BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standard - Asseement 1 & 2

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BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

Assessment 1

Scenario information, also called scenario thinking or scenario analysis, is a strategic

planning method that some organizations use to make flexible long-term plans. It is in large
part an adaptation and generalization of classic methods used by military intelligence.

Now in the scenario where I am Pat Marks, the manager of the West Dealership of
Melbourne Car World what I have reviewed of this company in various aspects are:

 The company is totally focused on gaining the customers through various strategic
planning so as to increase the sales of the company.

 The company is striving to maintain the product. And also to excel on customer

 The company also focuses on maintaining a healthy relationship with the suppliers and

 The company is focused on maintaining the sales data, customer feedback and reporting
to senior management. And it is also focused on having a strong customer service
policies and procedures.

The company meets the requirement of Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The
Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA) is an Act of the Parliament of AustralianThe Act
is the legislative vehicle for competition law in Australia, and seeks to promote competition,
fair trading as well as providing protection for consumers.

The implementation plan which was provided by the Melbourne Car Worlds were;

 Task – list of project tasks

 Percentage Completed – lists the percentage of each task completed

 Status – task status such as: completed, on schedule, behind schedule, canceled

 Day Started – date task was begun

 Day to Be Complete – estimated date of task completion

 Actual Completion Date – date task was completed

 Task Assignment – Name of task owner

 Priority – task priority such as High, Medium or Low

 Milestone – Yes or No to indicate if this is a milestone task

Assessment 2

The implementation plans to improve customer service of Melbourne Car are as follows;

 Adaptability.

Every customer is different, and some may even seem to change week-to-week.
Melbourne Car should be able to handle surprises, since the customer’s mood and adapt
accordingly. This also includes a willingness to learn to provide good customer service is
a continuous learning process.

 Clear communication.

Ensure you convey to customers exactly what you mean. You don’t want your customer
to think he’s getting 50% off when he’s actually getting 50% more product. Use
authentically positive language, stay cheerful no matter what and never end a
conversation without confirming the customer is satisfied.

The team performance of team member one for the first quarter of the financial year is given

 The team performance of the first quarter was a satisfactory one regarding the target
that was to achieve. To achieve $170,000 sales per quarter the team has
successfully managed to have sales of $155,000.

 Likewise, the team has successfully managed to gain 87% in service duties to
standard quality with a customer focus.

 Regarding the training part, the team had some disappointment as in the training of
10 hours the team has only managed to have a training of 7 hours.

 Regarding the work processes as per MCW policy and procedures, the team had performed
very well and has achieved the mark of 75%.

Target Weighting Achievement

To achieve $170,000 sales per quarter. 25% $155,000
To perform all customer service duties to standard quality
25% 87%
with a customer focus.
To perform 10 hours of training per quarter. 25% 7 hours
To follow all work processes as per MCW policy and
25% 75%

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