English-Grammer - Exercise

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Page 44

1. Where’s Rita? ______ ‘s at school. (She / Her)
2. My cousins live in Mumbai and I’m going to visit _____on Saturday (they
3. Can you help _____ please (we/us)
4. ________can speak English. (i/Me)
5. Where are my grandparents? Can you see ____?(Them /they)
6. My Parents took _____to the cinema on my birthday. (I/me)
7. Sameer’s favorite sport is cricket. ____ practices every day after
8. My aunt is in hospital. I’m going to write to ____.(she/her)
9. My penfriend, Emma, invited ________to visit her during the summer
holidays. (us/it)
10.This cake isn’t for you. It’s for ____.(he/him)
Page 45
Find the subject and object pronoun
Ron: Are you here with your family? Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
Sam: Yes, I am

Ron: Where’s your brother? Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns

Sam: That’s him over there. Look he’s
with my grandparents

Ron: They live near Kerala. Their house Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
is by the sea
Sam: How often do you see them?
Ron: Twice a year. We go there for our Subject Pronouns Object Pronouns
holidays in the summer, but I e-mail
them every year

Page 46
Possessive Adjectives
1. I’m going to finish _______homework before I watch the film
2. We’re going to have ______lunch at four o’clock
3. I’ll send a text to ________uncle because he sent me a present last year
4. Is that ______brother? Yes, it is. _____name’s Jayant
5. I’ll visit my grandparents is the summer. _______house is in the country.
6. What a beautiful little puppy! What _____name?
7. Good morning children. Take out ________English exercise books, please”
8. ____________neighbors are really kind. They look after our house when
we’re on holiday.
9. The senior pupils have _________exams next month.
10. Hello, my name is Deepak and this is ________sister Laila.
11. Zoher’s parents are teachers. They help him with _____homework.

Page 47
Possessive Pronouns
Replace underlined words with possessive pronouns
1. That’s your house and this is my house
2. Your ice cream is bigger than Tom’s ice cream
3. Your hair is really long. It’s longer than Emma’s hair
4. Is that Henry’s cricket bat? No, it’s my Cricket bat.
5. Our grandparents’ garden is tiny. It’s much smaller that our garden
6. My drink is he orange juice and your drink is the apple juice
Page 52
1. My Sister is ___ teacher and my brother works in ___ factory
2. What’s ___ biggest animal is the world?
3. My little sister can tell ____time
4. Can I borrow _____ glue, please?
5. I’m having ____ big chicken sandwich for lunch
6. A horse is smaller than _____ elephant
7. Anna is ____ youngest girl is my class
8. Add _____ apples then ____ sugar
9. We built _____ big fire and had __ picnic on the beach

My great uncle Nick is _____ oldest person in our family. He is 84 years old and has
blue eyes and ______ long grey beard. When he was younger he travelled to many
different countries. He was ______ explorer. He was _____ first person in our
family to travel. He saw many famous buildings. He saw _____ Taj Mahal, Sidney
Opera House and ______Eiffel Tower. He took lots of photographs while he
travelled. His favorite photograph is of ____ African leopard that he saw when
visiting ____island of Zanzibar. He is retired now so he reads a lot and plays ____

Page 58
My parents gave me a new pair of Verb Tense Base
trainers on my birthday Form

Oh no! My little sister is crying Verb Tense Base

The train always arrive a few minute Verb Tense Base
late Form

I don’t like mangoes. They are too Verb Tense Base

sweet Form

My pet rabbit eats lettuce and apples Verb Tense Base


It’s raining today so I’m playing on my Verb Tense Base

computer Form

Last year I Leant English. This year I’m Verb Tense Base
learning French Form

Pam invited me to her brother’s Verb Tense Base

birthday party Form
Page 60
Yesterday we were in the park. We ______there because it ____ a holiday so our
school _____closed. It_________great fun. It _______ warm and very sunny. My
brother, David ______there but my friends, Lisa and Molly ______. We
________very tired at the end of day but we __________happy. My parents
_________there because they ________both working

