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Journal of Bionic Engineering 4 (2007) 271−280

Optimal Tracking Controller Design for a Small Scale Helicopter

Agus Budiyono1, Singgih S. Wibowo2
1. Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
2. Simundo Simulation Technology Company, Bandung 40134, Indonesia

A model helicopter is more difficult to control than its full scale counterpart. This is due to its greater sensitivity to control
inputs and disturbances as well as higher bandwidth of dynamics. This work is focused on designing practical tracking controller
for a small scale helicopter following predefined trajectories. A tracking controller based on optimal control theory is synthe-
sized as a part of the development of an autonomous helicopter. Some issues with regards to control constraints are addressed.
The weighting between state tracking performance and control power expenditure is analyzed. Overall performance of the
control design is evaluated based on its time domain histories of trajectories as well as control inputs.
Keywords: small scale helicopter, optimal control, tracking control, rotorcraft-based UAV
Copyright © 2007, Jilin University. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science Press. All rights reserved.

Nomenclatures τs, τf stabilizer and main rotor time constants

u, v, w velocity components in x, y and z-body axes system, Alon, Blon longitudinal input derivatives
fps Alat, Blat lateral input derivatives
u0, v0, w0 values of u, v, w at trim condition, fps tf final time
p, q, r roll, pitch and yaw rates, rad·s−1 n number of state variables
φ, θ, ψ roll, pitch and yaw angles, rad d(⋅) derivative with respect to time
δlat lateral deflection of main rotor, rad dt
δlon longitudinal deflection of main rotor, rad pT Lagrange multiplier
δped pitch deflection of tail rotor blade, rad K(t) gain matrix of co-state equation
δcol pitch deflection of main rotor blade, rad Superscripts
a, b main rotor longitudinal and lateral flapping motions, * optimal condition
rad − lower bound
c, d stabilizer bar longitudinal and lateral flapping mo- + upper bound
tions, rad T transpose

1 Introduction is not agreeable with more general complex Multi-Input-

Multi-Output (MIMO) systems with sophisticated per-
The 1990s witnessed the pervasive use of classical formance criteria. To control a model helicopter as a
control systems for a small scale helicopter[1]. A Sin- complex MIMO system, an approach that can synthesize
gle-Input-Single-Output (SISO) Proportional-Derivative a control algorithm to make the helicopter meet per-
(PD) feedback control system was primarily used in formance criteria while satisfy some physical constraints
which its controller parameters are usually tuned em- is required. Recent developments in this field of research
pirically. The approach is based on performance meas- include the use of optimal control (Linear Quadratic
ures defined in the frequency and time domains such as Regulator) implemented on a small aerobatic helicopter
gain and phase margin, bandwidth, peak overshoot, designed at MIT[2,3]. Similar approach was also inde-
rising time and settling time. This trial-and-error ap- pendently developed for a rotor unmanned aerial vehicle
proach to design an acceptable control system however at UC Berkeley[1]. An adaptive high-band-width

Corresponding author: Agus Budiyono

272 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4
controller for helicopter was synthesized at Georgia cording to Ref. [5], the equations of motion of the model
Technology Research Institute[4]. helicopter are derived and categorized into the following
The current paper addresses this challenge using groups.
optimal control theory and reports encouraging pre-
liminary results amenable to its application to multi- 2.1 Lateral and longitudinal fuselage dynamics
variable control synthesis for high bandwidth dynamics Using the Newton-Euler equations, the transla-
of a small scale helicopter. The practical tracking con- tional and angular fuselage motions of the helicopter can
troller is intended to be implemented on the on-board be derived as
computer of the model helicopter as a part of its
u = ( w0 q + v0 r ) − gθ + X u u + X a a , (1)
autonomous system design.
v = (−u0 r + w0 p) − gφ + Yv v + Yb b , (2)
2 Dynamics of a small scale helicopter
p = Lu u + Lv v + " + Lb b , (3)
The Yamaha R-50 helicopter dynamics model has
q = M u u + M v v + " + M a a . (4)
been developed at Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute.
The experimental helicopter is shown in Fig. 1. It uses a The stability derivatives are used to express the external
two bladed main rotor with a Bell-Hiller stabilizer bar. aerodynamic and gravitational forces and moments. Xa,
The physical characteristics of the helicopter are sum- Yb denote rotor derivatives and Lb, Ma the flapping and
marized in Table 1. The basic linearized equations of spring derivatives. They are used to describe the rotor
motion for a model helicopter dynamics are derived forces and moments respectively. General aerodynamic
from the Newton-Euler equations for a rigid body that effects are expressed by speed derivatives given as Xu, Yv,
has six degrees of freedom to move in space. The ex- Lu, Lv, Mu, Mv.
ternal forces, induding aerodynamic and gravitational
forces, are represented in a stability derivative form. For 2.2 Heaving (vertical) dynamics
simplicity, the control forces produced by the main and The Newton-Euler rigid body equations for the
tail rotors are expressed by the multiplication of a con- heaving dynamics is represented by
trol derivative and the associated control input. Ac
w = (−v0 p + u0 q ) + zw w + zcolδ col . (5)
In the hovering flight, v0 and u0 are obviously zero. Thus,
the centrifugal forces represented by the terms in pa-
rentheses are relevant only in cruise flight.

