Chapter 1

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Chapter I



Plastics have become a commodity in households and institutions. They

are used as containers for food, dry goods and other products that are sold and

used. It is easier to use plastics because they are light and easy to dispose.

The excessive production and use of plastic have been widely impactful to

the surroundings. According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)

2015 study, Philippines wastes 6,237,653 kg of plastic per day and 81% of these

are mismanaged (Tantiangco, 2018). These plastic wastes can be found littered

on the ground, bodies of water and infrastructures.

Various government and non-government organizations from local to

international sectors have created programs, advocacies and movements that

may lessen the production and use of plastic. One of the common presented

solutions is banning the use of plastic.

General Santos City’s Ordinance 03 Series of 2014, prohibits the use of

plastic bags as packaging for wet and dry goods. It was continuously

strengthened as years go by. With this, schools and other private sectors abide

to this ordinance by banning plastic in their campus and properties. Notre Dame-

Siena College of General Santos City also implemented the “No-plastic Policy”

effective October 14, 2019.

With the implementation of the policy, changes in the surroundings should

be evident to the students and personnel of the school.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to gather observations if the no plastic policy will be able

to make changes in the Notre Dame-Siena College of General Santos City’s

environment and sanitation.

1. How will the policy make significant changes in the school’s sanitation?

2. How will the policy improve the quality of the school’s environment

a. Physical; and

b. Inhabitants’ involvement?

Scope and Delimitation

The research will be limited to the observations of nine SWEM (Solid

Waste Ecological Management) officers from grade 4 to grade 12 and 10

teaching and non-teaching personnel that are purposely selected in Notre Dame-

Siena College of General Santos City (ND-SCGSC) on the implementation of “no

plastic” policy. The selected students assist in the implementation of the policy

and the selected personnel help to evaluate the surroundings during the

implementation of the policy. The observation that will be gathered focuses on

the cleanliness and environment of the school in the aspects of physical and

inhabitants’ involvement. The observations that will be gathered are within the

span of four months after the implementation of the policy.

The interviews will be conducted in the campus of ND-SCGSC on

February 13, 2020.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the following:

Students. They will be aware on how the policy affects the cleanliness

and environment of the school.

Personnel. The information will allow them to reflect on how effective the

policy is based on the observations of the school.

Administration. They will be able to evaluate how effective the policy is

based on the observations gathered.

Researchers. They will be able to share the gathered information to the

students, personnel, and administration of the school. They will acquire their

grade and pass the subject, Practical Research I.

Future Researchers. They will have reference on their studies related to

this research.

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