Coring Procedure

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El Morgan M190-244
Engineering Requirement for a “Depleted Reservoir Core” in El Morgan Field:............................2
Background: ........................................................................................................................................2
How can core be of value? ........................................................................................................................2
Can we obtain realistic core Krw/Sorw from lab experiments? ............................................................................2
General core programme outline ................................................................................................................2
Next actions? ........................................................................................................................................2
Minimizing damage and maximising the value of soft core: .........................................................3
Core program management...........................................................................................................3
PRE-CORING RIG SITE COMMUNICATION & CHECKS ......................................................3
Selection and Set-up Core Processing Area ..................................................................................3
Equipment Check Out ..................................................................................................................4
Assess Manpower Availability .....................................................................................................4
Mud Progam ........................................................................................................................................4
Corehead Type .............................................................................................................................5
Barrel Length ...............................................................................................................................6
Core Size......................................................................................................................................6
Inner Barrel Type .........................................................................................................................7
Inner Barrel Type .........................................................................................................................7
Core Catchers...............................................................................................................................7
Optimum Coring Conditions & Parameters ..................................................................................7
Coring Termination Criteria .........................................................................................................8
Connections While Coring ...........................................................................................................8
CORE RETRIEVAL (TRIP-OUT) ...............................................................................................9
Figure 3. Tripping Profiles vs. Ideal trip time on recent well .......................................................................9
Rig-floor Precautions ...................................................................................................................9
Trip Out Rate ...............................................................................................................................9
Required from Mud Logging Data Engineer...............................................................................10
Required from Corehand ............................................................................................................10
RIGFLOOR CORE HANDLING & CORE LAYDOWN...................................................................10
General ......................................................................................................................................10
Inner Barrel Separation ..............................................................................................................10
Securing the fiberglass inner barrel in the core cradle .................................................................11
Core Laydown............................................................................................................................11
CORE PROCESSING................................................................................................................12
Core Processing Equipment - Core measuring & marking ..........................................................13
Core Processing - Core Cutting Saw...........................................................................................13
Core Processing Equipment - Endcaps, clips and tools ...............................................................14
Core Processing Equipment - Core Racks...................................................................................14
Core Processing Equipment - Core Sampling for Geological Inspection .....................................14
CORE STABILIZATION BY GYPSUM INJECTION ..............................................................15
Core Stabilization Equipment.....................................................................................................15
CORE PRESERVATION...........................................................................................................16
Core Preservation using the Soft Sediment Tool.........................................................................16
Core Preservation Equipment - Soft Sediment Tool....................................................................17
Core Preservation By Wax Dipping............................................................................................17
Core Wax Dip Preservation Equipment ......................................................................................17
CORE TRANSPORTATION .....................................................................................................18

- 1 -
El Morgan M190-244

Engineering Requirement for a “Depleted Reservoir Core” in El Morgan Field:

To aid definition of remaining reserves to guide further investment decisions

• Stacked channel sands complex - interbedded sandstone/mudstone formation - 1000ft approx gross interval with 5 major
producing sandstone layers
• Reservoir sandstone avg. 23% porosity 100s mD permeability - best sand can be friable/unconsolidated. High feldspar & GR.
• Reservoir pressure depleted - now partly re-pressurised by water injection but still below bubble point
• Field under waterflood at present - cutting water in most lower layers (UKCS Forties may be reasonable analogue for field
'time of life' situation)
• Historical core analysis has indicated ultimate Sor to waterflood of around 40%
• Reservoir engineering calculation indicates that bulk of reserve has been produced already if 40% is an accurate estimate of
waterflood Sor
• Log analysis indicates So of 20-30% in swept zones - however uncertainty in Rw in swept zones leads to uncertainty in
resistivity log calibration

How can core be of value?

• Substantial reduction in uncertainty of saturation definition by logs (calibrate to core in swept & unswept levels in cored well).
• Can obtain Rw directly from core. Can obtain Sw directly from core in unswept zones if OBM used.
• Quality core for integrated waterflood Krw/Sorw studies to obtain realistic ultimate So to waterflood, and reservoir
representative Krw/Sorw for reservoir engineering

Can we obtain realistic core Krw/Sorw from lab experiments?

• Case histories indicate that well specified & controlled experiments (e.g. right Swi, wettability, fluids, flow rates, capillary
pressure, saturation monitoring, simulation interpretation) give reservoir representative data that can significantly reduce
• Suggest meeting/further discussion to demonstrate BP in-house capability / track record in this respect. Suggested contact -
Kevin Webb 44 1932 763851

General core programme outline

• Optimised OBM (tracer for water phase) to maximise Rw and Sw definition and boost coring performance (more core for rig
• Largest hole size available will boost coring performance and improve utility of core - consider with casing programme in well
• Hole angle not critical, but closer to vertical and closer to normal intersection with bedding/natural discontinuities will boost
coring performance
• Location in region that will cut some swept, some unswept zones should give best value (Swi and So definition)
• Coring technique - use unconsolidated core technique for best quality core for all studies - will require long coring techniques
to cut key rocktypes & saturations at minimum cost. Note that brief review of coring in Egypt (chiefly focused on Nile Delta)
indicated that long core technology was not yet established in-country.
• All wellsite core breakdown and processing should be to unconsolidated core standards (safety and good quality core)
• Integrated wellsite plugging and preservation operation to achieve Rw, Sw and preserved core for waterflood study objectives
• Suggest that 2 plugs/metre and 30% preservation will achieve all requirements.
• Aim to do as much work in Egypt as possible - routine analysis (70%) of core work as a bare minimum.
• Some studies (e.g. waterflood displacement tests for Krw/Sorw) would need to be done at highly specialised labs (BP in-house)
and would require core export approval.

