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Throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, all the characters show acts of courage.

Atticus shows
courage when he is surrounded by the mob who wanted to hurt him. Not once did he show any sign of
fear, and to stand up to a mob takes a lot of courage. It takes a lot courage for Boo Radley to finally
leave his house despite all the harsh rumors about him. Also, Boo Radley shows courage when he saves
Jem and Scout on Halloween night. Jem shows courage when he goes back the the Radley place to get
back his pants, his fear was big, he still overcame it and showed courage. Scout showed a lot of courage
on the night of the mob, to stand up to a grown man, and to change his view on the actions he was
about to take. These are only a few examples of the plently example of courage that the characters

One of the most significant themes in To Kill a Mockingbird is courage, and Harper Lee uses many of the
characters and circumstances in her novel to demonstrate all facets of courage.There is a physical
courage which is demonstrated by Atticus standing in the middle of the street, facing off with a rabid
dog armed only with a shotgun. This is an especially impressive feat to his children, of course, but
Atticus now has to work extra hard to show them that there are other, more important kinds of

A.Miss Maudie shows courage when she refuses to be pressured by the \"foot-washin' Baptists\" who
try to shame her out of growing her flowers. When they shout Bible verses at her, she responds with
other Bible verses. She is not intimidated by these bullying tactics, and she courageously confronts them
in her own backyard, so to speak.\nBoo Radley demonstrates extraordinary courage when he saves the
Finch children from being killed by Bob Ewell. Even more, he kills Ewell in the process. There is no doubt
that this is a courageous and selfless act.\nEven Walter Cunningham's dad demonstrated a rather
extraordinary courage in this novel. Although he was kind of the ringleader of the group that came to
cause trouble for Tom Robinson at the jail, Atticus placed him on the jury of Tom's trial. The expectation
is that this jury will come back with an inevitable guilty verdict; after all, a white woman accused a black
man of raping her, so the black man must be guilty. Instead, Walter Cunningham is the juror who
prolongs the verdict long enough to give Atticus some hope. Though Cunningham was unsuccessful in
changing his fellow jurors' mind, he was able to hold them off for a time, obviously because he believed
Tom was innocent. This simple act gives us all hope that one day things would be more equitable for
blacks.\nScout, Jem, and Dill display some moments of courage in their antics with the Radley house,
but often those are more bravado-driven than prompted by true courage.

Sout shows a lot of courage throughout the novel. “I guess it ain’t your fault if UncleAtticus is a
n***** lover […] This time, I split my knuckle to the bone on his front teeth,” (Lee110-112).
Scout is showing courage in this quote because she is standing up for Atticus. She gets mad
because she had been hearing many bad things about her dad defending Tom Robinson’scourt
case. “Miss Caroline, he’s a Cunningham […] The Cunninghams never took anything theycan’t
pay back,” (Lee 26). Scout shows courage here because she is the only one that is willing totell
Miss Caroline Walter’s situation.

Jem shows a lot of courage in the novel by not being afraid of people. “Jem threw openthe gate
and sped to the side of the house slapped it with his palm and ran back to us,” (Lee 18).
When Jem does this he shows that he is not afraid of Boo Radley because at any second the
rumor has it he can step outside his house and kill all of them. “She wants me to come every
afternoon after school and read to her out loud for two hours”, (Lee 140). This quote
demonstrates Jem’s courage of not being afraid of people. In the past Mrs. Dubose has been
calling Jem, Scout, and Atticus very bad things and still, with Atticus’ help has the courage to
read to her as she asked.

Atticus also shows a great deal of courage throughout the novel. “With movements so swift
they seemed simultaneous, Atticus’s hand yanked a ball-tipped lever as he brought the gun to
his shoulder”, (Lee 127). This quote is about Atticus shooting a mad dog. Atticus steps up and
takes the shot even the county sherrif did not want to take.

In this novel courage is shown in many ways. Courage is shown by Scout standing up to people
to protects her dad’s name. Courage by Jem is demonstrated by not being afraid of people, and
last courage by Atticus is shown through his actions towards killing “The Maycomb Disease”.
Courage in To Kill A Mockingbird is shown best by Scout, Jem, and Atticus.

