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Received: 17 July 2018    Revised: 30 August 2018    Accepted: 26 September 2018

DOI: 10.1111/joor.12733


Effectiveness of mobilisation of the upper cervical region and

craniocervical flexor training on orofacial pain, mandibular
function and headache in women with TMD. A randomised,
controlled trial

Letícia B. Calixtre1  | Ana Beatriz Oliveira1 | Lianna Ramalho de Sena Rosa1 | 

Susan Armijo-Olivo2,3 | Corine M. Visscher4 | Francisco Alburquerque-Sendín5

Laboratory of Clinical and Occupational
Kinesiology (LACO), Department of Physical Summary
Therapy, Federal University of São Carlos Background: Studies exploring interventions targeting the cervical spine to improve
(UFSCar), São Carlos, Brazil
symptoms in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are limited.
Faculty of Rehabilitation
Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Objectives: To determine whether mobilisation of the upper cervical region and
Alberta, Canada
craniocervical flexor training decreased orofacial pain, increased mandibular func-
Institute of Health Economics, Edmonton,
tion and pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) of the masticatory muscles and decreased
Alberta, Canada
Department of Oral Kinesiology, Academic headache impact in women with TMD when compared to no intervention.
Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam Methods: In a single-­blind randomised controlled trial, 61 women with TMD were
(ACTA), University of Amsterdam and Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The randomised into an intervention group (IG) and a control group (CG). The IG received
Netherlands upper cervical mobilisations and neck motor control and stabilisation exercises for
Department of Sociosanitary Sciences, 5 weeks. The CG received no treatment. Outcomes were collected by a blind rater at
Radiology and Physical Medicine, University
of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain baseline and 5-­week follow-­up. Orofacial pain intensity was collected once a week. A
mixed ANOVA and Cohen’s d were used to determine differences within/between
Letícia B. Calixtre, Departamento de groups and effect sizes.
Fisioterapia, Universidade Federal de São Results: Pain intensity showed significant time-­by-­group interaction (P < 0.05), with
Carlos, São Carlos, Brazil.
Email: significant between-­group differences at four and five weeks (P < 0.05), with large
effect sizes (d > 0.8). The decrease in orofacial pain over time was clinically relevant
Funding information
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado only in the IG. Change in headache impact was significantly different between
de São Paulo, Grant/Award Number: groups, and the IG showed a clinically relevant decrease after the treatment. No ef-
2014/05276 7
fects were found for PPT or mandibular function.
Conclusion: Women with TMD reported a significant decrease in orofacial pain and
headache impact after 5 weeks of treatment aimed at the upper cervical spine com-
pared to a CG.

manual therapy, neck exercises, neck mobilisation, randomised controlled trial,
temporomandibular joint disorders

Register Number: RBR-6c7rq4

J Oral Rehabil. 2018;1–11. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd |  1  
2       CALIXTRE et al.

