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Barbara A. Gilchrest1
Department of Dermatology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Correspondence: Barbara A. Gilchrest, E-mail:

Photoaging describes those changes in both aging and photoaging (see to proficiency of repair for acute DNA
in clinical, histologic, and functional below)—is predominantly attributable damage (Table 1).
characteristics of older skin that can to UVB. It is therefore presumed that
be observed in habitually sun-exposed at least some aspects of photoaging,
areas. It consists of chronic sun particularly epidermal features, are EPIDERMAL PHOTOAGING
damage (predominantly) superimposed largely a consequence of UVB irradia- Other than UV-induced mutations in
on so-called intrinsic or programmed tion. However, UVA penetrates deeper keratinocytes and melanocytes that
aging. Photoaging accounts for most of into the skin, with B50% of UVA ultimately promote development of
the unwanted changes in skin appea- photons, versus o10% of UVB skin malignancies, little is known about
rance over time and also exaggerates photons, entering the dermis in a fair- the mechanisms of epidermal photo-
or accelerates the loss of physiologic skinned individual. It is also note- aging. UV-induced apoptosis of stem
reserve and various protective capaci- worthy that UVB constitutes only cells in the basal layer and hair bulge
ties. The importance of photoaging lies 0.5% of sunlight on average and is is postulated to result in epidermal
in the enormous consumer demand for largely restricted to midday and in atrophy, slow wound healing, and
agents that can prevent or reverse its temperate climates to spring and sum- depigmented pseudoscars, whereas the
stigmata, its strong association with mer. In contrast, UVA constitutes B5% greater melanin production observed in
cutaneous malignancies, and the clues of the terrestrial sunlight and, although senescent melanocytes (Bandyopadhya
it provides regarding the nature of aging most abundant at times of peak UVB and Medrano, 2000) may be responsible
itself. irradiance, is present in sunlight all day for ‘‘bronzing,’’ the permanent ‘‘tan’’
and all year. Unlike UVB, UVA is also observed in photoaged skin of some
transmitted through glass, allowing darker-skinned individuals. However,
PHOTOAGING ACTION SPECTRUM exposure while driving or while the molecular events leading to freck-
Unlike sunburn and suntan, which indoors near windows. In combination, ling, lentigines, and other pigmentary
manifest within hours and days, respec- these considerations have led many changes characteristic of photoaged skin
tively, after a sufficient exposure to UV authorities to speculate that UVA are unknown.
light, photoaging develops gradually has a far larger role in photoaging
over decades. This makes experimental than in acute effects of UV or in
photocarcinogenesis. This speculation DERMAL PHOTOAGING
determination of the relative contribu-
tion of different wavelengths impossi- has recently been reinforced by The photoaging literature overwhel-
ble in human skin. Several mouse certain studies described below. Most mingly concerns dermal changes, par-
models have been described, among probably, UVB and UVA both ticularly those implicated in wrinkling.
which, notably, is the rhino mouse, contribute to specific features of This is likely due to a combination of
which develops coarse wrinkling fol- photoaging. wrinkling’s clinical prominence, the
lowing chronic UV exposure. How- ability to quantify wrinkling noninva-
ever, substantially, different action sively as an end point in clinical studies
spectra have been reported (Yaar and of anti-aging products, and the ease of
Gilchrest, 2012), and marked anatomic As expected, photoaging is generally dermal fibroblast (vs keratinocyte or
and physiologic differences between most pronounced in fair-skinned indi- melanocyte) culture that has encour-
human and murine skin suggest that viduals with many years of regular aged extensive mechanistic studies
such models may be less informative exposure to intense solar radiation. on photoaging using this cell type.
than hoped. However, individuals of all skin photo- Type I collagen, produced by fibro-
Short-wave UV photons (UVB, types can manifest photoaging, with blasts, is the most abundant protein in
290–315 nm) are far more energetic the character, as well as the severity of the dermal extracellular matrix (ECM).
than long-wave UV photons (UVA 315– changes, dependent on as yet poorly With age, the amount of collagen
400 nm), and DNA damage—implicated understood factors that appear to relate decreases (Varani et al., 2004), at least


Table 1. Features of photoaging: increase the rate of synthesis and the 2000). The resulting compromise of
influence of skin phototype total amount of type I collagen in the energy production is postulated to con-
dermis. The best studied, of these treat- tribute to clinical signs of photoaging,
Skin photoype I–II ments, retinoic acid, does so at least in whereas leakage of ROS from mito-
part by blocking UV-induced MMP chondria into the cytoplasm and extra-
Proliferative exhaustion
activation (Fisher et al., 1996, 1997) cellular space damages many critical
Epidermal atrophy while having no effect on the level of molecules, further compromising tissue
Focal depigmentation the tissue inhibitor of MMP (Fisher function.
