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Dam Safety

Mauvoisin Arch Dam, Switzerland1

The Need for Dam
Dams are some of the largest man-made structures on earth, and they
impound huge volumes of water in their reservoirs. This presents the
risk, in the absense of Dam Safety, of the sudden, fast and uncontrolled
release of water which can lead to severe damage, and loss of life in the
inundation area downstream.

DAM AND RESERVOIR RELATED RISKS • Loss of life and injury. some of them are older than 3,000 years.
Dams and reservoirs have been operated • Damage to infrastructure and property.
for decades, and frequently for centuries, • Damages to the ecosystems. Various catastrophic accidents have occurred
mainly for the purpose of irrigation, • The loss of storage water, but also loss at dams and hydropower plants in the past
hydropower, water supply, flood retention, of electricity generation and irrigation and some of them caused significant fatalities
navigation, recreation or for the storage of supplies. and damage.
tailings materials.
HISTORY OF DAM FAILURES The Marib Dam in Yemen, which has now
The risks arising from large dams and Dams are among the oldest man-made been replaced, dates back to 1750 BC and
reservoirs are related to the sudden, fast and structures and dam safety is as old as the suffered numerous breaches during its life
uncontrolled release of water which can lead ancient dams themselves. Currently over time, including a final breach which was left
to the following in the area downstream: 60,000 large dams are in use worldwide and unrepaired in 570 AD.

Weirs must be capable to safely pass floods without being damaged.

Clogging of the spillway led to overtopping of the dam during a flood event.

However, it is recognised that there has only • Poor maintenance: Serveral people died e.g. in the Zipingpu concrete face rockfill
been limited number of dam failures in history when Lawn Lake earth dam collapsed in dam after the Wenchuan earthquake
with the main causes relating to: 1982 due to lack of maintenance leading in China in 2008 and at the Sefid Rud
to deterioration and internal erosion. buttress dam after the Manjil earthquake
• Structural design: The failure of a buttress in Iran in 1990.
of the Gleno Dam (Italy) in 1923 led to • Seismic impact: Earthquakes can cause
flooding of downstream villages and the serious damages on dams as observed
loss of 356 lives.

• Piping: Piping and erosion processes

led to the collapse of the entire Teton Dam
(USA) in 1976.

• Floods: Discharges exceeding the spillway

capacity, leading to dam overtopping
caused the collapse of Macchu II earthfill
dam (India) in 1979, the worst dam burst
in history, killing up to 25,000 people.

• Geological instabilities: A huge landslide in

the reservoir of Vajont dam (Italy) in 1963
led to a huge flood wave and overtopping
of the arch dam that took the lives of more
than 2,000 people.

• Mal-operation/Human Error : Uncontrolled
pumping of water into the upper reservoir
of the Taum Sauk Pumped Storage
Scheme (USA) in 2005 led to overtopping
and failure of the embankment dam.

Dams in alpine regions have to withstand various natural disasters.

Dam Safety Concept

Dam Safety Concepts must be comprehensive and deal

with structural safety to state-of-the-art practices, inspec-
tion and monitoring, operational safety, maintenance and emer-
gency planning. Pöyry’s extensive experience in dam engi-
neering can optimise Client’s investments whilst ensuring
the targeted levels of dam safety.

OVERVIEW STRUCTURAL SAFETY stability of the dam body, foundation

Every dam safety concept must eliminate risks The minimisation of risk requires an ap- and abutments as well as of the spillway
or safely manage them in an acceptable way. propriate dam design for all possible load under operational, unusual and extreme
The primary goals are reflected in various conditions. condidtions.
national and international dam safety guide- • Seismic safety taking into account the
lines and regulations. Modern dam safety To ensure the structural safety of the dam over different types of hazards caused by
concepts cover the following key aspects: its lifetime, the design and design criteria must strong earthquakes.
• Structural Safety. be reviewed periodically to check if current re- • Hydraulic safety, including spillway
• Dam Safety Monitoring. quirements are met. capacity, freeboard requirements and
• Operational Safety and Maintenance. The structural safety includes: energy dissipation.
• Emergency Planning. • Stability, including static and dynamic • Geological safety, like rockfall in