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N and treating subjects with TMD.17 In fact, it is not uncommon that
clinicians plan exercises for the cervical spine in patients with
Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a collective term for a num- TMD based on their intuition, their own experience, but without
ber of clinical problems involving the masticatory musculature, knowledge of the existence of impairment in the cervical spine
temporomandibular joints (TMJs) and associated structures.1 Thirty-­ and its muscles.13 Thus, more research is needed to explore the
nine per cent of the general population present at least one sign implications of the treatment focused on cervical spine and mus-
or symptom of TMD, 2 with females showing greater prevalence of cles in TMD.
TMD than males.3 Although orofacial pain is the main complaint of The aims of the present study were as follows: (a) to determine
patients with TMD, earache and neck pain can also be associated whether mobilisation of the upper cervical region and craniocervical
with TMD, as well as the decrease in the sensibility of the masti- flexor training over a 5-­week period can improve orofacial pain in
catory muscles.4 Joint noises, reduction in bite force, limitations in women with TMD when compared to a control group (CG); and (b) to
mouth opening and deviation of the mandible during mandibular determine the differences between the intervention group (IG) and
movements are also common5 and could lead to a reduction in the the CG in terms of PPT of masticatory muscles, mandibular function
mandibular function. and headache impact at the end of the 5-­week treatment.
The comorbidity of TMD and headache has been reported It was hypothesised that, after 5 weeks, the IG would experience
as frequent, 6 and approximately 70% of the general population significantly reduced orofacial pain and headache impact and would
who suffer from headache also present symptoms of TMD.7 have significantly improved mandibular function and increased PPTs
Furthermore, the degree of disability associated with the headache of the masticatory muscles in comparison with the CG.
has been reported to be higher in patients with TMD compared to
asymptomatic subjects, 8 showing some impact of headache on pa-
tients with TMD. 2 | M E TH O DS
Several physiotherapy modalities have been used to reduce TMD
symptoms.9 However, clinical trials of high methodological quality
2.1 | Study design
are still required to strengthen the evidence for the effect of phys-
iotherapy interventions on TMD.9–11 A systematic review10 found This was a single-­blind randomised controlled trial. To ensure ran-
that a combination of manual therapy and exercises for the cervical dom concealment of allocation, opaque envelopes (sealed and num-
spine shows promise in the treatment of TMD. In addition, a recent bered) were prepared by one of the researchers not involved in the
evidence compilation of randomised controlled trials highlighted recruitment or the assessment of the subjects. All eligible subjects
that there is emerging evidence supporting the use of cervical spine were allocated to one of two groups: the IG or the CG.
treatment through neck exercises plus cervical mobilisations to im-
prove pain.12 This promising evidence could be related to the fact
2.2 | Subjects
that several studies have specifically reported that subjects with
TMD present abnormalities of the endurance and performance of Participants were recruited from August 2015 to July 2016 through
the neck flexors and extensors muscles. In particular, stabilisa- announcements in local and social media. Inclusion criteria were as
tion exercises for the neck in combination with manual therapy for follows: female; aged between 18 and 40 years old; orofacial pain for
the upper cervical spine14,15 have been found to increase maximum at least 3 months (considered as chronic pain, according to the IASP);
mouth opening and to raise pressure pain threshold (PPT) in the baseline pain score ≥3 on a ten-­point Numerical Pain Rating Scale
masticatory muscles in subjects with TMD. Nevertheless, because (NPRS); and diagnosis of orofacial myalgia (Ia and Ib) or mixed TMD
of their methodological limitations (including lack of a control or a of Ia/Ib and groups IIa/IIb/IIIc (disc displacements) and IIIa (TMJ ar-
placebo group), these studies provided limited evidence. A recent thralgia) according to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD.18 In
systematic review of randomised controlled trials that applied addition, the participants self-­reported the presence and intensity
manual therapy techniques to treat TMD suggested that techniques of neck pain according to a NPRS and completed the Portuguese
applied to the upper cervical spine are effective in reducing orofacial version of the Neck Disability Index19 at baseline to allow charac-
pain. Still, the evidence from the included studies was mainly poor, terisation of the sample. Patient examinations were conducted by a
and the authors of the systematic review concluded that further physiotherapist (PT1) with 5 years of clinical experience in musculo-
studies of higher methodological quality are needed to strengthen skeletal disorders.
the evidence regarding the effectiveness of manual therapy for man- Potential participants were excluded if they met any of the fol-
aging TMD. lowing criteria: pregnancy; diagnosis of fibromyalgia or rheumatic
In summary, the anatomical, neurophysiological, biomechani- or neurologic issues; history of neck or jaw fracture; dental loss
cal and clinical relationship between the upper cervical spine and (except for third molars, when extracted more than 6 months ago);
the orofacial region is an example of a regional interdependency and previous orofacial treatment (such as orthodontics or physio-
model,16 which justifies the importance of looking at cervical spine therapy in the previous 6 months). Participants who had been using
and stomatognathic system as a functional entity when evaluating occlusal splints or regular medication for more than 6 months were
CALIXTRE et al. |

