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Started on Sunday, 24 November 2019, 6:15 PM

State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 24 November 2019, 8:15 PM
Time taken 2 hours
Grade 56.17 out of 100.00


Select one or more:
a. The population is 65540
Mark 0.67 out of
b. The population is 65140

c. The population is 65814

d. The population is 65804

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION What _________ last weekend?

2 Select one or more:

Correct a. do you do
Mark 0.67 out of
b. you do.

c. did you do

d. you did

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION If you go to New York, you can _______ a ferry to the Statue of Liberty.

3 Select one or more:

Correct a. takes

Mark 1.00 out of

b. taking

c. to take

d. take

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2 Time: 40minutes.

4 Directions:
Correct The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n s about each passage. You have to
Mark 0.33 out of choose t h e best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to
1.00 the letter of the answer y o u chose.

Passage 1 : My mom grew up in the 1970’s.Hi, I'm Jill. I want to tell you about my mom. She was born in 1962, and she grew up in the 1970’s, in a small Italian neighborhood in New York City. Sometimes she tells
me about her life growing up, and about how different things were then.
First of all, she didn’t have a computer. Most people didn ’ t have computers until the 1980s. My mom took many literature classes in high school, and she wrote most of her school papers by hand! I'm so glad I
have a computer! I write all my papers with it.
Another interesting thing - my m o m speaks French really w e l l . French was the number one language to study at her high school in the 1970s, and Spanish was number three or four. That surprised
me. French is OK, but for most of my friends, Spanish is really popular, because there are lots of Spanish speakers in the United States now.
Things l o o k e d r e a l l y d i f f e r e n t t h e n too. In my mom's old photos, all of her friends had long hair - the guys, too - and it usually looked messy. Plus, a l l of the clothes h a d flowers o n them. and the
colors d i d n ’ t matc h. I love my mom, but I'm really happy I grew up in the 1990s.

2. How does Jill write her school papers?

Select one or more:

a. Her mother writes them for her

b. She doesn't write any papers

c. She writes them by hand.

d. She writes them with a computer.

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.33/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. I've received news from her
Mark 1.00 out of
b. I've never talked to her

c. I don’t know her in person

d. I haven’t talked to her recently

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

6 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic
Mark 1.00 out of issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
1.00 best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
answer y o u chose.

Passage 2.

My name is Peter Johnson a n d my father is a great cook. He has his own recipes from when he used to cook in a bar he managed w i t h my mother. He just throws ingredients together, s e e s how it turns out,
and it's usually delicious. We often cook together a n d he is very encouraging. I tend to make things up too, but I use recipe books for dishes I have not tried before.

I love the process o f cooking. It is great fun and helps you to relax. And I like the sociable a s p e c t s of cooking for other people. Last year my cooking i m p r o v e d e n o r m o u s l y because I lived in an apartment with
six other students. I cooked every day -lunch and dinner- and everyone e l s e ate it. Our favorite meal was fresh tuna, with chilly and coconut s a u c e . We had that a lot.

I plan to become a chef and then open my own place. I would like to open a cafe like one I used to visit I Switzerland, the country where I came from. Next year, I am getting an apartment with a friend who likes
cooking, too, so we will have to choose our kitchen carefully.

8. The word we in paragraph 2 refers to:

Select one or more:

a. Peter and his mother

b. Peter and his friends

c. Peter and his family.

d. Peters and his father

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. The reference is wy
Mark 0.67 out of
b. The reference is w

c. The reference is ii

d. The reference is yy

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. She’s busy
Mark 0.67 out of
b. She’s well organized

c. She doesn't workout

d. She’s determined

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

9 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic
Mark 1.00 out of issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
1.00 best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
answer y o u chose.

Passage 2.

My name is Peter Johnson a n d my father is a great cook. He has his own recipes from when he used to cook in a bar he managed w i t h my mother. He just throws ingredients together, s e e s how it turns out,
and it's usually delicious. We often cook together a n d he is very encouraging. I tend to make things up too, but I use recipe books for dishes I have not tried before.

I love the process o f cooking. It is great fun and helps you to relax. And I like the sociable a s p e c t s of cooking for other people. Last year my cooking i m p r o v e d e n o r m o u s l y because I lived in an apartment with
six other students. I cooked every day -lunch and dinner- and everyone e l s e ate it. Our favorite meal was fresh tuna, with chilly and coconut s a u c e . We had that a lot.

I plan to become a chef and then open my own place. I would like to open a cafe like one I used to visit I Switzerland, the country where I came from. Next year, I am getting an apartment with a friend who likes
cooking, too, so we will have to choose our kitchen carefully.
11. What is TRUE about the reading?

Select one or more:

a. Peter's family has a cafe

b. Peter loves cooking a lot

c. Peter doesn't enjoy cooking

d. Peter's father didn't like him to cook

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.


Mark 0.33 out of

Select one or more:

a. The company is diversifying its business

b. The company is creating new subsidiaries

c. The company is not changing its business

d. The company is opening old agencies

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.33/1.00.

QUESTION I need _______ new shoes.

11 Select one or more:

Correct a.
Mark 1.00 out of

b. to buy

c. buys

d. buy

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Is it easy ________ around your town?

12 Select one or more:

Correct a. for getting

Mark 1.00 out of
b. get

c. to get

d. got

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.


Mark 1.00 out of

— Look at the price of this bread. Three-ninety-nine a loaf? Can you believe it? Last summer it was only two-seventy-five!
— I know. Everything's going up so fast. This coffee has jumped from four dollars to five twenty five. And eggs went from one eighty nine to three thirty two.
— It's not just food either. My electricity bill's soaring, and I read this morning that garbage collection is going up 15 percent next year. I don't know how I'm going to afford it.
— Me either. My salary can't keep up with inflation. Our family's had to cut back on lots of things. We just got rid of our cable television, and we're going down to one car soon.

1). What are the speakers doing?