CourageThe novel
To Kill a Mocking Bird
by Harper Lee, many characters demonstrate ways of being courageous.
To Kill a Mocking Bird
takes place in the 1930’s during the great
depression.Atticus, Jem, and Scout really show what it means to have courage. These three
charactersdemonstrate the theme of courage.Atticus is a character who is a father and a
lawyer. He demonstrates courage in multipleways. One example from the tex
t is, “Scout, I could not go to church and worship God if I didnot help that man”
(Lee 140). Atticus shows how
if he didn’t help out Tom Robinson hewouldn’t have been able to live with himself.
He always
shows courage by saying “Good
evening Mrs. Dubose!
You look like a picture this evening”
(133). This shows that he is verynice and even though Mrs. Dubose is mean and calling him
names, Atticus
doesn’t listen to her
when she says bad things about him and his family. Even though Atticus shows courage,
anothercharacter that shows courage is Jem.In the novel
To Kill a Mockingbird,
Jem show great courage. One way he shows courageis when he wanted to deliver a note to Boo
Radley. In the text,
it states “We are going to give anote to Boo Radley.” (Lee 62). He also
shows courage with Boo again. When they get back to
their house, Atticus wanted to return the blanket back to the Radley’s. But Jem did not want to
because it could possibly get Boo
in trouble. “Atticus, no sir,”
(Lee 96). These two characters both show great courage but with these two Scout shows great
courage as well.
CourageThe novel
To Kill a Mocking Bird
by Harper Lee, many characters demonstrate ways of being courageous.
To Kill a Mocking Bird
takes place in the 1930’s during the great
depression.Atticus, Jem, and Scout really show what it means to have courage. These three
charactersdemonstrate the theme of courage.Atticus is a character who is a father and a
lawyer. He demonstrates courage in multipleways. One example from the tex
t is, “Scout, I could not go to church and worship God if I didnot help that man”
(Lee 140). Atticus shows how
if he didn’t help out Tom Robinson hewouldn’t have been able to live with himself.
He always
shows courage by saying “Good
evening Mrs. Dubose!
You look like a picture this evening”
(133). This shows that he is verynice and even though Mrs. Dubose is mean and calling him
names, Atticus
doesn’t listen to her
when she says bad things about him and his family. Even though Atticus shows courage,
anothercharacter that shows courage is Jem.In the novel
To Kill a Mockingbird,
Jem show great courage. One way he shows courageis when he wanted to deliver a note to Boo
Radley. In the text,
it states “We are going to give anote to Boo Radley.” (Lee 62). He also
shows courage with Boo again. When they get back to
their house, Atticus wanted to return the blanket back to the Radley’s. But Jem did not want to
because it could possibly get Boo
in trouble. “Atticus, no sir,”
(Lee 96). These two characters both show great courage but with these two Scout shows great
courage as well.
In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, the author Harper Lee shows her characters

expressing multiple acts of courage. Multiple chapters in the book show great deals of courage

when faced with trouble. Characters that Harper Lee created in her story preform multiple acts
courage that help them improve themselves. Throughout part one of To Kill a Mockingbird,

Scout, and Atticus show multiple acts of courage.

First, Jem shows multiple acts of courage throughout part one of the book. An act of

courage that Jem shows is getting his pants from the Radley house. “When I went back- they

were in a tangle when I was getting out” (Lee 78). Jem has the courage to retrieve his pants

he got away from the Radley house. Another act of courage, was to write a letter to the person

who gave Scout and Jem the gifts in the tree “Here, lets write a letter” (Lee 82). Jem had the

courage to thank the person who gave them the gifts rather than not doing anything at all.

Second, in the first part of To Kill a Mockingbird Scout shows a few acts of courage.

Scout fights Francis when he insults Atticus. “This time, I split my knuckle to the bone of his

front teeth.” (Lee 112). Scout fights Francis because he insulted Atticus and Scout stood up for

him. Another act of courage that Scout shows is when she defends Walter Cunningham. “They

never took anything off of anybody, they got along with what they have. They don’t have much
but they get along without it.” (Lee 26). She defends Walter because she knows why he would

not take the quarter and explains it to Miss. Caroline.

Finally, Atticus shows multiple acts of courage during To Kill a Mockingbird. One act of

courage that Atticus shows is when he has to shoot the dog, Tim Johnson. “In the fog, Jem and I

watched our father take the gun and walk to the middle of the street.” (Lee 127). Atticus was

courageous enough to shoot the ‘mad dog’ when no one else would do it. The second act of

courage that Atticus did was to defend Tom Robinson. “I’m simply defending a negro- his name
it Tom Robinson” (Lee 100). Atticus had the courage to defend Tom Robinson when no one else


There are several acts of courage shown in To Kill a Mockingbird. Jem shows courage by

retrieve his pants from the Radley house. He also shows this by writing a letter to the person

gives Jem and Scout the gifts. Scout shows courage by defending Atticus and Walter

Cunningham. Atticus shows courage by shooting the ‘mad dog’ and defending the African

American, Tom Robinson when no one else would. Throughout part one of To Kill a

Mockingbird, Jem, Scout and Atticus show multiple acts of courage.

