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Body shaming and its impacts on young people

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

Appearance always seems to be everyone’s concern, whether it is a man or a

woman. So everyone wants to become more beautiful. It is not wrong, but if the
appearance has a bit of defect, it will gradually create complexity about your body
and discourteous words of the others. Embarrassment when being ridiculed in
appearance, having an aversion for the body, disparaging yourself when being
criticized for appearance are all body-shaming. To base on available studies, we
found that body-shaming have negative impacts on young people and we carried
out collect, analyze information and survey a group of NEU students to examine
whether body-shaming examine whether body-shaming causes negative effects on
young people’s physical and psychological health.

1.2. Rationale and purposes

Rationale: body-shaming is now an urgent issue. There have been lots of

thesis, articles and excellent pieces of research of many famous researchers such as
Skemman and Grogan but scientific research specialize in body-shaming in
Vietnam has not been noticed, the number of young people who have a thorough
knowledge of body-shaming is quite few, including victims and culprits.
Therefore, this research plays a very important role to prevent this situation. It will
give a general knowledge of body shaming, raises recognization of its serious
consequences and adjust people’s attitude. This thing is elementary reason why we
choose this subject.
Purpose: the purpose of this study is to get certain knowledge of impacts on
body-shaming on physical and psychological health. We want to find out reasons
why this phenomenon happens to young people, the behaviors of young people
who suffer body-shaming and how physical and psychological health of the
victims change after suffering body-shaming, then propose solution to limit and
deal with this problem. From the point, we want to improve the most perspicuous
information for young people to change recognization and behavior.

1.3. Scope: NEU students

This research focuses on studying manifestations of body-shaming within
young people, especially NEU students and negative effects of body-shaming on
victims about physical and psychological health.

1.4. Research question:

* Why does this phenomenon happen to NEU students?

* How do NEU students behave when suffering body shaming?

* How do the physical and psychological health of the victims change after
suffering body shaming?

1.5. Research methods:

This chapter included the methodology of the dissertation. There are 3

methods we use: internet resources, questionnaires and interviews.

* Internet resources

The internet contains a huge amount of information. There are many studies
on body shaming that have been done and synthesized in the internet. We will
consult to get an accurate definition of body shaming, see if it is really popular, and
what previous studies have found.

* Questionnaires

It is a reliable and quick method to collect information. We will get

information about how people perceive body shaming through some questions.

* Interviews

Face to face is useful to cover more abstract aspects of the research. They
give the opportunity for a more in depth, open discussion and more informal, free
interaction between the interviewer and the interviewee.

This provides a deeper and richer view of this issue because each person will
have his or her perspective and story.

1.6. Research outline

2. Literature review
2.1. Definition of body shaming

2.2. Manifestation of body shaming and its means

2.3. Causes of this phenomenon.

2.4. Effects of body shaming

3. Findings

3.1. Physical impacts of body shaming on young people

3.2. Psychological impacts of body shaming on young people

3.3. Consequences of body shaming on young people

4. Conclusion and recommendations



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