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Brendon OConnell Iran Israel Conflict is a

January 9, 2020

Iran's military mastermind and inspiration is murdered. Iran is

outraged but what does it do? Destroy some empty hangers on a
US airbase in Iraq. Has Iran folded like a cheap tent? Last
April, Brendon O'Connell suggested the mid east conflict is a
above left - Iranian Parliament "It's all theatre" ---

Henry, I wish people would go to Iran. You would feel the

charade. Lovely people. I LOVE the way Israel makes out
Iranians plot night and day to take Jerusalem. They plot night
and day to shaft Saudi. It's like watching someone fall off a bar
stool in slow motion.
Latest from Brendon -"Look at these UTTER clowns (above left)
Henry. This is why I left. They could destroy Israel in about 5
minutes by focusing on the things I told them too - Talmud, racial
and religious supremacism and Israeli high technology domination,
spying and stealing off the US. That's not their job.

It's a party! At least they got the flags to burn! Where are the Israeli
flags? They must know America is controlled by Israel? They
RARELY go after Israel. Ever. They are CLOWNS.

They don't teach their people English and they keep them as dead
bones as ignorant as possible. Its ALL about the Middle East and
The Stan's.
It's ALL about "appearances". I've had both anti-government and
pro-revolution Iranians contact me, they agree it is a cluster fuck. A
joke. Its all chest puffing and carry on like that ninny in North
When I asked why it was they were not attacking Israel on it's filthy
Talmud and Rabbi's calling non-Jews slaves and Palestinian's
animals they said that when they did, they lost their satellite for two
years - Press TV. I asked how that was? They said it was an Israeli
satellite. They added as my face showed disbelief, "They are
probably all Israeli!"
Iran threatens to close off the Straights of Homuz? AWESOME!
Oil price shoots sky high...US dollar shoots sky high! Yay!

I'm tellin ya Will all the naysayers and doomsayers

say sorry when they are wrong...again?
Andy's playbook is good apart from insisting vast
nuclear/conventional war will take place. It is not in the plan. And it
will not happen.
Small scale skirmishes in Syria and Iraq. Still bad enough for the
people living under it.
Iranian generals run things and they all share their Swiss bank
account numbers.

Makow -It's all a charade. How can Putin and Netanyahu be

buddies when Putin backs Iran and thwarted Israel in Syria?

There will be no war between Israel and Iran, Brendon

says. Andy replies citing reports that indicate the prospect of
war is real.
New- Iran does mean business
-------Harsher Response Coming
Brendon O'Connell's response to: Head Fake - Real NWO will be
Imposed by the East
From April 22, 2019

by Brendon O'Connell
Nice one. But one disagreement. There will be no "war" with Iran.
Just a skirmish to toss Iran back across the Euphrates and an excuse
for Israel to occupy Syria and half of Iraq. How this occupation
takes place is up for debate - literal physical occupation by the IDF
or most likely through proxies like a re-branded ISIS run by Israeli
Military Intelligence and Saudi.

It is clear Russia and China will play "good guys" settling the Mid
East. Calling for peace as BiBi and Rouhani "face-off", growling at
each other. BiBi can have his "imminent threat" in a well armed,
highly organized Iran, just over the border with it's Hezbollah
proxies goose-stepping and Hitler saluting. Threatening to rain
down 80,000 missiles on Israeli critical infrastructure.

This is how Netanyahu and his military industrial complex (MIC)

network worldwide, won the election in Israel. It is obvious the
average Israeli/Palestinian/Jew/Muslim/Christian want peace. They
want to go to work. To pay their mortgages. Every time there is a
hope for peace...BANG! Or...BOOM! Just like Sri Lanka - Bi Bi's
kill squads at work again. "Allah Akbah" optional but preferable.

It was admitted by Rafe Eitan, left, the famous

Mossad case officer that he assisted in both the setting up of
Hezbollah with Syrian and Russian help. He also assisted with the
setting up of Hamas.

People need to ask simple questions Henry...Ayatollah Khomeini

came out of a Paris COMMUNE accompanied by a German
intelligence group posing as a film documentary maker. Iran and
Switzerland and Germany are SUPER CLOSE. No one talks about
this. There are too many Iranian's in Swiss banking to count.
Rouhani did six years in Scotland hanging with Jack Straw - friends
of Lord Levy - friends with Lord Jacob Rothschild. Then foreign
minister Zarif spent twenty years in the US, hanging with John
Kerry. Hello?

The joke in Iran is "Haj" for an Iranian is a trip to Berlin. Not


While I was in Iran, they talked openly of taking the holy sites in
Saudi and Jerusalem. Hello? They were well-meaning but off the
planet. All this does is force Saudi into an Egypt and Jordan type
peace deal with Israel - an absolute Holy Grail for Israel. BiBi calls
MBS, "Yo bro! Nice bone saw work! Hey! Iran on your borders
bruv, can we help? They look pretty fierce and determined to hang
you from the neck and take away your coke and French high-class
hookers, you want our help?" And so the game continues. The
Great Game.