To Kill a Mockingbird Courage Essay

In the bestselling book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee (the author) showcases many

different themes that are woven throughout the story. This includes themes such as social

injustice, bravery, and courage. All of these themes were relevant in the 1930’s which, of

is the setting of the book. Courage is an important idea in this book and is exhibited by several

characters. Throughout Part One of To Kill a Mockingbird, many acts of courage were shown by

the characters Scout, Jem, and Atticus.

To begin, Scout is a young girl who is still figuring things out in her life. Despite being

young and inexperienced, she is able to exhibit courage in her own significant ways. One

example is when she stands up for Walter Cunningham at school. The Cunningham family is a

poor family and they take nothing that they cannot return. During lunch, the teacher, Ms.
Caroline, offers to give Walter lunch because he did not have one with him. Walter refuses the

money, but Miss Caroline continues to offer it. Then, Scout tells Miss Caroline why Walter will

not take the money, and informed her that Walter was getting embarrassed by Miss Caroline’s

repeated offers. “The Cunningham’s never took anything they can’t pay back-no church baskets

and no scrip stamps. They never took anything off of anybody, they get along with what they

have. They don’t have much, but they get along on it.” (Lee 26). In another example of showing

courage through defending someone, Scout stands up for her father, Atticus, at a family
Christmas gathering. Francis, Scouts’ cousin, says “He’s [Atticus] nothin’ but a n*****-lover!”

(Lee 110). Obviously, Scout is upset by this and has the courage to stand against it. Actions very

similar to this are present many times in the writing.

In addition, Jem, or Jeremy Finch, is portrayed as a very courageous character in this

novel. In an early example, Jem gets together with Scout and Dill, and they all sneak into the

Radley’s yard and go up to the house to peek inside. In Maycomb there are several stories and

rumors about the Radley family and what goes on in their house. So, led by Jem, they decide to

embark on the curiosity voyage into the Radley household. Harper Lee writes “Dill and Jem

were simply going to peep in the window with the loose shutter to see if they could get a look

Boo Radley, and if I didn’t want to go with them I could go straight home and keep my fat

flopping mouth shut, that was all” (69). Another example where Jem displays courage is when

stands against what Mrs.DuBose says about Jem’s father. Mrs.Dubose makes a rude comment

about what Jem’s father does and Jem becomes very angry and offended. Maybe this wasn’t

right choice, but in defense of his father, Jem ruins all of Mrs. Dubose’s flowers. “He did not

begin to calm down until he had cut the tops off every camellia bush Mrs.Dubose owned, until

the ground was littered with green buds and leaves.” (Lee 137). What exactly is the issue with

Atticus though? Why is everyone insulting him?

Finally, Atticus is an extremely courageous person. He shows it in small ways and very

large ways. For example, one day, a diseased dog was wandering the street and Atticus stepped
up and shot it to keep it from potentially hurting someone. “The rifle cracked. Tim Johnson

leaped, flopped over and crumpled on the sidewalk in a brown-and-white heap” (Lee 127).

Harper Lee emphasizes courage in so many ways in To Kill a Mockingbird. She shows

this through characters like Scout, Jem, and especially Atticus. All of these characters have the

ability to be brave, protective, and do what they can even though they may fail. These are

characteristics that make someone courageous. Scout, Jem and Atticus are all courageous and

demonstrate it through their actions.

Courage Courage, courage can be defined by many things, people, and actions
but courage to me is defined the mind, or the spirit of one individual that
allows one to face danger, difficulty, or pain without fear. Acts of courage
are extremely prevalent in the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird. Courage is
prevalent in all phases of the characters lives, and they have to act upon
that in all phases. Throughout the entire course of the novel you will see
courage in almost all the characters, but I see the most courage out of three
<p>These three characters all have different motivations, they acted out
their courage in three different ways, they all reacted to their adversity
differently. The characters who exemplify this are Jem Finch, Mrs. Dubose,
and Atticus Finch. Jem faced great adversity, and was needed to be courageous
throughout the entire book. He often would stand up to adults of the town,
Jem often would buy into bets and do very courageous acts. One large example
of Jem&#8217;s courage is his action with the Radley house. He knew there was
a threat of Boo Radley waiting for them with a gun.</p>
<p>But he overcomes the possibility of being shot to please the others. His
courage roots from pleasing Atticus, he would rather get shot than displease
Atticus. With Jem being the oldest son of Atticus, there is a lot of pressure
to be a shining examples for the other kids, and be the pride of the Finches.
Jem must overcome any fear present, and do any courageous act necessary just
to rid himself of Atticus&#8217; disapproval.