Select one or more:

a. Riding a bus

b. Waiting to buy coffee

c. Shopping for groceries

d. Watching TV

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I like this watch! How much _______ ?

14 Select one or more:

Correct a. does cost

Mark 1.00 out of
b. does it cost

c. costs

d. costs it

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

15 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
Mark 0.00 out of best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
1.00 answer y o u chose.

Passage 3
This following neatly summarizes some of our most pressing environmental concerns ... some of which cannot be solved simply via creative up recycling or small-space
1. Greenhouse Effect
Global warming has been concerning scientists for decades, most of them agree that the greenhouse effect will add between 1,5 to 4 degrees to the Earth's temperature by
2030. This will change the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South Poles will start to melt. And when that happens, the level of the sea will rise
and there will be serious floods in many countries. Scientists agree that humans are influencing climate change with our production of greenhouse gases (mainly
stemming from carbon dioxide and methane). These gases are produced by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) by destroying the rainforests, or by using fertilizers.
They are commonly found in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes.
2. Energy

Energy is second only to climate change in significance, but t h e p i c t u r e isn't as clear as one might think. Modern human life depends greatly on e n e r g y . At the
m o m e n t , 94% of the w o r l d ’ s energy comes from fossil fuels, which are now becoming scarce. There is only e n o u g h c o a l for the next 3 0 0 years and only
enough gas for the next 50. We need to find quicker, safer, and cheaper ways of meeting our energy requirements. One way is e n e r g y conservation. This means
using energy more efficiently. The other way is the use o f renewable e n e r g y s o u r c e s , this means energy form the Sun, sea, wind, and under the ground.

3. Acid Rain

One of the world's most serious pollution problems is acid rain. What happens is this: First: factories, -motor vehicles and c o a l b u r n i n g plants s e n d g a s e s and
chemicals into the air. There, they mix with water and form clouds. After that, the w i n d carries these clouds for h u n d r e d s or even thousands of kilometers.
Finally, the m i x t u r e of water and chemicals falls back to the air in acidified rain. This "acid rain" kills fish and trees. It slowly destroy buildings too.

Pure Water is in short supply. Our global reserves of drinkable water are a fraction of 1% and 1 in 5 humans does not have access to potable (safe) water. Many people
do not r e a l i z e that strife has already 'broken out in some stressed regions. There are many potential solutions, some promising, others challenging. Desalinization is an
energy-inefficient, expensive option. But there are many things you can do. (Hint: it starts with turning off the f a u c e t when you brush.)
20. The word "it" in paragraph 4 refers to:

Select one or more:

a. Buildings

b. Fish

c. Trees

d. Acid rain

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.00/1.00.

QUESTION ________ you like to go out tonight?

16 Select one or more:

Correct a. Would
Mark 1.00 out of
b. Did

c. Are

d. Do

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

17 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
Mark 0.33 out of best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
1.00 answer y o u chose.
Passage 3
This following neatly summarizes some of our most pressing environmental concerns ... some of which cannot be solved simply via creative up recycling or small-space
1. Greenhouse Effect
Global warming has been concerning scientists for decades, most of them agree that the greenhouse effect will add between 1,5 to 4 degrees to the Earth's temperature by
2030. This will change the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South Poles will start to melt. And when that happens, the level of the sea will rise
and there will be serious floods in many countries. Scientists agree that humans are influencing climate change with our production of greenhouse gases (mainly
stemming from carbon dioxide and methane). These gases are produced by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) by destroying the rainforests, or by using fertilizers.
They are commonly found in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes.
2. Energy

Energy is second only to climate change in significance, but t h e p i c t u r e isn't as clear as one might think. Modern human life depends greatly on e n e r g y . At the
m o m e n t , 94% of the w o r l d ’ s energy comes from fossil fuels, which are now becoming scarce. There is only e n o u g h c o a l for the next 3 0 0 years and only
enough gas for the next 50. We need to find quicker, safer, and cheaper ways of meeting our energy requirements. One way is e n e r g y conservation. This means
using energy more efficiently. The other way is the use o f renewable e n e r g y s o u r c e s , this means energy form the Sun, sea, wind, and under the ground.

3. Acid Rain

One of the world's most serious pollution problems is acid rain. What happens is this: First: factories, -motor vehicles and c o a l b u r n i n g plants s e n d g a s e s and
chemicals into the air. There, they mix with water and form clouds. After that, the w i n d carries these clouds for h u n d r e d s or even thousands of kilometers.
Finally, the m i x t u r e of water and chemicals falls back to the air in acidified rain. This "acid rain" kills fish and trees. It slowly destroy buildings too.

Pure Water is in short supply. Our global reserves of drinkable water are a fraction of 1% and 1 in 5 humans does not have access to potable (safe) water. Many people
do not r e a l i z e that strife has already 'broken out in some stressed regions. There are many potential solutions, some promising, others challenging. Desalinization is an
energy-inefficient, expensive option. But there are many things you can do. (Hint: it starts with turning off the f a u c e t when you brush.)
15. What is the main topic of the reading?

Select one or more:

a. Hints to help the environment.

b. Solar energy is a non-renewable energy source.

c. Polar caps and glaciers are melting

d. The most serious green issues.

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.33/1.00.

QUESTION I found a web site _________ helps you find your school friends.

18 Select one or more:

Correct a. who
Mark 0.33 out of
b. which

c. what

d. where

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.33/1.00.

QUESTION Maybe you __________ learn some French before you go to Paris.

19 Select one or more:

Correct a. have
Mark 1.00 out of
b. should

c. need

d. want

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I've never ______ to Europe.

20 Select one or more:

Correct a. being
Mark 1.00 out of
b. to be

c. be

d. been

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I _______ my homework when you called.

21 Select one or more:

Correct a. was doing

Mark 1.00 out of
b. did

c. 'm doing

d. do

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I sneeze all the time. I have ___________.

22 Select one or more:

Correct a. allergies
Mark 1.00 out of
b. sick

c. a cough

d. a stomachache

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I didn't ______ to like Jazz music, but now I think it's OK.