Next actions?
• Coring - Design coring programme to achieve subsurface objectives within operational constraints - comments above are
general. This is a first pass, we need to meet to optimise (El Morgan subsurface, drilling, contractors). Coring contractor local
capability will be key - need to start work to alert them to BP expectation asap - ideally this would be done through contracting
process. If contracts are in place we need to review to see if these allow best practice, or if amendments are required.
• Wellsite preservation, plugging and routine analysis - Need to review local lab options, set up contracts if required and define
• Direct Sw and Rw from core - Kevan pull together draft programme for review (when drilling mud type decided)
• Special core analysis - waterflood displacement testing - suggest Gabe make time around the Relperm Workshop to visit labs
with Kevin, to review in-house capability and start to build programme.

- 2 -
Minimizing damage and maximising the value of soft core:

• plan / risk assessment / take plan to rig

• mud tuning / coring / tripping
• surface processing / plugging / preservation
• transportation to labs
• integrated analysis programme
• learning cycle

Core program management

• assign owner for core programme

• detailed core plan built with team
• risk assessment ~ a few days above core point
• take results of risk assessment to rig
• share core objectives & tune plan with rig team
• toolbox meetings at all key steps
• lessons learned review on rig
• share lessons with ops team
• document for future performance improvement


The following activities are intended as actions to be performed by core specialist, core stabilization engineer, wellsite
geologist and core hand on arrival at the wellsite.

• The core specialist, wellsite geologist, core stabilization engineer, and core hand must meet with and brief the
company representative on the proposed coring and core handling processes. Activities and responsibilities should be
agreed, and a precoring meeting arranged. The pre-coring meeting should include presentation of objectives with the
involved rig personnel (company representative, tool pusher, core hand, mud engineer, wellsite geologist, core
stabilization personnel, crane operators).

• Conduct review of safety requirements specific to the rig and core handling process. Ensure all coring related
personnel identify and understand how to obtain necessary working permits.

Selection and Set-up Core Processing Area

• Select a core processing area which will not interfere with other rig activities.

• Conduct area safety assessment. Check for foot/tripping hazards, overhead danger. Check permitting procedure and
nominate responsible persons to ensure compliance.

• Arrange the equipment in the core processing area for ease of operation and safe routing of compressed air and
electrical lines. Core laydown area needs to be approximately 45x15 feet minimum, flat, well lit and sheltered.

- 3 -
Equipment Check Out
• Conduct an inventory of all coring, core handling and preservation equipment.

• Check rig equipment for compatability with core handling process and equipment.

• Top drive to enable continuous coring without lifting off bottom is recommend.

• If rig is equipped with kelly drive this will have a substantial impact on the coring programme. Core length is likely to
be limited to kelly length in soft sandstone with conventional core catchers. Core length is definitely limited to kelly
length with full closure catchers (current Posiclose and Hydrolift designs).

• A good selection of pup joints are essential to optimise the number and position of connections during coring with
kelly drive.

• Sensors for measuring drilling parameters should be accurate and sensitive. It should be possible to view trends in
parameters over the core length from the drillfloor. Trends in torque and pressure will be particularly important in
determining when to pull the corebarrel because the core has jammed, and will have a major impact on core recovery.

Assess Manpower Availability

• Assign tasks to technical assistants in consultation with the company representative and wellsite geologist.

• Keep the number of people involved in the rig floor processing to a minimum.

• Suggested manpower allocation for safe and effective handling (based on 300 m of 5.25 inch diameter unconsolidated
core from approximately 2750 m about 1 x 27 m core per day) is as follows:

• 2 corehands to maximize drillfloor and laydown and processing speed

• 2 wellsite geologists to mark and inspect core
• 1 core engineer performing core stabilization by gypsum injection
• 1 core engineer to perform special SST preservation
• 1 assistant for core stabilization (mud logger)
• 1 assistant for special SST preservation (mud logger)

Mud Progam
It is essential that the coring mud be designed to encase and support the core, and also composed of
substances least likely to irreversibly damage the clay components and surface wettability of the core.

• When originally formulated, an OBM coring fluid has minimal water content. At GUPCO, we use No 1 diesel oil
to mix the mud. We never added any water intentionally, but pick up some during displacement. Current OBM stores
have 10%-20% water.

