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2019 IEEE 32nd International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)

Osteoporosis Classification Using Texture Features

Farhan Riaz, Rehan Nemati, Hina Ajmal, Ali Hassan, Ernest Edifor, Raheel Nawaz

Abstract— Assessment of osteoporotic disease from the radio- using radiographs [9]. The 2D texture analysis is an indirect
graph image is a significant challenge. Texture characteristics assessment of 3D micro-architecture [10]. This assists in
when observed from the naked eye for the bone micro- extracting the information about the bone structure and helps
architecture of the osteoporotic and healthy cases are visually
very similar making it a challenging classification problem. in separating the healthy from the osteoporotic cases. Many
To extract the discriminative patterns in all the orientations studies have been conducted based on two Dimensional
and scales simultaneously in this study we have proposed an (2D) bone radiographs using several texture analysis meth-
approach that is based on a combination of multi resolution ods [11]. Fractal geometry is based on fractal dimension
Gabor filters and 1D local binary pattern (1DLBP) features. to characterize the textures displaying irregular and self-
Gabor filter are used due to their advantages in yielding
a scale and orientation sensitive analysis whereas LBPs are similarity behaviors. Fractal analysis has been proved as a
useful for quantifying microstructural changes in the images. suitable tool to quantify the bone structure changes due to the
Our experiment show that the proposed method shows good fractal nature of bone [12]. This analysis can be done using
classification results with an overall accuracy of about 72.71% the fractional Brownian motion (fBm) and its increments,
and outperforms the other methods that have been considered fractional Gaussian noise (fGn) [13]. Lacunarity analysis has
in this paper.
Index Terms— Texture analysis, Pattern recognition, Gabor also been proposed for the osteoporosis detection [14]. Gabor
filters, Osteoporosis. transform and wavelets have also been used to study the bone
changes [15]. Some investigations have been made using
I. I NTRODUCTION the morphological factors for bone structure analysis [16].
Hybrid methods combining statistical and structural methods
Osteoporosis is an age-related growing problem in the like Local Binary Pattern (LBP) operator have been proposed
world [1]. Although an awareness about the concerns for that have the ability to identify the changes within the
osteoporosis is increasing day by day, the diagnosis and trabecular bone [17]. A directional multi-scale analysis has
prevention methods are still inadequate. Osteoporosis is a been performed to study the bone texture characterization
skeletal disease that affects the bone strength and makes and calcaneus radiographs have been analysed using circular
them susceptible to the fractures. This disease is described parametric models [18]. In [19], a study has been conducted
by damage of bone mass and the weakening bone mi- which used special feature selection techniques that take into
croarchitecture [2]. Thus, bone mass is not the only aspect account the individual prediction ability of the feature and
of importance, the skeletal factors and micro-architecture the inter-feature redundancy to find the most distinct feature
features are also of great significance [3]. Bone Mineral set.
Density (BMD) is a degree of mineral content present in the
bone and is an exceptional pointer for osteoporosis. BMD is
typically defined by the Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry
(DXA) [4]. However, using only BMD is unsatisfactory
for guessing the fracture risk precisely [5]. It has been
verified that evaluating osteoporosis using bone mass is
unclear [6]. Combining the bone microarchitecture features
with BMD coefficients provides an excellent way for prevent-
ing fracture risk. Although there are many other technologies
like Trabecular Bone Score but none of them prove to
be very useful in clinical practice [7]. According to many
studies [8], [9] the texture analysis of bone radiographs is a
promising way to assess and identify this disease effectively. Fig. 1: Normal (left) and Abnormal (right) X-ray images.
Many techniques use three dimensional (3D) non-invasive
measures to assess the bone structure. Despite the accuracy Diagnosis of osteoporosis using bone radiographs presents
of these methods, these are not very practical due to their a great challenge because the texture exhibited by the
complexity, price, and access to the devices. 2D texture healthy and osteoporotic cases are visually very similar
analysis presents a simpler way to evaluate the bone structure to each other (Fig. 1). In this paper, we have proposed
a method for the automated diagnosis of osteoporosis in
This work was supported by the National University of Sciences and
Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan and Manchester Metropolitan University, bone radiographs. Our premise is that the structural changes
Manchester, UK in trabecular bone can be defined by textural features, as