Mark 0.67 out of


Select one or more:

a. using

b. used

c. usually

d. use

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION When I was a kid, my parents never let me ________ up late during the week.

24 Select one or more:

Correct a. staying
Mark 0.67 out of
b. to stay

c. staved

d. stay

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION I hurt ________ at the gym yesterday. I sprained my ankle.

25 Select one or more:

Correct a. mine
Mark 1.00 out of
b. me

c. myself

d. my

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I'm not going to go out tonight. I have to study really __________ for an exam tomorrow.

26 Select one or more:

Correct a. hard
Mark 1.00 out of
b. hardly

c. too hard

d. harder

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION A: I passed my driver's test!

B: ____________.
Correct Select one or more:
Mark 0.67 out of a. Did you? Cool
b. Umm, well

c. Oh, that's too bad

d. Well anyway

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. The woman will take a report she wrote to the meeting
Mark 0.50 out of
b. The won't print the report for the meeting

c. The woman printed the minutes of the meeting

d. The woman prepared a long report last month

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.50/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. We called on everybody for the meeting
Mark 0.67 out of
b. We postponed the meeting

c. We carried out the meeting by phone

d. We cancelled the meeting

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION I _______ karate twice a week.

30 Select one or more:

Correct a. am
Mark 0.00 out of
b. go

c. do

d. play

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.00/1.00.

QUESTION My best friend is the guy' _________ by the door.

31 Select one or more:

Correct a. is standing
Mark 0.67 out of
b. who stand

c. stands

d. standing

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION How _______ your mother?

32 Select one or more:

Correct a. is from
Mark 1.00 out of
b. old is

c. many years is

d. is like

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. The black sofa was very comfortable
Mark 1.00 out of
b. His sofa was too old

c. The sofa was uncomfortable

d. He changed the black cover

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. The woman is telling her friend that if she doesn't get married, she could be unhappy for the rest of her life.
Mark 0.67 out of
b. The woman is telling her friend that she prefers to be rich and happy than miserable

c. The woman is telling her friend that she could change her career.

d. The woman is telling her friend that she is a great person

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

35 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
Mark 1.00 out of best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
1.00 answer y o u chose.

Passage 3
This following neatly summarizes some of our most pressing environmental concerns ... some of which cannot be solved simply via creative up recycling or small-space
1. Greenhouse Effect
Global warming has been concerning scientists for decades, most of them agree that the greenhouse effect will add between 1,5 to 4 degrees to the Earth's temperature by
2030. This will change the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South Poles will start to melt. And when that happens, the level of the sea will rise
and there will be serious floods in many countries. Scientists agree that humans are influencing climate change with our production of greenhouse gases (mainly
stemming from carbon dioxide and methane). These gases are produced by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) by destroying the rainforests, or by using fertilizers.
They are commonly found in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes.
2. Energy

Energy is second only to climate change in significance, but t h e p i c t u r e isn't as clear as one might think. Modern human life depends greatly on e n e r g y . At the
m o m e n t , 94% of the w o r l d ’ s energy comes from fossil fuels, which are now becoming scarce. There is only e n o u g h c o a l for the next 3 0 0 years and only
enough gas for the next 50. We need to find quicker, safer, and cheaper ways of meeting our energy requirements. One way is e n e r g y conservation. This means
using energy more efficiently. The other way is the use o f renewable e n e r g y s o u r c e s , this means energy form the Sun, sea, wind, and under the ground.

3. Acid Rain

One of the world's most serious pollution problems is acid rain. What happens is this: First: factories, -motor vehicles and c o a l b u r n i n g plants s e n d g a s e s and
chemicals into the air. There, they mix with water and form clouds. After that, the w i n d carries these clouds for h u n d r e d s or even thousands of kilometers.
Finally, the m i x t u r e of water and chemicals falls back to the air in acidified rain. This "acid rain" kills fish and trees. It slowly destroy buildings too.

Pure Water is in short supply. Our global reserves of drinkable water are a fraction of 1% and 1 in 5 humans does not have access to potable (safe) water. Many people
do not r e a l i z e that strife has already 'broken out in some stressed regions. There are many potential solutions, some promising, others challenging. Desalinization is an
energy-inefficient, expensive option. But there are many things you can do. (Hint: it starts with turning off the f a u c e t when you brush.)
18. The word '”scarce” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to:

Select one or more:

a. Usual

b. Insufficient

c. Plenty

d. Common

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I usually __________ for work. I often sleep too late.

36 Select one or more:

Correct a. find it hard to be on time

Mark 0.67 out of
b. lend someone

c. keep a low profile

d. cancel plans

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION A: I love this neighborhood.

B: _________ .
Correct Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. I am too.
b. So I do.

c. Me neither.

d. Me also.

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.00/1.00.

QUESTION You ________ be really hungry after all that exercise!

38 Select one or more:

Correct a. may
Mark 1.00 out of
b. ought

c. must

d. can

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40minutes.

39 Directions:
Correct The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n s about each passage. You have to
Mark 1.00 out of choose t h e best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to
1.00 the letter of the answer y o u chose.

Passage 1 : My mom grew up in the 1970’s.

Hi, I'm Jill. I want to tell you about my mom. She was born in 1962, and she grew up in the 1970’s, in a small Italian neighborhood in New York City. Sometimes she tells me about her life growing up, and about
how different things were then.
First of all, she didn’t have a computer. Most people didn ’ t have computers until the 1980s. My mom took many literature classes in high school, and she wrote most of her school papers by hand! I'm so glad I
have a computer! I write all my papers with it.
Another interesting thing - my m o m speaks French really w e l l . French was the number one language to study at her high school in the 1970s, and Spanish was number three or four. That surprised
me. French is OK, but for most of my friends, Spanish is really popular, because there are lots of Spanish speakers in the United States now.
Things l o o k e d r e a l l y d i f f e r e n t t h e n too. In my mom's old photos, all of her friends had long hair - the guys, too - and it usually looked messy. Plus, a l l of the clothes h a d flowers o n them. and the
colors d i d n ’ t matc h. I love my mom, but I'm really happy I grew up in the 1990s.
3. What language did Jill's mom study?