• We still can design a 100% OBM system for this well. Prefer to use some polymeric filtration control material to
reduce filtration to a minimum

• The main design criteria for this fluid are:

1. minimum water content or traced water and minimum filtration. **Thiocyanates are used as tracers in the water
2. Using the proper fluid loss materials help reducing filtration to the minimum. Polymeric materials are
recommended. Proper particles size distribution (PSD) of the bridging materials. A software called OptiBridge
calculates the proper blend of the Calcium Carbonate to bridge a certain pore opening
3. Another issue in the fluid design is to minimize wetting agents to increase the filtrate/formation brine interfacial
tension as high as possible.

• An oil tracer may be required. This can be : **1-iodo-naphthalene or 1-bromo-naphthalene. These are oil-soluble

** Assume that these materials are not available in Egypt and need to be imported if needed

- 4 -
Corehead Type
•aim for minimum vibration while coring – if core breaks it will jam
• non-aggressive core head & stable BHA
• fibre tube for low friction
• minimise parameters – no sharp changes
• experienced engineer

The coreheads referred to in this section are the generally preferred choice for coring in
unconsolidated reservoir formations.

Experience during the M190-244 coring will result in further tuning of corehead selection. It should be noted that there is
not one single corehead that is likely to deliver best performance for the range of rocktypes that are anticipated in Kareem
and Belayim intervals. New corehead development will be monitored, and alternative designs may be preferred for future

Recommendation coring in predominantly soft sandstone intervals is to use PDC face discharge coreheads if hole
conditions are good and tripping is smooth without requiring substantial reaming.

• High ROP of PDC coreheads in sandstone sections.
• Minimized depth of mud invasion and subsequent core disturbance associated with gas expansion during retrieval.

• Blocking of face discharge ports during running into the hole will impair coring performance and may cause fibertube
to collapse when ball is dropped.
• Low ROP of PDC coreheads in mudstone, (especially when used with water based mud). Increasing mud flowrate to
boost performance in mudstones can cause washout of corehead ports.
• Torque variation between soft sandstone and mudstone with PDC coreheads can set up vibration that increase chance
of early core pack-off.
• Venturi effect set up by some styles of low invasion corehead may cause washout of soft core, especially with
circulation through the core head during tripping out of the hole.

Recommendation for coring in interbedded sandstone/mudstone intervals is to use a less aggressive TSD style of face
discharge corehead if hole conditions are good and trip in is smooth without requiring substantial reaming.

• Highest average ROP (not as fast as PDC in sandstone, but faster in mudstone)
• Minimized depth of mud invasion and subsequent core disturbance.
• Torque variation between soft sandstones and mudstone with TSD coreheads is less than for PDC and will reduce
chance of early core pack-off.

• Plugging of face discharge ports during running into the hole.
• Increasing mud flowrate to boost performance in mudstones can cause washout of corehead ports.
• Venturi effect set up by some styles of face discharge corehead may cause washout of soft sandstone core.

Recommendation for coring if hole conditions are not ideal and tripping into the hole requires substantial reaming is to use
TSD throat discharge coreheads.

• No face discharge ports to plug or wash out.
• Good average ROP.
• Torque variation between soft sandstones and mudstone with TSD coreheads is less than for PDC and will reduce
chance of early core pack-off.

• Increased potential for mud invasion with throat discharge.
• Increased potential for washout of soft sandstone with throat discharge.

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Barrel Length

• The strength of the formation will limit the length of core

that can be cut. The kelly length will also impose
limitations, as it will be very difficult to re-start coring in
soft sandstone. In practice it is likely that 27m is the
longest core that could be cut, Current philosophy in BP
is to cut the longest core possible. The rock will start to
fail at the base of the core at max. length. Teamwork
between drilling engineer, core engineer and geologist
will be required. Once a jam is detected, core is pulled.
Current Gulf of Mexico Longest Core is 75.6 m with no
crushing at the base.

• Barrel length should be limited to the longest core that

can be cut in order to minimize barrel flex, vibration,
rigfloor handling time and the need for re-running of fiber
glass inner barrels.

Core Size
• Recommended core size is 5.25 inch diameter, the greater
the core diameter the less the opportunity for structural
damage & invasion. Figure 1B. Nile Delta and Angola
Analogues (mud & hole size)

• coring is less than 25% of full cycletime

• doubling core length has more impactthan doubling ROP

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Inner Barrel Type
• Fiberglass barrels with steel pin & box are recommended for this reservoir depth . Aluminum inner barrels are only
recommended for hot holes or difficult coring conditions.

• Inner barrels must be vented to prevent pockets of gas being retained between packed sections of core as barrel is
surfaced (safety hazard). Non return valve vents should be located each foot and phased at 90 degrees.

Core Catchers
• Core catching can usually be guaranteed by full closure catcher systems, however these are not as yet available for
5.25 inch diameter core.

• Reducing core diameter to 4 inch to access full closure catchers is not recommended, there are a number of other core
quality penalties that apply.

• Soft sandstone coring records from a number of fields clearly shows that core cut on gauge can consistently be caught
using simple slip catchers.

• Core diameter should only be reduced to 4 inches if drilling conditions dictate.

• Conventional spring / slip catcher is primarily recommended as it has been consistently seen to catch unconsolidated
core from a range of reservoirs as long as core is cut on-gauge.
• All catchers & pilot shoes should be inspected / certified OK by corehand before use, as these have been seen to fail in

• The Posiclose catcher system could be mobilized as a back up system (for 4 inch core in 8.5 inch hole) but as it is still
in development, the standard 4 inch corebarrel must also be available.