not excluded from the study. However, if they wanted to start any on previous studies (ICC between 0.64 and 0.78). 23 Since there was
new treatment during the study, they would be excluded. All ex- no difference between left and right muscles, the mean of right and
cluded patients received appropriate counselling and physiotherapy left masseters and the mean of right and left temporalis were used
treatment. on the statistical analysis. Minimum detectable change (MDC) for
The trial was approved by the relevant ethics committee prior general PPTs has been considered to range from 0.45 to 1.13 kg/
to data collection (CAE: 41837015.4.0000.5504). All participants cm2. 24
gave their written informed consent. The study was registered in
the Brazilian Register of Clinical Trials (; RBR-­
2.3.3 | Headache Impact Test (HIT-­6)
6c7rq4). The trial was reported according to CONSORT guidelines. 20
HIT-­6™ is a brief tool for assessing the impact of headache in both
clinical research and practice. This tool is composed of six questions
2.3 | Outcome measures
that approach pain, functionality, social impact, energy and fatigue,
All outcomes were collected by a second physiotherapist (PT2), who as well as cognition and emotional stress in people with headaches.
was blinded to the allocation, at baseline and at 5 weeks after the They can be answered with “never”—6 points, “rarely”—8 points,
baseline measurement in the case of the CG, and not more than “sometimes”—10 points, “very often”—11 points and “always”—13
2 days after the final physiotherapy session in the case of the IG. points. The subject can score from 36 to 78 points while scores ≤49
The primary outcome measure for this study was orofacial pain in- represent little or no impact; scores between 50 and 55 represent
tensity, which was also collected once a week during the study to some impact; scores between 56 and 59 represent substantial im-
verify changes in current, maximum and minimum pain. The sec- pact; and scores ≥60 indicate severe impact. 25 Subjects who scored
ondary outcomes measures were pain sensitivity, functionality and at least 50 points at baseline were re-­assessed on follow-­up in order
headache impact described below. to verify changes in headache impact. The test-­retest reliability has
been demonstrated to be good (ICC: 0.76-­0.80). 26 The optimal cut-­
off point for the MCID is 8 points. 27 HIT-­6 has been translated and
2.3.1 | Orofacial pain intensity
validated for the population of the study. 28
The following outcomes were measured in centimetres using a 0-­10
Visual Analogue Scales (VAS): (a) current orofacial pain at the mo-
2.3.4 | Mandibular function impairment
ment of the evaluation, (b) maximum orofacial pain in the last week
and (c) minimum orofacial pain in the last week. The reliability of VAS
measurements is considered fair to good (ICC: 0.55-­0.83). 21 In addi- The mandibular function impairment questionnaire (MFIQ) was ap-
tion, 30% of pain reduction has been considered clinically meaning- plied on both groups in order to verify possible functional alterations
ful for individuals with chronic pain. 22 and classify patients with TMD according to the severity of their
The primary outcomes were also collected once a week during mandibular functional limitation. 29 This questionnaire is composed
the 5-­week study period to verify changes in current, maximum and of 17 questions, each one scoring between 0 and 4. The higher the
minimum pain during the study period. The CG was reminded by the score, the greater the functional impairment on mandibular function.
PT1, once a week, to complete the pain scale at home. The IG was The sum of the responses was used in the statistical analysis. The
asked by the PT to complete the VAS once a week before the treat- Portuguese version used in this study has shown better reliability
ment session. The mean of the 3 scores was used to estimate orofa- when items 1, 2, 6 and 7 were not considered on the final score so
cial pain intensity for each week. total score was 52 instead of 68.30 The smallest detectable differ-
ence (SDD) for this questionnaire for the total score of 68 has been
established to be 8 points.31
2.3.2 | PPT of masticatory muscles
Pressure pain thresholds were measured with a digital algometer
2.4 | Intervention
(ITO—Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation, OE-­220, Japan) with a 1-­
cm2 rubber tip. In order to determine the PPTs for each one of the The description of the intervention followed the TIDieR checklist.32
muscles of interest, the pressure was applied perpendicular to the The IG received 10 sessions of physiotherapy over 5 weeks,
point with a 1 kg/s speed on the following spots: 1 cm superior and twice a week with at least 48 hours apart.14,15 PT1 (the physiother-
2 cm anterior from the mandibular right and left angles (masseter apist who carried out the screening) was responsible for delivering
muscles), and 2 cm above the zygomatic arch in the middle part the treatment to the participants. The treatment was delivered
between lateral edge of the eye and the anterior part of the helix face-­to-­face and individually, on the health centre of the univer-
(anterior portion of right and left temporal muscles).15 Each spot sity. All participants from IG received the same intervention, which
was tested three times in a random fashion, and the mean of the consisted of non-­manipulative manual techniques and neck motor
three collected data points was used for data analysis. This proce- control/stabilisation exercises with biofeedback, as described in
dure has shown good construct validity4 and fair to good reliability Figure 1 and are as follows:
4       CALIXTRE et al.

(a) (b)



F I G U R E   1   Physiotherapy techniques
applied during the treatment: A,
suboccipital inhibition technique; B,
passive anterior-­posterior upper cervical
mobilisation; C, sustained natural
apophyseal glide mobilisation with
rotation on C1-­C2 vertebras; D, Neck
stabilisation exercises with biofeedback