2372-9198/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 575

DOI 10.1109/CBMS.2019.00119
established in the literature [19]. We present an approach
combining Gabor filters and one Dimensional (1D) LBP
that provides significant discriminating features. Briefly, this
approach is based multi-resolution spatial analysis combining
intensity distribution with spatial information. Instead of
using directly using spatial intensity distribution, multiple
scales and orientations of the Gabor filters followed by 1D
LBP operator are used. The combination of Gabor and 1D
LBP improved the representation power of spatial histogram
and provided features that enhance different shapes of the
structure. Our goal is to take benefit from both the Gabor and
1D LBP to extract an effective descriptor that can improve
the performance for the early stage diagnosis of osteoporosis.
The paper is organized as follows: we discuss the dataset
used (Section II) followed by the description of the proposed
method (Section III). Later, we describe our experimental
results (Section IV) followed by conclusive remarks (Sec-
tion V).

II. M ATERIALS Fig. 2: Radiograph with its region of interest (adapted

from [20].
All the experiments are conducted on Texture Charac-
terization of Bone (TCB) challenge data publicly available
at http://www.univ-orleans.fr/i3mto/data. This data consists
visual cortex [21]. Another significant consideration is that
of healthy and osteoporotic radiograph images. Any experi-
the Gabor filters achieve optimal localization in both fre-
ments involving human beings were approved by the Review
quency and spatial domain [21]. The Gabor filtering of an
Board of the institution that provides the data. The data set
image is represented as
includes the annotated images of 58 healthy and 58 osteo-
porotic subjects. The region of interest (ROI) was marked by
a physician by pointing out the anatomical marks that can be Gθ,σ (x, y) = I(x, y) ∗ ψθ,σ (x, y)
simply recognized on the calcaneus image. This guarantees  +∞  +∞
that the ROI be picked up in the same area and in the same = I(x, y)ψθ,σ (x − k, y − l) (1)
alignment from each bone radiography. ROI was of 2.7x2.7 k=−∞ l=−∞

cm2 positioned in a part of the calcaneus that comprises of where I(•) denotes the input images, ψθ,σ (•) represents
only the bone. The pixel size was 105m. Figure 1 presents the impulsive response of a Gabor filter having an orien-
four sample images. The top images are from osteoporotic tation θ and scale σ whereas ∗ represents the operator of
patients and the bottom two are from the healthy subjects. convolution. A Gabor filter can be mathematically defined
These calcaneus images present a interesting dataset, since as follows:
all of them show similar visual characteristics.  
f2 − f2 2
x2 + fη2 y 2 

III. M ETHODS ψ(x, y) = e γ2 ej2πf x (2)

The visual illustration of a region of interest in the
radiograph of a heel is shown in Fig. 2. The heel is subjected x = x cos θ + y sin θ
to two forces, gravity (tension) and walking force (compres- y  = −x sin θ + y cos θ
sion) which create anisotropic properties in the bone struc- where f is the centre frequency of the filter, θ is the
ture. Moreover, there is a different in granularity of the bones orientation of the major axis of a Gaussian function, γ is the
for normal (dense) and osteoporotic bones (scale changes). standard deviation along the major axis and η is standard
Therefore, the multiresolution analysis using Gabor filters deviation along the minor axis. λ = γη represents the aspect
(orientation and scale variations) and microstructural analysis ration of the Gaussian function. A 2D Gabor filter function
(local binary patterns) becomes very interesting. in the frequency domain is written as
A. Gabor filtering −π 2
(γ 2 (u −f )2 +η2 v2 )
Ψ(u, v) = e f2 (4)
The osteoporosis images are subjected to feature extraction
using a combination of Gabor filters and Local Binary
Patterns (LBP). Over the recent years, Gabor filters have u = u cos θ + v sin θ
been used widely to address various issues related to texture v  = −u sin θ + vcosθ
classification. The usage of Gabor filters is motivated by the which represents a bandpass filter. A bank of Gabor filters
fact that they are very similar with the primary mammalian is obtained by changing the parameters of a Gabor wavelet