Select one or more:

a. Italian

b. Spanish

c. French

d. English

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. Nobody was enthusiastic about the proposal
Mark 1.00 out of
b. People had mixed reactions to his proposal

c. His proposal was good, but nodoby liked it

d. Everyone was interested in his proposal

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Hi. My name is Mary. What name?

41 Select one or more:

Correct a. you
Mark 0.00 out of
b. your

c. 's your

d. yours

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

42 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic
Mark 0.67 out of issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
1.00 best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
answer y o u chose.

Passage 2.

My name is Peter Johnson a n d my father is a great cook. He has his own recipes from when he used to cook in a bar he managed w i t h my mother. He just throws ingredients together, s e e s how it turns out,
and it's usually delicious. We often cook together a n d he is very encouraging. I tend to make things up too, but I use recipe books for dishes I have not tried before.

I love the process o f cooking. It is great fun and helps you to relax. And I like the sociable a s p e c t s of cooking for other people. Last year my cooking i m p r o v e d e n o r m o u s l y because I lived in an apartment with
six other students. I cooked every day -lunch and dinner- and everyone e l s e ate it. Our favorite meal was fresh tuna, with chilly and coconut s a u c e . We had that a lot.

I plan to become a chef and then open my own place. I would like to open a cafe like one I used to visit I Switzerland, the country where I came from. Next year, I am getting an apartment with a friend who likes
cooking, too, so we will have to choose our kitchen carefully.

10. The word "great” in paragraph 1 is opposite in meaning to:

Select one or more:

a. excellet

b. terrible

c. huge

d. big

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION Where _______ born?

43 Select one or more:

Correct a. you did

Mark 1.00 out of
b. were

c. were you

d. did you

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

44 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic
Mark 1.00 out of issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
1.00 best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
answer y o u chose.

Passage 2.

My name is Peter Johnson a n d my father is a great cook. He has his own recipes from when he used to cook in a bar he managed w i t h my mother. He just throws ingredients together, s e e s how it turns out,
and it's usually delicious. We often cook together a n d he is very encouraging. I tend to make things up too, but I use recipe books for dishes I have not tried before.

I love the process o f cooking. It is great fun and helps you to relax. And I like the sociable a s p e c t s of cooking for other people. Last year my cooking i m p r o v e d e n o r m o u s l y because I lived in an apartment with
six other students. I cooked every day -lunch and dinner- and everyone e l s e ate it. Our favorite meal was fresh tuna, with chilly and coconut s a u c e . We had that a lot.

I plan to become a chef and then open my own place. I would like to open a cafe like one I used to visit I Switzerland, the country where I came from. Next year, I am getting an apartment with a friend who likes
cooking, too, so we will have to choose our kitchen carefully.
14. The word "choose" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to:

Select one or more:

a. list

b. attempt

c. tried

d. select

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION After you break ________ with someone, you should try and stay friends

45 Select one or more:

Correct a. up
Mark 1.00 out of
b. in

c. down

d. out

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I'm good ________ .

46 Select one or more:

Correct a. for dance

Mark 0.67 out of

b. to dance

c. a dancer

d. at dancing

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. He didn’t get the place he wanted
Mark 0.00 out of
b. He didn’t get the prize

c. He didn’t get the price

d. He didn’t get the pies

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

48 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
Mark 1.00 out of best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
1.00 answer y o u chose.

Passage 3
This following neatly summarizes some of our most pressing environmental concerns ... some of which cannot be solved simply via creative up recycling or small-space
1. Greenhouse Effect
Global warming has been concerning scientists for decades, most of them agree that the greenhouse effect will add between 1,5 to 4 degrees to the Earth's temperature by
2030. This will change the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South Poles will start to melt. And when that happens, the level of the sea will rise
and there will be serious floods in many countries. Scientists agree that humans are influencing climate change with our production of greenhouse gases (mainly
stemming from carbon dioxide and methane). These gases are produced by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) by destroying the rainforests, or by using fertilizers.
They are commonly found in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes.
2. Energy

Energy is second only to climate change in significance, but t h e p i c t u r e isn't as clear as one might think. Modern human life depends greatly on e n e r g y . At the
m o m e n t , 94% of the w o r l d ’ s energy comes from fossil fuels, which are now becoming scarce. There is only e n o u g h c o a l for the next 3 0 0 years and only
enough gas for the next 50. We need to find quicker, safer, and cheaper ways of meeting our energy requirements. One way is e n e r g y conservation. This means
using energy more efficiently. The other way is the use o f renewable e n e r g y s o u r c e s , this means energy form the Sun, sea, wind, and under the ground.

3. Acid Rain

One of the world's most serious pollution problems is acid rain. What happens is this: First: factories, -motor vehicles and c o a l b u r n i n g plants s e n d g a s e s and
chemicals into the air. There, they mix with water and form clouds. After that, the w i n d carries these clouds for h u n d r e d s or even thousands of kilometers.
Finally, the m i x t u r e of water and chemicals falls back to the air in acidified rain. This "acid rain" kills fish and trees. It slowly destroy buildings too.

Pure Water is in short supply. Our global reserves of drinkable water are a fraction of 1% and 1 in 5 humans does not have access to potable (safe) water. Many people
do not r e a l i z e that strife has already 'broken out in some stressed regions. There are many potential solutions, some promising, others challenging. Desalinization is an
energy-inefficient, expensive option. But there are many things you can do. (Hint: it starts with turning off the f a u c e t when you brush.)

19. According to the passage the world:

Select one or more:

a. is affecting us

b. is in danger

c. has not changed

d. is 'getting hotter

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION What _______ you do if you found a wallet on the side w a l k ?

