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Mud has been the most essential building material since the dawn of the man. Approximately 58% of all
buildings in India are of mud bricks. Mud is a building material which has already being tested and tried
for 1000’s of years. It’s used in modern day construction and the method of using it is very different. It
has its own limitations which can be overcome by certain techniques. The main advantage of mud is we
don’t need lot of energy to manufacture it. Mud construction is mainly found in places which is relatively
dry and have mud in abundance.


The paste is prepared by mixing suitable clay, soil with water. The soil which is used for preparing mud
mortar should be free from grass, pebbles, etc. These are the cheapest mortars but weakest in strength.
These mortars are used for brick work of ordinary buildings and for plastering walls in rural areas. Mud
mortar is useful where lime or cement is not available. In this type of mortar mud is used as binding
material & cowdung saw dust, rice husk is used fine aggregate. The use of mud mortar in the middle-east
and central asia and American cultures of the south-western USA. It may be suitable for laying adobe,
but is not recommended for fired bricks. Mud mortar exposed to the weather in fair-faced work will
quickly be eroded by windblown sand and rain.


Earth plaster can be used as a finish layer on cob, straw bales, earthbags, and other natural
building techniques. This document describes finish earth plaster on cob, but the process is the
same on other materials. Variation in materials and technique is possible and often desirable to
account for local conditions or to try new things.

When sufficient irregularity is present (holes deeper than an inch and a half or so), a base layer
should be used. A base layer of natural earth plaster can be made with the same basic technique
but using chopped straw rather than cattail fluff for fiber. Cob can also be used as a base layer.
Natural plaster is similar to cob, but adds manure and wheat paste for better adhesion, strength,
and smoothness. For exterior applications, lime is often added for increased water resistance, but
straight lime plaster is a different process.

The surface to be plastered is prepared exactly in the same manner as that for lime or cement
plaster. Mud plaster is generally applied in two coats, the first coat being 18mm thick while that
thickness of the 2nd coat is kept 6mm. After 24hrs, the surface is tamped. The function of
tamping is to compact the layer and to drive it deep into the joint. It also helps to avoid
developments of crack due to hollows. After tamping, water is sprinkled slightly and the surface
is polished with a steel trowel. A thing wash of cow dung is then given and tamping is done
again at the places where small cracks have formed. Finally the surface is given a wash of fine
white earth & cow dung.

 Suitability:
This type of plastering is done on walls of temporary sheds and country side buildings.


In a topical country like India mud floors are commonly constructed in villages. They are cheap, hard
fairly impervious, easy in construction and easy to maintain. They are best suited to areas where extreme
temperature variations exist because they remain warm in winter and cold in summer. The ground floor
having its topping consisting of muram or mud is called muram or mud flooring. These are generally used
for nonresidential and commercial buildings.

 Characteristics:

They maintain uniform temperature because of good thermal insulation property. They are fairly

 Construction technique:

For mud floor construction 25 cm thick layer of broken rubble or brick bats is spread over the prepared
bed. It is rammed well to get a consolidated thickness of about 15 cm and above 2-3 cm thick layer of
mud is laid. No water is used during the process of ramming. In order to prevent formation of cracks
mixture of moist mud and chopped straw is spread before ramming. This acts as reinforcement.

 Maintenance:

The floor is maintained by giving a wash with cement and cow dung slurry once or twice a week.

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