2.3 Yaw dynamics

The augmented yaw dynamics is approximated as a
first order bare airframe dynamics with a yaw rate
feedback represented by a simple first-order low-pass
filter. The corresponding differential equations used in
the state-space model are also given in appropriate sta-
Fig. 1 The experimental R-50 helicopter.
bility derivatives as
Table 1 Physical parameter of the Yamaha R-50
r = N r r + N ped (δ ped − rfb ) , (6)
Rotor speed 850 r·min−1
Tip speed 449 ft·s rfb = − K rfb rfb + K r r . (7)
Dry weight 97 lb
Instrumented 150 lb 2.4 Coupled rotor-stabilizer bar dynamics
Engine Single cylinder, 2-strokes The simplified rotor dynamics is represented by
Flight autonomy 30 minutes two first-order differential equations for the lateral (b)
Agus Budiyono, Singgih S. Wibowo: Optimal Tracking Controller Design for a Small Scale Helicopter 273
and longitudinal (a ) flapping motions. In the and the cost is quadratic
state-space model, the rotor models are given as 1
J = x (tf )T Hx (tf ) +
−b − τ f p + Ba a + Blat (δ lat + K d d ) + Blonδ lon 1 tf
b = , (8)
2 ∫t0
τf [ x (t )T Q (t ) x (t ) + u(t )T R(t )u(t )]dt ,
−a − τ f q + Ab b + Alat δ lat + Alon (δ lon + K c c)
a = , (9) where the requirements of the weighting matrices are
τf given as
where the following derivatives related to the gearing of H = H T ≥0, (17)
the Bell-mixer are introduced
⎪⎧Q (t ) = Q (t ) ≥ 0
B ⎨ . (18)
Kd = d , (10) T
⎪⎩ R(t ) = R(t ) ≥ 0
Ac There are no other constraints and τf is fixed, i.e. no
Kc = . (11) terminal constraints and no constraints on u. Note that
there is a terminal weighting of the state x. The physical
The stabilizer bar receives cyclic inputs from the
interpretation of the problem statement is that it is de-
swash-plate in a similar way as the main blades do. The
sired to maintain the state vector close to the origin
equations for the lateral (d ) and longitudinal (c) flapping
without an excessive expenditure of control efforts[6].
motions are
−d − τ s p + Dlatδ lat The optimal feedback control law can be derived by
d = , (12) identifying the Hamiltonian of the system and using the
Hamilton-Jacoby-Bellman (HJB) equation to ensure the
−c − τ s q + Clon δ lon
c = . (13) optimality[7]. The Hamiltonian H = H[x(t), u*(t), J x* , t]
for the above problem is defined as
2.5 The state-space model of the R-50 dynamics 1 1
The state-space model of the helicopter can be as- H= x (t )T Q (t ) x (t ) + u(t )T R(t )u(t )
2 2
sembled from the above set of differential equations in a + J x* ( x , t )[ A(t ) x (t ) + B (t )u(t )].
matrix form
x = Ax + Bu , (14)
Minimizing with respect to u, it reads
where x = {u, v, p, q, φ, θ, a, b, w, r, rfb, c, d} is the state ⎧ dH T *

