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Criteria 5 4 3 2
Video Clarity & All shots are Most shots are Many are clearly Few shots are
Lighting clearly focused. clearly focused. focused. Motion clearly focused.
Camera Camera shots are fairly The camera is not
movements are movements are steady. Some held steady. Many
smooth and of smooth and/or of shots have shots have
appropriate appropriate inadequate light. inadequate light.
speed. All shot speed. Most shots
have appropriate have appropriate
lighting. lighting.
Transitions Video moves Transitions move Transitions from Tape is unedited.
smoothly from relatively shot to No transitions
one shot to smoothly form shot are choppy between clips.
and the Raw clips run back
another using an shot to shot and a types of cuts and to back in final
appropriate variety are used. fades video.
selection of are not always
transitions. appropriate.
Audio Audio is balanced Audio is usually Audio is somewhat Audio is
between dialogue, balanced balanced between unbalanced
music between dialogue, dialogue, music between dialogue,
and voice over. music and music
Audio is clear and voice over. voice over. and voice over.
throughout Audio is clear Audio is clear Audio is inaudible
the video throughout throughout in
the video. the video. significant portions
of the
Plot/Dramatic Plot has clear Plot has mostly Plot is difficult to What plot? This is
Structure beginning, middle, clear beginning, follow, and lacks a collection of
and end. Dramatic middle, and end. either a clear random actions
structure builds to Dramatic structure beginning, middle, with nothing tying
climax, then ends is generally or end. Dramatic them together.
with falling action. followed, but structure is only
wanders in places. somewhat
Climax of story is followed, and
clear. actions seem
Character All characters are Most characters Some characters Everyone who
Development as thoroughly are as thoroughly are developed, but appears on screen
fleshed-out as the fleshed-out as the at least half are is immediately
story requires. story requires. just people on the forgettable. No
Clear protagonist Main characters screen. Who's real character
and antagonist. are clear, but their story is this? development to
roles in the story speak of.
may not be.
Cinematography Shot composition Shot composition Some clever and Little, if any,
is carefully crafted is sometimes creative shots and attention paid to
to the mood and crafted to the angles are used, shot composition.
purpose of each mood and purpose but more Shots and angles
scene. Clever and of each scene. attention was paid are boring.
creative shots and Clever and to WHAT was shot Viewers don't
angles are used creative shots and than HOW it was want to continue
throughout the angles are used for shot. watching this film.
film. Visually the majority of the
interesting and film. Visually
memorable. interesting and
memorable for
most of the film.
Required Film includes all of Film includes most Film includes Film includes few
the of the some of the of the
required required required required
components component components components
- Length (`15 -
-Title & Credits
- Soundtrack
- 2 Techniques

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