Deriner Dam, Turkey

Nam Ngum 2 Dam, Laos PDR

the dam area (potential damages to • Instrumentation is installed on, inside,

spillway structure and gates, bottom and below dams to measure movements, EMERGENCY PLANNING
outlet, powerhouse, switchyard, etc.), water pressures, temperature, water The main purpose and scope of an Emer-
landslides into the reservoir causing levels, drainage and seepage flows, and gency Action Plan (EAP) is to save lives,
impulse waves blockage of access roads, possible erosion processes. protect people from injuries, reduce dam-
slope instabilities, seepage or piping age to property or structures and to mini-
phenomena at abutments and/or dam The evaluation of monitoring data by mize the environmental impact in the event
foundation. experienced engineers and experts leads to a of flooding caused by the release of large
global understanding of the behaviour of the quantities of water from the reservoir dur-
DAM SAFETY MONITORING safety relevant structures. ing floods, dam failure and other types of
Monitoring of dams is required at periodic events that present hazardous conditions.
intervals during the entire lifetime of the In the event that the instrumentation does not
dam to assess the condition, performance confirm the safety of the structures, recom- An EAP provides a guide for identifying,
and safety of the dam, its foundation, sur- mendations will be given regarding increased monitoring, responding to and mitigating
rounding, abutments and the reservoir area. monitoring or remedial measures, etc. emergency situations. It outlines “who does
what, where, when and how” in an emer-
A prerequisite for dam safety mornitoring is the OPERATIONAL SAFETY AND MAINTE- gency situation or other unusual occurrence
definition of the project-specific failure modes. NANCE affecting a dam.
By proper instrumentation the development of Spillways and bottom outlets are safety rel-
these failure modes shall be detected as early evant structures for dams. Thus, the opera- The main components of an EAP are the
as possible. tional Safety of these structures must ensure definition of responsibilities, communication
Monitoring is carried out by visual inspections, the reliable functionality of the hydromechani- rules, rules for emergency evaluation, detec-
geodetic surveys and readings from installed cal equipment, electrical equipment and the tion and classification, measures to achieve
instrumentation: power supply. preparedness, preparation of inundation
• Visual inspections are carried out maps for different scenarios, identification of
by the operating staff, experienced Comparatively small but regular maintenance escape ways, and descriptions of the EAP im-
engineers and dam safety experts. Mainly measures when carried out improve dam safe- plementation procedures.
deformation, damage, seepage and early ty avoid big investments at a later date. Such
indicators for such phenomena are the maintenance measures are generally related
focus. to the condition of the dam (e.g. rip-rap, veg-
• Geodetic surveys measure surface and etation on the dam faces, drainage system,
internal displacements of the dam and cracks in concrete), reservoir (e.g. potential
appurtenant structures and also the landslide masses) and the freeboard margin
reservoir slopes where appropriate. (e.g. drift wood, ice, landslides).
Our Services

Pöyry has been active in the hydropower business for more than 100
years and is well qualified to provide all necessary dam safety services
during all project phases.

SERVICES DURING THE ENTIRE PROJECT scenarios) and the determination and lifecycle of a project including the various
LIFECYCLE assessment of the required design design phases, the construction phase
Pöyry’s proven track record with regard to parameters. and operation and decommissioning
dam safety services includes the successful • Geological studies covering relevant phase, all in accordance with national and
delivery of the following: stability and seepage aspects and the international standards and regulations.
• Hydrological studies covering Probable evaluation of potentially active faults. • Structural analysis and stability
Maximum Precipitation (PMP) and Prob- • State-of-the-art Dam and Plant designs assessments of dams, spillways and
able Maximum Flood (PMF). considering all relevant safety aspects appurtenant structures.
• Seismic studies (Probabilistic and including structural safety, hydraulic • Special studies related to structural safety,
Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analyses, safety and seismic safety. e.g. detailed analysis of concrete arch
definition of worse case earthquake • Dam safety concepts for the entire dams facing long-term concrete swelling

Kölnbrein dam, Austria

Mauvoisin Arch Dam, Switzerland
Normal condition Dam break simulation: Flood wave after 5 minutes

Dam break simulation: Flood wave after 10 minutes Dam break simulation: Flood wave after 15 minutes

phenomena including finite element analysis, concrete requirements.