Page 66
Write the sentences using won’t
1. They’ll walk to school. They __________go to bus
2. I’ll be here on Thursday. I ____________________Tuesday
3. I’ll do my English homework before dinner. I ____________ it after dinner
4. It’ll be sunny tomorrow. It ________cold
5. The film will start at half past six. It _______ at six o’clock
6. My mother will be at work tomorrow. She __________at home
Page 91
1. There _____________ twelve months in a year
2. The books in the library ______________old and dusty
3. Although the children _______quick, they didn’t finish their projects
4. I think ___________to be early tonight
5. Don’t call for this afternoon because __________my homework and looking
after my little sister
6. I ____________at school tomorrow because I’m going to my uncle’s wedding
7. He _______________to my party because he was ill
8. Everyone _______________silent when the exam started
9. The police ___________to every person at the market
10.I think _____________tomorrow because it’s very cloudy
Page 92
Correct form of Adjective
Use comparatives and superlatives
1. Tony is the _______boy in the class and he’s also the _______
2. Anna is 4 years ______ and her brother is 6. Their sister, Emma is 10 so Emma
is ________ ___________child in the family
3. The golden temple in Amritsar is beautiful but Taj mahal is ____ _________
___________building in the world
4. Their little puppy is ______ _______ ours
5. Snowboarding is _____________but rock-climbing is __________ _______
than snowboarding
1. Why are lions unique?
2. When do lion generally capture their prey?
3. Tick * the correct ans
a. A pride’s home area varies in size from:
i. 3 to 10 square km
ii. 20 to 400 square km
iii. Both a and b
iv. None
b. Lions sleep or rest for about
i. 40 hours a week
ii. 20 hours a day
iii. 10 hours a day
iv. None
4. Write the synonym of the following words from passage:
a. Huge -
b. Catch -
5. If tusk: teeth for elephants then ______:hair for lions.
1. What does the cow eat?

2. Where does the cow usually walk?

3. Find words in the poem which mean the opposite of these

a. Unfriendly
b. Dry
4. Write two pairs of rhyming words from the poem
a. )
b. )
5. Pick out the synonyms of the given words:
a. roams

1. I ______ to my dance class every evening

2. Sheela _____ the piano very well
3. The clown _______ balls for a living
4. Bananas ____ on trees
5. Dogs _____ to chew on bones
6. Salty water _____ fast
7. Astronauts ____ to outer space
Boil , Play , Grow , Like , go , fly , juggle

Make the simple past tense

1. Take …..the cakes….. I ……home
2. My sister…..all…..eat….the…cakes
3. To the dos….she……a few crumbs…..give
4. Our dog….junk…..all kinds of…..love….food
5. We….a picnic….plan….last week

Complete the sentences using the part / present continuous

1. My sister _____ a marathon (run)
2. I________lunch when meera came in (eat)
3. I__________my friends tonight (meet)
4. These girls _______ for a picnic next week (go)
5. Jaya ___________ the pots when one of them broke
6. It _________ hard, so we had to take a taxi(rain)
7. He__________us an experiment this evening(show)
8. When she _________in the garden, she saw a snake(work)
Fill in the blank using verb
1. My brother who travels to many places ____coming home
today (is /are)
2. Horses with a long tail ______ my favorite (is/are)
3. The cyclones that pass through our state ______a lot of
harm(do does)
4. Arun ______going to the circus today(is /a)
5. Everyone from the village _____an umbrella with them
6. I, with my friends, ____ at the cricket match (was / were)
Correct these sentences (verb) and rewrite
1. How many brother and sisters do she have?
2. Aparna and Mandeep studies in Queen’s Valley school
3. Gullives’ Travel are a very interesting book
4. Pooja have some interesting video games
5. The children was giving an excellent performance
We are learning grammar Simple present
We learnt grammar Simple past
We will learn grammar Present continuous
We learn grammar Past continuous
We are learning grammar Simple future
Underline the adverbs inn the follow sentences and wrote what kind of adverb

1 The sun shone brightly from a cloudless sky

2 The young man is walking quickly
3 The doctor will see you tomorrow
4 I seldom go to watch a movie
5 Amrita moved away from the bus stop
6 Can we go out now
7 Ali plays the guitar very well
8 Pranjali is usually late to school