2.4.1 | Suboccipital inhibition technique 2.4.3 | Sustained natural apophyseal glide (SNAG)

mobilisation with rotation on C1-­C2 vertebras
The subject was supine, whereas the PT was seated behind the patient’s
head with the elbows resting on the surface of the table. The PT placed First of all, the PT performed a flexion-­rotation test, which is a
both hands behind the subject’s head, with the palms facing upwards, well-­described and reliable procedure35 to identify limitations on
the fingers flexed, and the finger pads positioned on the posterior arch of C1-­C2 segments of the spine. Then, the technique was applied on
the atlas, to allow the occiput to rest in the palm of the hands (Figure 2A). the side of the higher impairment, or to both sides if they were both
A force was applied with the finger pads over the atlas in the direction impaired, according to Mulligan’s guideline. While the patient was
of the ceiling with slight traction in a cranial direction for 2 minutes.33 seated on a chair, a horizontal, anteriorly directed force was ap-
plied with the distal phalanx of the thumbs over the C1 transverse
process on the contralateral side of the limited rotation. While sus-
2.4.2 | Passive anterior-­posterior upper cervical
taining this glide, the patient actively rotated the head in the direc-
tion of the limitation, based on the flexion-­rotation test, as seen in
The subject was supine with a neutral position of the cervical spine. The Figure 2C. This procedure was repeated 10 times to each side on
PT held the occipital region of the patient with one hand to stabilise and subsequent visits, ceasing when full range was acchieved. 36 Again,
maintain the position of the upper cervical structures, while applying a the intensity of the technique was chosen by the PT according to
posteriorly directed force on the frontal region of the patient (anterior tissue resistance.
to posterior force) with the other hand. The mobilisation was applied at
a slow rate of approximately 1 oscillation per 2 seconds controlled by
2.4.4 | Craniocervical flexor stabilisation exercise
the PT who was trained previously. Mobilisation was applied in three
series of 2 minutes, with 30 seconds of rest in between, resulting in a Lying down in a supine position, the subject was instructed to
total of 7 minutes.34 The intensity of the technique was chosen by the perform craniocervical flexion movements (Figure 2D). The head
PT according to tissue resistance (Figure 2B). was in contact with the supporting surface to facilitate activation
CALIXTRE et al. |

F I G U R E   2   Flow chart of the study according to CONSORT Statement (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials). TMD,
temporomandibular disorders; PPT, pressure pain threshold; MFIQ, mandibular function impairment questionnaire; HIT-­6, headache impact
test; ITT, intention to treat; wk, weeks; n, number of participants

of deep neck flexors, with minimal activity of the superficial neck that the exercise was being correctly performed. Initially, each
flexor muscles. This contraction was monitored using a pres- craniocervical flexion produced a pressure ranging from 20 to
sure sensor (Stabilizer; Chattanooga Group, Inc., Chattanooga, 22 mm Hg. The subjects were instructed to maintain that pressure
TN) while the PT monitored any contraction of superficial neck using visual feedback for 10 seconds with no contraction of super-
flexor muscles with palpation of the anterior neck region to ensure ficial neck flexor muscles. This procedure was repeated 10 times
6       CALIXTRE et al.

TA B L E   1   Baseline demographic and diagnostic characteristics of maximum pain, with a standard deviation of 1.5 and 2.1, respec-
each group tively). With these estimates, an analysis of variance (ANOVA)

Control group Intervention test was applied (α = 0.05; β = 80%), and the sample size calcula-
  (n = 31) group (n = 30) P-­value tion indicated that 52 participants were needed in total. Taking
into account a likely dropout rate of 15%, 61 participants were
Age (y) 26.3 (4.6) 26.1 (5.7) 0.269
BMI (kg/cm2) 23.1 (3.7) 22.8 (3.2) 0.208
Visual inspection of histograms and Kolmogorov-­Smirnov normal-
Years of pain 5 (1.5-­10) 4 (2-­9.3) 0.805
(y)* ity tests were used to assess continuous data distribution. The primary
and secondary outcomes were considered to be normally distributed
Orofacial pain 7 (5.5-­7 ) 7 (6-­8) 0.625
(NPRS, 0-­10)* (P > 0.05) and were described in terms of their means and standard