sampling, elaboration of an refurbishment concept, etc. • Construction supervision of various construction works
• Special studies related to hydraulics (spillway capacity, including remedial measures.
computational fluid dynamics analysis, etc.) and operation • Review, assessment and development of Emergency Action
procedures. Plans.
• Safety evaluation and assessment of dams and plants after • Dam break analyse with flood wave development using state-
extraordinary events, such as strong earthquakes or flood of-the-art hydraulic modelling software packages and tools.
• Assessment of the instrumentation system including All services are provided by Pöyry’s engineers and dam safety ex-
recommendations for refurbishment of the equipment and perts who gained experience on numerous projects all over the
improvement of the monitoring system. world. National legislation and international standards, guidelines
• Review and interpretation of measurement data. and dam safety concepts are followed.
• Inspection of existing dams in intervals of one or five years Furthermore Pöyry is in a position to tackle any project-specific
including surveys, reporting and recommendations for tasks by its interdisciplinary teams of experts.
remedial measures.
• Review and evaluation or preparation of Operation &
Maintenance procedures.
• Training of staff to improve their awareness of dam safety
Selected References

Pöyry’s expertise in dam safety is built on its outstanding track record

in design and engineering of large and small dams and related appur-
tenant structures. Safety is the fundamental focus of everything we do
and is mandatory for the success of our projects.
Comprehensive dam safety assessment of the The Rudbar Lorestan Dam and HPP is lo- The Atatürk Dam located at the Euphrates
Ambuklao Dam, Binga Dam and Magat Dam cated in the seismically active Zagros Moun- River in Turkey is a 170 m high zoned rockfill
in Luzon, Philippines. tain Range. The 156 m high dam has been dam with a central core and is slightly curved
• Ambuklao Dam is an 129 m high earth designed and tendered as roller-compacted in the plane. The crest length is 1,670 m, the
core rockfill dam (ECRD) with gated concrete (RCC) gravity dam. The review of the maximum base width is approx. 900 m. With
spillway at the Agno River, which was tender design carried out by Pöyry showed a dam volume of 84 Mm3 the Atatürk dam is
subjected to strong ground shaking during significant deficiencies in the seismic safety of one of the largest fill dams of the world. The fill
the 1990 Philippine earthquake. the dam due to possible movements along dis- works for the dam lasted from 1987 and 1990.
• Binga Dam is an 107 m high ECRD with continuities in the footprint of the dam during
gated spillway at the Agno River, which a major nearby earthquake with magnitude up During and after construction of the dam large
experienced strong ground shaking during to 7.5. settlements of the dam crest have been ob-
the same earthquake in 1990. served. A comprehensive and detailed geo-
• Magat Dam is an 114 m high ECRD at A detailed seismo-tectonic study of the project detic monitoring program is being carried out
the Magat River, which consists of three region and assessment of the potentially ac- by Pöyry since 1992.
saddle dams, a concrete gravity intake tive faults in the vicinity of the dam was carried
structure and a large gated spillway. out and the potential displacements during an Pöyry was the designer of the dam and carried
The dam safety assessment included: earthquake were determined. out a detailed assessment of the long-term be-
• Visual inspections to assess the present The dam type was then changed from RCC haviour of the dam based on an elasto-plastic
condition of the Schemes. to ECRD and comprehensive studies were analysis and predicted the future displace-
• Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment. performed on seismic safety and the behav- ments. The measured displacements are reg-
• PMP/PMF - estimates and flood analysis iour of the dam under strong seismic impacts. ularly checked against the predicted displace-
studies. These detailed studies also included assess- ments and show good agreement.
• Static and dynamic stability and ments of the deformations that may be caused
deformation analyses of the dams and by displacements along the discontinuities in Further, Pöyry’s dam experts carried out the
appurtenant structures. the footprint of dam. Both 2D and 3D dynamic annual and five year dam safety assessment
• Review operation and maintenance (O&M) FEM modelling techniques were used since its completion in 1990.
manuals and practices.
• Recommendations for the finalisation of
emergency action plans (EAP).