How could you speak about courage throughout the novel, To Kill A
Mockingbird, without speaking of Atticus Finch?

There is a significant amount of courage seen through this man. It begins in

his professional life. He does something no other person would even dare to
do, defend Tom Robinson in the court of law. He knew that this case would
affect him and his family, but he was willing to do that for justice, that is
courage at its finest. He does what courage calls for, facing fears. Atticus
faces the fear of Maycomb&#8217;s dislike and takes the stereotypes and
racism head first. He never turned his back on those who needed him, or on
his failure.</p>
<p>He only shows this courage because he is motivated by doing what is
morally right, and preventing cruelty. He feels the need to show people the
necessity of what he is trying to show. Atticus professionally, is one of the
most courageous characters in the novel. There is all of this courage in
Atticus&#8217; professional life, but there is also a great amount of courage
in his family life. It is hard for him to raise a family as a single father,
he relies heavily on the help of others like Calpurnia, and even Aunt
Alexandria. He is courageous in is words to his kids, and how he raises his
<p>The Finch family takes constant ridicule, and he has to stay calm for his
kids. If he does something bad, what is he teaching his kids? He has the
courage to not look for others for advice of his kids. Atticus has the
courage to do what is morally right, and to let Scout and Jem leave be. That
is what makes Atticus be courageous, that is why he strives to do what he
does. In the novel, Atticus said “&#8230; Instead of getting the idea that
courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It&#8217;s when you know
you&#8217;re licked before you begin anyway and you see it through no matter
what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do. (Lee 149). This quote becomes
Atticus&#8217; definition of courage, and he sticks to this definition in his
case with Tom Robinson. Atticus&#8217; knew he was “licked” entering the
case, and remained courageous and went through with it anyway. Nobody in the
novel did an act of courage out of randomness, the rooted their acts from a
need or motivation. Courage is the want to do succeed, and to do the
righteous thing regardless of the end result. Nobody acted upon their acts in
hopes of winning. Everyone won and lost, either way they did not regret what
they did for the sake of righteousness and good intentions. cou</p>
“Every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. This one’s mine,
I guess.” To Kill A Mockingbird, an award winning book by Harper Lee is about Atticus Finch,
a lawyer in Maycomb, Alabama trying to defend Tom Robinson. Tom, who was accused of rape
by a white woman named Mayella Ewell in the 20th century is having great difficulty in winning
the case. Atticus Finch is showing great courage and confidence when he decides to help Tom
Robinson with his case.

Atticus is defending Tom because he values equality and justice. He believes that everyone is
equal and therefore just because Tom Robinson is black, does not mean that he should not
defend him. Before the trial, Atticus states, “Simply because we were licked a hundred years
before we started is no reason not to try to win.” Atticus is pointing out that simply because
ingrained racism will probably lose them the trial, does not mean they can not do the right thing
to fight for justice anyway.

Atticus showed great courage in doing the right thing by defending Tom because he believed
everyone should be treated equally and he wanted to keep the respect of his son. Since Atticus
values equality and justice, he still had the courage to defend a black man in court even if he
knew that it wasn’t going to go their way. In reading the book, the reader sees how people should
always be treated equally no matter the outcome and the difficulty for a black man to win a court
case in the 20th century..

