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by: Hector S. de Leon

 Obligation – is a JURIDICAL NECESSITY (3) Object/Prestation – SUBJECT MATTER of the

to give, to do or not to do (a.115) obligation or the CONDUCT required to be observed
by the debtor (giving, doing, or not doing)
 “Obligatio” – Latin word meaning tying or binding (4) Juridical Tie/Legal Tie – EFFICIENT CAUSE or that
which BINDS OR CONNECTS the parties to the
 “Obligation is a LEGAL RELATION established between one obligation. The tie can be be easily determined by
knowing the source of obligation.
As a General Rule, the Law does not require any FORM in Obligations X bound himself to construct a house for Y for 1M, contract
X – is the debtor/obligor/passive subject
arising from contract nor from other sources
Y – is the creditor/oblige/active subject
House – object/prestation
Contract – juridical tie
party and another whereby the latter is bound to the  Wrong/ Cause of Action – ACT OR OMISSION of one party in
fulfillment of a PRESTATION (the conduct which has to be violation of the legal right(s) of another, causing injury to the
observed by the Debtor/Obligor) which the former may latter. Example: breach of contract
demand from him
 Juridical Necessity – in case of non-compliance the courts 1. Essential Elements:
may call upon to enforce its fulfillment or, the economic a. There is a LEGAL RIGHT in favor of a person
value it represents. b. There is a LEGAL OBLIGATION on the part
of another
 Damages – represents the SUM OF MONEY given as a c. There is an ACT or OMISSION in breach or
compensation for the injury or harm suffered by the violation of the said right by the defendant
creditor/oblige for the violation of his rights. (one being sued in civil action or prosecuted
in a criminal action) with consequential
injury or damage to the plaintiff (one who
 Creditor or Obligee – he who has the RIGHT TO THE
brings an action at law) for which he may
PERFORMANCE of the Obligation.
maintain an act for damages or appropriate
relief (assistance)
 Debtor or Obligor – he who has the Obligation to comply 2. If any element is absent, complaint becomes
otherwise shall be visited by Harmful/ Undesirable Legal vulnerable to motion to dismiss on the ground of
Consequences failure to state a cause of action
3. A cause of action only arises when the last element
NATURE OF OBLIGATIONS (CC): occurs the moment a right has been transgressed
1. Civil Obligations – obligations which give to the (trespassed).
creditor/obligee a RIGHT OF ACTION in courts of justice a. Right of action distinguished from maintain
to enforce their performance. b. Right of action/Right to commence
2. Natural Obligations – <procedural law – laws which establish
 NOT based on Positive Law (Law recognized by procedure and rules of court and the court
gov’t authority); but on EQUITY and NATURAL LAW system and which matters are conducted>
(derived from nature and binding upon society);
 does NOT grant a Right of Action to enforce their
performance; if voluntary fulfillment by debtor,
Action per Contracts should be brought within 10 YEARS from the time
cannot recover what has been delivered
the Right of Action Accrues <to exist as legally enforceable claim>
(1) Active Subject (Creditor/Obligee) – or the person
who is entitled to DEMAND the fulfillment of the
ii. Right to maintain an action <substantive
obligation; he who has the RIGHT<power a person
law – written law controlling rights and
has under the law to demand from another any
actions of persons within jurisdiction>
b. For every Right enjoyed by a person, there is a
(2) Passive Subject (Debtor/Obligor) – person who is
corresponding obligation on the part of another
bound to the fulfillment of the obligation; he who
to respect such right.
has the DUTY/OBLIGATION <act or performance
which the law will enforce>
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by: Hector S. de Leon

 (Contracts) accrues only when an actual breach or

violation occurs 4. Acts/Omissions punished by law – when they
 Period of Prescription – from the occurrence of breach arise from a civil liability as a consequence of
some criminal offense;
 Injury – the ILLEGAL INVASION of a legal right; wrongful
act or omission which causes loss or harm to another 5. Quasi-delicts – when they arise from damage
caused to another through an act or omission,
 Damage – Is the LOSS, HURT, or HARM which results there being fault or negligence, but there’s no
from the injury contractual relation

 Damages – denotes the SUM OF MONEY recoverable as CLASSIFICATIONS OF SOURCES:

amends <compensation for loss or injury> for the (1) Those emanating from LAW
wrongful act or omission (2) Those emanating from PRIVATE ACTS:
a. Licit Acts – Contracts & Quasi-contracts
b. Illicit Acts –
 Injury – is the LEGAL WRONG to be redressed
not punishable-quasi-delicts
 There must be
(1) Wrongful Violation of a legal right/ Injury; Art. 1158. Obligations derived from LAW are not presumed.
(2) Loss or Damage caused to him by such violation Only those expressly determined in the CC or in special
laws <other laws no in CC>are demandable and shall be
* One who makes use of his legal right does no injury
*Qui jure suoutiturmullumdamnumfacit regulated by the percepts of the law which establishes
* If damages result from a person’s exercise of legal right them; as to what has not been foreseen, by the provisions
* Damnumabsqueinjuria (damage without injury) of this book.

Art.19. Every Person must in the exercise of his rights and in  LAW (OBLIGATION EX LEGE)
the performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone  Legal Obligations or Obligations arising from law:
his due and observe honesty and good faith. are not presumed because they are considered a
burden upon the obligor.
 Must be expressly <explicit, defined, clear> set forth
and cannot be presumed.
(1) Real Obligations (obligation to give)
The subject matter is a thing which the obligor must
deliver to the oblige;

(2) Personal Obligation(obligation to do or not to do)

The subject matter is an act to be done or not to be done;
a. Positive Personal Obligation – Obligation
to do or to render service;
b. Negative Personal Obligation – Obligation
not to do, includes “not to give”

 Obligations arise from:
1. Law – statutes, legislative enactments;

2. Contracts – meeting of minds between two

persons whereby one binds himself, with
respect to the other to give something or to
render service;

3. Quasi-contracts – obligation arising not from an

agreement between them but from some
relationship between them;
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