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Chapter IV, Target Market Selection

Who is the specific target market?

The specific target market of this proposed pork pie marketing plan is no other than

the establishment’s current customers. Specifically, these customers can be divided into

three distinct groups: road travelers, residents of Lipa, Cuenca, San Jose and Mataas na

Kahoy, and those who avail the establishment’s event center package.

Why were these groups selected?

The establishment believes that over the years, they have captured the taste buds

of their customers, and that there is absolutely no reason for them not to come back after

having a meal in Lando and Lorie’s Eatery; thus, they believe that after tasting the pork

pie, taking their feedback into consideration, customers will surely grow to love it as much

as they love barbeque and come back for more.

How would you describe them in terms of demographic, geographic and psychographic


In terms of demographic factors, people of all ages are considered customers as

most of them come by the establishment as groups (e.g. students, families, friends) but

average customer age range from 20-60. Geographically, emphasis is put on residents

of Lipa and San Jose, as they are considered the major customers of the establishment;

historically, their rise has been attributed to travelers from Batangas Port going north, so

the proponents also considered and emphasized their importance.

Do they fit into recognized market lifestyle factors?

Yes, they fit into recognized market lifestyle factors, as the majority of the

establishment’s customers hail from the middle class; they are those who seek to eat food

that is not cheap nor expensive yet feels that every peso paid for is worth it.

What are the general profiles of these markets?

These markets are people that are going somewhere to conduct business or in a

family trip together or simply celebrate something special in Lando and Lorie’s Eatery or

in the case of road travelers, going somewhere to deliver goods or migrate; they come

from all walks of life who seek food that has the love and care of an expensive restaurant

served to them with the speed of conventional fastfood.

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