BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards - Learner Instruction 1

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BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

Learner Instructions 1

Contribute to customer service standards and implement systems

1. Review the simulated business documentation, including the policies and

procedures for Melbourne Car World, in the additional information.

Melbourne Car Word is a growing business and the business has high potential to grow
as well. It is presently undertaking a review of its customer service policies and
procedures to ensure continuous improvement in line with industry best practice models
and voluntary codes of practice.

Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or system over time.
The act of simulating something first requires that a model is developed; this model
represents the key characteristics, behaviors, and functions of the selected physical or
abstract system or process.

The model represents the system itself, whereas the simulation represents the operation
of the system over time. Policies and procedures are the key element to conduct policies
in place as a guideline for appropriate employee behavior, and they outline things such
as proper dress code, workplace safety procedures, harassment policies and policies
regarding computer and Internet usage.

In line with company values and to exploit market trends towards larger working families,
Melbourne Car World, after completing a tendering process as per company policy, has
partnered with XYZ Childcare to run children’s play and learning centres in all
dealerships for staff and customers.

This privacy policy sets out our policies on the management of personal information –
that is, how we collect personal information, the purposes for which we use this
information, and to whom this information is disclosed.

2. Analyse the data and develop at least two (2) recommendations to improve
customer service to discuss with your Sales and Customer Service General
Manager (the assessor).

What is the most important thing Melbourne Car can do to improve relationships with
your customers? The answer is as obvious as it is overlooked: improve customer
service. No matter how great Melbourne Car product is or how talented your staff is, one
of the things that customers are most likely to remember is the direct interaction they
have with your company.

Bottom line, Melbourne Car customer service team is often the face of your company,
and customers’ experiences will be defined by the skill and quality of the support they

A strong company will already have great customer relationships. But a smart company
will always be asking “What is good customer service?”

BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

If Melbourne Car are not constantly on the lookout for opportunities to improve your
customer service, then their relationships will stagnate.

The two recommendations to improve customer service of Melbourne Car are as


 Adaptability. Every customer is different, and some may even seem to change week-
to-week. Melbourne Car should be able to handle surprises, since the customer’s
mood and adapt accordingly. This also includes a willingness to learn to provide good
customer service is a continuous learning process.

 Clear communication. Ensure you convey to customers exactly what you mean. You
don’t want your customer to think he’s getting 50% off when he’s actually getting 50%
more product. Use authentically positive language, stay cheerful no matter what and
never end a conversation without confirming the customer is satisfied.

3. Arrange to meet with your assessor to discuss your recommendations. Gain

approval for your recommended changes or enhancement/clarification of
organisational standards as embodied in:

1. Policies

Melbourne Car World is to launch effective policies to the company concerning its growth
and satisfaction of its customers. Company policies and procedures establish the rules of
conduct within an organization, outlining the responsibilities of both employees and
employers. Company policies and procedures are in place to protect the rights of
workers as well as the business interests of employers.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the management of customer contact is carried
out consistently, fairly and transparently, and in accordance with organizational

The changes or enhancement/clarification of organizational in terms of its policies

are as follows:

→ Manage the privacy of its customers according to the privacy act 1988 and all other
applicable legislation governing privacy.

→ Manage the personal information of the clients and handle that information with care
and not disclosing that information with any other businesses.

→ Manage the company documents in a proper and systematic way for future use.

→ Emphasize on better management of the company to increase sales and gain

customers satisfaction.

BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

2. Procedures

Working within organizational policy and procedures is not as simple as reading

policy and procedure manuals and same goes with the Melbourne Car World. The
procedures for Melbourne Car World include plans such as:

→ Responsibility for the implementation of this policy rests with employees and
management of Melbourne Car World with responsibility for managing customer

→ All customers should be acknowledged within the first five seconds of entering
the dealership.

→ When free, engage the customer in the appropriate ways like a smile, make eye
contact, if you know their name, use it and various other effective client serving

4. Write a one- to two-page report to document your recommendations for organisation-

wide changes or enhancements to policies, service delivery procedures, practices and

a. use formal language

b. provide support for your recommendations: include reference to existing customer

service system, customer service models, standards

 The purpose of the report:

The purpose of this report was to analyze and recommend suitable

recommendations for Melbourne Car World for the organization wide changes or
enhancements to policies, service delivery procedures, practices, and standards.

 The Scope:

While investigating the Melbourne Car World we found out that the company has a
high potential for growth and has a well and managed management system and has
a benefit of goodwill and brand name which it has earned through hard work of over

 The Method Used:

The information used in this report was collected by consulting the Melbourne Car
World appendix and personal visit.

 Findings:

While we researched the overall company what we found out was. What is the most
important thing Melbourne Car can do to improve relationships with your customers?
The answer is as obvious as it is overlooked: improve customer service. No matter
how great Melbourne Car product is or how talented your staff is, one of the things
that customers are most likely to remember is the direct interaction they have with
your company.
BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

 Conclusion

After investigating the Melbourne Car World it was found that the company has
successfully managed to meet the Company requirements. And the company has a
high potential to grow by reviewing the planning, policies, and procedures of the

It is important to consider the long term benefits to the company when considering
which location was best suited. Apart from initial to modernize the company IT
department also can play the key role in achieving the growth of the organization.