49 Select one or more:

Correct a. would

Mark 0.67 out of

b. are

c. have

d. did

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION I'm not sure yet, but I ______ study for a Master's degree.

50 Select one or more:

Correct a. maybe
Mark 0.33 out of
b. will

c. might

d. probably

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.33/1.00.

QUESTION Where __________ dictionary?

51 Select one or more:

Correct a. Juan's
Mark 1.00 out of
b. Juan is

c. 's Juan's

d. is Juan

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION ________ you give me any directions, please?

52 Select one or more:

Correct a. Could

Mark 0.67 out of

b. Are

c. Do

d. Should

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION I haven't seen that new movie ___________ .

53 Select one or more:

Correct a. yet
Mark 1.00 out of
b. already

c. ever

d. still

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I know! Let's give Mom some flowers for ______ blrthday.

54 Select one or more:

Correct a. her

Mark 1.00 out of

b. she's

c. she

d. hers

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

55 Directions:
Correct The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n s about each passage. You have to
Mark 0.67 out of choose t h e best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to
1.00 the letter of the answer y o u chose.

Passage 1 : My mom grew up in the 1970’s.

Hi, I'm Jill. I want to tell you about my mom. She was born in 1962, and she grew up in the 1970’s, in a small Italian neighborhood in New York City. Sometimes she tells me about her life growing up, and about
how different things were then.
First of all, she didn’t have a computer. Most people didn ’ t have computers until the 1980s. My mom took many literature classes in high school, and she wrote most of her school papers by hand! I'm so glad I
have a computer! I write all my papers with it.
Another interesting thing - my m o m speaks French really w e l l . French was the number one language to study at her high school in the 1970s, and Spanish was number three or four. That surprised
me. French is OK, but for most of my friends, Spanish is really popular, because there are lots of Spanish speakers in the United States now.
Things l o o k e d r e a l l y d i f f e r e n t t h e n too. In my mom's old photos, all of her friends had long hair - the guys, too - and it usually looked messy. Plus, a l l of the clothes h a d flowers o n them. and the
colors d i d n ’ t matc h. I love my mom, but I'm really happy I grew up in the 1990s.
6. The word ''them'' refers to:

Select one or more:

a. People in the 1970's

b. Jill's mom's friends

c. The flowers in the clothes

d. The clothes.

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION I ________ for the Math exam last night.

56 Select one or more:

Correct a. study
Mark 1.00 out of
b. to study

c. studied

d. studying

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION I wish I _________ more free time.

Correct Select one or more:
Mark 0.67 out of a. have
b. had

c. 'm having

d. 'll have

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION Do you like carnivals and ________ like that?

58 Select one or more:

Correct a. thing

Mark 0.00 out of

b. stuff

c. festival

d. tradition

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.00/1.00.

QUESTION I can't spend as ____________ on clothes as my friends can.

Select one or more:
a. fewer than
Mark 1.00 out of
b. many

c. much

d. less than

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Are you interested in _________ poetry?

60 Select one or more:

Correct a. write

Mark 1.00 out of

b. wrote

c. writing

d. to write

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. Her e-mail is y.gelr@telanguague.com
Mark 0.67 out of
b. Her e-mail is j.gerl@telelanguage.com

c. Her e-mail is j.garl@telelanguage.com (mailto:j.garl@telelanguage.com)

d. Her e-mail is g.jri@telelanguage.com

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

62 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
Mark 1.00 out of best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
1.00 answer y o u chose.

Passage 3
This following neatly summarizes some of our most pressing environmental concerns ... some of which cannot be solved simply via creative up recycling or small-space
1. Greenhouse Effect
Global warming has been concerning scientists for decades, most of them agree that the greenhouse effect will add between 1,5 to 4 degrees to the Earth's temperature by
2030. This will change the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South Poles will start to melt. And when that happens, the level of the sea will rise
and there will be serious floods in many countries. Scientists agree that humans are influencing climate change with our production of greenhouse gases (mainly
stemming from carbon dioxide and methane). These gases are produced by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) by destroying the rainforests, or by using fertilizers.
They are commonly found in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes.
2. Energy

Energy is second only to climate change in significance, but t h e p i c t u r e isn't as clear as one might think. Modern human life depends greatly on e n e r g y . At the
m o m e n t , 94% of the w o r l d ’ s energy comes from fossil fuels, which are now becoming scarce. There is only e n o u g h c o a l for the next 3 0 0 years and only
enough gas for the next 50. We need to find quicker, safer, and cheaper ways of meeting our energy requirements. One way is e n e r g y conservation. This means
using energy more efficiently. The other way is the use o f renewable e n e r g y s o u r c e s , this means energy form the Sun, sea, wind, and under the ground.

3. Acid Rain

One of the world's most serious pollution problems is acid rain. What happens is this: First: factories, -motor vehicles and c o a l b u r n i n g plants s e n d g a s e s and
chemicals into the air. There, they mix with water and form clouds. After that, the w i n d carries these clouds for h u n d r e d s or even thousands of kilometers.
Finally, the m i x t u r e of water and chemicals falls back to the air in acidified rain. This "acid rain" kills fish and trees. It slowly destroy buildings too.

Pure Water is in short supply. Our global reserves of drinkable water are a fraction of 1% and 1 in 5 humans does not have access to potable (safe) water. Many people
do not r e a l i z e that strife has already 'broken out in some stressed regions. There are many potential solutions, some promising, others challenging. Desalinization is an
energy-inefficient, expensive option. But there are many things you can do. (Hint: it starts with turning off the f a u c e t when you brush.)
16. The word "conservation" is opposite in meaning to:

Select one or more:

a. waste

b. conserves

c. preserve

d. keeps

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION A: I go out with my friends almost every night.

B: It's good to spend some time at home _____________ .

Correct Select one or more:
Mark 0.67 out of a. even though
b. though

c. although

d. thoroughly

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION It _________ right now.