Optimum Coring Conditions & Parameters

• Hole condition : The corebarrel will be a stiff packed assembly, it is therefore essential the hole is finished with an
equally stiff BHA before running the corebarrel, or run a short corebarrel for first core. Reaming with the corebarrel
will decrease the chance of successfully starting to core. Any sticking or jarring of the barrel is likely to damage core.

• Trip In : Reduce run in rate by 50% at 5 stands from the bottom to minimize whole mud injection from surge pressure.
Mud should be circulated during run-in below the casing shoe if coreheads with face discharge ports are used. This
will prevent blocking of the face discharge ports.

• Commencing coring : Circulate bottoms up before starting coring. The ball must be pumped down at a moderate flow
rate, if high flowrates are used the pressure pulse may cause the fibertube to implode.

• Mud Flow Rate : The minimum safe mud flow rate for the selected corehead should be applied in unconsolidated
sandstones. This is especially important when coring thinly interbedded sandstone / mudstone sections where the
elevated mud flow rates normally used for mudstones could wash away sandstones. If mud flowrate is raised for
mudstone sections it must be done gradually to prevent fibertube implosion.

• WOB & ROP : When coring unconsolidated sediments, it is desirable to maintain a constant, relatively low bit weight.
In high permeability unconsolidated sandstones, controlled rate low ROP coring may result in excessive core flushing
and potential washout, and should be avoided. Sudden increases in weight on bit are likely to cause core breakage and
pack off, and should also be avoided.

• Rotary Speed : Moderate rotary speeds are recommended to minimize vibration that could damage the core. Very low
rotary speeds that can lead to stick slip action at the corehead should be avoided.

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Coring Termination Criteria
• Coring should be terminated when barrel is full (i.e. core is within 50cm of top of barrel) or when evidence of jamming
has occurred (drop in torque or erratic torque, very low ROP, erratic pump pressure). Barrel must not be over-filled,
core will fail in compression if barrel is overfilled.

• If the core appears to be finishing in soft sandstone (high ROP), mud flow should be reduced so that the last 25 cm of
core is cut dry. This will ensure full gauge core in the catcher. It is not recommended to spin the barrel at higher rpm
to "burn core in", the inner barrel may rotate with the outer, causing core damage.

• If the core appears to be finishing in harder rock, or to have packed off (low ROP) then coring should be terminated at
normal flowrate.

• Circulation after coring should be performed in a way that minimizes the risk of core being washed from the catcher
(this could cause core slippage & loss). A circulating sub should be included in the BHA above the core barrel to
allow this. If substantial circulation is dictated to ensure that the hole is free from gas, then minimum circulation to
sweep the bottom of the hole should be performed while the corebarrel is close to bottom. The ball should then be
dropped to open the circulating sub before circulating bottoms up.

Connections While Coring

• The kelly will limit the maximum length of core that can be cut before making a connection to about 13m.

• If a connection is made in very soft sandstone (as diagnosed by high ROP), it is unlikely that coring could be re-
started. Attempts to re-start coring in soft sandstone run the risk of drilling out sandstone intervals.

• If offset well information appears to correlate sufficiently accurately then it may be possible to target connections on
mudstone intervals.

• To make connection, rotation should be stopped, pump shut off, and the barrel lifted off bottom.

• Overpull on lifting off bottom should be checked, if overpull is seen, and hole condition is good, then it is likely that
harder rock is in the core catcher and a successful connection may be possible.

• The barrel should be raised 3 meters or so without rotation, and then a check for dropped core made by re-tagging

• If it appears that the core has been broken in solid rock, and that there is no stub left on bottom, the connection should
be made and coring re-started.

• The connection should be made by locking the rotary table, and using the tongs to back out the kelly, that way the core
can be re-started in the same orientation as it was broken.

• Coring should be re-started by applying normal weight on bit with low flowrate to release core in the catcher. Weight
should then be picked up to normal starting weight, slow rotation started, and then all parameters gently built up to full
coring parameters.

• Parameters must be carefully monitored to ensure that coring has been re-established, and that the formation is not
being drilled.

• The possibility of successfully re-starting coring after a connection has been made can only be determined in the field.

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• tripping consumes significant rigtime during coring
• gas expansion can damage structure & change saturation
• reduce trip rate in stages close to surface

Figure 3. Tripping Profiles vs. Ideal trip time on recent well

Whole core dilation, and/or axial vertical fracturing may be induced by expanding
pore fluids which are unable to escape from the core during trip-out. This damage
mechanism is most common in poorly consolidated sediments containing viscous
crude, or core which has suffered a high degree of mud filtrate invasion.

Field studies have indicated that reducing the trip-out rate yields core of improved
quality, while laboratory studies have shown that the majority of core dilation occurs
over the latter stages of the trip. Therefore, reducing the trip rate as the core nears the
surface is likely to minimize core dilation and yield core of improved quality.

