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Strategic Management
Introduction To Strategic Management
Strategic management is the systematic analysis of the external and internal environmental audit to
identify issues and monitor them for future objectives. Strategic management helps to achieve objectives
and support to set strategic priority for organization (Jeffs, 2008). Report will provide the information
about individual contribution in the group report about Malaysia airline. It will also indicate the key areas
of research and research skills which were identified in section-4. Report critically discuss the strategic
models applied in group report and provide the details for individual work.

B) Key Areas Of Research And Sources

In the group research report, I have found out many important areas about Malaysian airlines and
provided detail information for each topic. My key areas of research are as follows:

Financial areas: I have tried to find out the procedure of collecting funds and distributing them. In the
research report, I carried out the research that Malaysian airline is facing issues in the financial area for
operating their business after 2 major incidents has happened in last 10 months. Management is working
to find out new investors for financial support.

Terrorism and political areas: In the research,I have tried to find the impact of terrorism and political
forces which influences the business activities of Malaysian airlines. Company is feeling pressure from
both ends to its flight and policies. Management is working on improvement in safety and security of
passenger and staff members and is trying to implement government policies for the betterment.

Employee retention areas: Malaysian airlines is facing challenges to meet the expectation of
employees and retaining them for effective service delivery. Management of organization is facing issues
in salary,as they lack in financial areas and safety of staff members which are creating barriers to meet
the objectives of employees. From the research, it is considered that a Malaysian airline is facing issues
in retaining their employees.

SWOT and PESTLE research issues:

SWOT research: With the help of SWOT analysis it is carried out that organizational strength is its
strong brand image and weaknesses are distribution of funds and tax policies. I had found out that a
Malaysian airline has the opportunity in international market and threats from competitor organization like
Easy jet, Emirates and Singapore airlines. Fluctuations in currency exchange also a big threat for them.

PESTLE research: From this analysis I have discovered that organization needs quick improvement in
social and environmental factors which are affecting their business activities. In technical and legal areas
management of Malaysian airlines has developed impressive strategy to meet responsibility.
Sources of research:

I have carried out the research with the help of websites which provide me details for strategic
management. I use the online information provided on the official web site of Malaysia airline and their
annual report. To support my research I took the help of online articles and books which were based on
the strategic management. From the SWOT and PESTLE analysis I have discovered business issues in
Malaysia airline. I used them as sources of finding in depth information to support my report.

C) Discussion Of Strategic Models Related To Topic Set

For managing gaps and gaining competitive advantage over other airlines, I have suggested two
strategic models that could be helpful to Malaysian airlines. I have tried to apply sustainable strategy
model and limited growth strategic management for the improvement.

Sustainable strategy model:

Brief introduction of model:

Environmental scanning: By performing this organization can identify the issues and problems that are
affecting their business activities. For environmental scanning management uses the SWOT and
PESTLE model.

Strategy formulation: After identification of problem, using this model organization is required to frame
strategy to solve the problem and establish new possibilities. This is the secondary part of model
(Tactics, tools & strategies – five steps to implement, 2010).

Implementation: Next step is to apply the changes in organization to mark improvement and increase
brand image as it was facing in previous years. To implement it properly, organization needs acceptance
of all employees (Gomes and et. al., 2014).

Control: After implementation management is required to monitor that the process of work is going in
right direction or not (Parvinen, Tikkanen and Aspara, 2007). By monitoring the activities company can
check the capability of strategy in providing positive results for obtaining objectives set for future.


Critical evaluation of models:

This model is used to manage the operational and tactical activities within organization and make
necessary changes to accomplish objectives of Malaysian airline. To implement the strategy
management of organization needs to conduct environmental scanning which will add cost and time
which influences the planning of organization for collection of funds and distribution of them (). However,
environmental scanning is helpful for the company to identify the key issues which are creating barriers in
the growth but it required the money and time to effectively perform. By scanning environmental with the
help of this model ,I have find out that organization is lacking in managing funds and formulation of
effective strategy which is not in favor of Malaysian airlines. Environmental scanning is performed with
the help of SWOT and PESTLE analysis to support the report I have prepared. The major task is
formulation and implementation of new strategy developed with the help of this model. Though, it is for
betterment of organization but it requires human resource and funds for research, analysis and
execution. Management needs the consideration of all staff members for the changes they are going to
apply, some of the staff members resist to change and vote against new policies which becomes tough
task for manager to clarify and convince the employees to manage their work according to new strategy.
Organization can use the sustainable business strategy to fix the gap and get competitive advantage
(Doole and Lowe, 2008). For the implementation organization need support of all staff members and
other stakeholders which is crucial and vital.

