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What is Social Experiment?

 Social Experiment is a research project conducted with human subject in the real world.
 Social Experiment are a great way to have broader understanding of how humans think, feel and act.
 Social Experiment is a real field experiment of how people/society react to situations both real/hypothetical. With it, you
gain an understanding of how people/cultures work.

Part I. How to conduct Social Experiment?

 Prepare your Social Experiment Proposal (Title, Objectives, Brief Introduction, Assumptions)
 Perform your approved experiment. You should do it more than once in order to confirm results. All team members must
be present! Each member must have a role.
 As the social experiment is happening, one member take notes of everything that is happening, differences between
groups, reactions- both physical and mental, anything else that the observer finds interesting. This should be strictly
observations you will analyze and evaluate later, just take down as many details as you can without your personal
 One member should record video, but it must be discreet (hidden) as not to interfere with the experiment. This is an
addition to the written notes.
 Conduct interview.
 Prepare a video of your experiment (it could in a form of vlog).

Part II. Social Experiment Proposal Format

 Social Experiment Title
 Objective/s
 Brief Introduction
o Describe your experiment, be as detailed as possible, when and where will you do your experiment.
o Highlight and define the following in your experiment: Variables, how are you going to measure or evaluate the
 Hypothesis (premise, prediction)
 Guide Questions for interview

Part III. Social Experiment Final Paper (Written Response)

Introduction Results/Analysis
(Social Experiment Title) Documentation

A Social Experiment submitted to the Senior High

School Department in Partial Fulfillment of the
requirements for the subject
Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Science
Objective/s Reflection Paper
(Member’s Name)


March, 2020

Results and Analysis has to relate to the following questions:

 Were your assumptions proven? Why/why not
 What surprised you about the results?
 Why did this result occur?
 Why did the human subjects/ groups act differently?
 Would the results be the same in other places, locations, groups?
Part IV:
 Class Presentation – You will present your vlog, video, experiment to class. Discuss assumptions, results and analysis.

Social Experiment Ideas:

1. Deviance Behavior (Breaking the Social Norms Experiment) – Conduct an experiment that examines how society
responds to deviant behavior or behavior that doesn’t follow the norm.
2. Gender and Color Preference (Social Norms) – The goal is to see if the stereotypical association that girls like pink and
boys like blue still hold true.
3. Honesty (Values, Social Norms) – Examine whether individuals are more likely to be honest.
4. Conformity – This experiment investigates the Impact of social pressure on individual behavior. How likely are people to
conform in groups?
5. The Stroop Effect: Naming the color but not the word (compare reaction times among different groups of participants)
6. Altruism – The goal of this experiment is to observe if there are people with altruistic behavior – helping others with no
expectations of receiving anything tangible in return.
7. The Halo Effect – This experiment examines the people overall impression of a person trait, appearance, qualities.

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