Rig-floor Precautions
• Braking and slip setting should be performed without jarring the core (especially
near the surface). Sudden vertical shocks to the drill string frequently result in Figure 4. Core
substantial core damage and may result in loss of core. Destruction– the result of
tripping too fast.
• Minimize rotation of the core barrel when breaking connections. Top drive,
iron roughneck, or chain tongs should be used to rotate pipe above connection.

Trip Out Rate

The following recommendations are for GCA1 and may be revised during that coring operation, or for subsequent

• Trip from TD to 1200m tvdss at normal controlled rate

• Trip from 1200m tvdss to 600m tvdss at 3 min/stand
• Trip from 600m tvdss to 300m at 6 min/stand
• Trip from 300m tvdss to surface at 9 min/stand
• The wellsite geologist will examine, measure & record the annulus between core and inner barrel at each cut core face
during processing and chip sampling to identify possible disturbance.
• Provision should be made to increase or decrease trip rates if necessary.

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Required from Mud Logging Data Engineer
• Continual monitoring of coring parameter trends with feedback to drillfloor, safeguarding against drilling after core
• Coring parameters ROP, WOB, TQA, TQMX, TQMN, MFIA, SPPA, SPPMX, SPM, RPMA ECD, in paper form &
electronic / ASCII format at wellsite to be provided to BP engineer after each core run.
• Trip monitor information (depth of bit vs. time, instantaneous pipe speed) in electronic / ASCII format to be provided
to the soft core specialist at wellsite immediately after each core run.
• Depth-lagged mud samples may be required for the purpose of tracer analysis over the cored interval. If this is the
case, excess regular samples must be taken from the inflow line because circulation may be minimized or broken after
coring termination. The objective is to obtain samples of the mud that were contacting the core during cutting.
• Approximately 50cm3 of mud will suffice at a frequency of every 3-5 meters during coring. These samples should
be sealed in airtight nylon sample jars.

Required from Corehand

• Coring performance (accurate WOB, ROP on foot by foot basis) and bit performance in paper form (normal coring
summary sheets) after each core.


Once at the surface, the core must be quickly removed from the
drill floor to allow further operations to be carried out without
costly delay. Fiberglass inner core barrels are ideal for this
purpose. However, surface handling and processing of
fiberglass encased unconsolidated core demands special
techniques and equipment, if core damage by inner barrel
flexure and impact is to be avoided. This section outlines key
recommendations and equipment requirements.

• Company drilling representative, wellsite geologist, soft
core specialist & corehand must hold informal pre-core
laydown meeting with rig crew & other key personnel to
highlight importance of safe effective core handling, and to
promote good teamwork.
• The rigfloor breakdown of the core barrel, laydown of the
core inner barrel, and breaking of the catcher will be led by
the corehand.

Inner Barrel Separation

• Fiberglass inner barrels containing core must be laid out in
9m sections, if a corebarrel longer than 9m is used, the
inner barrels must be separated on the rig floor.

• The lower section of fiberglass tube is clamped, and the

top section is unscrewed.

• Before the connection is completely unscrewed, a "shear plate device" is clamped around the connection.

• When the inner barrels have been separated, the upper barrel is lifted slightly to expose whole core and a shear plate
used to cut the core. The shear plate assembly retains the core in the inner barrel.

• This part of the operation is critical, a well designed shear plate device, and accurate control on the lifting airwinch
is essential.

• The shear plate must be driven through the core by a mechanical or hydraulic jack. It has been shown by visual and X-
ray CT examination that the use of a hammer-in shear plate damages core up to a meter from the joint.
• The racking arm should be used to stabilize the upper length of fiberglass inner barrel when breaking connections.

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Securing the fiberglass inner barrel in the core cradle
After removal from the core barrel, the fiberglass inner barrel must be transferred to a processing area which provides a
safe environment for the core processing team, and minimizes disruption to drilling operations. This must be done without
allowing the fiberglass inner barrel to bend. Core cradles are used for this purpose.

• Core cradles are rigid sections of "I" beam equipped with rollers and clamps to support and restrain the fiberglass inner

• The core cradle is suspended vertically in the derrick alongside the 9m inner barrel section and is secured to the
fiberglass inner barrel with a number of straps.

• When the inner barrel is secured in the cradle, a tugger line is connected to the top of the cradle and the air-hoist line
removed from the inner barrel pick-up sub.

• Core cradles must be rigid and in good condition (free moving rollers for barrel movement, secure lifting lugs, saw
mounting points in good condition & alignment, secure means of fixing inner barrel to cradle).

• One cradle is required for each 9m fiber glass inner barrel, i.e. 3 cradles are required as it is planned to run 27m barrels
on GCA 1.

Core Laydown
Various techniques are suitable for the successful laydown of core cradles. The rig crane may be used to directly transfer
the cradle / inner barrel from the drillfloor to the core processing area. However, experience has shown that more control
can be exerted when the cradle is lowered gently down the pipe skid and onto the catwalk. To this end, core cradles should
be equipped with stabilizing wheels at the base to ease laydown.

• The rigfloor tugger is used to lift the cradle / inner barrel assembly about 1 ft off the floor and the assembly gently
pushed through the V-doors and down the pipe skid. The rigfloor tugger is used to slowly lower the cradle down the
pipe skid and onto the catwalk. The wheels serve to stabilize the cradle during its descent.

