2018 Listening Practice English 11

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Eleventh Grade English as a Second Language
Script for Practice Questions – Listening Section
Script for 11th Grade English
Practice Questions
(Narrator): These are the English Listening Practice Questions for 11th grade. In this section,
you will show how well you understand spoken English. Listen carefully. Then,
choose the correct answer.
(Pause 3 seconds.) 

English Grade
  11 Listening Practice Questions 2018

(Narrator): Listen to a passage about Andrés and his cousins from Texas. You will answer questions 1
through 7 based on this passage.
(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Man): Andrés’s cousins, Luis and Nicole, are visiting from Texas. The three of them are riding bikes on
the Paseo de Bicicletas at Piñones today.

“Where’s the food?” Luis yells from his bike.

“We’re almost at the kioskos,” Andrés responds. “What do you want to eat: alcapurrias, bacalaítos, pasteles,
or empanadillas?”

“Can you repeat that, please?” Luis requests in a loud voice.

“I see the kioskos!” Nicole shouts. “Let’s stop here so that we can talk.” She gets off her bike and moves it to
the side of the path. Her brother and cousin do the same.

“Now,” she says, “I have no idea what any of that food is, except for maybe the empanadillas. We
eat empanadas at home in Texas. It’s the same, right? Little meat pies?”

“Right,” her cousin answers. “Empanadillas are small pies that you can eat without a fork. But they’re not
filled just with meat. They can be filled with cheese or crab or just about anything else.”

“Sounds good,” Luis says. “What about the other food you mentioned?”

“I’ll begin with my favorite then: alcapurrias,” Andrés says. “They’re filled with meat, onions, and olives.
Absolutely delicious!”

“I’ll take ten!” Luis says enthusiastically.

“Wait, though. You might like bacalaítos better,” Andrés responds, grinning.

“Just hurry,” Luis tells him. “I’m starving.”

“Okay, I’ll try,” Andrés says, amused at his cousin’s impatience. “Bacalaítos are another kind of little pies,
only they’re made with codfish. They’re fried, just like the others we’ve been talking about.”

“Sounds good,” Nicole says. “I may try one of those.”

“Now that we’ve had our little food lesson, can we please get something to eat?” Luis breaks in.

“Let’s go order food before your brother faints!” says Andrés.

The cousins head toward the kioskos and what promises to be a very good lunch.
(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Now answer the following questions.

(Pause 3 seconds.)
  Grade 11 Listening Practice Questions 2018


(Narrator): Look for question number 1. Now listen carefully to the question.

(Narrator): What is the MAIN problem in this passage?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A They are trying to figure out what to eat for lunch.
B The bike ride is longer than they had thought.
C None of them like the food at the kioskos.
D The characters are not getting along well.
(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.
(Pause 3 seconds.)

  Grade 11 Listening Practice Questions 2018

(Narrator): Look for question number 2. Now listen carefully to the question.

(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): Which word BEST describes Andrés?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A tired
B confused
C humorous
D enthusiastic

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.

(Pause 3 seconds.)


  Grade 11 Listening Practice Questions 2018

(Narrator): Look for question number 3. Now listen carefully to the question.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Which of the following foods is made with codfish?

(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)
A alcapurrias
B bacalaítos
C pasteles
D empanadillas
(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.
(Pause 3 seconds.)


  Grade 11 Listening Practice Questions 2018

(Narrator): Look for question number 4. Now listen carefully to the question. 

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): How are Luis and Nicole related to each other?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A They are friends.
B They are cousins.
C They are uncle and niece.
D They are brother and sister.
(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.

(Pause 3 seconds.)


  Grade 11 Listening Practice Questions 2018

                   (Narrator): Look for question number 5. Now listen carefully to the question. 

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Which food will Nicole MOST LIKELY order?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A alcapurrias
B bacalaítos
C pasteles
D empanadillas

(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

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  English Grade 11
  Listening Practice Questions 2018

(Narrator): Look for question number 6. Now listen carefully to the question.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): What conclusion can you make about Nicole?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A She is tired of staying with Andrés and his family.
B She is eager to eat and get back to the bike ride.
C She is willing to try different kinds of food.
D She is the best bike rider among them.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

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  English  Grade 11 Listening

  Practice Questions 2018

(Narrator): Look for question number 7. Now listen carefully to the question.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): What do you think Luis is going to order for lunch?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A alcapurrias and pasteles
B bacalaítos and empanadillas
C some of everything, because he is so hungry
D nothing, because he doesn’t like any of the choices

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Listen to the passage, the questions, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Man repeats the passage, and Narrator repeats the questions and answer choices.)

(Pause 5 seconds.)

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English Grade  11 Listening

  Practice Questions

(Narrator): Listen to a passage about tips for saving gasoline. You will answer questions 8
through 10 based on this passage.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Frequent increases in fuel costs make saving gas imperative. On highways, every 10
miles driven over 60 miles per hour reduces fuel efficiency, making every gallon of gasoline more
expensive. Drivers should consider these tips to help save fuel and keep money in their wallets.

1. Avoid sudden accelerations and constant hard braking. These actions reduce fuel efficiency.
2. Avoid filling your trunk with unnecessary objects; carrying extra weight wastes fuel.
3. Inflate your tires according to the recommended air pressure.
4. Try to avoid sitting in heavy traffic.
5. Finally, consider walking, riding a bicycle, or taking the bus.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Now answer the following questions.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

English Grade  11 Listening
  Practice Questions
(Narrator): Look for question number 8. Now listen carefully to the question.  

(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): According to the passage, what should highway drivers do to save fuel?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A Reduce air pressure in the tires.
B Limit trips to distances of 10 miles.
C Keep heavy objects only in the trunk.
D Avoid speeds greater than 60 miles per hour.
(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.
(Pause 3 seconds.)
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English Grade  11 Listening

  Practice Questions
(Narrator): Look for question number 9. Now listen carefully to the question.  

(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): Which sentence from the passage is an OPINION?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A “Frequent increases in fuel costs make saving gas imperative.”
B “Avoid sudden accelerations and constant hard braking.”
C “These actions reduce fuel efficiency.”
D “Inflate your tires according to the recommended air pressure.”
(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.
(Pause 3 seconds.)

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English Grade  11 Listening

  Practice Questions
(Narrator): Look for question number 10.  

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Listen carefully to this sentence from the passage.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Finally, consider walking, riding a bicycle, or taking the bus.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): How is this tip different from other tips provided in the passage?

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Note: Pause 2 seconds between options.)

A It describes preferred ways for traveling on city streets.
B It offers solutions that eliminate the need for buying gas.
C It lists transportation methods that use little fuel.
D It recommends making fewer daily trips.
(Pause 3 seconds.)
(Narrator): Choose the letter of the correct answer.
(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator): Listen to the passage, the questions, and the answer choices again.

(Pause 3 seconds.)

(Narrator repeats the passage, questions and answer choices.)

(Pause 10 seconds.)

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English Grade  11 Listening

  Practice Questions
(Narrator): This is the end of the 11th grade Listening Practice Questions. Wait for instructions from
your teacher.

English Grade  11 Listening

  Practice Questions

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