 Recommendations and implementation:

To reduce company long term expenses.

Recommendations Recommendations (to do list)

→ Improve the average collection the → increasing sales and reducing
period for accounts receivable. expenditure

→ engaging with customers

→ Do not extend credit to slow payers.
→ supporting people to perform via
→ Reduce credit terms. training and performance
Improve efforts to collect debts i.e.hire management
a debt collection agency.
→ monitoring product quality

→ Offer discounts to early payers.

4. Develop a plan to ensure successful implementation of recommendations within the

organization. Include:

a. Scheduled activities with dates up to end of second quarter

The second quarter has arrived, and it’s time to prepare Melbourne Car World list of
objectives. Ideally, Melbourne Car World should plan each quarter to achieve
objectives that align with their annual goals.

1. Learn from the past.

2. Prioritize your goals.

3. Establish accountability.

 Week one: Identify 500 new prospects.

 Week two: Present prospect lists to the executive team for feedback.
BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

 Week three: Finalize the list of prospects.

 Week four: Email those prospects.

 Week five: Follow-up with phone calls.

b. Short rationale for each activity (Why is it included? How will it achieve the objective
of successful implementation of changes and performance to standard?)

Explanation of the logical reasons or principles employed in consciously arriving at a

decision or estimate rationale usually document (1) why a particular choice was
made, (2) how the basis of its selection was developed, (3) why and how the
particular information or assumptions were relied on, and (4) why the conclusion is
deemed credible or realistic.

1. Why is it included?

Rationale development should be part of thoughtful planning. The rational

analysis of The Melbourne Car World in terms of why the following things are
included is for the following reason.

 Customer-focus.

Customer focus is included so as to increase the priority to the customer and

also basically focus on customer needs and preference.

 Actively encourage excellence, innovation and continuous improvement.

To encourage the employee at the Melbourne Car World is a great way to

increase and excel the performance of the company. If an employee is
encouraged than it will directly lead to growth in productivity, which is why the
actively encourage excellence, innovation and continuous improvement is
needed in the organization.

 Work collaboratively and consultative with integrity, professionalism, and


To generate high professionalism is a big deal as professionalism is a process

which is achieved through various hard work and dedication and likewise, the
Melbourne Car World needs to further enhance its team work for better
performance to achieve the goal of an organization.

2. How will it achieve the objective of successful implementation of changes and

performance to standard?

This operation is achieved through the basis of this selection and through various
analysis of the Melbourne Car World. The analysis report includes the following.

 Analyzing the need and want of customers.

 Analyzing of the how effective the management team is

BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

 Analyzing of the financial report of the company.

 Analyzing the feedback of the consumers.

 Analyzing the mission and vision of the company

 Analyzing the planning of the company

 Analyzing the drawbacks and what lead to the drawback in the productivity.

c. Revision of existing policies, procedures and standards

The review of the existing plans and procedures and standards of the Melbourne Car
World is effective and is well planned as to increase the sale and growth of the
organization. The plan includes the following:

 increasing sales and reducing expenditure

It is an effective plan for the company growth as if the expenses of the company
is minimized and is focused to increase the sale; the Melbourne Car World has
the high probability to achieve its target.

 engaging with customers

Though the planning includes the engagement focus to the customers, there
should be more effective and should be carried out seriously as the competition is
high and if the company wants to be in the engagement should also be of high

 monitoring quality service

The company should manage the monitoring process to be more effective as

negligence to this planning can lead the company to have drawbacks.

d. Responsibilities (consider organisational chart, external training consultants)

Considering the organizational chart the key responsible persons are

→ Board of Directors

Board of a director is the key responsible person to manage the overall planning
of the company as his decision can lead the company in either profit or loss. So
the highly responsible person in the company is the board of directors to make
accurate and effective decisions.

→ Chief Executive Officer-Flo Mehra

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the company is totally responsible for the
effectiveness and management of all the financial planning and employee
management and mobilize of the company.

→ Chief Financial Officer Cameron White

BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is mostly responsible for the financial stability of the
company. All the cash inflow and out flow are to be managed by the CFO.

→ Operations General Manager-Les Mackie

Operations General Manager is responsible for the management of the employee

activities of the company. A general manager is an executive who has overall
responsibility for managing both the revenue and cost elements of a company's
income statement, known as profit & loss (P&L) responsibility. In many cases, the
general manager of a business is given a different formal title or titles.

→ Sales and Customer Service General Manager Phil Anderson

Sales and customers service general manager is basically responsible for the
growth of sale and policies and planning for the sales growth of the company.

→ Manager West Pat Marks

To manage all the financial transaction of the West including employee and
customers overall responsibility is the key role of the manager in the West.