Neck pain 7 (2-­8) 6 (2-­7.8) 0.457 deviations. The diagnostic and demographic characteristics of the two
(NPRS, 0-­10)* groups were compared using a two-­sample t test, the Mann-­Whitney
NDI (score 8 (6.5-­13) 9.5 (6.3-­12) 0.960 U test or the chi-­square test, according to their distribution.
0-­50)* For both primary and secondary outcomes, a mixed ANOVA with
Maximum 33.1 (9.2) 36.3 (8.8) 0.555 repeated measures was conducted, with time (baseline and follow-­up)
mouth as the within-­subject factor and group (IG and CG) as the between-­
opening (mm)
subject factor. The group-­by-­time interaction indicates whether there
Headache (n 29 (93.5%) 29 (96.7%) 1.00 were differences in outcomes between the groups over time, thus
and %)
addressing the aims of the study. In case of a significant interaction,
Splint therapy 9 (29%) 12 (40%) 0.371
Tukey’s post hoc test was used to verify whether a difference was
(n and %)
present between the groups and/or within groups. Orofacial pain
scores collected once a week were analyzed using a repeated mea-
Bilateral pain 16 (51.6%) 17 (56.7%) 0.695
sures ANOVA with time (six evaluations) as the within-­subject factor
(n and %)
and group (CG and IG) as the between-­subject factor. The same inter-
Unilateral 15 (48.4%) 13 (43.4%) 0.616
pain (n and action effect was verified, and post hoc tests were carried out.
%) Both available-­case and intention-­to-­treat analyses were per-
Orofacial 31 (100%) 30 (100%) 1.00 formed. Available-­case analysis included all participants up to the
myalgia (n point when they dropped out of the study; intention-­to-­treat anal-
and %) yses imputed missing data on the continuous measures using the
Arthralgia (n 10 (32.3%) 11 (36.7%) 0.719 expectation maximisation method. This method computes missing
and %)
values based on maximum-­likelihood estimates by using observed
n, number of subjects; %, percentage of the total sample of the group; y, data in an interactive process.37 The total percentage of imputed
years; BMI, body mass index; NPRS, Numeric Pain Rating Scale; NDI, data was 10% for the IG and 6.5% for the CG. All participants who
neck disability index; RDC/TMD, research diagnostic criteria for tempo-
were randomised were included in the statistical analyses, and
romandibular disorders.
Parametric outcomes are described as mean (standard deviation), and available-­case and intention-­to-­treat methods of analysis yielded the
non-­parametric outcomes (*) are described as median (25%-­75% same results. Only the results of the intention-­to-­treat analysis were
quartiles). therefore reported.
Cohen’s d index was calculated to determine the between-­
in each session. Load increase was used to progress the exercise. group and within-­group effect sizes (ESs) for all outcomes. An ES
The number of repetitions and duration of each contraction were greater than 0.8 was considered large, 0.5 moderate and less than
constant across the sessions.14 0.2 small.
The CG received neither intervention nor counselling for
5 weeks. For ethical reasons, patients in the CG group were of-
fered physiotherapy treatment and counselling after the follow-­up 3 | R E S U LT S
Sixty-­one women were included in the study. Their demographic and
diagnostic characteristics are described in Table 1. No differences
2.5 | Data processing and statistical analysis
between groups were identified at baseline in any of the variables
Sample size was determined using ENE 3.0 software (P > 0.05). Figure 2 shows the flow chart of the study. Five partici-
(GlaxoSmithKline, Madrid, Spain). The sample size calculations pants did not complete the study: two (one from the CG and one
were based on the minimum clinically important difference from the IG) dropped out for personal reasons, and three (one from
(MCID) of 30% from the baseline orofacial pain intensity VAS val- the CG and two from the IG) were excluded during the study be-
ues22 obtained from a pilot study (4.0 for current pain and 6.0 for cause they had started to take psychoactive drugs.
CALIXTRE et al.       7 |
TA B L E   2   Baseline and follow-­up outcomes for control and intervention groups

Post hoc Post hoc

Baseline Follow-­up within-­group Within-­group between-­group Between-­group

Outcomes Groups n Mean (SD) Mean (SD) MD (95% CI) ES (95% CI) MD (95% CI) ES (95% CI)

Curr. painb CG 31 3.1 (2.7) 3.1 (2.3) 0.0 (−1.3; 1.2) −0.02 (−0.5; 0.5) −1.9 (−3.1; −0.7)a −0.81 (−1.3; 0.3)
IG 30 4.0 (2.6) 2.1 (2.2) 1.9 (0.6; 3.1)** 0.76 (0.2; 1.3)
Max. painb CG 31 6.2 (1.7) 5.8 (2.2) 0.3 (−0.8; 1.5) 0.14 (−0.3; 0.6) −1.7 (−2.8; −0.5)a −0.75 (−1.3; −0.2)
IG 30 6.1 (2.1) 4.0 (2.4) 2.0 (1.0; 3.0)*** 1.02 (0.5; 1.6)
Min. painb CG 31 1.5 (1.5) 1.6 (1.6) −0.1 (−0.9; 0.7) −0.07 (−0.6; 0.4) −1.0 (−1.8; −0.1)a −0.58 (−1.1; −0.1)
IG 30 1.9 (1.7) 1.1 (1.4) 0.9 (0.0; 1.7)* 0.53 (0.0; −1.0)
PPT temp CG 31 1.2 (0.4) 1.3 (0.5) −0.1 (−0.4; 0.1) −0.30 (−0.8; 0.2) 0.0 (−0.1; 0.2) 0.15 (−0.3; 0.6)
IG 30 1.3 (0.7) 1.4 (0.5) −0.1 (−0.4; 0.2) −0.16 (0.7; 1.3)
PPT mass CG 31 1.1 (0.4) 1.1 (0.5) −0.1 (−0.3; 0.2) −0.14 (−0.6; 0.4) −0.1 (−0.2; 0.1) −0.25 (−0.7; 0.3)
IG 30 1.1 (0.6) 1.2 (0.5) −0.1 (−0.4; 0.2) −0.23 (−0.7; 0.3)
HIT-­6b CG 29 62.5 (6.1) 60.0 (6.6) 2.5 (−0.9; 5.8) 0.38 (−0.1; 0.9) 6.8 (2.7; 10.5)*** 0.86 (0.3; 1.4)
IG 29 61.4 (6.0) 52.1 (8.5) 9.3 (4.4; 14.1)*** 1.23 (0.5; 1.9)
MFIQb CG 31 21.9 (8.7) 22 (8.9) −0.1 (−4.6; 4.4) −0.01 (−0.5; 0.5) 3.8 (0.7; 6.9)** 0.62 (0.1; 1.1)
IG 30 18.7 (9.7) 15 (10) 3.7 (−1.4; 8.8)** 0.37 (−0.1; 0.9)

