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Collaboration Criminal Justices

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Collaboration Criminal Justices

Interagency collaboration is the process where agencies and families join together and

focus on solving specific interdependent problems (Collaborative Justice, 2019). The concept of

collaboration lays under the inspiration of leaders who should draw their knowledge to the

diversity of people from different location those with various specialties. Collaborative initiatives

can exist between the endeavors of the government entity where multiple sectors are required to

demonstrate their collaboration commitment towards achieving the main goal (Collaborative

Justice, 2019). Since 2012 there are various agencies like the Current for Evidence-Based Crime

Policy that has been involved in the collaborative justices cases (Current & Completed Projects,

2019). This case study provides the guides of achieving the local criminal justices collaboration

in major government entities such as the National Institute of Corrections.

There are various issues involved in solutions to the proposed collaborative problems.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a significant problem for collaborative justices. This has been a

weakness following the fact that most of the people identify changes with their dysfunctional

approaches and thoughts. Another issue is the protesting of the African American Families

(Crime Solutions, 2019). This mainly focuses on the parents who have failed to take up parental

responsibility well. In most families, the familial and relationship skills have been eroded leading

and significantly increased levels of racism cases. Gender is also another issue which

encompasses the prevalence of sexual assaults practices in society. Gender issue here is

incorporated by misleading myths about rape and other practical assaults (Crime Solutions,


Solutions and Results

However, there are proposed solutions to the above issues. Gender practices and sexual

assaults people are encouraged to be more sexually aggressive to evade and reduce future intents.

Parental responsibility should be goals to target to the next generations by parents to minimize

problems and instances of racial pride socialization. People are always encouraged to come

together and contribute to thinking to come up with patterns towards Cognitive behavior setting.

I feel organizations in criminal law and societies have the power to identify and respond

to illegal activities with a community. This is a most impactful solution collaborative justice can

offer to the community. Since the entities have the power, they can correct and become the

center of learning, innovation, and leadership effectiveness. I also feel the less impactful solution

is when these entities let the public to establish their interest to the public officials. I think these

short-term decision-making processes by an individual cannot contribute to the community

improvement in terms of the criminal justice system. It is a collective responsibility for everyone

to take the system side of the problem.

According to the National Institute of Corrections. (2019), the outcome of collaboration

can be improved by incorporating organizational and system principles. This means the laws of

rules and regulations must be reviewed, and any changes leading to organization improvement

should be usable. The system must monitor and measure the development of useful leadership

strengths and weaknesses. This will boost the literature underlying the collaboration in criminal

justice activities. The collaboration activities should engage the establishment of urgency, which

can help in creating coalitions and vision strategies for the system. In conclusion, I think

everyone should realize how many people are dying in jail. This should be taken a lesson for us

because we don’t know what usually happens behind bars. Going to jail, we can say it equal to

death because most of those who go prison never come back.



Collaborative Justice: Special Topics. (2019). Retrieved 29 September 2019, from

National Institute of Corrections. (2019). Retrieved 29 September 2019, from (2019). Retrieved 29 September 2019, from

Current and Completed Projects | Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy. (2019). Retrieved 29

September 2019, from

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