vector and u = {δlat, δlon, δped, δcol}T the input vector. The ⎪⎪ du = u(t ) R(t ) + J x ( x , t ) B (t )
⎨ 2 . (20)
dynamic matrix A contains the stability derivatives and ⎪ d H = R(t ) > 0
the control matrix B contains the input derivatives. The ⎪⎩ du2
complete descriptions of the elements of these matrices Note that the above stationary condition defines a global
are presented in the Appendix. minimum because the function H only depends quad-
ratically on u.
3 Tracking control design
The optimal control is obtained by using the sta-
3.1 Linear regulator problem tionary condition and solving for u,
A linear regulator problem in the optimal control u* (t ) = − R(t ) −1 B (t )T J x* ( x , t )T . (21)
theory represents a class of problems where the plane The Hamiltonian in Eq. (19) can then be written as
dynamics is linear and the quadratic form of perform- 1
H = J x* ( x , t ) A(t ) x (t ) + x (t )T Q (t ) x (t )
ance criteria is used. The linear dynamics (which can be 2
time-varying) is 1
− J x* ( x , t ) B (t ) R(t )−1 B (t )T J x* ( x , t )T . (22)
x (t ) = A(t ) x (t ) + B (t )u(t ) , (15) 2
274 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4
Now, in order to ensure the optimality the HJB equation − K (t ) = Q (t ) + K (t ) A(t ) + A(t )T K (t )T
must be satisfied. The complete HJB equation is − K (t ) B (t ) R(t )−1 B (t )T K (t )T . (31)
J t* ( x , t ) = J x* ( x , t )T A(t ) x (t ) + x (t )T Q (t ) x (t ) With a finite terminal time specified the entire solution is
1 * a transient and K(t) will be time varying. However if the
− J x ( x , t ) B (t ) R(t )−1 B (t )T J x* ( x , t )T ,
2 terminal time is taken far enough out, the solution for K
(23) and the corresponding feedback gain might tend to be
where the boundary condition (in this case, with fixed tf) constants. To get the invariant asymptotic solution, the
is differential equation for K can be integrated into a
1 steady state solution or the time derivative term is set to
J * ( x (tf ), tf ) = x (tf )T Hx (tf ) . (24)
2 zero, i.e. K = 0 . This leads to the Algebraic Riccati
A quadratic form for the cost is used to verify its validity Equation (ARE)[6]
using the HJB equation. Letting
1 Q + KA(t ) + AT K T − KBR −1 B T K T = 0 . (32)
J * ( x (t ), t ) = x (t )T Hx (t ) , (25)
2 For K(t) satisfying the above Riccati form matrix quad-
thus, the partial derivatives appearing in Eq. (23), can be ratic equation, it is required that Eq. (25) is optimal, and
written as the optimal control in Eq. (21) is now given by
J x* ( x , t ) = x (t )T K (t ) , (26)
u* (t ) = − R −1 B T Kx (t ) . (33)
1 dK (t )
J t* ( x , t ) = x (t )T x (t ) , (27)
2 dt This is the state feedback control law for the continuous
and the HJB equation becomes time LQR problem. Note that both forms of Riccati
1 1
x (t )T K (t ) x (t ) = x (t )T Q (t ) x (t ) + x (t )T K (t ) A(t ) x (t ) equation given in Eqs. (31) and (32) do not depend on x
2 2 or u and thus the solution for K can be obtained in ad-
− x (t )T K (t ) B (t ) x (t ) R(t )−1 B (t )T K (t )T x (t ). vance and finally the gain matrix R−1BTK can be stored.
2 The control can then be obtained in real time by multi-
plying the stored gain with x(t).
The terms appearing in the above equation are scalar.
The transpose of a scalar term is the same as the term.
3.2 Path tracking problem formulation
Since only scalar terms are dealt with the following
To use the LQR design for path tracking control,
relation applies
1 the regulator problem must be recast as a tracking
x (t )T K (t ) A(t ) x (t ) = x (t )T K (t ) A(t ) x (t ) problem. In a tracking problem, the output y is compared
1 to a reference signal r. The goal is to drive the error
+ x (t )T A(t )T K (t )T x (t ), (29) between the reference and the output to zero. It is
common to add an integrator to the error signal and then
and thus the HJB equation becomes minimize it. An alternative approach would be using the
1 derivative of the error signal. Assuming perfect meas-
0= x (t )T [ K (t ) + Q (t ) + K (t ) A(t ) + A(t )T K (t )T urements, i.e. the sensor matrix is of identity form
− K (t ) B (t ) R(t )−1 B (t )T K (t )T ] x (t ). (30) yerror = xerror (t ) = xref (t ) − x (t ) . (34)

