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Assignment Brief No.

Module Title: Anatomy and Physiology Code: 5N0749

Tutor: Fiona Hoey & Kathleen Murphy Weighting: 20%

Issue Date: 15th January 2019 Due Date: 12th February 2019

Learning Outcomes: 16, 17

Student Name: Class Group:

Course: Submission Date:


Q1. (i) Draw a labelled diagram of the female reproductive system. (10 x 2 marks)

(ii) Explain why meiosis is essential before the production of sex cells. (10 marks)

(iii) What is the cause of nausea in early pregnancy? Why do some mothers feel
it is a sign of stable pregnancy? Why does it usually disappear after a few
months? (30 marks)

(iv) Why is it that a breakdown of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy can result
in miscarriage? Why does a breakdown later in pregnancy have little effect?
(2 x 15 marks)

Work will not be accepted unless submitted personally on the due date
Q2. (i) Design a poster for pregnant mothers outlining the advantages of

breastfeeding. (20 marks (design), 4 x 5 marks)

(ii) Up to one in five couples have difficulty in conceiving. What is infertility?

Describe three causes of male and three causes of female infertility. (3, 6 x 4

(iii) Vasectomy is a male sterilization operation. It involves cutting and tying the
vas deferens tubes under anaesthetic. After a vasectomy explain why (4 x 4

a. The man will not father any children

b. His ability to have sex is unchanged
c. His semen cannot be DNA tested
d. His physical development is unchanged

Plagiarism Declaration:

I declare that this material, which I now submit for assessment, is entirely my own work and has not
been taken from the work of others, save and to the extent that such work has been cited and
acknowledged within the text of my work. This assignment, or any part of it, has not been previously
submitted by me or any other person for assessment on this or any other course of study.

I understand that plagiarism, collusion, and copying is a grave and serious offence in LMETB, and I
accept the penalties that may be imposed should I engage in plagiarism, collusion, or copying.

Candidate’s signature:


Date: ________________________________________

Work will not be accepted unless submitted personally on the due date
Anatomy and Physiology Assignment 2 guidelines
Each question carries equivalent marks for effective presentation and support as well as
getting the answer right.

Q1. (i) Draw a labelled diagram of the female reproductive system. (10 x 2 marks)

Presentation of answer: 10 marks

You must hand draw a diagram of the female reproductive system using a pencil (3). Marks
will be awarded for use of colour (3), graph paper (1) and planning of question using spider
diagram (3).

Execution of answer: 10 marks

On your diagram of the female reproductive system, you must include 10 clear labels to
receive full marks (10 x 1 marks)

Q1. (ii) Explain why meiosis is essential before the production of sex cells (5 x 2 marks)

Presentation of answer 5 marks

You must present your answer using effective planning on graph paper (1), with the use of a
spider diagram (2), while including evidence of research and support in your answer (2).

Execution of answer 5 marks

In your answer, explain what is meant by meiosis (2 marks), and explain why meiosis is
essential before the production of sex cells (3 x 1 marks)

Q1. (iii) What is the cause of nausea in early pregnancy? Why do some mothers feel it is a
sign of stable pregnancy? Why does it usually disappear after a few months? (30 marks)

Presentation of answer 15 marks

Spider diagram (5) on graph paper (5) and evidence or research/support (5)

Execution of answer 15 marks

You must explain the cause of nausea in early pregnancy (5 marks), Why some mothers feel
it is a sign of stable pregnancy (5 marks) and why nausea usually disappear after a few
months (5 marks)
Work will not be accepted unless submitted personally on the due date
Q1. (iv) Why is it that a breakdown of the corpus luteum in early pregnancy can result in
miscarriage? Why does a breakdown later in pregnancy have little effect? (2 x 15 marks)

Presentation of answer 15 marks

Spider diagram (5)

Use of evidence/support (5)

Graph paper (5)

Execution of answer 15 marks

What is the corpus luteum and what is its role (2x2 marks) and explain the meaning of
miscarriage (3)

Why does the breakdown of corpus luteum result in miscarriage in early pregnancy? (2x2

Why does breakdown of corpus luteum in later pregnancy have little effect? (2x2 marks)


Q2. (i) Design a poster for pregnant mothers outlining the advantages of breastfeeding.

Presentation of answer 20 marks

Your preparation and presentation of this answer must include a Spider diagram (5),
evidence of research and support (5). Your preparation must be done on graph paper (2.5)
while your poster must include, use of colour (5), and hand drawn (2.5)

Execution of answer 20 marks

Correct advantages of breast feeding (4 x 4 marks)

Use of statistics (2 x2 marks)

Q2. (ii) Up to one in five couples have difficulty in conceiving. What is infertility? Describe
three causes of male and three causes of female infertility.

Presentation of answer 27 marks

Your presentation must include a Spider diagram (12 marks), Use of graph paper (3 marks)
and Evidence of research/support (12 marks)

Execution of answer 27 marks

Explanation of infertility? (3 marks)

Work will not be accepted unless submitted personally on the due date
List and explain three causes of male infertility (3x 4 marks)

List and explain three causes of female infertility (3 x 4 marks)

Q2. (iii) Vasectomy is a male sterilization operation. It involves cutting and tying the vas
deferens tubes under anaesthetic. After a vasectomy explain why:

Presentation of answer 8 marks

Your presentation must include a Spider diagram (3), Use of graph paper (2) and your
answer must include evidence of research/support (3)

Execution of answer 8 marks

You must explain why after a vasectomy;

a. The man will not father any children

b. His ability to have sex is unchanged

c. His semen cannot be DNA tested

d. His physical development is unchanged (4 x 2 marks)

Work will not be accepted unless submitted personally on the due date

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