Week 17, Lesson 6-1 - Academic Communication

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Communication for Academic Purposes

Module 17a: Communication for Academic Purposes

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Recognize the importance of communication towards its purpose, and

2. Give the meaning of academic communication.

Academic Communication

Many people already knew the proper way of communicating in a diverse community

especially in a different culture and settings. It may not be practiced at times but some people

may know it intuitively. It is always incorporated the instance or situation wherein it is shown

that we have different manner of communicating towards our friends compared to our family.

In the previous lesson, it was discussed why such things happened. We already recognized the

role of communication in different aspect of individual’s life.

In this module, we are going to learn about academic communication as one of the

purposes of communication. Academic communication, also called scholarly communication,

refers to the methods of communication that are highly structured and generally only used in

pedagogical setting. It includes the words and structures to express ideas, as well as the

methods used to disseminate information. Academic communication also includes ideas that

are presented effectively and formally in a scholastic manner. If you were attending college or

attending an institution with a higher education, skills for academic conversation is highly

required. The common example of which is the manner of conversation with your teachers

and peers or any other school official.

Course Module
With these, we understand how much communication is important in a day to day basis, it

much used more often than how we change our clothes.

Importance of Academic Communication

Communication is paramount of education. Whether it is the teacher, student, admin,

parent, communication is needed to make sure that relationship of each are secured towards

the aim of producing a successful students. Communication is something that does not always

happen. Sometimes is a lack of time, a lack of resources, and a lack of knowing how to get the

point across or a language barrier. This is why in the previous lesson; technology is integrated

to help those who are not efficient in communicating. We have the use of social media to

improve communication; it became much easier to communicate nowadays because of

technology. In education, technology has a lot to offer. With the use of computers, tablets,

mobile phones, studying became more engaging.

It is clearly understood that communication has different purposes depending on how one

should use communication. But we focus on communication being in academe. An effective

communication in teaching is seen by how much a student perceived the lesson conducted by

the teacher. Good communication takes place when a student gets a high score in a quiz or

exam, because it goes to show that the communication used by the teacher is a good and

effective one. But it is not always the case. There are leading factors why a student performs

poorly or gets low grades, and if that’s the case, the admin and faculty should use

communication to reach out with the students.

Academic communication is far different from those in businesses establishment, because

communication in academe can be seen as less formal or formal. Take consideration of how a

student converse with his/her teacher. In their conversation, it has a meaningful sharing of

information not just inside but outside the classroom. That is why it is called scholarly

communication. Students tend to communicate with their teacher with utmost respect, and the
Communication for Academic Purposes

manner of communicating is far different from those of their family and friends. An engaging

conversation happens between a student and a teacher.

Nowadays, different modes of communication exist. This is because we opted for changes

and it is inevitable. With everything changing, communication is one of those that improve in a

matter of time. This is why communication is important in every aspects of one’s life. We

converse with people everyday, every hour and every minute of our life. And when we did, we

gain much of information.


Write down a conversation you once had with your teacher. In a brief paragraph, describe

the manner and content of conversation.







Course Module

What are Academic Communication?

https://learn.org/articles/What_are_Academic_Communications.html June 6, 2018

Importance of Communication in Education, https://www.techlearning.com/tl-advisor-

blog/8716 January 8, 2015

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