and obtaining the relevant filter banks. If S is the total an optimum hyperplane that maximizes the margin of sepa-
number of scales and K is the total number of orientations ration between two different classes. This approach typically
at which the Gabor filters are calculated, we obtain a feature constructs the classification models which have excellent
vector of size S×K for every pixel in a Gabor filtered image. generalization ability thus making it a powerful tool in
various applications. For our implementation, we have used
B. 1D Projections of Filtered Responses SVM with linear kernel for classification.
The filtered images are subjected to the calculations of
their projections along the horizontal and vertical axis. As a IV. E XPERIMENTS
result of this projection, we can potentially find out how the
In this section, all the experiments are reported on the TCB
variations are taking place either horizontally or vertically in
challenge data. At first, the Gabor filter bank consisting of
the images. This is a very reasonable strategy to calculate the
filter of four scales and four orientations are constructed.
variations in the images given that the subject changes will
Later, 1DLBP histograms are obtained. For the calculation
be reflected in the response of the relevant filter bank. Given
of LBPs, 8 neighbors are considered at a spacing of 1 pixel.
filter output Gθ,σ (x, y), its horizontal and vertical projections
Feature extraction is followed by feature reduction using
are calculated as
PCA, keeping about 95% variance of the data. Classification
is done using two well known classifiers: the 1 Nearest
 Neighbours (1NN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM).
θ,σ = Gθ,σ (x, y), GVθ,σ = Gθ,σ (x, y)
A ten-fold cross validation is performed to evaluate the
i=0 i=0
performance of our method. In this work we first compared
C. 1D Local Binary Patterns (LBP) our method using LBP and 1DLBP. The mask is an important
The projection vectors are now subjected to 1D LBPs. parameter determining the classification performance. Thus,
The LBPs were first proposed by Ojala et al. [22] and the results for LBP with 8 neighbours and 1DLBP with 8
than later have been widely used for the texture feature neighbours are used.
extraction. The state-of-the-art representation of LBP used We compared our method with the technique proposed
eight neighboring pixels for the neighborhood information in [17]. We replicated the method and compiled the results
and used the center pixel as the threshold value to encode the for all 116 images of the data set for 1NN and SVM. A part
other pixel information. The 2D LBP is not very useful for from this technique that exists in the literature with refer-
bone texture characterization because bone structure mainly ence to osteoporotic image classification, we compared the
exhibits anisotropic changes. The 2D LBP captures only the performance obtained using two other state-of-the-art texture
frequency of the local structures and have no consideration
for their global orientation and thus is less sensitive to
anisotropic changes. An illustration for the basic concept of
1DLBP that we have adopted is given in Fig. 3.
After the calculation of 1DLBPs for every filter bank both
along the horizontal and vertical directions, we calculate the
histograms of LBP which can be used as features for the
D. Dimensionality reduction
For feature reduction, we have performed principal com-
ponent analysis (PCA). The PCA decomposes the data such
that the features are organized in the order of decreasing
variance values of the decomposed components of the signal.
Effectivly, PCA can be used to fit the data on an n-
dimensional space where the value of  n is chosen such that
a specific percentage of variance of the data is incorporated
in the transformed feature space.
E. Classification
We have chosen different statistical classifiers in our work,
their choice is chosen by their main archetypes:
Nearest Neighbor: This classifier labels an unknown
object with the label of the majority class of its ’k’ neighbors
in the feature space [24]. The distance between an object and
its nearest neighbors is measured in the Euclidean sense.
Support Vector Machines: The SVM, originally pro- Fig. 3: The principle of obtaining 1D Local Binary Patterns
posed by Vapnik et al. [25] mainly consists of constructing (adapted from [23]).

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