Learning and Unlearning

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I have learned to unlearn as it gives a whole new perspective to the way I used to

think and act.

Learning is a life long process and adapting to new situations, changing work
environments and being up to date with technological advancements is very essential
in the 21st century we are living in.
Conclusion: I have learned to empty my cup before filling it.
Intro (50 -75words)
2/3 Body paras- explaining how I have abandoned established ways of thinking and
acting or working.
1 can be thought process change broadening my horizons, have done it deliberately.
2 can be a habit that is long lost and no longer productive, unconscious unlearning.
3- learned to unlearn futile and baseless superstitions and myths.
Conclusion ( 50-100 words)
Bruce Lee says,” 'Empty your cup so that it may be filled; become devoid to gain

unlearning can make us happy and help us grow. One of the most important forms of
growth is unlearning. All learning we do, in a sense involves unlearning. The more we
can unlearn, the more likely we are to experience the sense of growth and progress
we so desire.

There are two types of unlearning , conscious and unconscious

1. Unconscious

The Internet has been around for 50 years and has fundamentally changed the way
we work, live and learn. The internet is a good example of how fast things change and
how we need to be able to unlearn. As new apps come to consumer and business
markets we need to adapt and learn new capabilities while unlearning older

Example of how I adapted from using a Nokia phone which had v limited features
and applications to unconsciously unlearning it to learn the use of a smartphone or
an iPhone which has myriad advanced features.
The only way to get ahead is to let go. To let go of the past so that you can move


Everyone has this pre conceived notion of hard work that working hard towards a
goal definitely involves a lot of pressure, stress and worrying about the results. When
I used to prepare for my competitive examinations using this approach, I realised
that I could not live up to my expectations. I made a conscious effort to unlearn this
way of studying because it hampers my efficiency and even after spending so much
time, it does not give the desired results. Instead working relentlessly with a happy
and positive state of mind leads to one achieving their coveted goals.

about working hard and that usually puts me under a stressful situation where I feel
the pressure to do constantly better which ultimately makes me worry about the
result. This approach did not give the desired results and even after working hard , I
did not live up to my expectations. I unlearned the idea of being in pressure when
working towards a goal . Instead a feeling of optimism and happiness increased my
efficiency and also didn’t make me as tired as I used to be . Unlearning completely
transformed the way I looked at hard work .

In the beginning of my college life, when I had just learnt to adapt in a shared space
with four people in my room, I used to get very annoyed and disturbed by trivial
things so much so that I was told by everyone that I suffered from an obsessive-
compulsive disorder. I didn’t even appreciate someone keeping their clothes on my
bed. Gradually, I unlearnt the idea of being excessively particular about petty things
especially when I have to share my room with others. It did not happen in the
fraction of a second but slowly and gradually as I stopped paying heed to those
things, it stopped affecting me. I realised that the only way to get ahead is to let go of
my idiosyncrasies.

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