Top priority of organization need to be considered with the help of model for improvement, managers
have to work on this by working on issues identified in environmental scanning. By analyzing the report of
environment scanning, manager can easily develop strategy to meet the objectives of growth (Porter,

In my opinion, this model is very effective to identify the problem and develop plan for improvement. It will
provide the evaluation and control for balancing the task and assignment of role and responsibility.
Control over the strategy will be beneficial for the Malaysian airline to check the capacity of applied
model. By following or implementing this model organization can be able to enhance their brand image
and capability of work. For example, if Malaysian airline applied this model for developing strategy for
improvement, it would be better for managing funds, employees and creating policies for determining the
price to attract customer according to market condition. Formulation of management strategy with the
support of model could be supportive for Malaysian airline for sustainable business strategy to fix the gap
and get competitive advantage.

Limited growth strategy model:

Brief Introduction of model:

This model is used to identify the customer’s perception and development of new services and
modification in existing services. This could be beneficial for management in managing resources and
their proper utilization (Kruger and Mama, 2012). Customer perception and market analysis is performed
under this model and strategy.

Critical evaluation of model:

I have found t that, this is the easiest model for developing effective and quick strategy according to
current situations and circumstances faced by the Malaysia airline. This model is capable of managing
the product and services according to market conditions and perception of customer for availing services
(Langfield-Smith, 2008). This model and strategy will be helpful for the Malaysian airline to improve its
services and to increase brand reorganization as company earlier had at the international level. Limited
growth strategy is designed and developed to implement changes at small level and get positive results.
However, it would be effective for management to develop strategy but they need to invest funds to
perform market surveys to identify the key factors which could be helpful in the formulation of
management strategy.

My opinion on this model is that, it would be handy and time savvy for the Malaysia airline to develop new
services for the potential customer as per model of strategic management, company needs to collect
information about customer’s perception which helps to increase sales and collect funds of future
development. For the current scenario, it is very effective and low cost model to overcome the issues like
improvement in services, safety and security of passengers as well as motivation of employees. This
could be better option for the Malaysian airline management to fix the gap and get competitive advantage
over rivalry firms for both international and domestic level. It is critically judged that this model and
strategy is very effective and easy for management to understand and explain to other staff members.
For example, organization can resolve the issues like financial problem and employee’s retention by
developing strategy with the help of limited growth model.
In the current scenario, organization is facing many issues in its strategy where it needs immediate
changes to craft improvement in its operation and brand name. In the following areas Malaysian airline
need strategic changes. By using this model organization would be able to fulfill its requirement (Marren,

D) Indication Of Key Conclusion And Findings Related To Models And Practical


By using the models and following them for managing task and other related issues. I have concluded the
following facts:

Financial issues: This is the most influencing issues which I have tried to find out in the report with the
help of model and theories. The procedure of collecting funds and their distribution for daily operation is
insufficient at present position for Malaysia airline. From the research report, I have concluded that
Malaysia airline is facing problem in meeting the demand of employees and suppliers, the management
of funds is improper and in an unorganized manner which is due to 2 major losses in recent time. In spite
of this, management of Malaysian airlines is working to attract new investors for financial support to run
their business.

Employment issues: From the group research, I have found that, Malaysia airline is facing challenges to
meet the expectation of employees. Organization is facing major problem in its international flight
services delivery. Employees are refusing to attend the flight due to safety and security issues. From this
research, it is considered that Malaysia airline is facing issues in retaining its employees. Organization
can fix this problem by using the limited growth model and strategy.

Political issue: Organization is facing challenges to sustain its position for international aviation. From
the research, I have tried to conclude the impact of political forces which influence the business activities
of Malaysia airline. After the two major incidents, organization is under pressure of government as they
are asked to establish new security and safety measures. Company is feeling pressure from both ends to
manage their flight and policies (Cadez and Guilding, 2012). Management is working for improvement in
safety and security of passenger and staff members as well as it is trying to implement government
policies for the betterment.

