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EDART 275 Luci, Bryan D.

Journal Critique

Across the Bridge: A Story of Community, Sociality, and Art Education


Rébecca Bourgault
Boston University, USA

Research Problem

I think the research problem in this article focuses on the aim to measure and see the
outcomes of an experiential learning project. This said experiential learning project
provides the process of the research the results like access to real-time coaching and feedback;
promotion of teamwork and communication skills for the learners and workers; development of
reflective practice habits.


Art can be perceived in many ways such one happens naturally and spontaneously. The
phenomenological approach is used in this article. As reflected in the journal the project sought
to combine the experience of the art studio classroom with experiential learning gained from
active relationships with the world outside. By doing the interview you can get an authentic
response from your target respondents. Because the Phenomenological approach deals with
the commonality of lived experience and drawing meaning from it. In art education, it is best to
have this

Conceptual Framework

The Conditions of Relational Art and Transpedagogy, In this article they had set their studies on
these different theories such as the relational art and transpedagogy. In transpedagogy, the
artists did not approach the residencies with pre-established art projects in mind nor a set of
technical skills they wanted the students to master. In line with the practices that we could adapt
to our art classes emerging in each classroom context was co-composed between teachers,
artists, and students through class discussions, small experimental activities, artistic
interventions, slide shows of contemporary art, research-driven assignments, and student
interests are some of the strategies to apply in our art classes.

Results and Findings

For the results and findings the article suggests that pedagogy for an experiential learning
project must undergo a series of planning and processing as the author of the article wrote I
would argue that at a college-level studio, pedagogy for an experiential learning project
connected with socially engaged art must still be planned around a process that
includes guidelines and outcomes, despite the fact that the wisdom of its transformational
values might find fulfillment much after the project has concluded. In addition, the study
suggests that we need to study further other disciplines for the students must indulge in different
strategies and how these can contribute to the whole process of learning.

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