Pseudoscars et al., 1997). Very recent findings offer intriguing
Elastosis, the accumulation of par- ties among the rare premature aging
Mutation and dysplasia
tially degraded elastin fibers in the disorder Hutchinson Gifford progeria
upper dermis, is the hallmark of photo- (HGP), normal intrinsic aging, and
Nevi aging. The lysosomal protease cathe- photoaging. In HGP, a mutation of
Lentigo maligna psin K, the most potent of the elastin- the gene encoding lamin-A, a nuclear
Actinic keratoses degrading enzymes (Chapman et al., envelope protein, activates a cryptic
1997), was recently shown to be splice site, resulting in a nonfunctional
induced by UVA irradiation of cul- truncated protein and impaired nuclear
Skin phototype III–IV tured dermal fibroblasts derived from function, including impaired DNA
young but not old donors (Codriansky repair (Eriksson et al., 2003). The
Protective hyperplasia
et al., 2009). Young fibroblasts were abnormal protein, termed progerin, is
Tanning also shown to be capable of internali- responsible for accelerated aging-like
Lentigines zing and digesting extracellular elastin, changes in many organs including the
Epidermal thickening a reaction inhibited by a cathepsin K skin and a life expectancy for HGP
inhibitor. Together, these data support patients of only 10–15 years (Scaffifi
Coarse wrinkling
an important role for UVA-induced and Misteli, 2006). Progerin has also
Note: the molecular correlates of skin phototype
fibroblast-derived cathepsin K in clear- been shown to be produced by cells of
(a subjective rating of ease of sunburning vs
tanning) are poorly understood, but they appear ing elastin that has been partially de- normal elderly individuals (McClintock
related to proficiency of DNA repair and other graded by MMPs in the ECM. This et al., 2007), suggesting a role for
protective responses to UV irradiation. Typical function appears to be lost with age, compromised nuclear envelope
features of photoaging are strongly influenced by
skin phototype and can be conceptualized as
leading to clinical and histologic function in normal aging. In a recent
dependent on cellular tendency to senescence, elastosis. study, repeated UVA irradiation of
apoptosis, or mutation versus adaptive cultured dermal fibroblasts led to
hyperplasia or increased melanogenesis. progerin production and changes in
PAN-CUTANEOUS PHOTOAGING nuclear morphology, just as observed
in fibroblasts from HGP patients and
Although photoaging research has old donors (Takeuchi and Ruenger,
in part due to increased activity of been focused on changes in the ECM 2013). UVB irradiation caused similar
the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), attributable to combined effects of but less-striking changes. These data
collagenase, 92-kd gelatinase, and stro- aging and chronic UV irradiation, logic support an interpretation of photoaging
melysin (Fisher et al., 1996), respon- dictates that intracellular changes ulti- as an exaggeration and/or an
sible for collagen turnover. MMPs are mately drive the process. One require- acceleration of intrinsic aging (see
further activated by even small doses of ment for normal cellular function is below).
UVB (Fisher et al., 1996), leading to the energy production within the mito-
breakdown of existing dermal collagen. chondria. However, the mitochondrial
This secondarily reduces synthesis of electron transport chain that generates AGENTS THAT EXACERBATE PHOTOAGING
new collagen by reducing the ECM- energy in the form of ATP also gen-
exerted tension on fibroblasts attached erates reactive oxygen species (ROS) UV irradiation appears overwhelmingly
to collagen fibers, which appears to that can damage the mitochondrial responsible for changes observed in
stimulate new collagen synthesis DNA (Ballard and Dean, 2001), classi- habitually exposed older skin. How-
(Varani et al., 2004, 2006). Prolonged cally producing a 4,977 base pair ever, well-controlled studies have
elevation of MMP activity results from deletion (Cortopassi et al., 1992). This repeatedly documented more pro-
even intermittent modest UV exposures so-called common deletion is up to nounced coarse wrinkling in the facial
(Fisher et al., 1997). These effects in 10-fold more prevalent in photoaged skin of heavy cigarette smokers (Joffe,
combination are believed to contribute than in sun-protected skin and expo- 1991; Smith and Fenske, 1996), and this
substantially to the loss of collagen sure of cultured dermal fibroblasts appears also to be the case for women
and wrinkling observed in the photo- derived from sun-protected skin; expo- with greater exposure to air pollution,
aged skin. Conversely, treatments that sure to physiologic doses of UVA can due to heavy traffic (Krutmann and
reduce wrinkling in photoaged skin induce this mutation (Berneburg et al., Schroeder, 2009). Whether the more


pronounced photoaging changes can be each round of cell division. After a and to increase epidermal thickness, a
attributed primarily to DNA-damaging finite number of cell divisions, related presumptive protection of basal layer
agents such as carcinogens in tobacco to passage of time in proliferative stem cells from future UV damage. In
smoke and gasoline fumes or to other tissues and characteristically increased time, the loss of stem cells is postulated
UV-additive insults is unknown. How- after injury, including after UV to lead to epidermal atrophy and
ever, in this context it is of interest that irradiation, telomeres shorten to a compromised wound healing relative
at least in the case of smoking, the risk critical short length and, in the case to sun-protected areas. Surviving
of skin cancer as well as coarse wrink- of fibroblasts, the cell enters a perma- mutated cells, including stem cells,
ling is increased in individuals other- nently nondividing or senescent state may also begin to divide inappro-
wise well matched for complexion and (Harley et al., 1990). This is now priately, giving rise, for example, to
total sun exposure (Davis and Koh, known to involve DNA damage signal- actinic keratoses. However, they also
1992). ing through ATM, ATR, and p53 reach the maximal number of cell
(reviewed in Gilchrest et al., 2009). divisions and then cease dividing
The same signaling drives other cell unless sufficient mutations have
PHOTOAGING: A TRUE ACCELERATION OF types, such as keratinocytes, to apop- already occurred to defeat this funda-
tosis. Critically, p53 signaling initially mental safeguard.
