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P1 - How multimedia can be used to meet business objectives

What is multimedia?

A multimedia product does basically use a range of text, audio, video or imagery to present different
information on a website. It is mainly used more in education, promotion, advertising and
entertainment. An example of a multimedia product would be the JDsports website as; it contains a
range of videos and images.

The different types of multimedia available.


Text, this is one type of multimedia that exists in our world. It is usually used to convey a message or
to present important information which, will eventually be read by other users. When text is used on
a website, the designer who is responsible for the text needs to make sure that he/she select
appropriate fonts, colours and sizes to ensure that text on a website looks professional and that
everyone would able to read everything on the website. This type of multimedia is mostly combined
with images to provide a range of multimedia.


Audio is another type of multimedia that exists in our world. This type of multimedia can give a
range and support for uses and includes voices, effects, background sounds and music. Audio would
also be when someone speaks in a video, or if sound effects are being used in a video clip. This type
of multimedia is combined with video and imagery and can be like Text be used for providing
information. In addition to that, it can be used to set the mood or tone for a product. For example, in
video games can audio be used for several things such as, background music, sound effects,
character voices and for many other things.


Video is another type of multimedia that exists in our world. This is the type of multimedia where a
sequence of images is taken to form a moving picture. The video transmits a signal to a screen and
processes the order in which the screen captures should be shown. Video includes the likes of
YouTube videos, music videos, animation and many more. Videos do most of the time contain audio
components that correspond with the images that are displayed. Nowadays, we use videos to
advertise or to promote services and products. They can also be used to for educational purpose as,
videos can convey factual and interesting information to all types of audiences.


Imagery is the last type of multimedia that I am going to discuss in this report here. Imagery is most
of the time combined with text or images and is often used to improve products. Furthermore, they
can be used to promote and advertise products, and this mostly done by putting large scale clear
images on bus stations, huge walls. These images are known as billboards and are used to promote
products. Images can include photos, drawings, paintings, sketches, graphs, diagrams and many
more. Animation is also seen as imagery. This is where a sequence of images is used to either create
moving images or a set sequence to showcase something. Furthermore, they can also be used for
games or online advertisements.

How multimedia can be used to meet the business objectives

For each of the following business objectives you must explain how multimedia can be
used to meet the business objectives:

1. Promotion and advertising:

In this section of my report, I am going to explain how multimedia can be used to meet the
business objective promotion and advertising. Multimedia can be used on online websites,
digital posters, podcasts and visual tours to promote and advertise a product or a service.
The reason for that is that audio, text, video and imagery can be used to convey messages
and promote a product so that a customer will eventually end up buying a product.

For instance, images on a website like will let the users know how the
products looks like and shots from the product is mostly taken from different perspectives,
so that users know how to the product looks like from every single angle. Text on will give information about products that they sell, and are also used to label
buttons that are spread out throughout the website.

Having text on that website does in the first place makes the website more user-friendly but
it does also facilitate navigation in the website. Video, another type of multimedia that is
sometimes seen on website like can also be used for promotion. On video is used to promote a product. They do that by having short video clips of
how a model wears the product. Having these videos on that website would help users to
see the product much better and would help the customers to determine whether the
product is good.

Having all these multimedia types on a website like JDsports. com will at the end of the day
lure and attract more customers to their shops and that is how they will eventually generate
more money for using all these types of multimedia in their website, or on posters.
2. Education and Training:

In this section of my report, I am going to explain how multimedia can be used to meet the
business objective education and training. Multimedia can be used in education. This is
mostly done through E-learning, Computer based training and simulations.

E learning is nowadays used in every school or college in this country. This is where
computers or other electronic devices are used to deliver the content of a course online.
This is a more effective way of learning as this method of teaching uses more imagery,
audio, video and text, which helps students in school to remember everything, better than
having a specific topic explained by a teacher. E-learning can also aid a lot of people that are
not attending a school or college and can help them gain knowledge for themselves that
they perhaps need in the future. Having e-learning does make learning fun and interactive,
so students do no longer have to watch boring slideshows. Simulations can also be used for
education and training.

Some companies or organisations do nowadays offer simulations to help people for

different thinks. This can be simulators for aeroplanes, tanks, motorcycles, driving cars etc.
There are becoming more popular as technology is advancing year by year. Simulators have
3D viewing, which makes it more realistic and look closer to the real thing.

By that way of training are users able to prepare properly before they do it in the real world.
Simulators used a range of multimedia such as, video, audio and mainly imagery which help
users to visual everything much better.

3. Entertainment and Leisure

In this section of my report, I am going to explain how multimedia can be used to meet the
business objective entertainment and leisure. Multimedia can also be used for
entertainment and leisure. Some examples of what sort multimedia can do are things such
as, computer games and virtual reality.

Computer games is used for entertainment for young people in particular. These uses a
range of multimedia such as, text (which help users to navigate throughout the game and it
is also there to let the users know what is going on in the game), sound (which is used for
sound effects and background music), video (which can be played in the game), imagery
(animation, drawings, paintings that can all occur in the game).

A computer game such as, GTA V is a very good way to promote a businesses product on
their service. The reason for that is that, online games firms can advertise on the sides of
their webpages and have people who like to play video games to click onto them. They will
have ads that link in with that website and that will eventually attract a massive number of
people. The business will eventually make a lot of money, so that’s the good thing about
computer games. Multimedia is also used in virtual reality.

This is when someone is immersed in a reality, so the person is not there, but it feels like as
if they were there. Virtual reality does mainly used imagery but can also have elements of
sound which are the reasons why virtual reality is in 3d dimension and gives them a 360
view. Special effects and sound effects are also used to do this and these are making people
feel very welcomed as they can talk to other people and communicate.

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