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Class IX

Chapter: Matter In Our Surroundings

Subjective Questions

1 
Ans1: T (K)= T (oC) +273  2 mark 
 
Boiling point of water is 100 oC

Therefore boiling point of water in Kelvin scale is 100 oC+273=373 K  mark 

2 

Ans 2:
1 
(a) Condensation  2 mark 
 
1 
(b) Melting  2 mark 
 

Ans 3: Diffusion is faster in beaker containing hot water. (1 mark)

As the temperature rises, kinetic energy of the particles increases and particles
move faster. This speeds up the intermixing of particles. (1 mark)

Ans 4: Rain drops dry away easily on a sunny day. (1 mark)

As the temperature increases evaporation increases. On a cloudy day

temperature of the surrounding is low and on a sunny day the temperature of
the surrounding is high. With the increase of temperature, more number of
particles gets enough kinetic energy to go into the vapour state i.e. more is the
evaporation. (1 mark)

Ans 5: Ice at 0 oC is more effective in cooling than water at 0 o C . (1 mark)

Cooling takes place when heat is removed from the system. At 0 o C ice takes
away the latent heat from the surrounding and converts itself in water. Thus
there is a change in physical state of ice. (1 mark)

In case of water at 0 o C there is no change of state. Hence in water lesser energy

is taken away from the surrounding i.e. there is little cooling. (1 mark)

Multiple Choice Questions

Ans 1: (a) Solid

In solids, constituent particles are arranged orderly and intermolecular distance
between the particles is very less.

Ans 2: (c) Salt

Among the three states of matter, in solid state distance between constituent
particles is very less and hence forces of attraction between constituent particles
are very high.

Ans 3: (d) Freezing

During freezing constituent particles of liquid lose energy to surrounding, come
closer to each other and get converted into solid state

Ans 4: (b) Evaporation

The process of evaporation of water from the aerial parts of plants especially
leaves is known as transpiration

Ans 5: Evaporation increases with decrease in humidity

Air around us can hold a definite amount of water vapour at a given

temperature. If the amount of water vapour is less, more number of particles of
water change to vapour state to maintain the amount of water vapour in air.

Fill In the Blanks

Ans1: condensation
Ans 2: compressed
Ans 3: evaporation
Ans 4: melting
Ans 5: decreases

True / False

Ans 1: True
Ans 2: False
Ans: 3 True
Ans 4: True
Ans 5: True

HOTS Questions

Ans 1:
1 
Air from the fan causes rapid evaporation of sweat.  2 mark 
 
1 
During this evaporation sweat takes away heat from our body.  2 mark 
 
Evaporation causes cooling which eventually gives us relief. (1 mark)
Ans 2: The air around us can hold a definite amount of water vapour at a given
temperature. The area near the sea will be more humid than the area far away
from the sea. (1 mark)
Evaporation decreases with an increase in humidity. Hence more evaporation
will occur away from the sea. (1 mark)

Ans 3: A drop of red ink will diffuse faster in a beaker filled with water. (1 mark)
Honey is a viscous liquid and its particles have low kinetic energy. Particles of
red ink have higher kinetic energy as compared to particles of honey. Hence
drop of red ink diffuses faster than drop of honey. (1 mark)

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