Fill in the blank with the suitable adverb

1. Let’s go ________and enjoy the rain ( outside / after)

2. There is _________a queue at the station (upstairs / usually)
3. The ccat chased ________the rat (away / often)
4. I _______ go to this restaurant for lunch(often / there)
5. They arrived _______for the function (late / lately)
6. It was my birthday __________(today / yesterday)
7. Iwat pizzas ________a month(once / never)
8. The lion roared ______________(carefully / fiercely)

Underline the adverbs and write what kind of adverb they are

1. Mr Kaul is seldom absent from the school

2. The guests are waiting for you downstairs
3. Everyone looked outside to watch the air show
4. I never have cold coffee
5. He reached home late
6. She ran bravely into the burning house to save the child

Fill in the blank with a preposition from the box

To by with through on over among behind


1. The train ________ Mumbai went _________ three tunnels

2. Tarun was late ______ ten minutes
3. Preeti distributed sweets ________her friends
4. The thief hid _________a wall to avoid the police
5. He sat _______the floor and played with marbles
6. The cat jumped __________________the bushes
7. The restaurant ____________________the theatre is very popular
8. Paul likes to play ___________his friends

Circle the correct preposition from those given in brackets

1. Sarabjeet walked (out of / in) the auditorium to receive a phone call

2. Raijita lives (in / of) Delhi (on/near) the Qutub minar
3. Come and sit(beside / beyond) me
4. The way (through/in) the woods was covered (with/on) creepers and
5. There is a lawn (in front of / between) our house
6. I’m going (for/to) city (on / for) a party
7. The car went (at/on) a speed of 90 kilometers an hour
8. The child’s bag is full (in/of )apples
9. Nilofer has got (across / into) the metro
10.My sister got (off up) the train and walked (over/above)the bridge

Fill in each blank with a conjunction from the box

Because but or and so though

1. My sisters are called Asma ________Layla

2. Is the lift going up _______down?
3. The plant is attractive to look at ______very poisonous
4. Everyone liked the new teacher _______she was friendly
5. ______it was raining, she decided to walk
6. Mala had forgotten her purse, ______she went back home

Circle the correct conjunction to complete each sentence

1. Fran went out for a walk (until/although) it was raining

2. I learnt Italian (if/while) I was on holiday in Italy
3. You will not get supper (when/until) you wash your hands
4. He does his homework(when/until) he gets your hands
5. The car will not break down (if / when) it is services regularly
6. Please wash the dishes(when/while) I get the groceries

Complete each sentence with a suitable group of words to match the


Shall I come to your, I brush your hair, she meets you tonight, Dad stayed
indoors, I got up late, he was too tired, the doctor says you may, you
seem to have lost some weight

1. I missed my bus because _____________________________

2. Jim tried to go on working but______________________________
3. Stand still while ________________
4. Would you like t come to my house or_____________________
5. Ria will tell you all about the party when ________________
6. You are looking well, though __________________________
7. Pleae don’t attend school until______________
8. It was snowing, so ___________________

Fill in the blank with the suitable interjections

1. __________________! I have stood first in the class

2. _________________! I’m glad you have come
3. _________________! I hut my finger
4. _________________! What a tall building
5. _________________! Grandmother is resting
6. _________________! Strawberry ice cream is my favorite

Join the following pairs of sentences together with appropriate conjunctions

1. Put on your sock. Put on your shoes

2. Dinky worked very hard. HE did not win the prize
3. I’m tall. My sister is short
4. Is that Ram? Is that his twin brother, Krish

Fill in the blank with the correct pronoun

1. I got a book for my birthday. _______has a dragon on the cover

2. My sister and I play the table. _____practice every day
3. Anshul is going to Turkey. _____will leave tomorrow
4. The boy passed because _____worked hard
5. The players won the match and took the trophy with ______
6. My name is Sara. _____am none year old
7. Rashid likes birds. He wants t learn all about ________
8. Amit is good at mathematics. _____hopes to study _____in college