64 Select one or more:

Correct a. 's raining

Mark 1.00 out of
b. rain

c. 's rain

d. raining

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION A: Are there any cash machines near here?

B: Yes, ________ over there.

Correct Select one or more:
Mark 1.00 out of a. it
b. is no one

c. there's one

d. there aren't

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.



Mark 1.00 out of


Select one:
a. I don’t mind writing to them

b. I'm not going to write them

c. I'm considering writing to them

d. I must remember to write to them

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2 Time: 40 minutes.

67 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
Correct measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n s about each passage.
You have to choose t h e best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in
Mark 1.00 out of the oval that corresponds to the letter of the answer y o u chose.

Passage 1 : My mom grew up in the 1970’s.

Hi, I'm Jill. I want to tell you about my mom. She was born in 1962, and she grew up in the 1970’s, in a small Italian neighborhood in New York City. Sometimes she tells me about her life
growing up, and about how
different things were then.

First of all, she didn’t have a computer. Most people didn’t have computers until the 1980s. My mom took many literature classes in high school, and she wrote most of her school papers
by hand! I'm so glad I have a computer! I write all my papers with it.
Things looked really different then too. In my mom's old photos, all of her friends had long hair, the guys too, and it usually looked messy. Plus, all of the clothes had flowers on them and the
colors didn’t match. I love my mom, but I'm really happy I grew up in the 1990s.
Another interesting thing - my m o m speaks French really w e l l . French was the number one language to study at her high school in the 1970s, and Spanish was number three
or four. That surprised me. French is OK, but for most of my friends, Spanish is really popular, because there are lots of Spanish speakers in the United States now.

1. Why did Jill write this Web page?

Select one or more:

a. To tell people her opinions about the 1970s

b. To tell her mother h o w she feels about the 1970s

c. To tell people about her mom's life in the 1970s

d. To show that the 1970s were wonderful

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION _______ books are these? Are they yours?

68 Select one or more:

Correct a. Whose is
Mark 0.67 out of
b. Whose

c. Who

d. Who's

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION In my town, there's a shopping mall

69 Select one or more:

Correct a. isn't

Mark 0.67 out of

b. no

c. don't

d. not

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.


Select one or more:
a. The woman is telling her friend that she is doing great in college
Mark 0.67 out of
b. The woman is telling her friend that she is a great Hotel Manager

c. The woman is telling her friend that she is happy with her career

d. The woman is telling her friend that she made a mistake choosing her career.

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.67/1.00.

QUESTION What's the __________ restaurant in town?

71 Select one or more:

Correct a. nicely
Mark 0.33 out of
b. nicer

c. nice

d. nicest

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.33/1.00.

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

72 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic
Mark 1.00 out of issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
1.00 best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
answer y o u chose.

Passage 2.

My name is Peter Johnson a n d my father is a great cook. He has his own recipes from when he used to cook in a bar he managed w i t h my mother. He just throws ingredients together, s e e s how it turns out,
and it's usually delicious. We often cook together a n d he is very encouraging. I tend to make things up too, but I use recipe books for dishes I have not tried before.

I love the process o f cooking. It is great fun and helps you to relax. And I like the sociable a s p e c t s of cooking for other people. Last year my cooking i m p r o v e d e n o r m o u s l y because I lived in an apartment with
six other students. I cooked every day -lunch and dinner- and everyone e l s e ate it. Our favorite meal was fresh tuna, with chilly and coconut s a u c e . We had that a lot.

I plan to become a chef and then open my own place. I would like to open a cafe like one I used to visit I Switzerland, the country where I came from. Next year, I am getting an apartment with a friend who likes
cooking, too, so we will have to choose our kitchen carefully.

9. According to the passage the man:

Select one or more:

a. has a restaurant

b. plans to be a chef

c. lives In Switzerland

d. lives with his family

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION A: Would you mind turning on the light?
B: ___________.
Correct Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. Sure, go ahead.
b. No problems.

c. No, go on then.

d. No, not at all.

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00. Accounting for previous tries, this gives 0.00/1.00.



Mark 1.00 out of


— Look at the price of this bread. Three-ninety-nine a loaf? Can you believe it? Last summer it was only two-seventy-five!
— I know. Everything's going up so fast. This coffee has jumped from four dollars to five twenty five. And eggs went from one eighty nine to three thirty two.
— It's not just food either. My electricity bill's soaring, and I read this morning that garbage collection is going up 15 percent next year. I don't know how I'm going to afford it.
— Me either. My salary can't keep up with inflation. Our family's had to cut back on lots of things. We just got rid of our cable television, and we're going down to one car soon.

2). What is the main purpose of the discussion?

Select one or more:

a. To inform

b. To complain

c. To comfort

d. To debate

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.

QUESTION What _____________ for Christmas this year?

75 Select one or more:

Correct a. you're doing

Mark 1.00 out of
b. do you do

c. are you going to do

d. do you go

Marks for this submission: 1.00/1.00.


76 — Look at the price of this bread. Three-ninety-nine a loaf? Can you believe it? Last summer it was only two-seventy-five!
— I know. Everything's going up so fast. This coffee has jumped from four dollars to five twenty five. And eggs went from one eighty nine to three thirty two.
Not answered
— It's not just food either. My electricity bill's soaring, and I read this morning that garbage collection is going up 15 percent next year. I don't know how I'm going to afford it.
Mark 0.00 out of
1.00 — Me either. My salary can't keep up with inflation. Our family's had to cut back on lots of things. We just got rid of our cable television, and we're going down to one car soon.

3). What does the man plan to do?

Select one or more:

a. Request a salary increase

b. Buy some eggs

c. Get rid of his second car

d. Stop paying for cable TV

QUESTION I have no idea what time _________ .

77 Select one or more:

Not answered a. it is

Mark 0.00 out of

b. is it

c. its

d. isn't

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

78 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
Not answered
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic
Mark 0.00 out of issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
1.00 best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
answer y o u chose.

Passage 2.

