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BY :
1. Adinda Puan Tjahya S (01)
2. Fransiska Dwi Hartanti (12)
3. Noviana Catur A. (19)

Global warming is an increase in the temperature of the

earth’s surface and are the result of the green house effect. The
green house effect is a term to define trapped carbon dioxide which
causes the earth to the heat. Then, the global warming will much
more and the climate on the earth will continue to be hotter.

Two brown bears at Helsinki Zoo wake up from their hibernation

period this week. This incident actually one month earlier than

Quoted from Yle, Wednesday (02/10/2016), the bears were

respectively aged 10 and 15 years of the startup period of hibernation
(sleep long in winter) in the first week of November. They were
supposed to be running the hibernation until early March.

However, the zoo workers to hear the sounds in a bear cage and
found both to be awake. Younger bears hurried out of the artificial cave.
But the older bears still have to wrestle with drowsiness.

According to zoo officials, the bear who just woke up from a long
break is not too strong to be outdoors all day. Chances are he will soon
return to the room for a nap.

Last year, the bears also woke up a month early from their
hibernation, as well as warmer air in thewinter.

For the record, the bears hibernate for menyintas during the
months of winter when food is not widely available. In warm climates,
bears do not need to hibernate.

The Prince of Wales has warned climate change deniers they will
“test our world to destruction” unless action is taken to cut pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions

A 20-fold increase in the use of energy since the industrial

revolution has led to a dramatic rise in carbon emissions that are
causing alarming changes in the natural world, Charles said

Evidence from satellites and other observations demonstrates the

retreat of glaciers around the world, diminishing water supplies in South
Asia, the demise of sea ice in the Arctic and the death of coral reefs, the
Prince explained.

Charles also cited the “numerous” records that are being broken
by extreme weather around the world, describing flooding in particular as
“one of the most terrible events”.

It is leading to a decline in some wildlife species, threatens food

and water supplies and can be a contributing factor for the migration of
people,Charles said.

“Acting now is far cheaper than picking up the pieces

later”,Charles said.

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