I wanted to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that
courage is a man with a gun.&quot; What kinds of heroism and courage are
shown in To Kill a Mockingbird? Discuss.
Courage is defined as &quot;the quality of mind or spirit enabling one to
meet danger or opposition with fearlessness.&quot; According to Atticus
Finch, one of the main characters in To Kill a Mockingbird, &quot;Courage is
when you know you&#x27;re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and
you see it through no matter what.&quot; (pg.121). Harper Lee clearly
portrays the theme of courage in her novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. One likes
to think of a hero, as strong, brave, and meeting all challenges head on. All
the characters in this book have a different view as to what courage. When
Atticus took the case, he went up against Maycomb, a generally prejudiced
town, in order to defend Tom. He understood that taking the case would make
him an object of ridicule and that no one would forgive him for believing a
black man&#x27;s word over a white man&#x27;s. Even his own sister expresses
disapproval at his decision, practically telling him he was bringing disgrace
to the family. Nevertheless, no matter how much his reputation suffered, he
did not change his mind. Standing up for his morals and ethics was more
important than what people thought about him. From the very start Atticus
knows he will not win the case however he does his job and finishes what he
set out to do.
Atticus&#x27;s strong sense of morality and justice motivates him to defend
Tom Robinson with determination, giving it all he has. He shows this when he
says, &quot;Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started
is no reason for us not to try and win.&quot; (pg.82). He says this to Scout
after she comes home from school angry at Cecil Jacobs for making fun of
Atticus in the schoolyard. Atticus tells her to fight with her head instead
of her fists. He wants the people of Maycomb to hear the truth about Tom,
&quot;That boy may go to the chair, but he&#x27;s not going till the
truth&#x27;s told.&quot; (pg.159). Atticus is putting everything a man holds
dear, dignity, respect, honor and status, on the line to protect Tom. He
later shows more bravery when he goes to the jailhouse to\Themes often
explore timeless and universal ideas and may be implied rather than stated
explicitly. Theme is an important part of fictional stories. Several themes
are presented in the novel to kill a mocking bird. One of the reoccurring
themes in to kill a mockingbird is courage.
Courage is when you know you’re beaten. The character Atticus, for
instance, who was a seasoned lawyer acted courageous defending Tom Robinson.
Tom Robinson was a black man who was accused of raping a white<