Many lines of evidence implicate mediates a variety of protective cancer- Although cell senescence or apopto-
DNA damage or poor DNA repair in preventative responses that include sis driven by repeated UV injury is
the intrinsic aging process (reviewed in antioxidant defenses to reduce ROS, understood to be more prominent in
Yaar and Gilchrest, 2007, 2012). For inhibition of the inefficient aerobic the epidermis, where most UV photons
example, essentially all progeroid syn- glycolysis that characterizes malignant are absorbed, the same process may
dromes result from the loss of function cells (Li et al., 2012), enhanced DNA also affect the upper dermis. Fibroblasts
of proteins involved in DNA repair. repair capacity, transient cell-cycle typically undergo senescence rather
These diseases include HGP, Werner arrest, and in skin also melanogenesis than apoptosis after either acute DNA
syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia, xero- (reviewed in Gilchrest et al., 2009). damage or multiple rounds of cell
derma pigmentosum, and Cockayne Senescence or apoptosis follows only division, and the dermis of photoaged
syndrome (Reddy and Gilchrest, 2011). when the cell perceives persistently skin does contain fibroblasts that are
The so-called longevity genes, whose unrepaired DNA damage. A corollary senescent as defined by expressing
overexpression extends the life span in of this central p53 role as ‘‘guardian of senescence-associated b-galactosidase
lower species, encode proteins that the genome’’ is that when a cell enters positivity (Dimri et al., 1995).
reduce environmental stress from such senescence, this p53 signaling ceases,
factors as UV irradiation and oxidative leaving viable but nonproliferative cells
damage. Cumulative DNA damage is (such as dermal fibroblasts) in a state of HYPOTHETICAL TELOMERE-BASED
likewise a well-documented conse- chronic oxidative stress that promotes
quence of repeated UV irradiation. the proinflammatory environment Experimentally, cell senescence may
Mechanisms of intrinsic aging and characteristic of old skin and particu- result from the disruption of the normal
extrinsic aging, which is largely larly of photoaged skin (Yaar and telomere loop structure that then initi-
photoaging, thus appear to have sub- Gilchrest, 2012). It has also been ates telomere-based signaling through
stantial overlap and to prominently well documented experimentally that ATM, ATR, p53, and their classic
feature DNA damage. This is consistent acute DNA damage activates the same downstream DNA damage signaling
with the widely accepted notion, first signaling pathways and, unless the pathways (van Steensel et al., 1998;
put forward in the 1960s by Leonard DNA damage is adequately repaired, Eller et al., 2006; Denchi and de Lange,
Hayflick, that aging at the cellular also drives cells to senescence or 2007). It is also well established that
level, termed cell senescence, is apoptosis (von Zglinicki et al., 2005; oxidative damage due to aerobic meta-
Nature’s safeguard against cumu- Gilchrest et al., 2009). bolism or exogenous insults, including
lative genomic damage, of which the In the case of undamaged prolifera- UVA irradiation, drives cell senescence
most remarkable manifestation is tive cells, the ‘‘Hayflick limit’’, or the by similar or identical signaling (von
malignancy (Campisi, 1996). Over the number of serial cell divisions required Zglinicki et al., 2005).
past two decades, great advances have for critical telomere shortening, is Telomeres are composed of tandem
been made in understanding the rarely reached during an individual’s repeats of 50 -TTAGGG-30 and its com-
molecular mechanisms of cellular life span. However, in the face of fre- plementary sequence B7,000–10,000
senescence and organism aging over- quent UV insults with frequent DNA base pairs long in human cells, with a
all. Much of this work focuses on damage, epidermal keratinocytes may terminal 50 overhang of the 50 -TTAG
telomeres, the widely acknowledged reach this ‘‘limit.’’ UV-irradiated kera- GG-30 repeat of up to a few hundred
‘‘biologic clock.’’ tinocytes frequently undergo apoptosis, bases (reviewed in Gilchrest et al.,
As DNA polymerase cannot replicate detected as ‘‘sunburn cells’’, followed 2009). Interestingly, the 50 -TTAGG
the final bases at chromosome ends, by a wave of increased division by G-30 tandem repeat sequence of telo-
chromosomes shorten slightly with surrounding cells to replace lost cells meric DNA is conserved through all


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