Underline the possessive pronouns in the following sentences:

1. This is their car. This car is theirs

2. That is their house. That house is theirs
3. Those shoes are mine and these are yours
4. I lost the pink hat. It was hers
5. Tara forgot her book, She can borrow mine
6. Brownie is a horse. It is his

Fill in the blank with the correct possessive pronoun or possessive adjective

1. These stamps are _____(my / mine)

2. Please pass ____book to him (mine / my)
3. These marbles are ______ (their / theirs)
4. She has lost her sharpener and she wants to borrow ______(mine/my)
5. These books are ______(her/hers)
6. The birds are looking for ________ nests(theirs/their)
7. Ravi forgot to bring his snacks. Lets share _____with him
8. Is _____umbrella the red colored one? No, mine is the stripped

Use pronoun in place of the underlines nouns and rewrite them

1. This is Aslam. Aslam is a big shopkeeper. All these shops are Aslam’s
2. Proteins are needed for the growth of the body. Proteins also help the body
to replace dead cell. Eggs, milk and cheese contain proteins I large
3. Kavita and Kapil are neighbors. Kavita and Kapil study in the same class. I’m
going to meet Kavita and kapil in the evening
4. Very few tigers are left in India. We should try to protest tigers. We should
never kill tigers for sports

Fill in the black with the articles a/an/the

1. My mother told me a story about _____unicorn

2. ________airport is quite far from here
3. ________ Indian team is playing against _______Australian team
4. I saw __________ army of soldiers running down the mountain
5. A calculator is _______useful machine
6. He is a citizen of ______United States of America
7. ___________pacific Ocean is a vast ocean
8. Ours is _______united group
9. The school is taking us for _______one week trip to Jaipur
10.Tom goes to _____university while his brother works in ______office
Notice Board

Kennedy High The Global School


Water Bottle Lost

27th Feb 2019

I have lost my water bottle in the school playground yesterday. It is a red color
Milton water bottle. It has a Mickey Mouse sticker on it. If anyone finds it, please
handover it to me.



Story Writing

 The story begins with the main characters

 The story solves the problem in the end
1. Write two things which Abdul did not remember having seen



Who became the best of friends and why?




a) Identify

b) Joy


a) Scene

b) New
1. Which two planets would the child not like to visit

2. Write the names of two places where the child desire to go

3. Find and write the suitable word from the poem

a. A person who travel to space________________________________

b. A vehicle or machine designed to fly in space__________________

4. If you get an opportunity to travel, where would you wish to go?

5. Give e suitable title to the poem

Underline the adverbs inn the follow sentences and wrote what kind of adverb

9 The sun shone brightly from a cloudless sky

10 The young man is walking quickly

11 The doctor will see you tomorrow

12 I seldom go to watch a movie

13 Amrita moved away from the bus stop

14 Can we go out now

15 Ali plays the guitar very well

16 Pranjali is usually late to school

Fill in the blank with the suitable adverb

9. Let’s go ________and enjoy the rain ( outside / after)

10. There is _________a queue at the station (upstairs / usually)

11. The ccat chased ________the rat (away / often)

12. I _______ go to this restaurant for lunch(often / there)

13. They arrived _______for the function (late / lately)

14. It was my birthday __________(today / yesterday)

15. Iwat pizzas ________a month(once / never)

16. The lion roared ______________(carefully / fiercely)

Underline the adverbs and write what kind of adverb they are

7. Mr Kaul is seldom absent from the school

8. The guests are waiting for you downstairs

9. Everyone looked outside to watch the air show

10. I never have cold coffee

11. He reached home late

12. She ran bravely into the burning house to save the child

Fill in the blank with a preposition from the box

To by with through on over among behind near

9. The train ________ Mumbai went _________ three tunnels

10. Tarun was late ______ ten minutes

11. Preeti distributed sweets ________her friends

12. The thief hid _________a wall to avoid the police

13. He sat _______the floor and played with marbles

14. The cat jumped __________________the bushes

15. The restaurant ____________________the theatre is very popular

16. Paul likes to play ___________his friends


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