Now, letting K(tf) = H = HT (symmetric), K(t) will be Taking the time derivative of the equation yields
symmetric from above and thus symmetry of K(tf) will
x error (t ) = x ref (t ) − x (t ) . (35)
be retained ∀t , i.e. K(t) = K(t)T (symmetric). K(tf) = H is
the boundary condition for K(t). Since the above equa- When the reference is predefined as a constant,
tion must be satisfied ∀x(t ) , the following matrix dif- then x ref (t ) = 0 , and
ferential equation is obtained,
Agus Budiyono, Singgih S. Wibowo: Optimal Tracking Controller Design for a Small Scale Helicopter 275
x error (t ) = − x (t ) . (36) and collective pitch. The control input limits for the
helicopter used in this study are
A path tracking control law can be designed by using the
−5˚≤ δ lat ≤5˚, (45)
following general relation
−5˚≤ δ lon ≤5˚, (46)
x error (t ) = −η x (t ) , (37) −22˚≤ δ ped ≤22˚, (47)
where η is an arbitrary constant representing the weight −10˚≤ δ col ≤10˚. (48)
of the tracking performance in the cost function. In ma- To incorporate control input constraints into the control
trix form, the above relation can be written as synthesis, the Pontryagin’s minimum principle is em-
⎡ xerror (t ) ⎤ ⎡ −η x (t ) ⎤ ployed. Essentially, the Hamiltonian of the system is
⎢ ⎥
x error (t ) = ⎢ y error (t ) ⎥ = ⎢⎢ −η y (t ) ⎥⎥ . (38) re-derived to express the presence of input constraints.
⎢⎣ zerror (t ) ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ −η z (t ) ⎥⎦ The stationary condition is applied to the modified
Substituting x = u , y = v, z = w , the above equation can Hamiltonian to obtain the optimal bounded control[8].
be expressed as The Hamiltonian for the above tracking problem is
⎡ −η u (t ) ⎤ 1 1
H = xaug (t )T Q (t ) xaug (t ) + u(t )T R(t )u(t )
x error (t ) = ⎢⎢ −η v(t ) ⎥⎥ . (39) 2 2
+ pT ( Axaug (t ) + Bu(t )), (49)
⎢⎣ −η w(t ) ⎥⎦
and its derivative with respect to u is
To accommodate the tracking term in the cost function,
the state-space model is augmented as H u = u(t )T R(t ) + p T B . (50)
x aug = Aaug xaug (t ) + Baug u(t ) , (40) The optimal control can be solved by imposing Hu = 0.
This yields
u* (t ) = − R(t ) −1 B T p . (51)
xaug = { xerror , x}T , (41)
When the control is constrained or bounded, the optimal
⎡03×3 −η I 3 03×11 ⎤ control is
Aaug = ⎢ ⎥, (42)
⎣014×3 03×3 ⎦ u* (t ) = arg min[u(t )T R(t )u(t ) + p T Bu(t )] . (52)
u ( t )∈U ( t )
⎡0 ⎤
Baug = ⎢ 3×4 ⎥ . (43) In practice, the control elements are penalized indi-
⎣B ⎦
vidually. It does not make any sense to minimize the
The size of the matrix is associated with the matrix ap-
product between u1 and u2, for example. Thus the
pearing in Eq. (14) with the addition of three augmented
weighting matrix R is not usually a full matrix. The
states. When the terminal weighting is not considered,
diagonal matrix R was used in this work to simplify the
the performance measure is now
optimization considerably. For a diagonal R,
1 tf
J = ∫ [ xaug (t )T Q (t ) xaug (t ) + u(t )T R(t )u(t )]dt , (44) m
2 t0 u* (t ) = arg min[∑ Rii ui2 + pT bi ui ] , (53)
u ( t )∈U ( t ) i =1 2
where the determinations of the weighting matrices η, Q
and R are empirical. ui* (t ) = arg min[ Rii ui2 + pT bi ui ] . (54)
ui ( t )∈U i ( t ) 2

