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1) Asking questions.

You are talking to Harry Potter’s friend Hagrid, the giant. What are your questions?

You: “____________________________________________________?”
Hagrid: “My name is Rubeus Hagrid. But you can call me Hagrid.

You: “____________________________________________________?”

Hagrid: “No, I can’t. I can’t fly.”

You: “____________________________________________________?”

Hagrid: “No, I’m not from Scotland. I am from England. Harry Potter is from England too.”

You: “____________________________________________________?”

Hagrid: “Harry Potter is my friend.”

You: “____________________________________________________?”

Hagrid: “Harry Potter is 11 years old.”

You: “____________________________________________________?”

Hagrid: “He is in the classroom.”

You: “____________________________________________________?”

Hagrid: “He has got a magic wand.”

You: “____________________________________________________?”

Hagrid: “Yes, he can. He can do cool tricks with his wand.”

2) Verbs

Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Hogwarts ____________ (be) a special school in Scotland. Only witches and wizards

____________ (can) study there. But you ____________ (can, neg) go there by car or by bus.

The magic train, the Hogwarts Express, ___________ (be) the only way.

Students at Hogwarts ____________ (have got, neg) subjects like Maths or English. There, they

study Potions and Magic. There ____________ (be) a special sport too: Quidditch. It

____________ (be, neg) very easy, but it ____________ (be) very popular.

Today, Harry Potter and his friends ____________ (be) very happy. It ____________ (be)

Quidditch Day. Harry ____________ (have got) a new Quidditch uniform.

3) Read the text and answer the questions. Give complete answers!

Hi! My name is Hermione Granger. I am a student at Hogwarts. I am a witch, but
my parents are not. They are dentists. I have got many books, I love books. Of
course, I am a very good student and I have got all the correct answers to my
teachers’ questions. I can’t play Quidditch, but I can help my friends with their

I love my friend Ron. He is cool and very funny. He has got five brothers and one
little sister. His dad, Arthur, works in the Ministry of Magic, and he can help Harry
Potter if there is a problem.

1) Is Hermione’s mother a witch?

2) What has Hermione got?
3) Can she help her friends with Quidditch?
4) Is Ron a nice friend?
5) What is Ron’s father’s name?

Part 5 - Complete the sentences using the right word.

Ron, Harry and Hermione are happy. _______________ (they-their) teacher, Professor

McGonagall, has got a present for them:

Professor McGonagall: “Hello, children! _______________ (I-my) have got three tickets for the

Quidditch World Cup in September.”

Ron: “Cool! Can I use ____________ ( I- my) wand?”

Hermione: “Don’t be silly, Ron. You know we can’t use _____________ (we- our) wands outside

the school.”

Professor McGonagall: “Yes, ________________ (you-your) are right, Hermione. The rules for

the game are simple, but _______________ (they-their) are very important. Here, children: here

are _______________ (you-your) tickets. Please don’t play any tricks.

Part 6 – A or An?

Harry is in Diagon Alley, buying things for school. This is his list. Complete the list with
A or An.

_______ old dictionary.

_______ magic wand.

_______ owl.

_______ eraser.

_______ broomstick.

_______ ink holder.

Part 7 – ‘s or s’?

Rewrite the sentences using ‘s or s’. Do not use have/has got!

1) Ron has got a friend. She is a cool friend.

2) Harry has got a wand. It is a magic wand.
3) Sirius has got a secret. It is an important secret.

4) Hogwarts has got many students. They are special students.

Part 8 – Writing

You are writing Harry Potter a letter about your school.

1) Use the following questions to help you:

Where is your school? How old is it?

What can you do there? What can’t you do there?

2) Use at least 8 words from the box.

art – music – cafeteria – building – lesson – break

planner – rules – computer – mobile – bring – eat

Dear Harry Potter,


















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