n, number of subjects; MD, mean difference; ES, effect size; Curr, current; Max, maximum; Min, minimum; PPT, pressure pain threshold; Temp, tempo-
ralis; Mass, masseters; HIT-­6, headache impact test; MFIQ, mandibular function impairment questionnaire; CG, control group; IG, intervention group;
SD, standard deviation; CI, confidence interval.
Post hoc means differences and 95% CI of within-­group and between-­group comparisons and effect sizes and their 95% CI of within-­group and
between-­group analyses are shown. The primary outcome was collected in centimetres (0-­10 cm), while PPTs of masticatory muscles were collected in
kg/cm2 and each questionnaire on their scale.
Statistically significant difference for post hoc analysis (P < 0.05); **<P < 0.01;***P < 0.001.
ANOVA group-­by-­time interaction (P < 0.05).

Adverse events: None of the participants in this trial reported any the IG showed a significant improvement, whereas the CG showed
adverse events. no difference. There was also a significant between-­group differ-
Compliance with treatment: Participants were treated in the clinic, ence at the 5-­week follow-­up: the within-­group ES was large for the
and all treatments were provided onsite. Participants were not IG and small for the CG. The between-­group ES was moderate, as
obliged to practice at home. Attendance at sessions was therefore the IG experienced less pain than the CG.
taken as compliance with the treatment protocol. Minimum pain showed significant group-­by-­time interaction
Co-interventions: There were no co-­interventions in either group. (P = 0.03, F = 5.25, df = 1). The post hoc analysis showed significant
Primary and secondary outcomes at baseline and at the 5-­week within-­group difference for the IG, but not for the CG. There was a
follow-­up for both IG and CG groups are shown in Table 2, together significant between-­group difference at the 5-­week follow-­up. The
with mean differences and ES. within-­group ES for the IG and the between-­group ES were both mod-
erate (>0.50), thus favouring the intervention. The ES of the CG was
3.1 | Primary outcomes
The weekly average scores of the three pain intensity measures
Current pain showed a significant group-­by-­time interaction are presented in Figure 3. A significant interaction between time
(P < 0.01, F = 10.25, df = 1). The post hoc analysis showed signifi- and group was found (P < 0.01, F = 5.29, df = 5). The within-­group
cant within-­group effect for IG but not for the CG. Also, there was a post hoc analysis showed that the mean pain intensity scores
significant difference between the groups at the 5-­week follow-­up. from the IG obtained in week 4 (P < 0.01) and week 5 (P < 0.01)
The within-­group ES for the IG and the between-­group ES were differed from baseline (P < 0.01). For the CG, no differences from
large (≥0.80), favouring the intervention. The ES of the CG was null. baseline were found. The post hoc analysis demonstrated that the
Maximum pain showed a significant group-­by-­time interaction between-­group difference was significant from the fourth week of
(P < 0.01, F = 8.72, df = 1). On the within-­group post hoc analysis, the protocol.
8       CALIXTRE et al.

