Sponsorship - 2

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Sponsorship Industry Pakistan

u A Transactional Based Industry

u Long-Term contracts are not the norm

u Mainly talent focused instead of leveraging team/event

Sponsorship Industry in Pakistan

u Direct partnerships not taking place – “Onwards Selling”

u Short-Term commercial gain compromising on brand equity build up

on both sides

u Lack of partnership identity

u Outside of cricket sponsorships extremely low and mostly CSR based

Developing the Sports Sponsorship
How would you go about developing the sports sponsorship industry in
The Sony Challenge

Sony needed to come up with creative marketing campaigns in order to help

alleviate its current problems as well as build upon its existing brand and customer
equity. In addition, Sony hoped to make a real contribution to the great sport of
football around the world through this deep and long-lasting partnership with FIFA.
The key sectors of the Sony group (including electronics, movies, music, and
games) would be involved in the partnership with the world’s most popular sport:
football. Their aim was to heighten awareness and respect for the Sony brand, and
to allow Sony to deliver new forms of enjoyment to customers, thus enhancing its
overall corporate value. As Sony entered this new and exciting era of partnership
with FIFA, the key question it faced was how to effectively target and manage its
marketing campaigns to maximize the ROI beyond conventional sponsorship
marketing. Sponsorship marketing campaigns often cost two or three times the
amount Sony was investing for the FIFA rights, so this new marketing strategy
represented a substantial investment for Sony over the next several years. The key
to a profitable relationship depended largely on Sony’s efforts to streamline its
marketing campaigns around the global FIFA events.
The Sony Challenge Continued

As senior executives at Sony, your task is to design a creative marketing

campaign to be used at future FIFA events. In choosing marketing
campaigns, remember that your mission is to:
Activate the FIFA sponsorship opportunity and maximize ROI beyond
conventional sponsorship marketing. Your deliverable should at least
include the following:
u The idea for your proposed campaign.
u The target market segment.
u The approximate execution strategy.
u A measurable way to define success.
u The information you will require to more accurately assess the expected
ROI from the proposed campaign, and the methods you will use to
obtain this information.

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