Courage, as defined by Collins Dictionary, is “the quality shown by someone

who decides to do something difficult or dangerous, even though they may be
afraid”. In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee has created many
characters who exhibit such courage, even in the face of adversity, and
develops this into a major theme. Atticus Finch, Arthur Radley, and other
members of the Finch household and Maycomb community, display amazing courage
in the things they say, but more importantly in the</p><div
class="paper__gradient paper__gradient--bottom"></div><div class="center
paper__cta"><a class="button text-m " href="/essay/Theme-Of-Courage-In-To-
Kill-A-P3BS8NY9ASR">Read More</a></div></div></li><li><div class="paper
paper--related"><a href="/essay/To-Kill-A-Mockingbird-Courage-Analysis-
PKEZCUUX9EF"><h2 class="heading-m weight-700 brand-secondary">To Kill A
Mockingbird Courage Analysis</h2></a><span class="paper--
related__details">735 Words | 3 Pages</span><p class="text-l source-serif
text-ellipsis-after">Courage is portrayed to be a special kind of knowledge
or gift that you are born with. It can be demonstrated as rescuing a princess
or even standing up to the local school bully. The webstermerriam dictionary
entry for courage is, “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and
withstand danger, fear, or difficulty”.1 In the book, “To Kill a
Mockingbird”, by Harper Lee, she uses courage as a theme for her characters
and demonstrates how each person is able to use courage as their forte.
One</p><div class="paper__gradient paper__gradient--bottom"></div><div
class="center paper__cta"><a class="button text-m " href="/essay/To-Kill-A-
More</a></div></div></li><li><div class="paper paper--related"><a
href="/essay/Examples-Of-Courage-In-To-Kill-A-F3PK6WE7AR"><h2 class="heading-
m weight-700 brand-secondary">Examples Of Courage In To Kill A
Mockingbird</h2></a><span class="paper--related__details">902 Words | 4
Pages</span><p class="text-l source-serif text-ellipsis-after">In Harper
Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird there are many examples of courage throughout the
entirety of the novel. These examples come in many forms such as standing up
for what you believe in, fighting against something you think is wrong and
pushing through the hard times. In the novel courage is often exhibited
quietly and people may not notice the act, but this is what makes it true.
Traits of this true courage are often demonstrated by Atticus which he then
teaches his children about and then they</p><div class="paper__gradient
paper__gradient--bottom"></div><div class="center paper__cta"><a
class="button text-m " href="/essay/Examples-Of-Courage-In-To-Kill-A-
F3PK6WE7AR">Read More</a></div></div></li><li><div class="paper paper--
related"><a href="/essay/Theme-Of-Courage-In-To-Kill-A-PKH96LKLS6"><h2
class="heading-m weight-700 brand-secondary">Theme Of Courage In To Kill A
Mockingbird</h2></a><span class="paper--related__details">974 Words | 4
Pages</span><p class="text-l source-serif text-ellipsis-after">In the
Pulitzer Prize winning novel,To Kill a Mockingbird, world reknowned author
Harper Lee uses Atticus,a dedicated lawyer and father to the Finch children
to develop multiple signficant themes throughout the book.Atticus,a morally
upright character,is one of the only charecters in the book to believe in
racial equality,he sets an example to follow for the extremly prejiduce
Throughout the book,Atticus demonstrates multiple forms of courage.When
Scout comes home,angry after Cecil calls</p><div class="paper__gradient
paper__gradient--bottom"></div><div class="center paper__cta"><a
class="button text-m " href="/essay/Theme-Of-Courage-In-To-Kill-A-
PKH96LKLS6">Read More</a></div></div></li><li><div class="paper paper--
related"><a href="/essay/Essay-On-Courage-In-To-Kill-A-PKZY6TXL4F"><h2
class="heading-m weight-700 brand-secondary">Essay On Courage In To Kill A
Mockingbird</h2></a><span class="paper--related__details">1291 Words | 6
Pages</span><p class="text-l source-serif text-ellipsis-after">Courage is the
commitment to begin without any guarantee of success. One will dare to take
risks, have the strength to be compassionate, and the wisdom to be humble;
courage is simply the foundation of integrity. What someone does in these
moments of being very brave will reveal how strong someone really is,
regardless of how much weight someone can deadlift. The courage of each
character in &quot;To Kill A Mockingbird&quot; manifests itself in their
battles against the corrupt forces of their world.
Harper</p><div class="paper__gradient paper__gradient--bottom"></div><div
class="center paper__cta"><a class="button text-m " href="/essay/Essay-On-
Courage-In-To-Kill-A-PKZY6TXL4F">Read More</a></div></div></li><li><div
class="paper paper--related"><a href="/essay/Theme-Of-Courage-In-To-Kill-A-
PKLZXJE6US6"><h2 class="heading-m weight-700 brand-secondary">Theme Of
Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird</h2></a><span class="paper--
related__details">965 Words | 4 Pages</span><p class="text-l source-serif
text-ellipsis-after">strength to face danger, is a crucial word in To Kill A
Mockingbird. This book takes place in the South during the 1930’s, a time of
prejudice and racism. At this time, one was ridiculed if one’s beliefs were
not the same as the traditional beliefs of the town. Bravery is vital to go
against society. Courage is a major theme in Harper Lee’s, To Kill A
Mockingbird, and is demonstrated throughout the book by Mrs.Dubose, Boo
Radley, and Atticus.
Courage is a major theme that is demonstrated throughout</p><div
class="paper__gradient paper__gradient--bottom"></div><div class="center
paper__cta"><a class="button text-m " href="/essay/Theme-Of-Courage-In-To-
Kill-A-PKLZXJE6US6">Read More</a></div></div></li><li><div class="paper
paper--related"><a href="/essay/Examples-Of-Courage-In-To-Kill-A-
F39SP3WE7AR"><h2 class="heading-m weight-700 brand-secondary">Examples Of
Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird</h2></a><span class="paper--
related__details">863 Words | 4 Pages</span><p class="text-l source-serif
text-ellipsis-after">English 2, Period 2
15 December 2017
Supporting The Truth
What is courage?Courage is the action of someone presenting their
opinion when taken into consideration of the possible hardships. It allows
one to confront danger along with difficulty without any fear held upon.
Moreover, courage is a simple word with a lot of different meanings to it, it
can be defined in several ways by different people. The novel, To Kill a
Mockingbird by Harper Lee, is considered to be a bildüngsroman since the main
In the novel, To Kill A Mockingbird, the novel is based on a little town
where nothing really happens until a man gets accused with rape and only one
character would be able to help him out of his own sheer courage and empathy.
The author Harper Lee teaches readers that courage is a quality that anyone
can show during any difficult problem while suppressing their fear. Lee also
shows what the lack of courage is, cowardice.

Harpereveryday and symbolize true courage and bravery in society. They fight
even when everything has gone wrong and know they are not going to succeed.
In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee shows what true courage is when
characters such as Atticus and Mrs.Dubose fight even though they know they
are going to lose. The courage these characters demonstrate, along with Jem’s
own courage, throughout the book teaches Jem what true courage/bravery is,
and develops his character in a positive

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