showed a significant within-­group difference, while the CG showed

3.2 | Secondary outcomes
no significant difference from baseline to follow-­up (P = 0.93). The
within-­group ES for the CG was small; the ES for the IG and the
3.2.1 | PPT
between-­group ES were moderate.
The PPT of the masticatory muscles showed little variation either
between groups or over time. Consequently, no significant group-­
by-­time interaction was found (P = 0.58, F = 0.31, df = 1 for tem- 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
poralis; P = 0.34, F = 0.93, df = 1 for masseters) nor were there any
main effects of time and between groups. ES was also irrelevant. A treatment regimen of manual therapy applied to the upper cer-
vical spine and neck motor control/stabilisation exercises over a
5-­week period was found to decrease orofacial pain and headache
3.2.2 | HIT-­6
impact in women with TMD. Significant improvement in orofacial
Twenty-­nine participants from each group scored more than 50 pain intensity was found from the fourth week of the intervention.
points on HIT-­6 at baseline, 25 and headache impact for those par- The changes obtained on PPT of the masticatory muscles were not
ticipants was therefore analyzed. There was a significant group-­by-­ significant. Although there was an improvement in mandibular func-
time interaction on headache impact according to HIT-­6 (P = 0.02, tion, the differences were below the minimum detectable change
F = 11.14, df = 1). Post hoc analysis showed significant within-­group (MDC). The hypothesis of the study was therefore partially con-
difference for the IG (9.3). The CG had a difference of 2.5, which firmed. No adverse effects were reported, and no dropouts were
was not statistically significant (P = 0.09). Significant between-­group due to the intervention. To our knowledge, this is the first study to
differences were found at follow-­up. The within-­group ES for the analyze the effects of a combination of manual therapy and motor
IG and the between-­group ES were large (>0.85), which favours the control/stabilisation exercises in participants with TMD in a single-­
intervention. The ES for the CG was small. blind randomised controlled trial.

3.2.3 | Mandibular function 4.1 | Orofacial pain

There was a significant group-­by-­time interaction for mandibular The clinically relevant cut-­off for changes in pain scores in par-
function (P = 0.02, F = 5.96, df = 1), with a significant between-­ ticipants with chronic pain was set at 30%. 22 The percentage of
group difference at follow-­up in the post hoc analysis. The IG participants in the IG who reported more than 30% of orofacial
pain relief was greater than that in the CG for current pain (53%
for the IG; 32% for the CG) and for maximum pain (60% in the
IG; 16% in the CG). The IG showed a tendency to reduced pain
from the first week, and this was statistically significant after the
four and 5 weeks of treatment, which indicates that the treatment
was already successful at the fourth week. The CG, in contrast,
experienced progressively increasing orofacial pain from baseline
to the fourth week; the pattern changed at the 5-­week follow-­up,
becoming a statistically non-­significant tendency to decreasing
orofacial pain by the end of the study. This pattern arguably repre-
sents the natural fluctuation of TMD symptoms over time, owing
to psychosocial, hormonal and other factors. 38 The follow-­up pe-
riod was not long enough to establish whether the pain scores
would have decreased further, stabilised or even returned to their
original level.
Previous studies have reported a reduction in orofacial pain fol-
lowing application of manual therapy techniques to the upper cer-
vical spine and stabilisation exercises for the neck.14,15 One study36
applied the same SNAG mobilisation as the present study, combined
with thoracic manipulation, dry needling of myofascial trigger points
F I G U R E   3   Average score between maximum, minimum and and local mobilisations on the TMJ. Significant and clinically import-
current pain (VAS) scores collected once a week from intervention
ant improvements were reported in terms of orofacial pain inten-
(black line) and control (grey line) groups. * indicates statistically
sity, mandibular range of movement and disability, both immediately
significant differences between the groups, and # indicates
significant difference between baseline and the other evaluations and at the 2-­month follow-­up. Although the studies used dissimilar
on the intervention group methods and comparison is therefore difficult, the evidence for the
CALIXTRE et al. |