• When the cradle assembly is near horizontal, the catwalk tugger may be attached to the base of the cradle and used to
pull the assembly clear of the pipe skid.

• This whole process is then repeated for the next 9m section, using a separate cradle. The core may then be processed
on the catwalk, or the cradle assembly moved by crane to the designated core processing area.

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This is defined as core mark-up, cutting into manageable lengths, geological sampling and
capping, prior to stabilization & preservation. In most instances, activity in the pipe rack area is minimal
during coring operations and this area is usually best for core processing.

The process is briefly as follows:

• The wellsite geologist will find core top, and confirm core recovery.

• Core mark up will then be led by the wellsite geologist. It may be best to initially depth mark the core in one color,
then subsequently mark samples and cut marks in a second color to avoid confusion.

• The core will then be sawed by the corehand not involved in rigfloor duty.

• Capping and catching and layout of core pieces on the core racks will be performed by the core stabilization engineer
and assistant.

• The core racks will be set at 20 degrees to horizontal, and core pieces laid out in depth order with bottom depth lowest,
so that mud can drain through the bottom vented cap.

• Top caps will be removed from the 70cm core pieces to allow inspection. Top caps can also be removed for visual
inspection of 30cm core pieces, but the 30cm core pieces must not be chip or grab sampled

• The wellsite geologist will inspect cut faces, measure annulus, and take small chip or grab samples from the top faces
of the 70cm core samples if required.

• The wellsite geologist will note any laminations or other indications of bedding direction and mark the plane of
slabbing clearly on the fibertube (slabbing will be done to expose maximum dip). If laminations are apparent on some
cut faces only, all tubes should be laid out in the same orientation and the consistency of lamination direction noted. It
is possible that there may be some changes in strike direction up through the core, but an overall consistent pattern
should be observed.

• When inspection and sampling are complete, the soft core specialist will set aside the 30cm lengths in a safe area in
preparation for rubber sleeve preservation using the SST or wax dipping.

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Suggested core marking and cutting scheme (taken from a core top depth of 6650m in core number one for illustration)
is as follows:

Top Depth (mbrt) Bottom Depth (mbrt) Stabilized section Preserved section
6650.00 6650.70 C1-1
6650.70 6651.00 C1-A
6651.00 6651.70 C1-2
6651.70 6652.00 C1-B

Preserved sections can subsequently be marked C1-A-SST if they are soft sandstone and require preservation in rubber
sleeves with the Soft Sediment Tool, or C1-A-WAX if they are firm and can be wax dipped (following sections detail core

Figure 8. Core Cutting and plugging scheme

Core Processing Equipment - Core measuring & marking

• Supplied by coring contractor
• Rags for cleaning fiber glass inner barrel, solvent for erasing marking errors, paint pens that will indelibly mark fiber
glass inner barrel under rigsite conditions, good quality metric tape.

Core Processing - Core Cutting Saw

• Supplied by coring contractor

• Saw must be capable of cutting through fiberglass inner barrel

& core in one pass with minimal vibration.

• Core must be cut dry.

• Core saw blades must be intrinsically safe, composite silicon

carbide blades are not recommended as these can explode
during use.

• Spare saw blades must be supplied (at least 2 spare).

• Saw blade orientation must be fixed so that cuts normal to the

long axis of the core can be made consistently, i.e. all core samples must be right cylinders.

• Core support system in the saw and cradle must offer support for cutting short core sections (1 ft lengths for SST
preserved samples), without hazard to the core of operators.

• Saw & cradle rollers should be "height compatible" it must be possible for one person to advance the core in fiber
glass barrel along the cradle for sawing

- 13 -
Core Processing Equipment - Endcaps, clips and tools
• Supplied by coring contractor

• Used to protect core faces

• Secured with hose clips - Supplier to ensure that clips are

correct size, in good condition & corrosion free (spray with
light oil before dispatch).

• Coring company to supply good quality pneumatic or

electric "screwdriver" (+ 1 spare) to secure caps & clips.

• 2 x caps & 2 clips required per cut section - Approximately

1000 caps & 1000 clips should be available for 300m of
core (including temporary capping of SST samples awaiting
preservation). Caps must be suitable for gypsum injection.
Figure 10. Endcaps and Core Racks

Core Processing Equipment - Core Racks

• Supplied by coring contractor (the same racks that are used to hold core while mud is draining and gypsum is injected).

Core Processing Equipment - Wellsite Plugging

• This is a critical phase of the core preservation

operation. High resolution Sw, Rw for log calibration, as well
as fluids and geochem will be determined from the wellsite

• The core centre must be plugged as soon as possible. Avoid

core contamination with lubricant, seal rapidly – protect
structure if needed, replace core piece for reservoir description

Core Processing Equipment – Wellsite plugging

• All plugging equipment and consumables including foam lined
plug boxes will be provided by the coring contractor.

- 14 -
Core stabilization is required to ensure that core can be
transported from the wellsite to the laboratory for
preparation of the sedimentological slab and sampling
for routine analysis without structural damage which
would invalidate results. Core stabilization does not
give full protection against core drying and oxidation,
and so approximately 30% of the core will be
preserved using more rigorous techniques (described
in section 10).

