotes, but
quotes. All information information is information is not
is documented in documented in desired documented in the
desired format. format. desired format or some
source information is
Mechanics No misspellings, Three or fewer Four misspellings, More than 4 misspellings,
mechanical, or misspellings, mechanical, and/or mechanical and/or
grammatical errors. mechanical, and/or grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
grammatical errors.
WEEK 1: Communication through Media
 Round Robin strategy will be utilized for the orientation of the course.
 Interactive discussion is intended in imparting the lesson.
 Group and individual learning activities are expected.
 Oral presentation and written activities will be evident.
WEEK 2: Evolution of Media
 Interactive discussion is intended in imparting the lesson.
 Group and individual learning activities are expected.
 Oral presentation and written activities will be evident.
WEEK 3: Types of Media
 The students will be given a discussion about the canonical authors.
 Group presentation/reporting is expected in examining the types of media.
 Individual/Group presentation and critique will be expected in analyzing the types of media.
WEEK 4: Media Sources
 The students will be given a discussion about the canonical authors.
 Group presentation/reporting is expected in examining the types of media.
 Individual/Group presentation and critique will be expected in analyzing the types of media.

 Sanchez, L., Lizada, M., Agustin, R., and Cuartero, J. (2018). Media and Information Literacy. Vibal Group, Inc.
 Ligaya C. Hidalgo Z and Mattheus A. (2018) #MediaTrends: Importance of New Media and Technology to Modern
Prepared by: Reviewed and Approved by:

Mr. Chrisand Godwyn M. Sabayton Dr. Alexander F. Suan

Teacher Senior High School Coordinator

Date Submitted: _________________

Date Checked: __________________

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