Sri Lanka has about 400 medium-size and The Angat multi-purpose scheme is located An earthquake of magnitude 7.3 caused
large dams and 80 are classified as large in Luzon Island, approximately 60 km north- cracks in the Sefid Rud Buttress Dam in Iran.
dams. Some dams date back thousand years. east of Metro Manila. It was built in the 1960s. At the time of the earthquake the reservoir
The large dams show signs of ageing and have The reservoir is impounded by Main Dam, was 6.0 m below its full supply level and all hy-
various deficiencies and shortcomings related Main Dyke and Secondary Dyke. The rockfill dropower generating units were running. The
to their operation and monitoring facilities dams have an inclined impervious core. The power intake gates closed automatically dur-
which could pose a threat to public safety and maximum height of the Main Dam is 131 m. Its ing the earthquake.
structural sustainability. failure, in the worst case, would lead to flood-
ing of large populated areas and considerable A site-inspection revealed a considerable
The aim of this project is to the rehabilitate damages downstream. number of large cracks, especially in the up-
32 large dams showing signs of considerable per part of the concrete buttresses but the
risks and/or deterioration. The scope of ser- Angat scheme is located in a highly seismic electrical, mechanical and hydro-mechanical
vices was as follows: area. During construction of the dam and equipment was found to be virtually undam-
dykes faults in the footprint of the dam and aged by the earthquake.
• Inspection of the dams and formulation of dykes have been encountered, which are con-
a rehabilitation plan. sidered active and connected to the West Val- Emergency repair work consisting of crack
• Preparation of tender documents for the ley Fault. A comprehensive safety assessment grouting and heavy vertical pre-stressing from
rehabilitation of the 32 dam structures of the dam and dykes has been carried out. the crest was started very quickly.
(civil and hydro-mechanical upgrades). Further measures including slope protection
• Evaluation and interpretation of instru- The scope of the dam safety assessment com- near the abutments and the establishment of
mentation data. prised the following tasks: an extensive dam monitoring system were also
• Provision of basic dam safety facilities implemented.
for 80 dams. • Failure Mode Analysis.
• Preparation of Operation & Maintenance • PMP/PMF study, and flood safety • Seismic risk analysis.
manuals for the hydro-mechanical equip- evaluation. • Structural dynamic analysis of the buttress
ment. • Probabilistic and deterministic seismic dam.
• Provision of a computer-based mainte- hazard assessment. • Preparation of specifications and designs
nance management system. • Verification of the existence of active for the repair and strengthening of the
• Preparation of emergency action plans. faults. dam wall and abutments.
• Static and dynamic stability and • Analysis of monitoring results.
deformation analysis. • Preparation of specifications and design
of geodetic and seismic monitoring
• Review of hydrology and spillway facilities.
• Supervision of implementation.

Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) for the MENT DAM, PANAMA MENT PROJECT, ALBANIA
construction and impounding phases of five The Dos Mares dam is located at Chiriquí Safety assessment of the dams of the Drin and
hydropower plants in Turkey, according to in- province of Panama close to the city David. Mat River cascades in Albania, namely Fier-
ternational standards. The hydropower plants Six weeks after impounding the embankment za (500 MW), Koman (250 MW), Vau í Dejës
comprise long tunnels, weir structures and dam breached and emergency measures had (250 MW), Ulza (26 MW) and Shkopeti (24
dams of different types up to a height of 140 m. to be designed to repair and rehabilitate the MW). The power plants at the Drin river in-
The main tasks for the EAPs were the struc- remaining dam. cluded four rockfill dams and a concrete face
tural, hydrological and geological failure mode Scope of Services: rockfill dams and the two dams at the Mat river
assessment, 2D-hydrodynamic simulations of • Design of emergency measures. were concrete dams. The scope of services in-
dam break and failure induced floods, alert • Failure-cause analysis. cluded the following:
level determination of potential emergency • Design of rehabilitation measures. • Site inspections.
situations and the preparation of notifica- • Site supervision. • Seismic hazard analyses of the dam sites.
tion charts, inundation maps and evacuation • Monitoring and dam safety assessment. • Seismic safety evaluations of the embank-
plans. ment dams at the Drin River and seismic
analysis of the spillway intake tower of Fierze
• Dam break flood wave analyses for Drin and
Mat River cascades.
• Preparation of EAPs.
• Definition of remedial measures with cost
• Specification of water alarm systems and
identification of sites for sirens.
Dam safety inspection of Plavinas, Kegums The principal structure of Enguri HPP is one
and Riga run-of-river hydro power plants on of the world’s highest arch dams (272 m high).
the Daugava river. An important aspect of Due to political reasons the maintenance of
the project was related to the safety of the the dam was neglected for years and the in-
powerhouse-spillway structure of the Plavi- struments of the dam monitoring system were
nas HEPP, which is founded on glacial till fill- looted. Pöyry carried out investigations and
ing a deep ancient valley. Scope of Services: studies related to the refurbishment of the ex-
• Dam safety monitoring annual dam safety in- isting monitoring instrumentation for the dam,
spections and preparation of annual reports the installation of new instruments, improve- DAM SAFETY, OMAN
• Feasibility design for emergency spillway ments to the drainage system of the dam and Pöyry’s services included safety evaluations
• Dam break analysis and preparation of EAPs its abutments, to equip and calibrate a new of seven existing recharge dams built between
• Static and dynamic slope stability analyses geodetic network based on state-of-the-art 1985 and 1992 in the Sultanate of Oman. The
• Dam Safety Risk Assessment electronic survey equipment and provided objectives of the studies were to evaluate the
• Design and supervision of repair works of re- construction supervision services. condition of each dams, assess their compli-
lief wells. ance with public safety requirements, perform
detailed analysis of dams to be rehabilitated,
prepare detailed designs, provide cost-benefit
analysis of proposed remedial measures and
to prepare tender documents. The Safety
Evaluation of Existing Dams (SEED) procedure
was used to determine the condition of each
dam with respect to its structural and operat-
ing integrity.