3.3 Control synthesis in the presence of input The unbounded solution can thus be written as
constraints ui = − Rii−1 pT bi , (55)
In a real system, the control inputs are always lim-
ited by hard constraints. The limitation of the control and the bounded control requirement, − M i− ≤ ui ≤ M i+ ,
inputs for a typical aircraft, for instance, is governed by can be implemented in the following logic
the maximum allowable deflection of its control surfaces. ⎧ui ≤ − M i− ui* = − M i−

In the case of helicopters, the control hard limits are if ⎨− M i− ≤ ui ≤ M i+ ui* = ui . (56)
imposed on their lateral and longitudinal cyclic, pedal ⎪ + * +
⎩ui ≥ M i ui = M i
276 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4
Note that the solution of the bounded control is not as the
same as the solution obtained by imposing the con-
straints to the unbounded solution. The optimal control
history of the bounded control case cannot be deter-
mined by calculating the optimal control history for the
unbounded case and then allowing it to saturate when-
ever there is a violation of the stipulated boundaries.
4 Numerical simulation
To evaluate the performance of the tracking con-
troller design, numerical simulation is conducted for a
variety of reference trajectories and for different values Fig. 2 Trajectory tracking performance,
η = 0.01, Q = 0.01I17, R = 0.01I4.
of weighting matrices. The simulation is carried out
using Matlab with the data presented in the Appendix.
Since the focus of the design is on the tracking per-
formance, only the data corresponding to cruise is ap-
plicable. The effects of the weighting matrices are ana-
lyzed based on the evident tradeoff between tracking
performance and control expenditure. The effect of the
weighting matrix on the state is observed by comparing
the tracking performance between two highly separated
values of Q, Q = 0.01I17 and Q = I17. Similar effects will
be observed for position tracking and control weighting
Note that in order to be able to physically interpret Fig. 3 Velocity tracking performance, η = 0.01,
Q = 0.01I17, R = 0.01I4.
the results of the simulation, a coordinate transformation
is needed between body coordinate and local horizon
coordinate system. The transformation matrix between
these two coordinates is given as
⎡ cθ cψ cθ s − sθ ⎤
T = ⎢ sφ sθ cψ − cφ sψ sφ sθ sψ + cφ cψ sφ cθ ⎥⎥ ,
b⎢ (57)
⎢⎣cφ sθ cψ + sφ sψ cφ sθ sψ − sφ cψ cφ cθ ⎥⎦

where c(·) = cos(·), and s(·) = sin(·). With this transfor-

mation, the final results of the simulation are presented
in the local horizon coordinate. The corresponding
equations for the positions and the velocities are
⎧⎪[ N , E , A]T = TIb [ x, y, z ]T Fig. 4 Control input expenditure, η = 0.01,
⎨ T b T
. (58)
⎪⎩[Vx ,Vy ,Vz ] = TI [u , v, w]
Q = 0.01I17, R = 0.01I4.

Case 1: Reference: rectangular trajectory as given Case 2: Reference: rectangular continued by cir-
in Fig. 2. Velocity tracking performance and control cular trajectory as given in Fig. 5. Velocity tracking and
input expenditure are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4, re- control input expenditure are shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7,
spectiuely. The weighting matrices are η = 0.01, Q = respectively. The weighting matrices are η = 0.01, Q =
0.01I17, R = 0.01I4. 0.01I17, R = 0.01I4.
Agus Budiyono, Singgih S. Wibowo: Optimal Tracking Controller Design for a Small Scale Helicopter 277

Fig. 5 Trajectory tracking, η = 0.01, Q = 0.01I17, R = 0.01I4. Fig. 8 Trajectory tracking, η = 5, Q = I17, R = I4.

Fig. 6 Velocity tracking, η = 0.01, Q = 0.01I17, R = 0.01I4.

Fig. 9 Velocity tracking performance, η = 5, Q = I17, R = I4.