→ Manager North- Kim Phelps

To manage all the financial transaction of the North including employee and
customers overall responsibility is the key role of the manager in the North.

→ Manager East- Saul Van Buren

To manage all the financial transaction of the East including employee and
customers overall responsibility is the key role of the manager in the East.

e. Required resources (people, physical resources). Use resource types classified as

expenses in approved budget. No special financial resources are available or
earmarked for this plan. This plan should integrate with normal operations.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure the acquisition of resources is carried out
consistently, fairly and transparently and in accordance with organizational

→ people:

'People as Resource' is a way of referring to a country's working people in terms

of their existing productive skills and abilities. Human resource is an asset for the
economy rather than a liability. The population becomes human capital when
there is an investment made in the form of education, training and medical care.

The Melbourne Car World requires the people resource so as to grow the
company as it is in the expansion phase.

If the company is to be expanded in various cities the most required resource is

people. The budget should be allocated to the people resource as to how much of
employee is to be needed and what is the budget to be spent on them.

BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

→ physical resources:

Physical resources are the most basic and required resources in the company.
And in The Melbourne Car World, it is high time to add the physical resource
such as Buildings and Facilities, machinery and supplies as of the current need of
the company. And for this also the budget should be allocated by the CFO and
then approved by the CEO and board of directors.

f. Scheduled communication to organisational stakeholders (consider organisational


The most important element in stakeholder communications is identifying the target

audience. Be deliberate and seek out input from all known groups to find the
unknown groups. It can be tough when too late in the project a critical person or
group is identified that has not received any of the communication through a course
of the project and has valuable links that need to be addressed.

So Melbourne Car World should make sure to avoid this scenario and take all the
steps early to create a document with all stakeholders they need to manage
communication with.

→ Meetings – One of the most common ways to communicate. They can vary from
only a person to thousands based on message and audience appropriate. It is up
to you to maximize every minute of the time spent to have dialogue. Make sure it
is a dialogue and not a monologue. It is the best way as you have the verbal and
nonverbal cues that enhance the communication and avoid misinterpretation.

→ Conference Calls – These days this is the most common as it does not require
the time and expense of travel. The dialogue can take place though its dependent
on voice intonation and clarity of the verbal message. They only require the cost
of phone call and there are many paid and free services that will facilitate the use
of a conference call line for many people to dial into. It's also a common way for
classes to be recorded and replayed when it's convenient for you.

→ Newsletters/ Email/ Posters – This strategy is one-way communication and

utilizes emailed updates, hard copy brochures, posters, newsletters mailed or
emailed. One of the weaknesses is that messages are delivered and you cannot
gauge if they were read and understood, deleted as sometimes there is no
feedback. That immediate feedback is valuable for strengthening your message
and making sure impacts and feedback are quickly received.

g. At least one (1) team briefing session at each dealership (lead by manager) to inform
sales and customer service team of revisions to policies, procedures, standards, etc.,
and encourage consistent application of standards.

h. Performance management activities

BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

What’s the secret to achieving greater organizational success? Strong Performance

Management the processes you put in place to measure and reward the abilities of
your workforce to meet and exceed goals.

A performance management system should provide employees with these four basic

1. A clear understanding of job expectations

2. Regular feedback about performance

3. Advice and steps for improving performance

4. Rewards for good performance

i. Supply chain management activities

Supply chain activities cover everything from product development, sourcing,

production, and logistics, as well as the information systems needed to coordinate
these activities.

The basic role of Supply chain activities in the Melbourne Car World is as follows;

1. The first is that practically every product that reaches an end user represents the
cumulative effort of multiple organizations. These organizations are referred to
collectively as the supply chain.

2. The second idea is that while supply chains have existed for a long time, most
organizations have only paid attention to what was happening within their “four
walls.” Few businesses understood, much less managed, the entire chain of
activities that ultimately delivered products to the final customer. The result was
disjointed and often ineffective supply chains.

j. Product and service monitoring activities, including research and continuous


Product and service monitoring activities should be effectively carried out by the
Melbourne Car World as it is extremely necessary for the company to carry out the
planning for the product and service monitoring.

The product and service monitoring activities for the Melbourne Car World that need
to be carried out are as:

→ Respect and appreciate your customers

→ Treat your team members right

→ Respond immediately

→ Be knowledgeable

→ Accept feedback or reviews and take action accordingly

BSBCUS403 Implement Customer Service Standards

k. Ensure your plan is coordinated with and conforms to the organisation’s existing
customer service system and operational plan

The main aim of customer service is to make every customer experience memorable
and positive. Great customer service builds and enhances the customer’s
relationship with the company.

l. Ensure your plan is designed to ensure successful delivery of customer service to

approved and agreed standards.

In fact, delivering excellent customer service is one of Melbourne Car World

company values. So the design to ensure successful delivery of customer service to
approved and agreed standards, in my opinion, are as follows;

 Respond as quickly as possible

 Know your customers

 Fix your mistakes

 Go the extra mile

 Think long term – A customer is for life


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