MALAYSIA changes and modifications have been The Mattmark Dam is located at a tributary of
Dam Safety Assessment on various Hydro- made. Climate change effects have been the Rhone River in Switzerland. The dam is an
electric Schemes located in Peninsular Malay- taken into account in this review. earth-rockfill dam with an inclined core. The
sia. The assignment covers all dams forming • The seismic safety was reviewed using dam is 117 m high, has a crest length of 780
theCameron Highlands – Batang Padang Hy- state-of-the-art design criteria and meth- m, a dam volume of 10.6 Mm3 and was com-
droelectric Scheme, the Sungai Perak Hydro- ods of analysis. pleted in 1967. The Mattmark Dam was the
electric Scheme and the Terengganu Hydro- first large dam built on top of (up to 80 m) deep
electric Scheme. The main dams are: pervious soil layers, namely morainic layers
• Sultan Abu Bakar Dam and glacial lake sediments. The grout curtain
• Jor Dam consists of clay-cement grout and bentonite-
• Mahang Dam silica-phosphate gel.
• Pergau Dam
• Temengor Dam During the construction of the dam a rock
• Kenering Dam avalanche destroyed a labour camp and killed
• Bersia Dam 88 labourers. This largest accident in the Alps
• Chenderoh Dam during dam construction contributed to the
• Terengganu (Kenyir) Dam KAINJI DAM, NIGERIA high safety standards used today in dam con-
The scope included review and re-evaluation Kainji HPP is a 750 MW hydropower scheme struction in mountainous regions.
all historical data and site assessment of the in Nigeria, impounding a huge reservoir on the
safety of dam by performing physical techni- Niger River. Pöyry was the designer of this dam and is in-
cal inspection of dam and its associated struc- volved since its completion in 1967 in the an-
tures. The water retaining structures include a main nual dam safety inspections and the detailed
embankment dam with a central concrete inspections every five years, including a review
section and a separate saddle dam. The cen- of the main dam design criteria. A reassess-
tral concrete section includes the intake, pow- ment of the structural safety was required due
erhouse and spillway. The dam has a length of to changes in the dam safety concept, in par-
about 8.3 km and a maximum height of 80 m. ticular:
• Following large floods in the 1990s a reas-
A comprehensive dam safety survey was car- sessment of the flood safety has been car-
ried out which included studies of structural ried out. By modifications of the spillway a
safety, flood safety and operational safety. The flood retention volume could be created,
PUNT DAL GALL, SWITZERLAND/ITALY studies also focused on an evaluation of the which provides significantly to the flood
Punt dal Gall Dam is a 130 m high double cur- current condition of the 50 year old structures safety of the downstream valley.
vature arch dam located at the Swiss-Italian including consideration of Alkali Aggregate • The dynamic slope stability analysis car-
border completed in 1969. The dam is found- Reactivity in the spillway, potential erosion in ried out showed that the dam is still safe
ed on highly folded and partially crushed do- the plunge pool and an evaluation of the stabil- according to state-of-the-art design cri-
lomite and limestone formations. Gypsum and ity of the structures based on visual inspec- teria. The dam can safely withstand peak
marl layers with artesian waters are below the tion, data from monitoring instruments and ground accelerations of 0.42g at the dam
right abutments. geodetic surveys. site (originally designed for 0.1g).
Pöyry was the designer of this dam and since
its completion in 1969 Pöyry is involved in the
annual dam safety inspections, including the
assessment of the dam monitoring data and
the detailed inspections every five years in-
cluding a review of the main dam design cri-
teria. A reassessment of the structural safety
was required due to changes in the dam safety
concept, in particular:
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