Fig. 7 Control input expenditure, η = 0.01,

Fig. 10 Control input expenditure, η = 5, Q = I17, R = I4.
Q = 0.01I17, R = 0.01I4.
Case 4: Reference: rectangular continued by cir-
Case 3: Reference: rectangular trajectory as given
cular trajectory as given in Fig. 11. Velocity tracking is
in Fig. 8. Velocity tracking and control input expenditure
shown in Fig. 12. The weighting matrices are η = 5, Q =
are shown in Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, respectively. The
I17, R = I4.
weighting matrices are η = 5, Q = I17, R = I4.
278 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4
trol input for Case 3. The same controller can success-
fully handle more complex trajectory for Case 4 as
shown in Fig. 11 through Fig. 12. The tracking errors can
be kept minimum while maintaining the required control
input within the stipulated boundaries.
The numerical comparison between Case 1 and
Case 3, as shown in Table 2, represents the tracking
performance comparison to evaluate the effect of the
weighting matrices.
The performance norm is given as the mean square
error (MSE) between the actual and reference trajecto-
ries. It is evident that Case 3 (Q = I17) demonstrates
Fig. 11 Trajectory tracking performance, η = 5, Q = I17, R = I4.
lower tracking error compared to Case 1 (Q = 0.01I17).
Table 2 Tracking error comparison

Tracking error (MSE)

Case Velocity (fps) Position (ft)

Vx Vy Vz N E A

1 19.8 20.2 3 148 2043 771

3 0.77 1.13 0.06 9.6 29 0.18

The effect of the weighting matrix Q is more pronounced

for the position tracking of E and A. The MSE type
tracking error for higher Q (Case 3) is 0.0142 and that of
Fig. 12 Velocity tracking performance, η = 5, Q = I17, R = I4. the low value of Q (Case 1) is 0.000 233.
5 Discussion Note that in this study, the weights for augmented
states and control element were assigned the same val-
Fig. 2 indicates the tracking performance for Case 1, ues. This assumption simply means that in the optimi-
where the diagonal elements of weighting matrices were zation process the control input elements are considered
assigned small numerical values. In the calculation of equally important. However, for the augmented states,
the optimal control, no constraints of control input were the assumption means that the importance of the states is
imposed. It can be observed that towards the end of the not treated evenly.
trajectory the tracking performance is degrading espe- Overall results indicate that weight assignments
cially in the vertical position. The control input history, play a significant role in the optimization process, which
in Fig. 4, shows that even though the control expenditure determines the tracking performance. To the author’s
is not bounded, it fails to provide acceptable tracking knowledge, despite its great influence, the determination
performance. The degradation in the tracking perform- of weighting values has been so far done primarily on an
ance is more pronounced for a more complex reference ad-hoc and case-by-case basis. The determination of the
trajectory in Case 2, as shown in Fig. 5. weighting values for the tracking performance of a bal-
In Cases 3 and 4, the weights for tracking and listic missile involving its range and azimuth angle, for
control elements were increased in the order of magni- instance, can be guided by a simple fact that 0.01 radian
tudes to observe their effects on the overall performance error in the azimuth angle can contribute a position error
of tracking controller. Fig. 8 through Fig. 10 show the of 10 km for missiles with a range of 1000 km. More
tracking performance and the associated bounded con- refined weight scheme using similar approach can be
Agus Budiyono, Singgih S. Wibowo: Optimal Tracking Controller Design for a Small Scale Helicopter 279
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The above design criteria can be conveniently
[11] Budiyono A. Design and Development of a Small Autono-
formulated and incorporated into the cost function. For
mous Helicopter for Surveillance Mission, Technical Report,
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if the proposed control technique can maintain accept- stitute of Technology, 2005.
able performance in the presence of wind.
280 Journal of Bionic Engineering (2007) Vol.4 No.4
I The state-space model of R-50 helicopter
The state-space equation describing the R-50 dynamics is

II The model parameters of R-50 helicopter

The model parameters of the helicopter during hover and cruise-flight are summarized in Table 3[5].
Table 3 Control derivatives and time-constants of the Yamaha R-50

Blat Blon Alat Alon Zcol Mcol Ncol Nped Dlat Clon Yped τp τf hcg τs

Hover 0.14 0.0138 0.0313 −0.1 −45.8 0 −3.33 33.1 0.273 −0.259 0 0.0991 0.046 −0.411 0.342
Cruise 0.124 0.02 0.0265 −0.0837 −60.3 6.98 0 26.4 0.29 −0.225 11.23 0.0589 0.0346 −0.321 0.259

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