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Course Outline of BS (BBA) Degree Program

Instructors: Nazish Kanwal Off: Room# 228 Tabba (South)

Semester/Year: Spring 2020 Email:

Course Title Business Mathematics and Linear Algebra Course Code MTS-212

Pre-requisite(s) College algebra or equivalent course Credit Hrs 3

Text Books Title Elementary Linear Algebra 9th Edition

Author Howard Anton, Chris Rorres
Publisher John Wiley & Sons
Title Applied Mathematics for Business, Economics & Social Science
Author Frank S. Budnick
Ref. Book(s) 2. Title & Linear algebra and its applications 3rd Edition
Author Gilbert Strang
3. Title & Linear Algebra 2nd Edition
Author Kenneth Hoffman, Ray kunze
4. Title & Linear algebra and its applications 3rd Edition
Author David C. Lay
5. Title & The Linear Algebra Problem solver by
Author Dr M Fogiel

Upon completion of this course, students will:

- Learn solution methods and techniques for items such as matrices, and
-Learn and use appropriate methods to solve problems involving multiple solution
-Understand the concepts of system of equations.
OBJECTIVE - Formulate a real-world problem as a mathematical programming model.
-Understand the theoretical workings of the simplex method for linear
programming and perform iterations of it by hand.
-Solve specialized linear programming problems like the transportation and
assignment problems
-Understand the connection between optimization problem and calculus.
This course aims to introduce students to use quantitative methods and techniques
for solving systems of linear equations with applications using, Gauss Jordan
elimination, matrix inverse, and determinants. The students will be exposed to
techniques for performing basic operations on vectors and determining if a given
set of vectors is linearly independent. Some basic knowledge of linear
Course transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors will also be imparted. Solving linear
Description Programming problems by using the geometrical approach and the Simplex method
along with their applications in business and economics is also an integral part of
the course. An exposure to some special linear models like Transportation Models
and Assignment Models will be incorporated. The course will be concluded with
the brief highlight on application of calculus related to business and economics.

Course Contents/Topics
Matrices, Special types, Elementary row operations, Echelon, reduced echelon
form, Rank of matrix, Simultaneous linear equations. Homogeneous system of
linear equations.
[Art 1.1] Eg1, Eg2, Eg3, (Ex#1.1: Q1 to Q8)
[Art 1.2] Eg 1 to Eg 4 , Eg6, Eg7 (Homogeneous system) (Ex 1.2: Q5 to Q13, Q16, Q17,
Q18, Q19, Q22, Q23, Q24)
Gauss elimination & Gauss Jordan methods. Elementary Matrices and a Method
for finding A-1, Diagonal, Triangular and Symmetric Matrices.

[Art# 1.4] Eg5, Eg6, Eg7, (Ex 1.4 : Q1 to Q10)

[Art# 1.5] Eg 4, Eg5 (Ex # 1.5: Q1 to Q8)
[Art #1.6] Eg1, Eg2, Eg3 (Ex #1.6: Q1 to Q8, Q16 to Q19)

Introduction to Determinants, Properties, minors and cofactors, Evaluating

Determinants by Row Reduction method. Inverse using cofactors, Cramer’s rule,

03 [Art# 2.1] Eg1, Eg2, Eg4, Eg6, Eg7, Eg9 (Ex#2.1: Q11 to Q21)
[Art# 2.2] Eg4, Eg5, Eg6 (Ex #2.2: Q4 to Q11)
Art #2.3 Eg 1 to Eg4 (Ex# 2.3, Q1 to Q5)1
Linear Transformation: Identity Operator, Reflection operator, Projection
operator, Rotation operator, Dilation and Contraction operator
[Art 4.2] Eg1, Eg 2, Eg5 (Ex # 4.2 : Q1 to Q15)
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors, The Characteristic equation.
05 [Art # 7.1] Eg1, Eg2, Eg3, Eg4, (Ex #7.1: Q1 to Q10)

[Art #7.2] Eg1, Eg2, (Ex # 7.2 : Q2, to Q11)
Economic application: Problems in Production.

07 Book: The Linear Algebra Problem solver by Dr M Fogiel

[Prob.] 19-1 to 19-8 (Pg#: 606 to 617)
Problems in Consumption

08 Book: The Linear Algebra Problem solver by Dr M Fogiel .

[Prob.] 19-19 to 19-19 (Pg#: 618 to 632)
Linear Programming Problem LLP & Its Graphic Solution.

09 Book: The Linear Algebra Problem solver by Dr M Fogiel.

[Prob.] 17-2 to 17-10 (Pg#: 482 to 494)
The Simplex Method, Solution by Enumeration, Algebra of simplex method
[Art# 11.2] Eg11.2 to Eg11.9, Eg10 (Ex #11.2: Q3 to Q10)
The dual program and application, Formulation of Dual, Prime Dual solution
11 [Art#11.5] Eg15 (Ex#11.5: Q1 to Q8)

Transportation model, Solution of Transportation model,

12 [Art #12.1] Eg1, Eg2 (Ex # 12.2: Q3, Q4, Q6, Q7)

Assignment Model and its solution

13 [Art# 12.3] Eg4, (Ex#12.3: Q3 and Q4)

14 Revision


Mid Term 30%

Quizzes 10%
Assignments 10%
Class Participation Bonus
Final Exam 50%
Only excuses obtained officially are accepted. Personal excuses are not accepted. No make-up
tests/quizzes/exams will be provided. If an official excuse exists, the student will be given the
average of his grades, or as advised by the academic committee.


ODE Architect, Matlab 7, Mathematica (optional)


• Read regularly and critically - You will have a text for this course, notes that I will prepare,
and outside references to consult. In order to master the material it is necessary that you read
these materials regularly and critically.
• Attend Class - If you choose to take this course, you’ll need to attend. Some portion of the
material we cover will not be in your text. Don’t decide to take this course without committing
yourself to attending each and every class.
• Complete Problem Sets - The heart of this course is the homework problems. It is in doing
the homework that you will master the material. There will be some homework sets handed out
during the course of the semester. The due date for each homework assignment is firm; no late
homework will be accepted. You should write your answers clearly.

Important Instructions to be Followed for This Course

 Be in classroom on time. Any student who arrives more than 5 min

late in the class would be marked LATE. Anybody coming to class
more than 15 minutes late will be marked ABSENT.

 Turn off your cell phones or any other electronic devices before entering the class.

 85 % attendance is required to sit in the examination of this course.

 Avoid a conversation with your classmates while lecture is in progress.

 Use parliamentary language in the class room as well as in
assignments. Refrain from using impolite, vulgar or abusive language
in the class room as well as in class presentations and assignments.

 Submit your assignments on time, no assignment will be accepted after the deadline
 Instructions / Suggestions For Satisfactory Progress In this Course

 On average, most students find at least three hours outside of class for each class hour
necessary for satisfactory learning.
 Chapters should be read and homework should be attempted before class.
 Do not get behind. You are encouraged to work with other students. Plus, I will be available
during office hours to help you.
 Develop a learning habit rather than memorizing.
 Work in groups, whenever appropriate.
 Be creative in thinking, but stick to the topic assigned for discussions, assignments and
 Always bring your text Books with you in the class.


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