Approximately 70 % of core GCA1 will be

stabilized in 1m or 70cm lengths using the
gypsum injection technique. The technique
requires that gypsum be injected into the annulus
between the core and fibertube. When the
gypsum solidifies it stabilizes the core, preventing
it from moving inside the fibertube, and
disaggregating during transport. Figure 11. Gypsum Injection

The gypsum injection technique is relatively new. It is identical in principal to the resin injection technique, and should
offer environmental advantages over resin. The technique has been used successfully by a number of operators on a range
of soft reservoir cores, however use on M190-244 will be an evaluation exercise in a new environment. The method may
be tuned or even replaced on subsequent cores.

The gypsum injection exercise is performed by the core stabilization engineer, assistant and wellsite geologist as

• The core rack can be tipped to 80 degrees to speed mud drainage when geological inspection is complete.

• While core samples are draining, the gypsum mixing recipe must be checked. Water containing .04% Tri-sodium-
citrate-2-hydrate (a retarder) is added to a mixing container, and the correct proportion of gypsum added. A mixture of
gypsum and water in the ratio 60/40 by weight is used. The mixture should gel approximately 60 minutes after

• When the gelling properties of the mix have been checked (and regulated if necessary), injection can begin.

• A batch of gypsum slurry is made and pumped into the bottom of each tube through the vented cap until it flows out of
the top. A peristaltic design of pump is used. When the injector nozzle is removed from the bottom cap of each core
section, the hole is sealed to prevent the gypsum slurry from draining.

• The top cap from each core piece should be removed to check that gypsum completely covers the core, and top it up if

• On completion of injection into the batch of cores, the gypsum slurry pump should be flushed clean with water.

• Core sections injected with gypsum must not be moved until the gypsum has hardened (about 60 minutes after mixing)

• When the gypsum has set, core markings must be re-checked to ensure that they have not been obscured by gypsum,
and each length of core carefully placed in a foam lined corebox.

• When each batch of boxed core is be properly listed with boxes and core properly marked, the wellsite geologist must
be called to agree markings before boxes are finally sealed and palletized, or placed in the shipping container. A copy
of the box list must be given to the wellsite geologist.

Core Stabilization Equipment

All stabilization equipment and consumables including foam lined core boxes will be provided by the core stabilization

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As mentioned in the previous section, the bulk of core (70%) will be stabilized in 70cm - 1m lengths
to prevent structural damage during transport to the lab. This 70% will be used for routine analysis
and sedimentological studies. The remaining 30% of core will be preserved in 30cm lengths using
methods that guarantee that structural integrity is preserved and also that core does not dry or
oxidize. This preserved core will be used in special studies (where results are not only sensitive to
core structure, but to core wettability and fluid saturation as well).

Each 30cm length of core that requires full preservation for subsequent special core studies will be
carefully examined. Those that are soft or friable will be preserved using the Soft Sediment Tool,
those that are firm will be preserved using the wax dip technique.

Core Preservation using the Soft Sediment Tool Figure 12. SST Tool
The Soft Sediment Tool (SST) preserves the structure of very fragile core by application of a confining stress. The function of the SST is
to directly transfer 1 ft lengths of whole core plus matched diameter rigid endcaps from a cut length of fiberglass inner core barrel, into
an expanded nitrile rubber sleeve.

The sleeve is then allowed to collapse on the core and endcaps, thus providing active confinement which maintains the structural
integrity of the core material. In addition to confining and strengthening the core, the rubber sleeve and endcaps also provide a barrier
against water loss and oxidation.

If sleeved samples are to be stored for any length of time, they are wax dipped at the wellsite or immediately on arrival at the laboratory
(no need to pre-wrap in Barex & aluminum foil). The wax layer acts as a second protective barrier and also increases the life of the
rubber sleeve by preventing oxidation.

The Soft Sediment Tool was developed to preserve the structure and wettability of weak sediments and has been successfully used for
wellsite core preservation technique in a number of "soft sediment" coring operations throughout the world.

The following procedure is used to preserve fragile core with the Soft Sediment Tool:

• Selected 30cm section of fiberglass encased core is cut. It is essential that the endfaces are cut to form a right cylinder.

• Special rigid SST endcaps are placed against the freshly cut faces of the core and are held in place by flexible endcaps as supplied
by the coring contractor.

• The section of capped core is placed on the core rack, and mud allowed to drain.

• Top faces of the core can be examined by the geologist, but must not be sampled.

• After mud has drained and examination is complete, the sample to must be re-capped, and the sample taken to the SST preservation

• The sample to be preserved is placed on the SST jack. The expander vessel is positioned above the sample and a vacuum pulled on
the vessel to expand the sleeve. The core plus endcaps are then displaced into the expanded rubber sleeve using the jack.

• When the sample is centrally located in the expander vessel, the vacuum is released allowing the sleeve to contact onto the core plus
endcaps. The rubber sleeve is trimmed to length and marked with well identification, depth, way up and sample number, e.g. C1-A-

• The SST sample is then wax-dipped to provide a second barrier against water loss and oxidation.