My name is Peter Johnson a n d my father is a great cook. He has his own recipes from when he used to cook in a bar he managed w i t h my mother. He just throws ingredients together, s e e s how it turns out,
and it's usually delicious. We often cook together a n d he is very encouraging. I tend to make things up too, but I use recipe books for dishes I have not tried before.

I love the process o f cooking. It is great fun and helps you to relax. And I like the sociable a s p e c t s of cooking for other people. Last year my cooking i m p r o v e d e n o r m o u s l y because I lived in an apartment with
six other students. I cooked every day -lunch and dinner- and everyone e l s e ate it. Our favorite meal was fresh tuna, with chilly and coconut s a u c e . We had that a lot.

I plan to become a chef and then open my own place. I would like to open a cafe like one I used to visit I Switzerland, the country where I came from. Next year, I am getting an apartment with a friend who likes
cooking, too, so we will have to choose our kitchen carefully.

12. According to the passage, Peter's father:

Select one or more:

a. used recipes from a book

b. created his own recipes

c. stopped cooking.

d. was a bad cook

A: So, you're here for a week on vacation. That's fantastic!

QUESTION B: ________ ! I'm having a great time.

Not answered Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. Oh, good
b. Really well


d. Yeah

QUESTION If you have a toothache, you'd ___________ go to the dentist.

80 Select one or more:

Not answered a. ought

Mark 0.00 out of
b. better

c. rather

d. might

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

81 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
Not answered
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
Mark 0.00 out of best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
1.00 answer y o u chose.

Passage 3

This following neatly summarizes some of our most pressing environmental concerns ... some of which cannot be solved simply via creative up recycling or small-space
1. Greenhouse Effect
Global warming has been concerning scientists for decades, most of them agree that the greenhouse effect will add between 1,5 to 4 degrees to the Earth's temperature by
2030. This will change the weather everywhere. For example, the ice at the North and South Poles will start to melt. And when that happens, the level of the sea will rise
and there will be serious floods in many countries. Scientists agree that humans are influencing climate change with our production of greenhouse gases (mainly
stemming from carbon dioxide and methane). These gases are produced by the burning of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil) by destroying the rainforests, or by using fertilizers.
They are commonly found in aerosols, refrigerators and plastic boxes.
2. Energy

Energy is second only to climate change in significance, but t h e p i c t u r e isn't as clear as one might think. Modern human life depends greatly on e n e r g y . At the
m o m e n t , 94% of the w o r l d ’ s energy comes from fossil fuels, which are now becoming scarce. There is only e n o u g h c o a l for the next 3 0 0 years and only
enough gas for the next 50. We need to find quicker, safer, and cheaper ways of meeting our energy requirements. One way is e n e r g y conservation. This means
using energy more efficiently. The other way is the use o f renewable e n e r g y s o u r c e s , this means energy form the Sun, sea, wind, and under the ground.

3. Acid Rain

One of the world's most serious pollution problems is acid rain. What happens is this: First: factories, -motor vehicles and c o a l b u r n i n g plants s e n d g a s e s and
chemicals into the air. There, they mix with water and form clouds. After that, the w i n d carries these clouds for h u n d r e d s or even thousands of kilometers.
Finally, the m i x t u r e of water and chemicals falls back to the air in acidified rain. This "acid rain" kills fish and trees. It slowly destroy buildings too.

Pure Water is in short supply. Our global reserves of drinkable water are a fraction of 1% and 1 in 5 humans does not have access to potable (safe) water. Many people
do not r e a l i z e that strife has already 'broken out in some stressed regions. There are many potential solutions, some promising, others challenging. Desalinization is an
energy-inefficient, expensive option. But there are many things you can do. (Hint: it starts with turning off the f a u c e t when you brush.)

17. The word "that" in paragraph 2 refers to:

Select one or more:

a. Fossil fuels

b. The ice melting

c. The level of the sea

d. Greenhouse gasses

QUESTION A: The aerobics class starts at 7:00.

B: ________ ? It starts at what time?

Not answered Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. Excuse me
b. I'm sorry

c. How

d. Did you say

A: My best friend's from France.

QUESTION B: France? ________ ? That's interesting.

Not answered Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. Actually
b. Cool

c. You know

d. Really

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40minutes.

84 Directions:
Not answered The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n s about each passage. You have to
Mark 0.00 out of choose t h e best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to
1.00 the letter of the answer y o u chose.

Passage 1 : My mom grew up in the 1970’s.

Hi, I'm Jill. I want to tell you about my mom. She was born in 1962, and she grew up in the 1970’s, in a small Italian neighborhood in New York City. Sometimes she tells me about her life growing up, and about
how different things were then.
First of all, she didn’t have a computer. Most people didn ’ t have computers until the 1980s. My mom took many literature classes in high school, and she wrote most of her school papers by hand! I'm so glad I
have a computer! I write all my papers with it.
Another interesting thing - my m o m speaks French really w e l l . French was the number one language to study at her high school in the 1970s, and Spanish was number three or four. That surprised
me. French is OK, but for most of my friends, Spanish is really popular, because there are lots of Spanish speakers in the United States now.
Things l o o k e d r e a l l y d i f f e r e n t t h e n too. In my mom's old photos, all of her friends had long hair - the guys, too - and it usually looked messy. Plus, a l l of the clothes h a d flowers o n them. and the
colors d i d n ’ t matc h. I love my mom, but I'm really happy I grew up in the 1990s.

4. What was not true about Jill's mother and her friends?

Select one or more:

a. They had long hair.

b. All of them studied French

c. The colors of their clothes didn't match

d. Their clothes had flowers on them

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

85 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
Not answered
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic
Mark 0.00 out of issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
1.00 best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
answer y o u chose.

Passage 2.

My name is Peter Johnson a n d my father is a great cook. He has his own recipes from when he used to cook in a bar he managed w i t h my mother. He just throws ingredients together, s e e s how it turns out,
and it's usually delicious. We often cook together a n d he is very encouraging. I tend to make things up too, but I use recipe books for dishes I have not tried before.