Practical implication of model and theories:

To manage their services up to the standard of international level, I suggest that the sustainable growth
strategy is very effective. Organization can use it for improvement and overcoming the gap that Malaysia
airline have in its service delivery. Implications of issues I have found out in research are as follows:

Discussion and meetings: Management of Malaysian airlines can take the help of group discussion to
resolve the issues. By doing this they can develop the satisfactory management strategy that could be
acceptable to all stakeholders so as to cover all areas for improvement. My opinion is that, top
management has to organize review meeting of strategy and problem to fix the gap in the internal

Help from consultancy firm: To get the competitive advantage and improvement in brand image,
organization can also take the help of any marketing and strategic consultancy firm. I suggest Malaysia
airline management to ask for assistance from firm who performs survey and market research for
developing effective strategy by using the proposed models.

Online feedback services: My opinion is that for improvement, organization needs to start 24*7 online
feedback website or application that would help the management to recognize the potential areas for
improvement. This could be the best option for customers and employees to draft their view which
requires modification and major changes.

Up gradation of technology: To meet the security and safety measures at the international level ,my
suggestion for Malaysia airline is that, they need more technical tools and assistants to identify and avoid
risk in-flight or at ground level. Organization required asking manufacturing firm to add more technical

E) My Learning From Research And Success Or Failure Of Team Efforts

From the research my learning about the topic is as follows:

Identification of issues: From the report, I have learnt to find the issues organization is facing in current
time. I learned the use of SWOT and PESTLE analysis to identify the issues and challenges which affect
or influence the process and decision of organization.

Selection of models: From the research, I came to know that how to select a model and strategy for
improvement and development of organizational brand image as well as meeting the expectation of all
stakeholders. I learnt the factors and areas to be included in the process of section strategy. This could
be the major part of learning.

Implementation:The execution of strategy is an important part. Many kinds of factors are involved in the
implementation that I learned from the task I individually perform in research. Organization needs support
of all staff members to manage changes to uplift the performance of individual and organization in market.

Success or failure of team efforts:

To perform the research I and my team put their full efforts to meet all the task of research report.

Success criteria:

Finding of issues:Team of research has successfully identified the issues which Malaysia airline is
facing. Organization is facing major problem in their international flight services delivery. Employees are
refusing to attend the flight due to safety and security issues. From the research, we try to conclude the
impact of political forces which influence the business activities of Malaysia airline. The most influencing
issues which we have found in the report with the help of model and theories are financial problem. We
have concluded that Malaysia airline have problem to meet the demand of employees and suppliers as
the management of funds is improper.

As I know team failed to address all relevant areas that might be involved in the research report. We try
to meet all learning outcome that needs to be answered. Still we lack proper addressing and applying the
function of model for improvement.

F) Individual Contribution And Its Impact On Group Assignment

For the group assignment, I have given my contribution by providing the information about issues we
found out for Malaysia airline. Major impact of my contribution is as follows:

From my individual efforts, we have managed the time for completing our task and performed it on time.
The impact of my efforts has been that team is able to find out issues Malaysia airline is facing such as
safety and security, political forces and improper financial management of funds. From my individual
contribution the assignment is easily done and communicated with all team members. By individual
distribution of work to maintain effectiveness of each topic (we need to cover in this report) and we try to
complete them with efficiency. The major impact of individual contribution is that, we managed our work
according to time and have covered all the aspects that we found in research.


From the above report, it is considered that report has fond the key issues that are influencing the
business activities of Malaysia airline. In this report, I have provided information to management that
organization can use the recommend models and strategy to fix the issues identified in analysis. If they
are unable to manage changes, the consequences would be more damaging for improvement. Report
has provided the fact about my learning and contribution in the project to compete it. Individual efforts
have significant impact on the completion of report as we have managed time and research on the topic


Cadez, S. and Guilding, C., 2012. Strategy, strategic management accounting and performance: a
configurational analysis. Journal of Industrial Management & Data Systems.

Doole, I. and Lowe, R., 2008. International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and
Implementation. 5 ed. Cengage Learning EMEA.

Gomes, M. C. and et. al., 2014. Strategic sustainability management and export performance.
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal.

Jeffs, C., 2008. Strategic Management. SAGE.

Kruger, C. and Mama, M., 2012. Incorporating business strategy formulation with identity management
strategy formulation. Information Management & Computer Security.

Langfield-Smith, K., 2008. Strategic management accounting: how far have we come in 25 years?.
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal.

Marren, P., 2007. High-functioning business strategy. Journal of Business Strategy.

Parvinen, P., Tikkanen, H. and Aspara, J., 2007. Corporate strategic marketing: a new task for top
management. Business Strategy Series.
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