• The preserved sample will be bubble wrapped and placed in one of the six compartments in a dedicated transport crate.

• Boxes will be left open for checking by the wellsite geologist, and a listing of sample and box numbers will be given to the wellsite
geologist after each core is processed.

Core Preservation Equipment - Soft Sediment Tool

All SST equipment and consumables including special core boxes will be provided by the soft core specialist.

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Core Preservation By Wax Dipping

Each 30cm length of core that requires full preservation for subsequent special core studies will be carefully examined.
Those that are hard will be preserved using the wax dip technique.

The core sample is wrapped in an inert plastic film, aluminum foil and sealed by dipping in molten wax. The plastic film
(Barex or Saran wrap) prevents fluids in the core contacting and reacting with the aluminum foil. The foil is designed to
provide the vapor barrier, assisted by the wax which also provides a cushion against external damage.

Although the technique is straightforward to apply, it is particularly susceptible to poor quality control, both in
experimental procedure and technique.

The following procedure should be followed when preserving core using the wax-dip technique :

• Allow 30 kg of wax to fill a bath 50x30x30 cms and 0.75 kg for each sample to be preserved.

• A high quality wax such as Coreseal or Sebacote HDC1 is recommended.

• Switch on wax bath at least 4 hours before required. Do not over heat the wax. The wax temperature must be
maintained at the recommended operating temperature during dipping operations.

• After identification, mark the core with way-up orientation lines and measure top & bottom depth. Mark the core
with either depth labels or a sample identifier number.

• Wrap the core in a minimum of 3 layers of Saran wrap (non-reactive cling film), then a minimum of 3 layers of heavy
duty aluminum foil. Ensure ends are crimped neatly together. If Barex wrapping is available, this should be used
prior to wrapping the core in Saran wrap.

• Clearly label the foil with top and bottom markings and a sample identifier number, e.g. C1-B-WAX.

• The sample should then be sealed in wax. Copper wire may be wrapped round the sample to form a handle and used
to hold the core while dipping. String should not be used as it can provide a permeable pathway for escaping fluids.
Alternatively, the sample may be dipped one half at a time, thereby negating the use of copper wire (ensure sufficient
overlap between alternate dips). Minimize the amount of time the sample is in the wax. Generally a minimum of 2
complete dips are required.

• When cool, check the wax layer for defects (i.e. air bubbles, insufficient wax coverage). If required the sample
should be re-dipped to ensure an effective seal. If copper wire is used while dipping, the wire loop must be cut off
and the exposed end sealed with wax.

• Mark sample with paper label that shows well number, sample identification number, top and bottom depth and way
up. Red & black (or red & blue) orientation lines should be marked on the sample; "red on right" indicating the top of
the core.

• One final wax dip should be used to seal the label permanently, the label checked to ensure legibility. Illegible
samples must be re-labeled.

• Wax-dipped samples should be placed in marked foam lined coreboxes and stored out of direct sunlight to await

• When each batch of wax dipped core is be properly listed with boxes and core properly marked, the wellsite geologist
must be called to agree markings before boxes are finally sealed and palletized, or placed in the shipping container. A
copy of the box list must be given to the wellsite geologist.

Core Wax Dip Preservation Equipment

All wax dipping equipment and consumables including foam lined core boxes will be provided by the coring contractor.

- 17 -
The stabilization and preservation techniques used to protect GCA core will reduce sensitivity to mechanical shock,
however it is essential that all of the people involved with core handling are briefed as to the fragile nature of the core. The
following are some of general guidelines, though transportation is always area specific and a set of procedures should be
developed for M190-244 operation.

• The operations geologist, logistics team and core specialist should review transportation options. The transportation
route should be secure, minimize handling steps, and avoid extremes of temperature and humidity.

• Customs requirements must be checked for core that will have to leave the country, if it is likely it will be required to
open individual core pieces, then some means of re-sealing the core before drying can occur should be available.

• The soft core specialist should brief all of the rigsite and local shore base handling teams.

• All individual core boxes should be braced on pallets or ideally into shipping containers for transport to shore. Each
crate or box should be clearly labeled with the well number, preserved sample numbers, and the destination address.

• All communications regarding the core shipment should be channeled through the wellsite geologist. All
communications should make it very clear that the core is fragile, and request gentle handling.

• An inventory of the core should accompany all shipments. A separate copy of this inventory should be sent to
recipients via Fax or Telex along with an estimated time of arrival.

• Transport of oil and gas samples (including core samples containing hydrocarbons) by commercial air freight must be
carried out in accordance with special procedures. Only specially trained personnel may perform these duties and sign
the official declarations. All core samples must therefore be packaged in accordance with the "Dangerous Goods
Regulations Manual".

• Direct flights should be used to minimize unsupervised core handling.

• With international air freight transportation, the storage cabin may not be pressurized. The associated temperature and
pressure changes can have an adverse effect on the integrity of the applied core preservation. It is therefore
recommended that aircraft with pressurized holds are used for transporting preserved core samples. Commercial
carriers which are unaccustomed to transporting fragile materials should be used with caution.

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