(left, Iranian
parliament is a pyramid. They are all Freemasons)

Saudi has benefited from ISIS. They (and other Muslim countries)
happily sent off their most determined and fierce warriors to die and
starve. Better they all get exterminated in Iraq and Syria than have
to be dealt with at home. They also identified ALL of their most
potentially troublesome zealots if they lived and made it home.
Everyone wins - at Davos and Bilderberger. Swiss bank accounts
topped up. Troublesome zealots culled. Just wait for the robot
We can debate the details Henry, but I think we can all agree WE
are the enemy. The worlds hungry masses. Troublesome. Not
bending to the scientific "program". So, they create a Cold War 2.0.
They build robot armies because...China has them. Then, when they
are ready and the infrastructure is in place, they meet at Davos and
Bilderberger. They clink their champagne glasses, switch on the
quantum computer machine learning A.I - roll out the robots - and
put us all the vast worldwide Smart Gulag Archipelago. Most will
happily submit for food, water and shelter - mostly free. This is why
they are doing it in Asia and the Middle East first. They will walk
straight into them.

It's up to America to say..."N-O" and roll out the United States

Marine Corp. Human ones.

I love technology. But it serves me and not the other way around.
We don't have to reject it - just get control of it.

There is only one

country with the political document that enshrines the world view
that an individual must be able to actualize their God-given
potential. To be all they can be. "In the pursuit of happiness". I
mean WHERE THE HELL ELSE can you find such a statement?
Unbelievable! Not the goals of a morally and ethically depraved
elite in love with beautiful sets of numbers and perfect plans for the
heavenly digital Jerusalem on earth.

Till then, more division - Jew against Gentile. Gay against Straight.
Black against White. Male against Female. Trans against Singular
sex Orientated. Emo's against Black Metal. Communist against
Religion. Fat against Skinny. And then the robots come, and we can
hurl insults at each other from the hallways of our Smart Gulag
100ft2 apartment with Chinese "Dragon Fly." Google social score
drone light bulb taking notes.
After all, tisk tisk...they set us at each other's throats and then tut
tut we can't get along.

Related - Brendon O'Connell Israel has Back Door to all Microsoft


First Comment from Andy (author of NWO Will be

Imposed by the East)
It would be nice to think that there will be no Iran-Syria/Israel
war, but the rhetoric says otherwise;

"Iran: We Could 'Destroy All US Bases in Region and Create

Hell for Zionist Regime."
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told a Christian news channel
that it's 'possible' President Donald Trump is a modern-day Queen
Esther ― the Biblical figure who saved Jewish people in ancient
Persia from a massacre.
Mike Pence claims Iran is planning a 'new Holocaust' to destroy
Iran's population is 80 million, so they will need a war to clear the
excess population for the Greater Israel Project.
I should also be noted in the context of Brendan's article, that Iran's
Supreme Leader Ali Khameini is a graduate of Russia's Patrice
Lumumba University (and Mahmoud Abbas) even as reported on

As for a World War, it is plain that Russia and China have been
heavily militarised to give us a new staged and controlled war
which is necessary for the reasons I state in my article;
Senator: Chinese buildup in the South China Sea like
'preparing for World War III'

"On Russian state-controlled television Rossiya-1, where Putin-

protegé Dmitry Kiselyov, in his weekly prime-time news show,
boasted: 'Russia is the only country in the world that is
realistically capable of turning the United States into
radioactive ash'"

As we can see in recent weeks, they are really stepping things up.
They are clearly intensifying the 'grey terror' or 'overture' that J R
Nyquist told us precedes WW3.
First Comment from Linde
I believe O'Connell is correct in his assessment, but his conclusion
does not follow. There will be war if The Owners of both ZOG
West and ZOG East need war to establish Khazaria-Israel in the
Middle East as the echelon nation and world capital. I think best to
listen to the expert on this one: "If my sons did not want war, there
would be none." Gutle Schnaper aka Mrs Mayer Amschel
Andy clearly gets this.
"We are one people despite the ostensible rifts, cracks and
differences between the American and Soviet democracies. We are
one people and it is not in our interests that the West should liberate
the East , for in doing this and in liberating the enslaved nations, the
West would inevitably deprive Jewry of the Eastern half of its
world power." Chaim Weizmann.
The fact that a 'final cataclysm' of this nature would be nuclear,
stage managed from the Apex and decisive does not mean that
either ZOG West or ZOG East would or could win militarily as a
'power'. However, The Owners would win - just as they have
won what turned out to be all the other 'no-win' wars of the
twentieth century - including the world wars. War drives the
project of their world hegemon forward.
The strength of America and the West in terms of what these
nations are in essence, the remnant of the ancient Oikoumene or
Nova Roma, is what continues to stand athwart The Owners and
what has always stood athwart them. And from the European
heritage populations of these nations the resistance to them will
continue to oppose them in the aftermath of whatever endgame
they choose to play.

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