Andy's Town

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SUBJECT: English language.


FORM: 4.
THEME: Andy’s Town.
Listening 1.1. Distinguishing in speech words and simple short sentences containing certain sounds and patterns of intonation.
Spoken interaction 2.1. Producing simple sentences to briefly describe the students' familiar environment.
Reading 3.1. Understanding the general meaning of a simple short message, referred to the students' familiar environment.
3.2. Reading a simple short familiar text fluently, with adequate intonation.
Written interaction 4.1. Writing simple short sentences about the students' neighborhood, using expressions, structures and grammar
forms that have been practiced.
Integrated skill Presenting a simple plan of a district.

MATERIALS: “Magic English” pupil’s book 3 form I.Ignatiuc, Presentation

Stages SC Methods Content
1 WARMING UP - Hello everybody.
– Take your seats, please. I’m glad to see you today. How are you?
-Who’s absent? Are you all here today?
- What date is it today?
- What day of week is it today?
2 EVOCATION Introducing - Look at the photo.
and learning - What season is it here? ( winter )
the new
- What colour is winter? (white)
- How many months are in winter?
- Name them. (December, January, February.)
- What month is it now?
- Let us solve the crossword and you’ll see title of our topic.

a 2
r s 4
k c b
e h 3 a
t o w n
o o k
l r
Making k
town, city, 1. We buy fruits and vegetables there.
village 2. Children learn there.
3. People do it at their jobs.
4. People save money there.
– Now. You can see that our topic is “Town”.
- Today we’ll talk about Town. What is town? (Place where people live.)
-In what settlements live people? (in the town, city, village)
- Let’s look at our sights.
P.58, ex.1
- Look and speak about the sights.
Theatre Library Church
House Museum


P.58, ex.2
- Complete and read the sentences.
Example: We learn to read and write at school.
We mail letters at the post office.
1. We light candles and pray in the _/ Church/
2. We borrow books from the______/ Library/
3. We live in a house or in a____/ building/
4. We have lessons at_________/ school/
5. We watch films at the______/cinema/
6. Children enjoy puppet shows at the______/ Theatre /

P.58, ex.3
2.1. - Look at the pictures above and say what you do in these places.
the new topic

- But today we’ll talk about Andy’s Town.

3 PRESENTATION 1.1 Introducing New vocabulary:
the new building постройка
vocabulary [‘bɪldɪŋ]
centre [‘sentə] центр
mail [meɪl] почта
Work in
main [meɪn] главный
neighborhood [‘neɪbəhʊd] соседство
pray [preɪ] молиться
3.1 P.59, ex.4
- Listen and read. Draw a map of Andy’s town.
Work in Andy lives in an old town in the North of Moldova. His town is
not very large. There are a lot of new buildings in it. There are
some old churches in the town. The oldest church is on Stefan
cel Mare Street. It is the main street of the town. There is a large
public library in the centre. Andy's school is next to the public
library. His house is behind the school. There is a post office
and a new block of flats near the school. The supermarket is
between the new block of flats and the post office. There is an
old park in the neighbourhood. Andy and his friends often play
Answer the there.
P.59, ex.5
- Answer the questions about Andy’s town.
1. Where is the oldest church? 5. Where is the supermarket?
2. Where is the public library? 6. Where is the post office?
3. Where is Andy's school? 7. Where is the park?
4. Where is Andy’s house?

4 MEANING P.59, ex.6

REALIZATION - Look at the map and ask questions to find out if this is the map of Andy’s
Answer the
Example: Is there an old church on §tefan cel Mare Street?
 Is there a park on §tefan cel Mare Street? +
 Is there a book store on §tefan cel Mare Street? +
 Is there a museum on §tefan cel Mare Street? -
 Is there a bank on Park Street? +

Making a P.59, ex.7

plan of one's Work in ex/book.
neighborhoo - Write some sentences about your neighbourhood.
d. (There is an old park in the neighbourhood. My house is behind the

P.59, ex.8
2.1. - Speak about your town or village.

5 EXTENSION – And now let’s play the game “Correct my statements”. You will listen to
my statements and disagree with me. Attention, please.

– You don’t like our town. (I like our town.)

– You didn’t visit our local museum last year. (I visited our local museum
last year.)
– There is no art gallery in our town. (There is an art gallery in our town.)
– Our town is the capital of Russia. (Our town is not the capital of
– There are no churches in our town. (There is a church in our town.)
– Our town has one shop. (Our town has a lot of shops)

- What did you learn at lessen?

Home work:
New vocabulary:
building [‘bɪldɪŋ] постройка
centre [‘sentə] центр
mail [meɪl] почта
main [meɪn] главный
neighborhood [‘neɪbəhʊd] соседство
pray [preɪ] молиться

- Listen and read. Draw a map of Andy’s town.

Andy lives in an old town in the North of Moldova. His town is
not very large. There are a lot of new buildings in it. There are
some old churches in the town. The oldest church is on Stefan
cel Mare Street. It is the main street of the town. There is a large
public library in the centre. Andy's school is next to the public
library. His house is behind the school. There is a post office
and a new block of flats near the school. The supermarket is
between the new block of flats and the post office. There is an
old park in the neighbourhood. Andy and his friends often play

P.59, ex.5
- Answer the questions about Andy’s town.
1. Where is the oldest church? 5. Where is the supermarket?
2. Where is the public library? 6. Where is the post office?
3. Where is Andy's school? 7. Where is the park?
4. Where is Andy’s house?

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