I love the process o f cooking. It is great fun and helps you to relax. And I like the sociable a s p e c t s of cooking for other people. Last year my cooking i m p r o v e d e n o r m o u s l y because I lived in an apartment with
six other students. I cooked every day -lunch and dinner- and everyone e l s e ate it. Our favorite meal was fresh tuna, with chilly and coconut s a u c e . We had that a lot.

I plan to become a chef and then open my own place. I would like to open a cafe like one I used to visit I Switzerland, the country where I came from. Next year, I am getting an apartment with a friend who likes
cooking, too, so we will have to choose our kitchen carefully.

13. The word our in paragraph 3 refers to:

Select one or more:

a. Peter and his mother

b. Peter and his father.

c. Peters and his friend.

d. Peter and his parents

QUESTION My sister and I _________ very early

86 Select one or more:

Not answered a.

Mark 0.00 out of gets up


b. doesn't get up

c. don't get up

getting up

A: Is this your bag?

B: Yes, ______

Not answered Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. it's my

b. it is

c. is

d. this

QUESTION A: Paul is always borrowing my CD's.
B: Well at ________ he returns them to you.
Not answered Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. less
b. least

c. final

d. finally

QUESTION I think e-mail is ________ than regular mail.

89 Select one or more:

Not answered a. as fun

Mark 0.00 out of

b. fun

c. funny

d. more fun

QUESTION A: I can't believe it ! I've won a prlze !

B: You _______ ?
Not answered Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. have
b. can

c. winning

d. do

QUESTION A: Do your parents live nearby?

B: Yes. they _________ .

Not answered Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. live
b. do

c. are

d. is


Select one or more:
Not answered
a. Sales fell in May
Mark 0.00 out of
b. Sales increased in May

c. Sales were stable in May

d. Sales were very low in April

QUESTION __________ do you rent movies?

93 Select one or more:

Not answered a. How often

Mark 0.00 out of

b. Who

c. Whose

d. What


Select one or more:
Not answered
a. The man is recommending new premises
Mark 0.00 out of
b. The woman wants to move the premises

c. The woman doesn't want to move

d. The woman wants to have the premises redecorated


Select one or more:
Not answered
a. The woman didn’t want to see them
Mark 0.00 out of
b. The woman couldn’t accommodate them

c. The woman didn't know they were there

d. The woman had no time to see them

QUESTION A: We didn't get any homework last night.

B: I ______ you were happy!

Not answered Select one or more:
Mark 0.00 out of a. sure
b. bet

c. think

d. mean

QUESTION Do you _________ to class in the mornings?

97 Select one or more:

Not answered a. go
Mark 0.00 out of
b. are

c. have

d. to be

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

98 Directions:
The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
Not answered
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic
Mark 0.00 out of issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n about each passage. You have to choose t h e
1.00 best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to the letter of the
answer y o u chose.

Passage 2.

My name is Peter Johnson a n d my father is a great cook. He has his own recipes from when he used to cook in a bar he managed w i t h my mother. He just throws ingredients together, s e e s how it turns out,
and it's usually delicious. We often cook together a n d he is very encouraging. I tend to make things up too, but I use recipe books for dishes I have not tried before.

I love the process o f cooking. It is great fun and helps you to relax. And I like the sociable a s p e c t s of cooking for other people. Last year my cooking i m p r o v e d e n o r m o u s l y because I lived in an apartment with
six other students. I cooked every day -lunch and dinner- and everyone e l s e ate it. Our favorite meal was fresh tuna, with chilly and coconut s a u c e . We had that a lot.

I plan to become a chef and then open my own place. I would like to open a cafe like one I used to visit I Switzerland, the country where I came from. Next year, I am getting an apartment with a friend who likes
cooking, too, so we will have to choose our kitchen carefully.
7. What is the passage about?

Select one or more:

a. A new cafe in Switzerland.

b. A person cooking experience

c. Looking for an apartment

d. Recipes around the world

QUESTION The airport __________ yesterday because of fog.

99 Select one or more:

Not answered a. was closed

Mark 0.00 out of

b. in closing

c. closed

d. has closed

QUESTION Section 2. Time: 40 minutes.

100 Directions:
Not answered The reading c o m p r e h e n s i o n and vocabulary section o f this English L a n g u a g e P r o f i c i e n c y Test
measures your ability to read and understand short passages about different social, cultural or academic issues. You will read two passages a n d some q u e s t i o n s about each passage. You have to
Mark 0.00 out of choose t h e best answer t o each question, b a s e d on what is stated o r Implied in the passage. Then, on your answer sheet you have to find the number o f the question a n d fill in the oval that corresponds to
1.00 the letter of the answer y o u chose.

Passage 1 : My mom grew up in the 1970’s.

Hi, I'm Jill. I want to tell you about my mom. She was born in 1962, and she grew up in the 1970’s, in a small Italian neighborhood in New York City. Sometimes she tells me about her life growing up, and about
how different things were then.
First of all, she didn’t have a computer. Most people didn ’ t have computers until the 1980s. My mom took many literature classes in high school, and she wrote most of her school papers by hand! I'm so glad I
have a computer! I write all my papers with it.
Another interesting thing - my m o m speaks French really w e l l . French was the number one language to study at her high school in the 1970s, and Spanish was number three or four. That surprised
me. French is OK, but for most of my friends, Spanish is really popular, because there are lots of Spanish speakers in the United States now.
Things l o o k e d r e a l l y d i f f e r e n t t h e n too. In my mom's old photos, all of her friends had long hair - the guys, too - and it usually looked messy. Plus, a l l of the clothes h a d flowers o n them. and the
colors d i d n ’ t matc h. I love my mom, but I'm really happy I grew up in the 1990s.

5. The word "then" in paragraph 1 refers to:

Select one or more:

a. The 1970's

b. Computers

c. Jill's mom

d. New York City

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