effect of neck treatment on TMD complaints is growing,10 and the techniques to the cervical spine in combination with exercise has
present study is in line with that. been shown to be effective in reducing pain in patients with tension-­
The regional interdependency between the jaw and the upper type headaches,49 with cervicogenic headache,50 with migraine,46
cervical spine is not fully understood. It has been suggested, how- but, to the best of our knowledge, remains unknown for secondary
ever, that stimulation of the inhibitory downward path through the headache attributed to TMD.
cervical spine may reduce pain in the trigeminal area, although The common neurophysiological alterations associated with
other mechanisms, such as neurobiomechanical connections be- chronic orofacial pain and primary headaches, together with the
tween the cervical spine and the TMJ,34,40,41 and general predispos- interdependency of the craniocervical-­mandibular regions, 51 may
ing to musculoskeletal diseases might be behind these effects. explain the comorbidity of the two conditions52 and the success of
The literature has shown that subjects with TMD have poor per- the intervention in the present study in decreasing headache impact.
formance when carrying out the craniocervical flexion test (CCFT),
presenting increased electromyographic activity of the superficial
4.4 | Mandibular functionality
cervical flexor muscles.43 These results highlight the fact that alter-
ations of the endurance capacity of the neck flexor muscles could be The mandibular function was statistically different between the
implicated in the neck-­shoulder disturbances observed in patients groups, but it was not higher than the MDC.31 A small number of
with TMD and thus this deficit of activation (inhibition or delay) of studies14,53 have applied physiotherapy interventions and evaluated
the deep neck flexor muscles could be addressed with stabilisation mandibular function with questionnaires. Although they found simi-
exercises, as performed in the present study. lar results, further studies are required to strengthen the evidence.
Improvement in mandibular function is to be expected as a con-
sequence of decrease in pain. However, the present sample consisted
4.2 | Sensitivity of the masticatory muscles
of young women who did not necessarily present with significant lim-
In the present study, PPTs of the masticatory muscles were not itations in mouth opening or severe dysfunction at baseline. Their low
altered after treatment which is in agreement with the reports of impairment may have contributed to the ceiling effect at the 5-­week
previous studies that found small33,34 or nonexistent44 effects when follow-­up, thus making it unlikely that differences would exceed the
PPTs were assessed immediately after intervention. When com- MDC. The therapy applied in the current study might have different ef-
pared to data obtained from healthy subjects, the temporalis and fects on subjects with more severe functional limitations. Nevertheless,
masseter muscles of our sample showed low PPTs at baseline and at patients with similar characteristics to our sample in terms of age and
follow-­up. Low PPTs in TMD patients have been partly attributed severity of dysfunction are common in clinical practice, and it there-
to neurological complex processes in these patients, such as cen- fore remains appropriate to include them in clinical trials.
tral sensitisation. Although the presence of central sensitisation
cannot be verified in the present sample, it can be suggested that
4.5 | Limitations of the study
peripheral pain sensitivity on the orofacial region did not change im-
mediately after an intervention protocol consisting of mobilisation of Our participants were recruited using advertisements. This can be
the upper cervical region and craniocervical flexor training in women considered as a source of selection bias that could hamper the exter-
with TMD. Future studies aiming to modulate sensitivity alterations nal validity of the study, because the participants were not patients
in this population should use longer follow-­ups. from a specialised health service. Performance bias may also be an
Furthermore, a recent study46 showed that cervical and oro- issue, as participants were not blinded to the intervention, and the
facial treatment was more effective than cervical treatment alone influence of a placebo effect was not assessed. Also, PT1 gave more
to increase PPTs in the trigeminal area of patients with TMD and attention to IG than to CG during the 5 weeks of protocol. This may
migraine. Thus, treating solely the neck, as we did on the present increase therapeutic alliance and expectations of the therapy on IG.
study, is probably not enough to enhance sensibility of the masti- This study presents a short-­term analysis that verified effects
catory muscles, but associating techniques on the stomatognathic on primary and secondary outcomes, immediately after 5 weeks of
system and on the neck would be more effective. the selected therapy. However, there was no follow-­up assessment
after the intervention period. Thus, a long-­term analysis would be
necessary to yield information about the therapy’s ongoing effects.
4.3 | Headache impact
Furthermore, since our sample size calculation was based on the pri-
Women from the IG showed a reduction in HIT-­6 score greater mary outcome, the analyses of the secondary outcomes, perhaps,
than the MCID of eight points. 27 In accordance with these results, could not reach statistically significant results due to a type II error.
previous studies have shown that isolated upper cervical manual A standard manual therapy protocol was applied without tak-
techniques, including SNAG mobilisation and suboccipital muscle ing into account the needs of individual participants, in order to
inhibition,48 caused significant reduction in headache severity com- guarantee that each participant was subject to the same treatment
pared to a placebo group when applied to subjects with cervicogenic techniques. However, the treatment in this study is not comparable
and tension-­t ype headaches. The application of manual therapy to treatments available in general clinical practice, where manual
10       CALIXTRE et al.

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How to cite this article: Calixtre LB, Oliveira AB, de Sena Rosa LR,
39. La Touche R, Paris-Alemany A, Gil-Martínez A, Pardo-Montero
Armijo-Olivo S, Visscher CM, Alburquerque-Sendín F.
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patients with headache attributed to temporomandibular disor- function and headache in women with TMD. A randomised,
ders. J Headache Pain. 2015;16(1):1‐14.
controlled trial. J Oral Rehabil. 2018;00:1–11. https://doi.
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mater. Brain. 2003;126(Pt 8):1801‐1813.
41. Campi LB, Jordani PC, Tenan HL, Camparis CM, Gonçalves DAG.
Painful temporomandibular disorders and central sensitization:

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