South Africa Victim of Commie Jewish Scam

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South Africa Victim of Commie Jewish

February 11, 2020

It was one of the most audacious and lucrative scams of the

century. Drawing on the bribery of President Jacob Zuma--and
with the help of leading international firms like KPMG,
McKinsey, and SAP--the Guptas may have drained the national
treasury of as much as $7 billion. Zuma was forced to resign.
This is called "State Capture."

Sponsored by Cabalist bankers, Communists gain power by

promising to help the poor.
Then they enrich themselves by robbing the country blind. Jacob
Zuma is an example.
(See also, South Africa should resign itself to being just another
corrupt African nation. Below this article.)
The Protocols of Zion (3) : "We appear on the scene as alleged saviours of the
worker from this oppression when we propose to him to enter the ranks of our
fighting forces - Socialists, Anarchists, Communists - to whom we always give
support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule (of the solidarity of all
humanity) of our social masonry. The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the
labor of the workers, was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed,
healthy, and strong. We are interested in just the opposite - in the diminution, the
killing out of the goyim. By want and the envy and hatred which it engenders we
shall move the mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder
us on our way."

By 'Athan X nowstuffnow'
(a regular correspondent living in S. Africa)
Jacob Zuma who is fighting corruption charges has
threatened to spill all the beans and not go down alone!!
Jacob Zuma is threatening to reveal who sold us out at CODESA
(The deal that ended apartheid), a major ARMS Deal (a military
procurement program) files and who in the ANC conspired to kill
ANC terrorist leader, Chris Hani, etc!!
Zuma says, "When the ANC came home from exile, none of us had
a source of income, yet nearly all leaders "bought" houses in
expensive suburbs.
"Where did that money come from? Saint Mandela lived in a
mansion bought by Openheimer, so did Sisulu and Govan.
Raymond, Oliver and Mlangeni were "sponsored" by the
"Angel Thabo, Kgalema, Sexwale, were taken care of by the
Ruperts. Many leaders acquired shares in white-owned companies.
While Gwala and myself were deployed to deal with tribal wars
between the IFP (Inkatha Freedom Party) and ourselves, leaders
were getting directorships in major mining and blue chip
Now, my dear top six, I ask you again, ngenzeni engenziwanga
abanye? What have I done that others have not done?
Do you still want to talk about state capture? Kungani singa qali
ekuqaleni?" S.A Government makes huge profits from crime.
Question: "What is the influence of crime on the S.A. Govt?"
Answer: Crime generates millions and millions of Rand's for the SA
Here are the facts....
Example 1: Take just one million home owners in Gauteng (a SA
province) who pay for "armed crime reaction" (not crime
prevention) where private security companies react AFTER the
crime has taken place - no wonder they never make any arrests!
This service costs on average R250 p.m. Therefore 1,000,000 x
R250.00 x 12 months x 15% VAT, generates R450 million in tax
revenue for the SA Govt!
Example 2: A car thief steals a R500,000 car and receives between
R10,000 and R30,000 for his deed. The car owner is paid out by
insurance and then purchases another similar vehicle, on which he
pays 15% VAT of approx R75,000 as a direct result of crime.
Who profited the most? The thief or the SA Govt? We must begin
with a mechanism whereby the SA Govt is forced to reconsider this
unconstitutional and immoral practice of profiting from crime!
All South Africans should demand that all payments related to
protection of life and property should be VAT free and Tax
deductible! This principle should also apply to replacement of
stolen property as well as estate duty. If a person dies as a result of
crime we should also demand that estate duty not be paid.

How much do you think the SA Govt. has made out of estate duty
from the murders of 1300 South African farmers?
The S.A. Govt likes to compare us to overseas. Well overseas your
safety and security is covered by your income tax and is tax
deductible! It is time that South Africans stood together and made
the Govt. and public aware of the Govt's "income" from crime.
In the meantime, crime is the goose that lays the golden egg. Is it
also not unreasonable to expect victims of violence and hijackings
to pay their own medical costs? The Govt. should pay for these
expenses as well as family counselling for victims!
Come on South Africa, ask the right questions and demand the right
answers! You could just delete this message or could help help
make a difference. Send this to everyone you know - now!
Related - How the Gupta Brothers Hijacked South Africa
----------------- Violent Crime in South Africa-- 100 Rapes a Day
------------------Zuma Fighting Corruption Charges

South Africa should resign itself to being just another corrupt

African country
by Prince Mashela from the Sowetan Times....
In the midst of the political confusion that has gripped our
country many people are wondering if we have come to the end of
South Africa.
The answer is simple: the thing called an "end" does not exist, not
in relation to a country. SA will be there long after Jacob Zuma is
What Zuma has done is to make us come to the realization that ours
is just another African country, not some exceptional country on the
southern tip of the African continent.
During the presidency of Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki, some
among us used to believe that the black people of SA are better than
those of other African countries.
We must all thank Zuma for revealing our true African character;
that the idea of rule of law is not part of who we are, and that
constitutionalism is a concept far ahead of us as a people.

How else are we to explain the thousands of people who flock to

stadiums to clap hands for a president who has violated their
country's constitution? Such people have no idea of
Now that we have reclaimed our place as another African country,
we must reflect on and come to terms with our real character, and
imagine what our future portends.
In a typical African country, ordinary people don't expect much of
politicians, because people get tired of repeated empty promises.
In a typical African country, people have no illusions about the
unity of morality and governance. People know that those who have
power have it for themselves and their friends and families.
The idea that the state is an instrument for people's development is a
Western concept, and has been copied by pockets of Asian
Africans and their leaders don't like to copy from the West. They
are happy to remain African, and do things "the African way".
The African way is rule by kings, chiefs and indunas in a setting of
unwritten rules. Is there anyone who has seen a book of African
customary laws?
The idea that a commoner can raise questions about public money
spent on the residence of a king is not African. The ANC MPs who
have been defending Zuma are true Africans....
AthanX replies: South Africa is not just another African country.
A superior road system & highways.
Shopping malls to match any in the world.
A very definite middle class. South Africa is a very diverse
country, whether it be the landscape or the many cultures that call
South Africa home.
South Africa is home to The Big 5, & many more animal species.
Nature reserves featuring The Big 5, can be located within a 100
miles of Joburg, & even closer to Pretoria.
The San, Khoisan & the Bushmen of South Africa, are considered
to be the oldest races of the world.
& Most of them speak Afrikaans!

Capetown, left, is an A-list destination.

The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), is a first amongst
equals worldwide.
The University of South Africa aka UNISA, is a pioneering
correspondence university, where many African leaders and
political detainees, have obtained degrees.
South Africa has a sophisticated banking system, and not just
Savings and Loans. In fact our First National Bank aka FNB, was
voted the most advanced bank in the world, in the last few years or
South African doctors, dentists, homeopaths and naturopaths, are
export items, to any 1st world or 3rd countries.
Hospitals like Groote Schuur of Chris Barnard fame, and
Johannesburg Academic General hospital aka Charlotte Maxecke,
rate high.
South African roads are jam packed with luxury German saloon
cars, Jaguars, Chryslers, Fords and South Korean, Japanese, Indian,
and Italian and French cars.
Kagiso Rabada, the best cricket bowler in the world.
The Springboks rugby team, are the 2019 World Champions.
Caster Semenya.
Runner Wayde van Niekerk lauded by Usain Bolt himself.
Swimmers Chad le Clos, Ryk Neethling, Roland Schoeman.
Not meaning to be tedious, just hoping to give you a balanced view.
Certainly South Africa is not perfect, but just another African
country? Hardly!

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