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Q: It is better to use your knowledge and experience to solve the problems than ask other

people for advice.


Some people think that there is no better solutions to the crisis except using their experience.
However, in my opinion, the best way to resolve the problem is to ask a help to the people around
me. The reasons are that my knowledge is limited and It can be a great opportunity to build
relationship with others.

First of all, we cannot deny the fact that it is not always possible to settle the trouble all by one’s
self. Suppose that you had an argument with your friend and not yet found a solution. Would it be
possible to look it up on someone’s blog and type it up on search engines on different websites?
Absolutely not. The only way to solve the problem would be to get real-world advice from those
who have actually experienced similar situations, like your parents, your siblings or even your
teacher. For example, according to a poll conducted by the Seoul University in Korea, the majority
of respondents ranked handling the crisis by one’s own power over getting advice from others. An
overwhelming 70% had responded that it is a way easier to settle the situation with somebody’s
help while remaining 30% had claimed that it can be rather stressful to accept other’s opinion. This
survey proves that people have a positive view of applying someone’s advice to the problem.

Second, it can be a nice chance to make friends and broad a social network. It is really
important especially in these days because you need a expansive human relationship to succeed.
This is because a meaning of success is completely changed compared to the past. If it was
merely focus on one’s own way, but now it is to be recognized by others and having followers. For
example, I remember a couple of months ago I had a crisis on my hand. There were some limits to
solving the problem since I did not have enough knowledge in other fields except my own.
Unfortunately, people around me and my relatives, even my family did not understand my
predicament. I suddenly remember the people who I had met at recent parties I attended. I
helplessly asked them to lend a hand. They sincerely helped me out and give clear-cut
instructions. I could implement their advice right away and in the flash of time, every thing was
solved. Since then, we became friends and they always help me when I have a problem.

In a nutshell, taking my limits and making friends into consideration, the advantages far
outweigh the disadvantages. In this regard, I firmly believe that the best way to resolve any kinds of
problems is getting advice from the people around you.

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